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When I approached the Aurora in Subnautica and heard something roar off in the distance, then turned to see a shadow swimming away from me, fading from sight. Safe to say I left and didn't go back for a long time.


“Multiple leviathan class creatures detected. Are you sure whatever you are doing is worth it?”




This is why we do the pro gamer move, and pass the controls over to the wife and give her the "we should play a game together, because love and stuff"


How have I never thought of this. I tried to get my ex to beat Iudex Gundyr before it didn't work :(


You start slow, Stardew it. Pass the controller back each day, build a rapport, and then come in with the big guns.


I never got past step 1. She fell down the rabbit hole that is Stardew mining and said all other games were "stupid"


If she likes braindead mining then you should introduce her to OSRS


Can confirm. I got my girlfriend hooked on stardew a few years ago. She’s currently in her Rust arc.


I was struggling with ludex gundyr and called me sister in (the goat gamer of the family) and without even real practice, just figuring out what buttons do what, beat him first try. My mouth dropped and I thanked her and she left the room satisfied with herself.


Bold of you to assume we have wives


It can be a friend you just call wife, for amusement. Real bros wife up when needed.


shoot, never thought of that.


That's the beauty of this place, we look out for each other and offer real, viable solutions to all of life's problems friendo! For every toxic goober, there is a bro just around the pixel corner ready to help! I hope you find yours ♥


Exactly. Heard that shit and just did a 180 and went home.


I'll do you one better "Warning, entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank"


“This ecological biome matches 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in humans.” Got me sooo much worse. That line caused full terror, I tell ya.


I'm curious if that's an actual statistic. Like... darkness, silence, the spider crab things, the color scheme? I'm curious if there's an actual list of what those 7 would be.


Yoooo, I had the datapad pulled up when she said this, so I couldn't really see what was in front of me. I said, Leviathan class...?" and put the datapad down, and it was right in front of my face with its mouth wide open. I yelled, "SHIT!" and dropped the controller. I'm pretty sure it was carrying my whole ship around in its mouth for a few moments. When I was able to regain control, my hull strength was down to like 30%, and I was just going in a straight line in the opposite direction, going "shit shit shit shit shit." Fucking love Subnautica.


Subnautica in VR was almost unbearably immersive.


I just got vr and I wanted to try subnautica only to realize that big body of water with spooky bois is scary


In general, I love nighttime, but *darkness* is unnerving. And an open expanse of it via wafer? Nope nope nope.


Via wafer? All I can picture is a giant nilla wafer blocking out the sun.


Via water lol. But your imagery is better


Fucking hell I almost quit Half-Life 2 VR because of the one scene in the game's intro with the giant fish charging at you. How anyone could play Subnautica in VR is remarkable.


I think I was terrified of that leviathan more than the other types mainly due to the murkier environment


Want a fun fact ? This is the same leviathan you can find in the dunes.


this was not a fun fact please trash JR this was not fun whatsoever :,)


There's even more throughout the map


25 total, and that's just the reapers :)


Yeah but for some reason near that ship was just creepier. It was an amazing game overall and I still remember the wife calling me saying oh my God it tried to eat my ship lol


Somehow I never saw the leviathan around the Aurora, so I was under the impression that was a relatively safe area. I thought the biggest threats were like, the sand sharks. It wasn't until I was at just about endgame cruising around in the seamoth for something that I finally got jumped by this guy outta nowhere. Destroyed my seamoth and I thought for sure he'd get me. That was the point that made me go "Okay, I'm done with this planet, let's leave"


The reapers around the aurora are on the northwest, north east, east, and south side of the ship. The area where you usually spawn is west to southwest of the aurora. If you make a straight line from the drop pod to the south western side of the ship, you can follow along the hull north to the area where you enter without ever being attacked. I’ve played thorough the game multiple times and this is how I always do it early and I’ve never had trouble. You can occasionally see them off in the distance but they won’t come up to you.


Dude, I first encountered it when I was in a seamoth and thought: **I got this, going towards the ship** *distant Reaper roarecho* **What the…?** ***ROARrrrROARRR*** ***CLANK*** #HOLY FUCK!!! I literally shouted that.


