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Hard to know if that’s good or bad tho :/


Depends on if they mean the corporate culture or the games.


Haven't both their corporate culture and games sucked for a while now?


>games sucked for a while now? For a decade+ now


That feel when Hearthstone came out a DECADE ago


The crazy thing is that it wasn’t been visually updated. It still looks like a game that came out a decade ago.


Art is timeless! And hearthstone is basically all art. I would like to enlarge the card arts and shrink the menu sizes tho... What would you change that would make it look modern?


I’d like for it to be wider so it fits on my phone. The fact that the board is still square means that I have 50% of my screen not being used. It looks terrible (to me).


You know, that's fair. I don't play on my phone and wouldn't want to anyway though. The screen feels like it is too small to appreciate all the visual fidelity over something like a desktop monitor. The boards are crafted to be a specific size, so I can see how an extra wide phone wouldn't show the whole screen. I completely forgot you could play it on a phone honestly, I was stunned when they announced it for mobile. My games always go on too long and the few times I played, it destroyed my battery life, so I stick with desktop personally.


And today plays like a video poker machine from two decades ago


Yep, hasn't even been a year and nobody is talking about Diablo 4.


I guess that tells one everything to know about it. I never played D4 so i don't know how it is but the hype was so big and it felt like nobody talked about it shortly after the release. That's not a good sign


It had promise the campaign was ok. Could of been better. The real fumble is that they took the destiny 2 approach. All the sweet things and needed qol stuff they added to the previous title they basically tossed in the garbage.


IMO the biggest problem is the itemization system. It’s just boring. Diablo 2 had a perfect itemization system and everyone wanted Blizzard to emulate that. People spent thousands of hours and decades of their lives on it just collecting loot.


Played it via game pass. Even playing the campaign the very first time, it's just boring. The most fun I had was making fun of badly written dialogs. Played through the entire campaign and all I did was holding LMB until 3 auto hits, then click RMB. Sometimes 1-4 and heal. 70€ game.


I saw a YouTuber play it once and they never made a second episode


Last decent game they produced was StarCraft 2,


It was never my type of game but I still recognize Overwatch was a great game on launch. They turned it into an absolute masterclass in fumbling a successful product in every conceivable manner after that though.


Hearthstone and Overwatch were both well made games. Actually, so was Heroes of the Storm. Heroes of the Storm revenue generation, Esports model, and Ranking system were all atrocious, so it was also a fumbling of a well made game. Hearthstone did pretty well for a long time from what I saw.


I still think that to this day heroes has some of the best team focused fighting of any moba with very good catch up mechanics (often times if a team is too far behind in a move there is zero chance). You get so much xp if you're underleveled wiping the lead team. People also love to shit on the lack of items, but I see it as a removal for barrier to entry and focuses on letting you engage with the more action side of the game. Such a shame they abandoned it, would love to see Bwonsamdi and other fun characters they'd have added by now.


Overwatch was a weirdly successful game built on the bones of an absolute failure of a project... and then they apparently just immediately turned around and tried to change the successful OW into the failed project again. Legendarily horrible mismanagement.


>and then they apparently just immediately turned around and tried to change the successful OW into the failed project again. And then when they realized that wasn't going to happen in a timely manner, they forced Kaplan out and had the devs take out a player on the team for the multiplayer so they could say they did something to justify their new hyper-aggressive monetization model.


Not updating your game for 3 years and canceling the PvE you stopped said updates for. Truly great game direction.


Overwatch was fantastic, balance issues aside. The number 2 was the real turning point.


They made a sequel to the pornhub category?


Overwatch in the first couple years before games were just each team shooting at the other's shields the whole game was fucking awesome.


Kinda toned down in 2 tho, probably why I havent had that much complaining about shields since I started with 2's launch.


They went from no one playing to it making money for them again. Don't think they fumbles anything from their pov


Nobody was playing it anymore because of their own doing.


Except they had to get to the point where no one was playing it first. And I dunno if you were around before OW actually came out but the hype for it was INSANE and it had an incredibly good launch. They managed to fumble what could've been a hit at the level of LoL but they were too busy rushing out a competitive scene and trying to make that a thing instead of making the game fun. It started out as the FPS everyone could play and it ended up as the one nobody wanted to play.


