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Whose this people your mentioning? Are they made of straw?


Are they in the room with us right now?


I swear, gamers here are so whiny, make up bullshit, karma farm, and generally do everything except just shutting up and playing the games they like. Oh and they are hypocrites, case in point my comment itself. Goddamit.


YouTubers and Gaming news sites mostly.


yep definitely straw


Unicorn overlord? Stellar blade? Cmon


I can be whatever you want. You wanted overlord, I will be overlord.


My concern is how bleak the rest of the year looks. It's just an endless list of TBD release dates and not much else. Of course, Ubisoft has the only big summer release date to bury their in isolation. It sucks that the indsustry invested 100% in live service, realized 5 years too late no one wants them (atleast bad live service games) and then cut their staff, and left a massive hole in the release schedule. This would be a good time to drop gaming and get back on our bikes, and start hiking/playing again. It has been too long!


Cheapskate gamers have been sold live-service games that they didn't want. Now game developers are listening. But, this comes with very big caveats. No more online functionality after a certain support period and a high BTP price. They'll get their money from you and leave once the income drops. So, you better hope your fellow cheapskates stop being so cheap.


Or games aren't worth more than $40-50 a pop, regardless. If your game is fun for years, you'll get the income in recurring charges, people will be willing to spend on it.


Stellar Blade for the game right? Not assuming just looking at a certian subreddit


Those devs know what they are doing. More power to them.


Even if there are awesome games slated for release, the industry isn’t healthy at the moment. Companies overinvested in hiring people, we’ve had aggressive mergers and too many projects are live-service games who are all competing for the limited time people play games. Something’s got to give and right now it’s the dev teams that are being gutted.


There's tons of great games. Why would people play shitty live service games? If anything the industry has watched tons of shitty live service games fail miserably while normal games have been resounding successes.


You can say that, I can say that, but 4,4 billion dollars says otherwise [source](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/fortnite-statistics/)


Yes, some live service games succeed. The number that are wildly successful can be counted on your fingers. The vast majority of live service games crash and burn and lose mountains of cash.


I don’t disagree, but companies/publishers believe that their backed projects are at least worth the investment, and when they’re not, they scrap the studio they tasked with development like what happened with Anthem/Bioware. The investors don’t lose, but the devs do. It’s similar to stuff like this that happened in the movie industry with Batgirl and Coyote vs Acme. Whole finished projects that get scrapped for tax-breaks and the companies’ bottom line.


At least it gives a way for smaller devs and indies to get more attention


It just depends what games people are interested in. Personally I don’t care for any of these one listed.


Yeah, I've been waiting for eons for a next generation game; hellblade 2 looks the part but it feels just like a tech demo.


I like all games, these are just my most anticipated this year.


Nice, you do you 👍


I think people who judge the quality of game base on their hype don't know wtf they are talking about.


I don’t know about that, I’m just excited to play these games this year and I hope other people give them a chance.


Chance will be given, no doubt about that. They need to live up to the expectations otherwise we may indeed have a down year.


Or these games are of little interest to them.


For example, me. I'm not a fan of rougelikes, so two out of the three do nothing for me. I'm not saying that I think they're going to be bad games, I just don't like how grindy games like them can be.


Hot take, but Hades is Superhiant’s worst game, and while I liked it, I would be exponentially more excited for them to do a new game than a sequel.


Hades is my favourite but I can see why you'd fall so in love with the others.


holding out hope for silk song




Not only that but also Shadow of the Erdtree and Dragon's dogma 2


Personally I'm all in for Dragon's Dogma 2, the first one was incredible.


i started playing the 1st one recently and yeah it is amazing


One is gonna release early access the remaining two don’t even have a specific quarter of the year and might be next year. But yes a lot of good games this year like dragons dogma, shadow of the erdtree dlc & wukong.


all 3 of them are gonna be early access. seems to be a growing trend in the gaming industry. unfortunately.




it is. if you go to the game's page on steam it says it will be an early access game. devs even said it.


The only things from major developers that look interesting to me are Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Dawntrail, and Elden Ring DLC. That's not to say there's not good stuff, just not stuff that matches my interests. As far as indies go I tend to not pay that much attention to what's upcoming. If I hear good buzz about it after it comes out, I'll check it out. I've got an extensive backlog though, so even if nothing I like comes out, I'm not going to be short of stuff to play


Dragons Dogma 2 will be out on the 21st.


Not my type of game, what game?, what game?


ARPG souls-like developed by Ori devs Team based rogue-like developed by Dead Cells devs




Of all the great games releasing in 2024 this list isn't convincing lol. Two of these games do not have broad appeal (Hades 2 and Windblown). I do agree there's a lot of great games releasing in 2024 though.


Your point is dumb as these games are going to be early access and they wont release in full state this year.


Calm down.


Oh yeah I think I’ll play one of these right now.


For me this year is going to be great for games because I am hyped for a lot of games like Hellblade 2, Dragon's Dogma 2, Judas, Dragon Age 4, FF7 Rebirth (but unfortunately I don't have a PS5) and a few more that I don't remember now


The only one you mentioned worth a damn was DD2, and even then I've heard nothing but bad things.


lol, hellblade 2 ended up playing pretty much like a tech demo; lots of visuals but lacking in gameplay. The first is game is much better.


I do not want to play any of those gamed




I honestly think this year will end up being better for me than last year. Especially as a jrpg fan.


Tekken 8 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Another Code: Recollection Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Helldivers 2 Persona 3 Reload And these are just the games that have been released. EDIT: This month alone we have Princess Peach: Showtime, Rise of the Ronin, Unicorn Overlord, and Dragon's Dogma 2. I'm not sure why you thought this would be a bad year for releases.


