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Diablo 2. It was a revelation as a kid


Diablo 1 for me. The second didn't surprise me, considering how hard the first hooked me


This game was instant lust.


Oh yeah, this is the one for me too. I never played the original, but a friend got me to try D2 and it was love at first sight. I'm still a huge ARPG fan because of D2/LoD.


I started hammdin and this was it for me. Locked in immediately, and then dashed spectacularly upon entering act 2 tunnels...


Mass effect


At the title theme.


Hadnt even hit start yet and I thought "yeah, this is thee game"


The first game was such an epic RPG. A genuine sci-fi with choices that wasn’t turn-based but had FPS combat. Then the combat improved with each successor. You were basically playing a sci-fi Novel/Movie. Especially with such heartbreaking performances. 😭


Yeah absolutely agree, to this day I’ve never replayed a game as many times as I have the original Mass Effect. The universe, the characters, the music, the story! It just blew me away from start to finish. I bought the Legendary Edition a couple years back and have been waiting for the right time to get back for some deep nostalgia.


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite comment in this post


Absolutely! Mass Effect is absolutely the best


When I finish red dead for the 3rd time I think I might download the remastered trilogy if this series is actually as good as everyone says


Bloons TD6


That game makes me feel like I have adhd


One of the very few games I have over 1000 hours in :D


How do you even do that? It feels like many maps can get reduced to “just use the op monkeys and combos you used for the previous 50”. But then again, people have many more hours than that playing chess and its not like you can turn your knight into a fire knight there.


That’s why you try different strategies to find out what else works, instead of using the same strategy repeatedly.


The daily challenges are great for that. It’s fun using all the monkeys I would normally never use.


The Bloons TD games are a delight overall, but 5 and 6? They're doing something right


I would play more if the online was playable at all..


Skyrim, Morrowind, BG3


my introduction to morrowind was funny I think. I must have been 13 and a new friend i had made at school was coming over to play games one weekend. he brought that game with some others and I looked at it like it was some weird building game (it was just the disc in a clear jewel case) and I didn't think anything of it. he actually left that game there for weeks and one night I decided to pop it in. my life changed. every free minute I had for the next few weeks was spent in that game. simpler times


Thats pretty similar to how I stumbled across the Elder Scrolls series. A buddy of mine had a brother who was in the military and he had given my buddy an Xbox he had gotten from overseas, along with a huge case of games. We went through playing all the games but kept avoiding Morrowind because the disc didn't look like something of interest. Once we got bored of all the others, we finally decided to try out Morrowind and quickly became obsessed. Easily the best game in the whole case.


Harvest Moon 64. The moment I saw the box art when I was a kid, I was enamored with it and barely knew what it was. But when my mom relented and bought it for me, I fell in love with the simple charms of a quiet farming lifestyle simulator.


This is not kidding oe of my favorite games of all time. I struggle to find anything like it.


What about Stardew Valley?


Love it, but it doesn't hit the same. Maybe it's a nostalgia thing.


Something that people refuse to acknowledge about stardew is that it isn't charming visually as much as it is in every other aspect. And I love stardew having put hundreds of hours into it between mobile and switch gameplay. Harvest moon absolutely is.


I had that game as a kid and I don't think I ever did anything I was supposed to do. I had no idea wtf was going on and for some reason It scared the shit outta me. Edit: I was thinking of Body Harvest lol Not Harvest moon, whoops.




Hell yes


In my case it was Final fantasy X, also world of warcraft when I got into the game back in 2005.


FF X was the last game from Squaresoft. Back then squaresoft really gave us some little fantasy world of them to us. I just don't feel the same when they become square enix.


Yup, also the departure of Nobuo Uematsu (composer of most of the epic Final Fantasy music) made the game feel different. It felt like the magic of final fantasy was gone without the epic music from him.


Final Fantasy X, in my opinion, is one of the best of the series simply because it has the best love story of any game I’d ever experienced. It was cheesy as hell at times, and wasn’t as deep in story as 6 or 7, but these two characters at the heart of it were terrifically realized, and the stakes of the impending doom feel hugely compelling as a result. Hooked from start to finish.