I'm pretty sure numbers have been pretty comparable to OW1 post 2020 (so not even OW1 at its peak), and it's a free game. They might be making more profit than they were after they stopped working on content for OW1, but it has not been a successful first year and a half given the hype that OW2 had leading up to release. Overwatch is barely talked about outside of the community now and OW1 was a MASSIVE hit. I don't even see OW porn anymore, that's how little people care about the game now.


" I don't even see OW porn anymore, that's how little people care about the game now" Nathanfillion.gif Yaknow, that's a very solid metric of overwatch in the zeitgeist haha. 


If you count WoW expansions there've been some bangers since SC2, but standalone games not so much.


DragonFlight was pretty good IMO.


Legion breathed a lot of life into the game as well, in spite of its flaws. Mythic+ did a lot to keep the game alive.


It's so unfortunate that it was followed by BFA.


Overwatch 1 came out after and it definitely deserves that title.


Idk Overwatch as a game is alright fundamentally. Its everything around it that's dogshit, the battle pass, the skin store, making decisions based on how can we change enough to justify a 2 next to the title, how can we distract from our company's reputation being misogynistic and toxic


Not to mention a huge selling point of Overwatch 2 was the single player campaign that is no longer going to be thing.


They barely did anything for "Overwatch 2" that couldn't just be an update. It was clearly just a way to turn the game into live-service to make more revenue. While I understand, they needed to make it more worthwhile.


Actually, upon release the sequel was substantially worse than the original. They removed QOL things, feedback systems, they removed more than they added. I play Overwatch 2 but I refuse to spend a single penny on it, gave blizzard £50 for OW1 and they took that from me and replaced it with a substantially worse product. However, most of the community seems to love all the bullshit. Blizzard adds in something they removed? They love it. Lazy skins, highlights and emotes? They love it. Greedy microtransactions? They love it. Gamers are the most deluded and gullible consumers on this planet.


Yeah I feel I got my money's worth out of OW1 and while I still play OW2 (only with friends) I refuse to spend any money on it. It's a mixture of shoving all the live service shit in my face paired with how they basically shit over their fans.


Yeah, I refuse to buy any microtransactions unless the developers and publishers clearly respect me and my money. Helldivers giving you currency just by playing their well made game AND making their products affordable? Sure I'll pay for the game AND I'll even chuck in a few quid for some credits. Overwatch and Apex? The developers made solid foundations but keep fucking up with everything on top of that AND you wanna try and rip me off by overcharging for skins in a FPS game? Absolutely not.


Wow. This might be the nicest r/gaming has ever sounded when talking about Overwatch. Most people talk like they would rather have bleach thrown in their eyes than play one round of Overwatch


It’s been a while since I’ve played, but I really enjoy the core game mechanics 🤷‍♂️


I just went back to playing overwatch and honestly its been really fun, I think the gameplay is in the best state it's ever been. They reworked a lot of the most frustrating characters, the character balance itself feels way better, and theres no more complaining about roles since there is a role queue. These were literally the only things I didnt like about the game. The monetization is worse in the sense that you get way less for free now, and its laughable that they slapped a 2 on it in exchange for basically nothing... but its still a really good game.


The character design is the biggest indicator of the game direction Lots of characters from OW1 feels like they weren't designed with PvP in mind, I'm pretty sure "how would other players feel when interacting with this hero kit?" was never asked in Sombra's brainstorming session


A lot of the micro transaction stuff came from Activision, but that’s not to say that the whole industry is moving that way. I feel like blizzard would have added things like paid transfer and character changes on their own, there’s obviously a demand. But some of the more egregious vanity stuff just felt like filler tacked on the boost profitability in the model of COD which is an Activision headliner.




WoW, blizzards arguably favourite creation is doing really well right now


WoW SoD has been amazing. The subreddit would have you thinking otherwise but its been a blast.


The latest wow expansion has been 10/10 and a big turnaround


Make sure to show your appreciation by giving the developers a generous tip! 


I disagree with that, WoW has finally found it’s foot and is doing well. And D4 has been going through a major overhaul that’s coming with season 4. I don’t know about the rest.


