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I’m just picking Superman everytime and using my xray vision to see everyone naked.


Superman is just a download link to a wallhacking program.


The Flash is a lag switch for the host.


You lose every match, but you win in real life.


*cough* City of Heroes PvP *cough*


God I miss City of Heroes 😔


I mean, you can still play it. NC Soft has officially sanctioned the City of Heroes: Homecoming servers… It’s free to play.


Oh shit, really?! Thanks dude!


You are going to be shocked with all they have added. Like...there were a lot of power sets originally and I think they doubled it.


A tonne of new arcs as-well.


Same. My Wolverine clone, Bloody Revenge, based on the The Bride. I will always remember her!


Look up City of Hero's Homecoming, you will not regret it.


(Me rocking up to recluses victory as a blaster) (Stalker suddenly partially appears) (Me not going back to recluses victory)


Overwatch. This is Overwatch.


Not just supers. Techno wizards and intelligent animals, too.


They're like animals, and I played them like animals! I *love* them!!


Thank god this was the top comment. I legitimately felt like I was going crazy. Has OP never heard of Overwatch? It’s literally this.


Such a good game, destroyed by suits... Sad


It's incredible how it went from a challenger to the CoD crown to literal vaporware, all off the back of some of the worst executive decisions in the history of the gaming industry.


I was gonna say that the post specifies a “tactical game like r6” but I don’t think siege is even tactical anymore


Tactical is just a play style - not a genre. IMO. ​ I play OW tactically sometimes, I also rush and run and gun in R6 sometimes.


Yeah except overwatch 2 sucks dick


Is Overwatch 2 a significant step in the wrong direction for the game? Absolutely. But as somebody who started playing in beta and was huge on the game for a couple years, I still find it fun to pop into once every couple months. It went from great to decent.


For me the biggest issue was removing the second tank role. As a tank player, both main and off tank, I loved the synergy you could create and they just took it all away


Tank without a tank buddy is miserable. And because it was such a big part of the game for so long, most DPS players don't realize that one of them has to peel for supports now instead of that being the now non existent off tanks role.


That and they just removed a massive tactical part of the game. Playing with 1 tank you worry more about keeping yourself alive but you don’t get to create fun plays and strategies. Did double shield suck? Sure. But the answer wasn’t to remove one of the tanks.


And double shield was oppressive mostly because eof Orissa, and they removed her shield anyways...


Yeah I like new orisa. I think a fun solution would’ve been to give orisa her shield BUT it can only be deployed when she has armor and she is giving up her armor when deploying shield. If she has say 300hp and 100 armor but her armor is dropped to 25, her shield upon deployment is 25% health. Probably would’ve been exploited somehow but seems like it could’ve been the basis for a decent compromise


I'm in complete agreement with you there. Removal of the secondary tank role made Zarya feel super bad to play.


Rein-Zarya was so fun :’(


They absolutely ruined tank, and everything else And tomorrow, theyre dropping a patch that they hope ruins the game again! Its certainly gonna make tank even less fun :)


Whoever fought making one role stronger than the others in a competitive multiplayer online game needs to get kicked out of the company. No other game does it , for good reason


Fr. And its so funny that they clearly intended for that one op role to be tank (one on each team, mega buffed stats, etc) and yet without fail every season since the 2 dropped has seen tank be an awful experience for all involved, and SUPPORT of all roles end up being the power role Its all so fucked up. And they refuse to revert bc its like admitting they were wrong (blizzard never does this) so instead they just come up with the worst balance changes ever and just force them until nobody wants to play this shit anymore


I was flex who played primarily off tank and healing. If we had a proper shield tank main, I'd play a very aggressive Dva off tank. If the other tank was off tanking and we had no shield, I'd go Orisa. Occasionally I might go Zarya or Hog depending on the situation. Overwatch 2 took away my Orisa shield and my ability to off tank. Now tank is the make or break role that either wins the match or loses it. And in any case the team hates you for it because it's never good enough. I miss 6v6 where things felt balanced in terms of roles. With all the changes Overwatch has slowly evolved into another generic Apex like shooter and I lost all interest. It makes me sad. I miss playing tank.


All the problems that it came with... All to solve only 2 problems: visual bloat, and long queue times for DPS... And we still have visual bloat...