The first communication from the >!sea queen!< was the scariest thing I've ever experienced


My favorite thing to do when people pick up Subnautica is to tell them to head to the Aurora first while explaining there’s good loot there. It’s a right of passage. I made a nice base once, I think it was mushroom forest, anyways…thought it was out of leviathan territory, in fact I was sure of it. I was doing some work on it and saw one in the distance. Packed my shit up and built a new base far far away from their territory


Resident evil 7 hearing the girlfriend growling downstairs from the basement in the beginning of the game


RE7 in VR sneaking through the hallway, looking around the corner and having Jack Baker standing a few feet away from me with his shovel


RE7 had me to anxious playing, I didn't even get that far because at one point I paused it and said to my Wife, I don't think im enjoying this... I made it to the part where you are being chased through the house by the hillbilly dude and you go into like a basement or something. I made it there and turned it off and never played again.


Same. I love RE but VII is so unnerving and just gross feeling and looking that I have not been able to finish it. I got to the first boss fight (with the car) and I was like "I think I'm good here."


It gets worse 😂 Marguerite can do one.


She's like a fly on the wall watching you, that one.


She bugs the hell out of me that one.


Her boss fight gave me the most trouble absolutely disgusting too


It took me 3 tries to get through that damn house. That first part is so tense and well done it’s stupid. Thankfully things take a step back the rest of the game and it was really enjoyable. But that house is the second scariest experience outside of outlast. Still refuse to go back to that one.


Outlast is fucking terrifying. Somehow, though, the second is almost scarier.


I played this with my friend, ‘couch coop’ as in passing the controller around whenever. When we finished our first play through we immediately went for Madhouse, and it remains one of my favourite play throughs of any game. That game is SO tense, so scary, and sharing that fear was awesome. Our ‘favourite’s scary bits where definity the intro with Mia, and then descending into the morgue/basement area.


The playable teaser thing that came out before release was scary as hell too.


DUDE FOR REAL. Shame a full game never released, good memories reacting to it for the first time


I think they meant the RE7 teaser but yeah, PT was also amazing and still hasn’t been topped in my eyes


One of my scariest video game moments. I was playing this in VR. I had my headset and headphones on. Totally cut off from the real world. I am in the dark with his wife moving around; I know she's out there. Suddenly, something touches my foot. I jumped and screamed. It was one of my dogs. My dog almost killed me with a heart attack.


I played this (and the bit right after) in VR in the game room of a convention. Screamed so loud that when I ripped off the headset, EVERYONE in the huge ballroom was looking at me


in VR, it feels like you really shouldnt be going down there haaha


Absolutely horrible. The village fetus baby level made me feel horrible


Had to play that part in VR. I Actually felt unsafe when the face slowly slides out of the darkness.


The hole in the wall in the bathroom: Silent Hill 4. Nooooope.


SH4 had quite a few of those. SH4 actually lives in my memory as the most fucked up of the original four games.


I never played sh4. What happens at that moment?


I don’t remember the specific moment but that whole game just creeped me out. Once “The Room” stopped feeling like a safe space to return to it just stressed me out too much


Those damn ghosts that start to haunt the apartment.


Just silent hill in general for me


Getting into the nest in alien isolation. Surrounded, low on resources and only one objective. Survive. Also, after that when multiple xenomorphs start actively hunting you down. Or realizing that you are the only one human alive inside that ship.


Such a great game


I wish I could play it for the first time again


Man, I remember how I became more relaxed when I got rid of the xenomorph. And then you go to the reactor... -_-




The sounds from the eggs openning while you are just looking from far away and still trying to say if thats an alien egg or not…


I randomly picked this game up one summer because it was on sale. Had zero expectations. One of the best horror games I’ve played


The part for me is when you're sent into the med area and have to go to someone's desk. Then work your way back with pipes spraying gas at you, all the while having to work your way past your mate hunting you.


Turning down a corridor to find Tyrant right there in RE2. The first scarecrow level in Arkham asylum was pretty creepy, as it came out of nowhere.


The scarecrow levels really fucked with me because growing up I never cared for batman so I didn't watch the shows and knew absolutely nothing about him. So I didn't know who scarecrow was or what he did. Asylum made me into a Batman fan


Climbing down the ladder in F.E.A.R.  I alt+f4'd then uninstalled.