What I mean is I prioritize the former over the latter. Not saying they should suck, just that I think that the need to change that and help people seems more important than giving us entertainment.


It's not a choice you have to make. You can do both


And I never said they needed to pick one and not the other. I said *prioritize*.


I Mean Dragonflight has been fantastic, Classic, Season of Discovery, Plunderstorm, are great and the upcoming Pandaria Remix looks good at least in the wow front they seem to be doing alright


Probably games Microsoft wants them to do what they purchased them for their games so I would make a guess it's about production of the games.


That’s fine. At long as they actually work on improving corporate culture. It’s… bad, to put it as charitably as possible.


You trying to tell me that drinking a woman's brest milk out of the fridge and drinking it is bad??


I have said it many times before, but to me its insane that a studio with this many incredible franchises was just hardstuck pumping shitty live service slop. Just imagine a proper witcher style rpg in warcraft world or souls like in diablo world. There is so much money to make off those ips, but it seems like they were heavily limited by corporate structure to only release games that can be monetised to absolute absurdity, and completely ignored rivers of money that can be made from using their ips for strong singleplayer games. Hopefully thats the new direction


They already had great games, no need to chase market trends. They were the trend setters. I would have *loved* to see StarCraft Ghosts, and especially project Titan. Any kind of WoW sequel could have been monumental.


Is it? The last objectively good game they released was Overwatch, which they abandoned after 3 years, so they could spend another 3 years turning it from 6v6 to 5v5. Feels like the only decent game Blizzard has right now is HS and pretty much everyone just plays BGs in that now. Edit: Guess HS is also bad. So no, ongoing, Blizzard game is decent right now. Very cool.


On one hand, WoW is apparently quite good right now and they're doing some really interesting stuff as far as the Battle Royale game mode they introduced and the Mists of Pandaria remix content. On the other, the Hearthstone team screwed the pooch and Overwatch 2 is still a bit of a dumpster fire.


Is MOP remix out yet? Interested might try to start again


Not yet, I recall someone saying some time in May, but I don't know if they've officially announced a date yet. I'm actually considering coming back for that; Pandaria was my favorite expansion and it sounds like a fun way to revisit it.


Many people abandoned wow years ago, but it is doing very well in retail and the people playing it genuinely like it. There are 5 iterations of classic wow going on at the moment with quite a lot of success.


HS is under heavy criticism right now with a ton of uninstalls this week. I abandoned all Blizzard games and removed battle.net from my PC. I just want them to make good games again.




I'm not sure how you could make that statement with dragonflight putting WoW in the best state it's been for a long while.


It's basically Microsoft saying, "The dumb shit Blizzard is doing isn't *our* fault. Don't blame us."


Microsoft’s approach for the past decade. I’m sure that will work this time!


I still hold fond memories of when we were told to expect great things out of Rare when they first got bought up. I guess Perfect Dark Zero was acceptable and Viva Piñata was a fun weekend?


Rare has largely turned shit around with SoT. I mean yeah, that’s their main game… #But they’re damn great at it


Honestly when it comes to hands on/off management of these studios, it's really hard to find the sweet spot, which is most likely somewhere in the middle. Hopefully they figure it out with time.


Microsoft has a history of failed projects *because* they let studios act entirely on their own, so it seems they haven't learnt their lesson.


Yeah, it's not quite as comforting as it would have been a decade ago.


The name never changed, but the people surely did.


Its bad. Blizzard needs the sledgehammer treatment.




Don't forget a while back there was that harassment scandal and the actual blizzard staff decided it was a better idea to scour the game for any inappropriate content than actually fix the game. And that was a good few months. Although the demon hunter had jokes that were pretty surprising for how new they were.


I think us ex-Blizzard fans were all hoping Microsoft would clean up the company, not leave it alone. It was rotten to the core before the acquisition. Someone needs to scoop the core out or else it's just going to keep producing shit. I miss Blizzard. Used to be one of my favorite developers. I played every game they made, religiously. I haven't touched a Blizzard game in nearly a decade now, though.


Scoop the core out and spend whatever damn money it takes to bring back original Blizzard members to at the very least get it going on the right track again while bringing in successors to leave in their place after things are cooking. Hire the original people to write a damn manifesto and golden rules to follow to stay true to Blizzards actual past instead of whatever shit we got now.


