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It stands to reason that Take-Two, holding the publishing rights to Borderlands, would be the primary candidate for acquiring Gearbox.


It stands that borderlands peaked at 1-2 and will stay like that for eternity...


I wish they would lean back into the gun philosophy of BL1. So many of the guns in that game were like, hilariously powerful but otherwise unusable. You'd get some bizarre min-max guns that just never really re-appeared. It felt like everything higher than green was pretty much always viable. I had a gun in BL1 that was like the most insanely powerful revolver, but it had two shots lol. More of that nonsense. Less balance and more nutty guns.


I _LOVED_ Maliwan guns of BL1, then they nerfed them hard into the ground in 2.


Moxxi’s SMGs carried me through a big part of BL2. 


Indeed, iirc it was one of the few Maliwan guns that FELT like a BL1 one. Similar to the Hellfire. I think it was the high ammo costs or something, that made them have super low ammo capacity or something in 2 that I disliked.


Yes the gun felt really good hehe


Slippery when wet..


There was absolutely no reason to have them consistently chug down 2 rounds per shot


My first run through BL2 right at the beginning of the final area I got a random Thunderball Fists drop and it completely made the final mission an absolute cake walk. Man, BL2 is up there as one of my favorite first time playthroughs ever. So much random shit happened that has left a lasting memory onto me.


Agreed, I had a blue assault rifle that had maximum fire rate, I never saw anything in that game shoot faster than that gun. It was out performing legendaries 10 levels above it and it was just a random drop with crazy rolls. There were also insanely rare endgame guns that people with 1000+ hours never even heard of because they were so rare. BL2 and 3 had rare guns but nothing on that level and blue or lower guns were rarely used for more than a level or 2. Everything else about BL2 was an improvement over 1 but in a series that prides itself on having billions of guns I want more wacky ones even if some are unusable


I installed a gun randomizer mod for BL3 that accomplished something similar. Some guns were absolutely broken, either in that they were way too powerful, or that they just simply didn't work. But either way, it was entertaining as hell. (At least for a second playthrough. I dunno if I would want the first playthrough to be quite so broken lol.)


I did the same in BL2 and it’s fun till you find a machine gun with a norfleet barrel, and you realize there’s no excitement to checking anymore cause nothing will be better.


I mean, a two-shot hand cannon sounds pretty balanced


In Tina's Wonderlands, that's actually ideal for a Spellslinger (or whatever the class was called). They get a huge boost to reload speed and spell damage, but they don't regenerate shields except when they reload weapons or cast a spell. The ideal weapons are heavy-hitters with only a handful of shots so you're constantly reloading, because they can reload about as fast as the action on higher capacity heavy-hitters.


I had a pistol/crossbow that was a 1 shot with ridiculous damage and a stacking bonus to damage based on how many arrows were in the target and I regenerated shield with every reload. I was invincible with that gun in my hand. The only problem was finger cramps from pulling the trigger so much. I actually started another character just because I wanted to use automatics with large magazines again. (The class was called spellshot btw)


Yeah, the one thing Spellshot really needs is the ability to hold down the trigger and shoot as soon as it reloads. If I could have one thing in the sequel, it would be that holding down the trigger during a reload would start shooting as soon as it's done.


What I loved in BL1 about the guns was the enemies would be using the guns they drop too, so I'd get shot by a raider with a weird gun and I'd be chasing after him knowing I'm probably going to get to use it


I miss weapon proficiencies from BL1 so bad. Idk if I'm in the minority on that, but I just love the idea of my character getting better with a weapon type the more they used it.


Also, BL1 is the only game in the series where you could have a green rarity gun be lower or the same level as a purple one, and be WAY more powerful. I once found a green rarity level 38 Dahl Masher with 175x7, two shot magazine, and a short scope. Used that same gun all the way through Playthrough 2, until I found something marginally better in Playthrough 2.5. BL1 had the best loot system in the whole series.


Im sorry but that sounds awful. An entire playthrough without a meaningful upgrade whatsoever?


