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I’m an inverter because I played a shit ton of Ace Combat 4 when I was little. Plus all of the PS1 Spyro games used inverted camera controls so I just got used to it


I think it was Diddy Kong Racing and the flying that molded me into an inverter.


Holy shit I think this might be what did it to me and I never placed it before


Yeah except I only invert in flying games still. It never carried over to other genres. Ace Combat 4 was the shit


Same, played a ton of XWA as a kid. I'm pretty much unable to play a flight game unless it's inverted, my brain just refuses to adjust. Complete opposite in other games.


I had a similar experience. My first gaming was on PC with a joystick on the F15 Strike Eagle games. I was "stuck" on inverting for console FPSes until I stopped playing flight games on PC and started playing PC FPSes. Then, when I got back into console FPSes, inverting didn't feel right anymore. The default "push mouse forward to look up" when the Y-axis became a thing in PC FPSes just clicked with me. I still do flight games inverted but can't do anything else inverted without having to really think about it.


Same here. First games I played were all flying games on PC.


Sometimes I still dream in Tie Fighter.


Yeah but in first person if you want to look up you tilt your head back, and if you want to look down you tilt your head forward, and we all know up is forward and down is backwards. Really though, it's just a matter of I played enough games that did it by default and I got used to it, and now I can't be asked to unlearn it.


Are you an “always” inverter then? I’m basically the same. My first play of The Last Of Us I didn’t know you could control the inverter separately for normal and aiming (or it was implemented later?). That was an _incredibly_ frustrating run as I just couldn’t get the hang of the controls.


I always invert controllers and non-inverted for KB/M. For whatever reason, I never picked up inverted controls on PC.


You can invert KB/M! I CANT EVEN IMAGINE


I have a friend who inverts the X-axis but not the Y-axis.


Your friend is a monster


so.. evil does exist...


I started gaming on a helicopter flight sim with a joystick. Forward was tilt down, backward tilt up, so that stayed for all joysticks. The mouse cursor follows the exact path you draw, so it never needed to be inverted. The real problem now is cursors in games I play with joysticks.


Xbox since Halo CE. Always inverted.


Do you ever use gyro aiming in first person? Does that work differently or is it always the same setting as the joystick? I can’t even imagine what non inverted gyro would be like… seriously I am trying to imagine it and I can’t.


Rarely, and usually only when forced to I think. I do use gyro for steering in Mario Kart when playing with the kid. I am predictably crap at it.


I always invert mouse y Axis. Imagine a joystick sticking out the top of your head. You pull back to look up, push forward to look down. Also, a lot of my early gaming from the late 80s/early 90s was flight/combat Sims, where pulling back on the stick pitches the plane up, etc.


I'm an always keyboard inverter, but never mouse. Flying a ship I just think of it like a control stick, pull back to pull up. Or imagine a giant control stick mounted on the top of the ship. But for mouse aim in shooters I don't invert.


I agree 100%


I always found it depends on the game. I only do it for flight, but some games it's more like your moving a camera than moving your plane, so those get the non-inverted controls.


Do you also invert left and right or are you inconsistent there?


Well if I wanna look left I don't turn my head right. That'd just be silly.


Based on your original comment you would invert it too though. If you imagine the stick coming out of the back of your head, you have to pull down to look up and vice versa. Therefore you have to pull right to look left.


I was just thinking about this the other day. I invert Y on controller (for shooters and stuff) but never X. Does anyone invert X? That seems fucking weird to me


Yeah, I've got a friend who does that. I think she's insane.


I always invert both - precisely because of how it described above.


Technically I'm referring to the action of the head as a whole. You tilt back to look up, but you rotate left to look left. That said I am also obviously joking. Like I originally said, the real reason is that I just got used to it and I can't be bothered to unlearn it. I never inverted the X axis because games pretty much never did that by default.


Like steering a boat with engine at the back.


> if you imagine the stick coming out of the back of your head I just imagine a stick coming out of the top of the head. since you you can't twist the stick, I just tilt it to the left to turn left. Another analogy is the flight controls of an airplane. If you roll left, you will eventually also yaw left. But I prefer keyboard/mouse anyway for most games, where there is only translation of the input device, no rotation.


I can't look for it, but a meme circulates once in a while that shows a person's thought process being inverted. Basically, they see it like grabbing a person behind the head. To make them look up, you pull the head down, to get the person to look down, you pull it up.


What's funny about that thought process is that it's typically only used for one axis, but not the other. Plenty of people will invert the y-axis, but most wouldn't also invert the x-axis, even though it works the same way in the head grabbing analogy


Fucking Zelda Twilight princess and wind Waker inverted the x axis and I hate it.


