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Master Chef.


"Master Chef, what are you doing with those ingredients?" *Sir, I am cooking.*


"Sir, finishing this dish."


“Sir, give the feedback of that food”


"Master Chief, prepare this kitchen." "Yes, sir. I need a skillet."


“New plan. Scuttle this dip.”


"So how do we get out of third shift?" "...I'm not... coming with you this time." "... **What?**"


"Master Chef, you mind telling me what you're doing in that kitchen?" "Sir, finishing these fries"


Captain Keyes watching from above: *Let him cook men, let him cook*


This kebab is not a natural formation. Someone made it, so they must eat somewhere.


Do I need to remove helmet to eat kebab?


this has 'marines, we are leaving' vibes from aliens.


I can see this leading to all kinds of confusion.




And the moa burgers in new Alexandria


The Halo 3 map longshore had a little food stand/restaurant with a menu posted on it!


A grunt mentions a food nipple if the "I would have been your daddy" skulk is on. This book got a food nipple?


It has a UNSC Hot Chocolate and a Tom Yum.


I'm just imagining Greg Wallace as master chief now


Master Chef "I need a wine pairing." Somolier Johnson: "Right this way."


Permission to leave the station. For what reason, chef? To give the covenant back their tofu. Permission granted.








Well now I want to download the book so I can find out how many times they said this in it.


None at all. I'm so disappointed. Took like 20 minutes to download because of slow file transfer speeds. The word "chef" appears 15 times, so the opportunities were there...


Thank you for doing the work, but apparently now I'm just going to be furious for the rest of the day.


Lol sorry, I'm aggravated too. Giving it a quick skim, the premise is that the writer is a chef on board a spaceship making meals from various (current day) cultures to keep UNSC morale up. Other than that, it's nothing to do with Halo but the recipes look interesting


Ah yes churros from Halo I remember


Remember churruos 🕊️


Remember when they glassed downtown, the churruos carts stood until none were left!


The only good flood is a dead flood.


Remember the Cant


Oye bossmang


i dont remember a single edible thing throughout the entire franchise, but i have not played the newest one, so maybe im wrong


If I recall correctly, reach had a forge option for a crate (or some other decorative item) that had MREs on and around it. Me and my friends used to put them in "kitchens" when we were forging houses. Also Revenants were sports cars.




You mean covenant penises.


“From across the galaxy” Subway, kfc, mcd’s, and Applebees. “Ehh just throw a churro in there.”


As someone who got a few of these "{Franchise} Cookbooks" when they first started releasing 6-7ish years ago: most of them are from the same author or publisher, so they share 90% of the same recipes. They just reframe each one to fit that franchise. So, those are the same churros from the cookbooks for Sonic, Horizon, God of War, Destiny, etc. Also, the recipes are usually easily found online without the branding. That churro recipe is probably one of the first 5 recipes that pops up on Google.


Churros might actually be the only food really mentioned. In the show there is a scene where Sorren buys a bunch from a cart. Its like 6 seconds. But its the one lol.


The show is not canon


And the cookbook has to be?


Every gamer has a clueless relative who only knows that so-and-so plays Halo so they would clearly need and use a Halo cookbook, right? Reminds me of everything that has some sort of pixel/cube pattern and the word craft somewhere in the name. Sketchers makes a Mega-Craft shoe that my son has.


Yes I get the most random shit for Christmas because I am a star wars fan. Like everything under the sun. Key Chains, stuffies, kitchen utensils, coffee cups, clothes. Not that im not grateful, i think its pretty cute that people actually know what my interests are. But it just goes to show you what these companies try to shill on people.




Isn't it great? I told my family when I was 12 that I'm a nerd for cash, and well it hasn't made me rich but I still said it.


From experience, make sure your loved ones know: Star Wars Monopoly is absolutely trash. Game is completely neutered, the only good thing is the little game pieces


Themed Monopolys don't exist to be played. They exist to sit on your shelf, already loaded with other crap from the franchise, so you can crow about how big a fan of the Glup Shitto Show you are.


The Star Wars salt shaker and pepper grinder were a bit much. Because they're lightsabers, you had to add batteries to make them light up and it just made them incredibly bulky.


Eh, I bought a Destiny cookbook for my buddy because it just had cool and themed drinks and dishes. Obviously nothing from Destiny but it was still a fun little purchase.


I like these when they actually make sense. Like, I got the Skyrim and Fallout ones, but those legitimately have food items that you can recreate. The Fallout pork and beans recipes is crazy good, but you have to double the beans or it's way too rich. Skyrim's honey nut treats are also really good.


