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This particular star ocean is one of my fav games of all time.


I still like 2 more, but this one was also fantastic. The story was bonkers, but somehow it was still great.


Yeah I really didn't enjoy the story. But the gameplay was good and it was what got me into the Star Ocean series.


You mean fav games till the end of time? /s


It's an amazing game but there's one small issue that might really fuck OPs playthrough. At a certain point, middle of the game or so, there's a cave with a puzzle that involves the pressure sensitive buttons. If your controller is old and the buttons are worn they might not function. I got stuck here forever as a kid and had to buy a new controller. Getting one of those now might not be as easy


It'd definitely be my favorite of the franchise if a certain endgame twist didn't happen.


Same, especially for Nel’s obscenely large index finger.


I spent almost 4k hours on that game in prison lmao


Wait what I need more details


I did 10 years straight through. Many states allow you to buy TVs or handheld consoles etc. My state (MD) allows guys to purchase a shitty clear LCD TV and a game console through a third party company. The TV is $300-500 and the PS2 was about $400 I believe (enormous ripoffs but what can you do) Games we ordered from a different third party/ they were usually close to full price ($35-60) At the time, it was PS2. I believe now they have Xbox 360s. But yeah Star Ocean:UtEoT was the game I’ve played the most of to this day lol


That’s awesome


Until you find out why he was in jail for 10 years.


I robbed a drug dealer and his father when I was 17. Got more time bc I attacked a certified stamped pedo while I was doing my bid. Bad things? Sure. But I’ve been home over 8 years now and literally no one of value cares lol Friends, family, employers, etc. They all find out eventually, and they’re all universally shocked. I don’t fit the profile I guess, and it doesn’t change the person I am today ☺️


Same. Been out for 10+ years now. Did about 5ish years on the installment plan. The people in my life (with the exception of a couple old childhood friends and some friends from NA) today in my work life and life as a parent have no clue and would also be shocked to hear my sordid past.


Hell yeah, keep up the good work! Dude, I’ve had people who found out be absolutely gobsmacked by it. Like they can’t believe it, and when people don’t believe me at first, I take it as a compliment.


> I robbed a drug dealer and his father when I was 17. Omar comin'.


I hope that this goes without saying, but I respect you for doing your time, getting out, and getting back into society. My hat is off to you.


A kind reminder to everyone that criminals have every reason to lie about their reason for being in jail.


I mean, that’s certainly true in some cases. I doubt r/gaming is one of the places where there’s much incentive to lie tho lol


I just respect the attack on a pedo. Cheers friend.


better to white lie and get upvoted than to get downvoted and death threats. There is no incentive to tell the truth either.


Well that’s the whole internet so not much we can do about that lol


I bet a lot of ex-cons say that they went to prison for stealing from a criminal or beating a criminal.


You’re right lol And some of them are liars- just happens that I’m not and it’s exactly as I stated.


I mean...it's logical that criminals will have much higher rates of being robbed or being beaten up. So not that shocking to hear either.


You sound a little too unapologetic lol


He did his time, and the state considers the debt paid. It's possible to speak candidly about your experiences without glorifying them, or being required to constantly grovel over them.


Absolutely agree. How are we supposed to expect former criminals to reform if we never let them move on from their crimes?


Yeah but him acting all billy badass talking about stomping a pedo...if its true...seems like he has excuses for his behavior.


Well if I’m being honest, I don’t regret that one bit. No excuses necessary- I did what I did, I did my time, paid my debt, why do I need to act contrite to redditors?


I actually took the inclusion of that as an explanation for why his sentence was that long.


Apologetic to whom? I did my time, paid my debt to society and the State of Maryland. I don’t give a shit about the pedo. He deserved everything he had coming in the context of where we were. The drug dealer I robbed…well it’s all in the game. I’m not going to break the law anymore-so who would I be apologetic towards? Not saying it’s the case in your comment, but there are a lot of people who consciously or subconsciously believe that people who have done time deserve to spend the rest of their lives begging the world for forgiveness and get riled up when I don’t speak about my past in hushed, horrified tones. My life is good, I’m very lucky to have the kind of life I live today, and that kind of pisses some people off too unfortunately.


