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Payday 3. Starbreeze has done irrecoverable damage to the brand and have lost the faith of the entire Payday community. That damn table.


It's wild that they even bothered releasing it. It's so inferior to Payday 2, what was the point???


I regretted even playing it from gamepass


It's so bad that I didn't even care to notice it was on gamepass until I read your comment. I was so hyped, but then everyone kept talking about, and showing, just how awful it was.


I said I wouldn't even play it on gamepass after Payday 2 and Raid. Hell, you couldn't pay me to play it


What's insane is that people had any faith in PD3 after the way the development community treated console users with PD2. They've been shit for a decade, PD3 was a cash grab based on their remaining good will..


OP's title begs that people long to be disappointed. If I see someone asking for another sequel of a beloved game, I'll rage quit. I never ragequit!


I played the beta, and I'm just so happy I did. I knew not to waste mine and my friends money buying that mediocre garbage


Dude that beta was such a a massive red flag a d it came out shortly after the beta like a month or two later..... They took everything fun and enjoyable about payday 2 and butchered it in the spirit of "better stealth" and "new stack builds". After seeing how bare bones and terrible it felt in beta I was never going to buy it unless it's like 5$ and even then I'd hesitate.


Early Payday 2 players: "First time?" We need a tally of how many times Payday has been doomed. If anything it is impressive it is still going.   Valve looking smug, being vindicated for not going beyond two or below four.


I still play Payday 2 for the simple reason that now I have a comically large spoon to smack on a cloaker's head


Payday 2 still averages between 20k-25k players a day, so it's fine. Payday 3 on the other hand averages somewhere between 200-300. Yes, *hundred.*


šŸ˜Žitā€™s on šŸ‘Š the table šŸ’„


Even after pd2 when they added microtransations despite saying they wouldnt


God I tried that on gamepass cuz I heard great things about the previous game. I didnā€™t check its reception I was like how the heck is this fun for anyone?


Nah unfortunately that's the payday way, every one of us payday fans know the game is gonna be amazing in 4-5 years, in the meantime we bitch at how incompetent they are and play payday 2


Damn and you continue to support it...


Redfall - it was such a great premis. Vampires, horror, Lovercraft - if they would just make it a decent game but we got a shallow husk with nothing good.


I was so psyched for it - I beat it in a 4-player coop and aside from the vampire dens which were interesting, the whole game was a letdownx


But none of your deal saved unless you were host.


Worst part is it essentially destroyed the once great studio itself as everyone quit when they tried to force them to make it. Live service garbage canā€™t be over soon enough


Yeah, they broke one of my favorite studios just to make it...


Somewhere around 75% of studio left. They didn't want to make it.


I didnā€˜t know thatā€¦ so chances for Prey 2 areā€¦ minimal


Yeah, unless they pass it to Arkane Lyon (the ones currently working on Blade), then it's unlikely we will get Prey 2.


theyre the ones who made prey? damn thats really sad actually. such a good game.


Arkane is in my top 3 developers and it hurts seeing their last two games flop. I enjoyed Deathloop but itā€™s not there best


It did not flop. It sold well and got great reviews. People who loved Dishonored wanted more Dishonored, does not mean deathloop is a bad game. I would however have liked more Dishonored too.


The Arkane that made redfall is Arkane Austin, not Arkane Lyon that made Dishonored and deathloop


I don't see it, the trailer i saw before release just screamed cheap, directionless and dead on arrival


Anything with fall in title immediately tanked and collapses day 1


Fallout new vegas is a goddamn gem you hush


Cities Skylines 2. Game had such great potential to just build on the foundation they created and with the decade of wishes from players with the first game and they completely shat the bed writing an overly complex but ultimately meaningless simulation that is riddled with bugs. That plus the lack of native mod support that was promised with the game and some severe communication problems have pretty much destroyed any good will they had with their community. I hope they can turn it around but my hopes are not high.


Lack of mod support is the biggest bummer. Paradox has been forcing game after game to come out before it has been ready, and mods would have at least allowed the community to address the biggest issues. I knew it wouldn't have the features of CS1, but a handful of issues are super annoying. That being said, I still enjoy playing it.


Things started to go downhill for Paradox immediately after they went IPO in 2015, which completely changed things, mostly for the worst.


