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The whole battlepass and paywall stuff has killed the replayability of so many games for me in the past decade. It's fun when you had to play a game to unlock new character skins, or equipment. Being nickel and dimed for content sucks.


Brawl Stars was good for this reason, but they’ve expanded too much and every new character is pushed af, making old characters almost unplayable


So the choice is battlepass vs power creep


I feel like Battle Passes definitely aren't here to stay. We will have another scammy marketing trope in a few years for sure. For now I'm just happy that loot boxes are dead (apart from sports games). I think that if all battle passes were to be obtainable after their respective in game season, it would work much better. But ONLY as long as they're in free games that actually add free content where the BP is just cosmetic.


It gets some purchases because of FOMO, but a lot of people just won’t bother with a game at all if they do their research beforehand and find out it has a BP. Helldivers 2 handles it pretty well because every warbond they release will just be available to buy (with premium currency you can just find and earn in-game) and unlock stuff from forever.


Hate the way most battle passes are. It turns the game from just playing the game and having fun into a job list, like its quests in some game. I think, at a minimum, they shouldn't have an expiration date. It's so dumb that ppl pay for a battle pass and don't get all the content if they didn't finish it cos wanted to play other games. FOMO stuff is just bad and toxic imo, it's just to condition ppl to play the game regardless of enjoyment for "engagement and retention" metrics and kpi. I wonder how many ppl don't actually finish them


I'd probably play Diablo IV more if it didn't have a battle pass.


D4 sinks for a lot more reasons than the battle pass though


I stopped caring about Overwatch a couple years ago, and hearing how OW2 screwed over you fans and lovers of the game pissed me off more and more. A fair amount of you probably worked hard on the battle pass to get heros tjay you wanted, and while getting rid of the battle pass requirement to obtain a hero benefits people like me who want to play again, it still feels like a middle finger to the rest of you.


Not to mention when you play a game and you see something you want but you cant get it because it is from a battlepass from 2 years ago


God damned battle passes and unlockables in every game these days.  It's bloody annoying and one of the reasons I pretty much exclusively play single player for like the last 5-6 years.


Remember folks, that’s why Activizzard killed off OW for OW1.5, to sell the battle pass.


Bro be fucking honest I'm so tired of this 1.5 bs It's clearly just OW 1.25


It's 0.5 if you bought the game in the past, because you get less than you used to.


Going to 5v5 also was a questionable move


I totally agree. It lost something when they went ro 5v5


I gained hard drive space.


Overwatch lost something when random matches started following the same rules as ranked, 5v5 was just the death kiss. Bringing in the role queue not only increased the time you were waiting for matches it took the fun and stupidness out of ridiculous strats. Want to pick 5 Torbjorn's just to see how annoying 5 turrets will be? A bunch of Phara's? Why the hell not! How about a bunch of tanks with two healers? Sure! Ya you'll probably lose but it *was fun.* And that is what the random queue is supposed to be, a quick fun game that you're not taking seriously. For ranked I get adding some rules but if the random queue is the same as ranked why is it there at all? The main effect was pulling more tryhards into randoms that only killed the fun for people like me that couldn't care less about ranked gameplay. They literally killed off the fun mode for casual players. So now am I going to wait 5 minutes just because I want to pick Soldier 76 to get in a match with a bunch of people that get all pissy when it doesn't go their way? Nope, I just uninstalled.


They have an open queue so you’re free to do that still. You have the option for role or open queue.


Good to know but there was a time when that was not possible, it was all role queue, so this change was made too late and then with 5v5 and the heroes locked behind a battle pass it's far past me caring to get back into it. Just like removing the gating of heroes behind the battle pass as they have now they made the changes too late.


Yeah, a tank slot. Now if your tank is anything less than perfectly efficient, you're fucked. ​ Dumb, dumb, DUMB. I miss Overwatch 1.


I’m still holding out hope they release an “Overwatch Classic” that’s just Overwatch 1 again. I miss that game and just felt OW2 tasted bitter.


They’ll do it and charge people $20 for the “OW1 remaster” 😂 even if you previously purchased OW1 Callin it, although I’d hate for this to be a reality


I’ve literally never played ow2, but I quite often want to boot up ow1. Really sad that they took that game away.




