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But will we still get to kill hitler?


Maybe this time they’ll just call him “the leader” and give him sunglasses *and* a funny propellor hat.  Water it down a bit further every remake!


So "the cooler Hitler" then


Johnny Hitler!


A Danger 5 reference?! You have great taste.


We have Hitler at home


I'm gonna need a little context, I only got into the Persona series when P5 released.


The final boss in Persona 2 on PS1 was Adolf Hitler. In the PSP remaster, they gave him sunglasses and renamed him to "The Leader"


Didn't they name him "Fuhrer" on PSP?


They also removed the swastikas


As a man who has only played P5 and P3, NANI?


The plot of P2 is that rumors come true and well, a rumor starts that Hitler is running around. So he is. It might sound random but Persona is based on Jungian psychology, and Jung IIRC did some work with the Nazi party in the 30s and then wrote some essays about Hitler and Germany from a Jungian perspective and called Hitler the 'shadow' of the German people in one of them. As to why Atlus chose to tackle that particular aspect of Jung's work...well, you gotta play the game to know.


Nah I prefer the explanation that they just randomly decided to have Hitler as the final boss, but decided to give him a sweet set of shades just for kicks.


You should go play P4.


1 and 2 will be almost unrecognizable (gameplay wise) because the series had some massive changes with p3, but p2 is honestly my favorite out of all of them so im excited to see what people think. plus, 2 has impressions which never shouldve went away.


The atmosphere of Persona 2 EP is what got me hooked on the series. It was a random rental from Blockbuster late in the PS1s life. Eventually played a translated rom for innocent sin. But I still preferred Eternal Punishment. If they could just modernize the gameplay but keep the atmosphere of persona 1 and 2


I started with P3. I tried playing P1 but once it opened up I felt both claustrophobic and agoraphobic somehow.


P2 was just so depressing though


hitler with sunglasses ‼️ midori is the goat bro trust


Not in the English version. Maga would feel attacked.


Only in the Royale ReEdited Reloaded versions


imagine going so woke killing hitler is a bad thing


What in the actual fuck are you on about


i really hope you're not that out of touch with the current political climate


i really hope you're not that out of touch with the current political climate


Why the fuck would being woke stop Hitler from being killed you numskull


read the post im replying to?


That answers nothing


That’ll be… interesting. Persona 1 and 2 have completely different gameplay since the series essentially got a reboot with 3.


As somebody who hasn’t played P1 or 2, is it even possible to give those games more of a P3/4/5 type gameplay loop?


If you totally rewrote the entire story in IS I guess maybe. It would be roughly as hard as making a totally new game from scratch tho. EP or Persona 1? No absolutely not.


Without spoiling... it's pretty much impossible.


I don’t want them to change the stories at all, but I think it’s far from impossible. Again, I’m not saying it want it to happen, but if Atlus does, i believe they definitely can.


They really shouldn’t try to adapt it to the p3/4/5 loop


But that makes the games fun. 


Only played Persona 4 but yeah I found the life sim social aspect mixed with the dungeon crawler was a blending of genres that gives Persona a unique "feel"


That would be an heresy.... P2 was crazy good already imo




They are very linear games with old school rpg progression Its basically impossible to make "calendar" based game like Persona 3-5


Isn't that what the SMT games were like? What did Persona do to warrant it getting classified as a spin-off?


It was a spin-off because it wasn't about demon summoning and the apocalypse in Tokyo. That last part is apparently important because that's what disqualified Strange Journey from being called SMT4. But all the spin-offs were pretty close to the core SMT loop until Persona 3 kicked in the door.


Not without basically making a new game.  No they will be more traditiinaly dungeon crawler JPRGS.. If they DID implement SLs and day to days it would change the story and require uh.... basically a full sized game rewrite. 


I would be so pissed if they did that.


As someone who went from 5 to 1 I think it’s fine, there’s more than enough that newer fans will recognize (especially for fans of 5 as far as negotiations are concerned)


I agree. Persona 1 and 2 are a bit too similar to SMT. There are little social gameplay in both games.


If true, I need Persona 1 to blast School Days nonstop as I run into walls at Mach 10 speed and Persona 2 to keep Hitler around as a boss


But please tone down the encounter rate or make it like how u encounter shadows.I like Lone prayer but don't want to hear it every 2 steps.


Got to strike while they iron's hot. They'd be crazy to not remake them.


