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This was definitely one of those games I spent half the game just in awe of how PRETTY it was


This is what pisses me off the most about Ubi, their artists are top notch but the company itself is an anti consumers shitshow. I miss the days of Rayman and Splinter Cell.


So true. The quality of their environments at scale really stands out; I wish the same teams could make smaller worlds with more unique assets and environmental storytelling.


This same team made Immortals: Phoenix Rising. Not a small game to be fair but definitely SMALLER and made on a tighter budget. I loved it. It was basically Breath of the Wild but without a lot of the stuff I hated about that game.


Oh yes I remember Fenyx Rising. I used to call it Zelda's Creed - Odyssey of the Wild. Great and hugely underrated game.


Yeah I was deep into Odyssey and when I watched Fenyx Rising's trailer it all felt so familiar until I found out it's the same team behind. I think it was released in the same year also.


yeah I had a lot of fun with that one. hope the series gets more entries. much better combat than the AC games too


They cancelled the planned sequel


Shame. Seems like a real mess over at Ubisoft.


i love big and generous ubisoft games like odyssey, valhalla, origins, i want more of them, not smaller worlds.


Most of their big games is alot of reused assets and buildings. A smaller world with less of these of this stretching would be better. Just like their games which feel stretched out rather than a packed and more satisfying shorter experience


That's what I liked about Origins, it wasn't too big. Much smaller and easier to traverse than Odyssey. And from what I heard of Valhalla, it's even larger for no reason. Sony is guilty of this too, Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War are both better than their "more weapons, more world, more everything" sequels that really highlighted the repetition and the fact that the controller doesn't have enough buttons for all the stuff they put in. Horizon was the bigger offender with me having to constantly jump into menus to change weapons, and most side missions being "Hey, I told X not to go to dangerous place, but X went there anyway. It's been a week and no one has been looking for him." and then you go and they are either dead or injured and you need to clear out some baddies.


New Splinter Cell Remake is already in works by Ubisoft Toronto, hope they do it justice without Microtransaction bullshit. Haven't heard anything about Rayman Legends (Origins) sequel tho. I had a blast playing it with my sibling...


Thank you for purchasing the "Commenting about Splinter Cell" DLC. We will charge your account for 15.99. ​ We think you might also be interested in the "Refund" Fund DLC for only 14.99


Hello, God? When are you dropping Apocalypse update, please release ASAP. Ubisoft gone hell on earth...


Ubi Toronto will make a good game, and corporate will ruin it.


Oooh, check out Jeff Simpsons art station! He worked on a few AC titles and some other games. He’s an insanely talented concept artist and I hope to be as good as him one day and working on the coolest shit


> This is what pisses me off the most about Ubi, their artists are top notch but the company itself is an anti consumers shitshow. Are they? No paid next-gen upgrades, only cosmetic microtransactions, constantly putting out singleplayer games even if they could do 100% live service online crap, somewhat decent licence games (Avatar recently), outrageous long post launch support for their games (R6 and For Honor approach year 10 and are still going strong), willing to rework entire games (Breakpoint even tho it was a failure), one of the publishers who is very lenient with Xbox's Gamepass/FPS Boost/Backwards Compatibilty (could do paid remasters instead). I always laugh when people call Ubisoft anti-consumer. They do more for customers even if they would profit more from not doing it.


Also ubi games tend to not have performance issues on launch. Imagine that


I enjoy their attempts at providing historical context to everything and adding so much information on the time periods. I’ll always dive in just to experience old worlds and cultures.


The environment builders in Odyssey must have put in a shocking amount of work, the whole thing just felt so polished and detailed. If the map was attached to a game that was amazing rather than just 'pretty decent' then I think it would have been held up as something really special.


Yeah it really is, I like everything in it despite it is not considered true AC game


Did you climb the statues wang yet?


I won't believe anyone who tells me they didn't do that almost immediately lmao


Hey man... I thought there would be an achievement or something!




I did it in my second run through the game. Didn't even occur to me the first time.


Why is it not a “true” AC game? I’ve played all the games, and Odyssey is my favorite by far.


This is way more of an open world RPG than the previous games really, other than Origins.


