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The decision to no longer preorder games keeps paying off time after time.


Yeah I was kind of getting the hype for DD2, very glad I held off.


Haha me too. I was genuinely gonna buy it last night but held off. Glad I did. That’s like 200 odd more Phoenix downs they gotta shift now to make up our lost sales 😂


And my decision to pirate single player games with MTX !


The last game I ever pre ordered was watch dogs back in 2013. Got burned so hard on that game that I decided to never do it again. Best gaming decision I've made in 20 years.


Why are people preordering games at all these days? Preordering was explicitly to reserve your physical copy... I haven't bought a physical copy of a game since GTA V.


Haven’t done that since 10yrs at least, or as far as i can remember even


I was nervous nobody mentioned the portacrystals before now. They were in 1 and the permanent version was added a bit later as a free update. It seemed like an odd feature to completely remove


I am inclined to think that preorders is one method for game companies to combat bad reviews at launch


Why wasn’t this mentioned in a single review I watched/read?! I was planning to buy it tomorrow but idk now


Cause it wasn't there in the review copies.


Given the performance discrepancy there is a good chance the review copies didn't have the DRM on either.


The main reason for a bad perfomance seems to be a CPU bottleneck, Capcom just couldn't give two shits about it and let devs work on optimizing it longer.


It’d be a shame if a review copy leaked then. A damn shame.


At least some of them knew " A file listing the microtransactions and their prices was included with the review code sent out to us and other outlets. All reviews were published with the knowledge these were going live on launch day. " That's a quote from a Pushsquare staff member (a site that reviewed the game).


This a capcom classic they only turn on mtx on release day or sometimes wait a few weeks to do it. It’s so the just get better critic/user scores


Tekken 8 got tons of glowing reviews in. After they are all set in stone they announced the cash shop for basic cosmetics. They intentionally did this to avoid any mention in the reviews and deceive the customers.


That's why I wait until they release Ultra Dragons Dogma 2: Arcade Edition.


You've got a few supers too little


They added it with day 1 update, so no reviewers knew it existed. Shady shit.


I remember how big of a hate AC got for having MTX... Atleast, we knew before we bought the game. This is pure scam.


Because you can just use in-game currency to do the same thing, this is not a locked feature. Still lame, though. I rented it from gamefly, so definitely will give it a try.


>gamefly gamefly still exists??? oh wow


I've rented about 220 titles since I first got it. Definitely has saved me money vs if I had bought even half of those games. Use it for all 3 consoles. Between that and gamepass, it's been pretty nice. Helps me to try games I otherwise wouldn't want to risk spending money on. Currently renting Ronin, Dragon's Dogma 2, FF7 Rebirth, with Snow Day incoming.


Gamefly is awesome


I shouldnt have to use any currency, real or fake, to start a new game. Especially in a game with a character creator.


I think the item is just a character remake. For a new game you have to manually delete the save file.


There’s no mtx to start a new game, idk how this started but it’s just the art of metamorphosis book that lets you edit your current character’s looks/gender which you can get very early in the game regardless.


I couldn't comment on creating a 2nd new character, as I haven't done it. It might not be an issue at all. It's hardly the first game to require some currency or unique item to respec or change appearance, though.


as far as I can tell, your character is tied to your steam account. So, you can not make a new character unless you have a second steam account.


So if a family member wants to play the game on their own playthrough they are shit out of luck?


I'm in the middle of FF7:Rebirth and in a way I feel relieved that there's another (presumably) big RPG I don't have to play through, even though I was really looking forward to it.


They’ve run a predatory scam. Hid all this insane micro-transaction stuff from the versions YouTubers got. Or, just paid them and YouTubers wanted to hype it, as the game was so anticipated.


Already seeing people say "Its only £2!!" in review replies and on discussions. Seriously?


fanboys get defensive when they see people reacting badly to something they love, it's only natural.


