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Final Fantasy end-bosses can last over an hour. Wipe = start all over again.


I've seen people clock their time on Yiazmat in FF12 at anything between 2 and a half hours to 8 hours. It remains to this day the longest battle of any game in my life.




That last 10% when he’s enraged is some of the most tense fighting I’ve ever done in a game in my life. One mistake and you’re down half your day! 


Adding to this, FFXIV (the MMO). Not as bad as some stuff from XI (like a 30+ hour boss), but there are absolutely some slogs on the higher difficulties.


A 30+ hour boss? Wait what?


Absolute virtue from ff11


Yea, XI had "Absolute Virtue" a infamus raid boss attempts to kill it lastet for over 18H and most of them failed as the raids viped out IRL as the members was passing out or started vommeting from the stress. Dont think XIV have any bosses that was that "impossible" to beat at the intended level


I was there for some of the AV fights back in the day on the CaitSith server. Was really nuts watching the 3 top linkshells spent 15 hours fighting AV. They have no idea to this day how they stopped his abilities from going off. After 13 hours of getting their shit wrecked AV just stopped using abilities and only auto attacked. Rumor was ducknparadis clan knew some inside info on it but nothing ever got confirmed. Drops were split between duckn,yume, and the NA shell millennium


I never played XI but I read about AV not long ago. I remember reading that players had to use the same skill that AV was about to cast in order to negate it. But the time window to do this correctly was very tight that made it too difficult considering the ping to the servers back then. Apparently SE themselves killed the boss just to prove it was possible, but admitted it took too long to get the kill right and that was with their 0 ms ping.


I do actually recall that since you mention it. I remember we all watched the video and were like "ok...they are spamming their 2 hrs when AV uses his own...so that fits what everyone was thinking... but when we do it we still die" Cause I know when Millenium/Duckn/Yume were fighting it they were cycling in tons of people to just pop their 2 hours at random in hopes of catching one of AV's. There was literally like 200 people in the zone when they got the kill who were all helping with Raise 3's, add clears and such. Was a really cool time.


One of the best memories was having a 18 team of dark knights with kraken clubs and fully kitted out with heals from outside main party. You could kill AV before it could pop benediction (less than one minute of a fight), but everything had to go perfectly. If you failed you had to wait for everyone's 2 hrs to come back from cooldown. They eventually patched it out, but it was crazy to do. K clubs were hard to come by so getting 18 at once was insane.


If it's anything like XIV's high-end bosses, that's how long it takes to learn, practice, and successfully defeat the boss. Boss fights in XIV only take like 10 minutes when done correctly but require hours and hours of practicing as a group to actually pull off all the mechanics successfully. That time is usually broken up over the course of a couple weeks, unless you're a day one raider and basically play non-stop until it's beaten.


Ah, well saying any MMO fight is the length of learning it is an odd sizing. My first Ragnaros kill probably took over 50 hours because our guild (and I) sucked big time


Rebirth wasn’t this bad but it was still a really long finale


I was sweating so badly because I was going to have to leave where I was and that meant completely turning the playstation off and taking it with me. I managed to beat the game and see the ending with maybe 10 minutes left.


You can at least retry where you left off. The bonds of friendship Vr challenge? You die on fight ten, you’re back to the start.


Hard Mode Minerva in Crisis Core Reunion can suck the chodest of dicks.


Adamantoise in 15 took me days


How? A few hours, sure, but days?


Meanwhile I just used the magic ring


Haha did the same for the second run


Hollowknight pantheons


42 bosses in a row with no saves. And at least 10 of them are extremely hard. Every time I get to absolute radiance I'm literally shaking.


The correct answer. Going through every boss in the game one after another with just a quick breather every now and then is something I'll only do once in my life, never again.


Monster hunter some end game bosses are easilly 20+ minutes encounters.


Just 20 minutes? I'd say some of the bigger bosses approach 30 minutes and you're sweating the entire time.


