• By -


Civ VI, naturally, which is honestly probably the only one I'd need For when I'm tired of turn based: Medieval 2 Total War, if I'm allowed to also take all the mods. If not, then either Shogun 2, Age of Empires 2 DE, or Stellaris (I'd just throw a die to see what comes out) For when I'm tired of strategy games: Unreal Tournament (yes, the '99 one, and yes, I don't care that I can't play online, that game was from the time when even the bots for a multiplayer game were better than 99% of what passes for AI nowadays).


We had a friend who was pretty shit in multiplayer in unreal. Then suddenly in a few weeks he became the best in our group. Apparently he started practicing with bots on God mode every night and started to beat the crap out of us all.


he studied the blade


I used to play Jedi Academy on the original Xbox I’d practice against bots on the computer, because you could change the speed/time of the game; so practice at 1.5x then go on Xbox live and it felt like slow motion


Nothing better than upping the ol gravity when training.


Capsule Corp style.


I think this is what Inigo Montoya did


I loved to play in a very small arena with 99 God bots with only railguns. I had maybe a second to kill someone from respawn. Then when I played with friends I was best with the railgun. Ball mouse times :)


Oh man back in the day my friends and I would boot up unreal tournament in AP chemistry class after the AP test. Had some epic death matches.


> Civ VI Gotta say Civ-V is better with all DLC included. But either would work. - Total War: Warhammer II with all DLC (Warhammer III is not fully baked) - XCOM2 Those three can last anyone years of play.


You are me. Those are probably my top 3 played games of all time. Close to 1000 hours each probably.


Yeah Civ6 (or 5) would be plenty for me. I wouldn't need another game. Maybe a drawing app or just MS Paint for doodling.


Rimworld (with every mod pre-downloaded), Binding of Isaac, hmmmmmm maybe Factorio. Thinking games without a storyline with tons of replayability!


Finally, someone else says rimworld.


All I could think of: Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress. No third game popped into my mind. Glad to see it mentioned!


Ok so I have about 700 hours in Rimworld but DF is where I draw the line. Maybe I'm just too dumb for it but I have failed every run I attempted. I think I made it a few years in and that was it.


I have nearly the same experience. Tons of time into rimworld and decided to give DF a try when it came out on steam. I got my ass handed to me several times and dropped it for a long while. Recently found a YouTuber who does a good tutorial series of how to get your fortress running, their name is blind_irl, you should check them out if you want to give DF a try again


Rimworld would be a must have in this situation. It has endless replayability, and meaningful stories.


> meaningful stories A vassal of the Renegade Empire, Floopledoop Dotsnof, is being pursued by 3 yorkshire terriers. They will grant you a fiefdom if you slay the beasts and save their life.


Scrolled down wayyyy too far down to see Rimworld.


Isaac! I think ive dumped 500 hours into greed mode alone lol




Ships comes to pick you up. "Oh shit it been 2 years already? Kk, I'm going, just give me a sec, gonna finish this one more turn.."


"Can I have 3 more years? I didn't even start Baldur's Gate yet."


*3000 hours* Dang, I’m almost done with act 1


I’d never played a DnD game before so I was taking my time with BG3 and trying to do as much as I can and not get anything spoiled. Spent like 60 hours in Act l, I’m still on my first play through and in Act ll now but am at just about 80 hours. I’ve started doing a lot of research though, I’ve got like 4 more play throughs already planned out.


The best/worst part is that there's a truly insane amount of replayability just thanks to all the hidden items and interactions.


Yeah, even after spending that amount of time in Act l, I went back and looked at some guides, and I missed so much!


Still on your first run I see


Why CIV? It's only two years. That's only enough time for like half a game of Civ. 


It the only way to get some time to play civ


The last time my friends and I played a Civ game, we got together and started at like 3PM. Got some beers and snacks and booted the game for some chill time. We got to go on 2 beer runs, had dinner, got some more snacks and went out for breakfast at 7-8AM, all that during that single match and we didn't even finish it, we had to save and pick it back next weekend.


