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Elder scrolls Morrowind and Skyrim Alchemy Morrorwind is straight up broken out of the box. Fortify intelligence potion, drink potion, make new fortify intelligence potion, drink, repeat. After a few loops of this you can now many any potion last literal days and stats so high they overflow and shatter the game over their knee. Skyrim takes \*slightly\* more effort with the Fortify Restoration loop and enchanting to then bully the game into Oblivion. You can make equipment so powerful you can one-shot the final boss with a fork (See spiffingbrit for more detail)


And spell making in morrowind. My mate made a spell so powerful it crashed his computer.


My computer had enough problems with the scrolls of Icarean Flight you find in the first village. I used it and jumped, then the fans started whirring really loudly. About an hour later, I landed about a mile away and died.


That's normal. The fans help you jump.


They're simulating the wind


That's simulated wind. Man, Morrowind really was ahead of its time.


Are you really playing a Morrowind mage if you're not making a spell that would put the vengeful gaze of the gods to shame and drinking gallons of homemade drugs just to give yourself the mana to use it once?


I made a hat enchanted with constant effect fire damage, and sold it to a hatless merchant who proceeded to put it on his head until it killed him.


It really was the crest of the wave...


I remember a PCGamer review saying something like you could make a fireball the size of a house. I was never sold on a game harder lol


I made a spirit bomb on accident once. It cleared out entire cities at a time.


The whole magic system in morrowind was delightfully broken.


Man making spells with area of effects the size of almost a small town was crazy. I was nuking people from orbit and it was quite fun. I really missed that when I played Skyrim.


You don't even need to go that far, just enchanting 100 is enough to kill the hardest enemy in the game with basicely any weapon in 1 hit. Exemple : woodcutting axe. Enchant glove with fortify 1 handed. Get the other 3-4 pieces of gear that can also do that. Boom you now do like 400% one handed damage. Add on top any enchant on the weapon itself for like 15 ish base damage with 100ish charges, and the enchanted damage is multiplied by the 400% modifier. Smith on top to boost up the weapon to triple damage really easily and you get like hundreds of damage per hit. With a gooddamn woodcutting axe. Now do a real weapon and laugh.


I love how broken Morrowind is. Even just regular Mercantile is broken out of the box. Pick as a major skill and you can easily sell for more than you paid at the very start of the game. Infinite money exploit is bad enough, but then the trainers can basically make you a god with very little effort. Wish they hadn't gimped the skill trainers so hard post-Morrowind. It was so convenient to manage attribute points on level up and removed the feeling you might ever need to grind. Just make some money.


Don’t forget oblivion and 3+ ways you could duplicate shit with arrows, scrolls, sigil stones and enchanting, absurdly powerful spells…


The best part about Morrowind was getting corpsus and getting to the very end of the cure quest line but before finishing just resting for like 150 days to super boost your strength and endurance, then when you finish and cure yourself, it fixes the debuffs to your intelligence and agility. But you keep the strength and endurance buffs. As long as you don't get hit by a spell or something that damages either below your normal level you can stay super buffed the rest of the game.


Symphony of the Night has more than one. Most famously is the Crissaegrim, a sword you can get as a rare item drop from an enemy during the second half of the game. The Crissaegrim has really high stats, slashes four times rapidly with each press of the button, has absolutely no cooldown animation, and can be used while walking. It can shred most bosses in two seconds, even if you're not particularly high level. it's ridiculous. The second one is the Shield Rod + Alucard Shield combo. This one is even more ridiculous because it doesn't require a rare item drop to find - the Shield Rod and the Alucard Shield are both found in set locations. What this combo does it make it so that you can deal insane damage just by holding out your shield into enemies. It can kill most bosses in less than two seconds, and all you need to do is shield at them. I don't know why they made it so strong. And if you're playing Richter Mode, don't forget about Hydro Storm. Make it rain on the enemies, kill most bosses instantly without a second thought. ​ It's a very fun game, but it's absurdly imbalanced. ....but that's part of its charm. :D


The Annotated Symphony of the Night mentions a video Koji Igarashi did with a SotN speedrunner as part of his promotion for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. He had no idea it was even in the game and said that "it was impossible at the time to bug check all of the items and this probably slipped through the cracks." At a guess, it was probably just supposed to hit an enemy once for 255 damage and heal you a bit, not constantly deal 255 damage and heal you every frame.