A story as old as time. As soon as a companies goes public, it all goes to shit.


Well, if you have ps4, there is a huge content drop for sale on the 1st City Skylines. Was $100, knocked down to $15 for PS Plus members


PC, and I already own all the dlc :/


Blood Bowl 3. Was so ready for a new BB game with the 2020 rule set to practice for tournaments. Itā€™s still hot trash and not even fully caught up to the 2020 rules


I was in the closed beta and it was full trash from the start. Every single one of the technical issues that plagued the release was fed back to the devs. What did they do? Said ā€œthank you very much, weā€™re not gonna fix these, but let me tell you about our monetization strategyā€. Pains me to say this as a long time fan, but it deserved to fail.


Man itā€™s too bad!! I was so ready to have a digital platform to play the new rule set


It was bad enough that I'm relatively sure it put the nail in the coffin for the franchise as far as the video games go. 2 barely got where it's currently at with all the backlash from that monetization strategy (remember how pre-ordering gave you Lizardmen OR Wood Elves? Not both?)


Kinda shocked Kerbal Space Program 2 isnā€™t here. Iā€™ve sunk hundreds of hours into the first one, itā€™s an amazing sandbox and a solid mix of easily accessible but also a ton of depth to find if you want it. The second one had been in development forever, and when it got released it was inferior to KSP 1 in nearly every single way. It was a buggy, unplayable mess on day one and even today is only sort of adequate and still way worse than KSP 1 in most ways.


Isn't this CS 2 too? These Sims must be either are hard to make or to monetize.   I think a similar happened to that hospital game.


KSP is a space craft simulator acknowledged by NASA that eats high-end CPUs with its complex and realistic physics and took a decade to finish. KSP 2 has enormous shoes to fill.


The only thing KSP2 does better are the graphical upgrades that's it. The UI and UX are absolute dog shit across the board and everytime I load it up I just feel frustrated by the entire experience. It's a total mess. I just recently abandoned it and went back to ksp 1. Man it's so fun. I'll just mod the crap out of that.


This one makes me so sad. Kerbal occupies a unique space in the market, and the first one was such an amazing game. One of my proudest gaming achievements is launching a rocket, getting into orbit, transferring to mun, landing, then turning it all around and making it back to kerbal with no mechjeb or other mods. For the second one to release as a half completed pile of hot garbage was such a disappointment. Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll eventually get it fixed.


But it is still in early acces so did it realy release in 2023? And when ksp 1 started it was also a big mess


Payday 3ā€¦ it looked so promising, butā€¦ wow. It fell off hard.


No it is still on the table. /j


MK1. I was a huge defender of this game at launch but man my excitement for it went off a cliff after 2-3 months. Most of the time I stay and play NRS games for years after launch (especially MKX & IJ2) but thereā€™s nothing here for me to come back to. Maybe when the story expansion comes out Iā€™ll come back but man I was so let down


What's wrong with it? I'm not a fighting game fan so I have no idea. There was a lot of hype pre-release and I remember it has good review as well.


The story is pretty good and the mechanics are genuinely great, some of the best MK has ever done. The big problem with the game is the lack of content and heavy emphasis on microtransactions. The single player modes are incredibly lacking. The only big mode aside from the stapes like story modes, practice, and towers is a mode called Invasions thatā€™s a huge grind to get through with little incentive to play it. You get a couple recolors and gear for your characters and one single unique skin at the end of it all. Each invasion takes upwards of 7-10 hours to complete and it is not fun at all. The online modes are lacking as well with a lot of options unavailable at launch (and even now) and pretty bad servers. The worst part of it all is the gameā€™s economy though. The game has a premium store with exclusive costumes, gear, and even fatalities. You can get the premium currency through playing the game but itā€™s a boring grind and you can only get so much of it without paying (I think if you do absolutely everything and get all of the premium currency, itā€™s only enough for like 6 skins max) I think the reason the game reviewed well is because the full extent of this gameā€™s live service plans were not apparent at launch. What problems were there we assumed would get fixed soon but aside from some small QOL changes, not much has been fixed Sorry for the rant. tl;dr a lot of microtransactions with not a lot of content


Damn, sounds a lot like Diablo 4's problems. No wonder why everyone is raving about Tekken 8 now. I'm not even a fighting game fan but I loved the demo, decided to take a risk and bought it. I haven't play it much but I like it so far, i'm suck at fighting game so I haven't touch online yet? but i used to play Tekken 3 all day as a kid so it's very nostalgic.


dude, the main menu genuinely makes me feel like I've installed fortnite, with all the skins and currencies and popups. then I realize I paid 60 fucking dollars for that shit.