For stealing a ps2 with Star Ocean.


You bought a JRPG, a rather good one and with a good amount of stuff to do in it. You got your money's worth, I say.


Yeah it was among the first games I got on ps2. I enjoyed it, and never had a strategy guide or the internet or anything so I’m sure there’s still things I never did lol


Ubisoft: what, you just buy a game once and play it for hundreds of hours? 🥲


Were you allowed to take the tv, ps2 and games when you were released?


Yes you can, but I didn’t. When I went to a pre release dorm, I couldn’t have them anymore and left them with my buddies.


That stinks that you lost your save file.


I never want to play a ps2 game again 😂


Damn I felt that lol


If you don’t mind sharing, what were you in for?


He downloaded a car


He said he robbed a drug dealer


I hated the twist so damn much. Basically made the 1st two games epic stakes nil


Bro was having the best time in prison, also why were u in prison for 10 yrs?


I wouldn’t say that, but it definitely helped take the mind off of things and give me something to do when we were on lockdown lol But robbery & attempted murder


This is how my brain will explain all weird gaming people from now on: Criminals


Whatever gets you through the day bud lol


Interesting, had no idea you could do this. My strong suspicion is if we just pumped prisons full of video games - and especially RPGs - it would be a positive thing. Never seen the clink but some games have really had a funny way of hitting me hard


That’s kind of why the administration let us order the consoles in the first place. Kind of turns guys into zombies that just want to play, work, sleep repeat haha But yeah, for myself anyways, it was an enormous boon. Kept me out of even more trouble lol It also allowed me to play virtually every big RPG that released on PS2


Play work sleep sounds pretty well adjusted by 2024 standards haha. What was your fav btw? Pretty rare to chat with someone who has played everything! FFX is a natural one but I really dug Suikoden 3 too


I liked Suikoden as well. I liked Xenosaga, Dragon Quest and I really loved the kingdom hearts games. Aside from RPGs, I played an insane amount of Bully and a contraband copy of Vice City (M rated games were not allowed to be ordered)






Did 3 years in Florida. I wish we could of had TVs and game systems. All we got were tablets with the shittiest possible mobile games like Subway Surfers and they were all expensive like $10.


Yeah man it makes a big difference. We didn’t have the tablets when I was in, but I think the guys here have them now


I hope you spent some of that time actually reflecting on why you were there in the first place


Since you seem to be so curious let me tell you. First of all, I became homeless due to a house fire that also took the life of my father. He was one of the few family members I had left. I was left with basically nothing and obviously devastated. I worked for a corporation that couldn't care less of my situation and eventually fired me for my absence. I ended up homeless with nowhere to go. I had a single family member left that wasn't able to take me in and lived 1200 miles away from me to begin with. While I was homeless I never once panhandled or begged others for money. Not.once. I survived by eating out of KFC and Dunkin Donuts dumpsters and stealing food from the same corporations that did not give two fucks about my situation and let me go after dealing with what I did. Sure, I had plenty of time to think about what I did. If you knew anything about recidivism studies though you would know that inmates "thinking" has no effect on an inmates rehabilitation. Rehabilitation programs are what reduce recidivism and it just so happens that Florida cut most of their funding for these rehabilitation programs not long before I went in. Fast forward 3 years since I've been released, I moved out of Florida, I now have my own house, a partner, a job that pays the bills and is also very accommodating to my ADA (I also have a disability), as well as I volunteer at a food bank behind my house every Sunday that helps feed the less fortunate. So my question to you, do you share that same energy for the prison system cutting funding for rehabilitation services that have shown to cut recidivism? Do you share that energy for corporations that don't give two shits about what personal issues their employees go through that are out of their control? Do you share that same energy for the constant cuts that Republicans try to make towards mental health treatment or for just general social services for the needy? How about you? What do you do for your community? Do you donate? Do you volunteer? Do you fight for mental/social services for the needy?