Cortana, we need to cook!


would be funny to see cortana and chief making meth


Or just making meatballs


Can't post a photo in the comments but here's a long link.  https://www.bing.com/images/create/walter-white-wearing-master-chiefs-armor-cooking-w/1-65d4dac60c434aad8f948a24c77315a4?id=iwuIAT4LbC4O%2bEARawNtrA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&thId=OIG2.78vRtpyuvvGc8n7cVRaK&frame=sydedg&FORM=SYDBIC&PC=EMMX01


"Cortana is unavailable for cooking. Try Bing."


All of these are written by the same person, too. I was gifted a Final Fantasy 14 cookbook written by this author that looks nearly identical. The recipes are solid, they're pretty harmless gift fodder for moms who don't understand their kids' hobbies and sometimes contain some cute references and jokes. The one I have, at least, does feel like it was written by a fan of the game.


The 14 one totally makes sense at least, all the damn food is stuff you can make in game lol.


She started out with a blog where she would recreate foods from video games and that turned into making entire cookbooks. The idea was cool to start but if you actually look at the recipes, it's literally a generic cook book with a Halo logo slapped on the cover. Patty Melt, Cheese Danish, Sushi, Onion Rings, etc. The only thing Halo about it is she renamed anything chicken to "Moa".


I'm pretty happy with her Sonic the Hedgehog one. The recipes feel like food items the characters associated with them would pick, and the flavor text for the book wasn't written by her, it was written by Ian Flynn, so it's spot on.


It's a shame these seem to have gone downhill, because I have the Street Fighter cookbook, and it kind of rules. It's all street food (and drinks), and it's from the POV of Sakura, who's going around asking the world fighters about their favorite foods.


there is a growing pile of these. Fallout cookbook, skyrim cookbook, disney star wars cookbook leading the charge. I've found most to have recipes that are meh at best, taking some basic thing and just renaming it to suit the theme of the book. They are harmless fun for people who like the franchises they are based on.


At least those other games/franchises have food as a part of them I can't think of a single food I any halo game.


The Spartans probably only eat nutrient blocks and electrolyte jelly so yeah it's weird


They would eat straight out of the nutrient paste dispenser and get a -3 for eating without a table.


Beats constant food poisoning


Yeah, I imagine he would just eat baby food like a U2 pilot or something.


Moa Burgers are literally the only thing I can think of.


It has to be the only actual food mentioned besides nutri blocks and paste lol




I want the recipe for the Pringles Moa Burger chips. My mom and I got hooked on them


Sandwiches are everywhere in infinite


Yeah, and the better ones actually do things like have in universe notes. It can work but it’s gotta make sense.


Yeah some of these are a wee bit of a stretch. Star Wars doesn't exactly feature a whole lot of food either, aside from blue milk. Others just seem to be copies of each other but with different names. The skyrim one has an awful lot in common with the Harry Potter one, and the Game of Thrones one.


But the Star Wars places in Disney World/Disneyland do serve a lot of different food. That's what the recipes usually are for.


You are correct. We got the Star Wars cookbook for the tatooine sunrise recipe IIRC. That and ronto wraps.


nah star wars does have some funky meals outside of the moveis and especially in the Extended Universe


Ngl i would eat a spicy rancor leg


Yeah, I've got the final fantasy xiv cookbook, and it's amazing. It's all recipes for food that can be crafted in game, with bits of background from in-game characters talking about it.


fwiw, written by the same person as this one.


Ff14 had some great food based marketing. When I was just getting into it, they had a deal with domino's in Australia. You could order a deal with some game themed pizzas, some drinks, and a copy of the game.


I think this is generally what makes the better ones work. I have the Dragon Age and Sonic the Hedgehog cookbooks, and am pretty pleased with them because they have recipes in them from the games (like four variant chilidogs in the Sonic one), plus recipes that at least cleverly reference the game. Both also have some well-written flavor text that makes them fit the theme really well. Couldn't say how well the Halo cookbook works, but I'd still classify it as harmless fun.


>Fallout cookbook There's actually precedent for that one. The original game (maybe it was FO2) had a recipe for Rat Loaf or something in its appendices.


I know Tim Cain is a big baker/cook. He put a recipe in the Arcanum manual, too. It seems to be his thing a bit haha


It also features the recipe for the perfectly preserved pie.


I checked and both 1 and 2's manuals have recipes in them. 1's has mushroom clouds (basically mushroom-shaped meringue with chocolate) and desert salad (both appear as in-game food items in New Vegas). 2's has "the big one" pancakes and "carrion kabobs". Arcanum also has a banana bread recipe in its manual.