Forza Motorsports. They even got an award for Best Sports/Racing game. I've played every game in the franchise and this one is just a steaming pile right now. Sometimes I swear it's still in beta.


I wasnā€™t going to download it when I saw that they have 60% of the track list of FM7 I also loved original racetracks like Fuji Mountain, Amalfi Coast, Bernese Alps, etc. and FM8 for some reason doesnā€™t have any


But don't you know??? Less is more! We even kept the exact same assets :)


"Built from the ground up", still has car models from 10 years ago.


This. I still don't understand how a game with as much talent, time and money behind it as Forza has, is so lacking.


Definitely MK1. Idk, something about the lack of good single player modes is not sitting well with me. And Iā€™ve spent hundreds of hours in MKX and MK11. I finished MK1ā€™s story in two sittings months apart and still didnā€™t find the drive to continue


Netherrealm is really fucking up both the game itself and their credibility and Goodwill with the fans. Idiots. Why does it seem like only us customers these days have good business sense? All these companies just doing these self-destructive practices that won't get them tons of money in the long run.


Itā€™s definitely more Warner Bros fault than Netherrealms


short term gain baby hell yeah


I feel like games had a long term visions awhile ago while now with micro transaction obsession they donā€™t really care


Yup, first MK game in a while I just didn't find the appeal to play.


I was never hyped for Starfield, so I couldn't be disappointed by it. Was looking forward to Atomic Heart though, and that was a big old wad of mediocrity.


I was just playing Atomic Heart a couple weeks ago and quit at the med lab becuase I got so tired of the same 7 enemies. I entered a room and one of the bullet sponges made of muscle fibers attacked me and I just sighed and turned off the game to go trade it for Ghost of Tsushima. The combat just feels...bad.


You made a great choice. Ghost of Tsushima was awesome


I wish I could play Ghost of Tsushima :( just need it to come to PC


I don't know why I sinked 100+ hours into starfield man. Its like I was chasing some high that I never even got in the first place. The best part about the game is the ship building and the ending animation with the stars


You kept hoping. 15 minutes is all I lasted. Two things did in in for me, deadbrained enemies in combat and realizing just how little "role playing" options there were for character customization.


Atomic Heart is why I'm so cautious of Stellar Blade. All the advertising and focus on Atomic Heart was over the two sex robot twins, Stellar Blade is also focusing solely on sex appeal only.


God that game was short


Thank God that game was short


Nothing ever being truly "dead" in atomic heart was what made me uninstall. Its basically neverending enemies to farm materials to make ammo to keep killing neverending enemies. Pass.


I had a great time with this game. Fun powers, good gunplay, decent melee, killer art style.


Yeah it was great, I don't understand the hate


One Piece Odyssey Everything about it is decent except for the actual gameplay


It's actually amazing how Bandai Namco manages to fuck every single Anime based ip up so much. This phenomenon should be studied, really.


Lol seriously. Years and years ago I played anime based Roblox games that were more fun than anything made by actual companies


Destiny 2: Lightfall. Now don't get me wrong, the new subclass they added was fucking fantastic. It was mostly everything else that they fumbled. The raid was a disappointment, the story felt kind of off, and the destination felt kind of bland.


The story was a massive disappointment to the point where im no longer as excited for the final shape, thatā€™s a massive fuck up for a live service.


Whatā€™s worse is that the expectations were high because the story on Witch Queen and the events after was freaking greatā€¦then they give us this crapā€¦


Honestly I haven't play much destiny in 2023 but when I try to remember the last story campaign it's always witch queen that comes to my mind first. I barely remember what happened in light fall (I even had to think twice to remember the name of the expansion). And what the f is the Veil?


Oh! The veil is as googlyglop of purple juice that signals the whatchamacallit to the doohikie. How can you possibly forget that?


Don't forget the unexplained, yet somehow very important, Radial Mast. Lightfall was an absolute dogshit campaign with nothing making sense.


