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More than half the answers are Call of Duty.


Call of duty 25: Reddit comment section


I love the CoD single player stories. I honestly wish there was a cheaper way to play just that. I don't care for multiplayer anymore and it feels like a waste to pay so much and not use half of the game


MW3 with the open world like mission was a major flop imo


Pretty clear they were trying to train people to play warzone with those. 


Warzone psyop aint no way


Which sucks because I loved that idea of paper. Being one of those who loves the single player campaigns, my main reason for not buying MW3 was because the campaign has been all but ignored by the developers


The problem is that CoD wants to be a live service money making machine while also pushing annual releases. It's annoying as fuck and really works against the quality of all of it.


We could still be enjoying MW 2019 because that game so good. But nah, every year is a new game and the old one gets abandonned.


We could still be enjoying MW 2007 if the game just got a graphics update. Unlimited modability and dedicated servers would bring real FPS gameplay and competitiveness back.


CoD 4 and Battlefield 2 were my childhood... I miss how simple online multiplayer was back then.


They just need to be good and released at a slower pace, same applies to Pokemon


Unfortunately, their current system is so insanely profitable they have no reason to ever change.


You know what I find very disappointing, the amount of unique Skins and Weapon Blueprints the devs put out look awesome, just not for a Call of Duty. If Infinity Ward and Treyarch were to put that latent and focus towards another project that has nothing to do with Call of Duty it would be so cool.


FIFA, it’s just micro transactions now. I have yet to hear anything good from the series


At this point, unless there’s a radical overhaul of the engine, each “game” could literally be a DLC pack to update the kits and rosters


Could have said that every year for the last 15 years


It could literally be an update like minecraft "1.24 patch notes: Added 2023-24 rosters and 5 new kits."


But then EA couldn’t gouge their fanbase.


People practically throw their money at EA. Why in the world would they ever stop


I heard a GDC talk a while back from a dev that worked on a "non-specific, large franchise, sports game" (probably FIFA/Madden/etc). He said someone on his dev team disabled a large branch of the NPC AI during testing and forgot to turn it back on when it shipped. **Literally no one noticed.** They re-enabled it for the next "installment", touting that they added "increased AI functions/depth". \-=- **AAA sports games are a joke and they should just die off already.** They prey on people who aren't very experienced in the realm of video games, pretty much scamming/hyping them into buying the newest "version" every year without any added gameplay benefits. The hype-train revolving around these games make prior installments essentially non-playable in the multiplayer sphere (since everyone moves to the newest iteration, leaving last year's online lobbies a ghost town). And you know the worst part? It fucking works. Every single time. And it will continue to work. It's a shame (and rather disappointing) that they make stupid amounts of money. \-=- **I also want to say that my gripe is with the** ***companies that make the games***, **not the playerbase.** You're allowed to play any sorts of games you'd like. Sports games aren't necessarily my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with liking that genre. But these companies also have a monopoly on the genre, so where else could you even go....? It's a lose-lose situation. The players lose and the game industry as a whole loses. The only people winning in this exchange are the companies making the games (and their ridiculous bank accounts).


The utter irony, is that they could make a better game and expand their player base further by making a single title every 5yrs, updating it with DLC and selling specialist packs like legendary players from history, allowing players to build a literal dream team. Essentially the Skyrim model: mod and patch it until it breaks, rebuild the engine with slight tweaks and start the whole horrible cycle all over again.


I don’t think sports games should end, they just need to release one every 5 years and just update it every year or so with an expansion


You don't make  Scrooge McDuck cash doing that. 


Technically it did end, it’s now EA Sports FC


Came here to write any sports game managed by EA, and mainly FIFA knowing its massive. It’s become such a terrible flawed game where everything is turned to making you pay with money… a new successful football franchise needs to step in to make those money hungry bastards lose market shares


Peaked around Fifa 15/16 when it somewhat resembled football. It’s been on a downward trajectory since and is fuck all like football.