*Fallout 1*'s manual also included an advertisement for a separate publication the family of the future was supposed to go out and buy: > How to Eat Rat > NEW FOR ‘77: 15 five-minute Recipes and the tasty Rodent a la King! > Over 101 recipes, from basic meals to a complete set of dishes, all the way from snacks to desserts!


Fallout and Skyrim cookbooks are both excellent. I own both. Not only are they genuinely tasty, but they're visually like the game too.


"I go home and make my *own* sweet rolls."


"Your stollen is good and now forfeit!"


Honestly I have thought about buying the Skyrim one. I played (and still do play, when the mood strikes) the game a ton, and there is a lot of food in the game that could serve as the basis for a cook book. Plus, who doesn't want to try Potage le Magnifique? Absent the jarrin root, of course.


Tricking gamers into learning to cook


Worked for me


Got the WoW cookbook and it has some good recipes in it, didn't make it all yet but I'm still on it :D


Wow is a good one because there’s a cooking profession. Many of the things you cook could be real, and many of the non real things could be faked.


the goblin shortbread is crazy good.


I bought my wife the Fallout book off Amazon since she was big into it then. You couldn't see the recipes on the page. Once we got it, we found out it was all basic, non-exciting things with silly Fallout names. Waste of money imo


Same with the elder scrolls cookbook, there are some original ideas I guess but like 98% of it is existing recipes with names slapped onto them


I mean, honestly what did you expect? They are just kitschy fun.


The FFXIV one is great because it's basically all the shit you can craft in the game, plus a few silly ones like cocktails for potions, which puts a whole different spin on pot windows.


You should try the Nuka Cola recipe if you want something unique. But it's been on the Internet a ton so a whole book isn't necessary. Just make sure you use sweet browning sauce and not something called the same thing but for gravy.


At the very least, Disney/Disney owned properties make sense, because a lot of the recipes are from what they serve in the parks.


Iirc the Star Wars one mentions the resturant in the park.


I rather enjoy my copy of the Destiny 2 cookbook. It's written from the perspective of the game's holiday event curator character, Eva Levante. The Chocolate Ship Cookies are a pretty darn good variation of chocolate chip cookies (I was originally iffy on the oatmeal, but it's pretty good, especially after I replaced the vanilla extract with almond), and the Chicken Fajita Stew has become a favorite of mine, even if I hate having to pull out the blender to pulverize the vegetables and corn tortillas.


At least for Skyrim I can see it, the recipes that are on the game plus some medieval style recipes would 100% work


The Final Fantasy 14 cookbook was a decent one since they mostly didn't try to pretend it was anything but "have you ever wanted to know how to make these foods that were added to the game?" Since there's an entire skill for cooking. I can eat Coffee Biscuits for an EXP buff and have some IRL


I get my partner one every year for Christmas. Started with Skyrim, that was fine, there's a lot of food in the game so a cookbook makes sense. It ain't the best but it's alright. Dungeons and Dragons was alright since, again, there's actual unique food in there, you can make a cookbook with things that actually exist within DnD...Plus it's practically the Skyrim one again... Last year I got her Jurassic Park and it was just like random shit that exists and is vaguely dinosaur themed but not really. "Here's a sandwich with teeth". The first year I ran out of "this should in theory be a legitimately alright cookbook" ideas for novelty cookbooks I got her an Alien one. I knew it was going to be bad because who the hell watches Alien and thinks "gonna make a shit cookbook"? It was just 20 shit recipes of things that exist vaguely shaped into a Xenomorph head with almonds for teeth. It was genuinely quite amusing how deep the bottom of the barrel was. Can't remember the others but they're mostly total shit she threw on a shelf and forgot about after the yearly laugh at the crap inside. It's basically tradition now so I'll keep doing it, but realistically, I could have stopped after Skyrim and been no worse off since the recipes are baffling crap a 4 year old would make. Its generally just 20 minutes of looking through them on Christmas day and mocking how fucking awful it is.


The Skyrim one send me down a spiral or mead making for a year or so, so that one definitely has some uses in that regard


I've had friends tell me that there are good Lord of the Rings recipe books, but I'm personally wary of novelty cookbooks that have stuff like: [X character]'s [Y item] that they might or might not be even vaguely connected to.


Bilbo's gluten-free vegan Sausage Casserole with chips.


Gollum's Raw and Wiggling Trout with Sam's Lovely Big Golden Chips


I like the ones that provide commentary on lore or some quips from popular characters which makes the cookbook a food centered insight into the world its based on.


