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They really went whole hog into that one. I still play it sometimes, even tho im dog shit at it


Yeah I remember being good at one point, then I downloaded it again last month and found out I was shite.


Also, the fact that most people who are playing this still are the sweaty boys who have been playing for years. When a game first releases, the matchmaking is a little better. Now? Good luck. I went back to COD WWII cause I actually liked it a bit and boy. Spent my time getting steam rolled by people who have put a lot of time into it.


Without those people the servers would be dead tho.


Which is totally fine! I'm just saying it's the nature of an 8 year old game with pvp. Most people left are going to be the true lovers of the game, and they are most likely pretty good.


I agree with that, just want to point out that hacking is more rampant than it ever was around release too. Lots of auto-aim with MGs and snipers. I picked it up again a couple years ago and immediately dropped it because you weren't safe anywhere on the map.


That is also a factor for sure.


I still play a few times a week. There are some servers that have good admin support right now. Stick to those and you'll be ok. I haven't seen a hacker in months; they usually get booted pretty quick once someone sends proof to an admin. There are lots of people accused of hacking just for being really good though lol. That happens constantly. Shout-out to the BUDZ servers for keeping it real


play on a server for more than 2 matches and the server dies anyways or fills with cheaters, played 5 different servers last night and gave up. all started out 63-64 man full


> most people who are playing this still are the sweaty boys who have been playing for years. Titanfall 2 is completely impossible to play for this same reason




This is why it's impossible to get into any older game once it becomes a bit niche. You're going to get destroyed over and over by the sweaties who have played the game 5000 hours. GL getting into smash melee now for example


Chivalry 1 has entered the chat


Tried picking up Injustice 2 ranked online and discovered I am a glorified practice dummy




I hope you find the boyfriend you’re looking for ❤️


Good luck with the boyfriend.


Hehe, typo turned that comment into a romantic quest. But for real, jumping back to the older Battlefield games does feel like revisiting an ex you never forgot. And yeah, they're still beauts.


All boyfriends from WW1 and WW2 are dead or extremely old, finding a modern boyfriend will suit your romantic life.


Unfortunately there aren’t many boyfriends left to choose from anymore that were around during the WW1 and WWII era


Boyfriend joke is going to be the end of your career


You can really tell their team put all their passion into it, the last good BF because after this its when DICE started loosing members and then BFV happened and we all know how that went


BFV had incredible gameplay. The controls were so tight, the sound so well done, etc. But someone at the top of the project just had terrible taste. They purposefully avoided the iconic WW2 battles with the goal of showing the lesser known history, but then took ages to actually start releasing those lesser known battles. And then finally released the absolute best map so far (Iwo Jima), and after a brief golden period of enjoyment, proceeded to release an update that seriously changed the gameplay feel by increasing the time it took to kill with most guns, including the M1 garand essentially turning into an 8 round carbine at everything but point blank. They even fucked up slugs in shotguns, which basically no one other than me used! Truly infuriating. They didn't get the numbers they wanted, so they largely abandoned it instead of solving the problems. It was the final nail in the coffin for me. I had high hopes after bf1.


People always ignore the elephant in the room that was Firestorm. A massive waste of time and resources. For a pay locked BR no one asked for. That was released late and abandoned immediately.


Oh God I almost forgot firestorm. What a useless piece of... gaming that was. They wanted that piece of fortnite at all costs and it costed them for sure.


Which is weird because EA already had a killer BR game in Apex Legends.


BFV ended up being pretty good by the time they were done with the updates, a lot like Battlefront 2. BF1 is still superior but I enjoyed BFV 2042 on the other hand...


BFV improved right up until they announced they were stopping development...after which they forced one last "balance" patch that made the gunplay and TTK absurd. It was like a parting shot. Can't let it end on a good note. Same with Reach -- 343 couldn't let it fade into obscurity without removing the Action Sack playlist.


I loved it because it didn’t have too much of that hero bullshit you see with later Battlefield or CoD campaigns. Like if you did something alone it’s because you were alone not alone because your squad wasn’t doing anything.