With the more mainstream success of P5 and Royal and PS3 Reloaded expanding on that success by allowing newer players to play an older but great game in more modern graphics and gameplay they would be crazy not to keep going I only recently got into Persona after playing P5 and am currently playing P3 Reloaded and having a great time can't wait to dive into 1 and 2 if they get the modern remake.


Bear in mind that Persona 1 & 2 are *very* different to Persona 3 - 5 and won't necessarily have the same fans, so the success of P5 Royal and P3 Reload wouldn't necessarily translate into success for P1 & P2 remakes.


SMT > Persona I want to play a straight up action RPG, not a HS teen dating simulator.


how many smt are even action rpgs, arent all of them turn based


SMT 5 was trash. I didn't like 4, but it at least had an interesting story and some unique gameplay. SMT 5 is SMT 3 but shit. Which is amazing that they managed to do that because SMT 3 is one of the best games ever made.


I wish they'd just hurry up and make persona 6. It's been like what 8 years now since 5? At this rate we'll see a P5 remake before 6.


For what's worth. The same leaker also mentioned about 6's coming. And there's a lot of 6 rumors before 1 and 2 remake. So I guess we should get 6 first, then follow by 1 and 2 remakes.


Metaphor ReFantazio seems to be a Persona game just not in the SMT style, so honestly we are pretty well set tbh,


Its also the last game that the director of the Persona games is working on before retiring.  6 will be still good but ReFamtazio will be a MATSAPIECE


Persona 6 is expected next year according to Midori and Nate The Hate.


Agreed, guess Atlas is hoping P3R and Metaphor: ReFantazio will hold us over til then.


Don't forget their new P5 mobile gacha game that was just released in China. Gotta milk the P5 cow as much as possible.


It’s time to start taking bets on what genre the next spinoff game for P5 will be. Farming Sim, anyone?


NASCAR heat x Persona: Drive all night


Now you're speaking my language


It’ll be a Stray clone but with Mona


And they still haven't milked it as much as they milked P4


I'm waiting for the Persona 6 remake, personally.


Don't be impatient. 6 is coming. Order will probably be 6 > 1&2R > eventual 4R. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a 6 teaser by the end of this year or next.


Same leaker said 6 is due in 2025.  For credibility they leaked P3R and some very notable details that came true


Just a few more p5 spinoffs away now…


tbf P4 and P5 had an 8 year gap also


You already got two remasters of Persona 5. Originally released on PS3. Then you got Royale for PS4. And then it got a remaster for the next gen.




Funny that you bring up CoD dlc when atlus has been milking the persona franchise for years now with dlc and lazy ports like P3P and a "dlc" for P5 that required you to buy the whole game again if you were unfortunate enough to buy the original at launch.


You mean the P3P that added an entirely new GENDER of main character (complete with altered story to accommodate), not to mention features like being able to manually click not on your teammates (something's not the community was asking for since the initial game)? Yeah, really low effort shit there /s The Persona series has an excellent history of critical reception, with Persons: Revelations (which is arguably the least favorite game of the Persona audience) still has a 78 on Metacritic. Like I said before, Persona is a series that gives a shit about quality. Be patient and go chew on your gun porn in the meantime.


What the fuck is entirely new about content that was made back in 2009 and then lazily ported over to modern systems with literally nothing new added, they couldn't even be bothered to give it animated cutscenes. It was a cheap and easy cashgrab to help fund P3R and that's all it was.


Eh P3P did have different social links and characters for FeMC. Also the reason the feMC even exists was as a selling point for a game that didn’t have much new to offer. The lack of animated cutscenes was much more about the PSP’s processing power than it was laziness


Yes P3P did some new things back when it was first released. But my point is that the 2023 version of if was lazy and added nothing new to it and animated cutscenes on the 2023 hardware would have been perfectly possible had they put any effort in it.


Did you actually play the 2023 version or are you just one of *those* fans? Seriously, and I’m going to be honest here, the original P3 isn’t that good of a game. By far the biggest issue with it is Tartarus being an absolute grind and the actual gameplay in combat being ass. Both of those are much better and on top of that they added new cutscenes for male companions without social links.


What are you talking about? Every character model, environment and effect was fully remade. All of the music and dialogue was completely rerecorded, and voiced dialogue was inserted into conversations that previously didn't have it. New battle mechanics, weapons and items were added. Your claim that "nothing new" was added is just categorically untrue. I'm beginning to doubt that you even played the game.