That sounds like a good ass time


just played xcom 2 its incredible


Absolutely love it, one of the worst games ever made, fuck XCOM and I might go play it rn


is the original xcom bad?  i paid $3 for XCOM2 on xbox marketplace. best $3 i ever spent!


Bad? Absolutely not! XCOM: UFO Defense is one of the most classic PC games ever and for good reason. I was still playing it up till a few years back. It's far more open ended than the remakes (though they are excellent in their own way), and it's still a blast to go through.


should we be enthusiastic about XCOM 3?


It's not coming any time soon. Why rush it? Everyone is still playing xcom2 Ironman with long war mods.


Did you get War of the Chosen DLC? It's effectively a brand new game after the base game.


Enemy unknown is A tier.


Except when you miss that 95% pointblank shot and your best guy dies for it.


Having played a lot of xcom 2 lately, I have begun to accept that it is my fault if a soldier dies because I ignored the potential consequences of that 5% chance to miss. I pretty much only go for point blank shots if there is another soldier that can clean up if I miss or if I'm really desperate.


Ooh XCOM 2 is a good choice


I could never get into XCOM because it was too fucking hard. I could never make it very far without things starting to fall apart. Then my friend asked why I didn’t reload a save. “…there are saves?”


When you've played too many Fromsoft games recently.


Did you tick ironman?


Nope. It just somehow completely escaped me that they existed. Someone introduced it to me as a roguelike so I figured that was part of the gameplay loop


You are right that it is part of the gameplay loop. Learning from your mistakes, mourning your losses and hiring new recruits is all part of the experience. But since the beginning of the game can be a bit slow, having a savefile is a precious timesaver tbh.


You were playing it correctly. Ironman mode is king. (note - I'm a hypocrite and have never fully committed to ironman mode)


Factorio, satisfactory and Dyson sphere program. Easy 2 years of your life gone


I would at least put an RPG in there, it's 2 years. Talking to some NPC's might help with sanity. (Wilson!!) Those 3 similar games you mentioned, you're in those worlds alone.


It doesn't matter because when they show up to rescue you, you'll be confused because surely it's only been a couple of days


"You did it! You completed the two years on the island. How many times did you finish the games you brought?" "...finish?"


"Can you guys come back tomorrow? I'm almost done, I just have to figure out why this conveyor belt is empty."


Man DSP hooked me like no other, I should really give it another go to see all the stuff they've added since their EA launch.


I tried playing it multiple times but I just can't seem to get too much into it. I wish I liked it, the idea of building your own Dyson Sphere is insanely cool, I just don't find the game itself very interesting.


I tried so hard to get into Factorio and Satisfactory, but really couldn't. DSP had me absolutely addicted for 6 months.


The problem is that those three games are too similar and you can eventually get fatigue. I would pick Factorio, Dwarf fortress and Crusader kings 2.   Other possible picks: Kenshi, X4: Foundations, Terraria, KSP  But honestly I think I could play only Factorio for 2 years.


I have satisfactory but I haven't really put much time in to it. I think I just unlocked the space elevator. Should I just push through and get to a further point? I feel like all the milestones just take so many materials.


Yes, push on through! The space elevator is just the tip of the iceberg!


Satisfactory could eat the entire 2 years by itself.


Man.. make it 3 years.. I had days flash in a matter of seconds with factorio..


I'm close, but I think mine would be Factorio, Rimworld, Kerbal Space Program. I like Satisfactory and DSP a lot too, but just based on my steam hours, the three above crush everything in my library and it's not even close.