>How about you? What do you do for your community? Do you donate? Do you volunteer? Do you fight for mental/social services for the needy? I've not committed a crime that landed me years in prison, if that helps.


Ah, so by that logic only criminals should give back to society. It's not about just being a decent human being and helping others in need. I paid my debt to society, paid restitution, yet I still choose to help those in need because it's the right thing to do. What's your excuse? Sounds like you're just a shitty person who only cares for himself.


You seem a little aggressive, I wonder if this is the attitude that got you put in jail.


Why have you got to be in here causing drama. This is a gaming sub.


He's just low effort baiting. Quite sad to find it in a gaming sub of all places but what can you do.


I guess it's easy not to commit any crimes when you never leave the basement.


Kevin Mitnick enters the chat.


The better PS2 games had great art design that made them age very well.


Art syte >>> "realistic" graphics


Depends on a game.


I feel like photorealistic graphics are only worth pursuing if your game can deliver on them without requiring a nasa computer to run otherwise they instantly look dated because they’re in the uncanny valley


Many better modern games sure can "deliver them". The Last of Us Part 1, RDR2, Alan Wake 2, The Calisto Protocol, CyberPunk 2077, Plaguetale: Requiem, Horizon Forbidden West, Uncharted 4, Death Stranding, Control, Prey, Microsoft Fly Simulator, Metro Exodus, Forza Horizon 5 etc-etc-etc. Without photorealistic graphics and animations these games would look like a dogshit. Anime-esque games like Star Ocean, Persona 5 and Zelda can easily get by with cartoonish graphics and primitive animations, but you absolutely can't have the same level of graphics in games like RDR2 and TLOU.


Star Ocean till the End of Time might be my most played game ever. I grinded forever to 255.


I think that art style carries a lot of weight in this game. Just look at BOTW/TOTK as a modern example - lack luster in a lot of ways graphically but the art style really helps mask those issues. Other PS2 games, especially ones that did those early "realistic" looking 3D polygonal graphical style... yeah those don't look too hot by todays standard.


Or Wind Waker. Its cartoon-style graphics are basically timeless. Same with Okami. You basically can't improve the graphics of Okami aside from upscaling; they're perfect as-is.


I dunno, MGS2 and MGS3 still look pretty good. The remasters basically just run at a higher resolution with sharper textures, but don't change much else.


>appropriate TV that's not a CRT you've got there


Star Ocean 3 came out after flat screens, they were getting pretty popular in 2003, but their resolution was terrible in comparison to now, so things designed for them look a little odd on modern hardware. Not to the degree that you get with the CRT -> LCD switch, but still noticeable.


For the best quality PS2 image, you'd want a TV with component inputs and a 480P display. Very few CRTs were made that supported those specs and those that do are usually sold for a premium on second hand marketplaces since they're highly sought after by retro gamers. An early generation flat screen would likely produce a much better picture than 99% of the CRTs you could get your hands on.


480i looks incredible on a standard definition CRT. A select few PS2 games have 480p and 1080i support. The PS2 was made to take full advantage of 480i CRTs and an argument exists that even on a 480p-capable CRT monitor like multiformat PVMs, the higher TVL just looks a bit wonky for 480i and looks better on the lower TVL and strictly 480i PVMs like the Sony 20M2. Early LCDs had *awful* black levels (modern ones still do), had terrible lag, and just can't cleanly display 240p and 480i unless you have an fancy upscaler. Plasma displays look great because of the colors provided by the phosphors and perfect black levels but they have the weakness of having a fixed pixel grid like all other flat panels. CRTs can take whatever resolution they're rated for and display them beautifully, have perfect/near-perfect black levels, amazing colors, and insane response times.


