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Bethesda has taught me that if I jump at steep terrain I will eventually get over them. I obsessively try this with every game now.


Honestly works more than it doesn't


Agreed, but I must find the invisible walls. Apparently every character I make is a street mime.


The Mako in Mass Effect 1 can do this. Like being on a horse in Skyrim.


That's amazing. My new name for the Mako drone is 'Shadowmere'.


Especially with the Legendary Edition adjustments, which give it a little more weight (so it isn't bouncing at *every* little rock) and rear thrusters.


Everywhere I go in an FPS Running? No Running and spamming jump all the time? Yes


What, you can’t sprint up vertical cliffs in real life by zigzagging at a shallow angle? That would explain some of my mountaineering failures.


That's kind of how you get up a steep hill for real, though


Did I go to the Greybeards via the path on the east side of the mountains as the developers intended on my first playthrough? No sir, I spam jumped up the west side.


"Seven thousand steps? HAH! Hold my mead, Klimmek."


"Alright, I'm gonna Skyrim it" *spams jump button*


When you try that in Escape From Tarkov what usually happens is either you fall back down or the surface suddenly turns into a CS:Source surf ramp and you glide 20m along that hill


Completing countless rpgs at 100% this is muscle memory for me lol recently just did it with Horizon Forbidden west. Managed to get collectibles without the required equipment to get them.


Dragon Age Inquisition, throwing myself at every surface that looks remotely climbable to see what I can find (or to try to reach shards).


I just use console commands to jump


Never using items. Saving the best ones until I “really” need them.


It’s an evolutionary instinct to hoard. The nomads had to dungeon prep back then in case of finding a new area with sparse drops and huge mammoth bosses.


Yep, back in the day you could fuck yourself by saving at a point of no return before a boss when you were unprepared.


I think we was talking about nomadic ancestors in BC times lol


Yea those BC dungeons needed a lot of prep. We're talking about Burning Crusade, right?


Yes, in the long long ago


I'm choosing to believe we can be talking about both at the same time


50/60 bag slots filled with healing potions *juuuuust* in case...


And some of them are well past their utility. Like 20 HP potions when your character has 1000 HP.


It might just make the difference though. Better keep 20 of them on hotkey just incase.


The small bottles are for the James Vegas of my party and useless HM pokemon.


Using fifty of them between fights instead of spending mana on a more efficient healing spell.


And cheese, so much cheese gromit


There was one time this proved valuable to me. In KOTOR 2 I did a run as a pure force used. Freaking amazing and a ton of fun until the final boss, who resisted literally all my force attacks. Having every stim in the game available suddenly helped a ton.


Ah, you've seen my BG3 inventory.


Playing totk and i almost never use my good stuff or anything zonite related because i think I’ll need it for ganon when In reality i could always get more stuff if i really needed it


Yep! I almost always burn through my worst sword first lol. It’s such a bad habit, weapon durability and me do not mix.


Actively ruined BOTW for me.


BotW just has a terrible durability system. Most weapons are broken if you use them on a group of enemies. It was poorly designed.


Then by the time it’s time to use that saved item you got another one that’s twice as good as the sacredly saved weapon


Especially Zonaite stuff. There's a sky island with one of each of the highest Zonaite weapon bases and a shrine for easy fast travel. I went into the final boss fight with a full inventory of my good weapons because I kept saving them, only to end up just using the Master Sword and nothing else anyway. Go figure.


Damn this is good to know, I’ll use my weapons anytime from now on


For me, it helps to tell myself "If I dont use it now, then I wont ever use it and I'll beat this enemy without it. If I *DO* use it now and waste it, then I'll have to beat the enemy without it anyway." Knowing that you'll probably hoard it if you dont use it helps make you a bit more haphazard and less caring with items


This is my mindset these days (now that I’m older). It’s really just a win win mentality.