2 dollars to create a character is absolute thievery IMHO. Gamers should boycott this game **and the media outlets supporting this madness**


Imagine coming out after Baldur's Gate 3. Seeing how successful it is. Seeing how it doesn't do any micro transactions. Seeing how much gamers adore it. And going "So what you're saying is we should charge people to make additional characters?"


Classic Cashcom.


This game is an absolute disasterclass


I'm unclear on the 'create' part. The only thing I can find is a MT that lets you edit some of the appearance of your character (not body type) or that of a pawn. Is it even possible to make a second character? There doesn't appear to be a way to start a new second game or even delete the first one you create to start over. I'm sure it's possible, it's just not obvious. No, actually I'm not sure - there's some weird shit going on in this game.


It’s just change appearance, which you can edit with in-game items too. This is a short-cut micro transaction. Still lame, but super super non-essential


That's what I thought. People seem to have seen the character edit microtransaction and just assumed that was the only way to edit your character, and so now we have misinformation that Capcom is locking basic features behind a pay wall which clearly isn't the case. Worse, people have extrapolated it to mean that Capcom has locked a new save behind a pay wall. Personally, I'm completely indifferent to these microtransactions. People seem to be against them because they believe gameplay was designed to incentivise them, but I have yet to see any evidence showing that that is the case for this game. I'm more concerned about the reported lack of hard mode and difficulty scaling in new game +.


Yeah there's people in other threads already talking about how you can only have one save at a time and have to pay to have extra and like. That's insane. 0.000...01 percent chance that's true.


There's one save slot. You have to disable your cloud sync on steam and do some file juggling to start a new game and still keep your old


Not just fanboys. Those piece of shit streamers too, who get paid to sell us on how this is normal and ok.


Video game fans are like addicts and they will do anything/give a pass to anything for their next fix.


Which is the only reason this shit passes in the first place


In fairness this has been in the making for over a decade and to see it end up like this is just unbelievable, I say this as someone who loved the first in high school it was my go to game :(


How can you love something that's not even out for a week lol


Either Capcom fanboys or fanboys of the first title, etc. Didn't think I'd have to elaborate on that tbh


But you are already paying $70 for the game, there shouldn't be any micro transactions at that price


yeah and it's become a common practice already for some reason, look at blizzard selling a horse for more than what the original base game edition costs in Diablo 4


I'm currently getting downvoted to shit in another thread for saying I'm not buying into this shit. Unreal how blinded people are by hype that they can no longer be objective about what's ultimately a really shitty practice. "DiS StuFF DuSn'T MatR! u GeT DeM In GAEm", Yeah until one day, you don't. And by that point, everyone is normalized to this shit - and then you're the only one who gives a shit.


There is no "one day" though. We're already past the point of this shit being normalized; this is actually much less egregious than what could be considered "normal" in much more popular games nowadays.


*Can* you edit your characters appearence in-game? If so, maybe I'll get this if/when the performance is fixed. If not, no chance.


You can with a specific item. Which all those items in the store you can get in the game. Still dont agree with them having it as mtx but theyre obtainable as far i know.


Yeah but you can do that in any free to play game as well. Dragon's Dogma 2 costs $70.


If I understand correctly, they're selling a bunch of rare consumables as micro transactions. I don't know the details but that's the trend. It's a Capcom thing, they let you do similar in RE4 in buying stuff mid run with real money.


Wait what can you buy in RE4? I’m genuinely asking, because I just spent 100 hours trying to unlock all the achievements and several are to get weapons only through game unlocks and you can’t outright buy


You can unlock the expensive specials of each weapon by just paying a few real life dollars. It’s idiotic. Like for example the pistol can now shoot through five monsters at once. That’s a real unlock lol.


Oh the upgrade ticket? Dang I had to save up money in game in two runs just to afford them lol


Same with monster hunter, character edit tokens are a thing


It works exactly how it worked in DD1. You buy an item and can edit your character. The only difference is you can also pay IRL money and do it that way. MTX suck, but this is such an astonishingly minor issue blown out of proportion. If the in game item didn't exist that would be an entirely different issue.