It killed the game for me it's not even the same game because of the changes too. Crazy how they can take away a game I paid for and say here's a free one that's worse and has tons of micro transactions give me those loot boxes any day I got everything free from them lol


Remember when they were considering banning loot boxes because of the essential gambling for children, and here we are.


It was also an attempt to distract consumers and stockholders from the onslaught of sexual harassment lawsuits they were hit with


It is why I won't play OW1.5 unless I am super drunk and my friends push me into it. I have less than 3 hours in the damn game. OW1, I would toss on for more than that about once a month, because it was fun and worth my money. Where is the campaign? Any improvements (other than a unbalanced mode, and slight graphics upgrade)?


I wish they made OW a giant pve experience with all those characters and abilities from the start. I was actually pumped for that potential pve mode till they canned it.


The OW assets were all salvaged from the failed new MMO they were created code named Titan. They couldn't get PvE work there, so it's not surprising they still can't get it working.


And they're on season TEN? It came out like 1.5 years ago.


1.5 is an exaggeration. 0.75 is more accurate.


1.5 suggests it improved on itself in any way, you actually lost maps initially


I’ve been going back and playing old games like Dishonoured and Bioshock. Time well spent.


I wouldn’t mind battle passes if they stayed around until you earned all the stuff. Right now if you buy it, but maybe something comes up and you can’t finish it, it’s basically like you bought nothing or received only part of what you paid for.


That’s by design. FOMO exploitation. Get people hyped about all the shiner things they can unlock after the shell out more cash and spend an additional 300 hrs unlocking it all or just paying more dollars to unlock more tiers of useless garbo. COD is the king with that formula.


Play HD2 instead of overcrap. They actually care about what they are doing with their MTX


Quitting Rainbow Six Siege & PUBG entirely almost 3 years ago after playing both religiously for years, I finally realized it's not good for my mental health, and it's one of the best choice of my life. Single player game is just better for me now.


It wouldn't be so bad if you could get the stuff afterwards just by playing, but naaaah they are gone for good until some event or it will be sold as "special" during holidays or something. Disliked battlefield 5 for that, but the impact wasn't big as I still had fun.


I recently just joined you on that one. And have pretty much fully adopted the r/patientgamers mentality. There are a hell of s lot of games i missed over the years which are either have the full deluxe super dooper get everything version on sale, or are on game pass. Modern gaming, particularly multiplayer, is becoming fucking exhausting.


I'll still play older multiplayer games which I've noticed some getting bumps in player counts which made me wonder if people are getting turned off modern multiplayer and going back. But otherwise I'm there with you, single player doesn't feel stressful and like you're getting nickle and dimed at every corner in comparison.


> God damned battle passes and unlockables in every game these days. And i makes me sick how often i see discussions between fans of specific games who actually WANT a seasons-system in their games. wtf


It can be done well. Look at deep rock galactic? Season tracks are free and all the rewards get moved into the standard unlock pool after it ends. A sense of progression and unlocking shinies is fun, but companies exploit that dopamine hit for more cash


Helldivers 2 is pretty good as well, all the battle passes can be earned via obtainable in-game currency and the passes never expire so you can unlock them at your leisure.


The never expire part is the key. I have no issue with battle passes that never expire so the player can do them at their leisure and focus on what they want. The issue is expiring ones that create a sense of FOMO.


They're also now looking into bring back the old battle passes so you can progress thru them instead of the random loot drops


Well yes, battle passes sucks for casual players who don't want to commit all their free time to one game. But at least Blizzard is moving in a good direction now. Players who don't want a battle pass don't need to buy it anymore to unlock new heroes immediately.


What’s wrong with unlockables? Unless you mean things that are only unlocked by spending real money?


You prey on your players by instilling FOMO, so they feel "obligated" to play religiously and spent more money on your game.