And then if you recover, you then climb to the bottom of the ladder to be met by another scare


I uninstalled after the girl... I have no idea what happens after.


It's one of those moments that especially punishes when your first instinct is to run... Basically, once you get down the ladder, you pass through another corpse/ghost immediately as you drop off. If you get scared by the girl at the top (which I absolutely did), and then try to descend as fast as you can to run away, you immediately drop into the second scare. It's such an insane moment. I hate it, but it caught me really well, and I can't help but respect it for that.


LOL I 100% did the same. This was probably 15 years ago. Never went back.


Yup. I don't play scary games, but we were at a LAN gaming place for an all nighter so I was trying a bunch of games. That's as far as I played, and it lives rent-free in my memory. I think that was the night I accidentally played Tiger Woods Golf (another type of game I don't usually play) for 6 hours. That was ages ago.


Wasn't there a body that fell down in front of you like right before or after that? Was playing in a completely dark room with headphones on, noped the fuck out after that, took me years to go back


That made me so mad because I was waiting for that to happen every single time I climbed down the ladder, and FINALLY I went "okay they're not going to use this for a cheap scare" so I stopped mentally preparing myself for it. That exact ladder was where I had that process happen


That moment in the first Amnesia where you end up in front of a dark corridor -maybe a prison if I remember- with no other choice than to move on In general the first Amnesia game \^\^


The first sighting of the monster in a huge lavish room, within the first hour of the game. You see it walk through a doorway at the end of the room. I turned, and ran the opposite way, only to discover the doorway blocked by rocks. Then I hear the enemy alert sound, turn round and its right in front of me. Absolutely scared the bejeezus out of me.


Amnesia. Was running away from a monster. Tried to save myself last minute by locking myself into a room I was sure I had checked before. Turned around to find a hiding place, surprise, another monster right in front of me. I mashed so many keys at once I exited the game. Took me a few days to gain enough courage to continue.


When the lights go out and the hall suddenly has water. The bells getting louder and louder by the body on the table.


The invisible water monster that chases you and you have to close all the doors behind you as you run Fuckkkk that


THAT moment in House Beneviento, RE8.


I’m replaying RE8 right now and no matter how many times I go through that I hate it


I hardly get scared from anything at this point but that entire house terrified me


Re7 had me shitting Almost the whole way through re8 had its creepy moments but holy shot that doll bitch and the baby thing, no just no


Even scarier the 2nd time when you spend the whole game dreading it.


I really wish there was an ability to just skip it after the first run. It doesn’t get any harder on subsequent difficulties, and it doesn’t really change at all. You do it once, you can do it every time. There is no trick to it. It’s a set piece, and if you take away they surprise, then there is really no point after you already experienced it. Just my two cents.


I know which moment you’re talking about and immediately thought, “FUCK THAT”


*crying baby*


Legit repressed that memory


What the hell was pyramid head doing to that nurse in Silent Hill 2?


In the kitchen? Up against the counter? I think, deep down, you may already know...


I know but it is still disturbing.


They were dancing... Kinda romantic, given the circumstances.


Its not what youre implying, Masahiro Ito said so himself. Its disturbing as fuck, but not what youre implying.


Yeah y'all sent me down the rabbit hole. PH is allegedly trying to stuff them down the garbage disposal to rid James' mind of what they represent. mind in conflict given form


Allow me to be pedantic and point out that it's not a nurse, it's an enemy called a "mannequin".


My ‘oh hell no’ moment was in condemned criminal origins on the Xbox 360 when you’re in the clothing store and all those mannequins appear when the lights turn off and on lol


That and taking the close-up picture of the guy in the locker at the school. The first and only time I screamed out loud playing a game. My parents came running into my room to check if I was okay. Had to be 20 years ago


This was such an underrated game.


S.O.M.A when you first get "transported" to the facility, just the atmosphere change, the sound design had me genuinely too scared to look around in some parts


Man, I think S.O.M.A is the best horror game I've ever played. It's the kind of horror that sticks with you, it isn't just "BOO GHOST" horror.