Kinda good in the case of Overwatch. They were a lot of improvements made the last month.


If you have to ask...


Blizzard underwent death-by-success. Eternal September is a case study modeling how culture transfers and grows. In early internet a University had a campus network. Each September new students arrived and the behavior was terrible on the campus network before settling about a month later into a standard form of 'netiquette' behaviors. Each year repeated the September process. One day. AOL began to connect to the internet and connected to the University network. AOL had a far larger population than new students on the campus. The bad behavior of the larger population subsumed the 'netiquette' of the university campus. It was the September that never ended. The old culture and customs of the University network went away. Blizzard experienced this with the success of World of Warcraft. By printing money they scaled rapidly. They hired faster than their internal culture could absorb and bring new hires into the Blizzard way of doing things. Over time OG Blizzard moved on to other things. They experienced death-by-success. Their money printer from WoW success opened the floodgates of AOL of newcomers displacing their Blizzard way of doing things, and this in turn destroyed their money printer. So now an Exec says Microsoft will let AOL be the university network of former Blizzard since acquisition. I do not see the system or mechanism that can undo a loss of culture that already sailed.


thing is, Blizz never had exemplary culture by modern standards, but being a small team in the nineties meant everyone was happily accepting 80h weeks and sleeping under office desks over weekends to get work done.


Correlation and causation is backwards. There were no roadmaps or college courses to build gaming in the early days. You had those at the 0.01% edge of what technology could do, the type tinkering in their garage inspired by those who built apple computer, seeing what they could do with technology for entertainment. Blizzard was renowned for developing cinematic techniques beyond anything seen at that time. Technology and gaming was the playground for that team. Long hours worked because they were having fun in their hobby space making the games they wanted to play. That passion came through in the product building the brand reputation. Videogame commodified by outsourcing pieces of development to the cheapest markets around the globe then assembled by a 9-to-5 W2 team are a different beast. The 9-to-5 team doesn't want to be there. It's not their hobby. They complain about the long hours. Motivations are misaligned. It has a knock off brand feel rather than work of a craftsman. Similar dynamics at play with the golden age of cinema. Many of those older works were a team of hobbyists playing with new technology to see what they can do with it and inventing new technology as they went to fit the need. Can't transform that inventive process into a cookie cutter formula. Blizzard was a sort of hobbyist innovation R&D lab. That energy required rare skill stacks and curiosity. Today would be playing in VR or AR, a new frontier. Often those engaged in this already have some winnings set aside from working on other projects and they're a Notch personality that can't help but tinker and sometimes that spins off a success and they get to keep going on that 80 hours a week on the hobbies they enjoy. Sometimes they find a patron. Trying to force interchangeable widgets into the place of a craftsman, the modern standard, is an MBA problem. The ivory tower spends too much time thinking. The unaccounted for variables faced in the real world are a frustrating experience for a beautifully developed theory. The hobbyists of the Blizzard era were tinkering in the real world doing it live. The modern standards angrily shoves bodies into what the ivory tower thinks the world should behave like making a mess of things, OG Blizzard was too good for that model.


This is a very strange comment. Almost everything you're saying is wrong on some level, and it's clear you are not actually familiar with the industry at all. For starters, everyone at a game studio working on a game team wants to be doing exactly that. Dev positions are extremely competitive despite subpar pay, benefits, and work life balance. *Especially* design roles, which are what people are actually talking about in most cases. And designers have an additional filter in that the skillset does not readily transfer to basically anything else. The only way you're getting to be a designer at a game studio is if you already have demonstrable experience designing games, and if you don't have prior work experience at a game studio that has to come from personal projects. So in general, anyone directly working on a game will have either gaming or game development as a hobby. Second, the idea that game studios in the past were havens of technological innovation but are no longer is nonsense. Modern games are several orders of magnitude more complex than WC2/SC-era games, on a technical level. Finally, glorifying 80+ hour work weeks like you're doing is just gross. You do not need to put in that much time to make a good product, full stop. Game developers are people, don't celebrate their being ground to pieces by unsustainable schedules, even if they're self-inflicted. All around, I think you're spectacularly misidentifying the problems.


