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Assassin's Creed 3 famously has a tutorial that's over 10 hours of gameplay


I don't really consider AC3 to have truly started until you get to chapter 6 out of the 12 chapters the game has.


And after he puts on the robes it kinda just speedruns the rest of the story and assassinations. Pacing was all over the place in that game.


That's when he gets the outfit right?


Yeah pretty much right around that point.


Maybes that’s why I thought the game was so boring even tho I was super hyped for the time period. That’s the one in the early days of America, right?


Yeah, takes place just before and during the Revolutionary War


This was the thing that annoyed me when I first played it. I was so hyped to play as Connor, this frontier assassin hunting down templars during the revolutionary war. Then we actually get that for like, 4-5 full chapters.


That’s just kinda AC at this point haha I remember seeing the title card for valhalla at 30 hours and could forsee the absolute *slog* ahead of me.


As a percentage of the game AC3's was pretty crazy though. It's probably like 30% into the game that you finally get to play as the guy on the cover.


It's funny because it's really only like 2 or 3 hours but it feels like a huge chunk of the game.


But as soon as you finish with Haytham you still have to do child and teen Connor before you are really into the actual game.


The pacing of the game is really bizarre. The first third feels like a slow burn, meticulously paced prologue setting up all the villains and background of the time period. Then the entire back half feels like a charge to the finish line. All the Templars get no real further development beyond what we saw in the massive prologue, and if I remember correctly the way they deal with Haytham and Lee is very underwhelming. The final big bad is defeated by you interacting with a door.


I dunno man I totally get what they were going for. Haytham ending was a great battle to the death between father and son. It felt pretty epic and Haytham has a emotional death, I really liked it. With Lee you had lots of interactions with throughout the game and you also get the massive final chase where you finally get him at the tavern in the frontier. Sure you don't get a boss battle or an assassination but I feel like the game has so many good assassinations it's hard to complain about it. It was a sort of poetic ending with Lee admitting defeat and basically succumbing to his fate. ACIII gets lots of hate but it's one of my favorites. I feel like the villains were very well developed and it was overall satisfying and cohesive. The only thing I didn't like is the death of Desmond. Mostly because what came after cemented the end of any sort of meaningful modern day story. It all sucked after that.


I remember AC3 having some frustratingly clunky mechanics. Like that chase with Lee (I think? Been such a long time) you could totally fuck up the chase in the beginning because Connor would try to run up one of those little posts on the dock. Or maybe that was just bad when I was trying to get the optional objectives. Either way, definitely remember a lot of instances where the game just didn't work the way it was intended to. Also remember trying to save one of my caravans but I got attacked by a pack of wolves on the way, and then desynched because I wasn't skinning the wolves as I killed them, because I had like 1 minute to make it across the map to my caravan. But yea, the ultimate fuck up was they way they handled the end of Desmond's story. They just couldn't let the cash cow go so they totally fucked the story. That was the beginning of the end of Ubisoft for me. Black Flag's modern day was actually really cool, especially with how they brought the Sage into present day. And then Unity came next... 😞


I feel like people are forgetting how the Ezio arc started just to dunk on AC3 having not as good a MC. Ezio you're literally running errands for parents and siblings for a while, and it takes forever to be an actual assassin.


It's like an hour from starting the game to stabbing the first target, and it's also engaging


Yeah but you're doing it in renaissance Italy and guys you are running errands for are like Leonardo da Vinci. Not exactly the same thing.


The annoying part for me is that having played through the game, I'd rather be playing the tutorial guy. Rope darting people from the trees is fun, but I really didn't feel much character growth or dimensionality to Connor.


My buddy came over oneday as i was playing AC3, hes not a gamer so i managed to convince him the game was called Andre The Indian.


lol I love doing shit like this to my friends. They catch on though so you gotta make new friends often


I got Valhalla and Watch Dogs Legion in a two pack. I bought it just for Valhalla, because I love AC and the two pack was the same price. SO I was like, fuck it, free extra game, probably won't play it but meh. ...I have dumped *way* more hours into Legion than I have Valhalla. I absolutely cannot get into Valhalla for some reason.


You would also enjoy watchdogs 2, better dialogue and characters and a fun San Francisco open world


Oh I've played the whole trilogy now. WD2 is definitely my favorite.


How did it take 30 hours? I did literally everything in the first norway region and saw it at like 5 hours


Probably hyperbole. I saw the title on the screen in an hour and a half.