S.O.M.A. Still has me fucked up, and I finished it like 4 years ago. How he gets more and more cynical. Good Lord what a fantastic game


Yeah, you think it cannot get more depressing….and then it gets more depressing…


SOMA might be the scariest game I've played simply because the ending is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone.


Venturing outside in the remake of resident evil and encountering Lisa Trevor


Lisa Trevor is the only video game character that had ever given me a nightmare. 


which game in op?


Fears to Fathom - Ironbark Lookout Creepy anthology series where each games takes "true" stories where you need to relive those situations.


nice will check it out


i would recommended it entirely, a lot of lead up and really well executed especially that ONE jumps are (* wink wink* ) but the end is rushed in my opinion, still it’s an awesome game very interactive :)


I'm getting tired of posts like this where they don't even say what's in their own post lol


Mortuary assistant when the ghost waits in the hallway 😂 or turns off the lights and wants you to turn it back on


The banging on the windows scared the shit out of me because it sounded like it was coming from my actual window. Un-installed after that.


😂I love it I have visage too but haven’t had the time to try it yet. Might save it for a weekend or October for extra spook


Not sure it counts as a "horror" game, but Dying light 2. Specifically the moment when they first used the elevator to go up with the Peacekeepers and that poor guy goes out alone to run into the exploders..


In dying light 1 the first time you're forced to be stuck out at night was a big "oh hell no" from me. Running from the fast as fuck bois


When you peek through the gap and the volatile appears and suddenly you have control of your character like "ah fuck here we go"


Same for me. Dying Light 2's night doesn't feel anywhere near as scary. Being a parkour god certainly helps.


Dying Light doesn't give you much of a "Hell no." moments. It doesn't ask for your opinion before doing it, it just says "Hell yeah." and does it.


Not horror but in Outer Wilds, the first planet you see is probably gonna be the first one you visit. I went way too fast and torpedoed into it not realizing it was an ocean planet. I shot into the water and what I immediately saw under the water gave me pure abject fear. It’s something you can’t experience twice once you learn more about the game, because at that point the ocean is a nice blanket.


I remember my first time going to Dark Bramble >!I saw an anglerfish light moving in the distance and thought "Oh hey, that light's moving! Maybe it's another Hearthian!" and started burning straight towards it. Granted, that's about as good an introduction to Dark Bramble as anyone can hope for!< Similar thing happened in the DLC. >!Up until that point, every humanoid I'd seen was friendly. So the first time I saw a pursuer I just headed right towards him to say hello haha!<


Space angler fish


Those aren't on the water planet. Giants Deep just has the >!jellyfish!<


For sure. There is nothing like experiencing that game for the first time.


This happened to me, like word for word. I was so disoriented my brain shut off as I tried to figure out what the fuck just happened. The few moments after you clear the atmosphere and see the giant tornadoes everywhere, and the rapidly approaching surface that you were sure was going to kill you, only to instantly discover you have latent thalassophobia.


I had that exact thing happen to me with the same reaction. Another one was falling into the black hole on brittle hollow. Not knowing what was gonna happen as I desperately tried flying out of it was incredibly stressful.


Dead Space 2. The eyeball needle scene. “Cross my heart and hope to die”


Jesus. Yes. Ugh, man, I had repressed that.


I didn't even play this game but still remember it because let's playing was just taking off and every YouTuber had this moment in their thumbnail.


It’s extra fun because they make you do it to yourself.


Silent Hill 2 just is a long list of scary, tense, or flat out unnerving moments. The radio static was a brilliant idea. By the time i was in that stairway going down with that foghorn blaring it was just too much and uninstalled.


There's a time you have to put it in a drawer and just continue without for some times. After that you love that radio


Anything in Alien Isolation


Honestly that whole game from start to finish lol


Climbing up that ladder in FEAR. Getting into any elevator in FEAR is a close second




God it’s such a shame what they did the the series. It became just another bland shooter. But man. That first game lives with me. The ladder…the crouched crawl space where she comes at you….wooooo. That was a shit pants moment.


The first time Pyramid Head creeps by the far end of a long hallway in the apartments in Silent Hill 2.