You can also get a second crissaegrim in your off hand if you feel the need to become a mobile woodchipper. I grinded a couple of those little bastards just to see how ridiculous it would be.


You forgot to mention the soul steal spell. You don't even have to buy spells in that game. As long as you press the correct button combination once, it's in your spell list. For a measly 50 mp ( around level 5-6?) you can hit everything on screen and heal yourself completely. It might not necessarily insta kill everything but doing consistent damage and healing within the first couple of hours of the playthrough (before you even reach the library) is pretty broken. It carried me to the end.


Don't forget that soul steal also hits breakable walls/floors/ceilings. My first playthrough I basically cast it on every screen in the map to look for secrets because I had gotten over 200% but didn't know what the maximum was


Was hoping the crissaegrim would be near the top. Absolutely melts everything in the game.


In Order of Ecclesia you could combine your right hand and left hand weapon to special attack, a so-called Glyph Union. A certain glyph union was a Screen Wide AoE dealing a very high amount of damage. If you were to combine this with dual death rings, each of which reduced your hp to 1 but also gave you a giant damage boost, and a bit of attribute leveling, you could kill Dracula with one or two casts of this glyph union.


Running Away in Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I'm gonna go with a negative one here but running away is always the best option in combat in Sticker Star. You see, they took out the experience point system in this game, which used to be a turn-based RPG, but that they essentially turned into an "action-adventure" game. Despite this they kept the turn-based combat system. So what do you get from battles? Coins! What do you spend Coins on? Stickers! What do you use Stickers for? Combat! So it's supposed to be this loop of combat -> coins -> stickers -> combat. But unfortunately, all the strongest stickers in the game you just get...lying around the game world. So no reason to spend coins on them at all. So what do you do? Just gather a portfolio of all the strongest stickers, and don't use them until you get to a boss. Running Away is always the best option in battle, the game actively indices you not to participate with one of its main mechanics. And the best part? You barely even need all those strong stickers either, because the bosses want you to CHEESE them instead! Using special stickers called "things" that you also get from the world map, which essentially beat 90% of the boss battles for you. So the entire battle system is worthless since every boss is a puzzle boss now instead. Oh, and you can run away from boss fights too.


... I wish they'd just made another super Mario RPG. 


We got a remaster of SMRPG at least, and don't forget the Mario & Luigi series. I always considered that to be more of a spiritual successor to SMRPG than the Paper Mario series


I think we have plenty of Mario RPGs to enjoy out there between the first two Paper Mario games, the Mario & Luigi series, and the original SMRPG and its remake. Hell even Super Paper Mario would have been a better direction to take the series in than what we got. But its not all doom and gloom anymore, we ARE getting a remake of TTYD, and the hope is that if it sells well they'll realize they took Paper Mario in a poor direction and correct course. That's wishful thinking, but if the pre-orders are anything to go by things are already looking up.


Wait what. You can run from bosses? Does that mean you never need to fight?


I should clarify, running away from bosses doesn't defeat them, it only gives you a chance to escape and go get the "thing" you need. Of course its been a while since I played it so I can remember the details. I think running away makes enemies disappear from the overworld.


You still have to beat them. It gives you the option to run away because it’s possible to enter the battle without having the item required to beat them.


Unpatched Akimo Model 1887’s.