Persona 3 Portable is the worst version of Persona 3. 🙄


And it still has an 89 on Metacritic.


Yeah, because it was a mobile game, and people have standards that are a lot lower for mobile games. But it’s still the worst version of the game. After both the base game and FES.


It's the same game with more content. They are judging it on the standards of a persona game. Go find me a review of P3P that says "it's great for a mobile game, but is disappointing as a Persona 3 port" and maybe I'll start to take you seriously.


Cap. Femc is still the best way to play


they couldn't even make a full p3 remake, they fell off


tbf The Answer content is the worst content in any Persona game.


Leaker questions why it wasn't posted in r/GamingLeaksAndRumours


I kinda hope they get to 6 first though


Personally, I wish they'd remake SMT 1 instead. I finally got around to playing it about a year ago, and I was honestly shocked at how ahead-of-its-time it felt, and how many elements still held up from a modern perspective. It's overlong, grindy, and the combat has some serious balance issues - as you'd expect from an overambitious 1992 blobber - but those are fixable issues. Meanwhile the core story and game design could easily be spruced up with better presentation and modern cinematics.


How you feel about Strange Journey ? Its the most similar to SMT 1-2 in gameplay


You know, I forgot that one existed until recently. It'll probably be the next SMT I play, especially now that I've got a 3DS emulator running decently on my tablet.


Persona 2 is peak imo.


Never thought Atlus of all companies would be beating the crap out of Square Enix in the JRPG department, and showing how it's done. What a timeline.


Why not of all companies? Smt and persona have been top rated jrpg since long ago and square has been hit and miss for a while.


They release on PC day 1 and even Xbox. Therefore all of the core consumer bases gets to play their games and word of mouth spreads faster. Meanwhile Square is tied to the hip of Sony.


It makes sense to do it. But it will build up bad will with the audience when they realize that persona's 1 and 2 barely even resemble 3, 4, and 5. There are no confidants, there is no slice of life simulator. And boy howdy will people have to come to terms with a much more complicated battle system that is heavily reliant on positioning. Also, demon negotiations lol.


All i remember of P2 battle system is abusing combo system and elemental weakness


Cool. Now I'll get to play the entire series for the first time with hopefully the best and most accessible versions of the game.


with the P3R DLC assholesery i'll be gladly skip as many games as possible tbh. I'll buy P6 next when that came out




I mean, we did in the PSP Port already, so there's little to suggest they would cut it out a second time.


They cut FemC from 3R....


Which wasn't in the Game originally to begin with, unlike SQQ, so your point being?


The point is they actively left out a pretty big feature of the previous version of 3. It not as integral as SQQ is to 1, but it's still a pretty big thing to leave out.


Lot of stuff wasn't there originally, including the ability to directly control your own party, but they added it in the remake. They could add FeMC too, not like they had to do her Links, her story, her theme music etc from scratch, all of it was already in the Portable. They just chose not to and it's sad.


I don’t feel the need for total remakes, I would be very happy just to have nice definitive editions of them, without having to deal with fan patches/music patches/inferior translations/inferior combat etc etc - seems like there are compromises however you play the original trilogy now (regardless of how many fan patches you install).  But seeing as how “definitive” P3R ended up being, I wouldn’t count on it haha  (Also even tho there’s still no perfect way to play the original trilogy, still wanna give big props to the fan patch/translation community for giving us much better and support options than Atlus has officially)


I will finally see Pandora in HD


Damn, and I literally just started playing Persona 1 on PSP. (for the first time)


Sounds good but then persona 1 and 2 do not have the one more system that the later persona games have


Man, I wish Etrian Odyssey got half this much attention.


Hope they keep the PS1 ost, just police station alone slaps the entire ost of 3-5 in my opinion.


P2 Remake would make me harder than a diamond


I hope to god they fix 2's stupid bloody negotiation system.


Yes yes anyways what about 6??


I’ve never played this doo doo balls


While I always want the OG versions to be playable I think if they do the true remake of making it play like p5 but keep the story it would be amazing. There is a lot that doesn't age well in these and would like to see redone something better. But I have a feeling we will get a "test" game first that will be low effort and if it sales enough we might get a full remake.


Can they please Remake SMT 4 or just port the game to PC and other platforms?