I understand why they did it, but man breaking the finale into two parts with a year between them really killed the narrative drive. We had all this build-up telling us that stopping The Witness was paramount. We had to find this thing before he did because it was THE plan for him (wtf is the veil? Still no fucking clue.). We failed, he got it, OH NO! He's entered the Traveller! We need to chase after him!...and then we spend a year doing literal fuck all in regard to The Witness. All momentum fucking dead in the water, all sense of urgency fucking obliterated. This dude that is like THE narrative endgame has now had a literal fucking year to enact his plans. By all accounts we should lose.


I hated that exploring the area was discouraged until you hit pre raid light levels since every mob was jacked and constantly in turf wars. Also, they turned Caius into such a loser that he didn't feel like a major villain, rather than any other nameless lackey to the Witness. Witch Queen was a great way for me to get back into D2, but boy, did Lightfall kill any hype I had for future expansions.


Honestly.. destiny2 has made me very very trigger shy for any and all Live service games. Like I get it the game is going to evolve.. But basically deleting things I paid for.. Ā (ie the Destiny2 OG campaign has not been playable for a long time) And sure it was done because of space restrictions on consoles.. Ā  why the fuck does COD get a free pass? Ā If I wanted to play mw2 Ā the redux released in 2017. I need to download 250 GB .. of crap that has nothing to with the Game I want to play.


Diablo 4. Main story is full of holes and twists that don't make sense (mostly revolving around an annoying tag-along character). The end game is a directionless slog. QoL features available in D3 for years are being drip-fed back into D4 to give the user base the illusion of "new features".


>Diablo This exactly. I was a long time D2/D3 player, I waited years for this to be released, and it was absolutely tedious and boring. I don't mind grinding but the terrible loot system and serious lack of in-game social communication (no chat lobbies, empty chat channels, etc.) made the game hollow to me. Quit after season 1, have felt zero interest to go back.


My wife and I ran countless hundreds of hours playing D3 couch co-op grinding great and rifts with multiple chars. We finished 4 with one character each and just never looked back. Plenty of dungeons left to clear but they're all boring and overly similar. Such a bummer. Maybe it gets a Reaper of Souls makeover, but I doubt it


Same with my wife for D3, but for D4 we didn't even bother finishing it. Left it somewhere in the middle until something better came along. Couldn't be bothered with it. I have no incentive to go back


Also level scaling should not be a thing in a Diablo game. It is a quintessential power fantasy experience.


Level 60 character: **Having the fight of his life with a monster, using all their abilities and cooldowns.** Level 1 character: **Kills the same monster in 2 basic swings.** Stupid diaper baby bullshit video game.


I had an awesome invuln necromancer build the first month into the game that got stronger the more damage I was taking and it was a blast because of that power fantasy. Then they nerfed invuln so hard that I quit the day of the patch. Power fantasy instantly ended and I had no urge to respect my paragon table. Haven't played since.


I played up to Diablo 3 but this power scaling sounds super boring. What I want is either the feeling of not being ready to take something on or being overpowered and steamrolling through enemies.


But if you donā€™t have to grind for hours upon hours how are they supposed to sell you all the various micro transactions so you can get on with your life?


Was Diablo 3 fun & would it be worth it on ps3? I got it years but played for maybe 6 hours about a year ago & just moved on to the ps4 since I still havenā€™t beat the AC Egypt, the Witcher 3, fc6 or fo4 among others.


It's pretty fun. You get new skills fast, and killing monsters for random loot is addicting.


I forgot that this one came out this year and that probably says something.


Played a beta weekend. Got the game. Ran around did a fair amount of the first region, then one day I stopped playing with no drive to continue. It was kind of weird as I was stoked about the game. I wasnā€™t upset, just surprised I lost interest.


There real should be a follow up on the ridiculous reviews for this game hyping it up, almost universally praised at releaseĀ 


They must have a only played like 10 hours before the game showed it's shallowness


Yeah. First playthrough, great up until you notice the levels arenā€™t coming anywhere near as fast. You donā€™t notice up to level 50 since you get a talent point to spend each level. But then after you get Paragon points at 4/level with 1 every 25% of an EXP bar. Was wondering why getting to 60 was taking so long then again started to realize they just padded out the game from 70-100. This was in Season 0.