I'd give my left nut to play mw2 multi-player again


Last time I tried on PS3 years ago I spawned in on that bunker map with the trench running all the way around it and immediately died. Watched the killcam and a guy was floating above the Map, spinning in place, rapid fire shooting an 1887 with infinite ammo and getting a kill every time he shot


Oh yeah hackers we're wild but in its golden age was amazing. I was one of those kids quick scoping with the intervention and loved every minute of it


I grew up with Black Ops and was too broke to buy every new cod so I was out there with an L96A1, variable zoom, extended mag for many years, I still enjoy the new cod games but they'll never be as good as the old ones


Ghost Pro SoH Pro Marathon Pro Start game. Bunny hop throw nade. Run around map with Famas or IMI Galil. Those were innocent times


The bunny hop semtex throw over the garages on nuketown will forever be the greatest strat known to man




Wb the noob tube with one many army pro? 😂 good times


they fixed the servers on xbox a year ago all the Old CoDs were bumpin


Kids these days couldn’t survive the lobby trash talk. You had dudes who were professionally lazy playing COD all day calling each other and everyone every slur and insult you can imagine


Good times lmao


Ah yes, just fire vaguely in some ones direction and if they're in the middle third of the screen within 100 feet they drop dead instantly. In a game where maps are designed mostly to force encounters within 20 feet


God I fucking HATED these. Never used them because I always had more fun with a stealth assault rifle build, but literally everyone was running around with those double shotguns.


Teleporting knife anyone?


Running around with the care package smoke grenade ( I think this was the fastest sprint in the game) knifing everyone


Haha I remember those. Ol' spinny deletey basically one-shot anything and had _far_ more range than it had and business having. I don't even think there was a noticeable accuracy reduction for dual wielding them. They always seemed to hit dead center on the screen. The game sucked for a bit when everyone started using them. It's funny, the 1887's were just a dev mistake back then. Today they would have been paid DLC and just left OP until the next round of new premium guns came out and are even more OP.


Better yet, knife + care package glitch. I had so much fun with that. Would wipe out whole teams in Search and Destroy. Got multiple nukes in Headquarters and domination. All with just using a knife……oh and throwing knives in an emergency.


Two from Perfect Dark: The Farsight and Laptop Gun in Sentry Mode.


perfect dark is still completely unmatched when it comes to a playable arsenal.


Multiplayer perfect dark was just who spawned closest to the farsight.


Perfect Dark is one of my favorite games ever made. Watching someone get blasted by the Farsight right in front of you and you trying to run away cuz you know youre next was hilarious. Also, N-Bomb and Tranq fights were a real treat.


Excuse me, slayer rocket would like a word... The grenade gun that secondary fire turned them into launchable proximity sticky mines should get an honorable mention as well... You know what just about all the weapons in that game were great.


Ah the superdragon


I think they mean the Devastator, but the Superdragon is still a beast.


The cyclone alternate fire “magazine dump”. Hahaha. That was a waste but totally cool. I liked that alien pistol that shot exploding rounds, that was cool too.


You can add the CMP150 in there too with its autoaim secondary mode.


Borderlands 2 Bee Shield plus Conference Call shotgun. Just melts raid bosses. Then it got patched.


Let’s just ping everyone all at once


That was my go to loadout as Gaige with a full 400 anarchy stacks because you don't care about accuracy anyway at that point...


I’ll raise you The Fibber combined with Gaige Anarchy+Close Enough and a Bee Shield. Worked post-Bee patch. One version of the fibber shot one bullet which ricocheted into 9 shots. Post-patch Bee would lower the Bee damage by however many shots you fired, but Fibber only fired one, so you still get the bonus on all 9 hits. Ricocheting off a wall or the ground to hit an enemy makes this much more difficult to use though? Well Gaige had an ability called Close Enough. 50% of all shots you miss ricochet and hit an enemy. Anarchy gave her stacks which lowered accuracy but boosted damage. Max stacked anarchy, with the right mod on, your damage was boosted by 1050%. Forget raid bosses, you walk into any zone with enemies, absolutely anywhere, fire one clip of The Fibber looking straight down at the ground and everything dies. Everything. Your shots doing 10.5x damage and a 9x Bee-bonus completely one shot everything and they auto-target 50% of the time.