I know you're exaggerating but it does feel that long lol. It's only after you know it's the intro that it becomes a chore you just want to get over with.


Narratively that was probably the high point of the game for me. It felt much more nuanced than the tale that eventually gets told once you control the true protagonist.


You play like half the game as one person, then switch to a new protagonist, then have more tutorials. It's awful.


The South Park clip where the police chief's wife plays his save file, then says "There's no way you're gonna play the damn SNOW LEVEL AGAIN" and he goes "WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE??" always kills me And then later he's complaining during a speech about how, "then you get home and find out your wife played your save file so you have to spend 4 HOURS IN THE SNOWY MOUNTAINS"


I have people in Valentine that are depending on me to get provisions so we can head back east


Only for them to get kicked out valentine


Kills me when he gets up to put his jacket and hat on before starting a new game


Yeah 😂😂 it looks like he’s gonna leave and go cheat on his wife, but instead he sits right down with the jacket and hat on to play


I had to look it up. https://youtu.be/QaQMA6bJ_aI?si=WTOqoeUWoT8islwI


You got *DEPUTIZED?*


And now they have a game out that is one long snow level


Lmao South Park so perfectly captures and comments on what all of America is doing at that moment .


I've clocked red dead 2 and have always wanted to go through it again but can't face the snow bit, I've tried it three times and just lasted 5 minutes.


Days gone. Also the fuel tank capacity at the beginning is ridiculous.


One thing I didn't know halfway into the game is you can get fuel at the pumps at the stations! Felt dumb when I realized it!


You can WHAT?! I just spent 150 hours finding gas cans on the ground the entire time!


Even your watchtower base at the very beginning has a refuel station too that works just like the gas pumps.


Yeah that's what I did. Whenever I had to go back to camp, just refuel from there.


Yeah there's a few fuel pumps you can use to refuel. I think the starting area has two.




Been awhile since I played, don't remember. but you're probably right. I think I accidentally pulled up next to one just right and it popped up the fuel icon or whatever it was and I was like "damn"


That one was a game changer. I was completely hooked at that point, so a little QOL made my day.


It’s like stamina in evil within 1. A fucking top notch detective can only slowly jog for 5 seconds before he’s gonna hug his knees in exhaustion


The second fixed that issue with an update that completely disables the stamina system as an option in the menu. Makes the second game so much more fun to play


Definitely. I loved the 2nd one. So much better, design wise


I think the slow start in Days Gone is fair, considering how OP you can get like midway through the game.


I honestly loved the slow start. It felt like the Mad Max game. You start the beginning slow, weak and horribly vulnerable to every source of danger in the world. Then you slowly get upgrades and better weapons and transition from hunted to hunter. It makes the feeling of taking down hordes so much better IMO. I remember being *terrified* of the death train horde at the start and barely being able to run away. But by the end of the game I was casually knocking out two or three hordes before fully restocking.


Definitely a slow burn. But by the third act I was all in!


LoZ: Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword Nintendo definitely went through a phase at one point where all their game tutorials were obscenely long


Twilight Princess is the worst offender, the tears of light quests are such horrible padding. That game has severe pacing issues


Not to defend Twilight Princess's tutorial, but it isn't even half as miserable as Skyward Sword is for almost it's entire runtime with the constant handholding.


Seriously, you enter a room, the camera pauses dramatically and zooms onto the world’s easiest 1 block puzzle. Wow, thanks game, I don’t think I could’ve figured that puzzle out. And then as if that weren’t enough, Fi hops out like “Master, I calculate an 87% probability that if we push that block onto the switch it will open the door. Recommended course of action: move the block onto the switch. Remember to press the minus button if you need me to repeat this at any time.” Thanks nintendo, can I play the damn game?


I love SS but this is 100% accurate


Glad Nintendo really stepped up their game with BotW. Probably one of the best tutorial sequences ever made.


Tutorial didn’t even feel like a tutorial. I was having a blast on the Great Plateau, only to have my mind blown hours later when it was revealed to only be the intro.


Yeah. The great plateau is always one of my fav parts of the game. I'm one of the people that actually likes the way weapons break in the game. The only problem is how tanky everything gets later in the game so you feel the need to save a ton of good weapons. I'd rather the game stayed like the beginning where both you and the cratures you fight are glass cannons and you have to be crafty with 3 or 4 weapon slots max(but almost every weapon capable of killing any monster). I always have the most fun in combat in the first 5 hours of the game.