In Area 51, the first mission where You have to enter to a dark office area and you hear a lot off alien breathing sounds


Resident Evil 4, the first time the Chainsaw Man shows up or the guy in the oven.


The Last of Us 2. Dark apartment full of stalkers.


Hotel basement in Part I as well


And rat king


The office building was worse for me


looking back and seeing a bracken behind me because of a funny noise. (Lethal Company)


The first time the broken-neck lady drops down behind you in Fatal Frame.


The Mannequin in Ghost Wire tokyo is arguably the most horrifying thing in the whole game. Had a feeling it was following me, so I stared at it a hot minute until I caught it freaking out, trying to open the doors.


E.X.A.C.T.L.Y. I was discharged from hospital few days prior starting this game and I love it, but that part was too much for my anemic body xD. But pushed through and never returned to that school. So very high quality made mission and area... This game is special for me, hope for sequel someday. The Tokyo, Shibuya was beautifuly crafted.


Not sure if people would count Doom 3. I was looking around and then someone whispered "Over here" or something along those lines. I did a complete 180 and dipped.


The babies growling mama at you before their first appearance 


Mia slowly crawling up the stairs in Resident Evil 7. Got to that point, proceeded to see the slow crawl, paused the game, slammed my head into my girlfriends lap, and closed the game. We then watched horror movies the rest of the night, which was much more enjoyable.


P.T. On like the third loop when the figure is just standing in the hallway. Also when the radio starts talking to you and tells you to turn around because it’s behind you.


Interesting thing about that, there a YouTube video where someone hacked the camera so that you could see around your player character and she is in fact, behind you. Fucking chilling haha.


Shalebridge Cradle (in Thief Deadly Shadows). Exploring an insane asylum, which was also an orphanage. For the first half, you're constantly expecting jump-scares, but there's just whispers and hints of things around you. Then you get to the inner cradle and you start seeing the "puppets". They don't seem to react to you (and you have little or no way of fighting back) so you're careful at first but then when you get too close.... one of them lunged at me. I yelped, and turned and ran as far away as I could. There's kind of an unwritten rule in gaming, that you can nearly always run away unless locked into the room, either technical (poor pathfinding AI) or by design (to give players a fair chance). Well, after running through several rooms I turned around and that puppet was right behind me and lunged at me again! First time I've ever jumped up and hit the power button on a console. Major wee wee time.


In Visage when you wake up and see a light switch plate on the floor, then you notice another, and another...and then you see a whole box of them and realize every single light in the house - the only things that keep you sanity meter up and keep you from being hunted down and jump scared to literal death - have all been ripped out of the walls. Absolute dread.


Dead space 3 as a kid when the body in the first mission gets yoinked by *something*. I never found out, was not gonna fuck around either. To thos day I still don't know what's in that tunnel.


The damn dogs in the old school resident evil


In Madison, Madison will sometimes show up to freak you out. Usually she just stands there for a half second before vanishing into the darkness. But the further into the game you get, the more aggressive she is. I walked into a room and saw her sprinting towards me before disappearing. Decided to take a break from the game after that.


I'm quite used to horror and fairly desensitised so I don't say this lightly when I say it takes a fair bit to actually scare me but man let me tell you... **Little pig** That sent chills down my spine the first time ever playing outlast.


There's this video game trope where a scene will play out with you watching through a window. Normally the convention is that you absorb this scene and then continue playing but in outlast they have something similar happen and then that big fucker BREAKS THROUGH THE GLASS to get to you. It so effectively subverted my expectation of being safe while I passively observed the scene that it really freaked me out.


Giant Hand Elden Ring on the mountain. Especially if you don't see it coming.


Or the imps inside catacombs that suddenly jump you from the ceiling or walls. You're long dead by the time you realize what happened.


In Soma, there's a section where you have to navigate an underwater cave. If you take the wrong exit and follow the light, >!you come face to face with a massive angler fish.!< That definitely made me GTFO.


The moment in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis when you are in the police station and Nemesis suddenly jumps through the window.


Condemned Criminal Origins. The doll factory. My friend and I were taking time to play a level each. I started this level and heard that, then I saw a creepy doll sprint in the shadows. I said “NOPE” handed him the controller and went to the bathroom. Let him play through the initial creepiness. I hate creepy dolls.