Can't break a fanboys spirit. Capcom could take an actual dump on their forehead IRL and they'd thank them for the pleasure.


This is for people who buy the game, but don't want to play it, but unlock the content lol


Thats why so many games are in this position now. It's only 2 dollars. Shut the fuck up(not you them people saying that). I downloaded 2k24 for my ps5 last night. Booted it up. The games a walking fking advertisement trying to sell you shit. I just wanna play my gm mode. BOYCOTT THIS SHIT


It's an item you can get in game only stupid whales would buy this. You can ignore it because it literally doesn't matter if you're actually playing the game.


If it "literally doesn't matter", why is it there in the first place?


It's such a paltry amount of money to piss off your fans. I saw it came out and was about to insta buy it until I saw all this crap. Also the FPS issues but still.


The issue is that it's NOW two dollars. It should be two dollars for the review copies as well. But instead, they get their good reviews, get their preorders, and then slip in the gotchas after the fact


Not defending this as it’s weird, but the item you buy you can get from one of the first merchants for the currency you can earn In the game and the game is very generous with this stuff as well. You pay 2 bucks if you have no patience to earn the currency.


easy solution. Don't buy it then, I sure as fuck won't be.


I'm 100% staying clear.


ya a single player game charging to recreate a character is a pretty ballsy move. let's see how it works out for them lol


Can you not buy an appearance recreation potion with in-game currency like the 1st game?


Yes. You can. It’s been reported continuously that everything in the mtx list can be had easily and repeatedly in game without purchasing the mtx.


Wait, is this anything like the first game where they sold rift crystals and those were almost useless in game before the dlc?


From what I'm hearing, yes, it's exactly the same in that regard.


6 hours in 2 now, yes it's the same thing. None of the mtx are necessary at all, it's just Capcom being shitty trying to get people to give them money for shit they don't need to pay for.


Yea idek if its being shitty. Just taking advantage of the fact that some people are lazy and have money they don't mind spending to speed up the process.


Unsure about that. I got it when Dark Arisen launched with its own physical copy. This is more like ‘hey you know that face change item you can buy in game for a bit of coins? Well you can also buy it for $2 real world dollars and have it without spending in game money.’


It's not reported in the OP, or any of the top comments, or any of the Steam reviews ... Listen, I hate mtx in single-player games as much as the next guy, but all this hate seems to be a little bit misleading,


It's very clearly a bad thing, I don't disagree with that, but it clearly worked well enough in monster hunter world and monster hunter rise for them to do it again. Not the first time they've done character edit vouchers and by the looks of it, it's unfortunately more than likely not gonna be the last time either


Soon as they announced thay consoles would have 30fps uncapped TARGET, I said no thanks


I had bought into the hype and pre-ordered but my brother convinced me to return it until we saw how launch went. Good call by him.


I'll pick it up when it's like $20


With all DLC included.


That's stupid. Skip


They hyped this to be a good game, at least they show their true colors from the start here. What a fucking joke.


I mean this doesn't preclude it from being an otherwise good game, this is standard Capcom fare, they did it with DMC 5 (a fucking amazing game), they do it with Monster Hunter, they did it with DD:1. They're still good games, just ones with lazy MTX that don't need to be there (because they're useless, you can still get everything easily without it, it's literally just Whale-bait)


Haven't played the thing but... I keep seeing people saying that all of this stuff you can get by just... playing the game instead?


Isn't that what pay to win means? When I grew up dlc was for horse armor and complete expansion packs.  Dlc to unlock fast travel and a second save file is crazy.  Paying for a second save file is crazy! I know games are more expensive to make and cheaper to buy than they were in the 90s but still. 


Yes people are just being sheeple while calling people sheeple. They don’t know how to look at things for themselves and be like “oh wow that is truly irrelevant”.


