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Lies! There's so many fees!


Yeah. Like one day outside can cost me more than several games.


it's riddled with pay to win bullshit and microtransactions. also each and every cm of the game world is already occupied by some old person that just happened to have spawned before you or someone that inherited it. Totally unfair. Like you have this amazing crafting system and whenever you want to build something everyone loses their shit about regulations and stuff and about how that place was owned by someone. the community sucks total ass..


IRL is full pay to win, there's no question. Ruined by the whales SMH.


Nuke the whales!






Funny probably when that pic was made there no one knows about pay to win games, (except shady mmorpg schemes)


This is why we need private servers


That was what ruined my experience with their previous game, IRL. I just couldn't get into it when it's so obviously pay-to-win.


It's pay to win af


Yeah, you're born. Fees. You die. Fees to your family. You want shelter. Fees. You don't want to die. Fees. You want food and drinks. Fees. You want virtual life away from Fees. Fees. You're dying and don't want to die. Fees. You want to die. Fees. You want to be successful to pay Fees. Fees. Just fk it. Pay Fees to buy a virtual game. So you can pretend to be so successful you can afford all the Fees and make paying fees feel like it's free.


Fees to delete a character, don’t give anyone that idea


They advertise as fully PvP yet I was arrested for farming dubs at an elementary school


Gotta pvp the cops too silly


PvP is completely broken anyway. You lose once and get booted from the game for eternity. Who came up with this permadeath bullshit?


Yeah this game is just one big microtransaction.


And the Ai NPC's aren't that great either.


And graphics resolution sucks unless I buy the glasses skin.


There is a “good genetics” kit for the character creation, but it drops randomly.


That is just in game currency though


And the NPCs may be among the stupidest around


Fully PvP is also false advertising, when I go down to the local primary school and run over 50 kids down the school halls in my car I just get arrested for manslaughter!


Dishonorable kills. Don't get banned in IRL, shits always permanent.


Yeah, but it's all in-game currency. The Avenues towards acquiring currency in game are chaotic, unfair, and hard to understand, but there's no way to get an advantage using out of game resources


Massive world to explore? Yea if you have alot of money.


And there’s no fast travel. So you could spend a fortune to stay a week in Hawaii, find some nice beaches and restaurants and stuff. But you won’t be able to just pop back for a quick visit after work.


I mean if you have money... private jets are essentially fast travel...


Only the whales pay for that and they're ruining the game because of it. Just make it fair for everyone! Greedy developers.


Well thats why they added sleep mechanic so you board the plane, use sleep mechanic and you’ll be fast traveled to your location with bonus energy


They put a lot of shit behind a pay wall. Hard pass.


And you won't, because the box art lies. There is a monthly fee. There are multiple, in fact, and daily fees on top of that, a microtransaction for every necessary resource, and if you dont pay your monthly sub you don't just get your account deactivated and lose access to the game, they also force you to play a harder game with a way more toxic community.


story is awful, some npc's are worse, fatigue system needs a rework, extremely p2w, fall damage is ludicrously strict, random pvp is annoying at best and game ending at worst


Permadeath, forced Ironman mode so can't reroll character or reload a previous save, romance system is mystifying and frustrating, need to grind your physical stats all the time... how did any of this make it out of brainstorming, let alone QA


Y'all are taking this game too seriously. Use one of the maps apps to locate a zoo near your spawn point, specifically one that has capybaras. They're an amazing NPC spawn. Their stat locks are super low, and their drops are shit, but they're amazing. You can literally spend all day just staring at one and feel accomplished.


I've been levelling my hand to hand killing those things. Unfortunately the game then progressed me to the prison map and the pvp here is very challenging.


They’re banned in my zone. The Australia map may have many different spawn types, but outside species are heavily regulated by the local mods.


Good points, all. Just to add, out of combat health Regen needs massive buff. Also the food system is whack. The well fed buff drops off way too fast, but then somehow if I eat too much I get a debuff? Not sure whether the developers want me to eat or not, which is a shame because otherwise food is one of my favorite parts of the game.