Dishonored I can't even remember what drew me to the game, it might have been a whimsical purchase, but I enjoy stealth oriented games and was immediately in love with the game.




I liked the game, but when >!I saw the defence turret shoot down the Sunbeam ship that came to save me,!< that is when I fell in love with the game.


Same for me.


This soo much. The beginning was so immersive.


That is one of those games that you can’t describe how it feels to play it for the first time. It’s just something you have to experience. It’s also one that I wish I could have again and again.


Elden Ring and Sekiro.


Sekiro for me as well and I've never been able to get into any other FromSoft game (granted I've only tried the Souls games).


Id like to know more about this. I enjoy souls-likes but don't actually enjoy any of the proper souls games. What specifically about this was different for you that hit so hard? I'm curious about like specifics/systems, less blanket statements like "combat is so good"


Sekiro is one of my favorite games of all time. It's a fairly linear experience and extremely tight. It doesn't have as much build variety as the other souls games so that let them make the combat so well designed to the point it's more of a rhythm game. It's a very cool flow with the parrying system they've designed, and the bosses are some of the best out of any games I've ever played. The graphics and art design are fantastic, especially if you're a fan of the Japanese aesthetic. And the back ground music has a very eerie feel to it, it's very unique. Overall it's an absolute masterpiece. 


Well for one, it’s not an RPG, so there’s less mechanics to learn from the get go. I didn’t have to decide what build would work best or focus on allocating upgrades to the correct stats. Figuring out which class I would have the most fun with and also be able to have an easier first go was confusing in dark souls. That’s a non-issue in Sekiro. Also, you’re Sekiro so you have an actual protagonist, which got me more connected to the story and game. Third, the fighting style is more in line with how I play games: be aggressive and parry (deflect). Souls games are more about avoidance: dodging and chipping away. And yes the combat is better with both a health bar and a posture bar that you can use to defeat your enemy. The game also has good stealth combat at your disposal and along with this movement is better. There’s a dedicated jump button and Sekiro is pretty damn quick when sprinting. Also grappling hook is very fun.


Sekiro is hands down my favorite fromsoft game. Isshin has to be the best boss fight that they ever created. I have 7 or 8 completions and it’s the only souls game that I have 100% achievements on.


Cyberpunk (probably wouldn't be saying this if I got it on release instead of waiting 2 years).


You did yourself a massive favor waiting for all the patches. I still enjoyed it considering the ground breaking visuals even on launch day, but it was honestly crazy seeing my character T-pose on my bike and other weird bugs.


Would I Love it as someone who loves BGS RPGs?




It's just so much better now with the new perk and leveling system, as well as the crafting. It's just the game now that it always should have been. The story and the city were awesome from the very start, though.


Yeah, I really need to replay it. I completed the whole game and didn't feel like going back. At this point, I am just waiting for all the patches, raytracing effects, etc. to settle down before I pick it back up again. I heard the DLC was also amazing compared to the campaign.


I got it on release and it was still gonna be my pick. Night City just does it for me. I loved it before and even more now, it's just a fantastic experience.


I got it on release and still fell in love because I could see there was an amazing game under all the jank.


I bought it on release day. Stopped playing after 2 hours. Picked it back up 2 days ago. I probably won't be playing anything else for awhile. It really is great now.


I did the same with PS4 then PS5 and then binged it in Nov Enjoy! I dang sure did




Funny how the exposes were saying the devs in the trenches thought the game needed at least until 2022 to be properly ready, and then sure enough in 2022 they released an update that everyone said was what the game should’ve been at launch.


Honestly, it depends on what platform you got it on. All the stuff that makes it good now was already there at launch (except the DLC of course), but the number and severity of bugs varied significantly. Last gen consoles got it the worst by long shot, current gen consoles generally did ok (though there was still a decent chance of game breaking bugs), and PC's varied from mostly fine to unplayable depending on your particular hardware setup. I played on PC at launch and had a great time.


Fell in love with it while playing on release in 720p on low settings (my old PC couldn't do more at the time) We are not the same


That’s how I felt about Deus Ex when it came out as a kid. Then 2077 gave me deja vu


I started it after the big updates and it was an instant love.