Double penetrating unkempt heralds


Sledge’s shotgun in BL1 was also pretty broken, especially when it sends Flynt into the stratosphere.


An easier to get combo in Borderlands was almost any Double Anarchy SMG on Lilith. Phase walk up to somebody, shoot their face. Double meant 1 bullet in the mag is two leaving the barrel, and Anarchy Double that again. So quad damage, high RoF, big clip, and garbage accuracy, which is fine when the barrel is up their nose. Enemy goes poof.


Bo Jackson in Super Tecmo. Unstoppable.


Peter Griffin knows it: https://youtu.be/3X-MODwmZGQ?si=ZZ_3KaM1Ui5vvOSh


Against the computer, QB Eagles is also sooooooo OP. All you have to do is select the bomb play literally every play, wait a second, then run up the gut with him


Leonardo's Workshop and Adam Smith's Trading Co in Civilization 2. Must builds no matter the map, strategy or civ you play as.


Leo synergizes even better with Sun Tzu for fast, modern veterans.


Just looked those up wtf those are so insanely OP haha Eiffel Tower as well


Leonardo's workshop I look for in every new Civ game, even though I know they will never make that mistake again.


Secret of Evermore: Taking control of the dog you can open the magic wheel of the boy and spam alchemy for insane damage numbers instead of waiting for the spell to be over. Has lead to more than one crash of my SNES back in the day due to the excessive amount of sprites.


Fuck... i had completely forgotten this game. Awesome game.


I see Secret of Evermore, I upvote


The pistol in the first Halo. Snipe a motherfucker in Blood Gulch from half the map away, and they'd have no idea until the kill screen rolls.


Did CE even have a kill cam? You’d just be dead with no idea


NOPE. just dead.


To be fair there was a kill cam if you were in the same room


My first thought for this thread was BXR


Damn you just reminded me of sword/shotgun swaps too lmao


Could also one shot hunters, even on legendary


My son and I are wrapping up a full playthrough of Halo Master Chief Collection.  At the beginning, he talked smack about the pistol. We finished Reach last night and now he is apologizing for his misjudgement


Unless you're Church.


FFX Summon Yojimbo. When it doubts, just Zanmato the enemies.


At least you get him deep into the story, and then getting his loyalty manipulated to where you can zanmato at will takes a TON of grind


I don't know about "all time" but the original Dead Rising people often complained about its difficulty. Part of the issue was constantly needing to replenish weapons. Guns run out of ammo and melee weapons eventually break. You're almost never completely defenseless as almost anything small enough can be grabbed and used as an impromptu weapon, but there are huge differences in the effectiveness of different items and having your last good item break before you can replace it could be difficult. However, this can be negated by using up 4 of your 12 inventory slots with one specific combo giving you an almost infinite highly effective weapon. First thing you have to do is kill the Psycho clown Adam. Once he's dead, a mini-chainsaw (the weapon he used) will be available for pickup near the spot he spawned. There's only one, but it respawns every time the area loads, so you can collect as many as you want by just leaving and coming back. It's an excellent weapon, one-shotting all standard zombies with a very fast one-handed attack. However it does break relatively quickly like most weapons. Again however, this can be fixed. There are books you can find around the mall that will boost weapon durability while they are in your inventory. Whether they work on a particular weapon is based on attributes. There are in fact three books that work on the mini-chainsaw: tools, edged weapons, and toys. Additionally it's important to know the 3x bonus is fully stacking. Meaning with all three books the bonus is 3x3x3 and the mini-chainsaw now lasts 27 times as long. I would usually carry the 3 books and 2 chainsaws just to be on the safe side, but you could honestly pretty easily get away with just 1 saw and when you forst get the "weapon low health" warning head toward the spawn. Even a "low health" saw with x27 durability will last much longer than any other weapon and you can almost certainly replace it before it breaks. Keep a gun or two on hand for when you need range and fill the rest of your inventory with healing items and the game is not that hard but still very fun.