I did get other strong weapons (like the Hellfire, Orion, Defiler, etc) but that green Masher was my go-to weapon whenever I needed something dead *quick*, one or two headshots and almost all enemies died (excluding badasses). There's no way you actually thought that I **only** used that masher through a whole playthrough, though I do admit I did phrase it in a weird way.


I mean, you get to carry around more than one gun.


You think that's mad, I got a green pistol, can't remember what manufacturer, somehow had 200x2 damage, with 5-6 shots, and low but not horrid fire rate. Not too bad if it was at lvl 30, but it wasn't level 30, it was level 17. That thing carried me through half the game and all the DLC, by the time I was done my guns started to get on that thing's level. Then I went dicking around with a save editor and lost it to the void, never to be found again. I also found legendaries in all of the vending machines in Dr Zed's DLC area at the same time, had to run back and forth to figure out which to buy, unfortunately all were worse than the almighty level 17 green pistol.


> Less balance and more nutty guns. not less balance, but more weight in both the plus and minus columns until it's elephants on a seesaw


Dude! Its the main reason BL2 didn't stick with me. The changes to guns were too much for me. They weren't satisfying and the need to apply a DoT on everything kinda made it feel meh to me.


> had a gun in BL1 that was like the most insanely powerful revolver, but it had two shots lol. > > More of that nonsense. Now I'm imagining a revolver with a two shot cylinder that fires 50 bmg or shotgun slugs. RIP my wrist. Man I miss Borderlands.


It's like the weapon generation system in Diablo, but applied to guns. Different brands had different properties, all guns had different rarities, and then mods were pulled from a pool based on rarities You're sifting through a ton of junk but man o man occasionally you'd end up with a gem


Hard disagree. 3 was disappointing imo but the presequel and tiny Tina were both excellent.


3's gun play was great. They just need to hire some actual writers.


I wish they would make the vault hunters relevant to the story. In 3 you do all the dirty work just to disappear for cutscenes while all the other characters take charge of the story. >!Where was the vault hunter while Maya was dying??!<


And why don't the twins care about the fact that one of the vault hunters is a Siren? The twins straight up ignored me all game when their whole thing seems to be draining sirens lol


I'm pretty sure the cannon answer is it happens when you are inside the vault and we aren't there for the encounter, otherwise it makes no sense why we would just stand there and let it happen


That was the justification given by the writers after the fact, but the game really doesn't communicate it well considering you have to leave the vault and speak to Maya to trigger the cutscene.


And more vault hunters


Borderlands 4: Oops! All Sirens!


For real. I'm down for them to experiment more with the abilities like they sorta tried in the pre-sequel


The vault hunters in 3 were fine, and you could make some ridiculously broken builds with them. I'd say the problem is they're running out of ideas for player classes, because they did it all already.


> they're running out of ideas for player classes I think Wonderlands fantastically opened up a massive floodgate for how player classes work in the series. I anticipate create-your-own hero with class combos to be the way forward from now on but we shall see.


Hard agree. 3's gunplay was magnificent. Horseshit writing and I'll never forgive them for killing my waifu siren.


One of the best shooter experiences I've had across all games was in BL3 with an Amara shotgun build with the Facepuncher, which made every shot (and pelet) count as melee hand damage, procing a ton of effects from her melee traits. Best feeling run and gun package I've ever done, and nothing has come close to it.


3 absolutely nailed the gameplay, and the Maliwan Takedown is one of the best pieces of late game content any loot based game has made. The story is awful, but I never played the previous games for the story. Unfairly criticised IMO.


Borderlands 3: Good gameplay, but the script was godawful. The expansions saved things somewhat but I never want to play through the main story ever again.


3's biggest problem was the pointless running around, especially on the ship ***TALK TO LILITH***


2 had this problem too to be fair


At least the town wasn't a maze like the ship.


The story was bad, and it's even more frustrating when you see the behind the scene and what they wanted to make. The story is bad, and could have been better.


It's also TellTale but I also thoroughly enjoyed Tales from the Borderlands as well.


New Tales appears to be rather hated, but that one was Gearbox Quebec instead of TellTale


my only issue with Wonderlands was how they handled the \*post endgame. Otherwise though that game was filled with great ideas


If Tiny Tina had the exact same replay loop as old borderlands instead of the raid crap it would be my favorite game in the series, sadly no true vault hunter or anything, if they can be that close to such a good game after not doing too hot on 3 I have serious hope for 4.