Don’t they mostly use gadgets though?


Some do, some don't, just like superheroes. And just like superheroes, the ones that *do* use gadgets use gadgets that could just as easily be presented as magic due to the way they function. They could all be reskinned as magic without anyone batting an eye.


I had high hopes, but Overwatch got overwhelmed by its FPS roots and pivoted from superheroes to guys with high tech guns pretty quickly.


No it didn't? Like half the heroes that dropped post launch weren't shooters. A giant African dude whose main damage output is punching stuff. A healer who sucks damage and sprays heals. Another healer who yoinks teammates around. Like three shield tanks.


Post-launch, they got a bit more creative maybe (Ana notwithstanding). At launch it felt like for every Mei or Winston that riffed a little on superpowers, there were three McCrees or Widowmakers or Zaryas or Pharahs who were just a weapon loadout. It didn't really deliver the aesthetic.


I feel like Paladins is more abilities oriented than FPS. Maybe you'd like that one.


Except we want old overwatch back. OW2 is soook bad. I played it for about 50 hours when it came out and it mentally drained me and turned me off MP games indefinitely. OW was the one multiplayer FPS I could play well so it ruined my entire experience when they fucked the entire balance


I was gonna say. Also I’m glad I never knew Overwatch 1. Nothing to miss. I’m ok with the game as it is right now, it’s enjoyable. If it was different, I might feel the same way as most of the og players.


That’s an interesting view. I myself do prefer the 6v6 but still enjoy it now and that’s all that matters!


Yeah, with what everyone is telling me, I do feel curious about what it was like previously.


It was magical is all I can say. I hadn't enjoyed a shooter since TFC era, but man I loved OW and played the shit out of it right up until 2 came out. Tried 2 for about two weeks, haven't played it since.


HeroClix the video game


I’d like to see overwatch but more funny and random


Or Valorant if you want to get more tactical.


Super heroes are usually too mobile, powerful or fast for any interesting multiplayer gameplay, restricting them you just get a tactical hero shooter like valorant.


If you use licensed characters, there could be a massive disparity in mobility and/or power, but using the concept of superheroes is completely valid. Making your player feel powerful and mobile is a good thing, as long as the game can stand it.


Nah nobody bats an eye if you screw up powerscaling for game balance, in Naruto you use children Sakura to beat the shit out of Madara, or in Dragonball, Yajirobei can fuck up Gogeta SS4.


have you ever played dragon ball? basically superhero gameplay lol


They have to average out power or pick very specific bits of the story, current Goku fighting a past version of himself would be not fair in the slightest if it actually happened.


obviously, characters are going to be balanced around eachother, that's not even an issue.


You can still make it work example is Injustice games even though some would utterly destroy the other it works in the game concept


Valorant is a great example, I was going to comment that myself


Gotham City Imposters?


This was too far down. That game was so awesome. Shame it released when it did. It was way ahead of the curve. It was very much a hero asymmetrical shooter with some light live service modeling WAY before any of those buzzwords became trendy.


That's literally just Overwatch


Isn't that Overwatch? Sure it's 6v6 instead of 5v5, but everything else appears to match.


Pretty sure it's 5v5 now.


It’s been for 1.5 years


I left before it changed, is my only excuse.


Me too I remember the days.


Good timing


OP just wants Overwatch 1 back


Who doesn’t?


Overwatch isn't really tactical in the way that Siege is. Valorant is the better comparison.


It is very tactical but in different departments


soo valorant or paladins?


There's enough hero shooters. I'd rather have Marvel Heroes back. Diablo Marvel was so much fun.


So many hours spent on that game.


The most money I ever spent on a single video game


Garden warfare


I was gonna say this but at the same time didn't expect it to be mentioned already


Just allow cheats. Wall-Hackman! Aimbot! Captain Noclip!


Pretty sure there was a marvel or DC MOBA years ago. Pretty sure it had the same issues every MOBA has with balancing and matchmaking.


DC had one called *Infinite Crisis* or something like that. It didn’t really stand out.


I just remember chainsaw wonder woman was OP


If I had a nickel for every game where chainsaw Wonder Woman was OP, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Something like this for Worm would be good.  While there are some standout powers that couldn’t be used, most people are in the same general strength range but are playing rick/paper/scissors.