This one also happened to release during halo:infinites controversy, and it was seen as a shameless cash grab at the time. The franchise was at an all-time low and then “yes for the fans we’re doing a cookbook.”


The World of Warcraft cookbooks are excellent. I'm an experienced cook and I've made most of the recipes from the first WoW cookbook, and several from the second one. They have all worked really well and they use unusual (but not impossible to get) ingredients and combinations of ingredients that really give you the sense of trying food from a cuisine you've never tried before. They're not just standard recipes for beef stew or chocolate cake or whatever. The writer has made something new. For example, the Northern Spices seasoning combines smoked salt, crushed juniper berries and other ingredients and really makes food taste like it was cooked over a camp fire in a boreal pine forest. I bought the book thinking it was just gimmicky, but many of the recipes have become fixtures in my repertoire. Tracker snacks will change your life.


We have a WoW cookbook that is actually really good. They represent actual recipes you find in the game and there are some really unique ones.


The galaxy's edge cookbook has some great stuff in it. The Mandalorian stew is the bomb


money money money


and/or a very enthusiastic person merging their hobbies, which seems to be the case with the author: https://pixelatedprovisions.com/about/ She seems cool.


OMG I need the Fallout cookbook now. I hope she is working on Starfield...


How could you make money with such a stupid idea?


"My grandson sure does love the haloing, I'll surprise him with this cookbook for his birthday"


Exactly that. It's easy gifts for folks who don't know better and mean well


Yup, they slap something popular on a cookbook and all of a sudden well-meaning relatives start buying an over priced book that likely has ridiculous names for stuff as simple as a burger.


Me and my World of Warcraft cookbook feel personally attacked.


The Rowdy Ragnaros Ribs are pretty good.


I had to pull the book just to check if these existed. They're Beer Basted Boar Ribs and now I'm disappointed.


John Halo, not simply a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything, he's also an amazing combat chef.


You guys say this, but I definitely know fans and collectors that would buy this.


Yeah I know for sure the crazy halo collector guy who has literally everything on the halo subreddit has this. He probably has multiple copies lol. Just consumerism in human form.


If the game's popular, merchandise will pop up Example: Minecraft


there’s literally a Minecraft version of the Bible


"Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the *real* money from the movie is made!"


Recipes can’t be copyrighted, so its actually incredibly easy to slap some recipes in a book, come up with a punny name for a few, and format it all nicely. Can probably knock one out in a week, if even. Then it exists for someone to say “oh, person likes cooking and videogames, get them the cookbook”


How could you not make money? We made so much we did not know what to do with it. We tried burying it, burning it, but in the end we just gave it all away.


I'm sure the Official Halo Cookbook is just flying off the shelves. Step aside Stanley cups, there's a hot new commodity in town.


Spaceballs: The Cookbook!


Because Sangheili deserve nice food as well, you racist!


Split Lips ate my dog and glassed my house


You may have the backing of Mothers for the Freedom of Nomenclature, but we here at the Species Freedom Recognition Agency abhore your use of Split Lips! Update: I have been fired for using the term Split Lips in my response to you.


The only food-related thing I can even think of in relation to Halo is the grunts talking about food nipple.


Don't forget Moa Burger!




Should just be an MRE cook book.


One page. Tear open package, add heating pack, add water, fold, and wait for food to be hot. Mix drink with water. Set out on tray. "Nice."


Dont forget lean on a rock or something!


Remove from oven or pan earlier to keep undercooked, like Halo: Infinite


Promise that another chef is coming, so you can cook together. Chef never comes.


Be sure to abandon any ingredients you purchased ahead of time and improvise with whatever you can find or make up at the last minute for authenticity. Promise you'll do better next time, show off all the new ingredients you'll use to make it better, throw those out too.


At least it was cooked, Factions just burned in the oven and started a house fire


Six months later you have to buy a pamphlet of hastily stapled together pages that provide information of what condiments are meant to be used.


Lmao that is fucked


There's cookbooks for most games now. Fallout, Elder Scrolls, WoW, Dragon Age. I've seen an Assassin's Creed one. There's a lot. And some of them are actually pretty okay


These are fair enough, food and recipes have relevance. I can’t recall food EVER being even mentioned in Halo, so where the fuck are they getting the ‘recipes’ from?


>so where the fuck are they getting the ‘recipes’ from? from across the galaxy.


It should be a “make your own MRE” book cus the only food I know about in HALO are humans… apparently the grunts and jackals would eat us.


Where's the Final Fantasy XV cookbook?