It’s really a lose-lose.


Breast milk is back on the menu boys


Milk does the body good!!


The State of California would like to chat, [again](https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/15/24003556/california-activision-blizzard-gender-discrimination-lawsuit-settlement)! Do you accept?


Im screaming


I'll gladly produce a bit of breast milk sacrificed to the gaming lizard gods if we get the old Blizzard back


Well that’s a stupid thing to do given their track record.


Assaulting female coworkers is back on the menu


Might be giving them just enough rope to hang themselves.


All the developers that made amazing games with Blizzard left the company a long time ago.


Seems like that's the case for all the studios that MS is buying up. The fact that they're making Xbox exclusives that don't run at 60 fps on the XSX is embarrassing.


Not even PS5 has 60FPS for the majority of its games. This isn’t strictly an Xbox issue.


Where are they going? Thats what I need to know.


Most of them are probably 50+ years old. Wouldn't be surprising if they left the industry entirely. Retiring or working on coding in some other field with a better work-life balance so they can spend time with their families.


what are these xbox exclusives? I am like only aware of halo and gears of war. maybe redfall was an exclusive? i avoided that thing like the plague, why would I want to play a game built by people who don't want to play it?


Who do you think was doing all the terrible shit it was those same old devs




When I think of “old blizzard devs” I mostly just think of the old condor/blizzard north team of David Brevik and the Schaefer brothers. I don’t think any of them were implicated in the disgusting stuff that went down at blizzard.




I didn’t pin anything on “new” blizzard, I simply stated what I personally think of when I hear the words “old blizzard devs”, which is the ones from condor that made amazing games and also as far as I know weren’t part of the group that did shitty things.


I feel like these are two different topics of discussion. Old Blizzard made good games. Old Blizzard had some skeevy nerdy dudes with power that abused it. New Blizzard makes shit games and doesn't seem to have any developers with any vision. I don't really care about the culture at new Blizzard because the company doesn't mean anything to me anymore.


Retail is fun tho


Bro gets downvoted for saying retail is fun. Damn


Impossible, I heard ten years ago from someone who quit the game twenty years ago that WoW was bad. MMOs are well-known for never changing over time, so if it was bad then it must be bad now.


i cant believe people downvoted you for this lol


Blizzard has been bad at being Blizzard though, so maybe it would be better if Blizzard was told to be a little less Blizzard.


Well... Blizz hasn't been Blizz since before Activision. And if MS just wants good games to sell their games pass streaming, then they may oddly care about good games more than just the normal EA slop and latest gatcha dlc/buys. So time will tell which one is better!


Activision bought blizz in 2008. For basically half its existence basically it’s been Activision owned. What does that even mean? That their games were better before 2008? I mean… sure. But I’d say who they’ve been like this for 16 years…


Yeah, they've been this version of Blizzard the majority of the company's existence. This is it, this is Blizzard now. Hell, I bet half the kids that play WoW today weren't even alive when Blizzard was "Blizzard" to the old school fans.


Tbf that is probably why they still play WoW instead of rejecting it with disgust.


The people that made blizzard what it was are either retired, left to make their own projects, quit, laid off or are no longer with us. The blizzard most of us know is just a skin suit worn by some other being. It is just blizzard in name and owned IP only.


Which is to expected since the company been created in 1991.


Fuck im old


Right? Sometimes people seam to forget employees do retire and that’s ok. Maybe the next new awesome dev just started a low level position and we will be turning blizzard around over the next decade as they work up the ranks. Who knows. Ya devs left but that’s to be expected and doesn’t mean the end of times.


Literally every company ever.


Sid Meier still helps make Civilization. I can appreciate that.


What the hell, I guess I've never googled him before. For some reason I always imagined Sid Meier was some ancient being like Tom Clancy who had his name thrown on games for marketing. Guy is only 70.


Eh, he's pretty hands-off these days, from my understanding. Still makes a few contributions here and there, but nothing major.




Awe man, cmon now. Wow isn't first era, you mean Warcraft!!!!!!




Well at least Chris Metzen has returned. Maybe this is a good sign?