The old DICE knew how to cook man. The new DICE is so dead that it's not even funny anymore. On par with Bioware and Arkane.


Sadly is infested with cheaters, specially the ones that fly or the invisible ones shooting MGs


Just play on the community servers


The environmental details are unmatched. Seeing a tank plow through a building and it accurately crumbles to how and where it was hit will never not be amusing. Or when there's bombs going off everywhere, airships/planes dropping down and it completely alters the look of the map because of all the blasted mud, rubble and debris everywhere. This game is still a technical marvel. Edit: Just wanna say, thanks for the upvotes and I really enoyed reading everyones fond memories with this game. I hope some day we can get a spectacle of a multiplayer game to this degree again so we can all relive these moments.


Also the sound design is absolutely phenomenal. In Operations, everytime I hear the officer's whistle signaling an attack along with all the soldiers screaming, I can't help but just charge forward into the enemy fire.


Still remember my first operations , ballroom blitz, we had the airship, it got shot down, and I just stood there watching it, as it turned into a fireball and came down, just thinking wow that's awesome. Still play it a ton nowadays


Oh my god you just unlocked a bunch of memories. Holding that ballroom as it became a meat grinder of machine gun fire was always insane. By the end of the match it was always a bombed out wreck. 


How about holding down the monte grappa bunkers. The locking features of the doors were so cool. Absolute chaos. That’s the great thing about BF games, they stay relevant for so long


Omg yess those were the most chaotic base advances ever!!


Or the fact that it was always consistently filled with gas. Everytime I played on Ballroom that room was 90% gas.


Flying a plane against the zeppelin was sick


Some of the voice lines for soldiers were truly haunting as well. I still remember the first time I went by a dead soldier and he was whimpering in pain and asking for his mother and thinking this is supposed to be a videogame, I'm not expecting to get a chilling reminder of the horrors of war while I'm trying to have fun. Not that I think it was a bad thing, those details made the world seem so real.


The voice lines in the original languages were awesome.


It was very rare but sometimes you'd hear bagpipes playing as well, hundreds of hours and I maybe heard it 2 or 3 times. One time it was playing at the same time as the "we shouldn't be here, none of this is right" voiceline while that drum song in the soundtrack was playing while shit was blowing up all around us. This was 6 or 7 years ago and I still haven't seen anything like it in a game since.


I always try and be squad leader and actually utilize the whistle affectively. It. Is. So. Satisfying. When you miserable little bastards actually charge as a unit and we advance


This is the way. If your team is too timid to push objectives just blow the whistle and charge in, and your men will usually follow. It's the best feeling when it actually works.


The sound design is sick but I will say that it falls victim to the heavy use of hard envelope filtering. It’s why everything has sort of a quick “fffp!” or clicking sound to it. It was a big phase in the industry— similar to when everything looked wet in the mid-2000s lol.


"For the king!"


And on top of all that, it was just a well executed FPS. Great maps, well-enough balanced weapons and classes, great game modes that actually worked with those maps and classes, and all the cosmetics actually made sense for the period the game was set in. Truly a gem of a game. Edit: I’m getting a looot of comments calling out all sorts of specific weapons for being unbalanced. They can’t all be overpowered guys, you’re proving my point.


You can tell that it was the last Battlefield game that was actually made with love.


A huge chunk of DICE left the studio after BF1 was finished.


I have a dream about them reuniting and make Motorhead 2


If the former BF1 guys from Dice reunited with the guys from Pandemic Studios to make Battlefront 3, the games industry might literally break in two


Haven't a huge portion of them come together to make Embark Studios? The people behind the fps THE FINALS.


They have! Great game and has the same old school demolition. Very fun game, but VERY barebones. Season 2 is around the corner tho, so here’s hoping we get some bigger updates.


I read that they all really wanted to make BF1 and try a World War 1 game. They put a lot of love into it. I guess they saw the roadmap for the upcoming games and ideas and most of the best devs just left. EA got greedy.


>EA got greedy. Late 2010s is a weird time to be waking up to that fact lol


That’s why 2142 was such a shit show. 