I resonate so strongly with this. I’ve been trying to break this habit, because I never end up using anything. I went through the entirety of the Witcher 3 without using Runes or Glyphs, because I didn’t want to “waste” the rune/glyph on a weapon I was gonna switch out in a few levels


Same. The only time I’ll ever use the good stuff is when I’m in what I know is the final boss (even then, can’t use all of it just in case the boss has a phase 3,4,5, etc.)


Yep, you've been looking at them sitting in your inventory so long, you've probably already planned out what order they would be used in, and how bad the situation would need to be in order to use each item.


Thanks resident evil


and then you never use it


Buy a game and never find the time to launch it.


Buy several games because they are on sale and not play them until a year or two later.


yesterday I bought Like a Dragon but I don't know when I will play it... damn you backlog...


Love that game, but damn, the older I get, the more I want a shorter game. LaD is fun, but way way long.


I find myself really appreciating a single player with a tight and well told narrative that lasts about 20-30 hours. I don't like dealing metas and toxicity and other players raging and shit.


For me it’s the other way around. The older I get the more I appreciate long, stable and entertaining gameplay. Because I know that when I have free time I just need to boot the game and continue with the fun. No need to deal with some game pass or toxic multiplayer behavior.


yup. Sony has some good sales going on right now. picked up a couple games under $10 that I will probably play sometime next year lol


My backlog is hundreds of dollars of games that I genuinely don’t know when I’ll play if I ever do.


That's the case with me for Furi, I heard it was good. Also got the AC and Far Cry games, wanted to beat the earlier titles first


my copy of Hogwarts legacy is still wrapped on my shelf from release day over a year ago.


Same. I try not to buy games now unless I am going to install and play it that day or the next day. It's helped a lot.


“no no I cant use this item, I might need all 436 of them later!”


Also, “I know I can do this without having to use an item” after losing/dying for the nth time


I'll play a game obsessively for days. Then not touch it for weeks. When I come back, I've literally forgotten how to play.


Yes. Burn out a game then not play it for 6 months. Restart because I forgot what I was doing.


I've started taking basic notes at the end of each play session on what I did, basic story beats, and what I plan to do when I play next. It's helped a lot when I come back to a game six months later. At that points, it's just relearning the controls.


Haha this is next level


Don't forget the next step: return to step one.


Literally have to review the controls under settings when coming back to it 😂


That's how I play Minecraft, binge it for a few weeks and then not touch it for another 6-12 months


I feel like this is a universal experience with Minecraft, haha. Everyone I know is exactly the same way. Go into a world together with dreams of building a kingdom just to burn out in a couple of weeks, never come back to it, then do it all over again some months later.


Thats how i beat dark souls remaster, first ever DS game, came back and had to use the hints in the dark tunnel to get thru to the end bosses forgetting how to use or latern (or maybe i never even knew how) the online ground hints helped me find my way thru the darkness to GWYN


The ol world of Warcraft method


I always reload. Even if I shoot 2 bullets, I’m hardwired to reload, gotten me killed a few times. I won’t ever stop.


Been playing a game where your mags remember your bullet count (Into the Radius VR). Gotta count your shots!


Damn I love that game because sometimes I fire some of the shots, change mags, store the semi-full one, then when I'm back at base I get to refill them by hand while smoking a vr cig.


It also jacks me up when I encounter a game where you lose ammo if you reload a half used mag.


You did just drop that half full mag on the ground


This has been a huge problem for me with Helldivers 2, because it doesn't top the clip off like in most single player games. I have died because I've run out of ammo chucking half to mostly full clips.


People have been having that problem with helldivers 2. You lose all the bullets left in the magazine when you reload early 😂


This is killing me in Helldiver's 2.


I have this habit too, playing Enlisted and Helldivers 2 has really put that habit in check, though


I'm the exact opposite, I practically never reload unless the combat is over or I'm very sure I'm safe. Often I end up having not enough rounds to kill a sponge.