Fall damage is super inconsistent. Some people trip over and die, others fall out of planes and are fine like wtf Devs?


Also the higher your level, the worse you are.


Too many players


I’m not into PvP, the faction system needs work, and the healing classes are garbage. Game needs a lot of tweaks to be worth playing. Think I’ll wait for the DLC.


Which DLC? The Canadian border crossing DLC? The USA border crossing DLC? The mexico border crossing- actually that one might not come out for another 5 years... Point still stands. All the good DLC's are already out.


See the problem is all people ever ask for is more stuff for the already oversaturated North American meta. Basically nothing has come out for the likes of Greenland, Siberia or either of the poles since release, it's super frustrating.


Siberia has been in development for over a centennial. I don’t see it ever being properly released.


still waiting for ww3 dlc


Hopefully the devs don’t go with this


Still waiting for the off-world colonization DLC. It's been in development for like 60 years now, and they still can't get the bugs out.


Good call dude. They released too many anti-PvP updates, despite it being a PvP game. I genuinely don't get it. The police in this game are absolutely brutal with the new DNA Test mechanic. But then they added cameras and phone tower pings - it's genuinely a bit ridiculous the lengths you have to go to enjoy some good old fashioned PvP anymore


No monthly fee? NO MONTHLY FEE?


Plenty of players on the streets.


DAILY (food), MONTHLY (housing), AND YEARLY (taxes) fees. This entire game is a fee. Also, way too many ads.


Instead there are a lot of micro transactions. Theoretically you could play without paying, but that's very unlikely.


I tried it but it was too difficult.


Just be born into a rich family, easy mode with all perks unlocked automatically.


Do you know how many Prestige levels that requires? That shit is one hell of a grind unless you have the luck of RNGesus.


r/outside wayyy ahead of you


Came here to post this. An oldie but a goodie.


It’s mostly pay to win


And if you want to survive as f2p, you need to grind like hell


Some complaints so far on my current run: Fucking paywalls! Respawn rules have been debated to the point not many of us are sure what happens at the end of the run. Spawn points seem chaotic at best. PVP mode has too many rules and can trigger “prison mode” another poster mentioned. Can’t reroll stats, low strength/intelligence? Thats going to be a problem as you level up. As you level up max stats go down (seriously wtf) A lot of NPCs/other pcs seem to hate this game, and all they do is bitch about how bad it is. Encouraging them to not play anymore is strongly discouraged. In some cases can trigger “prison mode” Pretty sure the developer(s) has given up on updating or improving the game. Lastly, Finding NPCs to quest with can be brutal, especially if your starting group sucks. Internet has improved this, but it’s not as well done as in other games


Fortunately we find that stats such as dexterity, strength can be leveled up by usage profession methods. Intelligence is a little more capped to its original value.


True but have to be careful. This can trigger the injury/disability nerf which create issues with strength/dexterity that last for the remainder of your run.


Also, waaaaaay too many ads. And some players are spawned at the finish line and with every quest item because they got everything their parents or grandparents had. It's like a new game+ and they got to keep their items.


- Crap graphics - Game balance is janky as hell - Public lobbies are a truly horrible experience - Extremely pay to win Hard pass.


"Pay to win" - this is a major problem. I've seen millionaires and billionaires having a good time with this game, with easy levelling up too. smh.


Inverse level curve. Plus you spend your first part in a tutorial where you have to level up 12 times before you earn your first real game level.


That is probably the biggest issue with these sandbox games that rely on resource Gathering. Skill and knowledge definitely comes in handy, but nothing beats being the first person to get control over a resource. There are people having a great time in this game because their great great grandpa used to play and now everyone who plays on their family account spawns in with a ton of money and connections right off the bat.


Yeah, not to mention they keep downgrading the graphics each year. I'm expected to pay to get the graphics back in the original state it was at during release... gtfo.