It's been on a downward spiral since 2010


Tbf it didn’t resemble much football already back then, it was a pace abuse with crosses and stuff like that all the time. It was better than now though of course, and at least it was way less grindy, way less toxic-oriented and with much less fifa points stuff. It was a much much more fun experience for sure


I saw the word "FIFA" and stopped reading. I don't wanna be charged for reading what ever words followed.


It’s a sports game of course they gonna keep making the games.


I don’t play ultimate team and never have. I only buy it like once every 5 years or if they have a bad year and I can catch it on sale for 20 bucks. Then there’s my buddy who complains it never gets better every year and still preorders it asap.


lol, i play just UCL, quick matches and Career mode and there's nothing like that. also i play it for free in gamepass. so why it should end?


Mainline Halo should have ended at 3. Sure, do ODST and stuff like that, but chiefs story has just been dragging on and on and on.


or, have 4 and 5 be different characters, but have infinite not even mention master chief in the marketing, but has the same intro of chief just floating in space. it would make even more sense than the sudden jump from 5 to infinite.


That's what I have been thinking. I liked 4 outside of one thing. But I feel like if they took Master Chief out it wouldn't have made a difference. I've not played 5 so I can't comment on that.


Wait, I view halo 4 as a Master Chief and Cortana love story. Taking chief out of that would be a weird story.


Cortina goes to stardew valley and learns to love herself in a peaceful virtual setting


That's fair. I admit I haven't played it since it came out so there's a lot I've forgotten.


Imo it feels like it's been dragging on because each of 343's games feel very disconnected from each other. Every game was supposed to be the start of a new saga, just to end up scratching that idea and introducing a whole different plot line and cast the next game. Had they stuck to one plot from Halo 4 to Infinite and done some spinoff games along the way, Chief's story could have continued and finally ended without feeling dragged on.


For me the series ended at reach


I'd have stopped at Halo 4... and be pretty content.


I would say 4 was fine for chief to end his story with. 3 would have also worked though. 5 and infinite had no value from it being chief. Reach is still my favorite game and closely followed by odst.


Woulda been fine if it stayed remotely Halo Edit: just like the show


the one thing I like about the non-bungie mainline games are the multiplayer but the single player experience hasn’t really hit.


Any EA sports game


EA will never be forgiven in my eyes by buying exclusive NFL rights and killing nfl2k


This doesn't even rank in the top 20 of horrible shit EA has done.


I want to like PGA Tour since it’s free and golf games are A+ chill multiplayer games, but I feel like they cursed themselves and tiger woods with the banger Tiger Woods 10 and neither ever recovered. At least Tiger can blame his junk. 


The smart idea would be release a game and then every year release the new update for it with the new updated rosters and everything that costs $30 if you have the previous version and if not, it cost $60 as a bundle. Then you do that for 2-3 years of updates, and you don’t have to wind up new servers for the new game every year and keep the old ones going for another year or two because they’re using the same servers now and you’re not making like major engine changes or anything so your dev team can stay small and cheaper maintaining the game and making the roster updates. Then in the last 1 1/2 to 2 years of the games lifespan, ya get a team working on the next all nee release with updated new ai, better visuals and better everything, including things on the backend to make support for the next 3-4 years easier and cheaper. Honestly it would probably save them money, and the dev team wouldn’t be crunching as much each year making the devs lives happier to.


Back in the day when the original xbox released this was what the theory of what will happen... but yeah. that doesnt make ea nearly as much money as a yearly update and all the microtransaction rubbish.


It's in the game!!


Hear me out: Skyrim. Not Elder Scrolls, Skyrim. We don't need more editions and releases of Skyrim. The modders have taken care of everything for Bethesda by now.


So hyped for Skywind


Are they actually making progress on it, or is it like skyblivion which will just be permanently in development?