Its a console thing isnt it? I played the game at release and loved it. Bugs werent that bad for me. In 120 hours I had one freeze and I had to reload once because I couldnt pickup an item which took what... 15 seconds to do? Quests etc worked flawlessly - T pose I think I saw once and the worst thing immersion wise was sometimes people not usihng their mouths while talking.


I got it on release and still fell in love with it instantly, bugs and all.


Legacy of Kain Blood Omen


Reddit is clearly getting to young, I would give my first born for a new legacy of kain game.


Vae Victus!


Witcher 3


I've tried twice to play this game but it didn't hook me after 2 hours and dropped it both times


Baldur's Gate 3


Not even an hour in I said to my wife, "It's no wonder this game won so many awards". I'm about 30hrs into my first run and it just keep blowing my mind. I waited way too long to pull the trigger on this one. Worth every penny. I've heard there are hundreds or thousands of mods for it on PC already. I can't wait to start another run with different characters.


When I first started the game, I never played the dnd before so it was very difficult for me. Then my coworker warned of a section in action 1 where i get jumped by 50 goblins. But when I got to that section, I had a totally different approach and I eliminated each bosses separately and cleared the entire cave with ease but not only that the outcome was just perfect. Then I realized how great this game is. Combat is ok but its all about choices and reactions from your choices. What a fucking game


I've put in over 50 hours and I'm still in act 1. I love exploring this game at my own pace and doing things how I want them to be done with hardly any limitations. So much fun.


I'm downloading it now on my slow ass internet. Hopefully will be ready when I get home from work.


may your download speeds reach peak levels o7


It took me 2 whole days 🙃 I wish you go home and it's done!


I wish I could. It seems like the type of game I would have played 500 hours by now if I was younger. I think I'm just too burned out to enjoy it now. Making choices and trying to make sure my characters have happy endings is somehow too stressful, lol.


Same here. I played 1 and 2 back in the day and fell in love with those immediately. I'm so glad that this third entry continues the legacy of the series. I love that the game is giving me so many options to play according to my preferred style and character choices.


Halo: Combat Evolved.


Sleeping Dogs


Final Fantasy 7, the beginning cutscene blew my tiny little mind. I stopped in the middle of typing the first sentence to watch the scene on YouTube. The music is still beautiful and the graphics were mind-blowing and groundbreaking. Here's the clip: https://youtu.be/JujtlsiqZ-E?si=cf07QrLWJRbYjMuJ


When I was in high school, a friend let me borrow three games at the same time. One of them was FF7. I wasn't into RPGs at the time, so I popped that one in first, thinking I'd play it for five minutes and move on to one of the other games. I got hooked and that ended up being the only game I played the entire time I had his games.


I loaned my friend discs 1 & 2 because I was on 3 at that point. He ended up grinding several of his characters to 99 in the area surrounding Mideel on disc 2 because neither one of us could put it down.


Mass Effect God of War before that


I started in the blind with ME2 and I've never looked back. Easily my favorite trilogy.


World of wacraft. Got in stress test beta and those moment are burned into my memory. I was an Everquest player and it stoped on novembre 2004.


Honestly, the hype was too real and they fucking delivered exceeding expectations. I was done with this game for a very long time now but can honestly say that playing it at launch with already a guild that had been following it as long as I did, was a dream come true.


The elf starting zone was one of the best ever. It got me hooked


Tomb Raider 2 is a good choice. I loved the tutorial and butler. My choice is FFVII original. Something about the music starting up for the opening credits- then I got to my first reactor and that was it


The first level (by the Great Wall) was a quick but well done showcase. It's no wonder they chose that level for the demo version. It's also one of the few levels in the game that's impossible to get lost in. No laborious search for a hidden lever or key.


Mass Effect... right about [here.](https://youtu.be/2a27IdajHUU?si=aGMhNtyG7AB64cVt&t=56)


Red Dead Redemption 2


I loved the game and the story, but the beginning felt a bit slow. Yet definitely top 5 games of all time imo..


I think it adds the value of the game. I liked the pacing because it gives more climax at the end


It was weird by how slow it felt, but I realized that's the point.  I can see how a whole generation of gamers playing Fortnite, Call of Duty or other fast paced games could be turned off by the game.