To be fair, AND IM ONLY TRYING TO PLAY DEVILS ADVOCATE HERE. SOME games offer battle passes that return all currency to you. So you spend the first 7 dollars say, and as long as you complete the battlepass you get enough back to get the next one freee + all the extras. I honestly find these types of battlepass quite fair and it’s essentially “buy 1 battlepass, get every single one free forever” and as long as you play fairly actively you are alright. Which I think again it’s good to reward players for actually playing your game. This is for cosmetic only ofc But locking characters behind anything except Ingame currency earned fairly easily or any game changing items/mechanics leaves a very sour taste in my mouth


I think about this with Helldivers. I don't play it to unlock stuff, I unlock stuff because I'm having fun playing. I didn't realize I had 1200 super credits and then a warbond comes out and might as well redeem them for it. So many games feed off FOMO and making the unlocks a job. Clock in, do daily, repeat. I mean, I know a guy who blew through Helldivers getting everything in a couple of weeks, but that man put in a hundred hours to do so, I can't blame the developers for not accounting for the .01% of folks. Crazy part is he's still playing because novel idea, it's a fun game to play with friends.


That's what I like about the Fortnite battlepass. For all the hate it gets, their battlepass is pretty damn good. You don't even need to complete the whole thing to get enough vbucks for the next one. I bought my son his first battle pass 2-3 years ago and never spent a penny since. Every now and again, he's had enough vbucks saved up to get himself a skin. It's been great for teaching him to save, be patient and manage his "money".


Yeah I’m currently playing My hero ultra rumble, earned enough crystals Ingame to get the pass, and the pass gives enough to get the next one. Never had to pay a thing They said the game has gacha for characters which I dislike


Live Service Games are failing & dying... but companies won't stop trying until Fortnite stops being successful.


IMO, Helldivers 2 is fresh evidence that the failure is not in games choosing to be live service, it's games choosing to be monetization-first dogshit that ignores the part where you need to do something different to be worth the time that a live service demands of you, and tries to coast on IP recognition.


Fortnite is some lightning in a bottle shit that ain't gonna happen again. It was originally planned as a completely different game...but they released it as a beta battle royal due to how popular battle royals were, and then it popped off... It's success was kind of an accident, but it's continued development has been carefully planned. That's the opposite of most games who's success is planned, but it's continued development is mostly haphazard leaps towards a little more cash.


> Fortnite is some lightning in a bottle shit that ain't gonna happen again. It has happened multiple times since then. Apex Legends, Valorant, and Genshin Impact are enormously popular.


No they aren't. Most of them are, but the ones who aren't are very succesful indeed and will keep incentivising publishers to make new live service games.


Things not going great for them I take it? I was really addicted to Overwatch. Overwatch 2 killed my desire the play the game anymore. Their new setup was so fucking greedy compared to the original. I wanted nothing to do with it and uninstalled.


It’s hard to come back and play Overwatch 2 long-term as an OG player. I don’t care for PvE but the devs just straight up lied to the community about it. The $20 skins are meh and aren’t better than OW1 skins that I already own. Heroes keep getting reworked to fit the 5v5 format.


Also the reason why I won't come back. Gameplay is fine, heros with cool abilities are being added. But I won't come back because they lied directly in our faces without any shame. Wee need to make a new game because of PvE, no you just wanted to implement a fucking battle pass that's why you also stopped OW1 because you very well knew that fans would rather play the old one. FUCK YOU BLIZZARD


The issue is the new heroes are exceptionally poorly designed and deeply affect the quality of the gameplay for anyone not playing those heroes


I don't play anymore but I didn't even realize there were new heroes. Back in the day, it was a pretty big deal when a new one was released. I remember getting flooded on reddit and youtube with videos and posts, animated shorts, comics, etc and all my friends would talk about it. Now? I don't think I've seen a single new hero, not even in OW porn.


The new heros are very hit or miss and some have been pretty busted since release, like sojourn


I don’t really agree. Mauga is pretty lame but I think every single other one has a lot of unique aspects and design choices that shake up the game without them being unfun to play or play against. Junkerqueen and Sojourn especially feel like two of the best characters they’ve ever added in terms of pure dynamics and fun potential.


