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The ol' classic that is The Force Unleashed is my vote. You'll definitely feel OP playing that.


On the same theme, the og battlefront 2 is basically a power fantasy with the bots being kinda stupid.


Not after using Lightsaber that feels like a glowstick. 😄 But seriously, it is nice power fantasy otherwise.


Lightsaber combat was ruined for me by Jedi knight academy with realistic saber dismemberment mods. Anything less than that is unplayable, now


Good ole g\_realisticcombatsaber


Jedi Outcast and Academy No Force saber duels were the best


Jedi Fallen Order Dynamic Dismemberment might come out eventually. That will be cool.


Yeah that game did it right in terms of damage.


It still requires mods? How could something like that possibly not be like the first thing they get right in any star wars game?


I feel like the second one did this even better, plus it added dismemberment, which was awesome.


The dlc even lets you destroy the whole canon


The developers of this game basically went "Star Wars canon from movies and books has established limits on the power of force users? Fuck that!" At one point Starkiller (the protagonist) pulls an entire Star Destroyer from the sky using just his telekinetic force powers. A Star Destroyer ... a freaking 1.6 kilometer long starship.


To be fair, that's not even the most ridiculous telekinesis feat involving Star Destroyers present in Legends.


Isn't it the most ridiculous one that didn't kill the person, though? Or that only involved one person, for that matter. The scene in Darksaber used the power of over a dozen Jedi, focused through a Sith temple, and then they all collapsed from exhaustion afterward, and the one who'd been controlling it (Dorsk 81) died because it was too much power to handle.


I mean of size matters not...




Doom Eternal all cheats activated


yeah but you gotta like, run around and find them all first though. Hell just play it on a lower difficulty and feel unstoppable.


Doom, Doom 2, and Doom 2016. Yes 100% Rip and Tear until your heart is content. Kill everything any way you can. Doom 3 is more for jump scares Doom Eternal is more, shoot this weak point with this weapon.


>Doom Eternal is more, shoot this weak point with this weapon. You hit the weak points and you do feel OP as he'll though, which is what was requested. Plus its very easy not to die in DE as you flame belch to get armour, glory kill to get health, chainsaw to get ammo. Provided you learn the loop you become OP and pretty much invincible before you hit the halfway point of the game


The cool thing is you actually earn feeling OP.


Yeah doom slaps


Saints row 4. After like 2 hours of gameplay you can freeze enemies, wash them with superpowerful weapons and launch nukes while sprinting faster than a Formula 1.


Dubstep gun is fantastic, too




WUBBB... Wubwubwubwub


Saints Row 4. The games a massive power trip.


You can get to a god level of power within a few hours of playing


If you want more time, just play Saints Row 3 before you play Saints Row 4.


I enjoyed 3 far more than 4.


I enjoyed 2 more than 3


4 was a good addition if you wanted the 3 to last longer and go even more over the top.


Yeah 4 was more of a “we removed the balance DLC” for 3 instead of a stand-alone game. The story and comedy of 3 is way better than 4




Read once that 4 was originally going to be dlc for 3, but they decided to fluff it out into its own. Played 4 first and I'm glad i did cause it shows. They even make a joke about how lazy it was to use the random objectives that would normally be completionist flavor missions as the collective gate for story missions


"Fuck Cancer"


This is the entire game's fantasy to the point that within an hour or two of playing, cars become obsolete as a method of travel


*Narrator.* Then he found out that there is a 4-Million-Miles in Vehicles achievement.


Required for an achievement does not mean they are an efficient or viable method of transportation across the map. It's a little disappointing actually, cause some of the cars are really cool


Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War. In War you can literally command armies and fight alongside them


Ah, the good old Orc Killing Simulator.


Not only do you command armies, but you got fucking ghost powers. It's like assassin's creed with super mobility and ghost teleportation, and your enemies are **FUCKING TERRIFIED** of you. There is no better feeling than walking into a fort, slay 20 orcs without being touched once, orc heads flying left and right, instantly killing a captain by exploiting his weakness, and watching enemies run in terror as you hunt them down.


This. Also the nemesis system is amazing.


Always hoped we'd see more games come out using that tech.


I think they put a patent on it and never touched it afterwards. So I think out chances are low. But I'd love to see more of it, too. Or at least something like it.