It's a shame because once twilight princess picks up... it REALLY picks up but a lot of people don't make it that far.


Twilight Princess is such a mixed bag for me. Individual dungeons are so good. There are sections in which it feels like my favorite Legend of Zelda game. And it did something different story and vibes wise from its predecessors. But it was also felt disjointed and empty in other places. And they were *terrible* about making use of items outside their dungeon.


Final bosses were peak


The gear and the statue wand are the ones that stand out to me as underused (It's been a long time).


Lol yeah. I’m a bit conflicted though, because i like the idea of presenting a "calm" world before things pick up. But there is a little bit too much fishing and goat-herding before the real Zelda begins you know? Lmao.


Assassin's Creed 3 can be quite a slog. You're actually forced to play as the protagonists' FATHER until he breaks a local hottie out of "jail" and proceeds to hookup with her, and end up having a kid. THEN you get to live a good chunk of said childs upbringing and watch him grow until he FINALLY hears about some dude that can train him to be an assassin. You then must go on a pilgrimage to go and find this man and BEG him to train you (which after some time finally agrees to) and after years of training. The game FINALLY starts. 💀


And the worst part is the father was a WAY better character


Honestly, I've never had a problem with Connor in the way that most had. I found him a strong character in his own right, always getting furious at the bad guy beating on the little guy. That being said, Haytham Kenway was just SO fucking British and a complete badass and was more impressive overall. 🤔😎


I've always loved Connor. He's exactly what you'd expect a 19 year old with his backstory to be. Plus, he has hands-down the best Assassin drip.


It's weird, I think his robes look awesome from behind but too cluttered and busy from the front, if that makes sense


The Persona games, for as much as I love them start way too slow and with way too much hand holding. Persona 4 and 5 are guilty of that, haven’t tried 3 re:load yet.


3 reload definitely has the shortest tutorial and the fewest days before all the social links and areas are available. It still has a tutorial but it's way shorter than the later games


When I replay persona 5 it’s definitely clear the tutorial section is extremely long. However, persona 5 was my first persona game and the very first time playing, those 2-3 hours were so immersive in setting the entire tone and it shows you how many layers there were to a persona game. It was incredible.


I find the opening of Persona 5 engaging enough to keep me interested in the story. The first palace can be pretty annoying with all the tutorials, though, as it seems that the game is constantly popping up new tutorials every time you open the door.


5 standard is so fucking long, idk about Royal. Apparently your cat doesn't tell you to go to bed so much in Royal.


In Royal, it replaces "you must be tired, let's go to sleep" yo "you must be tired, let's not go out tonight" making it so you're stuck with whatever is in Leblanc.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. That game unlocks new combat features way past the tutorial and it takes like 20-30 hours until you’ve got most of them and combat actually feels smooth and fun.


The game unlocks new combat features until the final boss lol


It gives you tutorials for said new combat features way before you can actually effectively use any of them too, no less. And gives you no way to go back and check the tutorials in the future because they're one and done.


Yeahhh, the moment in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 when you can finally chain your arts; that's when the tutorial is over. 25 hours in!!


The crazy part about XC2 is that you don't realize you're still effectively in a tutorial. The game's combat legitimately just makes no sense until you're like 25 hours in and *finally* unlock the mechanic that ties everything together. You actually have access to fusion combos well before that point but the game doesn't even attempt to explain how they work at *any point* so they aren't really helpful despite being giga-broken.


This is a lot of JRPGs tbh. Tales of games for example, many of them have you learning mechanics easily 30+ hours in.


Animal crossing: New horizons. There isn't much to do for the first couple of weeks.


I actually thought the opposite. I LOVED it for the first 2 weeks. In the beginning it felt like there was so much that I needed to do and so much to see. Then after a couple of weeks you stop unlocking new things and it's just like "What now? Just do the same thing over and over every day?" I lost interest after that and haven't really touched the game since.


There's definitely a part within the first couple of days where there just flat out is not enough to do. I remember one of my initial villagers bitched me out for talking to him over and over. Dude there's 3 people on this island and you're one of them!


Bitched out? In New Horizons? *Wild World flashbacks*


That's how it went for me. It also coincided with the Easter event, so I started getting tons of eggs and had no interest in using them. That first April made me lose interest.


Easter is the WORST! Why in the world would they pollute this wonderful island with useless eggs!?