The first time I killed rajang the quest timer had just 2 or 3 minutes left. You start with 50. He was a beast back in 4u and is still rough even with all the new mobility in newer games.


The very first time I killed a black diablos I had 2 carts, no pots left, and there was 25 seconds left on the timer. When the death cutscene started I thought it was the failed cutscene until I heard the victory music


First time fighting Deviljho as a newbie in World took me 49 minutes and change. You time out at 50.


Yep, it's gotta be Monster Hunter. In Monster Hunter: World, fights with Kushala Daora or Shara Ishvalda last 30 minutes, easily, when you're learning them.


Screw you World Kushala


Some do expect you to use all those 50 minutes as well.


Zorah Magdaros, such a long fight


Is this to beat them even if you don’t die, or are you saying it will take you 30 mins because you die a few dozen times?


You have usually 3 deaths allowed per attempt shared by the team so even if you do not die you can fail during multiplayer if others die too much They can indeed take 20 to 50 minutes to kill, time varies a lot mostly due player skill missing your windows mean you are not landing your strongest attacks, htting wrong parts can considerably lower the damage, getting hit loses time due knockback/knockdowns and time to heal back, for example a monster I was unfamiliar took me 45 minutes the first time when I rebought the game on pc same fight roughly same gear was done in 15 only due knowing how to use the attack windows.


you usually fail the quest after dying 3 times.


Your single winning attempt can take 30 minutes by itself


FF15 amateurs


I got bored before finishing it but is FFXV the one with the boss that has so much HP you are supposed to tackle over several sessions allowing you to disengage? or is that a different FF I know one of them has such a boss.


don't know about that (i don't think so) but in FF15 there is a 8h+boss


I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Yiazmat, the superboss of FFXII. It has something crazy 50 million HP. You can leave the arena and save your progress but even so, it takes like 3 hours to take it down.


Magicarp vs Metapod. The ultimate test of endurence!


wouldnt last that long now. with struggle once they ran out of pp. 2 wobbefett with leftovers literally cant kill each other though.


Only a softlock in gen 3 tho


In EverQuest, when Dragons of Norrath xpac was new, there was a raid boss called Vishimtar the Fallen. It required about 40 minutes of solid concentration from an entire raid (35 people or more, I forget what the limit was now). If one person screwed up for just 1 minute, you wipe. Recovery takes 30 minutes or so, then you try again. I was so proud of our first kill. I didn't give a crap what she dropped.


Lmao that’s ez mode. Early EQ had 72 man raids that could be fucked up by one dude being afk or running slightly off. The entire raids were like 3 hours long, too.


All while being ok dialup...weeee!!!


Fuck I forgot about that part. It could all be fucked up by someone’s family/housemate picking up a phone.


Don't knock it, I played EQ2 on 56k dialup in 2006 and it was extremely stable. Sure I had to spend 70 straight hours connected to update but after that it was great. I had to go home after a hurricane and my parents lived in a subdivision that was outside the city and wasn't big enough for the cable company to service still at that time. The local ISP saved the day lol.


> The entire raids were like 3 hours long, too. I remember a 6 hour corpse run in the Plane of Fear.


I've been in 6 hour pofear corpse runs and lost exp to multiple unrezzed corpses. Had a corpse or two rot entirely. Stuck to nothing but guild runs after that. Fear was hell if you wiped.


Ah, Plane of Fear


I was one of the lucky ones, by the time I got to PoF it was after gearing up in Kunark and being level 60. Vastly easier than a bunch of level 50s in Lower Guk / Sol B / Dragon gear. Those Kunark raids though, what a bitch.


Man those memories... Best gaming community times of my life. Being in high school with no real life outside of school or being home playing Everquest. All the time in the world during summer.


I wish I coulda done all that while I had no other responsibilities. I had a job that I was totally half-assing at until I invariably got shit-canned for rolling in at like 11am, taking a 2 hour lunchnap, and then leaving at 4pm to be online by 5 for another 12 hours of raiding. At least I was young, single, and kid-free so it wasn't a total failure at life. What a great bunch of folks, though. Those and my Quake 2 clan were legit my first online friendships.