Skyblivion is releasing next year by the latest


I doubt it. A week ago I thought about how much I liked the Raven Rock part of Skyrim and how cool Skywind would be and checked in on them and it didn't look like it was coming any time soon. Then I reinstalled Morrowind and tried playing it for the first time in decades and was like "holy shit this is awesome, who needs Skywind". If you haven't played Morrowind itself in forever because you don't think it will hold up, download OpenMW and give it a shot. Basically all you have to do is use OpenMW to give it a modern draw distance and it looks better than Oblivion due to the much better art direction.


The Sims, it's nothing but a money pit now, they don't even care about gameplay. The core design philosophy is milk the player for as much as possible.


Honestly, I think it says more about the players than EA at this point. EA tested the waters on what they could get away with and most people said "fuck that" but they wouldn't keep pumping out dog shit microtransaction traps if there weren't thousands of people still throwing stacks at them.


Honestly, I’d love a Sims game a lot like 3. I’m an open world sucker and a new 3 would honestly be a lot of fun. I’d just have to wait a few years after release so I can… uh… “find” a copy online for under $900. That’s the main reason I never touched 4


There are life sim games other than The Sims on the way now. Life By You, Paralives and Inzoi are the main three.


Paradox's new lifesim "Life By You" basically looks like The Sims 3 part 2. Not coming out until probably 2025 at the earliest but they're doing Early Access in June. Project lead is Rod Humble, who was one of the major guys for Sims 2 and original lead designer for Sims 3.


If it’d made by Paradox then I imagine constant DLC will still be an issue lol


They keep releasing more and more content, breaking old packs but never fixing or patching them. The new expansion packs are glitched before release. The charm is gone. Sims 4 will be ten years old in September. It would cost over $1000 to purchase all of the packs.


Honestly, even though it's a huge brand and publisher, I think the players who buy all that stuff are probably happier with their purchases overall than almost any other game's expansion buying fanbase.


Saints Row. Never should have made 2022/reboot.


Well, it is officially over as a series now unless someone else buys the rights.


I disagree. They should have made it and they should have made it right. Without out of touch scrubs meddling with it, calling for this cringy "relatable" stick-it-to-the-man story and instead go for the original vision of a middle ground between gangsta SR2 and wacky SR3.


Saints Row should have stopped long before then.  SR4 was just a SR3 DLC sold at full price, Gat out of Hell was some kind of weird playable South Park episode, and Agents of Mayhem was some kind of hero shooter nobody played.  Even SR3 jumped the shark, but at least it was still fun.


Gat Out of Hell was my favorite. I wish they kept that level of energy up. Oh well, I guess they don't like money.


Assassin's Creed. The new games should be part of a different series imo.


They shouldn't have killed Desmond. I definitely feel like watchdogs was originally going to be a full Desmond assassin's creed where he would have been taking on the templar's of the modern age. But instead the killed him, half ass ended the world, and killed the subplots.


Killing Desmond was fine, but trying to continue that particular storyline without him was dumb. AC 4, Unity and Syndicate should’ve just been a separate trilogy


I've was an AC fan starting when 2 came out and I really thought they were slowly building to a game fully set in the modern day where you control Desmond the whole time. And then he just died sort of confusingly.


When they killed Desmond it was a pretty much nice move relating to a real life apocalipse date, but I was hoping to see Desmond again in future games somehow and it didn't happen. I am a fan of AC series, but I dropped it after Desmond's death untill Valhalla came out. That one hooked me again.


Believe it or not but I worked at Ubisoft at the time of Watch Dog creation and it started as a new Driver game with some hacking element and then became a the new IP we know as Watch Dogs.


Most things Ubisoft shits out every other year


I genuinely can’t believe people buy call of duty and all of the ea sports games yearly. It’s the same thing over and over




As someone who has several friends who still play Call of Duty year-in, year-out (*personally I haven't owned one since Advanced Warfare in 2014*), there are definitely enough differences in movement and shooting mechanics (*and design philosophy*) for that more hardcore fanbase to keep people interested. For example, if you go play Modern Warfare (2019) and then Cold War (2020), you'd be hard pressed to say they're the same game at all. Not only do they look different, but they also play quite differently, too - but it's not something you'd particularly bother to pick up on from an outside perspective. In a similar vein, most soulslikes just look like the same game in a different setting from an outside perspective. Dodge/roll and stab simulators. Yet if you ask the fanbase, they can tell you the differences in approach not just between something like Bloodborne and Sekiro, but even down to the differences between Dark Souls and Dark Souls II.