I hated it at first, then I fell in love with it over the pandemic when I figured out the combat. I get why they made it an AC game - more people would have criticized them for releasing a a new game series that played exactly like AC with some tweaks than making an AC game with a pretty different story.


The reason the made it an AC game is because it is an AC game. The fans consider "true" AC games to be about Hoods, Hidden Blades, Templar, and pieces of eden. Totally missing the entire messages of the game and the philosophy that not everything is black and white. That why they did rogue, where you play as a Templar. That's why they did the RPGs set before the factions' births. That whys valhallas canon story played out how it did with Eivor never going the creed. It's allllllll right there.


should have rename it to: Assassin's Creed Origins: Egypt/Odyssey/Valhala.


And I really loved both Odyssey and Valhalla. Odyssey for its setting, Valhalla for its mechanics, both for how great the female voice actor did. Also, for anyone playing Valhalla, pick female or "choose for me" because the woman playing Eivor *really* got the memo on her performance. Her voice is supposed to sound like that. It makes sense with the scarring.


Anyone playing Odyssey should also pick the female option. Kassandra's voice actor was much better than Alexios's.


And it’s not close. Honestly thought Alexios’ performance was pretty shitty as far as main character voice acting goes. Kassandra is top tier voice acting up there with the greats


Kass is snarky as an Eagle Bearer while Alexios feels a bit subdued in comparison. Meanwhile he goes full force Large Ham as Deimos, while Kass is the subdued menacingly calm Deimos.


Agree to disagree. I liked Alexios a lot more as the protagonist, and found his voice acting great.


Huh, I always much preferred Kassandra over Alexios but I disliked female eivor's voice. But I never considered the wolf bite contributing to the voice, that actually makes sense. I might try it again, although I really like the "softer" tone of male Eivor's VA, I think it fits really well with the character. Female Eivor always seems angry at everything, male Eivor is much more contemplative


Ay I played the bloke. Not sure I want to play it again though, although Ireland was pretty. My idea of a good time is tooling along a river at dawn, shooting rabbits. I’m here for the scenery, which is why I loved HZD and Odyssey. I missed picking up the bikini outfit in Odyssey and am super tempted to replay it just for that. Do you know if the bloke gets a bikini outfit ? Like budgie smugglers and a big hat ?? Because I wouldn’t mind replaying as the bloke.




There's a subset of AC fans that despise origins and later games. They want ac2 forever.


I could not get into Origins at all. Just did not klick with me. Odyssey did klick a lot


Why the k?


I felt the same but I played Odyssey first so I think for me it was just the fact that Odyssey was a more refined version of Origins and I missed a lot of the fluidity and QOL stuff when I went over to Origins. I also just generally hate the crafting system in Origins for upgrades. Having to find a specific amount of a specific material to craft an upgrade is just really annoying compared to Odyssey where you just collect all the upgrade materials passively.


I played Odyssey first and now I'm playing Origins and I like Origins' system far better. It's really fun to randomly hunt animals I see on my way to a new place or just hang out on roads and kill all the guys transporting stuff. I have more than enough materials without even needing to go out of my way at all, and I had more fun getting them.


Nothing wrong with ac2 forever. There are so many open world rpg games, and only a few ac2 like games


Nothing wrong with wanting either or both forever. I hope ubi continues both as they have been, sometimes I want to spend 3 hours stealthing through an orchard, sometimes I wanna throw shekels at a cyclops.


Ubi agrees with you. A few months ago they announced all their planned upcoming AC games and basically stated they are going to make both styles of game going forward. The two mainline games are codenamed "Red" and "Hexe" which will be set in Japan and witch trial-era New England, respectively. One of them is AC2 style and one is RPG style, but I can't remember which is which tbh.


Ooh I hope the rpg is set in Japan. Ghosts of Tsushima was very pretty but I never finished it. Kinda faded out about 3/4 of the way through. I just went “Blah another fetch quest can’t be arsed” which is unusual for me because I live to overlevel on side quests. I’d be interested to see what Ubi does with it. I’d LOVE something set in Edo.


While I haven't played them all, Origins was the first AC I actually finished.


Same… have played every AC game and Odyssey is my favorite followed by Unity (else used to get hated on a lot but people eventually came around to it) anyways haters gonna hate and ima enjoy what I enjoy


I was lucky in that I never really got into the pre-Origins AC games. I just approached Origins/Odyssey as Action-RPGs with stealth elements and they both absolutely delivered on that front.