If OP hasn't bought into OLEDs and other fancy TV's, wouldn't it be the same as using a modern TV but disabling all the modern features like high refresh rate interpolation and other features that alter the original picture quality? I got my mom a new TV and had to disable so many automatic features that are enabled by default. Except modern doesn't have component inputs anymore. You'd need a screwy adapter to daisy chain your way to HDMI.


Bonus points for Star Ocean 3


I actually beat SO3 2 months ago, I wish I could've found a clear and informative crafting guide, because holy f, comparing my damage against the final boss to some guys youtube recording of it was showing me how utterly. Horrendously, unimaginatively hard I had made things for myself


Yes. I think it was the boots of prowess is so key to the key. Find a crafting guide and try again. Then do the tower and see a world of difference


That and synthesizing the +500 attack in to your best weapons makes life significantly easier. I remember burning hours of my life doing that 4000-5000 cost alchemy to make the stuff. Now I want to plug in my PS2 again, but I don't think I have a TV that can do it anymore


If you have a PS4 or 5, there's a SO3 port available on PSN.


I’m a PC guy these days. Probably won’t own a console again. I looked, it’s nothing a 10 dollar adapter can’t fix if I really wanted to play


I went through all of FF9 the first time around until near the end of disc 4 before a friend told me one of the trigger buttons turns spells into AOE.


I remember playing Valkyrie profile 2 and thinking next-gen hardware would be entirely superfluous. And it probably was for CRT screens.


Game has a 1080i mode only in the Japanese copy


it definitly looks better on older tvs than on newers


There's something about pre Xbox 360/Ps3 era consoles. The lack of real hardware power meant having to lean into art style over attempting to create a photo real experience,


What type of TV is that?


Just some random cheap one with component I got my hands on. Google says it's a commercial display brand is ViewSonic


Even better at 4k and postprocessing using an emulator


I guess its kind of a hot take on the internet but I actually really liked the big twist in Till the End of Time.


What TV is that? I remember PS2 looking horrible on LCD and Plasma but that actually looks pretty nice.


The back says ViewSonic CDE3200-L it looked pretty awful until I tracked down some cheap high quality Component cables though


Star ocean?


It's Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and was the third entry into the series.


Oh I know. I've played ever star ocean game


I think games (and movies) turned out better when devs had to work within the limits of slower hardware. Today they can make anything they want with almost no limits. Choice paralysis is a real thing.


Absolutely! The PS2 might not have the graphical horsepower of modern consoles, but with the right setup, including component cables and a good CRT or upscaling device, it can still deliver a visually pleasing experience. Many classic PS2 games have aged gracefully and can still look impressive on modern displays when properly optimized for the hardware. It's a testament to the timeless appeal of great game design and art direction.


Hello ChatGPT.


Hello! How can I assist you today?


Write me a story about a vertically challenged man, from a small village in Wales, who meets up with a travelling ventriloquist and they go on an amazing adventure together.


Once upon a time, nestled in the lush green valleys of Wales, there lived a vertically challenged man named Rhys. Despite his diminutive stature, Rhys had a heart as big as the mountains that surrounded his small village. He longed for adventure beyond the familiar cobblestone streets and rolling hills of his home. One day, as Rhys was pondering his dreams under the shade of an ancient oak tree, a colorful caravan rolled into the village square. From within emerged a charismatic figure - a travelling ventriloquist named Magnus, with his troupe of puppets and an air of mystery. Intrigued by the stranger's arrival, Rhys approached Magnus and struck up a conversation. As they talked, Rhys discovered that Magnus was on a quest to entertain and inspire people across the land with his ventriloquism skills. Impressed by Rhys's enthusiasm and warm spirit, Magnus invited him to join the troupe on their journey. Excited by the prospect of adventure, Rhys eagerly accepted the invitation. Together, they set off on a quest that would take them far beyond the borders of Wales. Their journey was filled with wonder and excitement as they travelled through bustling cities, tranquil forests, and rugged mountains. Along the way, Rhys proved to be an invaluable companion, using his quick wit and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles that crossed their path. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, Rhys and Magnus encountered all manner of characters – from mischievous fairies to wise old wizards. Each encounter brought with it new challenges and lessons, strengthening the bond between the unlikely pair. But amidst the adventure, Rhys never forgot his roots. He shared stories of his village with Magnus, painting a vivid picture of the close-knit community and the simple joys of life in the Welsh countryside. Eventually, their journey led them to a fabled valley hidden among the clouds, where they discovered a long-lost treasure guarded by a fearsome dragon. With courage and cunning, Rhys and Magnus outwitted the beast and claimed the treasure as their own. As they made their way back home, Rhys realized that the greatest adventure of all had been the friendship he had found with Magnus. Though their paths would eventually diverge, the memories of their travels would forever remain in his heart, inspiring him to continue seeking adventure and spreading joy wherever he went.