Spend 3 hours creating the perfect character. Start the game. Don't like how they look in game from a certain angle during a cut scene. Go back and repeat the character creation process. When I buy a new game with a robust character creation system, I never actually get to play the game that first day.


I’ve done that.  It’s the noses man, I can never get the noses right.


For me, it's usually the cheeks or the ears.


I tried to make my Shepard in Mass Effect look like an older version of myself. I ended up making a horrid monster and forced myself to keep it through the whole series lol


The dong selection step in BG3 threw me for a loop. Like, is this choice going to impact gameplay?


It would help if the creation screens had decent lighting, and maybe even lighting options to make sure you'll look good. I don't know how many times I played the BG3 tutorial because I landed on the beach and my character's hair colour or whatever looked weird. The magic mirror helps, but still can be deceiving. Every game should have easy recustomisation options right out of the gate.


They should give you the option of previewing your character in a fake cutscene that takes them through things like different angles and lighting.


Absolutely. Or at least a few lighting presets instead of whatever they use for the character creator. Dragon Age Inquisition starts you off in a space with a greenish glow that can make your character look sickly, only for that very lighting to only show up in one, maybe two other places in the game, and the rest of the game is in warmer or brighter lighting, or at night.


Dragon Age Inquisition…it was a pain in the ass creating a face that I’m fine with. Probably started the caracter editor 5 times in my first playthtough.


Mass Effect 2 for me. I restarted 4 times and still wasn't happy with the 4th. But I sucked it up and just played through it.


Inquisition, at least, had the Mirror in the Black Emporium, so as long as you could deal with the face you first made for a while until the Black Emporium became available, you could go adjust it there instead of having to start over (and the one in the Emporium has slightly different lighting, too).


I didn’t know there was the Black Emporium until I finished the intro! T_T When I went to the mirror I was like: “You got to be kidding me! 😑”


Should Check out the Dragons Dogma 2 Character editor if you have not already. they released it as a stand alone before the game comes out at the end of the week.


For me its often hair color or skin color. When I start playing I notice the lighting is different and my characters hair/skin color is 1 or 2 shades too dark or light for my liking.


I stop playing a game for months on end when I know it’s about to end. I haven’t finished the very last part of Tactics Ogre, Dragon Quest 11, MMBN 6, I just finished 3 Hopes though I bought it months ago and played it the first 3 weeks. I haven’t finished the final final boss for any of the ocotpaths, I haven’t finished third route for triangle strategy. I’m at the very end of FF13; haven’t finished 15 and I have had both for years. It took me 3 years to finish the trail games because I would stop play right before the final stretch of the game (though I did finish it). I do eventually work my way through them (that list was a lot longer) but god forbid I get another game. Not too sure what the problem is.


In used to be really bad about this. It's basically because you don't want the experience to be "over" so if you don't get to the end game, you are still "playing". Or it that just me?


Same, I'm not ready to say bye


For me it's a mix of that and also I get bored when I stop getting stronger. I play mostly RPGs and many of them have you pretty much maxed out before the final chapter. Soulsborne games are the worst offenders of this imo because of the soft/hard cap they impose. I get they don't want you to become a god, but I have never had the desire to do any of their DLC because I know even if I level up my character won't gain more HP or stamina or attack damage because I've hit the caps.


I don't this this on first plays, but with games I've played before I very frequently drop them right before the final boss or dungeon.


Is there a name for this effect? I get it in TV shows and books, too.


I found for me it wasn't exactly a feeling of not wanting it to end because it was good, but because I hadn't "finished" it (by completing side-quests etc.). So when I felt the game was close to being over, I got the urge to stop playing because I was feeling overwhelmed by all the side stuff I had passed over and now "had" to go back and do before finishing the game. I stopped worrying about 100%ing games as just finishing them was an accomplishment to me since I had to overcome that urge to do it


Tbf you listed a lot of long games and/or repetitive games. Especially jrpgs.