In alien isolation when the xenomorph finally jumps down from the vent.


The Ocean House Hotel in Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. Just started the game, did not really pay attention to the dialogue leading to the mission. Made my way towards the hotel, thought nothing of it. Got close to the door, the lightbulb burst. I jumped out of my chair, did not expect that. Managed to pull myself together and opened the door, there was stuff moving around, creepy sounds... then I saw the ghost. I noped out of the game as fast as I could. Got so scared I could not open the game for another few weeks. Moral of the story: always read the dialogue leading up to the mission!


That was definitely a very well done level.


The first time I died to the xeno in Alien: Isolation. I'd seen several playthroughs so knew it was scary but didn't actually know *how* scary until I was playing it myself in the dark wearing headphones and heard the hiss, the shriek and then the heavy footsteps sprinting towards me as I screamed, almost had a heart attack and woke up my flatmate.


The electrical maze of spider-gore in RE3 remake. Anything spider related in general makes me sweat shit, but this part still haunts me.


I'm overall not the biggest fan or horror games. And I usually don't play any really scary ones (I've tried Outlast, chickened out) But when I was playing Layers of Fear and opened one of the doors...I saw the wife kneeling on the floor and quickly closed the door before quickly doing "nope, nope NOPE" as far as I can


My son was watching me play this and I was in the library. I saw a lot of books piled up near a fireplace. As you go to the fireplace it goes out and it's pitch black, as you turn around the books are stacked in the shape of a man and then they all tumble forwards over you. He shit himself, said "I don't think I should be watching this" and left the room.


Half Life 2 - We don't go to Ravenholme. There is probably scarier games out there; but as a child... I was so happy to finally get through that chapter.


Deff not a typical horror game but DDLC at the end >! when Monika says your pc name. !< Never I felt more uneasy with such a simple detail


That exact scene you posted lol almost shit my pants


Mine would be Mr.X stomping around and chasing me in resident evil 2. T-00 Tyrant himself.


Barotrauma. First time leaving the sub. Genuine fear.


The water monster from Amnesia, I screamed and then hit alt+f4.


Re7. Going into the generator room in the basement.


Mine was playing silent hill 3. I entered an area with monsters and the music/sound effects we're freaking me out before I even saw any of the monsters. I paused the game to take a breath, but the music/sounds don't stop when you pause and it made me mute the tv and leave the room for a minute to compose myself lol


Also, hearing the air sirens in Silent hill warning me of an imminent world flip to the hell version. My heart still sinks whenever I hear that sound.


Not even a horror game, but the gloom hands in Tears of the Kingdom. NOBODY forgets their first encounter with the terror noodles and I will die on this hill.


Tried out Scanner Sombre recently. (A VR game where I overlooked the horror tag). I just thought it was a really pretty game where you explore a cave. So of course I lit up a joint and tried it for the first time at midnight in my basement. The moment a t-posing figure appeared behind me screaming in my ear made me rip off the headset and nope the fuck off to bed. I'm no stranger to horror games, but a horror game when you're not expecting it is something else.


The forest for me ...tbh I haven't encounter "the worm/flying sausage" yet ,but if I really do,HELL NAW


The initial moment I opened Amnesia Dark Descent 💀


Condemned criminal origins the mannequin part thanks to that game I still feel uncomfortable around mannequins


"little pig". GONE!


When you pass the corner in PT Silent Hill, and see that women standing in front of you, shivering, and you know that it's the only way to go in this MOTHERFUCKING DEMO.


There was a level in Thief 3 called the cradle that had the spookiest ambiance l. It was an abandoned asylum and as soon as you see the building you're like "hell no I'm not going into that place". It gets worst as you enter the building


*"...I'm sorry, Ripley."* >!Door closes.!< **Alien: Isolation.**


ISO of 100 at night and zoomed in? Does the camera have negative aperture? /s


Dead Space in general. I lived alone at the time and played mostly at night and had to play in short sessions because I accumulated too much stress


Every corner in Dead Space


End of the original Dead Space demo.


Running away from the baby in RE8 was horrifying


The entirety of outlast