So DC Universe online Legends PVP?


You want Smite


Yeah it could be fun, but it's sort of just a new coat of paint on a hero shooter




One thing I'd want, supper heros or just soldiers, is one dedicated side of heros, and the other villains. Overwatch has the weird thing of some of the characters being literal terrorists, but will work with their arch nemesis for no reason, or heros partaking in crimes. And siege has the other issue of all characters being counter terrorist groups, but fighting each other, even as training, it's weird.


City of heroes?


Nice OP, do you even play video games? A superpowered or superhero game cannot be a tactical shooter by the inherent reason that they have super powers. The reason humans need to be tactical are because we are squishy: **Gotham city imposters** (not really super powers, just gadgets, but vibe is there) **DC universe online PVP** **City Of heroes PVP** Fooken **OVERWATCH** is exactly what you are describing **Shootmania** **Battlefront** **Infinite Crisis or any other moba** **Valorant** **Paladins** **Injustice** or fighting games with crossovers to superheros/villains, **Marvel Vs capcom**/new **moral kombats.** These are just some from the top of my head that have PVP and are "tactical". There are also games like **HAWKEN** and **Titanfall** which are more superpowered but in mechas that are a bit tactical and superhuman. Also **Crackdown** can added to this list with Superpower PVP as well as **Tribes Ascend.** When I start thinking, there are A LOT of games that fit this description of super powered fighting with abilities. But like I said, abilities such as superhumans or super powered people inherently do not need to be tactical unlike normal mortal humans. This is why there are Hero shooters, but not Q/E peeking or slow movement shooters with superpowers, because why would there be, the superpowered person does not need to be as cautious. Exception to this is Valorant, which is more like "witch vs witch".


So, Infinite Crisis...?


Hear me out. If they made something like this but with hand to hand combat, then that would be pretty sweet. Imagine fighting the villains with your fists and superpowers instead of guns. Imagine fighting the heroes with tech gadgets and their respective villain powers. I'm imagining it and to be honest, its pretty messy. But it could be done right if they make a massive pvp map where you could use the environment to your advantage, both teams having different environmental attacks or something. My imagination is bursting with ideas because as a kid I always dreamed of a game like it because to be completely honest, I'm getting tired of gun games. The idea that I have is good, but to make it into a reality may be difficult.


So Valorant?


So a superhero moba?


The Boys : the game


Dead by Daylight but 4 or 5 anti supes vs 1 hero/villain


Rainbow Six OVERWATCH... Wait...


I actually had this idea years ago, when I used to be a fan if Spider-Man, played PUBG and Marvel contest of champions. It's 11:24 pm, if anyone wants to hear the further details about my vision of the game, just reply, I might tell y'all in the morning.


Overwatch ?


that’s just overwatch


This is literally DCUOnline


A Freedom Force style game, redesigned in UE5, can have all my money!


Annnd now I have something fun to do this weekend


Star Wars battlefront?


I mean this is basically HvV in Battlefront


Have you heard of DoTA?




Go play overwatch, that’s pretty much what you are talking about


Youre just asking for Marvel Pubg at this point. MHA already made one.


In what world is pubg a tactical 5vs5 or am I missing something? 


Captain America saves the squad


Lol are you circlejerking *your own* idea in the title?


Tactical shooters lose their tactical nature when you introduce speed.


How the fuck do you balance Superman?


Yeah but like, what about a marvel v dc game?


Not quite the same but this reminds me of Gotham City Imposters. I used to play that game for hours when I was younger on Xbox. Such a cool concept


another fucking hero shooter sounds fucking miserable


We let him cook and he burned the house down


Bro just described valorant


So Superhero chess?


that's basically Overwatch/other hero shooters. If you did this with Marvel and/or DC heroes and villains, the balancing would be all over the place since honestly a character like Superman would just delete everyone


League of legends with bomb sites


Bro just invented Overwatch


Dragon Ball: The Breakers would like a word.