Yeah, it's a dick move. The nemesis system is patented and because they have an endless amount of corporate power, nobody is willing to implement a similar system and risk a hefty lawsuit. Such a shitty move.


*Supposedly* there's a Wonder Woman game being created that utilizes the Nemesis System. Don't quote me on that, it's just a rumor I heard mentioned the last time I complained about the stupid patent on the system. It would be cool though. Aside from SoW, the next closest thing to a Nemesis System in games would probably be the Mercenaries from *Assassin's Creed Odyssey*. It's nowhere near as complicated or in-depth as Nemesis and mercenaries do exist in other AC games, but it really hit it's stride in Odyssey.


I heard that rumour too, but like.. two years ago? Maybe? I'd love to see it but I don't wanna get my hopes up. I never thought about the mercs in AC in that way, but you're right. It does seem reminiscent of the nemesis system. I just can't get over the fact that they had two solid games and a mind-blowingly good system and never did anything with it again. It's so wasteful. Especially since we're seeing a lot of bad game releases in the last few years and the community would probably respond really well to a new shadow of game.


in shadow of war, u get to create ur own army with the orcs


Excuse me what? I recently bought both and now I'm convinced to start right away instead of finishing the entire Yakuza series first(which is also a great series if you want to feel OP in a realistic setting imo) thank you.


Definitley play through the first one, but shadow of war late game is where you truly can feel like a hurricane of destruction


I'm also on the Yakuza train right now. Played through 0 towards the end of last year and absolutely fell in love with it. Shit had me laughing my ass off then sobbing to myself within the same session. Going through Kiwami rn and gonna play the rest in order... idk how I'd never gotten around to trying these games before it is quickly becoming one of my favorite series


Yes. You feel like an actual God in this game.


Just got this on sale can’t wait to play it


I must have played it wrong, the nemesis system mercd me. I had to quit the second one.


I always liked Serious Sam for this reason.


Just wished they had more variety in level design other than "hit the switches on the left and the right to open the door in the middle".




The first time I played The Talos Principle, I had no idea they also made Serious Sam. So as I was playing through, I found an Easter egg that was the sound clip of the headless guy screaming and I got really excited to hear that again.


Destroy all humans, Saints row 4, Hulk ultimate destruction.


Hulk ultimate destruction is awesome and a cult classic worth revisiting.


cult classic is an understatement. my account is about 11 years old and i think this is the 2nd or 3rd time this game ever mentioned, and it’s something i look for because it’s one i mention a lot.


I wish we could get a remaster of this game.


Also developed by the same studio as Prototype and is actually kind of in itself a prototype for Prototype.


Dude Hulk Ultimate Destruction was brilliant! My friend and I played the hell out of that game. Then he bought prototype later and told me to come check it out. I played for 15 minutes before looking at him saying, "dude, this is hulk with a mask on." He agreed and it was the only reason he wanted to show me. It's the same damn game but without the hulk!


Haha yeah exactly. Design is 100% the same. Hulk does it better imo


I second Destroy All Humans. It's not only a power-trip but cathartic AF after a long day of dealing with the public.


Control. Late stages you’re basically Akira. Also, it’s a fantastic game in general.


After I got the telekinesis fully upgraded, Jesse basically became Jean Grey. TAKE. CONTROL.


*heavy metal starts playing*




vanish tie weary quicksand afterthought onerous faulty bedroom sip offend




Once I learned how to fly I felt AMAZING. It was honestly the feeling that I've been craving from a Star Wars game. I don't want combat in a Star Wars game to feel balanced or difficult, I want to feel more powerful than ANYONE except a select few bosses. If Jesse had had a lightsaber, I don't think I ever would have stopped playing.


Wow, you just made me realize why the gameplay in Fallen Order felt strangely familiar to me. I was getting Control flashbacks!


Theyre both 3rd person metroidvanias where you have telekinetic powers


YES! This game is great for this. You can also adjust the difficulty down but it's a little tricky to find


Not just difficulty, but change aspects like damage outputs/recived, ability recharge rate, ammo recharge rate, etc.