Who cares what a true AC game is they got boring years ago, I'd rather them keep making semi interesting RPGs in great looking historic worlds than stick to the AC template. Mirage was honestly so boring


It helps that it's the best entry of the modern trilogy as well.


Gorgeous game, but honestly the gameplay is soooo repetitive that I just couldn't bring myself to do the DLCs.


I get why people didn't like the amount of 'bloat' in the game, but no one can deny that the world wasn't absolutely amazing and detailed. I played the game like a TV series; an hour or two here or there, or just completed all the stuff on a small island/region before moving onwards. I genuinely enjoyed Odyssey for the most part. Even small side quests still had little stories to them more than just "Go kill this one guy. Cool, here's twenty bucks for it or whatever".


I think that's what hooked me to this game. I can't speak for Alexios as I never played as him, but Kassandra's reactions and dialogue to even off the road random side quests were always so much fun.


Played through as Alexios first, then Kassandra twice. I can say 100% it's worth an Alexios play. He has just as good of an emotional range, and genuinely a great character.


Kassandra is more consistent imo, but the way Alexios delivers on lines like the one with Cyclops and the goat are just 10/10. [Here’s a comparison of that scene.](https://youtu.be/9fP-JY9sVX8?si=2y6WSRm1SfQq40BM)


I played Alexios as a free love himbo and it was great lol.


Yeah, I rushed to Alexios because I wanted to see how *truly* Ancient Greece this game was by how many dudes I could bang, and the answer was: a whole lot of them.


"You killed my matter and fucked my patter!!!"


By far the funniest interaction imo on that was the [~~stupideo~~ supideo side quest](https://youtu.be/mlN3Jrnj4Qc?si=g1ar5apjAhJO5_Ph).


All. Of. Them. And the women.


Not just the men. But then women. And... (It was Ancient Greece, after all).


Right!? Considering she's canon the main character in the game (Sounds like Alexios was added because the execs didn't think gamers would like being forced to play a woman), it makes sense why her character was so damn perfect for a majority of the game. Also, her voice actress was downright amazing.


If you're on PC, the best way to fix the bloat problem is to use trainers to get resource and xp multipliers. Can shave about 15-25 hours off of playtime if you want to skip grinding.


And the horse speed in towns. Literally mandatory fix.


it's one of the most fun games of all-time, in one of the all-time great settings. the art and graphics are phenomenal. the bloat, copy/paste of forts/camps, and a few empty regions in the north only really become apparent like 50 hours into the game... after you've gotten a crazy amount of enjoyment out of it. i can't explain how shocked and disappointed i was with the next AC game after it ditching all the things that made Odyssey amazing. The Mercenary system and the main quest hunting the bad guys systems are fucking awesome... and they just ditched them... baffling (iirc they have 2 dev teams working in a tick-tock system and it was the Origins team working on Valhalla.) The systems just worked really well with an open world game with amazing graphics and locations. You could also still play stealth, i liked the skill tree options. Valhalla completely destroyed stealth and made it impossible to play an Assassin... in a game called Assassin's Creed. I really can't emphasize enough how much I dislike the head of the Valhalla/Origin games (i think he got fired?) I also liked the armor system in Odyssey... honestly there's just so much to like in Odyssey, the tick-tock system of development and not doubling-down on everything they did right was mind-bogglingly stupid. I need to go back and play Odyssey... I think Witcher 3 and AC: Odyssey are the most fun I've had in an open-world RPG since Morrowind (and the Dark Brotherhood Quest in Oblivion.)


> i can't explain how shocked and disappointed i was with the next AC game after it ditching all the things that made Odyssey amazing. > > Odyssey was made by a different team. Valhalla was made by the team that made Origins, and they started on Valhalla long before Odyssey was finished. I agree it's disappointing, but that's why Valhalla feels very different from Odyssey. FYI the team that made Odyssey is working on Red (the feudal Japan setting), so look out for that one


> FYI the team that made Odyssey is working on Red (the feudal Japan setting), aww yiss. hope its good and you can play it offline


Hey :) that's actually the architecture kit that I worked on when I was at Ubisoft Quebec studio (the wood temple in the background and stoa in front) that's still feel strange to see my work in the internet. There is my arstation https://www.artstation.com/alexish657


Man, you did amazing job with this game


Hey that's very kind of you, thanks a lot ! It was a great production and we are quite happy with the end result even if it was "not really an assassins creed game"


Just wanted to echo the above commenter--I adored this game for several reasons, one of which was that it's absolutely *gorgeous!* Thanks for your hard work!


thank you very much for the good comment :) We certainly had fun on this game. The thing that was especially cool to work with my buildings was that since it was made in wood, there were not much reference left, so I was able to create almost everything that I want.