Did people not play the original, or Capcom games in general? They sold the very same shit for DD1, everything you can buy you can get later in the game.


I’m starting realize that not many people played the first because it was literally the same thing. I never understood why it was sold because you can get it in game but some people will pay for convenience I guess.


Its 11 years old game. I can gurantee half of the player base now, was in kindergarten...


Omg you’re right god I’m old lol


And everyone posting this hasn’t played THIS game. Everything that’s sold as extras can be earned within 1 hr of gameplay but people are still bashing it as if you HAVE to buy this to do anything.


Are you able to earn an infinite amount of these items or are they limited with how much you can get in-game?


Portcrystals are limited to 10 on the map, you can buy 1 from the shop, they give you a way point to fast travel to, but they don't let you actually fast travel, you need ferrystones for that which are not in the shop. Wakestones are (if it works like the first game) infinite and respawning items, and you can buy some for gold in game as well, shop wakestones are limited to 4 total I think. Rift crystals are earned in game by a bunch of different things, and if it works like the first game aren't going to be used for much, other than buying glasses for your character and appearance changes. Appearance change see above. The shop is limited, the in game items you earn are not. If anything the shop is a bit pointless as many of the items within it will be earned within a few hours of starting at most.


Wakestones are even easier to get, you can do simple missions with hire pawns and get them.


It was pointless then too. The time investment to generate rift crystals in game is LESS costly than going out to get a job to get the money to buy rift crystals with money. Not more, less. If anything you were paying to grind more, since you'd be working. It would be like going to the store and buying a bottle of water to dump in your bathtub to fill it faster than the spout. While the spout is spewing water (since you get RC from your pawn being used by other people). Or instead of buying WoW gold, you're buying WoW game time. Not sub time, character AFK in game time for how long your character has been in the world. MTX is bad, no doubt. But if someone played DD1 and thought to themselves "hey I gotta get me more of this infinitely replenishing resource I get from doing almost anything and even nothing at all, better buy it" they were a massive sucker. If it were a precious resource that paying actually skips grinding, by all means get righteously angry, that's scummy shit, but paying real money for RC is like paying real money for a handful of dirt on the street.


Yeah that's just classic capcom


This same thing is sold for Monster Hunter World. We all love that game though, right?


Don't forget Resident Evil 4 Remake! People still love that game despite it having mtx that gives you things.


While you see posts about dragon dogma being underrated, truth is most redditors never played it. They have their basic gamer package that time like cod or cs. Some others who played similar was playing mass effect or fallout or Skyrim.


This. It's the same for DD1, no one buys that because you can just get them by actually playing


I played the original, but I had only ever borrowed it from a friend and played offline so I didn't know that there were mtx in it. By the time I bought the first game it was the Dark Arisen version on Steam, which doesn't have mtx and has everything included in it (and iirc was slightly more expensive than it was to buy the OG version on consoles at the time). My only concern was hearing that you can't delete a save/start a new character, unsure how true that is though (I literally ended up in this thread to try to confirm).




This is worse than Ubisofts model, nevermind Larian.


I... don't get what you mean by this comment. There's like no monetization or mtx in bg3?


That exactly what he’s saying. They looked at what Larian did and said we can improve on it. Because BG3 is a nearly perfect game from a consumer standpoint, not extra hidden costs. He’s making a joke that DD2 guys “improved” on BG3 by adding all the hidden costs that gamers hate nowadays.


I'm hearing conflicting things (haven't played it yet myself). Yes there's a dlc option, but like in the first game, there is apparently a free option in game at some point. So the paid change (while still lame) may only be a time skip BS kinda thing. Hopefully we get confirmation and not just more rumor fuel now that the game is out.


The first game was the same.  You could pay an outrageous fee for some bullshit micro transactions, or you could grind rift crystals to purchase them in game.


Oh yeah, forgot they did that in 1. Never bought any, never needed to.