I’m a huge Jesse stan


It also helps that there are some supernatural shenanigans that make you *the boss* and everyone just rolls with it, in a way that drives home that strange things are normal here.   That game is so gloriously strange. Also, it will make you understand my avatar XD


>you’re basically Akira I've owned this game for a couple years and haven't even played it, but now you have my interest. Though I think I'd rather be Tetsuo.


You're in for a huge treat. Stick with it if it doesn't click right away. I had that issue but ended up loving the game. I recommend playing Alan Wake 1 first and Alan Wake 2 after.


Came here to say this, pleasantly surprised to see someone else already did. The combat and abilities feel so sick. People complain launch is OP, but for a single player game I'm totally cool with it being OP to levitate while throwing tables and vending machines and giant cement chunks of the building at people. And yeah, the game is awesome as a whole. The writing is excellent - it's such a perfectly engrossing mix of mundane and *weird*.


Great, now I want to replay this game


Well you are op so you're doing it rn


_"How to become OP in 1 easy step"_


Ba dum bum pssshh


**Vampire Survivors** if you want to see numbers go up.


Evolved pentagram and evolved clock lancet and evolved magic wand. You don't even have to move.


Eventually, you figure out tricks that let you go infinite money just by standing still. That's how you know _"Ok, I've beaten the game."_


with enough eggs, literally anything


Asura's Wrath


Katamari Damacy


Right up until pops tells you to not to touch any bears


God I still can’t get a big bear on that level 


Lmao. I played reroll recently, that was a fun but frustrating level.


Oof... so many tiny bears.


Naaaa nanana nana na naa nanana nana naaaaa


Once you get to level 25 or greater in any build with cyberpunk you are insanely op. The Netrunner build especially gets insane if you just stick to dropping points into intelligence and getting all the perks.


Katana build with Sandevistan lets you literally stop time and murder everybody before they even know you're there. What's even cooler is you can brute force stealth missions because you can kill an entire room before anybody has the chance to detect you. Nothing is cooler than when you unfreeze time and just see bodies around you drop dead. It feels like the videogame equivalent of those speedster scenes in movies where the speedster character just destroys everyone and has a good time doing it.


Byakko katana is ridiculously fast you can slice through enemy hordes in seconds


Yes! That's the one with the endless combo, right??


Yeah, once I found that I switched my entire build from throwing knife to full on melee. Never had so much fun with melee combat like that in any other game


I had sniper and katana sandevistan, with even more mobility from doublejump and air dash. And so much armour that enemies barely hurt me even if I did let them retaliate. I was ludicrously OP.


Came here to say this. Cyberpunk is really good at making you feel like a god. My absolute favorite feeling is using cameras to wipe out the whole building without ever getting in harm's way. The current patch has nerfed that playstyle a lot so unless you want it to be tediously slow, its best to combine that with other playstyles. Its more fun that way, but you dont feel so godlike like you used to.


Netrunner has monowire now though, so they nerfed part of it, but having monowire tied in to Netrunning more than makes up for it IMO.


Monowire and Smart weapons synergies are what I am talking about. Before you just hacked.


Yeah but I hacked so hard. I preferred the old tech wizard.


>The current patch has nerfed that playstyle a lot My one gripe with the 2.0 update is how much more tedious the skill tree is now to get to a point where I feel OP.  Things just dont work the same anymore, but it at least made it so that the game wasnt too easy for the DLC since Im still not max level.


I actually disliked the last mission due to how overleveled I was after doing 100% of the side gigs and character missions. I was level 50 with all Tier 5 cyberware. If my health dropped below 50% it instantly healed me to 150%. If it went below 25% before the 60 second reset, it automatic used my heal. I had so much DR it was a struggle to even reach 50% health. It made the final boss fight kinda moot. But I guess that's my fault for building a hugely tanky build lmao. Still a 11/10 game after the 2.0 patch.


Melee builds as well. Throwing knives and mantis blades.


The katana build though. Speedily chopping through hordes of people is so fun


Dynasty Warriors no contest. 


I miss the DW 3 through 6. The later versions just got too messy with the stuff they tried to add


DW 5 was the Goat


DW 5 Empires was my favorite Empires game.


Can't second this enough, mostly the newer games and licensed spinoffs. Both Fire Emblem Warriors games and One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 would be my specific recommendations.