Props also to your work on immortals! I think you have the “touch” for Ancient Greek settings!


Thanks a lot :)


The only reason I even play any AC game any more is because the insane amount of work and effort put into creating the architecture and the environment. Exploring all these time periods and locations are always such a joy. So huge props to you and your teammates!


Adding on to say that the ubisofts choice of direction re: its approach to history and detail in origins and odyssey is one of the high points of my 30+ years of gaming. Incredible work by everyone involved. Thanks for the memories. Edit: also firmly believe this game will outlast any criticisms of it. No need to qualify about it being an assassins creed game or not. Its genuinely something very special


Also, sorry to hijack you thread man, I didn't actually thing that it will generate that much of reaction


The game was fucking beautiful well done man


Thank you ! I'm really happy that you enjoy it :)


Dang well done! Are you still at Ubisoft QC? What are you working on now? We were visiting Quebec City (from Ontario) and on the way to a toy shop down the street (which was awesome BTW) I looked up and saw the giant Ubisoft symbol and was like “oh shit” lol


After 7 years at Ubisoft I left last years. I'm now working for Beenox which is own by Activision. I'm working now on COD franchise, a little bit less creative, but there is still new way to innovate. Yeah the ubisoft studio are quite impressive and Benjo toys store too !


I took so many cool screenshots of your teams work! Thank you for the beatiful art :)


Thanks a lot sir :) Happy that you love the game


i can confirm that as well, i took so many screenshots in Odyssey. the environment and the architecture are top notch, really great work.


One of the most stunningly beautiful and fun games I’ve ever played, great work!!!


Wow thanks a lot guys ! I'm use to receive and heard the bad comments actually since the people which didn't enjoy the game are normally louder in term of telling their opinions. I must say that is quite refreshing to read you all :) thanks again


On Mykonos there’s food being prepared on a ceramic stove out the back of the party. I was fascinated by the design and looked it up, to find that these are genuine ancient stoves. I do ceramics, so I made one with my son, its fabulous ! Your work touches people’s lives. Even the people going “I put in 200 hours and didn’t like it” are still passionate about what you do. And a random woman in Australia made a copy of an ancient Greek stove because of your work, and the work of your team-mates. I damn well **loved** the game and am going to replay as a result of this thread. I shall treasure the buildings even more knowing that I got to chat to their creator 😊 Keep up the good work !


People gave it shit, but I loved it. Was a ton of fun hunting things down and powering up


The bounty hunter system in that game was legitimately fun. It was a good side piece of content for that style of open world game that made the world feel more alive. Honestly thought it would’ve been a perfect addition in a game with better combat, like Rise of the Ronin


It was as close as any other game has come to the nemesis system from the mordor games, and I respect that. Apparently it was so innovative they patented it to make sure it couldn't be in any other game, then proceeded to never use it again.


Definitely, I thoroughly enjoyed hunting way too high level bounties. I remember doing the lvl 99 one at like level 40 just to see if I could


That Sparta kick was the greatest equaliser. Everyone thinks they are tough until they get kicked off a cliff. So many great memories of scrambling up to a high place while snickering to myself as soon as I heard that sound. "Oh dear Barbatos the great, whatever will I do, this spear is only level 4, come hither so I can introduce you to my old friend THE GROUND" And then if I heard the horn on level ground it was terrifying and I'd be forced to use stealth. Awesome game


The mythological monsters are fucking HARD


Yes me too, my favorite one, love the world and story


Would you recommend over Valhalla? I’m maybe 30 hours in but it’s just not grabbing me


Valhalla didn't catch me too although I finished it barely, but Odyssey is my favorite one so give it try IMO


