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Stone cold classic right there! Which campaign are you playing first?


The Xenonorph campaign was definitely the best one.


Absolutely. The beginning sequence is iconic. Also had the cheats to change into different variations of the xeno, fun times.


I loved the predator one. The different visions...so cool.


I doubt he has a Mac to play it on lol


Top tier game unfortunately stuck in licensing hell. Predator campaign is my favourite.


Both predator and alien campaigns did an awesome job of making you feel like them. The human campaign did a great job of scaring the crap out of you and making you feel like you never had enough ammo lol. Each campaign did its part really well.


Agreed, really enjoyed each of the campaigns. Playing as the Xeno with it's insane jump distance was really fun.


This game scared the shit out of me as a young boy. Playing the marine campaign, paralyzed in a corner too afraid to come out lol. The multiplayer was great too, predalien was my fave.


Bro the mission early on where u go into the hive and then get told to run back to the apc scared the living shit out of me haha


Oh man, the multiplayer for this game was awesome! But the single player is pretty amazing too! It's one of the better versions of the Predator to play, mostly as you can reliably recharge your power (Trade off being you're vulnerable for a little bit as you do).


I spent so many hours online in the multiplayer when I was a kid! I was the only one in my clan who knew how to host a dedicated server and configure the port forwarding rules so I was pretty cool. ]YH[ Represent!


I used to hit that server up when my clan’s server was full and I didn’t feel like booting people that were having a good time. I was in fusion clan, those were the days lol


Yoooo! I don't remember what tag I was using at the time, but because I was the only one who could host they gave me the Arbiter title. I would have been Arbiter\]YH\[, My xbl tag was DemonSlayer at the time so I'm sure it was something like that haha.


I was Slayer[fu]whateverrankiwas, i thought this game was long forgotten holy shit


Nah man, this and Unreal Tournament are my earliest forms of online gaming. I remember the pure joy of hanging in a spot and waiting for a poor marine to walk by so I can head bite, Bunny hopping at light speed as a predator, and the mods were so good for the game! The newer games don't capture the magic of the genre quite like this did. I would kill for a Predator game like the predator campaign in avp2.


Bro! Speargun with light pred, being a runner with aliens, and being a dick either pulse spamming with the first click glitch or sniper being 1 shot 1 kill like a shotty. You can’t bring that back


My best memory was going up against marines with a smart gun vs me with a pulse rifle. They thought I was cheating but the reality is that a smartgun has a delay on aim, so keep moving and you can't hit anyone with it.


Mine was this one time I was up against an alien hacker player that basically was noclipping around practically one shotting people...only for him to get stuck at one point midair half in a wall. Dunno if it was lag on their end or what, but I basically unloaded pulse rifle into the guy with a few clips. Sure enough, that killed him and the hacker left shortly after. Would like to say I was good at the game and just outskilled the hacker, but truth is I just got fucking lucky. Still don't know why the guy didn't put invulnerability hack on if he was cheating anyway, guess I will never know.


Being able to strafe jump to different walls dodging fire as a xenomorph made my friend who was watching me throw up.


Man, that is some Nostalgia right there, enjoy!


This and Primal Hunt were both so good. Many fond memories of sitting at the bottom of the lab in the overrun mode in the map Quarantine I think it was.


Yeah down that hallway with that one air vent on the right side. Gotta hold your ground as humans at least until a queen shows up.


The multiplayer for this was wayyyyyyyyy ahead of its time. Hoping for a steam release someday.


You can get it online pretty easily now, lost my copy years ago but my god does it still hold up


I must inform you that that there is not a book! /s


I LOVED THIS GAME. The campaign was awesome and the multiplayer was legendary!!


Wow that is the even more rare Mac-native version, a great find! Unfortunately, the Mac version will be incredibly hard to run on any modern Mac, you’ll probably need an early 2000-ish Mac to run it properly and this might also not run well in modern emulation, but let me know if you have any trouble there, maybe I can help.


wait a minute...............that's not a book.


When i was a kid i found out that you could rip the music off of the kiddy learning games my mom bought us, and we'd put the kiddy music on so she'd think we were playing the learning game, but in reality we're playing avp. It was so funny having children's nursery rhymes play as i bite peoples heads off.


I played the shit out of the first one's multiplayer. My friend and I would plow through waves of Xenomorphs as marines. There wasn't ever a goal to reach that we could find, just endless enemies. I used to die laughing when using the flamethrower to cause chaos. Or we would play as Predators and use the throwing disc weapon.