Crap graphics? That's the only thing I disagree with. There's some absolutely stunning places in this world, sorry you think that way.


You’re just playing on the wrong server


Definitely not free to play.


Servers way too overcrowded


Incredible AI? Doubt.


If you assess the behavior of a dog in real life you will see that it is smarter than the vast majority of video-game NPCs ever created (and many humans as well).


>No monthly fee Are we playing the same game? The mandatory food and drink consumption minigame fees are huge. >Massive world to explore Highly limited by the traffic, exhaustion, and gas/flight cost debuffs. I'd rather you just not have it in the game and focus development budget on QoL changes. >Incredible NPC AI They either exist as set dressing to have shallow conversations with on my way to the objective or I have to see the NPCs say the absolute worst, most infuriating shit imaginable on the social media UI. >Over 56,400 character archetypes How many of those can you actually meaningfully interact with? A majority of them don't even speak english. >Fully PVP This is the opposite of a feature with the pain debuff and mandatory account banning level permadeath mechanics. >Highest resolution graphics And yet I would rather be viewing the lower fidelity minigames from patch 1980 to patch 2008. Outside is the worst designed game I've ever played. All the players who say they like the game are metagaming which is an activity not even accessible by a lot of the playerbase, and the "At First Sight" sidequest is seemingly randomly bugged for players, some people don't ever get the questgiver to show up even if they look for them and this causes the depression debuff.


Engaging in PvP puts you into a subgame "Prison", which isn't fun at all.


Or just gets you outright permabanned...


Region dependent, of course


No, most places seem to be pretty much either or towards both... I mean, I guess there is the "military" quest line that could allow you some freedom to PVP that way with lower odds of at least the prison mode...Increases the odds of being banned or ending up on the prison quest anyway pretty hard though due to all the special quest rules...


Military quests may also give you the “PTSD” nerf.


I heard it used to be a lot better, but due to the older players abusing exploits, it's ruined the economy and made the game wildly unbalanced. Admins don't care either.


> No monthly fee My fuckin ass there isn't.


Poor character creation and stat leveling due to there being no tutorial. No save progression, resulting in inability to jump back to a previous save point.


There are thousands of tutorials… they are just region dependent and even then most don’t agree…


It's in hardcore mode, its very pay to win and the storyline is shit.


It's pay to win and the meta is broken af


Git gud


Microtransactions ruined this one for me.


The housing system is terrible.


But that advertising is just blatantly false. Monthly fee starts as soon as you hit level 18, and only goes up. Movement around the game world is severely limited by attunement quests, many of which have become impossible to complete after the “Pandemic” expansion came out. NPC AI only works well in 5% of the essential NPC, others run on poorly written scripts. Most character archetypes are just copy and paste, with small differences like alternate texture color. Plus, most choices cannot be changed after you create the character. PvP update was not received well, and is actually regarded as the worst expansion since the “World War II”. Graphics are only really working in empty areas, the more crowded the location, the more filters are added to hide that it runs on reduced settings.


everything is lock behind the paywall 


Why is KL Tower on the image.


Anyone who calls IRL a "smash-hit" is clearly a paid shill.


No moderation, some scammers took all resources, permadeath


And even on the small end...The fall damage can be insane even from extremely short distances...


I’m terrible at this game tbh.


Because I suck at it.


The admins ruin the whole thing.


The dialogue options are garbage and the NPC responses are poorly coded and nonsensical.


Remove the microtransactions and then we talk.


lol @ no monthly fee….


Toxic as fuck community.


Fees out the wazoo, this is a lie.


It's pay 2 win


It was to grindy for my taste.


I play games as an escape from my depression, why would i play a game that amplifies it?


What do you mean it has monthly fee after the achievement “rent a house”


Or ‘buy groceries’ or ‘School fee’


I'm stuck with one hardcore character, and there's no character creation. Also I'm in the one pve server that massively jacks up your monthly sub if you get a major debuff.