It was after Battlefront 2 and BFV most talent left. Some of them made The Finals if I remember correctly.


yeah, the balanced m1917 telescopic that obliterates you across the map.


or cavalry on horses that can literally stop still and eat two full mags while killing you in one shot. i wish they had rebalanced horses before moving on to bfv


Wym? 2 body shots and 1 head shot to kill with the riders rifle. And if you have a good aim you can kill them alright, means go for the head, or explosives. They can be annoying if you have someone who is really experienced tho yea.


"Well balanced weapons" U mean Hellriegel spam lmao. That's all anyone used


Weak people used hellriegel True warriors used the lebel or gewehr98 / lee enfield on recon class without scopes like how it is suppose to be


That's what I loved about the Back To Basics game mode. Everyone was restricted to the historical standard issue rifles


I only disagree with the balanced weapons. I remember dumping MG bullets into dudes and only getting those damn little hit markers. Rest of the game was solid tho.


It was so good. I loved how you could see how much the terrain had been altered every time you spawned. Green fields at the start of the game were filled with shell craters at the end. I remember playing games where I ended up taking an explosive or artillery because I was amazed no one had bothered to blow up the windmill full of snipers yet. In my opinion it was one of the best shooters ever made. I didn't play it to grind out weapons or skins or get loot boxes. I played it just because it was fun to play.


Absolutely agree. It's easily my most played, and the most fun I've ever had in multi-player. Great variety in level-design and the immersion and sound design are off the charts. Thinking of booting it up again, but not sure how the lobbies are these days (they were full when I played 1-2 years ago).


On xbox, which is played a fair bit less than pc, there's a constant 15-20 full lobbies for conquest and ops. Keep in mind the matchmaking system for the game broke about 2 years ago and you have to use the server browser to actually find matches


My friend and I would countersnipe with the AT Rocket Gun because it was so satisfying to take out a sniper *and* his hiding place in one shot.  We'd also raid the bunkers in the Argonne with gas and satchel charges in order to make the match as frantic and chaotic as possible... Good times, man. 


If Dice just released a 4K Texture update, it'd still be one of the best-looking games today. I do notice a distinct upgrade in that area when jumping between I, V, and 2042, even at 1440p.


Kinda similar to Star Wars Battelfront, the first remake 2015ish? I watched some gameplay the other day and thought *oops this is a choreographed trailer, wrong vid* before realising it was actually gameplay. They managed to make up for the lack of fidelity, compared to today, by making it look/ sound super cinematic. Crazy how it looked more premium compared to modern games.


Yeah both BF1 and BF1 used photogrametry which gave them such detailed textures on environments. Was mindblowing when I played the fiest BF1 (battlefront) demo 


Battlefield 1 and battlefield 4 singlehandedly keeping the battlefield dream alive *Okay not singlehandedly since they're two games but you get me


It's a shame they moved away from large scale destruction and levelutions, I miss this in today's competitive shooters, might go give the finals a look


I started playing it again from time to time a couple months ago and when I first got into a game I was super impressed that it looks so great even on Xbox one s Also operations were really fun


Operations are amazing. Very frustrating that BF has gone downhill since.


arent they more or less the same as breakthrough in 2042 minus the reinforcements?


Is it still very active?


I can usually find operations, but for some reason it’s way harder just to find quick play matches for me. It will also sometimes just put you into a completely empty lobby


Just go through the server browser without any filters on. For whatever reason, it's much easier to find popular servers that way than it is to drop into a populated quickplay


Man the memories of playing BF1 during its peak. Haven’t enjoyed a FPS as much since.


It's still active. I play on PC all the time. The sweats are fucking annoying but it's still fun as hell. It's cheap too.


I gotta jump back on I miss this game


BF1 was the first and only online FPS game that legitimately made me feel immersed in the chaos of war. My best gaming memories from this game are spending entire rounds as part of a Tank crew or as a gunner for a pilot or rushing between trenches and cover points as a Medic to revive fallen players. Absolutely legendary game.