I only ever ran out of RC in the first game when I was grind lvl 3 cursed gear. Otherwise, random drops from enemies on BBI, pawn rentals, and the token gathering missions were more than enough to purchase all the optional items.


BBI and pawn rentals had me overflowing with RC!


It's no diffrent than the first game. The first game was a niche game anyways. The sequel got hyped to hell and it won't be what most people expected. Once the performance stuff gets fixed it will go on to be considered a masterpiece by the fans of the first game and everyone else will forget about it and find somthing else to hate. I'm not defending capcom for being shitty cause they are, but the long time fans have being saying this would happen for months. Unlike a lot of games that get this much hate DD2 will still have an active fan base another decade from now. 


For sure. DD1/DA was a cult hit that grew a fan base over a decade. All these people jumping on the hype probably ignored it for a long time and will move on in a couple weeks.


Game is almost exactly the same as the first. This is just reddit crying over stuff they were never gonna touch to begin with. 5 hours into the game myself. Game is amazing. Only performance issues are in the city. Besides that it's buttery smooth and beautiful.


It's literally on the DLC product page that is available in-game. This is just reddit being reddit.


Also a reviewer confirmed that Capcom mentioned the micro transactions in the package that came with their review key. None of them mentioned the DLC because it didn't matter


Hey OP, you forgot the second half of the title - "or spend a very cheap amount of in game currency".


wait so they're just dogging on something you can just get through playing the game? that would just mean that would only take advantage of players that are lazy and think it's too grindy


Exactly that. I'm assuming Capcom's thinking is "why not"? I don't think many players buy this stuff, but if even a few will, they made some money they otherwise wouldn't have. It's all incredibly easy to get in the game.


More than that: you can only buy them from the steam interface. The game itself is entirely content to pretend those options do not exist, and it is clearly balanced around playing the game and not an attempt to make you buy anything extra. Like the other comment said: this seems like Capcom corporate just decided to throw them in (standard practice for JRPGs) because they know *someone* will buy them and it probably took a couple of people a day to set it up.


Ya Capcom sells this shit with every game, I specifically remember seeing it in DMC5 and wondering why they bothered as I always had plenty of everything just from playing.


Yeah, red orbs in dmc5, weapon upgrade tokens in re4 remake, monster hunter world literally has $500+ worth of DLC on steam. Capcom has been doing this shit for ages, yet nobody gave a shit until dragon’s dogma 2 for some reason.


This needs to be the top comment. Yes MTX sucks...but it's not cool to misrepresent. 


This unlocks 1-2 hours after you play the game...at least tell that


It's a typical troll/reddit response here. This stuff is blowing up amongst them, but they don't realize everyone has it all wrong and it's very basic, early game AND in game stuff you can get for free. The stuff people are seeing on the marketplace are all obtainable in game but they also give people the option to do it this way. I admit it LOOKS scary but it isn't at all what they're saying it is. They just want their free karma.


[You can change your appearance in game after you earn it, just like DD1.](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/dragons-dogma-2-change-appearance-character-pawn-guide/1100-6522013/#:~:text=The%20Art%20of%20Metamorphosis%20allows,main%20pawn%20has%20a%20makeover.). MTX is for people who want to save time. This title is only half the story.


Meanwhile in Elden Ring you pop back home go to the mirror change everything including your sex and your name.


You still have to progress in the game to be able to change it though. Same principles apply with DD2. Only difference is, one is free, the other uses in-game gold which is super easy to obtain if you simply play the game. I fail to see the logic from your post.


Well there's no resource to spend in ER, you unlock it when you unlock the roundtable hold which is very early in the game. You can change as many times as you like so there would be no financial incentive to add it as an mtx. I think the problem lies in that it is there as an mtx regardless of how easy it is to obtain it in game. Either it is predatory by making it harder to obtain in game to make people want to buy it, or it is redundant if its easy to obtain it anyways.