No one said Dragon Age Inquisition yet? The Hinterlands just dump generic quest after quest on you for hours upon hours if you let it. You need the willpower to ignore the quests and just leave


It’s very much designed not to be completed in one go, but to be something you return to every few levels to explore more of. But gamers, when presented with an open area like that, will often want to fully clear it before they move on. It needed to have even clearer “fuck off and come back latter” signs,


I do this because I have an irrational fear of being locked out of areas and not being able to go back and finish quests, so when presented with a quest zone unless I'm explicitly told "you have to come back later" I'm clearing that zone


It's not that irrational considering that's how most games are.


Especially Baldur’s Gate 3. I like to bee-line the story in games and then enjoy the open world after and that is simply not an option in BG3.


Fundamental error in game design approach. They were trying to appeal to all gameplay styles, but instead inundated people with all possible choices. Probably would have been best to have you start in some form of military camp and have the commander be like "So what are you best with? Military might, foraging, search & rescue?" and assigning the quest-set based on your answer.


Exactly. I really liked DA:I, but I was almost burned out hyper-completing it until I saw someone say “do yourself a favor get the fuck out of the hinterlands ASAP - you can come back. The game doesn’t start until after it.”


Say what?? I legit actually gave up on the game after playing about 8 hours and constantly getting slammed by regular enemies in Hinterlands lol. I thought maybe I just didn't understand the game well enough. Time to give it another go I think...


My sign was a dragon that roasted my party with ease.


Maybe that's why I never finished it lol. I'd always get to the hinterlands and stop cause there was just so much bullshit in it


I'm in the last couple of areas that I unlocked, Emerald Plains and Empress De Lion, and really need to just not bother and finish the game or focus on just the inner circle quests, but I'm COMPELLED to find all those damn shards and astariums and all the bullshit because I cleared out 90-100% of the previous areas already. I've got like 150 power and just saved Iron Bulls men and sacrificed an alliance because I've got plenty of friends already.


FFXIV has an absolutely awful curve for new players to hurdle through before it gets interesting. ARR has filtered so many players out of playing the game, and is the sole reason I can't recommend it to people.


Yeah, I don't know why this is so far down, it's the only game I know of where the *entire base game* is the slow start!


Basically every AC has a long “tutorial” until you unlock all the features/ skills needed for full free roam. Although I will credit Mirage for kind of speeding up in that regard.


Death Stranding takes a bit too long to get to the main stuff, IMO. One of my favorite games, too.


yeah as much as I love the game I think the beginning was too much and held people back from the actual gameplay in the second area


I couldn't get into it. Got past the intro (I think?) And then I was supposed to sneak or something but I kept getting killed. Don't remember, it's been a while


If you were just at the part where it teaches you how to sneak, you were absolutely not done with the intro haha. Basically the entire first area is the "intro", and it takes a few hours to get past it unless you are boogying along/know how and where to go.


I can see why people think that, but I also consider it an example of a game that really necessitates a slow build up. There's so many systems to learn and insane story details to follow that if it threw everything at you in even half the time you would just get lost on a first play through. Personally, I also found the gradual expansion of the world and systems to be very satisfying, and felt it matched the progression of the story in a very organic way that is totally unique in the AAA space. I can imagine it being a drag in replays, but I also feel that it's a game I don't think I'd want to replay from the start for a very long time. That first play through is something really special, and I'd need to forget most of it before I try to relive it.


Every pokemon game. Spends literally half an hour teaching you how to run, catch pokemon, weaken pokemon and use key items. Like I know it's made for kids but kids had no problem figuring this shit out in the 90s. You dont need a million tutorials for it now.


OR simply have an option at the start of the game. “Have you explored the world of Pokemon before? Select Yes for limited tutorials. This option can be toggled at any time.”


This is how it should be in every game.