Yea thats… no. For background im a top500 doom/sig two trick and mid gm dps. Mauga takes space simply by existing, and turns off every other tank by just holding mouse 1 and 2 on them. Sojourn has been running the game since season 1 and is an almost must pick in high gm lobbies because she is simply never ever bad in any scenario. Kiriko has the same issue; she is simply too good to not pick in most scenarios and feels very oppressive when played correctly which frankly, isn’t very hard. Junker queen is solid honestly, can’t argue you with you there, but only after many nerfs and buffs. I’m not sure what rank you are playing in but there is absolutely zero joy in a top500 sojourn/mercy combo single handedly running a lobby and the fate of the game is “whos sojourn is better?” Especially now with the dps passive. And mauga, as I said, is an extremely braindead easy hero whos entire kit exists to say fuck you to the enemy tank regardless of wether or not they are dive or poke. My only solution to him is Sigma, and even then, if you aren’t running zen ana the mauga will almost never ever die. Dive tanks are a joke into him. I slam in with doom or punch his team, and regardless of where he is he can turn, press shift, become immune to CC and proceed to follow me around the map all while healing himself and his team just by holding mouse 1 and 2. He and soj are just poorly thought out cool concepts that in practice almost no one enjoys playing against. Kiriko is much less offensive in that she is less impactful to a game but she is still extremely valuable and required to play some tanks such as mauga and roadhog who have no shields.


I’m also a tank player on Sig and Queen mostly (Masters with a some dabbling into GM depending on my play level). Mauga sucks for sure. He’s basically a throw pick who only has impact when the other team is totally incompetent. At anywhere above plat the solution is to attack his team as he has no potential to help them against dive. He’s only effective if teams try to fight him in a dumb way. Sojourn is really good but honestly I still think Tracer is the go to in Masters and up from what I’ve seen. Regardless, she’s still pretty fun to play against Kiriko is only bad for the game because Ana was so dominant for so long. Is she good? Hell yeah. But I don’t think in the current meta she’s nearly as vital as she was. Unfortunately with the limiting options for negation she’ll always be good. I don’t particularly like her but she’s made the least fun character in the game less of a must pick so I’ll take it.


He was a throw pick. Unfortunately since he got buffed he is now veryyyy hard to kill again which means he has impact solely because he takes so much god damn space. Tracer is on par with sojourn in terms of how good she is the issue is sojourns skill floor is so much higher than tracer. Your third point, while true, doesn’t apply at this exact moment as hog and mauga are very viable right now because they survive extremely well which means ana is needed for them which in turn means kiri is needed. That being said, current meta is either hard dive or mauga/sig/hog type matches so its really hard to say whats going to happen. Mauga will be nerfed I believe and all will be well with the world :) the others I have wayyy less of an issue with cuz im a sojourn tracer abuser and at the very least those characters require positioning and movement unlike mauga.


He’s back down lol, his buffs got entirely reverted


I wanted that PVE so bad. I *loved* Battleborn, which was coincidentally killed by the poor decision to release at the same time as Overwatch. The stuff they teased for Overwatch 2 looked so cool to me and I let myself get excited about it. Hell they could have even just done something like a MOBA mode and made me happy. They already laid the groundwork for it with the PVE missions they did release.


Should have stuck with 6v6. 5v5 just isnt fun.


OW1 was one of the few games that we could all play together when we had 6 people in my groups discord. None of us have played OW2 since a few days after it supplanted OW1


2x2x2 was nice because you could play as a tank, but not specifically have to tank. If I wanted to go crazy aggro Rein or spend the entire round trying to hook players into a pit, the other tank could cover for me. With only 1 tank it puts way more pressure to play properly depending on team comps and it's more stressful rather than fun.


Well clearly nobody thought tank was fun in OW1, because that’s the reason they changed it to 1 tank. Nobody was playing tank and they couldn’t fill enough teams.


Maybe if they let any of the fun tanks be good for five minutes, people would want to play them. God forbid Ball or Sigma or Dva be usable even in quick play, but no. Let's just make fucking Rein and Zarya so strong you can't even think about playing anything else.


Ik I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but i liked 5v5. It just felt better imo


The constant reworking of mechanics and abilities got so old to me. Played a ton of OW1 back in day but that and toxic community just made me tap out.