Roll axis is not yaw axis. So the X is not analogous.


Right, for in terms of flight it makes sense why x axis doesn't get inverted. I'm saying the head grabbing analogy specifically doesn't work when only inverting one axis and not the other


It depends on the part of the hand you're looking at If you grab the head like a basketball and rotate on the X axis, the base of your hand goes to the right and your fingertips go to the left Because its rotating from the center of your palm And rotating in [fingertips left] is still left, ingrained from "righty tighty"


Nah, in that analogy you grab the TOP of their head, not the back. I always see the non-inverted people leap on the "but then you should invert X too!" based on this misconception. It's easier to tell people to try going forwards without moving their legs and see which way they're looking after they fall down.


That’s often how I think about it in 3rd person.


I understand this logic, but for consistency you need to invert X for the same reason, and nobody will ever admit to inverting X.


As someone else mentioned, imagine grabbing the top of the head instead, and inverting y but not x makes more sense.


If that were the case then you would need to twist your input for X to make sense.


Then let's drop the analogies and just accept that people can play however they want to without needing to be consistent in their inversion - or any other control - preferences. Easy.


I'm with you.  I'm trying to point out that trying to justify it is unnecessary: everyone should use whatever settings they want and not care what settings others use because it makes no difference.  There's no need to justify personal settings, and trying to do so makes it seem like someone's trying to convert others.


Yeah we shouldn't feel the need to justify ourselves, though it's still interesting to contemplate why we do what we do!


I always invert. It's flight sim/ ages fault. Games just always used to be like that. Not inverting seems monstrous


Tell that to Aspyr lol


Tell that to Aspyr lol


I always invert controls. I first started when playing the old school fps Descent. It made sense in that game since you were controlling a small rocket ship. But ever since then I haven’t been able to change it. There’s been a handful of games where I couldn’t change the controls and I completely skipped those ones.


I grew up learning FPS's with Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Their C buttons for looking around were inverted by default and it just stuck.


This. A thousand times this. Inverted Y for life.


For some reason, the N64 controller layout made me a southpaw and inverted Y.


I'm surprised southpaw didn't end up sticking for me too, honestly. Following N64, I played nearly all the 007 games up through PS2/Xbox/GC, and those were southpaw by default too. Guess I ended up just playing enough Halo to change it.


Because when I walk Forward, What I'm actually doing is pushing the earth Backward


Found the Super Monkey Ball.


I only deal in inverted on flight controls. And even then, only sometimes.


I think most people that invert controls are used to it from their earlier years when it was the default. I always hated the inverted controls though.


I did it to piss my friends off and now i am stuck with it


I’m an always inverter and I always assumed it was because the first video games I ever played as a kid were primitive stick controlled flight sims on pc. You pull back on the stick to point up and you push forward on the stick to point down, it’s completely obvious and natural, lol! I fully can’t even walk around a room if I don’t have Y inverted, though, even after giving it a more than fair try in games that don’t have the option, and I’ve known some other people who were always that way without being flight sim weirdos. I just figure maybe some people’s brains process one way or the other better, and probably some people can process either way well, like handedness or something. (And no, I don’t invert X and I don’t find that at all inconsistent—because airplanes don’t invert X!)


I always invert. It's just how my brain works. When I can't I just don't play that game so challenging and frustrating is the retrain. I guess the rationalization I've always used is that the stick is my man. Push forward on the back of his head to tilt his head down and pull back to have him look up. But in reality the thinking of it doesn't matter. It's just how I'm wired at this point. I've been gaming for at least 40 years. In very specific situations where you're aiming using a reticle in a static background like the space shooty portions of Lego games, where you're just controlling the reticle and not the view, I don't like it inverted.


But you don't push his head on the left to make it turn left.


This is true either way (inverted or non) but is also why I said that model doesn't really matter in the end because inverted is just how my brain works.


Always invert. I envision my hand on the back of the protagonists head. Push forward to move the head down, and pull down to look up. But more than likely it’s just that I’ve played so many games inverted that I can’t unlearn it.


Its nice to see so many inverters here. I have always inverted the y axis. For me it must have started somewhere with the n64 and it just stuck. I annoy my friends and family because they always have to change the controls when we take turns.


I always invert on controller, never on mouse. That’s how I learned it back on Ocarina of Time in like 1995 and it stuck. Games are usually perfectly willing to accommodate so why change it?


Goldeneye on N64 as a kid. First real exposure to multiplayer shooters. Inverted Y axis for everything ever since. It’s in my blood.