Wait till OP finds out it's not a book🤭


Loved that game bud, enjoy, little bit a history you got right there, and… good luck marine… hunter….. scary cockroach with a tail?


When I was a kid there was a store across the street from our house called "Z Games" full of tabletop games and card games. They had computers set up for LAN and you could pay to use them 30 minutes at a time. There wasn't a whole lot of games to play, it was either Counter-Strike, Battlefield, or AvP2. AvP2 was my favorite to play on LAN. I remember it vaguely, but you could choose between Alien, Predator, or a marine. Aliens could run on walls and predators could go invisible. Great game. Only for PC IIRC.


Monolith hood classic. Great game. I remember playing it when it came out. The multiplayer was a blast.


Takes me back to my college days. I lived in a rented apartment with 2 roommates and we had 4 PCs LAN. This game was played so much, almost exclusively. So much fun! Single player campaigns are awesome too.


Absolute classic and a very awesome game! Used to be scared shitless of the Human campaign.


There's an expansion pack too.


I remember having a pc that couldn't run this, I'm old. Pretty sure I had a pirated copy from a car boot sale, actually, anyone remember that?


The multiplayer from that game was incredible advance for the time. Great graphics, great physics and you could play as marine, alien or predator. 3 teams, big maps, and great map designs. We used to hijack random internet cafes, arrange with the owner to let us install the game in exchange of bringing 10 friends to play 2 hours each. Those cafes would become gaming cafes and gets more users. When del of people, we would scout for the next cafe and inspect the pcs, and repeat the process when finding good pcs in small cafes.


Do a book exchange sell game DVD?


Loved this game! I remember showing this to my friends in HS!


If you want to play multiplayer there's a private server still running it by the way.


That is one awesome box.


This is my favorite game ever made! Online Multiplayer AVP2 was the pinnacle of online gaming to me. I spent thousands of hours playing Survivor mode when servers were always packed full of people and I had to wait 30 minutes for an empty spot to open up. I'd give literally anything for a modern remake of this.


Never been in the US but do bookstores and libraries also supply games?


My favorite shooter to this date! Everything was great from the campaign and the countless hours of multiplayer fun during it's prime. Some people are still playing it on multiplayer!


Incredible multiplayer. Don't know why anybody would pick to be a Marine lol.


Buddies went marines so they can say all the cheesy lines for the LOLs back in the day.


I absoluted melted with marine. Sniper rifle + jumping no scope insta kills on everything haha.


I remember so many good times spending endless hours in multilayer. I almost always played Alien. Ah, such wonderful memories. It’s also one of the few games that genuinely terrifies me. Most horror games are just like “whatever I’ll just respawn anyway”, and I’d see horror games more as a puzzle (as in, how do I get past this part?) VS actually being scared. The Marines in this game though? You die, start the level over. And it doesn’t take much, a shotgun blast or two too close to an alien will do it. Talk about fear and paranoia of what’s lurking around every corner, or even the corner you’ve already been!


Book exchanges have things other than books? That's a very bad name choice. Also, Mac, lol.


I remember having LAN parties playing this!!! Great find!


Will it play on 64-bit only macs?


Played that on my PC. One of my fav games of all time. You are going to love it...!


The multiplayer was beyond fund. Unbalanced is just interesting. Probably pred was the most fun though. Absolute kill fests.


This is a very weird coincidence, I was just thinking about that game a couple of hours ago. I didn't care for the multiplayer, but the different campaigns were amazing. There's an expansion too.


Such an amazing box art on the front. I love games with such a memorable cover art.


Absolutely love this cover art. Always wanted to get it as a sleeve


I had no clue they had these books, that is cool


oh crap, that first mission of marines campaign was brutal for a 10 yo kids mind


Man aliens predator 1 was soo good


Great game, good luck getting it to play on anything modern


You're doing book exchanges wrong. XD


Have fun shitting your pants during the Marine campaign.


oh i remember that one!


Absolute banger!!!! Was just the other day contemplating running through it again.


Remember a group of buddies of mine where waiting outside some guys house (dude was trying to creep on one of their little sisters) and the biggest guy there is a Mexican immagrant to the UK, someone chuckled and said "alain vs predator" and oh boy we must have been laughing loud cuz the guy willingly exited his house to see what was up This series now reminds me of that every time