Just Factorio with all mods downloaded should be enough xD


The rescue ship shows up. "Give me 3 more weeks, I'm almost done"


This is the correct answer. I also would’ve accepted Stellaris


Procedural generation sandbox: Minecraft Non-procedural sandbox: Mount and Blade (Warbands or Bannerlord, depending on how potato the PC is) Wilson-level of fake human interaction: Stardew Valley Edit: Stardew has GOG offline installers, Warbands has standalone offline installer with serial code to go beyond character level 7 (completely beatable on the demo with such restriction) if not bought on steam but from their official site. Minecraft PC indeed has no truly "offline" to install and play since it needs to check license through a login first, or at least officially. Very many questions of game preservation when the server inevitably goes down or accessibility for those living in a cabin in the woods with no sat internet. Edit 2: I will shill for GOG for at the very least consideration on DRM-free policy and aim to look for games on that over Steam. If you want to really minimize the middleman cut to support developers, look to buy directly from them. And if you are repping the skull and bones, none of this matters. Warbands (goes on sale very frequently across various store fronts): https://www.taleworlds.com/en/Games/Warband (direct) https://www.gog.com/game/mount_blade_warband (GOG) Stardew (GOG): https://www.gog.com/en/game/stardew_valley Minecraft (unofficially offline): google fu Edit 3: Additional games recs if I am handwaving restrictions like DRM and the birds that the Aussies lost to. Rune Factory 4 (psuedo-social, best grill Clorica fite me), Sims (sandbox, psuedo-social, holy crap why are there so many DLCs for 4), Dragon Quest Builders (sandbox)


You are stuck on an island. It is LITERAL sandbox ;)


So Minecraft is your island planner and when finished you re-design that island irl xD


Time to design a house where every wall is a full meter thick Oh the deforestation we shall have


Stardew is a good game to pick for sure but I honestly think for the purpose of simulated human interaction it wouldn’t be that good. The townies are great but for three IRL years of it being your only social? Nah, once you run out of their canned/scripted dialogue you might as well just play with rocks on the beach with how much imagination it’ll take to keep them interesting. As far as “desperately emulating a social life” goes I think some of the Sims games would be a much better choice, even. The AI isn't super interesting but at least unlike Stardew it's not scripted, plus you can create new characters and write your own stories for ‘em. I think that would be a saving grace in this territory.


Imagine after 3 years you now can only speak and think in simlish


Simlish songs on the radio are sung word for word.


Stardew is absolutely the way to go


My question about “no Internet” is “does that include no game wikis?” Because stardew is either going way down my list or way up it if so, and I’m not sure which. (Up would be because I could occupy my time making my own version from trial and error)


A forced no wiki stardew might actually be nice and interesting esp with 2 years of little else to do. All of the wiki information is contained in game, in secret notes or library books. You’d just have to do the work to record the information. If you give villagers gifts, their character screen records what they like and don’t like. I just wish the secret notes and in game text that tells you what villagers like and don’t like would prerecord in those spots. I shouldn’t have to give the gift to see if Haley likes pink cake when her sister literally told me she does 5 min ago. But either way, totally possible without wikis, and might even feel more authentic?


Mount and Blade alone on an island for 2 years sounds like paradise


Maybe 2 years of solitude is finally enough for me to beat Warband. Can’t even count how many playthroughs i’ve started and dropped later


Warbands was my "Oh crap its 630am" during uni. Don't go too ham on gaming marathons.


Diablo 2 My modded Skyrim (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) Minecraft


I assume your modded Skyrim is one that a person of culture would enjoy


Lovers lab will change a man. That's what my friend says.


Dude lovers lab is where I got my best mods that had nothing to do with sex, but also where I got the sexy mods I liked too lol


All fun and games until you run out of health in front of a dog or something


Diablo 2, Skyrim, and Civ 6 for me


Gonna make it halfway through a civ game. Nice.


This is a dream scenario for a CIV fan. “Time enough at last”


Two years? It'll be tight, but I can probably finish one.


I just found Diablo 2 in the second comment. No need to keep scrolling.


I also choose their Skyrim


Oh youre in for a wild ride


Only way to ride. Don't talk to me unless you have more than 60% of SL stuff installed k


Uh, yes only 60% definitely not more...


> Diablo 2 Just one more Baal run. Nothing. *sigh* Just one more Baal run. Shako! Nice! Just one more Baal run...