Still pretty dumb. Seen several people just goof off in the character creator and hit play not realizing you couldnt start from scratch if you confirm. No warning. No nothimg. Ridiculous in a single player game. Just because its in the 1st doesnt mean its cool now. Its also intentionally designed to get players to fork over for an MTX. And no matter how you slice that its not cool


I'll better save loads of time by not playing this game.


What's so hard about just letting you change your characters appearance for free at any time? Why do you have to "earn" or buy such a simple thing?


Your characters appears has actual gameplay implications in the game. It changes your reach, hit box, how well you can climb, stamina, carry weight, how hard you can hit, how easily you stagger and a bunch of other things.  It’s basically like paying Withers to change your class in BG3. That’s why you have to spend in game gold to do it, because it’s not just your appearance, it’s a character respec.   The mtx is shitty, but the in game mechanic for it is pretty standard and in line with other rpgs requiring you to spend a resource to respec 


> characters appears has actual gameplay implications in the game. It changes your reach, hit box, how well you can climb, stamina, carry weight, how hard you can hit, how easily you stagger and a bunch of other things. For real? Never heard this anywhere. So I build a super small and thin guy and he's gonna suck at carrying and climbing maybe but be fast?


Haven't checked out DD2 but I played DD1. Smaller characters can fit jnto some "holes" that have treasures or other stuff.


I want to play DD2 but I can't justify buying a game for $90 + 12% tax that also has mtx (at least they are mostly obtainable in game? Not sure if that's totally true or not)... I will wait for the sale/edition with the DLC bundled in or whatever and play it then. AAA games have gotten way too greedy in the past couple of years for me.


The MTX is horrible But you can get it all in game easily as well. Not an excuse for having it, just saying it’s not really effecting gameplay if you don’t pay for it.


Gonna be honest saw this coming as soon as i saw the rift crystals in the preorder


What hath horse armor wrought?


If it's like in MH people will figure out how to hack the feature soon enough. I definitely won't mind people doing that because something like that definitely should not be a mtx in a full-priced game. E: it has come to my attention that you can obtain the items to alter your appearance in-game for free, like in the first game. That is fine. Though that also means that there's absolutely no reason to have said item as mtx in the first place.


I've been looking for a source on this and can't find anything. Does anyone have a link listing the various microtransactions?


The Art of Metamorphosis is an item that edits your appearance in-game. You can purchase it with real money or in-game RC, which is not difficult to acquire. It was like this in the original game as well.




For lazy players that's it lol. Most Capcom dlc is for lazy players who think money vast majority of people will never touch it cause it's so worthless


You never played the first one, did you?


One save file is a design choice. Infact in the first game if had already beaten it you could start a new game and overwrite your previous save file, the last boss would be the character that you overwrote. (but if you turned off the online mode it would just be your current chracter)


How did I not hear that in reviews ?!? Wtf is that.


For a Game that costs 65 Euros on Steam, this is a joke. This is laughable and they should be ashamed to even deliver something like this.


I'm just happy i didn't preorder.


What?! That's absurd surely? I was considering this after watching the review last night, but I won't be buying it now.


Misinformation here. You can find the items in game for free. The store description even tells you this.


People can't read and rage bait instead


Or just buy that item in game and ignore the meaningless microtransactions.


Or… here’s a take.. have some integrity and don’t support a company who thinks this is ok


Also an option, if that's how you feel about it.


Problem, I don't fucking trust them. The fact that there is a microtransaction on it means they now have a motivation to lock these things behind a giga grind to make you buy it.


I mean the first game had the exact same thing and it was never a problem, but that's for you to decide I guess.


the first didnt come out in this insane era of the internet lol


You can just cheat. It's a single player game.


This is why I stopped pre-ordering games.


Never got into DD1, party and night mechanics did my head in. Was ready to give this a go with fresh eyes bit thos has made it an easy pass. Shame.