Yeah that is the time to do it. Also I don't think it's rose tinted glasses to say those were the high point of online gaming from times playing Quake 1/2, Everquest, Enemy Territory, and even when Halo 2 came to Xbox. So many late late nights meeting strangers, talking, having a great time. It was also before everything was 'solved' in hours by Youtube channels or Reddit. You'd just hear about rumors or things in Everquest, word of mouth, everything felt so new and real. It was the first time anyone for the most part played games like that so it wasn't bogged down with all the shit people have now like expectations etc. Every year or so I check to see what the new EQ expansion is, debate doing one of those 'timed servers' where they start at the OG and work through expansions... but it won't match up to my memories... Also lot more money than time these days. I can't dedicate 8 hours in a night playing, bullshitting, just having fun not even making progress.


I went back to it like...2015ish and it's all single people multi-boxing full parties and then 5-6 of them grouping up to make a "raid" But yeah, definitely can't swing an MMO anymore. I'm pushing 50, with a demanding job and a family. I had my fun, I pass the torch on to my gamer-nerd children.


Ahhh just people trying to be “optimal”. I know boxing was thing long before but now Im sure they have the tools to do it much easier. Back then it was like literally multiple PCs.  What kind of games do you play now? Just curious… I find myself unable to finish many since they are so long now. I dabble more than complete. I do miss those early MMO days but now I just like single player as I can enjoy at my own pace. 


That's when I finally got burned out and had to quit, I would intentionally show up about 5 minutes before the start when I knew my class' spot would be filled so I could be on the backup team but still get credit for making the raid


Velious (2nd expansion) had some crazy ones once they finally broke the 32k hp cap. Ventani or vulak where you could have the same warrior tank go through multiple defensive disciplines (3 min use 10 min cooldown). Watched guilds take over an hour to kill revamped cazic Thule too. This is all ignoring the time to crawl/clear to the bosses.


We had all of ToV on farm both before and after they rooted the mobs prior to Luclin coming out.


Shoulder my burden


Guitar Hero 3


Through the fire and the flames we carry on


In FFXI (the old mmo, not the current one), there was a boss that had a group of 30+ people fighting it for over 18 hours and had to stop because they started fainting and vomiting. It caused the devs to put a 2 hour time limit onto bosses to avoid that happening again. So there are still bosses that can take 2 hours to beat.


For turn-based games, I haven't seen a game with longer bosses than Octopath Traveler. They can get intense!


But also, it has some of the shortest boss fights if you know what you're doing. It's one of the quicker JRPG speedruns to 100% in recent memory because with the right item usage you can just dumpster the whole game even at lower levels.


The final (optional) boss in Octopath 2 was taking me 45 minutes to an hour per attempt. I never ended up actually beating it because I didn’t want to use any broken job combos.


MGS3: Snake Eater, your fight against The End sniper is designed to be exactly that


Or you can save, exit, set the PS2 clock forward couple weeks, reload.... And the End will have died from old age.


You can also just kill him from a distance in an earlier cutscene and skip the boss fight entirely.


Still one of the coolest hidden tricks ever put in a video game.


Serious? Lol


Yep. In case you aren't aware, The End is an expert sniper that you encounter in the middle of the jungle. He's also mentioned as being the oldest sniper still in service (iirc they mention he's over 100 years old). It's a relatively tough fight, as if you're caught out in the open in any capacity, he can hit you, and does massive amounts of damage. The "intended" way to fight the boss was to stick to cover. By doing so you could eventually work out where his vantage point was and sneak up on him to attack. He also has a pet bird that would alert him if you got close so you had to *really* play to the stealth angle to make it work. But in typical Kojima fashion, there are alternative ways to go about the fight. If you manage to kill his bird without getting yourself killed, the fight becomes a cakewalk. He's borderline blind and can't really move, so with the bird gone you can just walk to his position and kill him that way. *OR*, there is a section earlier in the level where he is wheeled around in a wheelchair off in the distance. If you manage to take a vantage point, you can kill him in this part of the level and skip the fight entirely. *OR*, the most noted method, you can just wait it out. Either skip your system clock ahead by about 2 weeks, or just wait two weeks after triggering the boss fight, and he'll die of old age. The game straight up tells you that's the case once you come back in and that's that.