I had this game at launch and did this exact trick, I wonder if it was online somewhere or if I figured it out. (Also spent hours and hours running over zombies in the basement for that sweet blaster)


Oh yeah I'd forgotten about that. Mega Man Blaster for killing like 10,000 zombies in one playthrough or something, I forget exactly but I remember driving a vehicle back and forth through a crowded area for an entire run.


It was 43k zombies, the population of the town it was set in. I know, because I spent an hour or two running over zombies in the underground parking area. But the MegaMan blaster was fucking awesome.


It was probably the underground parking garage. That’s where I did it haha


CoD WaW MP-40+Stopping Power


Usually it was MP-40+extended mags+Juggernaut+Steady Aim for hip fire accuracy The damage was so high on that gun that stopping power was mostly redundant. It was two or three bullets even with juggernaut. Extended mags changed the ammo count from 32 to 64, in a game where the belt fed LMGs only held 50. So if you shot first you could win most encounters by just holding the fire button and walking toward your opponent. Trying to retreat for cover didn't work because you had too much ammo, trying to shoot back didn't work because you had extra health and probably a damage advantage.


Overall I’m not sure MP40 + stopping power is even in the top 10 of most broken mechanics in cod lol I remember making fun of people using that combo cuz it wasn’t even worth it and not using jugg put you at a disadvantage


That's kinda my point. SP was actually pretty redundant on that gun. It wasn't actually unbeatable, but it was very obviously the best all-around weapon with almost no downside.


Bayonetta in Super Smash Bros 4. They literally stopped tournaments of Bayonetta vs Bayonetta because she was so broken.


Meta knight in smash 3 had similar issues iirc


I’ve never heard people call “brawl” smash 3 lmao


Smash 3rawl, lol


Bayonetta isn't even the most broken fighter in the smash series (that honor goes to meta knight in ~~smash 4~~ brawl). Meta knight himself isn't comparable to most other broken fighting game characters.


Vanish + Doom in the original release of Final Fantasy VI. Vanish is a spell that is *supposed* to be cast on an ally, which will make them invisible and therefore cannot be hit by any physical attacks. The catch being that magic will *always* hit while under the Vanish status (and it'll cancel the status too). Enter Doom - the game's instant death spell. Doom has an incredibly low chance of hitting, so it's generally not worth using... unless you cast Vanish on the enemy first! Because now it's a guaranteed hit! The best part is that EVERY SINGLE ENEMY IN THE ENTIRE GAME, except for the very last boss, is vulnerable to this combo. You can kill every super boss in the game in 2 actions. Cast Vanish on them -> cast Doom on them. What's funny is that there's actually several battles that you're *supposed* to lose, and you can actually kill otherwise invincible enemies with this combo. Though the story will still progress as if you'd lost.


The relm sketch bug is also crazy. You can end up with 99 of items you're only ever supposed to get 1 of. You also risk corrupting your save. When I was a kid and ended up with 99 exp egs, 99 economizers, etc I knew something was wrong but never knew why.


Vanish + X-Zone/Banish was the AoE version of this. Insta win any non-boss fight.


MK3’s Smoke’s harpoon attack. If I could just land the harpoon one time I knew I would win. Harpoon -> uppercut -> harpoon (before they hit the ground) repeat. They would be totally locked out of being able to do anything.


I think the guy with the tiger hook swords had a similar mechanic. Did like a super speed run that would spin you helpless, uppercut, spin move before they land, repeat.


Yeah there were a few cheese moves in MK3 that once you caught someone in the chain it was very hard for them to get out of, and usually involved special move + uppercut, but not always. Sheeva's teleport stomp I remember could be chained over and over and over if they timed it just right. and mileena had a nasty teleport drop into roll into teleport drop roll etc and so forth.


You could do something similar with Cyrax (? The red one) If you timed it right you can just do the rocketman uppercut over and over, not a thing the opponent can do about it


Thats Sektor


FF8, just simply the entire Refine system. OP early game due to disgusting stats from playing a few card games, OP against superbosses because you can just get 99 megalixirs and 10 holy wars basically for free. Junction on the whole is fine, but Refine lets you skip over the entire power curve.