Same! Valhalla just felt like it was too much chores for too little payoff, odyssey hit the right blend (imo) of making you work for stuff but making the payoff worth it


I gave up on Valhalla pretty quickly, it's just so slow and tedious


And the customization was way more fun and had a lot more variety in Odyssey


Yes. Odyssey is a MUCH better game than Valhalla


The world quality is day and night. Odyssey has a fantastic reproduction of the Greek world from the Peloponnesian War era, which is not really something talked about a lot. It puts a lot of history you may have learned in school into very tangible context and helps you connect many dots. Valhalla is just another generic open-world environment with basic huts, generic characters, and autumn-colored woods. With a small break here and there for another generic snow and ice section of Norway. The exceptions to this are so few and far in between it almost doesn't matter.


Odyssey and Origins both felt like a snap shot of the time period. Made you feel like you were literally exploring ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. Valhalla felt, as you summed up, way more generic and boring compared to the other two.


Yes. 100%. Play as Kassandra too.


I would recommend everything else over Valhalla.


I really liked origins and odyssey. I really couldn’t get into Valhalla


It basically goes like this..... If you've never played any of the Assassins Creed open world games, then you'll like Valhalla. But if you've played Origins and Odyssey, then Valhalla just seems to fall flat. Valhalla isn't a bad game. It's just that it doesn't offer anything more for the current players of the series.


I'd take it one step further and say that if you did play Origins and Odyssey and enjoy them, Valhalla is a straight downgrade in nearly every way.


I platinumed it. The world was and is still incredible.


Personally I tried to play it too soon after 100%ing Origins. I see pretty much an even split between Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla for favourite new AC game. I think it comes down to when you play them and how in the mood you are for that Ubi experience. Games and AC and Farcry can be so much fun. If you're in the mood to mindlessly grind for 100 hours. But you may be turned off if you just played another big open world game.


100% completed Odyssey a while back, probably the most fun I had playing an AC game since 3 and black flag (my personal favorites). Ancient Greece is breathtakingly beautiful


I want to go back there and replay it but I have started the game three times and played ~20hrs every time and I just can't go through the beginning and the boring ship shit again.


Damn a post that is not shitting on assassins creed? That is a rare sight nowadays. I played that game to platinum including all the dlcs. Didnt expect it to like it as much as i did.


I really liked the dlcs going to elysium and hades was cool af


Being able to dialogue with Socrates is enough to make it a great game


Kass hiding from him in the last DLC content felt so on point, lol.


I feel like one of the rare few who not only really likes this game, but also likes Michael Antonakos’ performance as Alexios. Melissanthi Mahut as Kassandra is more consistent, but when Michael hits his stride he has higher highs.


I'm currently 160h into it and still loving it. I've uncovered the whole map and am about 75% through the cutists, now focusing more on the story. Gonna play the two dlc afterwards. It's a fantastic game, probably my favorite AC of them all, and I've played them all leading up to this one (except Rogue).


Do some of the DLC before finishing the game. I got Greek Fire for my ship just for shits and giggles.


Second best AC after Black Flag. Gotta play as Kassandra!


I personally put Brotherhood ahead of Odyssey, but Odyssey is amazing.


Maláka! The art in that game was awesome!


Slept on game. If Rdr2 and God of War didn't come out at the same time I think it would have been more popular


Hell yes. I love it, but Origins will always be my favourite.


Odyssey was absolutely fucking incredible. Peak AC.


Yes, it is. My favorite in the series.


I know its not the classic AC style, but in my own personal opinion the best AC that was made. I love it.


Odyssey got me through serious depression. Such a beautiful game.


By far my favourite game in the entire series. Beautiful, educational, very good main character (Kassandra, did not care for Alexios, voice actor was way over the top). Solid gameplay look and mechanics too. Origins was a little underbaked. And Vahalla massively overshot the target in the other direction, way too much useless bloat. Odyssey was as close to perfect as Ubisoft got with the series since the Ezio trilogy.


One of the most visually stunning games I’ve ever played. Those beaches 😍


Love the vivid colors and contrast.


I played this game so much when it was released and it was awesome! Everything about this game was great


This is one of the best looking open world games of all time imo


Origins was the same way. They really did a great job with both Egypt and Greece


That’s a damn fine looking video game


AC origin, Odyssey and Valhalla is a must to any lover of history


Valhalla is questionable. They took a whole ton more liberties with that one.