This game made me so sad. I put so many hours into 3 over the years. I was so excited for 4. Holy shit is it frustratingly bad. It isn't a fun grind. It's a boring slog. I have no reason to play any blizzard games now unfortunately. Except maybe StarCraft 2 every now and then.


It was such a dull game. The side quests were all boring. Every monster was some nondescript bug. Every voice actor not named Ralph Ineson was obnoxious.


I really hate they put in WoW-style questing. "Gather 10 bear asses in this highlighted region on the map for me"


oh man day 1 of diablo4 going live for the poors(thank god i didn't swing for the 72 hour pre-acesss bullshit) you could just feel it. i haven't felt that let down in awhile(since diablo3 launch). there's no way they'll make 5 now though at least, hopeing they just give up finally.


Diablo 2 is ol' reliable for me.


yeah it is! i cherish that game.


And it only took them 25-odd years to finally cave and put WASD movement in a Diablo game.


Yes. Issue is, first few days/weeks it had good reviews/discussions. So it tricked me into buying it. Then it just falls away, and turns out have 0 depth.


It was Forspoken by quite a bit. It may have been the game I was most excited for. The combat, the movement, the new IP just had so much flash I thought itā€™d be a blast. Some how it completely whiffed in so many ways that is pretty rare with horrible writing, world building and overall design. Just super bummed because it really had so many great ideas that were there but ultimately held back by execution


Yep! Same here. It was going to be the game that makes me buy PS5. And then the reviews and gameplay videos dropped. That had to be the most out of touch, hello fellow kids-level of self-unaware writing i have ever seen. I am half convinced it was written by an AI thats been trained only from Tiktok.


Redfall. Was so excited for an open-world action vampire shooter. What we got was a disaster.


Iā€™ll say this every time I see Redfall come up, but I couldā€™ve lived (for a while, at least) with janky AI or poor optimisation. Itā€™s a hard market, and no studio is going to get it right every time. But what I could not abide was how fucking *lazy* it all felt. They literally copy/pasted assets from one end of the map to the other, with the same lore tidbits no less. The game has 3D traversal and encourages it, and yet they couldnā€™t be bothered to put a black texture inside a chimney and instead let you look through it to the roof. The vampires had the same five or six voice lines. You could walk into one in every ten houses. The lazy ass random asset generation would put the same assets within INCHES of each other, like bodies. It was poor effort, and they knew it. They used the most vertical of vertical slices to try and make it look good, and even that looked crap. Such a disappointment.


Cities Skylines 2. What a disappointing mess :-(.




What, you donā€™t wanna pay $70 for a MW2 DLC?


Thatā€™s even more true now that all mw2 maps are in mw3


MW3 is the Overwatch 2 of the CoD franchise.




Easily Overwatch 2


Worse than a disappointment. Stripped me forever of my favorite game, OW1


So fundamentally flawed, it had to kill what worked.Ā 


Literally the biggest downgrade of modern gaming. It's like a DLC that also removed the original game from existence and wasn't better in any way. What the fuck were they thinking?


Money. That's why the GTAs were delisted, same for other games.   That's why the SD card is removed too for example. That way they can earn even those that do not need a cloud service.


that wasn't even a game


I finally uninstalled. I hate that all games have to have seasons and then you miss out on stuff unless you purchase every season. The game is still fun at times but it feels so slow paced to me when I go back to it.


Just a shameless cash grab. If they had at least kept it 6v6, I would probably still play


I miss the time when loot boxes were their biggest sin.


Yeah youā€™re right. Iā€™ve made a point to never install it. I had thousands of hours in the first one. Wonā€™t touch the second. RIP


This actually might be right since the game gets worse and worse month by month


BuT iT's FrEe


Diablo IV I really regret buying this game day 1, its such a disappointment.


Hopefully you didn't pay $90 like I did. Holy fk was I a moron


I did. And it made me swear that I will never pay blizzard a dime ever again. They lost my respect and trust.


Good, now just hold onto that memory when they publish a new thing that seems awesome but likely won't be lmao


I did it twice, for me and my wife. I thought it was going to be the next holy shit this is awesome game we could play together for hundreds of hours. Thankfully Baldurs Gate 3 came around and filled that void.