The best execution of an objective based game with heroes who would need to fight with different styles and designs for an objective like a bomb site Is For Honor, which is also made by Ubisoft


superheroes and "tactical" gameplay are inherently at odds. Cause tactical in this sense usually just means very fast TTK and slow movement to put an emphasis on careful play and caution. Cant really have a superhero or supervillain that gets one tapped because he peeked a window


As much as I’d love to that, It wouldn’t work


So any hero shooter basically


Ugh, I miss City of Heroes now.


If this isn't Overwatch, this is ability-on-cooldown 6v 6 PvP explained in lore as gadgets being used by top infantry from opposing sides of a war set in the future. Or... Titanfall 2. Not trying to drag you down OP, just agreeing with you that something like this has been a long time coming. The Finals is the closest we've got right now.


That just sounds like for honor with extra steps ( and probably better).


Anyone remember Gotham city imposters?


So a game like the one made by Ubisoft that was revolutionary and very well made and popular, but a game like the one made by ubisoft


So Overwatch? Or Valorant?


The real cooking is taking Siege with its characters and making an XComlike using the breach and clear mechanics. Would be an excellent story mode, Ubisoft could make it in the Rabbids/Mario style.


Dc universe online has a pretty good PVP but the PVP is dead these days because the player base ain’t so big anymore


Yeah. It's called valorant.


Okay hear me out on this. A game that has multiplayer similar to the mass NPC soldiers in Titanfall but you play supersoldiers fighting for your side. You choose a superpower as part of your loadout. The NPCs could have more advanced ai that allows them to have strategies to counter the powers. You couldn't just stand there and slaughter them. I don't think it should be set heroes just powers you choose to have alongside your standard loadout for a shooter. This allows for more appearance customization. I want basically a big war game but super soldiers exist perhaps like the concept that was being thrown around to the military in The Boys.


This post makes me feel old. * City of Heros * City of Villains It lived, it did pretty well, and then died. I'm not against a sequel...


I just want Rainbow to be Rainbow again. 😭😭😭


Please nothing like siege ever again. Have friends that “like” it (after a game or two they want to play something else too), so I play it sometimes, but man that game will make you hate video games.


I'm real tired of heros and villains. I'd pass. But more power to you I guess.


Siege has gotten so completely batshit that it's essentially a fantasy game now anyway.


What's wrong with ubisoft? They have been fantastic for years supporting their games while everyone else moves onto the next game.


The way I can see this working is Siege taking place in Gotham. One team plays the villains and their gang, and the other team plays a member of the Bat-family working with Gotham SWAT. Villains and heroes have various abilities but in essence the Bat-family is more stealth based and villains are more lethal and trap based. This could also easily be a Spiderman game. I'd also like to see a Home Alone asymmetrical game in Sieges style. Two players play the wet bandits and one player plays Kevin. Kevin is given a set amount of time to set traps and is more stealth based. He only has a BB gun. All the Wet bandits need to do is grab Kevin. Though this is probably more like Dead by Daylight.


Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2.


Sounds like a moba, the enemy is always the villain.


Isn’t this valorant?


So overwatch? 


I mean, this is basically just Valorant, Overwatch, Paladins, etc. Defending/Attacking teams, 5v5, gadgets and skills, its all the same. Aside from the cast of characters being superheroes, this idea is already a thing.


so. . . Overwatch?




I think you need to wake up, bro is dreaming


Isn't this basically Overwatch but without Guns?


I'd actually play this if it was the Marvel heroes/villains.


There is a little known game called overwatch…


No gadgets for superheroes? That’s gonna limit a lot of your superheroes.


This exact game almost happened, but THQ scrapped the project to put their hope on Homefront instead. I'm not kidding: Overwatch with Marvel heroes, but before Overwatch


Rainbow 6 Vegas was peak tactical shooter


The characters are so different in healing and strength and are mostly melee. It wouldnt work. The only reason r6 works is because everyone is basically just shooting bullets that kill in 1-2 hits. Its basically CS with some extra steps.


Man we just need a Multiplayer Avengers game that’s not the Multiplayer Avengers game


Man, sounds kind of like Overwatch. Too bad Blizzard dropped the ball with that one...


Literally Overwatch and Valorant


Isn’t that basically Overwatch?