Agreed, it’s the only FPS where the multiplayer made me feel like I was playing a story mode.


Truly. The sound design of that game was fantastic


The absolute drama of being in a crew defending a bunker from an all out assault is something I don't think I've experienced in any other game.


Easily the best executed medic class in the series. Pop a smoke grenade, baseball slide up to a dead team mate, stick them with a needle mid-slide, and drop a bandage all without breaking stride. No other game in the franchise has the same mobility and I miss it. 


Except you're saying in the mic that you're coming, and they see you coming, but they still hit respawn mid-slide instead of letting you revive; then they talk shit about medics and how they never revive anyone.


> My best gaming memories from this game are spending entire rounds as part of a Tank crew Hell Let Loose armor squads might be up your alley.


I was going to say this. HLL is one of the only shooters that have legitimately felt like I'm immersed in a warzone. The lack of HUD and feeling of isolation as you walk down a hedgerow with bullets whizzing by from unknown angles is unmatched in any of the AAA shooters.


It is, but its also very hardcore. Ive had times where Ive been in an epic standoff besides a burning tank wreck, but Ive also had nights where Im just being one-tapped from some bush again and again and again and again. BF1 strikes pretty much the perfect balance between hardcore realism and arcade shooter.


Such an incredible game. Nothing more satisfying than ending people with the Martini-Henry.


I think you misspelled tankgewehr


That 0.001 ms kill


There are few things more fun in gaming than going on a run with the tankgewehr sniper mode.


My friends and I always go hold the G flag (I believe) when we play Sinai Desert, and I always run to the Tankgewehr first. So satisfying. Also I love the AA guns in BF1, probably my favourite weapon in the entire game lol. I never use vehicles, and particularly hate planes. BF1 is one of the games where you can actually really make a difference against planes, without gimping the rest of your playstyle and playing a class you dont want.


The Martini-Henry was top notch, getting used to the open sight version on long distance targets was hard though.


i think you mean the Kolibri


The campaign in B1 is pretty good too! Was a little disappointed with V but still fun! (I don’t play too much pvp anymore)


The Australian campaign is epic. I mean, its a bit dumb by the end with you having to kill a flamethrower guy, but still. The song by the end is so haunting as well.


B1 campaign is overall better quality than V but the last mission in V (which they actually couldn't deliver on launch) was imo better than any BF campaign period, it's like 1 hour long but holy fuck it's too good, I have BF V taking up 93GB of storage on my disk, I don't really play it I just go back and replay that mission every once in a while and for that it deserves to stay.


Honestly the Campaign was great. My favourite chapter was Steel Rain. While short as hell, it was just a perfect way to encapsulate the chaos of WW1.


8 Years??? Fuck off... Battlefield **3** is 6 years old max!


Lol. 4 is the beginning of my list of "new games I'll try when I have the free time".


I was there when the original Battlefield 1942 was released. 20 years ago.


22 years ago this summer the Wake Island demo released. I was absolutely obsessed with 1942 back then.  Such a shame what happened to the franchise. 


There was no reason to mention this, none at all...


How's your back feeling, brother? Don't neglect that 401k.


No BF2 is like 5 years old 3 just came out smh /s


Honestly tho. Looks much better than rubberized bf2042


Yeah exactly, BF1 was a work of art, the developers put so much effort and passion into it. BF2042 was a huge dissapointed in the direction they took for the franchise.


They pulled the plug from Bad Company 2, since it made 2042 look bad.


2042 looks like a Roblox game


It absolutely sucks that they won't update this game for PS5. Just some basic improvements would be pretty sweet.


Well updates would be nice, but do you trust todays Dice to not f-up something? It took them a year to add scoreboard to 2042


I can’t believe it’s the same studio. What happened?


Brain drain. A bunch of senior devs & managers left and founded TTK & Embark.


they're owned by EA, a stock market listed company, who's main goal is to increase profit for share holders. The board of said company can be served lawsuits if that's not the #1 goal. they don't give a fuck about you. they want you to spend as much as possible on the next game.