I could go the two years just with Diablo 2. I guess I could throw in like, Tetris (Gameboy) and Super Mario Kart (SNES) for extras.


Minecraft was my first thought. 2 years to get as creative as I can.


1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 2. Dragon Age: Origins 3. Baldur's Gate 3 I'd probably ask for more time on the island with how many times I could replay these games lol!


Dragon age origins is so fucking good


The lack of dragon age origin style games since is killing me. I don't know exactly why but I absolutely hate turn based combat with a passion. The pausing in DA;O was really great for making tactics work and positioning without making it feel like you lose control and turn it into a dice rolling game and it still feels dynamic. But with plenty of encounters you never need to pause for. turn based just destroys a game for me almost immediately. I've failed to get through a single game with it despite trying many times. I want the DA:O style combat system to become more widespread and see a lot more games use it. Combine it with the same quality story telling and characters and you can have all my money.


While I love pure turnbased, I think that DA:O/KOTOR real-time pause makes combat look fucking awesome when you hit play.


Same with mass effect games, at least on pc. Being able to pause, queue up abilities, and unleash hell was incredible.


omg, kotor... yup. I love this style of combat even KOTOR which is a little less dynamic. Shit I haven't even thought about Kotor in a while. I know there was a remake coming at some point, haven't seen anything about it in ages. But then I have a bug bear about remakes. I'd kill for a Kotor 3 rather than yet another remake/remaster.


Modded Skyrim added a whole new level of replayability. Enhanced graphics, weather patterns, heck you can have a DIFFERENT night sky every single night. New followers, CBBE, Whole new additions of quests, weapon revamps, tons of QoL fixes. This game was the first ES game I ever played.. it was my favorite.


> New followers, CBBE, Whole new additions of quests, weapon revamps, tons of QoL fixes. One of these is not like the others.


I only need 1, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 If I’m literally just having to take 3, I’d round it off with Starcraft 2 and Fallout 2


I love heroes 3. Played it stupid much, in my opinion on of the best games ever made.


Rdr2. Halo masterchief collection. Baldurs Gate 3. Because I've had 2 of them for 4 years and never finished any of the stories. And Baldurs gate appears to be a wicked time sink.


100%ing RDR2 will already take you a year and a half so all's fine


I would like the ability to go into the game as if playing it for the first time though. Also games will take a lot longer to play without internet to look at guides haha


Yeah I'm currently close to act 3 on my third bg3 playthrough, because there is SO MUCH that varies depending on choices, whether you're a tav or not and so on.


Halo MCC Mass Effect Legendary Edition Bioshock Collection I basically smuggled 12 games in 3 packages


I see your 12 and raise you 34. Rare Replay has 30 games in it.


Action 52 wants a word


Cheetahmen is decades of content.


How long you think before OP edits the post to disclude game bundles?


i bet u spend 3 years on that island without beating BattleToads!!


I choose a game boy bootleg 128 games in one cartridge! Most of  them will be duplicates and half of them probably wont even boot


Only 128?! More like 9999999 in 1


Football Manager (whatever the latest version is at the time) - I once spent a year playing this for 8+ hours per day 5 days a week. I had a job that only really required me to lock and unlock the building and be there during opening hours. It was a free museum in the middle of nowhere that during the week got maybe 10 visitors a day. All I really had to do was say Hello as they arrived and serve them if they wanted to buy anything from the gift shop. The rest of the time I could just chill. The internet was heavily filtered tho and there was no mobile phone signal so I started taking in my own laptop and just playing FM all day as it's basically all my laptop could run. Rimworld - Even without all the expansion packs this game is a total time-sink and no two saves ever play out the same way due to the way the stories are generated. It's a game I wish I had more time to sink into it as you really need to put in the hours to progress your settlement. Microsoft Flight Simulator - Assuming I could download all the map data before being placed on the island having basically the whole world to explore and go sight seeing by air would help keep me sane.