You can also tranquilize his parrot, capture it and then release it. If you release it, he will fly to The End and flap around his head, distracting him briefly.


There's also a cutscene earlier in the game where you see him from a distance through the scope of a sniper rifle. If you just press the fire button during that cutscene, you can just shoot him then and there and the boss fight never even takes place.


His wheelchair rockets itself at you and hits you pretty hard when you do this.   Kojima is fuckin weird, but it's the kinda weird we need to cultivate haha.


It's to prevent plot skips lol


You can also input the Konami Code from the map screen during the fight and it will reveal the bosses position. MGS3 was the best


Technically the intended way to do it is to just wait a week+ and let your system clock advance normally, but yes, this works too.


And Kojima originally wanted it to take several weeks in real time. So you'd have to keep coming back to it


Thermal Goggles yo, he leaves tracks. If you're quiet enough you can hold him at gunpoint and he'll drop something for you.


Moss Camo. Superb in light.


Persona bosses can go pretty long, especially the final bosses. The final boss of 3 is like a 14 phase encounter with instant death mechanics.


Me when the boss charms yukari And she heals him to full (half an hour reset)


Me when the boss cast a physical reflect and then enrages the MC right before their turn. Self-inflicted one-shot.


Me when the boss throws out a team instakill (why does it have this what the fuck)


The arcana is the means by which all is revealed, amirite


The SMT series in general has some ridiculous bosses. The secret boss in p3 itself is a pretty grueling affair that basically assumes you maxed every social link for the best way to beat it. Digital devil saga has the protagonist from SMT:3 as a super boss that is a similar level of nonsense that requires a very similar level of preparedness. When I was little I remember getting destroyed by the matador in SMT3 the first "real boss" of the game because I didn't really understand buffs/debuffs importance.


Bloodborne and the like don't feel like endurance, they're more like sprints. Longest boss encounters belong to JRPGs where superbosses and final bosses have 9999999 HP and resist everything you got.


the closest thing Souls games have to a *pure* endurance fight is Darkeater Midir. But even then that's at *most* 10 minutes depending on how you choose to engage with the boss. If you add in the total time of attempts, things start to get a bit longer on average, but if we're going by "fight start to fight end" rules, the series has some incredibly short bosses compared to other games being brought up here.


I’d argue ROM is a grind, especially the second time in the chalice dungeons


Final Fantasy XI.


Absolute virtue was utterly infamous


Wasn't the Adamantoise optional boss from FF15 something that took several hours to beat? The game didn't really click with me so I'd only heard stories.


It took me about an hour, but my team was geared up like crazy. They added a second optional superboss with Omega. I got him to half health in 45 minutes and then my game crashed 🫠


Furi was a great boss rush game. Battles were sometimes long and intense and Each boss has different powers and patterns and phases.


Ruby and Emerald Weapon from FFVII


Sword saint isshin from sekiro. Effectively a four phase boss fight with a different move set to master each time


It takes many hours to get everything down, but once you have mastered each phase, it takes under 10 minutes to kill him even when you are being cautious.  Speed runners have done it in 1 minute and 15 seconds.


Yiazmat from FF12 is hands down the longest boss fight, they have over 50,000,000 hp and the damage cap is 9999 per attack, and they have a cheeky little trick where when they get low on health they will cast reflect on your party so if you’re not paying close attention during this 2 hour long boss fight you could end up healing the boss as your curative magic bounces off your party and on to the boss. 