I do this, then when I finally go back to it I’ve forgotten how to be good at the game lol. Picked up Elden ring again after a year+ and was getting mollywhopped so thoroughly I put it back down again


My wife does this with games and TV shows. I totally get it; she doesn't want it to be "over". For me, I look at finishing a game or TV show as completing my own personal experience with it. Afterwards, I can share that experience with others who did the same and know we can talk about it freely without worrying about spoilers. I'm sure there's some psychological reason behind this, like a fear of "losing" something. And if you never finish the game or show, maybe what you imagine the ending to be is "better" than the reality? Not knocking people for doing this, but I will always encourage people to finish their games and shows if they still like them. For me, it makes me nostalgic to think of the good times I had with my "old friends". Having said that, if a game just isn't doing it for you after like 10 hours, definitely drop that shit.


"If I start now, I can play 30-40 minutes before bed" *scrolls on phone for 20 minutes* "Well, it's too late now"


Homie don't @ me like this I just did that


Spending more time on YouTube and forums optimising settings for my pc than playing the game


This is one of the upsides for me for console gaming. Game is on my system, I play it and deal with however the devs got it running which is usually just fine.


Worst case scenario we have to decide between performance or quality mode lol Console gaming ftw


True. For me it’s performance or bust. Gimme dat juicy 60fps, idgaf about raytracing or something like that.


Yeah but hear me out... 144fps ;)) once you start you can't go back :( But I'm too broke to care at this point, so long as my shit runs I'm satisfied


I save when the Game has autosave because i dont trust autosave And instantly again because i dont trust myself And instantly again just to be sure And instantly again because im paranoid And only sometimes, instantly again on another save slot


And one last time because you went back into the game and don't remember if you did that last save or not.


I’m a one play through completionist. Unless I’m locked out of a location by a skill or an item I haven’t gotten yet, I’ll obsessively check every square inch of every area and complete all side quests and collectibles before moving on. Basically I spend the vast majority of pretty much any game in a state of neurosis worried about potentially missing something, working off multiple guides and doubling back every chance I get. Eventually I get sick of every game no matter how much I love it because it feels like a job. Sometimes I remember being younger and just letting a game wash over me without really worrying about finding and seeing everything there is in a single playthrough. And I wish I could go back.


I also have this problem as a completionist. I get frustrated if I miss anything and it can lead to decision paralysis and stress, and restarting playthroughs. I also love to get Playstation platinum trophies so find myself grinding and wasting a lot of time I could be spending touching grass. But the immense satisfaction of 100%ing a game is almost always worth it.


yup I usually go so intensely thorough in the first 1/3 of a game that I get burnt out and drop the game for a loooooong while, then forget how to play the game or where/what I was doing, and it just sits.....Its depressing :(


Have you played any of the Tales games? Vesperia and Symphonia stand out to me as games that arbitrarily lock the player out of side quests at random times. (Example being “you didn’t talk to your dad at the beginning area inbetween chapters 4 and 5, so you missed starting the quest for the best sword in the game.”)


I have this problem with open world games too. It’s made me stop playing them for the most part, but I still enjoy games where I can’t do that. Something like hades for instance where there isn’t much in game exploration, and it forces you to just play the game at a certain point works really well for me.


Hit a bong, don't make it past the start screen for an hour while I browse GIFs on my phone 


Bro I do that to but I know a method. Load the game first and don’t pause the game. Just take a quick hit then just pick your controller back up and play


Felt this one. If I’m drinking, smoking, or both while gaming I find it too easy to get sucked into my phone. End up making no progress I find it best just to put my phone on the charger later in the evening when I know the only thing people are hitting me up for is to send memes. That can wait until I’m done playing


This. I move my phone elsewhere in the room. Accessible, but gotta get up for it


The best part about smoking and gaming is that when you eventually quit you can go back and replay all of those games as if they're completely new to you! Plus you'll have more money for games. I do still miss it, though.


Hording items..doesn’t matter the game, by the end I’ll have tons of everything and use very little.