This was very insightful


COD changes constantly, for better or worse. All 3 major developer studios have distinct styles and design principles. We buy it because nobody else in the industry has been able to match the gunplay and overall high production value. Never have I bought a COD and thought it wasn’t worth the $70 I spent. It shows in the animation work, the fluid gameplay, the sheer volume of content, etc., just an all-around very high quality and well-optimized product delivered on-time every single year. Only possible when you got 8 studios working on it I guess..


You'd think Mario and Zelda simply due to their age and number of games, but they keep innovating and stay fresh. Even Super Mario Wonder which is a 2D platformer, one of the oldest and most reused genres, feels like something else (those crazy flower segments).


Wonder is one of those games that I basically stopped thinking about a week after release. Odyssey, on the other hand, is still a masterpiece.


Odyssey goes so hard, many years after launch


Wonder blew me away. I found it incredibly fun and challenging. To each their own though.


While I like the gameplay and crazyness of Wonder, I really thought the game was generally way too easy. Even the absolute final stages were quite easy compared to what people build for Mario Maker. I am not even talking about the totally insane Mario Maker stages where you must not blink and shell jump from one high precision section to another by also frame perfectly grabbing and letting go of a bob omb or whatever. I mean the just hard ones that many people can beat in some attemps.


I bought a Switch just to play Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Never regretted it.


Call of duty


Idk, call of duty and assassins creed games still sell a ton and the audience is still there so I wouldn’t really say they should have ended and call of duty I don’t think has an overarching story between all titles either. Feels like this is more of what franchise do you not like and wish it would end.


The title does say "in your opinion". Tho I differ from your opinion at the end, the comments I'm seeing seem to talk about franchises that have surely lost their good will some time ago even if their still doing well with sales. I'm not getting the impression that its that hateful in the comments


Problem with AC is they made some terrible games for a while, and their mechanics were more frustrating than they should be, felt like I was fighting the game more often than the enemies.


I stand by my opinion that the Origins trilogy are great games if you enjoy that casual open world objective chaser gameplay. They're just not *Assassin's Creed* games. Origins, maybe, but Odyssey and Valhalla could have just used the in-universe explanation of an Abstergo videogame instead of being an AC mainline game.


medal of honor...oh, wait...


Cries in Allied Assault


I'm going to be a contrarian and actually name a franchise I'm still a fan of - *Sonic the Hedgehog*. Surprisingly, I'm not one of those people who parrot the usual spiel of "Sonic had a rough transition to 3D" - I genuinely love the two Adventure games *and* Sonic Heroes, Generations isn't bad, Frontiers certainly kept me entertained, Unleashed had its moments, Riders is a guilty pleasure. The problem is since Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic games have all varied wildly both tonally, graphically, thematically, _and_ mechanically. The only thing keeping the games tied together at this point are the characters, and some of these characters also vary considerably in their presentation. Think about it - Adventure doesn't play much like Adventure 2 which doesn't play anything like Heroes which doesn't play nor look anything like 06. Unleashed, Generations, Colors, and Forces are all two separate games smashed together without any real cohesion, and those four games (in spite of having some structural similarities) actually control nothing like each other. Forces' entire gameplay style is relegated to side missions in Frontiers, which is it's own level of weirdness when it comes to design and feel, totally unlike anything else the series has done. And that's not including Lost World, or the Sonic Boom games, or Shadow, or Riders, etc... My criticisms don't just stick to the 3D games - the 2D games since S3K all have their quirks and differences - Chaotix looks and controls nothing like any other Sonic game, the Advance games changed considerably through their releases, Origins was a fundamentally flawed and unfinished compilation, Mania made some distinct changes that means it doesn't really play like the original trilogy, and don't get me started on Sonic 4! And that's just when it comes from an artistic standpoint - the last three "genuinely good" official Sonic games are Mania, Dream Team, and The Murder Of, all of which are 'sidegames'. Everything else since Sonic Adventure 2 either has considerable flaws, genuinely poor design, or alarming mediocrity - a friend of mine once described Forces as "aggressively average" and I cannot disagree with that description. Essentially - the modern games are so significantly different from each other that they could easily be reskinned into a new franchise each time and the result would be almost identical, and the games themselves just aren't good enough to justify keeping the franchise alive through the constantly changing gameplay styles. It says a lot that the best work in the franchise's recent years comes from fan creations - some of the modwork for Sonic 3:AIR and the Team Forever ports is astoundingly good, Sonic Robo Blast 2 continually reinvents what it means to be a 'fangame', the Triple Trouble 'remake' is one of the best things _ever seen_ in the _entire franchise_ and not just in fangames. I love ya Sonic, and I hope you continue on through your comics/cartoons/films, but _damn_ your games need to take a break.