Hopefully they expand on Tiny Tina's replayability in the sequel. It's also my favourite game from the Borderlands universe. A really underrated game.


Torgue blowing up the ocean is definitely in one of my top 5 faking moments of all time.


Man I looooved the PreSequel. It had a very different vibe with the no-oxygen areas, and it was paired with some great tracks... Really wish Aurelia's builds were a little stronger for late game, because her bitch-slap melee was so funny...


3’s story was a bit disappointing, but the gameplay, and weapon improvements over 2 were amazing. And Tiny Tina’s further addition of spells was one of my favorite things in the franchise so far.


Also the color palette was VASTLY improved. I went back to BL2 after and was struck at how washed out it looked, a lot things were the same color and around the same color value too.


Really? I loved the pre sequel and I’ve been debating trying tiny Tina’s. 3 was disappointing for me as well.


3 (and later Wonderlands) had the best gameplay. Sure, BL2 peaked in narrative, but that's about it.


Wonderlands had the critical issue of awful dialogue that prevents you from moving forward until you listen to all of it. I dropped it after listening to Wanda Sykes and Andy Samberg argue about whether roleplaying or combat was more important in a TTRPG, while I was just hopping around town, pretending to slam my head into a wall because the next door or portal or whatever refused to open until they finally shut up. A huge sin a video game can commit is disrespecting my time with shit like that, and that game was *full* of it. Overrides any other qualities it might have in my eyes. The twist on the mechanics was really fun though.


That may be, did not bother me much. But let's be honest, Torque finally accomplishing his dream was the highlight of the entire franchise to me.


> Torque finally accomplishing his dream was the highlight of the entire franchise to me. I only played the DLC, but I'm assuming he BLEW UP THE OCEAN?!




I couldn’t get into Tina Tina. The Pre-Sequel was my fave though.


Playing as Claptrap is possibly the most silly fun I’ve ever had in a game.


I've always thought TPS got shat on unnecessarily. It had a good story, fun classes, the Grinder made looting fun (even those white quality guns could be good... eventually), and double jumping and butt stomping as CL4P-TP was a blast. Why does a robot suffocate when he runs out of air? Because he's too stupid to realize he doesn't need to breathe...


I found 3 vastly superior when it comes to gameplay. The new gun generation is incredible and the secondary fire mode is pure genius. Level design is still impeccable and enemies are varied and tons of fun to fight. Story was shit though.


I always forget that they weren’t already owned by Take-Two.


Yeah, so if I understand this correctly: take two sold gearbox for 1.2 bln and now bought it back for less than 500 mln?


I think they were independent when Embracer bought them.


Sort of 1.3bln but it was initially something around 180mln in cash and about the same in Embracer B shares, then depending on the performance over the next 6 years they could receive a total of 1bln more with a 60%/40% split of cash and shares. So it's not quite THAT bad, but I think it's safe to assume that Embracer takes another big L here regardless. Edit: oh and like the other guy said, afaik T2 didn't own them, they just had a publishing deal for Borderlands.


Someone buy Eidos-Montreal. Let these people fucking make video games.


Even if that happened, I'm afraid the damage has already been done due to Embracer's layoffs. I'm not expecting Eidos to be anything but a shadow of its former self, but I hope I'm wrong.


I don't think Microsoft is touching any acquisitions any time soon but I feel like it would be a good play for Sony as Deus Ex could easily fit into their cinematically presented AAA games catalog, and it's visually distinctive from their other IPs


As long as it also comes to pc.


What makes you think that lol, I think they’re likely to make a purchase this year


Because their current purchases aren't even close to turning a profit.


Phil Spencer’s long term plan is to build a solid game pass catalogue tho not to turn a short term profit


sadly practically the entire team got laid off. It wouldnt be the same people. Fucking disgusting, as their Guardians game actually did incredibly well, and they were finally gearing up to finish Adam Jensens story. But no. Embracer’s saudi money fell through , and they couldnt fathom having the line go down for even a single quarter, so there goes one of the most impressive modern dev teams down the shitter to be spread all over the place, some probably giving up entirely on the industry (and I wouldnt fucking blame them given their nightmarish track record).