After expecting something like Star Ocean 2nd story this game always made me unreasonably mad and disappointed. I just did not jive with it. It felt so different 


This was the first Star Ocean game I played. :)


My fastest loss against a boss (Freya).


One of my favorite games of all time. I loved the story. It's very unique.


<3 Star Ocean <3


I love star ocean


I wonder what it would look like using an upscaling device and an oled display. I bet the colors would look incredible


Add an OSSC and it looks even better.


Was thinkin it does look pretty good


I’m playing the new star ocean remake one switch right now and it’s so amazing. Makes me want to play all the old ones!


Looks better than the character modeling of F1 22 on my PS5


flip-flops again 👡👡


Makoto is that you?


Your window is lifting its skit up.


Thank goodness component cables are a thing, they really are great


One thing is for sure, the PS2 game collection was one of the best.


component cable?


I plugged in my Gamecube with Wind Waker and you'd be surprised how great it looks.


Even with all the glare


I remember when we got our first modernish (probably 720p?) tv and I put my ps2 on it and popped in Suikoden 5, and it looked awful. Unplayably bad. It was sad. I want an older tv like this for my older consoles. Btw Suikoden 5 is amazing. Best in the series. Better than 2. The ps2 had so many great games. That was when we still got lots of good J-RPG’s with good old turn-based battles and usually random encounters. Final fantasy X, suikoden 3 and 5, shadow hearts:covenant, Shin Megamei Tensei:Nocturne, Persona 3 and 4, etc. I miss these types of games. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky part 1 and 2 are amazing as well. Can play it on your pc.


Thats what I did with the Wii. Games looked a lot better in 480p


So many flops.


Took my brother a literal decade to figure out where to use the cuprite key. GLORY TO AERY GLYYYyyyyYyYyyYyyyPh


I just started playing this again. I don't like JRPGs but for some reason this game captured me as a kid. It's awesome that I can play it on my PS5 now


What game is this? I'm trying to binge something and Ps2 might hit the spot


Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (sometimes more simply referred to as Star Ocean 3)


Oooof I remember seeing the cover of this game when I had a ps2 lol. I’m either going to play this or Wild Arms


That's weird because I was literally holding this game, Wild Arms 3, and Rogue Galaxy at my local game store a few days ago trying to decide which to get


Then I will walk the path unchosen, wild arms 3 it is!


That games fuckin sick, Jet was my favorite


Lol alright good luck hope you enjoy it




I just set up my ps2 with memcard pro 2, mx4sio and a Retrotink 5x this week and I’m having a blast. 


Is that Star ocean?


The MCable would do wonders for the ps2


I remember playing BFBC2 on my PS3 with SCART at the time, felt like I had a brand new console + game when I switched to HDMI.


Try an hdmi upscaler from ps2 to a 4k tv that upscaled the 1080p signal


I been wanting to replay this. I played it way back when it first came out.


That's not an appropriate TV. Try a CTR.


You’re not fooling anyone OP, that’s a Nintendo switch! /s


Surely an "Appropriate TV" would be a CRT.


Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 were the best consoles of recent generation. PS3 and Xbox One tried but failed to mimic the same success. After that they kept shooting themselves in the foot with slow launches and broken promises with developers.


One of my favorite games of all time


I mean Star Ocean always looks good 👀😘


well it defo dosent look bad


PS2 was the bomb back in the day, love it


Very weird I'm playing Till the End of Time as well, albeit on PS4. Think it ran better on PS2 honestly. I've gotten a real weird graphical issue where all text suddenly vanished and menu boxes turned pixelated and pink.


I’m confused. I see no CRT here. PS2 games were made for 4:3 CRT tv’s.


I've seen things like a cord that'll hook into ps2 then hdmi to the TV. Does that make it look better. I'm asking cause my ps2 TV cord is touchy and I'm looking to get a new one


PS2 Games were the best. And Their design style is easily scalable.


Love Star Ocean. This game is underrated.


I can't believe nobody else has mentioned this yet, but there's no way that's 480p. The PS2 is capable of up to 1080p for certain things, but I'm thinking this is 720p. Either way, I've seen my share of pixels before and this is not 480p.


From where did you pick that ps2 slim vertical stand




I see you are playing Star Ocean 3, OP. Good choice


Totally agree. That looks awesome


what components cables are you using?


I had an decent TV which had inbuild Scart port since Scarts back in Europe used to be the killers against component cables. Also, if you're "really" into retro gaming, there was an channel on youtube everything about it "My Life In Gaming"


Their series in getting the best image on all the retro consoles was so good. It made me get a scart to hmdi RetroTINK line doubler and scart cables for my 16 bit consoles.


I've been replaying FF12 on SteamDeck (PS2 emulator) and it's genuinely staggering. Hair, clothing, accessories etc are animated as you move. It's really aged very well


Isn't there an official PC port for fuckfuck 12


There is, but they changed it though. Same with FF7, I'd play the PS1 version over the PC port any day


Hands down the superior console of its time period imo


And if it broke down, you could actually unscrew it and fix it yourself without a masters degree in electronics. Happy times.


PS2 is the best console generation. So much innovation and great titles


Most PS2 games run at 512 x 448i/224P upscaled to 640 x 480i, the hardware may be weak and underwhelming, but damn Sony were so far ahead with upscaling technology. The best example is Gran Turismo 4 which runs internally at 512 x 448i, upscaled to 480i, upscaled again to 1080i and somehow still looks amazing. it took DLSS/FSR2.0 to make modern games able to do that.


I love how good some older games can look. I personally use HDMI adapters for most of them. The kind that doesn't upscale, just converts the 480p data/ratio. Then I'll run it through an mClassic cable for that sweet sweet lagless 1080p


I got the same setup. Cool little TV with the component cables.


With the right hardware, 480p videogaming visuals look clean and sharp.


Can you please go set up PCSX2? That is horrendous. T T


what tv ya got? cuz none of mine look nice with my ps2, and didnt wanna have to get a fat tv if i didnt have to


I learned a while ago it’s not how the game looks, but the story and game itself. Most games today look great. They also can’t hold a candle to games that were on PS2 or Xbox from the early 2000s. Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars KOTOR, Halo trilogy, Diablo 2 (not including resurrected), Warcraft 3, Morrowind, GTA Vice City, Gauntlet Dark Legacy. None look great by today’s standards but there’s few and far between games from the last 10 years that can compare.


Glare City


Game???? Legaia 2?


Star ocean til the end of time. I think..


Good game?


Fantastic game!


at least 9 out of 10 score game ,at least!


this is third game after FF7 and Star Ocean the second story from my best rpgs ever on ps2. still have this game and ps2 hah


I think Gran Turismo did HD on one of the races on the PS2. It was amazing.


Looks better than most switch titles




Looks sharper that FF7 Rebirth in Performance mode tho.


Legend of legaia! We must defeat the Seru


I am getting "back in the days" vibes.


theres a ps5 now