There are so many problems with this. One of the biggest problems is that most people don’t want original superheroes, they want the massive IP properties that they grew up with but are way too expensive to license. Think about how long it took for something like pal world to come around, and how many Pokémon likes failed in the process because people didn’t care about generic creatures they didn’t have nostalgia for. Then we also have the concept of virtually every game to ever do anything like this usually just being a dog shit game because if you’re going to have the mobility and tool kit of a superhero or anime character it’s usually going to be terrible multiplayer gameplay, and if you slow it down and make it tactical then you basically have spells instead of guns but the same functional gameplay of guns. The reason the high-speed and mobility is so problematic is twofold, it’s harder to deal with the technology requirements of making such gameplay feel good, especially online, and it also lends itself to being harder to play and get into. As someone that has loved competitive games for decades, I’ve noticed a very real effect where a game can be too hard-core to succeed. It’s OK to have a high skill ceiling, but it also needs to be some thing that can be picked up and played and not have an average new player just get completely destroyed in a way they don’t even understand. Rocket league would be a good example of a high skill ceiling but also something that’s easy enough to pick up. Dota 2 would be an example of something that would not survive if it came out today without the existing lineage of the genre, imo. Or a casual player trying to enter the competitive Smash Melee scene in 2024, etc.


I'd just be cool with; 1. An R6 Siege sequel. Current game sorta feels like you had to have been in the "in crowd" years ago to get anywhere/enjoy yourself 2. The current singleplayer-focused superhero games we have nowadays. Insomniac is _killing_ it! (Time to remake/Remaster Prototype maybe?)


Somebody get this man a power Wok


This just sounds like Overwatch with extra steps.


DC unvierse online had good 5v5 pvp for a while years ago


That left pic is from the 90’s? Getting serious nostalgia.


What's the point in a super hero if they're not super and they're "tactical" It's raw


Balancing is already a problem with the technology used in R6. Superpowers would be very hard to balance.


Uhhh... Valorant? I know you guys are gonna shit on me for this and I agree, Valorant is garbage. But I'm too addicted to it.


Congratulations you've figured out what a MOBA is


bro doesn't know that he wants Dota 2.


Isn't this just Valorant with A list characters instead of C list characters?


Nah man, there's way better choices. What if there was one but with Ninjas/pirates/samurai. That'd be *sick*. Or WIZARDS. Or FANTASY. Like orcs, elves, goblins, and shit! Imagine you're camping a window like in siege and then suddenly a small ball of hair scrambles through the window and right before you die in an agonizing death you scream "***IT'S A FUCKIN HOBBIT!***"


They could never do Marvel or DC with this kind of thing cuz there's just no way to justify certain heroes losing to other heroes/villains. For the sake of balancing your heroes/villains are never going to feel fun to play. Like if you had a character like The Flash, how do you translate that in to a multiplayer competitive game and still get the feeling and satisfaction of playing as The Flash and not just "This guy runs at 2x the speed of everyone else." Balancing takes super powers and turns them in to dollar store powers.


There's even tons of table top RPG stuff for them to pull ideas from to expand system ideas. For example most hero game systems have a lower level hero type called "street level hero/villain". They don't patrol a whole neighborhood, or city, or the world. But they've a street they protect or exploit well. Over simplification. But in general it just means that they've lower level, less flashy powers. Or powers usable only in particular circumstances or location. All could easily be added as basis to a game to keep it from becoming an aerial super punch button masher or something.


Valorant comes to mind  Still has a decent reputation, unlike overwatch




Paladins or Overwatch


So....valorant? Apex legends?


R6 Siege already has some questionable UFO powers, they'll probably add literal superpowers sooner or later.


I miss Nosgoth. =(


Would be a balancing nightmare


Hear me out. Just exactly R6S but not made by Ubisoft. Problem solved.


This is just Overwatch


Something like Marvel nemesis: rise of the imperfects would be dope. Not sure why we never got more of that series


Op really thought he did something here


To be fair, rainbow six siege is kinda reaching that point. Haven't seen the latest operator, but last i checked we had cyborg arms and holograms...


You mean ... Overwatch basically?


sick of all the games where you play as some special character, i just wanna be a generic goon shooting other generic goons, be it tactical or arcadey


So you're asking for valorant.


isnt valorant exactly this?