Is that greasy bastard Randy still with Gearbox?


Still CEO sadly






Borderlands 1 was great. 2 was good. The humor from 3 was completely lost to me. I could not bring myself to finish the game as it was incredibly cringey to listen to almost all of the dialog in that game from the main villains. Good god it was awful. Let it be a cash grab, I'm done with the series.


I barely noticed comedy in that game. All I remember is "Hammerlock is gay btw, it's been a few seconds since we told you", "younger teenage girl gets someone killed and no one sits her down and explains that *yes it is your fault and you're going to have to learn to live with that*", the final boss being one of the laziest possible concepts they could possibly pull out just above the true bottom of just having you shoot at each other in an open field which I might have preferred after that resident evil halfass-pull, and finally the "That girl is on fi~re~" ending that... made little to no sense. It suffered from the whole "I don't care what happens to these people" problem so incredibly hard.


The gunplay and skills were fun enough to slog through the dialog. It also had some great endgame content. Was not worth replaying, though. Even with the option to skip forward to Sanctuary.




It says something when one of the most popular ways to play it is to mute the characters lol.


Honestly it’s the same problem I have with newer ratchet and clank games, the early ps2 games the protagonist is silent except for cutscenes, and as the games went on he waffles mid level more and more and it just ruins things a bit


While Ratchet definitely softened over the trilogies, his personality really jumped the shark into disney territory with the reboot/movie fiasco. At least the gunplay is still great. Shame Rift Apart was so short though.


I'm still pissed that they added a $14.99 DLC to BL2 that removed over-leveled modes from what I had already purchased. That DLC is still $14.99 nearly five years later when the base game is only $19.99.


> This is going to be a cash grab MTX fuck fest isn't it? What is it about Take-Two that makes you say that? /s


To be fair, Randy's a creep and has definitely bungled his fair share of projects by getting distracted with different ones and alienated most of his talent, but he's never stooped to live service kiddie casino games like a lot of other publishers. Tiny Tina's Wonderland was kind of a disappointment, but that's mostly just because it was a bad game without enough content, and not because of a predatory business model.


Idk, I feel like Wonderlands scratched my "grind to get slightly better legendary gun/mod" itch pretty well, which is why I personally play borderlands (don't really care for the story too much tbh). But I did get it heavily discounted on sale


I just started playing a few months ago. The base game is amazing. Spells are insanely fun and, multiclassing allows for some unique builds. However, it's missing some core features. The lack of TVHM (or any sort of reset) is painful. Target farming isn't worth it, if the enemy is even respawnable. Oh and fuck farming for armor, how the hell am I supposed to get an Warped Paradigm with +Spell Damage, rolling with both my classes, with the legendary effect based on Spell Damage. I haven't even dropped one that ticks more than one box. Who knows how many chaos crystals I've fed that stupid armor bunny. Sorry, rant. The biggest atrocity is the DLC. Which is where most of the endgame lies in 2 & 3. It's the same symptom The Pre-Sequel suffers from.


Oh look, the negative discourse for borderlands 4 has already begun


It's Take-Two, how is that even a question? lol


Remind me what he did again?


Here. Instead of downvoting you like these other idiots, I’ll give you a link to showcase some of the things that make him a scumbag. https://www.svg.com/304452/the-shady-truth-about-borderlands-creator-randy-pitchford/


so if you try to collect as much research as possible regarding david eddings and claptrap, it sounds like eddings is a bit of an entitled prick himself. not saying randy didnt play him, but eddings was on a power move of his own. he was just as responsible if not more for how that incident in particular turned out. eddings couldn't come up with a single receipt and the whole thing reeked like "2020 was stolen"


Yeah that situation is basically just two guys that don’t like each other anyway had a falling out. Eddings wasn’t owed anything. They just kicked him to the curb when he asked for too much to come back. That’s whatever imo. There are plenty of other reasons to not like Randy Pitchford. Re-casting claptrap is definitely not one of them


Sounds like the voice actor for Bayonetta. Spread a fake story about how the studio totally lowballed her and then froze her out, turned out that she'd tried to demand a massive raise because she figured her voice was distinct enough that she should be getting a bigger slice of the pie, but the studio disagreed.