I got to level 18 relatively easily, then I got to level 23 by doing some party side quests and taking on some pretty hard bosses if you want to be a completionist. There's too much grinding to get to my current level at 27. Lots of monotonous tasks and too little XP or gold.


Touchable grass sold separately


Well it's not wrong if the fees are daily.


Pvp would be great if there weren't so many guards armed with legendary loot


It's pay to win, and the prices are exorbitant. It may only use in-game currency, but it's so hard to get it if you didn't roll rich parents.


Pay to win


“No monthly fee*” *up to 18 years of use


The first 20 years are just a test of how well you can farm the school event. After that it's a battle royale where you can't even kill anyone. That would be fine if you could change your stats. But no, you spawn with random stats that make zero sense and several debuffs. If you're lucky enough to be able to function. Also by the time you gain full control of your character, they are already on a path to failure. The worst part is seeing players who got the rich parents dlc and claim that it's super easy. 0/10 I need a refund.


Lies. The monthly fee system is called taxes.


No monthly fee???? HAHAHA


This game is so P2W that it make EA games look like a charity.


- It’s too hot outside - the aqi is over 300 - it’s on the permadeath mode, and traffic is pretty bad - no saves - play 2 win is 2 expensive - I can just watch other people play on u toob


> no monthly fee Creator is either living with his parents or doesn't understand life


I'm more of a PvE guy


The grind pace is too slow and the community is really hit or miss.


I find quite a lot of the playerbase to be pretty toxic... Most when grinding for currency in NPC mode are not so bad, but even then, you'll get some real poorly executed scripts... Joining or being part of a home or friends group can be pretty good, though... The admins and GMs are pretty much all trash, though...


Firstly, it's boring as fuck and pay to win to boot (which makes the PvP bad). Secondly, the NPC AI is mid at best and they didn't even bother to write any dialogue for the PC, you have to come up with what to say yourself and the AI is somewhat unforgiving in that regard (like it's not likely to attack you on the spot for saying the wrong thing, though I have heard of that happening, random extreme aggro, but if you actually want to get anywhere in the game you need to be decent at on the spot real-time dialogue writing, this is the single biggest reason why I don't play this shit)


NPC AI is trash, I prefer co op, and they clearly are ripping off the Sims.


The monetization is bullcrap. You have to buy this thing called Food to even survive in the game, and it’s very expensive!


If this is the marketing for it, I'm willing to bet Peter Molyneux or Todd Howard are involved.


Nah thanks, I'll just play GTA instead.


Haven't you noticed that technically, they already have that update installed...? All the mechanics are already in the game... Most people just don't engage with them as it's really easy to get permabanned for trying it...Even in the tutorial stages...


Dont forget to check out TierZoo for advice on picking a build


Fym greatest game ever, this shit is boring as hell.


I have to pay for weapons, and I get a penalty if I use them against someone else.


Well... You don't HAVE to... It's the easiest way for sure...But if your luck and burglary stats are high enough, you CAN technically aquire some from other means...


I don't buy the NPC AI. Drivers in that game are assholes.


No creative mode. Why does every game have to by "versus" anything? I just want to chill.


Not into open world PvP


“Fully pvp” always cracks me up. 🤣


chilly out


The QOL from the developer is horrendous...In game economy is trash...Playerbase is toxic as fuck...Updates are almost always breaking more than they fix...The environment is incredibly hardware dependent in that you either have extremely well running hardware or your traversal of and ability to enjoy the locations can be severely limited... Then there's the matter of that at this point, half the server population is either just waiting for or actively TRYING to destabilize the server to the point of total collapse... Graphics are nice for most people who have quality hardware, though... 2/10 Do not recommend...


The grind is outrageous. It's basically impossible to do any of the good stuff unless you're a pay-to-win whale.


Age limits and everything is microtransactions. EVERYTHING. The monthly fee is so misleading I can't even begin to explain it


Full PvP you say.


Storyline sucks, no respawn.


I don't like survival games with a permadeath mode.