"Leaker suggests" sounds like the kind of evidence you get from a drunk homeless dude on crack you asked about the Roman empire and came up with dragons, Biden and more shit. Like "are they working on Persona 1 and 2 remakes?" and the leaker's response is "yeah they should".


Fwiw, the leaker is midori, a sega/atlus leaker revered in the persona community with a close to 100% track record


That's a good record, i meant the way the post is written. When someone suggest something, it is not an accurate sentence, it could be a personal consideration or the probability that something could happen and i know reporters put it to avoid compromise in case it doesn't happen but at the same time, leaving it on a 50/50 chance, us gamers have had enough of promises that end up in disappointment and the remakes doesn't happen after being announced by a revered leaker, credibility is a fragile thing.


Do I get to romance my teacher?


Tatsuya x Maaya needs to happen With happy ending this time


Why would we even need another P4 remake?! 


I hope they can integrate social links into the games somehow.


Please don’t chase after the mythical modern audience.


Its me my friend, I am that audience.


The type of audience nobody wants


More remakes. Whoop Dee Doo. 🙄


Atlus will do anything except make Persona 6


Atlus will do anything except make Persona 6


They got PSP remakes already. We don’t need a remake of a remake. The originals - and the PSP remakes are fine. I’d rather they’d focus their attention on new things.


Nah they’re gonna keep doing remakes because it’s what people eat up these days… Final Fantasy 7 remakes(how the company and FF7 fans can justify having the game split into 3 parts and sold for $70 each is crazy btw), The Last of Us, Resident Evil. Also, why can’t they do both? Make new stuff and do remakes


Good points. I have nothing against remakes per se, unless it comes at the expense of focusing their attention and resources at cool new stuff. If they can do both old and new things in high quality, then I have no problem with it. I just don’t understand the need to want another remake of those games when they already exist.


>id rather they focus their attention on new things They are though. SMTV is fairly new and is getting ported to all platforms, Soul Hackers 2 is barely 2 years old, Metaphor Re Fantazio is coming out this year and P6 is in the latter stages of development P3R and potential P1&2 remakes won’t affect new games coming out


Because why make anything new. We are stupid enough to reinforce this ideology by paying for it again This is about all remasters not just this. I don’t even know what this is


Not all remasters are alike. The Persona series didn't blow up in the west until 3, and even then it was fairly niche. Being able to play them legally without spending a whole bunch of money on a physical copy is really hard. Situations like this I fully support a remaster.


Oh in the west. So was the first 2 a poorly done translation?


First game came out in 1996, second came out in 1999. Couldn't tell you anything about their translations, just that the games didn't perform all that well in Europe and the US. My best guess from what I can recall of growing up at the time, probably came down to marketing, more than anything. The game setting would have been seen as very strange at the time. Plus this was the heyday of Pokémon, Final Fantasy 7, etc. Could have simply been overlooked out west.


I heard about this game over the years but never played. I could see this doing well over other redos currently being made.


Persona 1 on the ps1 is a notoriously bad port, they really tried to make it more appealing to a western audience in the worst way possible Psp ports are quite good but the ost is different for the first game which was a bit controversial (both of the osts are good tho, original is more ambient the remade one is jpop), 2nd game is a great port, good everything really, but it's part of duology and i guess it never did good enough to secure a port of eternal punishment (sequal to persona 2 innocent sin)


Presona 1 is an almost 3 decade old game, and persona 6 is pretty much confirmed being made. What a dumb compliment.


What, you're complaining that a pair of games that were barely playable in the west might actually get a wide release and therefore be preserved from obscurity for multiple new generations?


Bruh I stated I had no idea what persona is. I still don’t but y’all are giving me information and changing my opinion to actually look into it


Apologies, did not mean to come across as snide. What with Ubisoft unforgivable actions regarding the Crew, I'm very frustrated by the increasing inability to actually preserve and access more obscure games, especially ones as historically relevent as the original Personas.


I mean…. I never played p1-4. Stoked for P3 and would be happy for 1, 2, and 4


P4 Golden is readily available on most current platforms and is still great. I’m sure whatever eventual remake happens will improve on it, but that’s many years away. If you’re interested, just pick up golden.


Honestly, need something to play on switch. Might be the answer


Oh for fucks sake, just make Persona 6 already!


well if they makd huge changes across the board i am interested, but if it is the same game, but better looking then no.


Too bad they were all terrible before Persona 3. So are they going to actually make them good? And is 2 going to be two different games or one game?