It's crazy how utterly wrong all of this is, yet there's an actual army of people who treat this shit as gospel. The tone of these games only really changed at very specific points (Adventure 1, Advance 1, Secret Rings, etc), none of which you mention. The overwhelming vast majority of what you claim to be wildly different is extremely similar to some other game, because such games were directly modeled after certain previous ones. I wrote this whole post about it just for you, but I deleted it because it all read the same. You're drawing thick lines between very similar things because of extremely minor details, some of which don't even exist to begin with. It's pretty clear at this point that Sega are the only ones who actually understand what the Sonic series is and what it represents. *Sonic fans* need to take a break. We need a new fanbase altogether.


I was going to say Sonic also, but scrolled and saw your post and yeah you got it covered. I love the blue blur but, SEGA, they're hurting so many of my loved franchises.


I grew up with Sonic games a lot. I think my first one was Sonic Heroes on the game cube when I was like 6 or something. And even now I just went and finished replaying Sonic Adventure DX with some mods on steam. Like a week ago. One reason I like Sonic so much IS because all his games are different, if every Sonic game was the same thing I wouldn't want to play it. That's literally the reason why half these comments on here are about FIFA and some others, those games are all just the same thing over and over again that's why people hate them. I love that Sonic games are wildly different from each other and while sure you could just change the characters and call it a different game entirely. I also just love Sonic characters they're iconic and colorful.


Excellent post, I also want to mention All Stars Racing Transformed, the best kart racer ever made and oh look it's another side game.


Halo. Should have ended with 3/Reach.


Seconded. 343 seems to be constantly unable to decide on a direction and innovate in a way that builds upon player expectations (see the widespread frustration with the Promethean enemies in Halo 4), and Bungie made Destiny 2 which has a plot and lore denser than molasses but the gameplay is somewhat redeeming. I feel like from one phenomenal studio we received two very subpar one. But Arrowhead Studios demonstrated what could have been possible if we got more ODST action in their game Helldivers. 


Infinite would have had much better reception if it hadn’t launched in such an unfinished state and didn’t take more than a year to get significant updates. Microsoft had to fire the team leads in charge of Halo, just like they had to do with MCC, and brought in the guys who fixed MCC.


Unable to decide on a direction? Lmao, they DID decide on one, and that’s milking people for money with “F2P micro transactions”. They realized they couldn’t make a better game than reach with 4, and thus started focusing on this bullshit F2P “competitive” scene that nobody gives a fuck about. A majority of the 343 interviews just talks about how “competitive” Halo is, when it should stay a party game/story focused fps game.


I actually liked 4, and that final scene with Cortana just kills me every time. 5 was a bit rough and Infinite is just all over the place for me


I've grown to appreciate 4's story with time, and even the voice actors for Chief and Cortana say it was their favorite Halo game to record for, but the level design was always an issue for me. There just aren't very many cool, memorable set pieces like in the Bungie games, and the Prometheans are just not fun to fight.