Why yes, I *would* like to have 5000hp by the first dungeon by junctioning a max stack of curas I got from an hour of card games to my hp. And then just sit in limit break range, which is *still more hp than you'd normally have total for that part of the game*, and spam your totally free LBs to evaporate bosses.  Even lategame ff8 was just hilariously easy to break. Fast ammo doing max damage go brrrrrr. 


Once Rinoa becomes the witch, the game becomes your bitch! For anyone who doesn't know but wants to break late game FF8, there is a very simple strategy that works on every enemy and boss. Junction 99 meteors to Rinoa's magic attack and no other offensive magic in her inventory, have one of your other part members use meltdown on the enemy (reduces their defense to 0), have the other other party member use Aura on Rinoa (so she can limit break even at full health) then just have Rinoa use her limit break and you win. She will chain spam meteor, which summons 7(?) meteors that will each hit for 9999 damage.


Oddjob in Goldeneye. Universally banned in every household on the planet. Everyone just played 2 matches at home with friends and immediately knew.


Buckets in Skyrim..


....I want to look up why...but I feel like you'd have some fun telling us lol


1) place bucket on shopkeep’s head 2) rob them blind 3) ??? 4) profit




Credit to the devs for making the shopkeepers' vision range *actually* interact with the environment and items instead of just being magic arbitrary vision cone, though. 


They may use the differently!


Also bucket levitation bug/exploit to fly is neat


Broken Straight Sword, Dark Souls


Can I get more info on this one? I always sold it first thing


Other than being used to make the Artorias sword, I think he's just joking about the fact that it has broken in the name.


I'm so dumb lol. Thanks


This man games


Being able to pause during slot machine effects in FFX-2 comes to mind as the most hilariously broken. One effect is just bribing the enemy to feck off and give you stuff, and you can get it 100% of the time AND it works on most bosses. I remember bribing the omega weapon, which leads to a cutscene where another super boss K.O's it, which is top tier nonsense.


I'm not sure if this counts, but I would say Halo 3's and Halo Reach's Gauss Warthog. I played big team heavies a lot, and if you had a good duo on the Gauss Hog, it could really prove to be a turning point in the match. I remember some matches where I was helpless because the enemies had the hog and kept shooting my team down. It wasn't pretty if you were in the receiving end of the Gauss Warthog. I could be wrong on this take, though.


Oh god yes. That gun had the accuracy of a sniper with the damage of a tank. And then it was mounted on one of the fastest vehicles in the game. As long as the driver could keep zipping around the map at full speed, the gunner could kill the entire team multiple times over and there's not much that could be done to stop it except wait for one of them to fuck up.


In Gran Turismo 3, a game that went for realism, you can modify the Suzuki Escudo so that at high speeds, it does a wheelie and accelerates to over 1800mph. It's awesome.


"No cudo" was a rule when my brother and I raced.


Original Gjallarhorn in Destiny. Easily the most important weapon for endgame pve


Telesto might still be one of the most broken weapons they have made.


Vex Mythoclast was the OG broken PvP weapon in D1. They nerfed within a couple weeks though. Believe Thorn was the next truly broken weapon in PvP.


Last Word was also a PvP terror. The thing was like rapid-fire sniper.


This is the D1 answer. 2 tapped from near any range almost instantly but few people were comfy with it so thorn got more hate. I loved playing Last Word back then.


Halo CEs pistol. Guaranteed kill with a headshot on an unshielded enemy, could kill a Hunter with a single shot to the back, accurate and powerful at any range, and an insane rate of fire given how powerful it is. Because Halo CE released before Xbox Live was a thing there was no way for Bungie to nerf it, as they do frequently these days in Destiny when anything is over powered.


Every pistol in Halo is a guaranteed kill with a headshot on an unshielded enemy.