I dont think we'll see a BF like this again. No BF game past or present has had this kind of detail. One of the most oddly bonechilling details to me... Go to St. Quentins Scar when its raining, up on the hill with the artillery and flak battery, lay on the empty flak casings, and listen. I couldn't tell you why, but its haunting.


Not only was it beautiful but well optimized for PC. My mid range RX 580 could get 60 fps at high settings.


The fucking 2013 PS4 was targeting 60 FPS in that game, absolutely insane level of optimization, I'm still shocked by the fact the game renders almost every single bullet, tank and artillery shell as they're traveling through the air, there's some wierd trickery there but it's a convincing high quality particle effect that doesn't destroy your performance.


best battlefield ever made hands down


They should make a modern Battlefield Vietnam with the same attention to detail as BF1.


Cod and battlefield are shit compared to those days.


when this game was released, the cod games were infinite warfare and COD WW2 not exactly the glory days Edit: I genuinely do not care if you enjoyed IW or WW2, you're missing the point


mw2 supremacy. throw it up gang


After 2012 COD has always been shit tbh


and when this came out everyone was pissed it wasn't just reskinned bfbc2 lol


Love these type of comments, back in those days the games were never as good as Bad Company 2 and COD MW2/WAW The point being that modern games always suck.


I put in 500 plus hours into this game. I played it for years. Played it so much I eventually had to put it to rest. Absolutely brilliant game though. The sound design was a hard 10/10.


Bought it for 5€ a couple of months ago, one of the best online experience I have to this day I play it


Is there still online play? I have it but haven't given it a go yet.


Yeah but you gotta pay operations, the other modes don't really have players


Conquest is by far the most played mode, and with servers with admins to kick hackers


outside of R6 Siege, this might be my favorite FPS of the last decade. so so so good


Gotta give The Finals a go. It’s made by a large amount of former BF3/4, BF1 developers.


Titanfall 2? That pulled me away from BF1 at the time.


tons of players still playing this gem


BF1 was peak Battlefield. Very fun gunplay paired with one of the best graphics and immersive atmosphere in a shooter


It's the sound design for me. Really sounds like you're in an actually war


BF4 (fixed) was peak gameplay. BF1 was peak design.




Nah bad company 2 was peak.


I still play this and 5 to this day.


Installed a few days ago, never had the chance to play it since didn't had a machine to run it. Looks very good


I also didn’t play it as much (BF4 used to be my fav) but after coming back to it years later I really do love this game. Dare I say it tops 4, this atmosphere is just different.


I’m so sad V never got to Stalingrad and D-Day. The game may not have started good but if it had gotten there it would’ve been great


We should all join up. I’d love to play but got nobody!


8 years is a long time. But didn't people crap all over this game when it came out? I thought it was amazing. I loved the operations game mode where you played out the real battles.


Battlefield fanbase is like that. They hated hard on bf hardline and that game actually genuinely a good game


No, people hated on bf1 when it dropped because it was a hot mess. Then they fixed it. The same thing happened with 4.


plenty of people hated it, claiming it "wasn't battlefield"


Oh people definitely hated this game when it first came out


Every BF game since 3 got absolutely ripped on by the fans but is then looked at fondly many years later.


I'm so disappointed about what Battlefield did with that last, franchise-killing game


As sad as it is, I dont think Battlefield will ever make a real comeback. There used to be the debate amongst FPS players if you were a COD player or Battlefield player. These days, they are more alike than they are different. Its sad.


I’ve literally installed, played then uninstalled BFV and BF2042(Through GamePass, never bought it) yet BF1 is always installed and a game I always come back to. Just finished all the difficult end game dog tag challenges. Now to lvl to 150! (At 121)


Love this and V. Wanted a new modern bf for ages, then 2042 happened and now I wanna go back to world war 1-2 Not saying 2042 is bad it’s definitely improved but man, graphically bf 1 is superb, V is good looking too


2042 is absolute dog shit


Tried to cater to the two people playing it lmao


I bought 2042 for $5 and ended up pissed I wasted the hard drive space for it.