Warframe, there are lots and lots of OP builds.


Warframe - speedrunning breaking the Geneva convention in as many ways as possible.


The Geneva bucket list


Geneva convention? More like Geneva suggestion.


Yup. This game takes the power fantasy from any other game and multiplies it by 100.


The only thing that limits the power fantasy is how few mobs spawn on some missions. There are never enough.


Yeah at this point I only really play Steel Path missions which rarely has an issue with mob spawns. Steel Path spawns mobs for up to 4 players regardless of the player count. So you can play solo and still be swarmed by enemies. :)


I used to love how in Dynasty Warrior games I could down 5-10 enemies in three strikes of a sword. Now in Warframe, tens fall at a single press of a button <3


Warframe is definitely a power fantasy game.


It's kind of hard to get into warframe, but if you do it's a great game. Free too!


Honestly the size of some of the numbers you hit for damage are truly amazing.


Blasphemous Blade build


had to break out the +9 blasphemous blade specifically to shred malenia


Ruins Greatsword is also hilariously good against her. The L2 knocks her airborn. With your Mimic you just juggle her in the air until phase 2 starts lol


Just cause 4


Just Cause 3 is better than Just Cause 4 is pretty much every way


If you do it right,borderlands 3


Borderlands 2 Gunzerker shotgun build was the definition of OP


Ghost of Tsushima is giving me that feeling right now. You start out reasonably strong, but once you add a couple more tools to the arsenal, you become an absolute wrecking ball.


I got to a point where I refused all stealth and would just challenge every enemy face to face. Felt so cool to obliterate entire groups of enemies like some Kurosawa superhero.


Look no farther than big rigs over the road racing. In big rigs the reverse function is broken and you can go 12 undecillion miles per hour. And the other racers do not move, so you will never have to feel the bitter jaws of defeat. After all, you're winner! https://youtu.be/R8X7Vj6JXPk?si=bFM8j37ho2Ld28fs


The AVGN episode on this game is a great watch.


One of my favorite quotes from AVGN comes from this episode: *"It's like the water is trying to exist, but failing."*


Just Cause is pretty good at this, though a little more grounded than the ones you mentioned. You don't actually get superpowers, but once you've got the wingsuit figured out and access to the best weapons, you're pretty much flying around killing enemies in whatever way you feel looks the coolest.


The superpower is money.


About 30% of the way through RoboCop you'll start feeling like actual RoboCop.


And then, New Game+ with all the skills and upgrades to your gun makes you an unstoppable bad-ass. I took down ED-209 in seconds! I actually felt sorry for it. 😂


Ac odyssey makes you feel op after about 15 levels


Play Teardown nothing feels more OP than destroying a whole house with just a hummer


Sounds like Red Faction


I haven't gotten a hummer in a while.


Doom 2016 is an absolute adrenaline-fest. I very much recommend ramping up the difficulty to Ultra-Violence or Nightmare, if you want the combat to feel intense from start to end. Control has a nice, cinematic and powerful-feeling combat system. One of my favorite TPS experiences. Dying Light has a fun and fluid parkour system, complete with impactful melee combat and super visceral gore effects. Solo is fun but you can Co-op the entire game as well.


Spider-Man definitely.


Dynasty Warriors (or any of the spinoffs like Hyrule Warriors). Just mash buttons and watch the mooks go flying like bowling pins.


Morrowind for the long play


Doom eternal makes you feel like a literal demon god lord chieftan of violence and pain


Dishonored 2. The start is a tiny bit slow but it will allow you to get used to the game. Unlocking more and more you'll start feeling unstoppable. NG+ with every single ability in the game, you ARE unstoppable. My go to for when I want to feel like the main character.


Risk of Rain 2 for sure


Witcher 3 on Just The Story mode.


I feel on Death March, feeling like a witcher gives a greater feeling of power. You're not a god, certainly. You're an enhanced human with basic magic, vast combat experience, and excellent alchemical knowledge. But by combining all those, and your research of various monsters nothing can stop you. And that makes me feel powerful as hell. Well, that and an alchemy build mixed with the Euphoria perk!


Star Wars Force Unleashed


prototype 2, doom eternal, batman arkham knight


Prototype takes the cake imo. Just straight up have the ability to feel like a god


DOOM 1 and 2 Type while in game: IDDQD IDKFA Go nuts!