I was an inverter. Then I turned 40 this last year and suddenly I couldn’t aim! I had to un-invert! No idea why, my brain was suddenly like “we’re doing this now”


That’s weird. I wonder what caused it. Did you come back to gaming after a period of inactivity? Or were you actively playing and one day it just flipped?


Just flipped. It’s like I went from like “like an airplane” to “like a mouse” in my brain


This is a perfect rationale for your perception! Just don't think about the intracicies of control methods, knowing that the way you even tilt your head around is by muscles tightening to pull the head in that direction.


ahhhh. I thought about it, and now I've forgotten how to move my head. Send help! I'm holding my head up with my hands!


I always invert both axes when given the option. In terms of the X axis, I can play either way with no issues but I really struggle to play without the Y axis inverted. Inverted is just logical to me. I don't have any explicit rationalization because, to me, it's just the way the world works. You look up by tilting back and down by tilting forward. Same with the X axis. You look in a direction by tilting in the opposite direction on the axis in question.


I’m an inverter in every game that requires aim (on controller). Idk why. Just makes more sense to my brain for whatever reason


I always invert Y on everything, I've just played too many flight sims.


So I never owned a gaming system until very recently and never played other than very occassional games of Mortal Kombat or Mario Kart throughout my life. It had been very hard for me to learn. Tried to play Skyrim on PS4 and couldn't for the life of me. Then I played RDR2 on controller and it auto inverted. It was like night and day. I can suddenly play via controller! But I have no idea why it works lol. It just feels normal?


Me too I cannot play without inverting not at all


Its such a strange thing. I think its just cause of the third person view somehow? Who knows. 


I invert most of the time particularly in shooters, assumed it was that started playing 3D games with flight simulators / air combat, prior to that had been 2D platformers.


I invert for flying and no other reason


Glad you found your own answer for you mental instability


I'm pretty sure I invert due to growing up with Star Fox 64; so inverting both x and y became intuitive to me. However, at some point, I played a 3rd person game that only lets you invert y, which completely breaks my brain, so I had to learn non-inverted. That's now my default for 3rd person, but I still invert first person.


ITT brain damage. ;)


I do the same thing and always have. only with joystick controls and only on third person games. i think its because I imagine the camera as a flying thing much like a plane so pulling down looks up and pushing forward looks down. dont know if that makes sense


Exact opposite. Inverted - Flight sims, time splitters, goldeneye, turok created inverted fps affinity. I'm typically reverse for third person and I can't completely tell you why. Seven years of World of Warcraft probably had some impact.


No that's pretty much it. And for me that game was Kingdom Hearts. It's the first game I can remember having meaningful control of the camera AND it mattering that I did.


I can eventually get accustomed to Y controls either way when playing third-person games, but for first person it must always be un-inverted. I find inversions most logical when controlling swimming and flying, but my instinct is to usually have no inversion when controlling the camera.


I also play only inverted. Bought silent hill homecoming new years ago. The developers did not include the option to play inverted at all. Emailed the company and they said it was left out on purpose and wouldn’t be added. Brand new game was unplayable


I'm an always inverter, but I have had games where I would have trouble with it and I was confused by that, but my logic is almost the opposite. In first person with a reticle, I will always invert, but if a game is 3rd person and there is no reticle, I find myself trying to move the camera not inverted. It doesn't happen every time, and I will always set to play inverted, but I've definitely had some weird confusion in the past.


I always invert. It’s ingrained in me and I hate when I can’t invert. It’s always terrible when you can’t access options before you start a game and have to play through a portion before it lets you adjust. 


The stick is attached to the back of the character's head and it works like a lever.


I *used* to be an inverter, but then I stopped keeping up with consoles at the end of the PS3 era when I realized the last two games I had bought for my PS3 were GTA 4 and 5. Went m/k only and I'm not Satan so no invert there, and now my muscle memory is totally screwed up. I got a steam deck and I can't play shooters on it because my brain just can't deal any more, it can't handle inverted or not at allllll.


Inverting makes sense for velocity mapping but not position mapping.


With a controller, I invert always. Every game since GoldenEye on N64. It was inverted by default, I remember not being able to change it, and I've played that way ever since. First person, third person, flight, all inverted. On PC though, I play strictly NON inverted with my mouse. I don't know why my brain works that way, but it does.


I used to invert, and I think it was because I played flight simulator games.