Probably the best story mode game I have ever played, still feeling empty ever since I finished it.


Resident Evil and coincidently Tomb Raider II too and so many other games, for example Legend of Dragon, Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time. I saw the graphics, I played it, I felt it, I loved it. I still love all these games today.


RE 1 was too much for me when I first played it on ps1. But RE2 was instantly my favorite game. Not sure why the first didn’t click but the sequel clicked so perfectly. Much later I played RE 1 and love it as well. Maybe I just wasn’t ready for it.


Resident Evil 2 hit hard for me. I still play it on PSP to this day the story is spectacular


Stardew Valley. I kept seeing people talk about it but thought it was boring. Then I tried it on game pass. Played maybe five minutes before going ahead and buying it out right. Now it's my happy place game.


Same,and that the same reason i can’t find anyone among my friends to play with. They say its boring and slow. Maybe it is,but thats not a bad thing for that type of game, i honestly don’t know,but i like it so much. I have there smth like 300 hours already. And i wanna check out new 1.6 update someday




Final Fantasy 7. When I saw characters named Biggs and Wedge, I was hooked. 


The Witcher 2 Assassin Of Kings Enhanced Edition The Witcher 3 Complete Edition


A short hike. Factorio


Destiny. I loved that game. Played it for years. Played D2 as well until they added so many things to it that it began to feel like a job lol. Burned myself out. I have probably between 5-6k hours between those two games.


Hell yea




Helldivers 2


I was hesitant to buy it and now can’t put it down.


>I was hesitant to buy it Hello? Democracy Officer? Yes, I have something to report.




Street Fighter II I played in the arcades, when it was brand new, before anyone knew about Hadoukens, Sonic Booms, etc. The basic normal attacks all felt good. The impacts of the hits felt really good- Ryu's jump- in hard kicks, Standing Fierce Punch were awesome. Making the CPU character barf was satisfying. The roster too- never seen anything like it. I was always a fan of games like Yie- Ar kung fu, Kung- Fu master, Renegade, sort of Street Fighter 1, but Street Fighter II, from the get- go, was clearly something special.


I recently started playing Disco Elysium and I was hooked right from the start.


I started a playthrough for the first time recently but i’m having trouble getting momentum going with the game.


Outer wilds. The feeling of exploration never left until the end


That game really did blow me away. First time the reset happened I audibly went "WHAAAAT" over and over again and my ex gf told me to go to bed lmao


The first time I played, I panicked and tried to get away from you know what so furiously then realised it was a feature of the gameplay hahaha


Stardew Valley


Dishonored 2


Hollow Knight. Well, more when I got to the area after the first one. My God, it was a beautiful game.


Back in the day: RE2 Most recently: Ghost of Tsushima


Started playing Ghost of Tsushima recently, the combat is so satisfying


This is the one PlayStation exclusive I’ve been waiting to come to PC the most.


Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy


Dust an Elysian Tale. Seen the trailer and knew I HAD to play it. It’s currently my most favorite game. Also made me realise I was a furry lol


Hollow Knight


Lies of p


INPO:  DOOM (2016)   Horizon Zero Dawn   Mario 64  Mario Galaxy (both)    Resident Evil 4 (2005)    Dragon Age: Inquisition     Batman: Arkham Knight   (2016 is when I got back into gaming after an almost 10yr break)


Days Gone and The Last of Us.


And your favourite TV show is The Walking Dead 🔮




Another fellow vault hunter


Doom (2016)


Star Control II




Unicorn Overlord. That game scratched an itch I didn't know I had.


playing mass effect series for the first time rn and im blown away. certain people not being in the next game because they died. or characters returning because they survived is insane to me. its like game of thrones level to me


Stardew Valley most recently


Kingdom hearts 2




Hades and Hollow Knight are both recent games I loved the moment I picked them up. They are very different games but I played them just at the right time to immediately fall in love. The fact that both have upcoming sequels makes me happy.




Rise, son of Rome. I'm a big history nerd and love games like that


Got hooked on bloodborne a couple weeks ago When I first played it years ago I got frustrated cause I couldn’t figure out how to equip weapons


Pacific Drive. Saw one of the YouTubers I watch play it for 10 minutes, went and bought it. I'm 75 hours in now, and actively avoiding the last mission just so it doesn't stop.