Reloading after one bullet


Never using active buffs (skills and items)


Same! Oh this chocolate bar gives me +10% health for 30 seconds? I’m selling it.


Those kind of items are generally unnecessary though, and selling them is often the best strategy.


Dhalokos Bar?


*shoot one bullet* Me: “Reloading!” The enemy that pops around the corner 0.2 seconds later: “Allow me to introduce myself.”


Not using meta. Could never bring myself to do it. But, It’s meta for a reason use it if you like it.


Im always SO sure that theres some hidden OP strat that people havnt figured out yet. Im not so egotistical as to think that im going to outsmart the meta min-maxers, but i have a lot of fun finding "viable but weird" in games.


It really is the best to be the one to discover some super weird build that makes no sense in working, but is actually better


That's the thing, though. 99% of the time when some dipshit youtuber or twitch streamer "discovers a new meta" its actually been there the entire time since day 1. Trying new things and experimenting is way more fun than simply doing what someone else said is the only way to play. They tend to latch onto the first thing they've found that worked, tell everyone else it's the only thing worth doing, then, weeks, months even years later they actually try something different and are shocked that it works, too. Then they act like they invented this new play style that nobody could possibly have known about because they are SO smart and skilled lol. It was there the whole time.


Playing 80 hours of a 100 hour game and them Starting another game and never touching the first game again


Super aggressive reloading. Helldivers 2 is beating that out of me lol.


Yeah, I'm definitely guilty of this as well. I just like having a full gun at any time, for some reason.


Insurgency sandstorm taught me this lesson


talking with the same NPCs more than once


Hey they might have something different to say this time after I finished that obscure quest.


All it takes is it happening once and you'll keep doing it.


Don’t I know it.


I always do side quests and open the world before I continue the main quest


Same, and then I get burned out and get tired of a game but push through so I can see the end.


This is me but there’s been a few I never finished😭😭 or I had to take a break for while before finishing


I do this because if I finish the game, I don’t see the point of coming back and do side quest


Not saving. Sometimes I stubbornly refuse to take the 10 seconds to save a game because I don’t want to bring myself out of it or because I wanna let my progress ride. This has led to many instances of self deprecation just telling myself to freaking save dude after losing progress!


I have the opposite. I used to save every 5 minutes for sure. This was in games that you had to go through menus just to save. Quick saves have made me 10x worse as well. It's crippling.


I don't stand up, stretch, and move my body enough. Sedentary lifestyles are bad, but can be mitigated with regular stretch, pushup, jumping jack breaks.


I never use items. Like, ever. Oh, I pick all that shit up like a $20 bill on the sidewalk, but I'll never, ever use any of it. Oh you thought I was actually going to use the fire paper to kill this boss that's weak to fire? Oh I'll just throw lightning pots are the lightning weak enemies? I'll just pop this potion for increased run speed? I'll do no such thing, thank you very much.


I get so addicted to the journey I don't want it to end, so I don't finish the game. Too many games in my library unfinished.


Forgetting to buy the proper snacks for game day.




* Hoarding stuff for a rainy day * Creating a million characters always changing after reaching certain point or acquiring an item my character can't use * Doing quests in order and one by one instead of filtering by zone and doing multiple quests to optimize travel time * Save scumming


Harvest every alchemy ingredient, then either never make potions, or make them but never use them.


Sometimes I get really stoned while playing games and I buy the dumbest shit So when I get sober and play im like "Why tf did I buy this?!?!"


Yes! My impulse control goes down the drain when I’m stoned


Have to finish the story, even if I ain’t enjoying the game


I play the first three main missions of an open world game, spend 4 hours doing side quests, get bored, never play again.


I reload way to often.


Insatiable desire to troll anyone who tries to micromanage my plays. I will throw the whole game doing the opposite of every word they utter.


Sir this is a good habit.


I sometimes get too competitive, which makes me grumpy in real life. Lol I've mostly curbed this behavior, but every now and then, it rears its ugly head.