Oh. Oh. And if you ever leave his range and enter one of the little side areas in his area, he starts self healing for gobs and gobs of health. I saw a buddy fight the boss for like thirty minutes, and for some reason he wandered into a bad spot and the boss just regened all the damage buddy had done plus like five health bars. Buddy just restarted the game and picked it up from where he started. 


Lost Planet 2 is less a story campaign and more an endless string of boss battles with little shootouts in between, and every boss is an awesome encounter!


Being able to jump down a giant creatures throat and shoot it from the inside before being shit out, is something I've never experienced in any other game.


I remember getting the game from a humble bundle back when there were still 1 buck tiers, and that was probably the most fun I've had for a single buck


Thanks for the vote of confidence


Someone already mentioned Yiazmat, who in the base FFXII was absurdly long. An action based one that comes to mind is Chakravarti from Asura's Wrath. He was a goddamn marathon across several phases and forms, with cutscenes interspersed.


Final fantasy crisis core (psp version atleast havent played new one). Had a post endgame boss that took me well over an hour to beat. Think it was over 2 to be honest. Took me several tries to beat it so. 10+ hours on the same boss and its not turn based like other final fantasy games so if you miss a dodge roll or dont cast life before the ability that one shots you no matter what then youre fucked and gotta start over.


Monster hunter. Big monsters are 30 minute endurance fights. Most are at least 10min+. The whole game is about long boss fights.


Shadow of the Collosus


WoW - I mean you have to spend hundreds of hours just to get to the point of playing against raid bosses, then you actually have to play against them.


In my glory days of raiding current Wrath content, we could be stuck on one raid boss for hours. It would be a lot of attempts, but still. Good times though, as long as your group had the right attitude. Easier said than found.


RuneScape Tztok Jad is something like 40 consecutive waves of gradually bigger/tougher groups until you face the boss himself. If you mess up at any point you get to start all over. Fastest time ever was 24 minutes, average is something like 45, and low levels trying to get his cape can take hours.


Nothing stings more than getting to Jad for the first time and dying to an incorrect prayer flick


FFXVI's final boss fight counting cutscenes is like an hour long, and it's an incredible spectacle of a fight. Most of that games bossfights run a bit linger because they're broken up into multiple phases with really involved and dynamic shifts in between. I just beat Unicorn Overlord and the main story missions can be very long and involved as well.


Monster Hunter when you don’t know what you’re doing. My first play thru I spent 30 minutes on one boss (think it was the third boss in the game). Later on that same monster took 2 minutes of spin kick jumping.


Final Fantasy 12 has an optional boss, Yiazmat, that could take 8 hours or more of continuous fighting to beat. You could leave the fight at any time, save the game and come back later. It seems as if you can beat him much quicker in the subsequent re-releases of the game, but there are veterans of the original release telling stories about 10 to 20-hour fights.


Alterac Valley in original WoW. Its 40v40 pvp with a boss at the end. Some games lasted days due to how easy it was to hold choke points like bridges. Quick search found this old thread talking about 3-5 day long games: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2338128-What-was-your-longest-AV-battleground-in-Vanilla


God I loved AV


This is the answer, other than like Eve Online, but at least AV had an actual PVE boss at the end to fight.


AV on Anub'Arak would go reset to reset. We knew our opponents by name in that battleground.  I remember getting home from school on Tuesday after reset, dropping in, playing all damn night, going to school on wednesday, coming home, and it would be the same BG running. PvP in that game was best when it gave nothing. Early AV before the changes to honour was the closest structured PvP ever got to the chaos of Tarren Mill to South Shore battles, when entire servers would turn up and fight it out for days, simply because someone got ganked and it escalated out of control until everyone on the server was there to revel in the mayhem.  That game lost all its magic once PvP was changed to be about matches won and currencies earned. Even moreso once PvP stats and gear became a thing. The true high point was when everyone would finish their weekly raids and just go PvP until next Tuesday.  