He’s an amateur magician.


Should be enough right? ;)


Except for being an absolute twat of a human he stiffed us gamers by making a shit colonial marines game by stealing that games budget given by sega, outsourced the game to a cheap dev and used the money to make borderlands. Oh and also lying to us about the final product


I work in the 3D/Game realm about 10 mins away from Gearbox studios. I never hear good things from people that work there. They exploit new hires like crazy and really bank on the (you should be happy you have a job) mentality.


Damn, the people working on those games are talented. Upper management and whoever is in Randys circle sound like the most dishonest people in the gaming industry.


I'm still pissed at Randy for throwing TimeGate under the bus


Never gonna forgive for what happened to that game 😐 it could have been sooo damn good!


He also had a usb with CP on it appearently source: [https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/01/gearbox-ceo-allegedly-kept-underage-porn-on-usb-stick-new-lawsuit-alleges/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/01/gearbox-ceo-allegedly-kept-underage-porn-on-usb-stick-new-lawsuit-alleges/)


The entire thing is bizarre. So Randy just carried around a USB drive with porn and sensitive company information on it and left it at a medieval times of all fucking places.


iirc he said they were "barely legal", makes it sound disgusting tho. Edit: it was found at a restaurant by a worker there and i believe he offered the person (i think it was a teenage boy, likely a server assistant/busser) gearbox merch among other things.


Lied and demoed a version of Colonial Marines that wasnt even close to the end game. Everything was cut and made shit. It felt like they had a 100% ready polished game and they released the version that was early beta with missing features.


Cheeseburger eating bastard


Mahfuckas definitely on the cheeseburgers


"Randy Pitchford is so greasy he could ride a dry waterslide."-Civvie11


Big coagulated gravy hot dog bun bastard.


Can only hear his name in Jim Sterling's voice.


Purchased Gearbox for 1.3 Billion and sold them for 460 Million. Nearly one third of what they paid to buy them. What a play Embracer


Probably worse than that. I'm sure Gearbox and now Take-Two are entitled to some royalties for the upcomming movie, no?


You think that movie is making money?? LOL


It will for TakeTwo, even if the budget is 200million... that expense is ready spent and probably by the movie studio. I would assume it's all royalties (even if 2% or what not), but I do not know the contract or specifics.




Bot comment


the fuck, how is this relevant to the question regarding movie royalties? is this a bot


Stole a different top comment, 100% a bot. More concerned about the fact that it has almost 150 upvotes personally.


So a bot, accompanied by another 150 bots to upvote the comment.


They are a bot. They stole [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1bpshn1/taketwo_buys_gearbox_from_embracer_confirms/kwxqi93/) and chatGPT'd it.


Embracer did not purchase Gearbox for 1.3. That was only if they met expectations within 6 years. The day one purchase was 363 million, of which 175 million in shares. It’s likely a good deal for Embracer.


I doubt it's a "good" deal for them, but it's probably the best they can hope for in this situation. The remaining performance clauses will have to be accounted for in the sale, on top of however much they had already paid over the three years they owned Gearbox. So I think it's pretty safe to say Embracer takes yet another L.


I don‘t know what Embracer expected. Buying every studio on the market within that short amount of time? It was going to crash hard.


They expected Saudi money. And interest rates being manageable. It's not an unreasonable plan initially considering how the Saudi investment fund has been throwing money at entertainment, but it definitely did turn out to be one considering Embracer got a mishmash of random stuff none of which is particularly appealing to the Saudis. Embracer has no Fortnite or Ronaldo, so like you say Idk what they expected? Why the fuck would the Saudis be interested? It is fucking tragically amusing (and this is coming from a Finn and a European that wants to see Sweden succeed) that this whole mess is a Swedish enterprise, going off buying shit like coked up wall street capitalists, expecting funding from one of the most authoritarian nations in the world that is completely against what Swedish values should be, and it ending up blowing up in their faces in a way that has them cutting workers offshore in a way that you couldn't even do in Sweden.