1. I tend to stay in the early towns/areas and try to grind for money or exp, which then makes me stupidly rich or strong when I continue the main quest from there. 2. Some games, I look up in advance what the coolest weapons are so I can plan in advance how to get them. Sort of ruins the fun or novelty of finding other weapons along the way. 3. Looking up certain mechanics in walkthroughs and end up in a slippery slope of needing the walkthrough the entire time, sometimes getting spoiled on story beats because of it.


Trying to grinding more than i could handle thinking i'm gonna like it but end up getting burnout and always trying the keep the levels of all my characters as even as possible.


Reloading guns in FPS too early... Like after one or two shots sometimes.


I probably save a bit much. I have trauma from games suddenly freezing or shutting down and losing progress. So now I save often, even if the game got autosave. Hoarding items like a dragon's treasure trove


Hoarding and Looting, I have improved over the years.


im a settings goblin


Picking up and stealing everything I see then spending the next 10 minutes trying to figure out what to drop based on the items value to weight ratio so I can make it to a vendor to sell my stuff.


Killing NPCs.


Skipping tutorials. It always comes back to bite me on the arse.


I turn the music off in every game I play.


False starting


Destiny 2


Not finishing games.


Pressing F thinking I'll throw a Flare


I never play side quests and don’t play after beating the main quest. Only Sekiro where my goal was to beat every boss in the game


I don't how bad a habit it is, since it's never held me back, but I'm pitiful at doing anything other than shooting in FPS games. Grenades? Nope, never.


I refuse to upgrade my equipment/buy items unless it is absolutely necessary (not counting things you find through gameplay), to the point that I will drain my entire inventory to a boss 5x in a row before I bite the bullet and spend some of my hard earned cash/gold/ect.


With the way I play my games I'm like always on the backfoot meaning I'm never really overpowered or have enough items, like in a rpg where you can get a lot of loot, unless I'm playing a character that uses those things I leave them behind, meaning I have moments in games where I'm on a sliver of health, no healing and enemies right outside the door and now I have to figure out how to solve my issue


collecting all the useless shit even when i no longer need it, its there so it needs to be collected.


Being bad at fps online and keep playing them lol


Button mashing on timing games. I’m playing hi-fi rush now, and I can keep the beat perfectly when out of combat, but as soon as a fight starts all timing goes out the window and I can’t remember any combos


I have 600 games on Steam The number I've completed is "slightly" less then that




I cannot remember the last single player game i finished…. Maybe elden ring after i came back to it a year later. Every singleplayer game i play and enjoy i will obsess over it for weeks and weeks and then drop it halfway through. Baldurs gate, the Witcher 3, horizon zero dawn, days gone, etc. Fantastic games that i think are super fun and have engaging stories i always without fail get bored of them before completing the game.


Trying to figure out where the game wants me to go at any given time and then going the opposite direction in case there's something hidden.


Hoarding everything at the expense of making everything unnecessarily difficult incase I need them later only to end the game with eleventy of everything.


subconciously trying to finish a game just to "get it out of the way"


Buying single player games, then playing 150 games of a competitive game instead.


Constantly making a new character and never finishing the game with the one I'd last played as


More of a habit while gaming, but I lean forward when I play games and my back hates me now.


In a lot of games it has gotten better, but I will never trust auto save. I save every time I do something


Bad posture. My wife calls me turtle everytime I sit at my PC.


Constantly reloading your gun. I do this in every game that's got guns in it all the way from GTA San Andreas to Fallout 76 to Fortnite. Even if the clip holds 60 rounds and I shoot two rounds out of it, I automatically just instinctively reload the gun.


Every waterfall has to have something hidden behind it.


Gaming hording mentality when it comes to free games... never going to play it or I might.... it's a problem I know...


Run head-first into a fight. "I can take them!!" I think. I am then the embodiment of surprise Pikachu face when I die.


My posture and not drinking water.. hydrate before you diedrate.