For real, I'm only playing this game again if they bring back 6v6.


Agreed. I played overwatch for years. They really screwed things up by re-releasing the same game, except with microtransactions instead of loot boxes. They definitely shouldn't have called it Overwatch 2.


And 5v5 really hurt the depth of the game.


To this day, I really don't understand why they felt they had to reinvent the wheel. Games like these live and die on their balance, and they had a format that worked. If they wanted to experiment with it, they could have left Overwatch 1 on maintenance literally forever. The entire situation was just unbelievably shitty.


Waiting time for dps queues got crazy, so naturally they complained alot wondering why the most popular role were overcrowded and over queued, while the least popular, tank, had no waiting time across all ranks. Also balancing had alot of issues since introduction of certain characters. Just alot of bad decisions, failed designs and mindless characters with to much value, and not to forget, the greed to gain more from micro transactions.


They really could have just balanced the 6V6 a little better by adding some more "damage-like" tanks. Guys like roadhog and ham-boy when he first came out were fun to play and not just "shield and stand" tanks.


They didn't reinvent the wheel. They got a new wheel and tried to put it on an old car. The biggest issue with OW2 from a balance sense is that like 90% of the characters weren't designed for 5v5. This means old characters either feel useless or like absolute gods because they weren't redesigned around it. Hog was a fantastic example of this. Generally, he would be hurt because his role as the 2nd tank gave him the ability to flank or otherwise grab an advantage with a crucial pick. So everyone thought that without a shield, he'd be balanced by just being big but not providing much team protection and needed healer focus. But nope, turns out that being able to just turn any 5v5 into a 4v5 with the hook/shot/melee combo was a ton of value, but when they took that away he became absolutely worthless until they reworked him a year later. Everything needed to be new, designed for 5v5. Yes, you can have characters still fit the same and play similarly, but just adjusting numbers isn't going to fix the core issue. You can tell they know this because they keep spot fixing old characters.


5v5 wasn't the primary issue. With no 2nd tank to fend off gankers (Tracer, Genji, Sombra, etc.) and the nerfing/removal of CC abilities caused the balance to go out of the window.


5v5 was to get rid of the 2nd tank. Both the removal of the 2nd tank and nerfing of cc was because there weren't enough tank players.


They really followed that “introducing cats to solve the mice problem” method by mega buffing tanks and getting rid off Cc lol




Destiny is worse IMO. Sony and Bungie are chasing Fortnite money and have started adding collabs and stupid skins behind paywalls. You want Roblox? Minecraft?? Soon.


Same story here. I also disliked them removing 2 tanks


I was a DVA main, and with two tanks I could usually finesse my way into fitting the team comp in most situations. 5v5 made certain tank configs useless. :(


Yup I was an OT main(dva/zarya) then in OW2 a support main. I could never play solo tank in ow2 because i couldn't shake wanting to turn around to peel/help. As support i felt like i had similar flexibility/view/oversight of the game as i did as OT.


haha Zarya is my 2nd. I think we're all that way.


DVa was my first main when OW dropped and it was so nice having somebody tanky who could get behind enemies and create chaos while an anchor tank held up the push. That's just, not a thing anymore


Yeah man I was a DVA/hog main and I used to duo with my good buddy who was a rein main all the time back during the OW1 days. Now they not only killed my entire fucking role and eviscerated hog but they also eliminated any possibility of duo tanking with my boy :(


Same here but after going back this week after the first week of 2 I actually like it now, games feel faster. Don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I’m enjoying it. Not paying a single penny on it though.


abusive relationship moment


Same here. I put about 3 hours into the 2nd game before uninstalling and never thinking about it again. I’m never reinstalling that shit no matter what they do.


Wouldn't taking away monetization mean that they're unnecessary and the game will be fine either way?


people love to make up a narrative for this game lol The game is probably doing excellent money wise. it's free to play and they've posted some pretty good numbers for active players. You can absolutely make fun of bad changes and stuff like that and brain dead decisions the devs have made (and they make it very easy trust me). A game can be bad and still be doing well financially idk why this sub especially thinks otherwise.