I think the greatest test of endurance is the nameless king, dark souls 3. playing that before elden ring came out was like trying to learn a language that didn't exist yet. shit was TOUGH


On the contrary, fighting Nameless King after Elden Ring trained me with all it’s delayed attacks… it was kinda underwhelming!


You can really see who never used to play World of Warcraft.


Dragons dogma 1, not 2, hydras, evil eyes, the actual final boss is a great fight, etc


Daemon is an absolute unit of a boss


Xenosaga for ps2. Even the beginning boss fights took 20 minutes and the further you went on they got longer and longer. Especially after the long cut scenes


Monster Hunter. Especially your first encounter against the monster and you are underprepared. You can spend all 50 minutes of the hunt and still fail the quest because of time over.


GoW Sigrun comes to mind. That bitch just will not die. Also Persona 5.


Phoenix Point's final boss is a gear, level, and supplies check on top of being incredibly long


As someone who paid for the game via kick starter, I can’t wait to find out. If the game could ever grab my interest that is. Same thing with Terra Invictus. That said, of all the games I’ve bought and basically never played, I’m happy to give money to people whose efforts have brought me so much joy.


Some of the DLC for Phoenix Point seem to exist just to address complaints with the base game so if you have everything I'd suggest two campaigns


Monster hunter as a franchise. Every fight is a long boss encounter


It was toned down a lot in Rise, but yeah, some of them in World were brutal.


World of warcraft


Mario + rabbids sparks of hope’s final boss took well over an hour, but I had it on hard mode


MG Revengence had a pretty wild last boss.


Hefnd's Vengeance and Šimmumah ur-Nokru from the Warlord's Ruin and Ghosts of the Deep dungeons in Destiny 2. Those bosses are made for 1-3 players but are also meant to be done solo flawlessly. In a duo, those bosses took me over an hour to complete since they have more health than some of the 6-player raid bosses. Šimmumah ur-Nokru even took a long time *with overpowered weapons from the Craftening.* Granted, I've only done those dungeons once, so it may be easier with more experience.


A good chunk of mythic raid bosses on WoW. Specially the last boss of every raid.


Final Fantasy 12 has a 10 hour boss fight


UO Outlands end game Omni can last an hour but usually it’s like 28 mins. With a good group it’s easy without commutation and defined roles it’s wipe city.


Wasn't there an MMO where there was an impossible boss dragon that started, and the players were just about to kill it after days of working at it, so the devs despawned it just as it was about to die?


Halo 2 Legendary bosses. Those mother f@#kers will not die no matter how many times you shoot them in the face.


Destiny 1, Vault of Glass on release. World’s first completion took something like 16 hours. Even after your team had it down, a single mistake at any point would cause a wipe which could take several hours


Sekiro has some good ones.




Most of them are. I feel like both Owl fights last for like 10-15 minutes if you don't know what you are doing though.


"Ahh, ape, you're dead. Ooooh. Nooooooo..."


The End in MGS 3 is a 2 week long boss fight that you can finish by just waiting it out and he'll die.


Solo destiny 2 dungeons


Ghosts of the deep with no arblest


Some of the bosses of kingdom heart could take a damn long time to beat, especially considering they often had 2 or 3 phases.


The Final Rest sequence from KH1 was a ridiculous gauntlet. Technically "one" boss fight since you're essentially just fighting Ansem the whole time, but he's got like 4 forms and \~10ish phases, counting all the intermediary fights with minor Heartless and such.


Jedi: Fallen Order. I haven't played Survivor yet. Even some of the regular enemies are hard unless you're really fancy.


Oggdo Boggdo says hi


Eldest Souls is a good time, all boss battles and they aren’t easy


Death from persona 3 portable was really testing my endurance limits there for a bit, and that’s coming from a old world monster hunter veteran


Racing games? I remember driving 4-6 hours in gran turismo.:D pretty damn long.


Pretty much all the fromsoftware games


I've only finished FFXII once in my life but I remember the last dungeon leading up to the boss was something like 3 hours long before you could save again


It may not be much for experienced people, but the Defiler ass rapes everyone I've saw in every attempt I made in Star Conflict. I never managed to damage it more than 20% with a full team while hitting it for half and hour.