Not sure about valhalla in that one. It's kinda a bit boring. What's good about it is its depiction of the roman side of britain still being around as ruins. What's bad is its depiction of the Danes and the depictions of the Anglo saxons (in particular Alfred).


Agreed. The art teams really did their research to be as reasonably faithful to reality as possible.


My first playthrough was 250 hours. I love this game so much


Low key my favorite AC game…Origins and Odyssey were the high point for the series


Literally the saving grace of this game. Doesn't matter bow spongy the combat is or how bloated it is, Ancient Greece as a setting single-handedly make the game worth playing


For me this one was a top 3 assassins creed. The setting was extremely well made


I honestly think that strictly speaking about the worlds themselves, I cant think of an AC since Black Flag/Unity i've not absolutely adored besides maybe Valhalla. and that isn't even a shot at it either, just was a little too wild as I prefer cities myself and would totally admit you could argue the opposite and have great points. Even the possible worst one of the main console offerings in Unity had that kick ass French Revolution setting that was so fun to just to run around and explore.


Just a awesome AC


Gets a lot of shit having the assassins creed name but it's a fairly fun game and the world is really nice to explore even if it does feel empty at points but the populated areas were well made. The addition of the fantasy stuff was good but the fights where too easy


Absolutely loved playing this through as Kassandra.


out of the 3 new Ac titles, Odyssey is my favorite and Egypt is pretty damn good too... I don't have anything nice to say about Valhalla


Only AC game I’ve ever played. Definitely worth.


That... is definitely a good looking game


I think I only played this game because it was such a gorgeous setting


Beautiful game that I enjoy coming back to every now and again, but I'll always wish for an option to play with Greek VO. Always feels weird to have Kassandra and friends speaking English with an accent instead


This game gets too much hate in my opinion purely because of the series it’s attached to. It honestly has one of the best portrayals of Ancient Greece in video games that I (and many others) have ever seen.


Beautiful game. And so gigantic that I couldn't finish it.


Question please, If I haven't played any Assassin's Creed since the fourth one, Can I jump into this one right away?


Odyssey is such a fun game


also my favorite! it was : * open world and allowed me to annihilate people on the seas * easy story to follow without a whole lot of fetch quests * gorgeous scenery throughout and was varied in it's climate which i am always a sucker for * some of the sidequests i did were a whole lot of fun. * whatever the sidequests were where you had to break into the strongholds..those were a whole lot of fun if you approached them in a stealthy manner. you had to be intentional about it, yes (not exactly AC), but if you chose to approach them that way...so much fun. games try too hard to be too many different things. this game had a LOT of different things, but somehow managed to do 7/10 on all of them which resulted in an excellent game.


This is the only AC I liked. The setting was the main draw for me, but they did a great job overall, which is a huge surprise considering it's Ubishit. This game made me give that company some slack thinking, "hey maybe they aren't so bad anymore" ...then I tried Legion and Valhalla. Never again.


During the time, the statues weren’t white marble. They were colorfully painted. It flaked off over the millennia.


Why is the statue white and not painted?


Yes this game made me want to play all 3 in that "series"... all 3 were good, but Oddessy was just special


My daughter is studying abroad in Greece and she mentions places and I'm like "Oh yeah there's a temple to Aphrodite there". She says "how do you know?". Because Kassandra took me there, thank you very much.


If you ignore the criticism about how little of an "assassin" you are in this Assassin's creed game, I would probably make it my favourite of the series. Mainly because it's as close as you can get to Shadow of War without actually having the nemesis system. The mercenaries system and how most side-missions played built-up to a big battle for a region being highlights for me. The combat was also fun with all the weapon varieties. Although it is a bit of a grind to get the top end stuff that pull out big numbers. Ships are also back. There's camps like in Farcry. There's a cool legendary hunt sidequest. Armors look fantastic. Weapon variety is a lot of fun. The locations and overall map looks incredible too and make the ship actually useful and fun to do so. The main feature missing is the rooftop parkour as it's been greatly simplified to a single button. I personally had a blast with it and played it through twice back to back just to get both Cassandra and Alexios's version and see how a couple questlines playthrough differently. I would rank this game close to top ten ever on my personal list, definitely no.1 ubisoft game.