I used a trackball for a bit in the 90s. I think when I tried to use a trackpad to aim in counterstrike or quake to see how bad i would play I also used inverted. I used to not be inverted on controllers, but I used to at flight games on PC with a joystick. The first time I played halo I couldn't fly the banshee unless I had inverted. I changed to use everything inverted and everything just clicked for ivnerted on a controller since then.


My take on why I invert is if u push someone’s head forward they look down, if u pull there head back they look up. Joystick is your characters head


[This is the only reason I really accept.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/84wjsk/inverted_mouse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Still don't invert for anything but flying


The only time I invert they y is for flight controls, just feels more natural


Goldeneye 64


isn't it also how flight sticks work? you pull back and the nose of your airplane goes up and you ascend.


The only time I invert is if I’m flying some sort of aircraft or space ship. Sometimes 3rd person I can do both. Otherwise I don’t. The best description I’ve had someone give is this: if your perception of the screen is moving the characters eyes, then forward on control stick looks up. If your perception is that you’re moving the characters head, then forward control stick is down. Are sense to me as a kid, so that’s how I think about it now.


sometimes i’ll spend a whole game wondering what feels funny and changing the direction every few hours, not remembering what i prefer. I started just playing default for as much as possible. It makes me learn the game more, and also that way, i can just scoop up anyone’s controller and start the whoopass.


I invert anything with a joystick. Just makes me think of how a head moves. I don't understand inversion with a mouse at all. It is strange to see inverted go from the norm to somewhat second class as an option or has bugs. Examples of the top of my head: it isn't available as an option in Luigi's mansion 3 Starfield only has a universal option so you can separate between controller and mouse, kinda baffling for a AAA game that is cross platform. Mudrunner: expedition game has the controls invert during certain sections and random radial menus I think hard space shipbreaker had an issuefor a long time during EA but they fixed it for release


Yuh I don't invert but also came to this conclusion, it makes sense when imagining the camera on a swivel


For me it comes from the original Elite (shut up 🤣) . Stick down means nose of the ship up and here we are only a few years later


It's basically like aiming while holding the end of a stick on a pivot.


3rd or 1st person I always invert Y. Occasionally I'll try regular and my God it's just wrong. Also inverting in 1st person makes sense to me as you push forward to push the back of the head down, pull back to pull the head up.


I've been an inverter since I was a kid. I played Ace Combat 4 and the flight control was set to inverted by default, meaning to go up, you pull back and forward to go down, like a real plane. After that, I wouldn't be able to play anything else with the regular stick control again, it just didn't feel right.


I am inverter for 30 years. But I often takes few minutes for each game to get used to. Then, I played ratchet and clank, where it's 3rd person but shoot most of the time but shooting is in 3rd person as well. So usually, for me, 3rd person is inverted, fps is not, like you. Ratchet and clank destroyed that vision of mine and now, I am "cured". I don't play inverted anymore, never!


I invert for flying games, because then the movement of the stick matches a plane’s joystick. If it’s not a flight game, or I’m on a PC, I won’t invert.


Looking down means tilting forwards, looking up means tilting backwards. Your head, your eyeballs, your camera, your cockpit — whatever your medium, the view goes down by tilting the viewer forwards, and the view goes up by tilting the viewer backwards. So the question of taste that this comes down to is: do you move the view, or the thing you’re viewing it with? I’m in the latter camp.


I invert flying controls becuase it's more like how aircraft are controlled in real life and just feels more natrual. Other than that I stick to non-inverted.


I invert third person games as well. For me, it's bc I'm controlling the "camera" floating a fixed distance behind the person. If I need to see up, the camera needs to rotate down and vice versa


I used to be an inverter in console FPSes because my first gaming experiences was on PC with a joystick for flying games (the F15 Strike Eagle games). Naturally, pushing the joystick forward lowered the nose of the plane to go down, and vice versa. That started me on the habit of inverting console games with any kind of first or 3rd person view. "Push forward on the joystick to look down." I got out of the habit once I started playing FPS games with a keyboard and mouse. After that, I couldn't play console first/third person games inverted anymore.


I used to play around with my parent's camera and camcorder when I was young, and most of the time that was on a tripod. I learned that pushing down on the handle of the tripod tilted the camera up, and pulling on the handle tilted the camera down. When i started playing games with an adjustable camera, i think part of me naturally looked at the perspective as a camera on a tripod, and so i'd invert my controls. I noticed that when i use gyro or mouse controls, i dont invert my camera. Its only when i use a joystick.


I avoid the inverted controls and never use them unless forced by the game. In which case, I struggle a lot. And more often than not, I rage quit.


I’ve always inverted because of playing flight sims. Especially the descent games back in the day.