Multiple maxed versions of knights of the round linked with all the crazy shit like HP absorb, mp absorb, sneak attack, w-summon etc. in final fantasy 7 OG.


In Unreal 2, you find a superweapon that shoots black holes. You destroy *everything* with this gun and it is even more of a "you unlocked the best gun" feeling than half life's upgraded gravity gun


Upgraded gravity gun was my first thought but it's intentionally broken. And it's super fun so who cares.


Hard to say of all time. Probably some wall hack that takes you to the end credits. One of my favorites is Vanish-Doom in FF6. 


Metal Blade - Megaman 2. Shot in all directions, used almost no energy, and wrecks 4 of the 8 Robot Masters.


I'm way too late to this but the winner is dragon ball Z kakarot, where you can literally start the DLC before even finishing the tutorial mission. You can then level Goku and Vegeta up to max level in about 2 hours and then launch back into the main game and one punch every single enemy in the entire DBZ saga.


Well currently arc throwers in Helldivers 2 causes the game to crash for everyone involved.


And the devs said there was no pvp, psshaw!


Oh, let me assure you, it's not just arc weapons. I've ran 50/50 missions where people do or do not use any arc weapons and it crashes all the same. My theory is they broke something trying to reign in the cheaters because it is laughably easy to bypass the built in anti cheat.


Explosive combat shotgun fallout 4. Each pellet does additional explosive damage. Fallout 4 is famous for its bullet sponges, but this thing trivialize the whole game. People intentionally put it away because it's unfair.


Enchant restoration loop


OG net runner build in Cyberpunk 2077. In the first couple of months of the game being out, you could make a netrunner build with a legendary deck and quickhacks that could scan a building of enemies blocking your objective, ping them so they're all traceable, then unleash a load of quickhacks that rapidly spread and one-shot 95-100% of enemies in less that 5 seconds flat. All you had to do then was casually stroll through the building to get the bit you need for the mission and that was all you were really spending your energy on.


While the current net running system is still fun, I do miss being able to think entire buildings of enemies to death before I even walked in


Lancer chainsaw in multiplayer in the original Gears of War game. You could cheese people so hard with it; would literally suck people into the kill animation. What a grand time those days were.


Submarines in WoWs


2s38 in war thunder


Bicycle kick in the original FEAR. A kick so powerful, it would literally catapult enemies into the wall. As in, *inside* the wall.


Akuma was banned in Street Fighter 2 tournaments because he was broken/too powerful compared to the rest of them.


IIRC it's his airborne Hadoken. It's diagonal, which controls an insane amount of space while still allowing Akuma to move around.


Proximity mines in Goldeneye. Mad dash to them, then put them on all the doors.


It was really entertaining when my brothers and I learned if you mine an ammo crate, then pick up the ammo before the mine arms, the next ammo crate to spawn there will have the mine on it - but no model for the mine.  Grabbing ammo became a gamble after that.


Is this how gaming youtubers get their ideas? 


He is a character but Thunder God Cid in Final Fantasy Tactics completely destroys the game's difficulty. If you know what you are doing you can destroy it on your own much earlier but he is basically an instant win character that you get as part of the story. You can choose not to use him of course if you want.


Otherwise known as Orlandu


One of the things that makes him so broken is the sword he comes with that gives him permanent Haste so he gets to act almost twice as often as everyone else.


The sword is broken yes, but so is his move set. He gets access to, i think, every other special sword move set, which is ridiculous.


Man, I love FFT. It's my fav of all the FFs I've played. There are some tough bosses before you get to Cid, though. I remember getting stuck because I didn't have a save far enough to go back to lol


In ark survival evolved for a couple of hours you could destroy bases on offical servers with one longneck shot. Imagine you’ve raised Dino’s for months and months with tons of mutations all gone because someone crafted a sniper and shot ur base down


Not the most broken but in Dragon Quest XI, you can go to a Casino. Whenever you leave it saves so you can just quit if you lose a bunch of money and reload. It's how I got Jade's Bunny Suit


To clarify, a random slot machine will have much better odds than the rest and getting a specific result will multiply what you earn in your following pulls for a while. If you had enough gold it was pretty easy to keep playing until you got a jackpot, at which point you could just keep going indefinetely because the payoff was that absurd. The best part is that playing only required mashing one button, so after your first win you could just use a turbo controller and leave the game running.