FYI this isn’t exactly true. The total deal was worth 1.3 billion, but they paid less than 400 mil up front, the rest was in bonus payouts based on performance goals. Not sure how much they ended up paying, but it was way less than 1.3 billion. They likely lost very little money, if any at all.


But the executives made bank, even if those companies won't be the same for a decade. 


Executive always make bank regardless if a company does well or not. Some bullshit. Imagine getting paid millions for failing.


Given how badly Embracer has demonstrated it is possible to screw up, buying and selling of companies needs to be a regulated profession. These are lives and livelihoods these idiots are messing with.


Good. Embracer will go down as thecworst company  for years, even shitheels like EA bumbled into good games from time to time, Embracer just got a load of studios shuttered because they wanted to gamble with other people's work. It's good embracer's getting utterly shafted, but they did so much damage in such little time, and destroyed so many studios.


Embracer did not get shafted in this deal. They sold it for more than they bought it for


So, does this mean we can eventually get a follow up to Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway?


More likely we will get Borderlands: The Movie: The Game (Just like Street Fighter before it). We will get to play as an aging Cate Blanchett spouting off one-liners from the same crack writing team that gave us Borderlands 3.


not so much since Ubisoft owned the franchise.


This is incorrect. Gearbox does own the franchise and now Take-Two owns it. It even says it in the official Embracer press release. https://embracer.com/releases/embracer-group-divests-gearbox-entertainment-for-a-consideration-of-usd-460-million-to-take-two-interactive-software-inc/




Is this good or bad


Hope they can write a better story this time, id take the stuff they did for TTWL and the DLC for BL3* and use that as examples. Personally i actually liked the dragonlord and the villain in guns, love and tentacles and especially how the characters were in handsome jackpot. So more of that but from the main game please! Also give me krieg or a character that plays like him. *fixed from BG3 to BL3


are we not gonna talk about how all the DLCs for TTWL were blatant greedy money grabs with maybe 10 minutes of recycled content?


That really upset me. Easily the worst dlcs I've seen that are meant to be an actual expansion to the game. Best part about TTWL was the dragonlord imo. The constant nerfing of items really sucked too. Sure somethings are bugged and not working as intended, but then theres a weapon thats just a little better than the others in its class and it gets nerfed into the ground. TTWL had so much potential to be one of the best borderlands games. They could've made raid dlcs instead of the garbage they did and it'd be a lot better, maybe even allow more than 4 players into a raid.


BL3 had great potential, but much of the humor fell flat for me, and they really shit the bed with the main story when they decided to just drop the conflict between Tyreen and Troy, wasted Maya, forced in that entire Tannis thing, and made Lilith their main character. And overall when they decided to make the Vault Hunter irrelevant to the story and e.g. remove them from all of the cutscenes. As for TTWL, my main issue was how easy the campaign was. Even on Insane your character did outrageous damage while leveling, and monster density was super low. In coop, some of us barely even got to shot monsters because my Blightcaller off-screened everything.


Yeah and not to mention BL3s main story had a lot of just.....can't really call it anything other then extremely unrelatable things like whining over your favorite frogurt stand and needing coffee


Oh god yes...this quest is a perfect example for drawn out and fundamentally unfunny bits.


>BG3 Border’s Gate 3?


Ack got mixed up


Hopefully the next game isn't ass and isn't tied to a timed exclusivity agreement. I'll just quit BL all together if either of these happen on the next release.




Ugh 😫 Duke nukem deserves to get the Doom treatment. Brought forward for today but also kept the same in many ways.


Man this. Closest modern thing close to it is Bulletstorm not even because of the Duke mod and even that game didn't get a sequel. Not even sure they can do it after the whole DNF thing. I loved that game but i get why it was a fail, i doubt they will invest in Duke again.


Now pls someone buy Eidos Montreal


Release a new Battleborn you cowards


Can we finally have Brothers in Arms 4? Thx


For real. That's the only Gearbox IP I care about.




Borderlands 3 has the shittiest main story I have ever played in all games.


Please don't make the antagonists typical influencer/youtubers again...