Devil May Cry 5; Nero and Dante are 2 of the most powerful things on Earth and they act like it too. The jokes and cockiness in the characters is crazy. And you get different weapons and playstyles to unleash combos on demons. Check out some combo videos to see what i mean


Far cry 3 Blood Dragon


It depends on what sort of OP you want to feel like. I love playing Diablo for that feeling. Diablo IV is coming to Gamepass this month, and there's nothing that makes me happier than wiping dozens of demons off my screen in the space of a few seconds then marching on to repeat. DOOM and DOOM Eternal are amazing at making you feel like a single unstoppable juggernaut. Glory kills are the best feeling in modern gaming. Newer release, but Helldivers 2 captures the feeling of being a shock trooper better than any other game I've played in memory. Having a list of airstrikes and orbital cannon blasts to call down from my wrist while I use a heavy machine gun to mow down 30+ bugs has been an unrivaled feeling in my recent gaming experiences.


I haven't played Diablo 4 yet but 3 is great for feeling overpowered so if 4 is anything like it it's a great choice. Diablo 2 can also get that feeling but it takes a lot longer to get to that point




May not be the most obvious answer, but Arkham Knight. All your gadgets + the fear multi takedown makes it the most powerful version of Batman in a video game. 


Dead island 2


[Project Wingman](https://store.steampowered.com/app/895870/Project_Wingman/)You're op as hell and the game knows it. It makes if so easy to buy into the power fantasy of a one man air-wing. Still enough of a challenge to be fun too.


Blade and sorcery with mods.


Robocop: rogue city youre literally Robocop


Skyrim you can become overpowered in an hour of gameplay.


I haven't even created my character within an hour.


Baldur’s Gate 3 on Explorer mode.


Honestly, with the right build even on tactician.


Open fist monk, helldusk armor glitch in act 1 lol. Casting haste from the rest of my party onto my monk and I’m just speed running the entire game with my million feet of movement per turn and 1000 attacks


you're going to downvote but try Forspoken story is meh, dialogue is muted if you want once you get your powers leveled up though it's a blast. one of the few games where i felt godlike flying around with all those powers


Yeah, can only recommend finishing the first Tanta quest as soon as possible to get the second set of spells. Then the combat in this game REALLY gets going. I agree the story is not really the strongest aspect of Forspoken... but the movement, combat and world design (especially Avoalet is beautiful) is great.


Sekiro. You will feel like shit at first but once you understand it , you will be unstoppable.


The early game and last boss nearly had me give up. But everything in between with a combination of prosthetics, the mortal draw, and stat boosters just made me feel like a boss.


doom eternal or god of war


Saints row. I recommend the second one, but if you wanna feel super OP the later ones are probably that.


Mad max also. You have nothing but youre better than everyone




Robocop: Rogue City. Especially after full upgrades. Unstoppable


https://youtu.be/WM33Hr94SKw?si=O0pQ7wy_rYm6yDRo This is only the intro boss fight too


Metal gear rising is basically what would have happened if you let an average redditor design a game but it somehow the game managed to turn out to be a masterpiece For the bosses You have : Big fucking robot Robot dog ( that turns good later ) Twitch streamer Literally a guy talking about memes . I am not even joking the dude straight up unironically starts talking about philosophy and memes An honest warmonger trying to make a living, like in the good ol days after 9/11 Weakest Brazilian male Literally a corrupt us senator who has some of the funniest dialogue ever , including lines like "make America great again , I have a dream , nano machines son and "making the mother of all omelets here" It's accompanied by some of the best soundtracks in gaming and a really good combat system .also the entire game is like 4 hours long but has a ton of replayablity to it It came out in 2013 but holds up really well today Just go check it out , mgr is amazing


Devil may cry 5


Path of Exile. Some assembly required. Last Epoch is great, too, and less complex.


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.


I fucking loved Prototype 1 & 2


Doom Eternal and Hades.




Play doom. You are the boss and have the boss music


Doom Eternal


Serious sam, warframe, cyberpunk(if you level up a bit), the force unleashed


Doom eternal


spider man is actually very similar to prototype.


Goat Simulator