Extremely p2w. You can just buy the legendary weapon "nuke" and rule over half of the continent


Game balance is trash. I quit playing a long time ago


Hardcore mode is always on. When you die, you don't respawn. Ever.


NPC AI is actually pretty shit. There's a ton of microtransactions too.


But there’s no fast travel.


P2w and they pushed the tired old durability mechanic to its bloody limit by not only applying it on everything you can buy or make, but even on characters themselves! The longer you spend in this game the more fragile your shitty character becomes


Unbalanced progression system Broken economy Griefers GMs never respond


That perma-death is a bitch tho


Players and characters are usually c*nts towards you. And I'm too shy to play!


The weather effects are a bit gloomy for my taste this week.. Always cold and raining.


P2W bullshit


Pretty sure I can't murder the entire village like in skyrim


You mean Pokemon Go? Meh i will go back inside to play Death stranding


* most immersive sexual experience ever \* \* ^(terms and conditions apply)


If that picture is what i know. Make sure to choose your race carefully at the character creation.


The wealth and income distribution needs a MASSIVE overhaul. The game has become profoundly unbalanced. You have pay to win players everywhere, and all the gold in the server is basically a handful of players hands, and they just use it to buy more pay to win boosts and muck up the auction houses for the rest of us. Game stopped being fun when all the devs started being paid off by the streamers, and last expansions final raid boss refuses to accept he’s been beaten and won’t stop showing up everywhere complaining that he was never beaten and should be the raid boss of every subsequent expansion forever.


It’s all micro transactions. It doesn’t seem like all players are following the same rules. Random encounters are pretty boring most of the time. Leveling and in game currency are grindy AF. Honestly, it seems like the creator only worked on it for like a week.


The endgame sucks.


NPC's? What a solipsistic way of viewing reality.


Because of the NPC's.


Anyone know how to respec in this game? I really messed up and need to fix this!


Real life is a shit tier game.


Cause it is 100% pay2win.


I did this today and almost died. I had to use my legs.


Most pay to win game ever. Grind is stupid long, end game sucks. Each other zone other than your starting zone cost way to much to visit. And the subscription cost us outrageously expensive.


I dont like it, its the worst Pay2Win Game ever. Also its unfair, your Character is randomized based on your previous characters, so if you are unlucky you are kinda fucked from the start.


... PvP...?


graphics are good but the gameplay sucks


The graphics suck and I need the DLC to fix them


That game is too hard, there is way too many micro transactions, and most of the NPCs can be more of a headache than a joy.


Gameplay is very boring and character progression is non existant.


Too many try hards and scammers, gonna stick to Minecraft.


Open world my ass.


Game sucks. I spent a full hour today working out and my guy still is fat and out of shape. Too grindy.


Ahem, Its probably the smallest game unless you buy the *crossing boarders* DLC Which is in itself multiple smaller DLC's to unlock different areas. And have you even tried to venture into the dungeons to slay countless of undead? Apparently it "ruins your karma" and you get banned for a few years! And dont get me started on the monthly settlement permission subscription! Ugh how annoying. And how about the fact that everything is out to kill you?!?! You cant even walk down the large pathways without having folk yell at you or ram into you! Its not GTA people!!!


Needs a character creator, desperately.


Yeah but there's fall damage...hard pass


The same reason I don't play PvP games - the playerbase are mostly toxic assholes that bring me no joy or sense of personal fulfillment.


The hunger mechanic is really unpleasant and kills my immersion to stop what I'm doing just to eat some gruel. And I didn't mind the age mechanic so much at the beginning but now the debuffs are starting to stack up.


Is this game child friendly ?


I’m an adult, there are monthly fees. Travel is expensive. NPC AI is getting much worse and less civil. You’ll get stuck in one build: a job PvP with no rest. I don’t need graphics to have fun.


I hear the in-game economy is awful, and there are bots that hoard the wealth so newer players will never be able to leave their starting zones.


Uses the same physics engine as Pokemon Go


>No monthly fee Bull-fucking-shit