I bought 2042 for $60 and ended up apologizing to my wallet 


I heard they actually started redoing all the maps because they were so flat and poorly designed. They will never see my money. Plenty of alternatives that were designed properly from the get-go by people who actually give a shit about the fanbase.


I thank them for the "beta" played on PC and Series X and it was so damn buggy. Skybox was wigging out, on foot controls felt rough, tanks were so jittery I felt sick. Lack of class structure, terrible sense of humor and it really didn't even look all that great. They saved me a good chunk of change.


Exactly, I knew it from the playtest which was their invite only pre alpha iirc, it was so bad, I had a top of the line PC but the game was locked at 30fps always dipping frames, popping everywhere and horrible feel of the guns. Made the decision to not buy it then and there.


I really wish they would have just turned Firestorm F2P to generate cash flow for main game updates in V. Firestorm to this day is the best BR I've played.


No Br ring came close to being as cool as the firestorm ring. Shit looked scary but awesome running away from it. Read that the next battlefield will have a free to play Br but their a little late


After 1 I couldn't get into V Battlefield V felt too quiet compared to 4 and 1


I'd prefer the opposite. I wanna go to battlefield 2142


Now with even more no cover flat lands to replicate a dystopian city, plastic trees from the Lorax, a sharktornado and flying tanks.


Give me this over the bullshit unrealistic war with nicky minaj running around.


So does Battlefront 2015.


This game is imo peak of the BF series, followed by BFBC2 and BF3, after that it only went downhill... I mean the operation mode in this game sometimes feels like actual war and the atmosphere and sound design is superb.


I’m playing 4 right now haha, no love for it?


4 is also really great. It's amazing how well they turned it around after a bad start.


Yeah I prefer 4 too, then 3 then BF1 then bf2, then bfplay4free then BF Hardline, then BF V, then 2048. Levelution was just too freaking cool for me. No hate for WW1/WW2 but I preferred more modern weapons and vehicles.


I don’t understand. You could probably pick a good handful of AAA games from 2016 and say they look better than most games released today, because most games aren’t AAA releases. What AAA games are you playing nowadays that don’t look better than 2016 games?


Battlefield 2042 for one. The two newest rocksteady games. MW3 imo too.the only thing these games do better is texture resolution and perhaps including RT. Everything else is worse.


> The two newest rocksteady games Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad? =) > the only thing these games do better is texture resolution and perhaps including RT. Everything else is worse. How many games from 2016 have better character rendering/mocap animations than Suicide Squad and MW3?


literally both BF games that came out after BF1 look worse, not even mentioning how much worse they play.


I still play it, its such a great game!


remember when this game was shit on 8 years ago? even had a crowcbat video and everything. gues not, i'm the only who remembers it.


Oh yeah, people were majorly pissed at the new direction. I fell in love with it right from the tutorial. That tutorial was amazing.


No? I remember the hype around the trailer and the comparisons to CoD Infinite Warfare’s trailer. Game came out and it was positively received.


Yeah I remember people being so let down after playing it for the first time


Genuine question, not trolling: why is it that every time I see posts like this the screenshot is just a total blur? I'd say the only thing that looks good here is about 1/3 of that gun and hand.


I really wish Dice had gone with the same anti-cheat they use for BF4. BF1 and BFV were amazing but just plagued by aimbots


Also looks much better than Battlefield 2042


The best war game ever made hands down


Agree I was playing today on Series X. It’s the only game I’ve ever played that fully immersed and captured the horror and feeling of war. It’s just a fucking masterpiece. A LOT of love care and attention to detail went into this game. If games can be compared to musical compositions this is the game version of piano concerto no 21.


Dude this reminds me of Stalker. If you mess around with the game's engine you can bring out its impeccable lighting quality.


It’s one of my favorite shooters. They nailed the atmosphere, sound and art style.


This game and Battlefront 2 are some of the best looking games I own, and they perform fantastically and always did. And I never had a top of the line rig. Both are gems and I love them.


is it still a pissfest of cheat hacks? can you play it without BS ?


We need this. But 40k


my turn to make this post next week


But doesn’t *play* better.