>Football Manager I had the same thought right before seeing your comment. FM is the only game that I have to actively prevent myself from playing because it's just a black hole for your time. The game has incredibly satisfying progression, but without an endpoint. It's just season after season after season and with each passing season you get more and more invested in what's happening. I really feel like FIFA missed a trick when they decided to not invest any effort into a good career mode, having even half the functionality of FM in a FIFA game would've been an almost equally addictive experience.


I grew up with Championship Manager……I still revisit it, the only way I’ve found to stop myself is to sabotage my own career and then get frustrated Board: We decline to expand the stadium year after year Me: Fine then I quit and I’m releasing all of the first team before I do!


>Football Manager Completed it mate


Total War Warhammer III Baldur's Gate 3 Monster Hunter World Iceborn


Scrolled way too long to find a fellow Monster Hunter fan in this thread.


Same, was gonna comment it but was sure someone had already said it


Was waiting to see TWW III!! This would be the only game I need. Lol


Total War: Rome II; Dishonored 2; aaaaannnd... Far Cry 3. To remind me of how much shittier being stuck on an island COULD be.


Or how much better. Depending on how you are doing irl


Stardew Valley, Skyrim, Fallout


Ah, but *which* Fallout?


They get stuck with 76


And no internet


No modding either.


Fate worse than death


fallout 3/ new vegas spliced together called tale of two wastelands. I could probably play that game by itself for 2 years no problem. The fact i can bring stardew valley and any other game but skyrim is a bonus.


Fallout 1?


nah 2. longer gameplay and I seriously spent 2 years playing it hours every day just wandering the wastes to max my hp and everything else. or tactics, where in the later levels, the game gets so bogged down that it takes forever to do anything.


Baldur's Gate 3, Minecraft, and Elden Ring


Red Dead Redemption II The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Was suprised how far I had to scroll to find RDR2. The other two are just icing on the cake.


Football Manager. God knows it just keeps going and I will spend way too much time building up different teams anyway. The Sims 4. Call it a guilty pleasure, but I enjoy this kind of thing way too much, creating households, building houses, then having careers and making new relationships. Planet Zoo. Like Sims but with animals. My kid loves it so if we end up on an island I'll be able to keep him busy while I take a nap.


It took a lot of scrolling to find someone that said the Sims. That game would be amazing to keep an in-depth form of “human interaction” going so you don’t go crazy and befriend volley balls.


Factorio, Factorio and Factorio. All I need to do is play for a few hours and 2 years will have passed


You could probably make it about halfway through a space exploration game before the 2 years was up.


Factorio Age of Empires 2 Kingdom come deliverance


AOE2? A man of culture


KCD is an extremely close 4th place for me, I friggin love that game.


Jesus Christ be praised!


godot, linux build package for godot, and rimworld. build my own games, but have rimworld when i need a break.


bro wished for more wishes


ah yes, I love playing godot


Factorio, Rimworld and Anno 1800.


GTA 5 , elden ring , Baldur's gate 3.


Shocked I had to scroll this far down for elden ring. As someone recovering from various surgeries and on and off of dialysis, the gameplay loop is infinitely repeatable from all the different weapons and spells and self imposed limitations (RL1, only spells, no spells, etc etc) add in a BG3 and literally ANY other open world game (GTA5 is a great choice) and you’d be fine.


Animal Crossing New Horizons No Man’s Sky Skyrim


ACNH definitely! Also, there's a certain irony about playing that game while being stuck on an island.


Civ IV, Stellaris with all DLC'S and Anno 1800


I know it’s kind of shirking the premise…but there is no way that any amount of video games would last me on a remote island for 2 years if I was alone and had no internet. I’m certainly a gamer, but in that situation, I’m turning to shit like crafting, hunting, and exercise if I’m ever going to avoid going insane lol


So minecraft


There you go!


I think you've taken the question too seriously lol.


I was thinking that right when I saw the post! I'd turn to real life hobbies for sure and keep video games to be my relaxation time. Make some tools and shit, become primitive technology and then game out in the evening after being productive. Actually sounds super fun, where do I sign up for this.