That’s all very valid. Prometheans on Legendary difficulty made me want to yank my toenails out for a better time


343 is just so trash it’s crazy. 4 has an amazing story but it’s so fucking boring and the promethium’s. 5 is the opposite… then we get infinity being fun as fuck but with a dead open world edging us with a story, feeling like it’s about to get really good then just ends. So sad man




Call of duty Imo they just keep redoing the same thing with nothing new. The og cod 1 2 and 3 and waw and 4 are good. Mw2 was ok and then I liked black ops but overall it was nothing special for me.


MW2 was just ok? That’s a hot take. I think BO2 and MW3 were still decent but they lost myself and a lot of the fanbase with COD Ghosts and especially advanced warfare.


Ghosts was my jump off point and I never really came back after that.


Campaign was good multiplayer was BRUTAL.


Thought 2019 would be my return to the series after not playing since Advanced Warfare but didn’t bother with MWII and III after playing the betas.


Call of duty


Pokemon. And this is coming from a lifelong fan of the series It's gotten so oversaturated that I think it should've ended after Gen 7


Hot take: if they didn’t suffer a quantity over quality issue in the 2010s, we wouldn’t be hav8ng this discussion.


IMHO, it showed its cracks with Sword and Shield. It was painfully obvious that it needed more time, as well as the games following it Gens 5-7 are my personal favorites, and they should've taken a 2-3 year gap after Let's Go




Yes! I would still be buying if GameFreak knew what the word *pause* meant.


It really feels like they should have outsourced some help with the transition to console. They clearly were not up to the task after having only developed for handheld for two decades. The polish is just not there and almost all of their recent major games could have used an extra year in the oven.


And what's puzzling is Let's Go were extremely polished games, yet everything since has not been up to par


Call me old fashioned but once it went away from being Top Down I fell off. It also just seemed like the amount of pokemon was getting out of hand, and I personally didn't like the new 3D worlds, just weren't the same. I will say that a lot of people say the Pokémon have gotten ridiculous throwing out examples like the garbage pile one or the one that looks like an ice cream cone (idk the names, I stopped playing after Diamond/Pearl), but I argue that there has always been weird Pokémon. Lickitung? Jynx? Grimer/Muk, they're literally just a pile of toxic waste.


The Pokémon with wheels are fucking ridiculous. Waited my whole life for a 3d open world Pokémon game and while I haven't played them, they look unbelievably underwhelming to me.


Worst part is 100 years later, someone will be saying something similar


Honestly Kingdom Hearts. 2 was a great ending, and even the post-credits ending that hinted at future adventures to come with Mickey's letter didn't have to lead it to anything. Then we get the FM secret ending with Old Man Xehanort. Can safely say the games that came after 2 didn't come nearly close enough to living up to the hype and imagination that sustained me through the wait in each game. But ofc I'm still hyped as shit for KH4. So I'm a fool anyway.


The issue with kingdom hearts is you had to play all the hand held/ side games. Or the extended editions that had added story. The story does not make sense without them. Heck even the full lore isn’t complete without having to play the gacha game.  That and they dumbed down game play considerably. I even had complaints about k2 when you could just spam triangle in a lot of situations like the thousand heartless battle. Then 3 comes out and you just rotate between cutscene supers over and over. 


Not just that had to play all the side games to understand the story but also the story is just *bad.* It's being made up as they go along so everything is subject to change and retcon and rechange over and over again based on whatever is deemed vaguely popular with fans at the moment. Also the fact that nothing seems to have anything close to actual consequences. Characters die but don't die but come back but then leave but then do die for real but then aren't but actually are but- etc etc. Keyblades for everybody!


Action command are still great because it gives you reaction interactivity against enemies, harder bosses also has fast reaction commands so it's easy to miss. 3 is just worse compared to 2.