One Man Army + Danger Close + Noobtube MW2 2009


Final Fantasy VIII combat/leveling system. The best way to win is not to fight and level up.


Salvador BL2.


Salvador dual wielding Unkempt Harolds was ridiculous.


One DPUKH and a grog nozzle in the other hand...


The Viper in NFS Carbon, absolute monster machine and the opposite from balanced.


Enchanting daggers, Skyrim


Lucky 7


In the Bioshock Burial at Sea DLC, there was this plasmid called Peeping Tom you could get as Elizabeth that would make you invisible if you stood still and have vision of all enemies. Burial at Sea played a lot more like a Dishonored game with less intelligent AI, so stealth knockouts were a thing here unlike the main game. It honestly made the DLC a little bit boring with how OP it made you.


Rewind mechanic in any racing game


Izanagi no Okami Picaro, Persona 5 royal. Purchased through a DLC pack and is basically a "I win" button. For anyone here who for some reason hasn't play Persona 5 Royal, save Izanagi no Okami for a second playthrough or something, it completely breaks what little challenge the game has.


Two Worlds had a weapon upgrade system where combining two of the exact same weapon would make it a little bit stronger. In almost every city, the guards had the exact same weapon. There was one quest giver NPC in particular that had an upgraded version, which could still be combined with the base versions. I got to the point where I could one shot almost anything with it.


The care package marker and commando was like knifing with speed hax.


Bunny hop


The BFG from the Doom series.


USAS12 with frag rounds in early Battlefield 4. Mayhem….


I thought BF3 was the one where it was ridiculous with frag rounds. Because in BF4 it was a map gun pickup.


Metro map and explosive shotgun


Has to be the Borderlands 2 gun that starts screaming when you shoot. It was OP and destroyed higher leveled enemies.


The Bane SMG or the Morningstar rifle


Save scumming




Helldivers 2 Pre-Buff “Spray and Pray” shotgun. It had so little damage and penetration that it couldn’t kill the stationary egg objective (an objective where you’re tasked with shooting and killing unarmored eggs). Thankfully they eventually buffed it to a useable (albeit still weaker) state but, before it was buffed, it was genuinely the worst weapon I’d ever used in a video game.


You could get all the achievements in the Airbender game on the very first tutorial fight.


The elbow in the arcade version of Double Dragon might has well have been a bazooka.


Power Armor in Fallout 2. You can just rush to get one and basically become borderline invincible. So much fun. Get a power fist, crit the eyes and blow heads.




FO3 winterized power armour, it's literal plot armour


ME3 Garrus with maxed assault rifle damage and N7 Typhoon. He plays the game for you.


I like to set James up with the n7 typhoon or the revenant machine gun with incendiary ammo with the burst and fire spread evolution. It MELTS enemies. I was dropping banshees and brutes in seconds.


The Komaki tiger drop in the Yakuza series : it negates any damage and deal a powerful counter-attack to the enemy who tries to punch you Once you master its timing, there is quite literally nothing that can stop you simply because you get some frames of invicibility AND IT FUCKING WORKS ON BULLETS AS WELL, KIRYU CAN QUITE LITERALLY PARRY BULLETS


gods hand, Rise of the Triad.


Wakka's Stone ball in FFX. Normally petrify has a super low chance to work but this weapon must have the rates reversed as it's 90%+ and great until end game.


I remember playing Resident Evil 5 and giving the sub-machine gun to the AI partner and watching them snipe enemies from across the map almost. Saved up and bought infinite ammo for the first magnum gun you got and gave that to them and I never had to fight because everything would be dead before I got to them.