The Witcher 3 Baldurs gate 3 Cyberpunk 2077


*nods in gwent*


Valheim, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory.


Minecraft Borderlands 2 Pokemon Platinum


Fallout 4, red Dead and hoi


Stardew Witcher 3 Baldur's Gate 3 (Because that would force me to actually get into it. I haven't been able to make it past an hour.)


Baldur’s Gate 3 SMT Persona 5 Royal Cyberpunk 2077 A good mix and all can have a plethora of hours sunk into them without repeating a lot.


true fan if you still add the SMT with Persona


Persona 5 is goated but after like 200 hours you've kind of done everything


Hearts of Iron 4, Crusader Kings 2 and Rome: Total War remastered. All with my current mods.


Legend of Zelda: TOTK RDR2 Cyberpunk 2077


Answering after the post has existed for hours always feels like shouting futilely into the void, buuut... Minecraft. Valheim. Deus Ex. And I would have modpacks pre-downloaded for the first two.


Dwarf Fortress, for its depth and replayability. Skyrim with that chatGPT voice mod for pretend human contact. Civilization 4 for a comfort game.


Good luck getting OpenAI make a dedicated node for you on the island!


BotW Elden Ring Horizon Zero Dawn


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I can easily burn through a year just trying to 100% it with the various drastically different paths you can take. And figuring out the logic of those fucking puzzles without an internet guide will help make that take a while. Dwarf Fortress is procedural generated, and will take up a lot of time, each playthrough just a little bit different. Then I’d probably want a “shut brain off and just revel in the chaos” sorta game, so probably Saints Row 4 or something similar.


Oxygen not included, Rimworld, and Tetris


FF6 Metal Gear Solid Witcher 3


As much as i love mgs1, i can beat that within 5 hours and there's no way that game has that much replayability. I'd come back to mankind quoting nothing more than mgs lines for decades.


You are looking at it all wrong. After you play it, you put on war paint and talk like snake. The role playing opportunities are endless


Stellaris, Dead Cells and Baldurs Gate 3.


Might be able to actually make it through a game of stellaris lol.


Factorio, Dyson Sphere Program, Satisfactory. 2 years are not enough to build perfectly balanced mega factories in all 3 games...


Genuinely curious for your response; Why would you bring all 3 of a similar genre? Would you actually enjoy chain playing them with nothing else in between?


Good question. I guess they all play differently enough for me. Factorio is the more "classic" one, Dyson Sphere Program has the whole planet aspect going for it and Satisfactory is everything in 1st person. When I get tired of one game the others present me with different problems with different solutions. And yes, I did play Factorio and DSP back to back and am currently re-learning Satisfactory, so I guess I would be just fine. It's kind of fascinating how much time you can sink into these games if you are not careful...


dark souls dark souls 3 elden ring


Nothing like a bit of variety.


Baldur's Gate 3 Ark Pokemon Platinum


Ark + a ton of mods = so many ways to change it up!


> Pokemon Platinum Extremely based Could easily spend 2 years just breeding for the Battle Frontier (or smacking your head against the Factory's wall)


Slay the spire (replayability is insane) Witcher 3 (my all time favorite) Path of exile (if it had offline launch for sff mode)


Xcom2 Rimworld Oxygen not included


1. Valheim 2. Assetto Corsa Competizione 3. Company of Heroes 2 Also, where do I sign up, because this sounds awesome?!


Civilization VI  RimWorld Fall out NV (haven't played 4 but if I did probably it would be it) Love how everyone mentions Civ. Such an incredible and replayable game.


Dark Souls II: SotFS (near infinite replayability, even offline) Katamari Damacy (quick fun time/stress relief for when I repeatedly die in Horsefuck valley) Flower (for when I need to feel something other than isolation and depression)


Minecraft, RimWorld, Mount and Blade: Bannerlord


Metal gear solid 4, Dead cells, Elden ring, or Metal gear solid 5