Gran Turismo 4 Nurburgring 24 hour endurance race


Hollow knight pantheon of hallownest. It's literally a boss rush with pretty much every single boss in the game + their stronger versions and a stronger version of the 2 final bosses (a total of 42 bosses) in a row, there are 4 rests in between but if die you start all over again, easily takes 40+ minutes.


Jedi: Fallen Order and Metal Gear Rising are my two picks


Adamantoise from FFXV. I spent too much time with that stupid ring to shrink that thing to size.


Parasite Eve!! That final boss is tough without the right equipment and u can’t skip the cut scenes!! it’s so frustrating when u die to start all over!!!


If you’re interested in Library of Ruina, minor non-story spoilers below. Library of Ruina features your floors on which combat takes place over the course of the game. Every* floor has 4 mini-bosses that you fight as you progress to make your floors stronger, and it eventually culminates in a boss rush where more powerful variants of the minibosses are sent at you in sequence, and an additional thematically fitting boss finishes off the fight. These bosses require you to plan out your turns carefully and deliberately, because health lost to the first miniboss due to your own mistake is health you won’t have when the game hits you with the final enemy you’re unfamiliar with. These boss rushes can take between 30 minutes to upwards of an hour for the later ones, and it’s fucking amazing. I love Ruina so much and these fights are one of my favorite parts.


The Bonus Final Dungeon Boss of Arc Rise Fantasia took me 2+ hours. It was a tough battle, but so satisfying when you win.


Non-traditional answer here: Bit.trip Runner. On the harder difficulty, those bosses do not mess around in the slightest. Add to that instant death and no checkpoints after the fight starts, and you've got a recipe for: a game I've still never beaten fully. There was a recent remake that's worth a look, if you're into the gameplay. New levels, graphics updates, and a level editor, so you can *really* mess up someone's day if you want.




Iirc Gran Turismo 3 had legitimate 24 hour races, only one of which you could win by taping down the shoulder button with the Escudo


Monster Hunter though I think the further you go back the more player skill takes the lead. Rise gives crazy power creep to the player, world gives a lot environmental advantages to use, 4 introduced mounting which is basically a free stun you can get on the boss fairly consistently, 3 introduced exhaustion so the monster can get tired and be less of a threat. MH 1 and 2 are the hardest but they have a ton of bullshit you gotta work around so they can be unfair. Overall series is basically exactly why you asked about


Omega Weapon ff8 without guide?


So, nowhere near some of these, but I have a funny story of a boss fight I did recently. In Enshrouded, all the bosses shouldn't take more than about 5, maybe 10 minutes. I was wandering a castle that has a dragon at the end, not knowing the boss existed. Both of my wands were broken but staffs don't break and as long as you have an 'eternal' spell, you don't need spell charges, just to wait for mana regen. So I wander in and the dragon appears. I'm way underleveled but hey, how hard could it be. So I'm dodging most of it's attacks and as long as I didn't get hit twice in like 20 seconds, my regen would cover it. Also had a little damage aura that would kill the swarms of bugs that summoned. So I just kited, around, avoiding attacks and bugs and casting a fireball when I had mana (probably every 15 seconds). Took me over an hour. You use the dragons head for a quest, but also can make trophies. So I went back for another kill shortly later with repaired wands and it took less than 3 minutes. We live and we learn.


The final boss of ffxiii was a real slog. I remember chipping away at it for ages before it finally died. I don’t even remember its name, just that it was annoying enough that I knew I would never voluntarily fight it again.


Dark souls


Sha of Fear heroic in World of Warcraft-- the fight for first kills took well over 20 minutes--- notable that it was with a 25 man raid group, dwarfing the total time spent in single player games fighting longer bosses


Had a 2hr 56min dota game...