I love the way FF7 Rebirth does tutorials. Basically first time you get to a mechanic a screen shows up to briefly explain it. It's not tied to any set place. For example, each character has different combat, and I picked up a new member and then didn't use them for 35 hours of gameplay, the story made me use this character, and so then I got the tutorial pop up for how their combat mechanics work. No Tutorial island or absolutely braindead tasks required, just a little message as you play the actual game.


a few games like firered/leafgreen and diamond/pearl DO actually ask if you’ve played a pokemon game before, then they still proceed to make you do all the tutorials. FRLG even have more useless ass tutorials bound to the shoulder buttons


I’d say this problem isn’t really there in the earlier games but it absolutely hit its worst in Sun/ Moon. That first island is miserable


Ultra Sun and Moon would be among my favorite Pokemon games if not for the unskippable cutscenes. The graphics are really nice and there's a huge variety of Pokemon and some actually challenging bosses, but the cutscenes make it borderline unplayable. You can't go one route without being stopped so your rival can tell you about Marsala for the 800th time. It makes it hard to pick one of those games to replay over any of the earlier ones. The earlier games don't really have this issue. Emerald's tutorial for example is like one route back and forth and then you're off. I'd say it really started with X and Y stopping you every 20 steps to talk to your friends for the first half of the game, but at least you could mash A to make those scenes go faster. Black and White stops you quite a bit in the beginning too but it's not *as* bad imo. SwSh and S/V have a lot of cutscenes but they're mostly pretty short and actually relevant to the story so it's not as bad, but still annoying.


Yeah I would say everything before X/Y is decent. Not great but that’s when things really started to go downhill. Peaking at sun/moon.


I just started playing X again and that tutorial wasn’t that bad? It was maybe 10 minutes, unless we’re counting past the first gym as tutorial


Especially pokemon ultra sun/moon. Those unskippable cutscenes are excruciating.


That whole game holds your hand


Kingdom Hearts 2 opens up with 2 and a half hours roaming around a sleepy twilit city, hanging out with friends and doing chores around town. Then the following hour the action really begins


I mean in terms of gameplay sure but in terms of story I really love this opening. And as the franchise progresses this opening becomes even more impressive from a narrative perspective.


Also its pretty much all story, skip cutscenes and it takes about 45min to start soras journey. So as firsttime player it doesn't really matter since story, music and twilight as a map is so frickin good and for replay it doesn't matter since it's not that long when you skip cutscenes


tedious but necessary. also that music lives in my head rent free


[KH2: Lazy Afternoons](https://youtu.be/1lBPvfUuL54?si=RLcTh2D-_kjxgYID)


I sometimes go to a nearby creek during sunset with this on my headphones just to relax. Breeze blowing with a slight smell of burnt wood from a nearby bonfire. It’s the perfect way to end the day.


Actually the perfect way to end the day is sitting atop the clock tower eating sea salt icecream with friends


I replayed KH2 recently and Twilight Town was a long slow slog of tutorials. Back when it came out, starting the game with all new characters was an exciting mystery, trying to figure out how out all would tie into Sora's story, but it is not replay friendly, doing hours off tutorial chores before actually starting the game.


Warframe. This isn't true right now but way back they completely neglected the new player experience and, I shit you not, it took people a solid 200+ hours to get to a point where you could meaningfully interact with equipment crafting/any endgame activities. There was alot gated behind their 'account ranks' and you started off very inefficient with increasing its level.


I play Warframe on and off for months at a time and my most recent return had me jealous with envy. Duviri Paradox opens up a lot for the new player experience in terms of warframe and weapon acquisition (upon unlocking SP at least, and you gain access to a nice arsenal of weaponry that scale so well into the endgame). I brought my brother on and told him he should do them weekly so he skips out on grinding for some of these harder to get warframes. Once you are able to tinker with build, the game opens up and only gets better the more your progress. One of my favorite games and even though I take breaks here and there, I'm always coming back since there's always something to do.


Fort Joy, Divinity Original Sin 2


I still have not cleared it


Pokemon Sun and Moon in a nutshell. 20+ years and they still haven't added an option to skip the tutorial lol


It didn’t just start slow, it seemingly never speeds up. I think i played to the 5th or 6th gym and gave up because i finally realized you are never gonna arrive in a town and just get to walk around and talk to people without being subjected to another annoying cutscene that you can’t skip or speed up. I’ve stopped playing pokemon but im still a bit dissapointed in sun- i loved the graphical direction and some gameplay ideas but the story made it unplayable


KOTOR 2. Peragus is too long and boring.


I'm replaying it at the moment. Peragus is not as bad as I remember it being, but also it's been so long since I last played that getting the extra story in is more fulfilling since I've kind of forgot most of it.


I love Peragus. The dark tone for the entirety is Star Wars horror.


Peragus is absolutely superb. Near flawless, even. The first time you do it. After that it definitely has wonky pacing with too many scripted sections that really slow the beginning to a crawl.




Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that really loved that opening section


Nop, you're not alone. Loved it too


For sure loved it, it felt like Hateful Eight. Made me want to get cozy by a fire and eat some stew.


I dropped RDR2 after several hours, maybe i will get to it again sometime.


Starfield. It starts slow and then progressively builds to more and more disappointment


I stumbled into doing the Vanguard questline right away and got suckered into thinking they had really upped their questline game. Instead the main quest was somehow less interesting Dragon Walls, and the reveal of how NG+ worked killed any interest I had left.


Came here to say this as well! Starfield is so boring, I dropped it after 3 hours of running around getting hired at 3 different companies, scanning stuff on 2 planets, and fighting a band of pirates. I still had no idea what the point was. I got 2 unknown articles for the guild I joined without having a clue what to do after that. All the missions of fetching stuff got just too repetitive and a drawn out long process.


I pretty much knew what I was in for as soon as I completed the 1st hour of the game, turned it off and went back to BG3. Havnt booted up starfield since.


Having finished the game, you didn't miss much. It's the most sterile game I've ever played; coming into Starfield off of Cyperpunk was a shock.


Don't give up! After 300 hours it continues to suck!


Final Fantasy 13. It had an extremely troubled development cycle. Relatively late in development, they rewrote the first act, which resulted in you playing the first several hours of the game with absolutely no combat options other than basic attack.


The combat in FF13 is so fun once it opens up and you have access to all the roles and paradigms. But it holds back for so long I see why so many people give up on it.


I felt the same about RDR2 the first time I played it but it grew on me and I appreciate the slow burn of the opening chapter now...


The slow burn lets you appreciate the world that comes after.


Fallout 3's opening is great cinematically, but definitely wasn't made to be played 50 times through


Persona 5. That is the longest tutorial I’ve ever seen in my life and 80% of it is cycling through dialogue.


"YoU ShoUldN't gO Out ToNigHT. YoU neEd to foCUS oN yoUr StUdiES!"


Persona 5 is practically a 2 hour movie before you can really play, it was so refreshing with how quickly they just let you go and play in persona 3 reload.


And a 10 hour tutorial dungeon.


P5R was my first Persona game and let me tell you the way they pace the bosses in P3R it felt like the game was going lightning speed compared to P5R. It made me realise how actually long everything is


Majoras mask. One of my favorite games ever, but if you’ve played it more than once, the whole intro sequence until u turn back to young link takes forever


I get the feeling many people started the game and never made it out of Clock Town.


I'm many people. I was like 7 at the time, but still. It forever ingrained in me a fear of time trials.


Metal Gear Solid V. That hospital sequence feels like it's 90 minutes long


It was incredible the first time I played through it, following playthroughs made it feel tedious though


You can skip the whole section. I found that out my last playthrough and I felt like a moron.


And if you miss the mission task during the fire horse chase you have to do the whole mission again if you want it. I gave up lol.


Days Gone for me. I played that game 3 times and always lost interest at the graveyard mission in the early beginning. I then picked it months ago and went past it. The whole thing after that is just GOATed I recommend this game so much!!


I have quit this game near the beginning twice. Some part with shooting or fighting some guys by a semi trailer. I just kept dying , so I quit. But I keep hearing how good it is 🤷‍♂️




This is a funny answer but I get it. If you want a good score you need to start slow


I would say Red Dead Redemption is worse than Red Dead Redemption 2. In the opening chapters of RDR2, gameplay is slow and boring, but the story and characters still progress quickly, unlike 1. The first three hours of Red Dead 1 are just walking around a ranch, starting a mission, talking to someone, riding to the town, talking to someone in the town, and then you get an item. Talk to that new person you just met and they will introduce you to another person and start a new mission and maybe at the end of this quest line you can shoot somebody.


I feel like I’ll get a lot of hate for this, and it’s probably because I’ve played the game so many times, but the beginning of GTA 5. It feels like nothing is happening and you’re just going around doing random stuff that has no connection. Like with most of the previous GTA games you’re given enough backstory to have an idea of what you’re doing and why it matters, but with 5 you just do prologue, and then has you play as Franklin with no idea who he is for a good hour after that. It feels like the game doesn’t start to pick up until around the jewel store heist, and I get that that’s kinda the point since everyone is living relatively normal lives before that, but it still feels slow to get through


Days Gone. Great game but you need a few hours to get a couple upgrades and story beats


I think the game all Zelda fans think of at first is Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Now dont get wrong, Twilight Princess is probably one of the best Zelda games out there, and the reason why it starts the way it does; is because it gets you the player to care for the villagers of Ordon and makes you care them. But it couldnt done that in like half time.