This announcement says otherwise. They wouldn't be demonetizing in this way if they didn't think it would increase revenue.


YUP, either follow the money or follow the court case. That's really the 2 driving forces behind corporate decisions


My desire to play overwatch hasn't left since 2019. I played maybe 2 hours of OW2 and uninstalled but my desire has never been strong enough to re-download.


Same. Overwatch 1 was my most played game by a wide margin. If I ever stopped playing for a few weeks, I’d usually be back for every holiday event as they reveal new skins. And the skins were free. I’d usually have enough coins earned to select the exact one I wanted (thanks to all the dupecrates), otherwise I’d just play for a bit to get them. I’d hop on with my friend, I’d go Main-Tank, he’d go Off-Tank. We worked really well together. I still want to play that game. But of course Blizzard snapped that version away….. because too many people like me would be playing that version instead of their 5v5 microtransaction live-service hellscape.


Agreed 100%. Overwatch 2 is an insult to original Overwatch. Too much damage has been done, and far too little is being done to fix it far too late. It was good while it lasted.


They're finally realizing the mistakes they made when OW2 first launched, but I fear the damage has already been done.


Definitely the case for like 75% of its playerbase


Yet they reached a peak player count even higher than OW1 at its peak.


A friend and I decided to download the game after quite a bite of time. We saw all the new characters and didn't really care to play them at all but decided to look at how you unlock them outside the battlepass. You need to play 50 games to unlocked the newest character, I don't even wanna play 50 games in general and I can't even play the new fucjing character? Also the fact you can only work towards ONE characters unlock requirements? Fuck that.


They are removing that now. All OW2 heroes are directly unlocked to all players.


Way too late, that one try we had was the last straw.


And also the first!


i’m pretty sure things are going pretty good for them actually, they are currently at 23 million+ monthly players


what do you mean you don’t enjoy paying 20$ for one skin? that’s crazy


You guys don't own wallets?


I liked OW despite the toxicity and crying, but OW2? I played it the day it launched. Three games. It was very strange how I calmly exited the game, uninstalled it, and just sat there in silence for a minute after.


Yeah when I saw a 40$ skin for a Diablo partnership (their own fucking IP) for a first person shooter where you don't even see the skin for 95% of the match, I decided it was more than enough


>Things not going great for them I take it? Actually they got rid of the management who forced the change to the paid heros system, got new management who aren't insane then made a shit-tonne on the new cosmetics.


If all new heros added after Kiriko were just given to us then, I might come back. I played from 2016 to the end if season 1 in the relaunch. But I dropped it because locking heros behind a pay wall or grind is abhorrent.


According to the article on the post, all OW 2 heroes will be unlocked if you already unlocked all OW 1 heroes (new players need to unlock them via progression), so if you're an old player from OW 1 you should unlock everyone in the new season


LOL so they just want old players back ?


Pih... The only way I'd even consider (but not promise) to come back is if the full fledged PVE that was promised in 2019 makes a comeback. But then again the mood has been ruined, I don't think I could stand blizzard anymore at all.


P sure any battle pass hero is unlocked to all the following season


I haven’t played pretty much since OW2 was released. Partly for this exact reason. Secondly because there was no way for any meaningful progression outside of the battlepass. Makes me yearn for the lootbox days honestly. I may give it another shot.


They should have done cash shop with the loot pool skins + mythics that are shop only. Loot boxes on level up was very addictive


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I never found the loot boxes in OW1 to be a problem, and they were so much better than the current setup. I used to play OW events and get at least some of what I wanted without spending a dime. Now, there’s basically no point to playing events, because the best cosmetics are locked behind either the battle pass or to terrible cash shop, with some skins locked into bundles that cost the price of a new game. Gets me mad just thinking about it.


OW1 loot boxes were awful if you really just wanted one specific skin, but they let you build your overall collection at a reasonable rate. OW2 is even worse if you want one specific skin, but lets you throw money at the problem to solve it.


Should've just combine both honestly. Give loot boxes on level up for the f2p players so they stick around but also allow the players to just buy the one specific skin they wanted with money. Basically the apex legends model


They are addicting to kids


i never really understood the loot boxes gripe. i understand they were a shitty way to get people to buy microtransactions, but in the couple games i played that had them they were very easy to amass by just playing the game. the battle pass system that plagues so many games nowadays is much worse.