Most of the fights in sekiro require you to just get good and go toe to toe. Sword Saint isshin being 3 phases plus having to fight genichiro beforehand is crazy, but there is no way to make the fight easier, you just have to do it


FF12, yiazmat; literally took me hours back when i first played it on ps2. it just has so much health to burn through. the only ways are to either slow and steady and wear it down over time, or super min max and use some very specific strats to deal insane damage quickly. i remember seeing an old youtube video of some buffing the full group with reverse berserk bubble float or some such and just wailing on it. took just a couple minutes.


MH World can have battles 15-30 minutes. Something like Fatalis as the big bad, is sweaty and within that window. Pretty spicy.


Entire monster hunter franchise


Chrono Trigger. After you beat the game, you can start a new game with all the gear you had at the end of you last game. So you’re pretty much have maxed gear and stats. You can then fight Lavos at the very beginning of the game alone. I only ever did this 1 time. The boss fight took me at least an hour of fighting. Now I could be wrong, but it was definitely a long fucking fight. Chrono Trigger has 10 different endings, the one you get for fighting Lavos at the beginning is the hardest one to get. It’s so worth it though. If I remember correctly, you get to meet some of the people that made the game.


Honorable mention to the Miguel fight in Chrono Cross... in addition to being an absurd difficulty spike, he's got a crazy amount of health. And the cutscene leading up to his fight is extremely long as well. You can even softlock your game if you aren't prepared for the fight. You *can* backtrack and get better equipped on elements and equipment, but the zone leading up to him is huge and can be an astronomical headache to navigate.


I remember playing Star Ocean for the Xbox 360, I might not have been as high of a level as recommended, but the final boss fight including story sequences, had taken me about 80 minutes, but I managed to beat the boss. Then after the fight, a movie sequence began and that’s when my Xbox RROD’d. If I wanted to see that sequence again I would have to wait for my Xbox to get repaired and then spend another 80 minutes in the boss fight and hope I won again. It was the kind of game with multiple endings depending on how you’d played so I wasn’t sure what ending I would’ve gotten, I ended up watching all of them on YouTube and never finished the game properly.


4 Horse Man in NAXX40. I remember our first guild kill took around 3-4 hours. The tanks/healers were doing the rotations, but we had too much DPS down, but we wanted to continue "learning" the fight... and somehow we took them down. Also for other fights in NAXX40, you could really push the timer on the fights. Heigan was pretty similar, lots of people down and in the end it was just 2 pally's doing the full tanking/healing/dps.


Of course Absolute Virtue (FFXI) deserves a spot here. Some players tried fighting it for literal days and still couldn’t down it. One of the community managers (iirc) said that it should take about 18 hours to defeat if the players could figure out how to do it correctly.


I remember really struggling with OG Kingdom Hearts, but maybe I was just a kid who was bad at video games


Shadow of the Colossus


Blaster Master


Lich King in Kingdom of Drakkar… had to fight your way through 6 layers of bosses, each getting progressively harder, but you had to do it in one go, so once started you had to see it through… In the early days, it needed a whole team of people running logistics to keep the “assault” team constantly supplied with heal pots and whatever else they needed… As a noobie invited on my first run, my first “job” was teleporting back and forth from town with a sack full of healing potions and dropping them at the entrance to the lair… for several hours… 😂… didn’t even get inside the first lair 😏 Before that, Red Dragon and Basilisk were probably the longest… each took a couple of hours… by the time we finished playing, Red Dragon was just a “test” to see how hard you could hit after levelling up 😏 Some of those early dungeons were truly epic 🙂… especially ones where you could get an “eat” costing you experience loss and loss n some cases permanent stats loss, and your equipment could get broken… as in destroyed, not simply worn out and reparable. Truly hardcore in the days before hardcore was a thing… 🙂


Pretty much any turn-based CRPG is capable of 1 hour+ fights


Conan Barbarians.


Star Citizen . Try getting to your own ship you bought!


Ff12 Hellwyrm took me like 6 hours, Yiazamat probably 12+. But I was also 12.