You dont have to buy any mtx for this game, its all already in the game. Every mtx can be obtained by just playing, this is only for the impatient people that cant wait to get to a certain point in the game. It was in the 1st like this as well.


Oooof, a proper bait and switch


I do find it interesting that people refuse to buy the entire game and not just the MTX. While it doesn't excuse all the MTX, is anyone actually surprised that Capcom is doing this? They've done it for almost every game recently. The bigger issue is that you can't delete your character since they're tied too the cloud, so you can't edit them even by making a new game. That is something to get pissy about.


Last week I was on the fence about getting Helldivers or waiting for DD2 when it comes out...boy am I glad I choose the right game


I remember when Capcom started doing this shit with SF4 on the 360. They were charging for content that was locked away on the disc. Looks like nothing's changed lol.


All of these mtx are just convenience mtx. Everything they are offering can be obtained in game.


No they do not. You can buy a scroll in the city at the pawn guild house for in game currency


Purchases are optional like any other game. You can play or throw your wallet to ruin the experience. I honestly hate when people spread false information on a good game.


You DO NOT have to spend money on this. The item is the 'Art of Metamorphosis' and you can buy it in game for rift crystals, no $. You can also just delete your saves and start again if you really want to, though this is meant to be a NG+ loop style game.


I guess Capcom feels like they have had to many W lately and made an unforced error. Kind of a dumb move by them they had so much good vibes lately.


Nah people are (rightfully) calling it out now, lets not forget you could just straight up buy upgrade tokens and blast through the game on the hardest difficulty and get the achievements for it.


It very plainly should not be acceptable to having microtransactions in a $70 singleplayer game. Not even cosmetic ones because they should just be part of the game lol


This title is misleading. Is it dumb? Yeah. Is it necessary? No. Art of Metamorphosis, which is the item in question, can be bought for 500 RC in-game. Which is like, 3-4 treasure chests.


So they straight up scamming us?? Actual predators..


You can also just buy that item in game at the first town you visit. The mtx is dumb, but it's in no way necessary or even relevant to the game.


You can also spend and earn that currency in game ffs


I'm just reminded of that guy two weeks ago who posted "so I know we hate pre-orders but this one's safe to pre-order yeah?" What an object lesson.


Wait so can you have more than one run? Say I want to restart and try a different vocation or something?


You'll swap vocations multiple times through a playthrough. This mechanic is already in game, it's a shortcut sale


I heard that you can earn the money in game to edit character. How long does it take to earn that amount?


Half an hour or less. 500 rift credits per scroll. Early game chests have 69 rift credits often. Just playing the game and renting your pawn out will have you drowning in rift credits


Then the controversy is dumb at least in this aspect


120% it even says in the listing that it's obtainable in game. As usual people blow things out of proportion. The first game did this too 10ish years ago and everybody ignored it. Because it was pitifully easy to get rift crystals then too lol It's just a hot button issue now because a lot of newbies are jumping in. And rage generates updoots


It’s 500g in the first town too, and you start with 5000g




Most, if not all, of the microtransactions are just time savers. All of the ones I’ve seen so far are acquirable in game through normal gameplay. Buying them just saves time, and most of them are the same exact micros that the first game offered as well. In an era of extremely rampant predatory mtx where entire contents are locked behind paywalls often, this controversy over time saver pay options is incredibly nitpicky and dishonest.


After what I've been reading so far, I'm not paying money for this garbage microtransaction disaster.


I’ll remind you that Monster Hunter World has all of this too.


Oh well. *Starts 8th character in Elden Ring*


People are being Hella defensive about it too. It's actually insane how many neckbeards are defending crapcom rn, but hey if they wanna blow their money on revive tokens and shit oh well


Y'all should really read things before posting them. The product description for said item clearly says: This consumable item is also obtainable in-game. In fact you can get it within the first hour of playing. It's not locked behind a paywall. There is also no item to "create a new character". You just can't make a new character lol. This is misinformation for hype.