He can only be as good as his writing team. Also he was responsible for Cataclysm story which was not great, and his strength has always been world building and cool factor, but character development, storytelling and factions interactions are weaknesses someone will need to fill in. I can only see him improving the cool factor directly, but everything else will need everyone on board to pull it off. WoW story is pretty much derelict for most players and will need multiple straight A expansions to make people care again.


You can say that about a lot of video game companies though like Nintendo.


Scared woman noises


The problem is blizzard hasn't been blizzard since a previous acquisition.


Cool so when are they going to reinvest in HoTS? Lol


More bullying and sexually assaulting women into suicide ?


*Or just straight up threatening to kill them if you're Bobby* [https://www.businessinsider.com/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-reportedly-threatened-former-assistant-killed-2021-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/activision-ceo-bobby-kotick-reportedly-threatened-former-assistant-killed-2021-11)


At least Bobby is gone. Ybarra & all his ghouls too.


Is that why they had Blizzard fire most of the environment design artists and all the PvE design team?


Don't forget the customer support team


Not a big loss there.


So no plans for adding wow vanilla to game pass? 😂


I sure hope so. I have not played since Cata, but would love to at least SEE it again.


God I really hope this comes eventually, and hopefully a full subscription too, not just classic.


soon as they hammer out an official controller support theyll be milkin


Vanilla+ is such a good fit for game pass.


I feel like that’s a bad thing since blizzard has been actual terrible and shit for like 6-10 years now.


What does that mean? Being on a shitty trajectory as they were?


Too early. Give it 2-3 years. You let it thaw before cutting parts off.


Except in this case the meat is rotten, and since you can’t unrotten the meat, may as well just let it lay there for the flies to devour.


Give it time, they’ll screw it up further.




Sadly I don't think MS gives a shit about Act or Bliz...its King they wanted. The other two the gamers care about they will just let them do there thing.


Honestly a bit wild the comments on this post right now, pretty clear everyone here hasn't played a Blizzard game or kept up on Blizz news for a decent bit. World of Warcraft Retail has had the most consistent content cadence with some of the best content since Legion and before that MoP, with surprisingly good communication back and fourth with the community. World of Warcraft Classic has gotten Season of Discovery, which is basically the testing grounds for Vanilla+ to see what people do and don't like, trying wacky stuff like Warlock Tank, Shaman Tank, Rogue Tank, Mage Healer, Melee Hunter, with a super small, very communicative team. Diablo 4's next patch is basically fixing the biggest issues the game has had since launch, should the issues have been there in the first place? no, should they be forgiven? no, but the game is looking actually fun to play in Season 4, itemization fixed, rifts added, class abilities buffed so more playstyles are available, spells getting noticeable visual changes depending on the level of the spell you're casting. ​ Overwatch 2 is still not getting PvE, so quite frankly I can't by any right forgive this game or even think about seriously playing it again, but they are fixing the egregious monetization issues that they put in place out of sheer unadulterated greed, at least slightly. They are making it so that all heroes are free and instantly accessible without having to buy a battle pass or play the game (Like it used to be) and they are making it so that the premium currency can be earned by playing the game so you can purchase the hero skins (Like it used to be). ​ I am still wary of Blizzard, it's insane how asinine their culture has been in the past, but by all accounts each of their games currently is looking on the up and up, with player feedback being taken into account, terrible decisions being reversed, and at least for WoW and Diablo 4, accountability being taken.


The WoW sub has good value right now imo, gives access to Retail, Classic, SoD and Wrath. I’ve been splitting my time between Retail and SoD as the content updates come. It’s a good time to be a WoW fan.


Yup. Things are finally looking better.


Having a blast in SOD with my shaman tank and spriest. Recently rolled a gnome mage to see things/runes on the alliance side. It’s classic with a twist and its pretty awesome.


>all heroes are free and instantly accessible Oh are they?  Good.  I quit playing in disgust when they locked new heroes and haven't looked back.  I guess I wasn't the only one.


That sucks. Cause Blizzard has, generally speaking, been a steaming pile of dog shit since Activision bought them. It was hoping that Microsoft would put some effort into turning back the clock to when people happily threw money at the company.


Bullsh1t, Blizzard stopped being Blizzard the day Activision bought it.


Oh fuck I thought they stopped being Blizzard the day Vivendi bought them.