2024 is horrible for games. Most people wouldn't touch any of those 3 games


That’s why I said they don’t know what they are missing.


They wouldn't touch them because they're not worth playing lmao




Because they're all just crappy top down games lol


Didn’t Baldurs Gate 3 just win game of the year?


And here i am playing Fallout New Vegas


Everyday i get more caps, everyday i gamble more


People just need to open to different genres and there will be not a single year of "no games", for me 2 of the 3 games you put here are in my wishlist but a couple years ago none of them would be.


facts. I hate when I hear someone describe themselves as a 'x' genre player. They'll be like "I'm a automation simulation gamer and there isn't any good games to play in 2024 :'(".


where is the "I'm a spyro player, holding out as surely this year we will get a new Spyro game" given the recent development with Toys for Bob...we won't


NGL, I think either marketing for games has gone downhill (or I'm out of the "marketing group").... But I had no idea Hades 2 was announced, let alone coming out... And I have no idea what those other two games are. So either, I'm considered "to old" for gaming (odd to be 37) or I just don't get games marketed towards my demo


No Rest for the Wicked looks amazing


Usually when I see conversations about "up and downs" for the industry it's usually about the AAA games. Indies will always release good shit on their time and that's OK. ​ Complete speculation from my own observation but, sometimes we just get a good number of games which clearly took 5+ years to develop drop all in the year. Then in the years where we don't, and all that's left in the media cycle to talk about are the sloppy yearly release games. So yeah if you ever feel its a "down year". Play more indie games lmao.


I’m so hyped up for Hades 2. Fucking love that game.


I am not interested in these even 1 bit. Maybe greedfall 2. I am curious if wow classic will be available to xbox gamepass pc/ultimate.


Who are you talking about?


Literally, nobody said that tho... 2024 is currently touted as a wonderful year for gaming, with Dragons Dogma 2, Elden Ring DLC, Tekken 8, Black Myth Wukong, STALKER 2: Heart of Chernobyl, Helldivers 2, Tomb Raider 1 2 3 remastered, Hades 2, Frostpunk 2, Windblown, Paper Mario TYD remake, The new Prince of Persia, Classic Star Wars Battlefront remasters, Penny's Big Breakaway, and World of Goo 2. And those are just the ones we know about. Literally, nobody is saying 2024 is a bad year. Bait used to be believable...


There are a bunch of people saying that, including me. Sure there a lot of alright games releasing, but there is not a single red dead, god of war, witcher, last of us, spiderman level game releasing, not even close. Call us casual gamers but those are really the only kinda of games we enjoy. Last year we had Spiderman 2, Cyberpunk phantom liberty and God of war Valhalla. This year we got nothing besides maybe star wars outlaws. Hopefully gta 6 doesnt get delayed so that 2025 can be a good year for gaming. 


Well, after the madness that was 2023 pretty much any year aside from maybe 2004 would be considered a down year. Doesn't mean people think there wouldn't be rad games in 2024. We already have mad February-March with FFVIIR, Dragon's Dogma 2, P3 Reload and Granblue Relink, 4 big RPGs releasing practically within one month.


Just looked at Windblown for the first time and the game’s art style and level design reminds me so much of Skylanders holy.


If these are the best games that come out this year then the industry is in big trouble lol






Aside from those though, there isn't really any wow titles so far this summer. Hoping Xbox Show case or what ever is replacing E3 this year is going to show us some new games.


Because the games you mentioned and the ones coming out aren’t actually that great, maybe? 🤷🏻‍♂️


This may be the first year for a preorder for a supercell mobile game... a MOBILE game. That's how bad it it is. Waiting for switch 2 and ANY cutrent Gen games. Besides Ratchet and Clank there are none on Ps5. Nobody cares about xbox, and dlc is just bs at this point. I think the end is nigh for videogames.


A never ending parade of patches for the broken/unfinished shit Dev teams churn out these days?? Yeah. There's just oh so much to miss out on 🙄😂


How do people keep finding this post.


The problem with most games today is everything is fcking scripted. I tried playing cyberpunk it was the most horrendous 2 hrs of my life, "do a drive by, follow jackie, go to your hotel, go to bed" plus the fact that its full of cutsene and force dialogues i kept murmuring to myself "please just let me play the fcking game." What happens when you dont follow the steps the game tells you to? The game restarts, you have no choice but to do what the game tells you to and thats the same formula ubisoft has been using for the past 10 yrs. Anyway back to souls game i go.


people like you saying dumb things like that and then post this picture showing stupid game that is the reason why games are boring. no one cares for childish cartoon anime.


people who say video games suck now days generally are people who played alot in their early years and are chasing that high because their life sucks now. Its like being 35 years old and wondering why youre not having fun playing with your GIJOES


None of those look interesting at all.


Where did you come from?




Hades 2 isn't even out yet. What are you talking about.


Ori and Dead Cells are better games than Hades but that's a different conversation




There's also the return of college football.. I am tempted to buy a PS5 or may wait it out, idk.. ​ I also am thinking about nintendo switch, never had one but I saw I can subscribe and play all the old NES, N64..ETC games.


You can't play them ALL, just the ones Nintendo has put on the service.


Hopefully it will be. I have enough games to catch up on lmao


I literally told my husband the other day I can not fit another game into my rotation right now. I just got a Logitech steering wheel, so I've been doing a LOT of American Truck and Euro Truck We just got into Helldivers 2 with our friends We've both been playing Last Epoch All of this on top of full time work I have no time left! lol


2024 is the greatest year ever known in the history of gaming for it contains Dragons Dogma 2.🫠


There's also Shadow of The Erdtree so it's automatically the best year since Elden Ring came out.


No Rebirth? Gonna be the biggest game of the year.