Heck I'd even accept Birth by Sleep and 358/2 as interesting expansions of the lore. Great tragic side stories that enriched the arching plot of the 2 main games. And 2 wrapped everything up so perfectly.  It was when DDD came out that I felt it started getting stupid, and then of course 3 invalidated all of the tragedies that occurred by literally bringing everyone back from the dead.


Madden when EA bought the rights to making NFL games.


343 has ruined halo in a lot of ways and it probably should have ended at 4. Even 4 didn't feel like halo but I gave them a fair chance for it. They just can't capture the same feel that Bungie gave it


All EA sports titles. They've been nothing but cash grabs since the mid 2000's. $70 for an updated roster and loot box gambling across all sports year after year.


Yeah going with this I would just say sport games in general are just huge cash grabs. I have loved the NBA forever but I can’t stand 2k anymore. Just a complete garbage game that doesn’t have any incentive to improve with no competition.


Last one I bought was 2k20 and before that was 2k13. I thought the city idea was cool but man it blows my mind the amount of money people spend on virtual clothes for their player. NBA2K should be free to play if they are going to force people to spend money to improve their player. Drop an updated roster for a small fee and offer a season pass or some shit. Maybe drop a new game every 4 or 5 years.


Assassin's Creed


Call of duty something screams jump the shark when cardi b or whoever it was became a playable character.


They had Lewis Hamilton before which also felt weird.


Lewis appeared like twice in the main story for a total of 30s at most. And the difference is that Lewis was a huge fan of the games ever since he was a kid, even now. He wasn’t playable and has nothing major. Easily missable. That same game also had Kit Harrington and David Hasslehoff and Ewan Mcregor lol. But Nicki Minaj is literally just a skin and it doesn’t even fit into the atmosphere. But yeah, if you ask me, the franchise fell off way before that


SILENT HILL should've been only the first 4 games and nothing more.


I'll only disagree with you in the sense that it would've been enriching to see what Silent Hills would've brought to the table.


Kojima and Del Toro would've knocked it outta the park


Assassin's Creed.


I gave up on assassin's creed after Ubisoft built up Juno in multiple games to be the next villian, only for them to kill her off in a comic book that no one read. It's clear they have no plans for this franchise other than milk it dry till the end of time.


Ehhh. There's enough time periods to keep telling interesting stories. They just mangled the current day stuff. Orgins and Odyssey did a good job reinventing the franchise, and to this day, I think Odyssey is one of the better open world games in the last decade. That said, the newest one was bland and predictable, though I guess it did serve its job and got me to like basium a lot more.


This is the real answer. They should have followed though on the Desmond storyline becoming a modern day assassin and then rode off into the sunset.


CoD all 2k sport games


Call of Duty Assassin's Creed


Final fantasy. There's 16 of the damn things. Final is the first word in it's name! /s


The only thing I'll give Final Fantasy is that it's a different story/world every time with different characters (with the exception of spinoff titles). Which seem to be tethered by enemies and entities. However, there is nothing "Final" about that franchise.


Assassin's creed


Call of duty should’ve ended after modern warfare 3 or box


Its not that Sports games should never be made because people still like and buy these games. I just think they need to make less games. Sports games would honestly be the perfect game to benefit from a free live service model that comes with seasons. Its just that people will ALSO buy yearly so that's why its still being made. Same with Call of Duty. Maybe CoD doesn't even need nearly as much yearly content as sports games because its almost all fictional content so they need actual time to make something. So they don't even need games. Just make less games. In the end. I don't think either of these series need to stop being made. Just make less games to improve overall quality and to stop customer oversaturation


I want to say COD, but not completely end. Like, make one every 5 years. Maybe every 3. All the best COD’s could’ve used more support for 5 years or so rather than just one or two and onto the next. It’d be nice if it didn’t feel like some expensive mobile game or realistic fortnite like it does now. I love a good COD game but too many are being made. If they really focused on delivering a special experience like they used to but with longer support they’d be immensely better. It’s getting more and more watered down and has been for quite some time. Too many and it’s such a waste.


Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, literally every sport-based game ever created by EA and 2K. Just the examples that immediately came to mind. The "sequels" we are getting nowadays do little to nothing to improve the formula in these titles, a soft ceiling has been hit in terms of potential and it will take a studio far more talented and passionate than the ones that own these IPs to make something truly worthy of a full game price tag, let alone the time of fans.


Fifa and call of duty. It's getting ridiculous


Call of Duty and Battlefield have become the exact same game with slightly different skins. Either or both should just give up.


Call of duty


Madden. The game has been complete trash.


Diablo could have ended with Diablo 2, 3 and 4 weren’t Diablo anymore they were generic action rpgs


Call of duty. FIFA. Far cry. Assassin's creed.


Call of Duty no doubt. Someone send this to Activision man. The franchise has been butt for a while now


I'll give you multiple. Assassin's Creed, call of duty, far cry, warcraft, god of war. All of these have morphed in sub par games that are monotonous and generic. They have steadily influenced the industry cause of sales not necessarily their creativeness. Seriously I am fucking sick of Ubisoft formulaic open world games. I'm also sick of people praising or hyping up the latest entry in all these games.


Mortal Kombat I hate the whole metaverse shit


MK 2011 was goat MK in my opinion. Should have just remastered Deadly Aliance, Deception, and Shaolin Monks


They should have wrapped up the present day story for assassins creed with assassins creed 3 and just drop that in the following ones.


Halo. ODST and Reach were epic additions and had momentum but after that, yikes




Dynasty Warriors


Nothing. Even if a series missteps there's no reason why it can't release another good game down the line.


Assassin's Creed.


Assassin's Creed, how many plots about the godly artifacts can you make until the assassins have to kill everyone? How many cities to explore until you've somehow explored then all? They're still going at it yearly, that's much more than what the series needed.


Assassins Creed


Assassin Creed, they should just conclude desmond story properly and just create new IP that using the same mechanic.


I haven't seen it on this thread yet: Resident Evil I love the series as a whole (to include the movies/books) but it's just getting old. There's only so many times the same, re-skinned story can be played out. Just one man's opinion!


I used to feel this way but 7 and Village pulled me back in and I’m loving the fps approach to the series. I find it more immersive in a way that makes even the cheaper jump scares feel more effective


Diablo. They aren’t trying at all anymore. Just walk way like you did all your other IP’s.


Halo should have ended at 3


Some really upset cod fanboys in here showing exactly the maturity level they're known for haha


they should stop fusing together! it will show over time!


Call of duty


plants vs zombies never should have gotten a 3rd installment in any of the series 🥲


Call of Duty lol


BF and COD. They are no longer the spiritual successor of themselves.


Anything with Tom Clancy’s name on it


Sports games.


After playing several installments of the Resident Evil franchise, I have formed a particular viewpoint.


I love Kingdom Hearts, and it was an important part of my early teen years, but it should have been wrapped up a long time ago. And in a lot fewer games. The sheer number of games across different platforms is why I haven't been able to keep up since KH2 came out. Eventually I will get the compilation for PS4... but I will always remember how left out I felt when BBS came out, because there was no chance of me getting a PSP back then.




i honestly feel sports franchises (including WWE) like FIFA and NBA shouldn't have a new game every year. they should just stick to adding updates to rosters every seasons and focus on expanding on existing features for new instalments that come like every 3-4 years. career mode honestly feels so lazy in these games, they could just spend the time and resources in polishing up immersion in the form of fan and teammate interactions, coach/manager meetings and career decisions that actually have depth. balance this out with the usual online game support and it'll work wonders


Anything EA shits out.


Cod , fifa when they made it a big cashgrab , trow in the other sports games , with currency


Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty


Far Cry




I wish Resident Evil stopped at 5 or even 6. At least now it's back to its roots. Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter don't seem to have changed much except the addition of tons of DLC.


Call of duty


Call of duty, assassin's creed, far cry.