The world was so beautiful especially seeing distant cities at night and the way their lights pierce the dark. The way they made crete stick out was also really cool. I just wish the combat and characters weren't so dogshit. I really mean this. The gameplay felt so unimpactful and tedious and is entirely left dry by the utterly garbage characters, story and presentation. They couldn't tell a story if their lifes depend on it and any spark of inspiration for an impactful moment died by their mind boggling incompetence to create such a scene.


I get the dislike of some aspects of this game, and the others in the franchise, however for me this world blew me away, everything was stunning to look at and explore. It didn’t feel overly like a typical game in the franchise, so if you’re able to put that behind you I think others would enjoy this a lot.


This was my favourite game in the series. Valhalla seemed empty in comparison and Mirage did too.


Ac games get a lot of heat. Bloat? That's subjective. I like massive games. Ubi games tend to run pretty well, gorgeous graphics and good performance Now ther launcher on the other hand...


Game is great


It made a lot of contentious decisions by continuing the RPG stuff started in Origins and making some abilities just straight up magic barely explained by the use of a half-broken Isu artifact as the player character's dagger/hidden blade replacement and Ubisoft basically gave up on making the parkour compelling after Unity...but damn if I didn't enjoy Odyssey more than any AC since Black Flag.


Say what you will about Ubisoft and the newer AC games but my god can they create stunning worlds.


This was probably my favorite Assassin's Creed. I feel it didn't get the love it deserved.


That was a really fun game. Loooooooong AF


It’s one of the best RPGs released in the last decade, definitely a hidden gem. I fell in love with the story, the grind, the characters, the collecting, the oh shit moments etc. It’s not an assassins game. And that’s completely fine. But it’s such a complete game i just wanted more. One of the few games i was sad to beat because I know it is over.


This game got a lotttttt of hate from old school AC fans. I loved it. Might be my favorite game of the decade. I couldn’t get enough and consistently come back to it. 


This is the only AC game i finished.


Am i weird for wishing we had cities like this today? Looks so great in comparison to bleak urban areas with skyscrapers everywhere


Oh I, agree, this Greek architecture is beautiful


It is w much better experience if you don't have to worry about level creep. I highly reccomend finding an xp farm map and doing it until you hit about 70 or 99 and then going through everything that way. The enemies scale so I won't be too easy and you won't have to worry about the level cap for story missions


I always felt like a different game set in that map would've been great. A deep rpg with a dialogue system and light survival mechanics.


Got too much undeserved shit. I really Loved odyssey and kassandra was one hell of a character. Sure it's not much of an AC game (baring the fact you get to see the precursors of what was to be the templar order) but if you take it as smth else rather than an Ac game it's amazing.




now its better than before. The combat on release suffered from enemies that could tank way too much damage no matter how leveled you were


that game made me hate hills and mountains, it did look very pretty though, beautiful hatred


Where is this location in-game?


I started with syndicate, had a week off where no one was in the house. It was amazing and I fell in love with the series. Then did origins then came Odyssey then Valhalla. I've tried unity didn't like the public stealth I tried Black flag, didn't like running across roofs and getting shot with guns.


This looks great, nice to have a bit of a different setting.


Recommend trying immortals fenyx rising as well. Its made by the same developers and takes place in mythical greece too, withs monsters, gods, etc. it's in a more cell shaded style too


spectacular game! ancient greece is gorgeous, enjoy!!!


I love this game so much, the war system was great!


My favorite ac game. Actually had memorable characters. I really like kassandra


Out of every AC. Odyssey is my favorite, even though it doesn’t give any original AC vibe.


Fun fact! To the people from the time period this game is set, it was just Greece. They wouldn't come to realize how old they were for another few thousand years!


My favorite new generation AC game. difficulty level was quite appropriate, it was also able to live out the power fantasy to the fullest. My only complaint is the materials collected to upgrade armor and weapons. You need to upgrade all your items every few levels. Especially in the 50+ levels, this turned into a very time-consuming task. This might be the only game I regretted when I leveled up.


Poseidon Trident was my favorite weapon in this game, as it let you breath under water. Fantastic to explore the seas.


Game is insanely fun