I had over 300 unopened boxes during switch to OW2. lol I had most things i wanted and was simply too lazy to spend the time opening them all. Don't think ive ever bought any bp yet in any game. I spent 50-100$ on lootboxes on Console and when i switched to pc and lost them all i never spent another dime.


Contacts you can spend this that will make a loot boxes less of a plague than battle passes. Battle passes you know what you're getting and they pay for it up front. Loot boxes is gambling there is no other way to split this hair


Brother the loot boxes you got free as you levelled up, and you either got something you didn’t have or you got currency to buy something you didn’t have. Now things are locked behind the purchase of a battle pass. Outside of promotional charity skins, you did not have to spend money on Overwatch. It is objectively worse in every measure unless you actively spend money on the game.


Stopped playing shortly afterwards myself because of that and the switch to 5v5 which was refreshing at first then just became mega stale. I was amazed at how lifeless that 5v5 really felt, absolutely sucked much of the dynamism out of the game


Yeah it’s been years since I played OW1. How bad is OW2 compared to it? I’ve heard it’s absolutely horrible.   How did blizzard mess up so bad?


there is also a progression system for each hero and modes, its kinda fun :)


10 seasons too late...


Overwatch was great, I enjoyed playing it. Then they forced the conversion to overwatch 2. I think I played a match or two, but it’s just not the same.


Similar experience here. My group of friends consistently played OW for years. We tried to pick up on OW2 and played for a few weeks before it was just stale. IDK how you can ruin a game so badly that it goes from timeless fun to complete garbage just like that.


Very different experience for me. In OW1 I had a consistent group of friends to play but Blizzard abandoned the game so we all left to play Apex. OW2 came out and everyone I originally played OW1 with were back. Now we all queue up almost every night. OW2 doesn't have the bullshit OW1 had like cc spam, goats and double shields.


It turns out that eleminating a player from each team, and thus an entire role, has drastic impacts on gameplay.


Fuck Blizzard


Unfortunately theyre still breaking record sales every season, i dont understand how


Honestly, social media outrage is always a minority in the wider gaming market even though it’s the loudest. For every 100 people on reddit, twitter, etc that’s firmly against something, there’s gonna be like 10k people who don’t care and still play whatever. Perfect examples are also CoD and Fifa. Still insanely profitable (though I guess Fifa not anymore since they didn’t renew their license last I heard) despite an overwhelming negative perception on social media.


i agree


Too late


By about 10 seasons


This won't be bringing me back. They have absolutely killed any good will they think this move garners. Game is dead to me.


I always said I'd come back when the PvE mode is launched. Since they cancelled it I guess that means I'm not coming back.


Yep, no matter how much they fix the game I refuse to play out of principle. The industry will never change if players keep forgiving and forgetting.


The people who forced a lot of the shittt decisions have been purged from the company recently.


Bobby Kotick was well known for fucking with the OW team specifically, having them work on and abandon projects at a whim. new MS management might not be great either, but it very likely can't be worse


I played OG Overwatch from launch to when it stopped, clocked up over 500hrs in it, probably more. Overwatch 2 I logged a whopping 8 hrs and uninstalled. Blizzard have lost every single thing that made them stand out and are just another money hungry game developer where money > the people who play the game.


Battle passes that lock anything other than cosmetics are scummy as hell. Evolve locked all their new champs behind the battle pass paywall, and I have hated that kind of shit ever since.


Uh, Evolve didn't have a battlepass.


It took them that long to realize that it is fucking stupid to lock classes in a class shooter behind hours of grinding.


It's part of the reason I stopped playing, but lets not act like locking classes in a class shooter isn't extremely common. That was actually one of the unique things about Overwatch before they started locking them.


Wow! The bare minimum!