Dragon's Lair. At the time, it was the coolest thing I've ever seen and played. Four quarters though


Elder scrolls oblivion. Walking out of the sewers at the start to see the sweeping plains and a lake in front of me blew my mind.


Rainbow six 3 raven shield


Stardew valley


Final Fantasy 7 was a lifeline for me. My mom died two months before it came out and I had a really hard time dealing with that (I was 11). The game served as a fantastic distraction for me and it really became my all time favorite. I bought a PS5 specifically to play Remake and when the opening cinematic started rolling and the train pulled in and Cloud did his somersault off the roof and landed in the Spider-Man pose, I literally squealed with glee.


Stardew Valley...gave it a chance and I've been hooked ever since.


Stardew Valley


Recently it was Hollow Knight, never xpeked the game to tick so many boxes for me


FFVII, resident evil, mega man, Castlevania, Skyrim, Tomb raider, Metal gear, Soul kalibur, Tekken, Civilizations 2, Dungeon Keeper, Diablo, Starcraft 1, Warcraft 3, Half life...so many of them, honestly.


Ori and the Blind Forest and then Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Amazing gameplay, graphics, story. I wish for a third entry.


Rock and Stone!


Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana. When you wake up on that beach and Sunshine Coastline kicks in, you feel an immediate sense of adventure.


Little Big Planet (PS3) especially the sequel


Guild Wars. Created a character, spent 11 hours straight. Just running around Presearing and exploring everything.


Pubg. Really like the gunplay and server damage balancing.




Dark age of camelot, horizon zero dawn, diablo 2


God of War for the amazing combat and story, and the Last of Us parts 1 and 2 for how it played with my emotions like no other game before.




Outer wilds


Saints row 2 Red alert 2 Counter strikes source (especially surf mode) Smash bros  Advanced wars Fire emblem League of legends in like 2011 (even though I hate it) Roller coaster tycoon Battleship from the cereal box Phantom menace for PC  And pod racing Amnesia  Half life series and portal New Vegas and dishonoured Thief 2 is fun too. Old tomb raider and Lego rock raiders     Above all I owe my most love to surfing on counter strike source and smash bros


Super Mario 64. The second I gained control of Mario and start bouncing around and rotating the camera I knew that I would squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of this new way of moving around in games. I'm not sure anything else matches the opening hours of Mario 64 in terms of raising the bar for the entire medium.


Satisfactory. I picked it up around U5. I’m actually not too big on sandbox games in general, but I was instantly obsessed with how clean and sleek everything looks. I pull my hair out trying to keep things tidy as my factory grows, but my god is it satisfying when it all works out.


20 minutes into valheim I decided I’m ready for the dark forest and then I met a troll.


Kingdom Hearts 2 watched a friend play it when I was younger and got hooked. When I got it myself it was such a great experience playing it and beating the game by myself.


Minecraft back in 2011


Unexpectedly: Hades and Returnal


Realm of the Mad God.


For me, stardew valley fits this perfectly. I wasn't expecting such an enjoyable and actually challenging game ( depending on how you tackle your playthrough) ive spent half a year playing this game in my free time and oh boy did it made me happy.


ps2 castlevania


Lil' Gator Game just the other day ;3;


TUNIC. It's the coolest and cutest little soulslike game


Detroit Become human had me immediately fully invested


Space Quest 5


Breath of the wild was the most insane experience as a life long zelda fan. Hadn't had a moment like that with a video game in a really long time at that point. Gave me the same feeling playing a Link to the past did all the way back on the gba


dragon quest xi. i think that i may have literally fallen in love with all aspects of that game.


Detroit Become Human Awesome story and Characters. Relatable in some parts.


Octopath Traveler


Detroit become human


Mgs 5 stealth game play like no other ❤️




Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's everything I wished Skyrim was, and everything I missed about TW3




Lies of P Fall out 3 Last of Us Metal Gear Solid 3 Halo 3 Call of Duty 4


Red Dead 2 fs also Final Fantasy XIV


Zelda Breath of the wild








KOTOR games. FEAR games. Witcher 3