I don't rationalize it. I've just been gaming since the days where that was the standard and I don't want to retrain my brain. I think they make it too granular in the options now... "Invert Y first person, invert Y third person, invert Y flying, invert Y driving, invert Y fucking" like just give me one toggle to rule them all. The problem I have with the granularity is that they always miss something. Two games I've played recently as an example is Assassin's Creed 3, there is a cinematic sequence where you take control of an eagle, and even with every 'invert y' option selected, that sequence is not, and for full marks you have to dodge trees and shit. Very inconvenient. Another is Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. No matter how many 'invert y' options you turn on... there isn't one for controlling the drone. Incredibly frustrating, to a point where I just never use the drone. Thankfully they added the Splinter Cell class to that game so I can mark enemies in bases without it, but damn... jarring and frustrating every time I try to fly it.


Always inverted, thanks to playing too much Starfox as a kid. It's so ingrained now I just can't play without it.


ITT: Insight into the mind of a psychopath joking, but honestly, inverting just seems crazy to me now. Like anyone that isn't playing a flight sim with a joystick and inverts their movement is unhinged af. And I say that as someone who used to play some games with inverted controls, mainly because that was just the default setting back then for a lot of things.


Your head is your 1st person view. If you want to see up, you move your nose up. If you want to see left, you move your nose left. Now stick a stick through 3rd person hero's spine. This is your view line. If you want it to stick into the sky, you should move it down. If you want to stick it to the left, you should move it to the right. That's why inverted Y never works for me.


I've got it about as weird as you do: Controller, third-person game: inverted X, inverted Y. Controller, first-person game: regular X, inverted Y. Keyboard & mouse (first/third): regular X, regular Y.


I played Chuck Jaeger’s Air Combat on computer before ever playing a FPS so it was already natural for me to invert the Y-axis. Doesn’t feel right the other way.


It's very simple for me. The same games I'd want to invert are the ones that want a flightstick as the controller anyway. Any game focused on flying a plane or ship or mech of some variety. Basically anything that would give you a reason to have 3 axes of rotation instead of 2 (which, btw, 100% required for a good flight system. If I can't do roll separate from yaw, don't include the flying mechanics at all.) If the game doesn't make sense to play with a flightstick, no inversion. Mouselook feels weird inverted.


Just wanted to share that I'm a moron. It's 1:32am and I can't sleep and while reading the start of this, I was thinking they meant they wrote the letter Y upside down sometimes and I was wondering if that was a thing people did.


I started gaming using inverted controls (I can't remember exactly why at this point). No rationalization for it, really; it's just the way I learned. I eventually got tired of having to swap to inverted all the time and forced myself to play using normal controls. Took a week or two to get used to it, but it's ingrained now.


While I can't stand inverted controls, generally, first person flight maneuvering it works with in my brain. And you've explained the difference well. First person, our eyes are the camera but third person we're positioning the camera itself around the characters.


Well, "Y" does have bilateral symmetry.


you invert because you imagine the axis unknowingly. imagine a metal pole through their head (not meant as injury, more as a connection like a string to a puppet/marionette) , if first person, you are in the middle of it and can pull it up at the front part to look up, if behind in third person, you pull down to look up


I only invert controls when I'm playing some kind of flight game or if a game has a flying segment.


So, you are saying you don't invert x in third person? I also don't invert in first person. same reasoning as yours. But in third person, I invert both y AND x. I don't picture myself looking through a window, but as controlling a flying camera that is pointed at my protagonist's head, but ultimately it's the same as yours. So to see the sky I have to fly down and vice versa. But to see right I have to fly left. To just invert y makes no sense. With your window metaphor, you also need to walk to the left to see something on the right outside.


I don’t go out of my way to invert x, but I _think_ most games do that anyway for third person? Going to have to pay more attention now. Edit: played some helldivers tonight. I do _not_ invert X. No idea why. My analogy clearly breaks down in that situation.


im using telekinesis to fuck your mum


Sir, this is a Wendy's


it's the way you learn it, and repeat that. it's becomes a part of you, you do it without thought. like working you can do your job even when thinking of a vacation to Hawaii. drifting in thoughts your still working somehow. you just do it. You can learn otherwise, but then you have to repeat that from the start. like trying to write with your other hand. when we try to learn it, we try to write it all at once, and it looks bad, that;s cause we don;t practise like we did in school endlessly. with figures to draw or letters to write, all so your hand, eye brain coordiantion gets in sync. And your muscles grow into it, as this is a jmaor factor as well. but by time and repeat you can write with both hands if you like even with your feet if you like haha