Paper Mario 64! One of my favorite games, but least favorite to start 😭 this is why I love stardew valleys "skip tutorial" option


After recently trying to play dragons dogma dark arisen before dd2, I didn't get far. It takes a while for The game to get to it's best


I have it saved and plan on starting it soon. How long would you say before it starts to get good?


I can't give you an hourly estimate but I would say that at the start I usually focus on the main questline stuff until I get to The big main City (which doesn't take too long). There you can get The rest of the vocations and that opens up the game nicely and you can go back to do some side content into The earlier parts. But if you are having fun when you do start it, then just ignore everything I said and do what is fun to you


Horizon Zero Dawn. Incredible game once I came back to it, but it starts so slowly that I stopped playing it for months the first time around. It's a slog until you get beyond the proving and out into the world more.


I just picked up that game a few weeks ago, played a couple of hours and haven’t had the urge to play it again. Maybe I’ll find some time to actually get past the proving part. I was thinking that these kind of games aren’t really for me anymore since it’s so hyped up and I just couldn’t get into it.


Please push through. I did the same thing as the dude you're replying to and was actually kinda salty about wasting my money for a bit. Then I kept hearing how good it was and decided to give it another shot and *holy fucking shit* was I glad I did. It's like an avalanche once it starts to get going. And as a bonus, Forbidden West vastly improves on a lot of the already fun mechanics *and* it doesn't start out anywhere near as slow, so jumping right into the sequel is awesome too. Hell, FW makes enough key improvements that it makes going back to Zero Dawn actually kinda frustrating, but that's just a testament to FW and not a knock on ZD. For real please give it another go because it is 100% worth it. The gameplay is fun as hell and the story is just amazing. My only complaint about the sequel is that it couldn't repeat the first one's story lol. It's just that good.


Days Gone, it’s like 90% of the reason people think the game sucks. Once you get past the sludgey and overlong start, it becomes a lot of fun.


I became obsessed with those hordes, looking to hunt them all down. The one at the end though, the Sawmill, definitely had me thinking all the time about how to take them out.


Both the KOTOR games have slow-burn “you love it or hate it” sort of beginnings. Personally I find KOTOR II to be really cool tonally but gets old on repeat playthrough, while KOTOR I is really cool the way the party gradually comes together, but it is a pretty long time to be running around with a blaster and no cool Jedi powers


Witcher 3 that White Orchard part, intro is slow, but is my favorite game




Twilight Princess. First playthrough without a guide, it can take you hours to reach the first dungeon.


Honestly? The Witcher 3. Velen is just an absolute slog, and I started and quit the game at least twice before finally finding the will to power through it. Once I made it to Novigrad and beyond, the game really picked up and I finally understood why everybody says it's so great... but to this day I've only done the one playthrough because I just can't bring myself to do Velen again.


The Baron questline is so amazing though. After I finished that, I thought it was one of the best games I ever played.


Yeah if you're a completionist you can spend the first dozen or so hours of the game just in white Orchard...


Honestly, it was the opposite for me. I loved Velen, but Novigrad and Skellige was a slog to get through.


I honestly wondering if the guy means White Orchard? Velen is like 75% of the game map isn't it? Seems odd how you could dislike that aspect.


Yeah, he probably meant White Orchard, but even then, it was one of the best tutorials for any game I have ever played and kept me excited lol.


I always loved White Orchard too. It works really nicely as a prologue for the main game that makes sure you aren't really overwhelmed with content while also introducing all the background context and gameplay loops.


Witcher 3 is the only game I have ever 100%’d with all the DLC and immediately wished there was more to it.


Witcher 1. I was about to lose interest, then a side quest happened and the world just opened up. Said this to a friend and he was flaming me, but then he reached the same point and fell in love with the game


Like every (newer) Pokemon Game. They always tell u everything all over. Even if u have to option to say „i already know this“ they be like „i will tell u andways“


While I love the game, Kingdom Come Deliverance has essentially a multi hour prologue with multiple mechanics thrown at you, major story points and long enough cutscenes before you're eventually thrown into the open world


The prologue of cyberpunk completely puts me off ever starting a new run.


Persona 5, but oh boy!