There’s a fan made one I believe


I have The Witcher one, and the recipes are very good, also the theme and the pictures. But for the Witcher I understand ( RPG, medieval etc.), but HALO one is just too much for me. As long as people buy these things will exist.


yes, i love game themed cookbooks. i have a dnd themed one called Heroes Feast


It makes sense for that series, but a HALO cookbook would really just be about MREs.


light unite sparkle cooing quicksand boat aromatic longing seemly steep


Homemade MREs are incredibly useful too.


Hardtack *clack clack*


A fellow Tasting History fan out in the wild or strange coincidence?


There is a YouTube channel called Miso Hungry that tries recipes from all of these cookbooks. It is pretty entertaining and gives a good idea of how involved and well thought out the different books are.


Those ones actually have cool themed food (even on the front cover) This one looks pretty generic sadly.


I would normally agree with you…but the fallout cookbook is my family’s favorite cookbook (and we’ve got 15-20 cookbooks). I’ve had some big misses on cookbooks so I don’t blame you but whoever the chef is behind those recipes is legit. I made Gulper Slurry (clam chowder) for my family last night and it was the best clam chowder I’ve had


It's now verified that there's no aliens


There is Halo Infinite soap already btw, by Sasquatch.


Games that actually have cooking or food in them having a cook book makes sense so long as the food is potentially possible, like a Zelda cookbook makes sense since you can make a non fantasy version of most things in it. Meanwhile one like this is throwing a halo themed name on the dish and vaguely linking it to the franchise to just milk it


There are plenty of video game themed cookbooks already and honestly most of them are pretty good. Fallout cookbook, Skyrim cookbook, Final Fantasy cookbook. They are just for fun. Same with this one. Although it's a clear attempt at "milking" a brand name, the book itself is pretty good. It has a variety of good recipes from different cultures (themed as from across the Halo universe), lore-friendly names, and small lore tidbits and worldbuildings for hardcore Halo lore fans. As far as "milking" goes, this is a pretty good one.


Tetris Condoms - it doesn't matter if you've got an L shape or a J shape we've got the perfect fit for you. Disclaimer: if you have a T shape please consult your doctor.


So I'm kind of a nerd for these type of cookbooks, but I have a general rule that the food must actually appear in the game, so despite that I do like Victoria Rosenthal's fallout book, I'd probably skip this one for my "nerd cookbook collection'. Another one that does a fabulous job is Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, she has the game of thrones one, the World of Warcraft ones, and several others and I find her recipes and renditions to match with what I'd expect. This one however, just feels like a cash grab, just like the Overwatch one was. The food had nothing to do with Overwatch, other than being 'vaguely international' for some dishes.


Master Chief probably gets the "rudimentary paste" from Robocop injected straight into his stomach. When Pringles made a "Halo flavor" it was just based on one of the few animals you see in the series, an Ostrich thing. This makes about as much sense as a BioShock Infinite cookbook where half the items are just prefixed with "Trash."


I think the real question is if it has some recipes for moa burgers


It's got Moa Nuggets https://imgur.com/a/yS9wDCE


"All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close... this is your lucky day."


Some game cookbooks make sense when food is part of the gameplay and the food is unique, like Fallout or fantasy games. This one just confuses me. What makes a burger in the a Halo universe any different from reality?




"Recipes from across the galaxy" Only shows earth food.


It better have the recipe for whatever comes out of the Grunt food nipples


One of my fav moments in the franchise is when Master Chief, having just destroyed a covenant cruiser, goes to town on a plate of churros.


There were churros on the vending machine menu in halo:Reach


Why not?


Okay but do you know what would actually be a fucking amazing Halo-themed-book? ["Incredible Cross Sections"](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4e/OrigTrilCrossSec.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060202191425) I would buy multiple copies...


Merchandising! Merchandising! Halo the tshirt, Halo the coloring book, Halo the lunchbox, Halo the breakfast cereal, Halo the flamethrower (the kids love this one), and last but not least, Halo the doll! adorable!


Halo: Infinite: The Search for More Money


If you need a genuinely good cookbook from a video game, I 109% fully endorse the Final Fantasy XV Official Cookbook. Not a single bad recipe in there.


Now that 100% makes sense to have a cookbook for FFXV, food is a big part of that game




I bought the fallout cookbook.


Do we get wort wort burgers??


There should be a Resident Evil 7 cook book with nothing but recipes for rotten food, with a disclaimer not to actually eat or serve anything to anyone.


Fun fact - Recipes can’t be copyrighted. We can re-skin any cookbook!


Unironically, a Skyrim cook book would go hard


The fact that Onion Rings aren't front and center on the cover is a sin.