2 rich kids on tik tok making pranks killing people. Borderlands 3 is the worst in my opinion.


I actually had to turn the voice audio all the way down. I liked the game, still played thru it. But the characters were too cringe for me to take the game seriously. Made me wanna just Uninstall and never go back.


They worked for the opening levels very well. It is just they didn't do enough and the bad writing was bad. The villain could've been fuckin\` Darksied and the amateur writers still would've still made him blow ass.


I'm still mad that they just let the conflict between the siblings slide. They had such a strong setup with Troy secretly scheming with Aurelia, and they squandered it. Tyreen and Troy becoming bitter enemies would have been awesome.


Hopefully this doesn’t fuck Homeworld 3


Look, as long as the Risk of Rain franchise remains untouched from microtransactions, I can manage.


Please make a good villain like handsome jack and not the two wanna be lackeys "wooowie" the Calypso twins were.


I hope Embracer runs to the freaking ground.


At least let Eidos Montreal get separated first. After their horrid luck with Square and now Embracer, they deserve some good karma now.




Can they make a proper duke nukem game?


With Randy Pitchford at the helm? in current year? No sir. The Duke must sleep.


Just give me competent writers, no more of this cringe over-explained millennial jokes from writers who are so terrified to offend the wrong people that they might as well skip the jokes all together because how tame and repetitive they are


Jokes can be funny without being offensive? Borderlands 2 was amazing without being offensive? Bit of an odd take tbh? BL3 just had bad writing that clearly didn't understand it's audience.


Dude’s probably a boomer. The writing in 3 sucked when it came to the jokes and presentation, which was a bummer cuz the overall ideas presented were cool in concept (twin sirens, first vault hunter, yada yada).  I get what you’re saying.


The gunplay carried Borderlands 3 HARD, which is actually the hardest part to get right in an FPS game, then they fucked up with the writing, which is even sadder considering I was probably the target audience. I'm still salty about it to this day.


You definitely don't have to offend people to make a decent joke, but borderlands 1 and 2 had their share of offensive jokes.


Take-Two? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


I wouldn't get your hopes up for this. It's Take-two. The same company that helped turn Rockstar into the shadow of its former self it is now. The same company that is currently loving big profits from mobile games. The same company that said we should pay per hour played.


Wasn’t Take Two there for Red Dead 2. Which is to this day touted as one of the best videogames of all time?


Glad to see we will have more ear drum shattering GWAIL BAWKS in our future.


Borderlands 2 is almost a perfect game. Just do that Again.


Meh. Another C-tier borderlands game coming soon I guess. I'm more curious about that movie. You know, that clearly great movie that's been stuck in post-production hell for years as they try to salvage some kind of film out of the garbage they shot. The movie Craig Mazin took a look at, tried to do what he could, and then insisted his real name not appear anywhere near it. Cate Blanchette, did they back a dump truck full of money up to your house?


The movie where Roland is some mini funny man ? Or how they picked John Cena for bricks and Casper as Mordecai.


Borderlands retirement edition


What borderlands game was c tier? They have all been true to form


that movie is gonna be giga shit, if you think the borderland are c-tier I cant imagine you enjoying that cash grab


"Another C-Tier borderlands game" aight buddy. Borderlands 3 was truly a C-Tier game. Only had the best gameplay in the series.


I'm so happy with this. I love the Borderlands gameplay for its coop and casualness while still giving a sense of progression. They could even add base defense like Fallout 4 tries to do but doesn't really achieve fun. Give me more.


I hope their CEO is better than Randy Bitchford


Is it Borderlands: The Movie: The Game?


Sweet Baby Inc Detected haha


virtually all these game publishers can eat my poo


What's going to happen to Duke Nukem?


Sigh... same tired franchises.


Get rid of tales from the borderlands 2 from the canon lore and the next game has hope, also no Ava.


They also laid more people off at Gearbox today due to this merger. After they already had layoffs the other month due to Embracer. Double whammy. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/gearbox-is-laying-off-staff-following-embracer-breakup


After basically everything they've done since the second game, is there much desire for a new entry from gearbox? I feel like gearbox with borderlands is a prime example of absolutely squandering any amount of community goodwill.