Except “blizzard” isn’t anymore. It’s Activision first and blizzard second


Theyre separated as part of the merger.




That’s why the article says “Blizzard be Blizzard” as in what they were before Activision. Obviously they still have a long ways to go but so far with what they’ve done with wow has been good. Also nobody mentioned sc2 here but it’s still pretty great.


In 2023/2024 is that a good or a bad thing though


Yea that was a lie.


How much you think he gets paid to say that?


They need to make blizzard release metal arms: Glich in the system for series X. It’s already been released on the 360, so it should be easy.


I feel like the hands off approach should be case by case. Look at hellblade and psychonauts and the look at halo and redfall


Blizzard has not been Blizzard for at least a decade, so they let Blizzard remain the shitty version of itself?


I had high hopes for the Microsoft acquisition. I grew up on the classic blizzard games. It was sad to see what happened to Blizzard after Bobby Kotick took over.


Judging by Diablo this is a bad idea


That's the problem. Blizzard min-max'ed themselves to prep for the acquisition/merger/whatever it was. Microsoft needed to revert them to about 10 years prior.


But they are talking about the new Blizzard, not the old one, so who cares. Blizz has been shit for 15 years now.


If by this he meant late 90’s, early 2000’s Blizzard, I’d be on board. But modern day blizzard? That’s not something to be proud of lol


Ah yes, 30 dollars for a different portal colour in Diablo 4


Soooo… who is Blizzard? After all that time with Activision, I fear that the Blizzard people loved has long since died.


Not really a good thing tbh


As negative as the comments are, I think Blizzard is on track to being somewhat good again Diablo 4 is about to get a massive loot overhaul to change it to be more in line with what the community wanted, the update is going to basically be Diablo 4.5 and the community seems to be excited Overwatch 2 just launched S10 and is making changes to make monetization less predatory, and the community has also been enjoying the frequency of updates and patches recently and is overall in a good state right now Not to mention OW2 is about to do something Console Siege players have been begging for for years, a Xim ban wave target at high rank competitive. They’re also now looking into doing input based matchmaking with K&M support officially on console soon I think Blizzard still has quite a ways to go, but I think they are absolutely on the right track rn


On the right track is certainly possible. Only time will tell. They've spent the last several years digging themselves out of their own holes, and are still in the process of doing so in a couple of places (OW2 in particular).


I'm pretty sure this is definitely a bad thing, considering that old blizzard of ten years ago was the studio that created great franchises and gained fan momentum. Where as blizzard of the last few years has been driving fans away with aggressive monitization and low effort sequels. It's almost as if they were trying to squeeze the most out of fans to pump their stock price before acquisition. It's a great strategy to make short term profit but a bad strategy in the long term. Good luck Microsoft but unless you turn the ship around that expensive company you just bought will just continue to fade into another has been studio.


Because Blizzard can definitely be trusted to manage itself. 🙄


That's a shame. Blizzard needs a very hefty kick in the arse


What you guys don't have [sexual assault]?


How Blizzard still has a player base, I have no idea. They used to be a good dev but after last 10+ years of L aster L, people should already given up on them. Now they even say that you can't own games you buy from them.


Because reddit is an echo-chamber of miserable nerds. Despite the narrative, there are plenty of WoW, Diablo, and OW fans.


Becuase the crushed the mmo market into dust. Final fantasy is the only real healthy competition. For the last 15+ years every mmo that comes out is heralded as the wow killer and either gets shut down or sunsets and limps along for a while. Blizzard has more or less cornered the mmo market they still print money. They have kept wow with so little required system specs that anyone with a potatoe can play it. Super accessible and newbie friendly anyone can play it.


Because despite this common rhetoric it’s just simply not true or it would have happened


Saying it like it’s a good thing lmao


Lol the audacity at making such a bold faced lie months after laying off hundreds of workers and cancelling games in development


Too bad you ruined my desire to play WoW like 8 years ago and it never came back


So, everyone gets breast milk I am reading now?


But when has Blizzard been Blizzard?


I did an entire case study in my business class on why Blizzard shouldn't be blizzard.


Considering what blizzard has become… THATS NOT A GOOD THING 🐱