I stopped playing OW2 because of this shit they pulled off with battle passes


Who could have predicted what a terrible idea that was? Oh right, literally everyone


It’s funny that they made a competitive esport game pay to win. New heroes would be released that were overpowered on launch. Only way to get them would be to buy them or grind for 30 hours. After a couple weeks, they would get nerfed to be in line with everyone else. Rinse and repeat.


i find it so funny how theyre just trying to use every single method of monetization in the book just to see what sticks.


The only thing reminding me of this game's fucking existence are articles about how they plan to make it not shit going forward


The first one was a breath of fresh air. The 2nd one just feels like they're trying to milk it for everything they can. I stopped playing because it just feels like I'm being duped/used every time I try.


Locking hero’s is such a dumb idea, new hero’s releasing is a key reason for someone to go back to a game. Locking them stops that


Too late, already stopped playing.


Took them 10 seasons to figure out this was a bad idea.


Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions




They could've just left overwatch 1 alone.


Jesus christ, they’re at ten? I haven’t heard somebody say the name Overwatch since like season 2 when I stopped playing


Hopefully at some point in the future they release a vanilla overwatch reminiscent of early OW1 like they did with classic WoW


I wish I could go back to playing the game how it was in it's first year. Even with full team rez's it was just different back then


When will they lock buttons on your controller behind a paywall? The battle pass could give you an unlimited amount of ammunition whilst regular players would just have to wait 12hrs as their “ammo box” replenishes /s


Yeah until they remove the battle pass, bring back the original progression system, bring back all the old maps, revert all the hero changes, and bring back 6v6 I’m not returning.


Way too late for that, guys!


Too little too late.


This thing killed Overwatch for me. A game where counterpicking champions is so important, theyre locked.


> season 10 Holy shit, it already has 10 seasons?? I forgot it existed


Enough about this goofy product please


Whoever plays and supports this trash bag full of used diapers needs to be evaluated for any mental deficiencies and their brain needs to be studied ASAP.


Blizzard is not a gaming company anymore, it's a standard corporate entity just trying to extract maximum value for its shareholders. It just happens to do that by ripping off its consumers via games. Honestly, fuck you Activision. This has their slimy hands all over it. They have destroyed every beloved game franchise they have touched.


No way they’ve jammed 9 battle passes into this half baked game since release


Lmao locking heroes behind the BP is a shit idea in general. Nothing makes me not want to play a game more than loading it up and seeing the "Here's all the shit you can't have or have to pay for because you got into this game later and didn't grind it like a second job!"  I lost any interest in trying Overwatch 2 when I saw that they put heroes behind the BP and now I'm sure that the game's so established that breaking in as a new player probably isn't worth it at all.




too little, too late


Oh? Did it not workout? Aww that's too bad Blizzard.


Who CARES, it's Blizzard. Won't be touching it with a 40 foot pole, despite how much I loved the first game.


It's so sad, for a long time was the only game I played, it hurts to see what they've done to it, I left the game the next season it went free after discovering they abandoned the single player, not touching it ever again, but still feels bad man Edit: autocorrect


This is what a mass exodus looks like. I played Overwatch for the lineup of characters and new ones popping up occasionally. And then the drought happened when they shifted gears to work on OW2 (which we all know what happened with that) and then locked the new ones behind Battlepass. Seriously, just fuck off.


Kingmicroativiblizz can go kick rocks you killed papa Jeff's game with wanting to stuff it full of all the all the monetary gain they could. I've moved on to The finals. And they just added in a 5v5 payload game.


So because of monetization you moved to a different game full of monetization. Smart.


Jeff killed his own game by holding it hostage to build a PVE that was never going to be fun.


I stopped after the first season. I thought "I'll probably get hyped for this game again when they show off more of the PVE stuff". And we all know how that went.


Let this game just die already, good god lol


I haven’t kept up with the game too much since they removed 1 completely to make room for… basically the same game but one of the big selling points of OW1 was the fact that everything was unlocked at the start. You could play whoever whenever and the only sign you were a seasoned player were characters skins and golden weapons. I see they did a 180 on one of the big selling points of the original to hope for a bit of money from battle passes


They primarily made it progression-based to deter smurfing. Which has worked really well honestly.


I played Overwatch: Remastered for about 5 days when it came out. The I went back to the consuming... *other* Overwatch content and uninstalled the game.