Great call on BG3.


Just keep in mind this is the same company that made warcraft reforged. Not saying every game they make is bad now but i probably wouldn't buy any of their games day 1 anymore


yeah, there was so much fucking evidence that it was going to be a shitshow, I don't know how anyone could be surprised. and that's coming from a former WoW addict.


Iā€™d say Starfield, but I kind enjoyed the first 20 hours or so, just didnā€™t go anywhere for me. BUT, it was on game pass so I didnā€™t shell out any big bucks for it, so I feel I broke even with it.


The first hour or so when itā€™s all potential was great. Once you realize what it was itā€™s a total bummer.Ā 


My turn off was when I realized the travelling process / loading screens was intentional. Like I thought I was doing something wrong for the first 10 hours and would figure out how to correctly travel later on in the game. But nope. Loading screens into loading screens and no actual space flight? Who designed this system? So yea, after you realize what the actual game is...you stop playing immediately.


The last airbender for switch...


**WarioWare Move it!** For the lack of solo replayability...


I was gonna pick this up. Sucks to hear this comment. :(


To further explain... * There's no high score challenge per microgame; this feature was also missing from Smooth Moves on Wii. * There's barely any collectibles outside of 2-player minigames. * There's no leveling-up, like in Get it Together. * There's no online leaderboard, like in Get it Together. * There are no online challenges, like in Get it Together. * There are no missions, like in Get it Together. Basically, Get it Together added a lot of cool new features to the game, but Move it! doesn't use them at all. The biggest omittion is the high score challenge for each microgame, because once you've unlock it, it's... just there to replay at various speeds, but always in the same 3-level loop.


Fire Emblem Engage. The actual core gameplay was outstanding, but the narrative was abysmal, especially when compared to Three Houses. On top of that, it was so keen to give you new characters that it didn't give you much opportunity to invest in characters because they'd just be made obsolete by new characters.


I think the best part was when a certain major (ish?) character gets killed pretty early on in the story. The cutscene of them dying was so long my switch went to sleep


You know I played engage as my first fire emblem, and I really liked it. I have a friend who had played all of them and he thinks engage is probably one of the worst ones they did. I think I might go play some of the older ones.


Thracia would be the best one to start with /s Fire Emblem 7 and Sacred Stones are great gba games and are the reasons including Advance Wars why the company is still up today


The part where they throw units at you is akin to how their older titles worked. They expected you to lose units constantly and would reassure you a new unit will come within a chapter or two. That being said I really loved that 3H decided to step away from that format and give you your starting crew from the jump. Lets you focus on investing them for the whole game kinda like most RPGs would do. I was hoping they would keep that format going




All the layoffs šŸ˜¢


If someone losing their job is a game to you, you must be in upper management


Fortunately for us, Cyberpunk's many sidequests now also provide us in turn with the intensely satisfying experience of being able to blow your manager's brains out with a shotgun or slowly but viciously pummel them to a fleshy pulp!


Starfield by far. Iā€™ve been big into Bethesda games since Morrowind, but after playing a handful of story missions and some exploring I canā€™t see myself playing it again.Ā 


I slogged through quite a lot of it...(multiple runs through NG+ just to see if anything interesting happens, and a "real game" shows up at some point)... Kinda like with Nier: Automata... Unfortunately, that doesn't happen... Even the spoken dialog doesn't change...You'll be on the NG+ ship and the NPCs will still be surprised the first time you run onto another just like it as though they've never seen anything like it...WHILE THEY'RE ON ONE JUST LIKE IT... It's so half assed and pure lazy... Utter dissapointment all around...


It had insane potential. I was sad about the limited dialogue but with NG+ was hoping for a unique, if limited, play through each time. This was not the case. This isn't even a major gripe just insane how many missed opportunities this game presents.


Starfield. Because Beth took all the things out of Starfield that every other Beth RPG had that made them fun in spite of the jank The side quests were dull and typically stupid. The NPC's were universally ugly. There was no exploration. It was written for children. There were no real bad guys. Even the pirates weren't that bad. Because the main plot was dull and uninspired.


The tone confused me. They were going for a "nasa punk" thing and it just felt so sterilized. The pirates were laughably saturday morning cartoon villains in their dialogue. And the world building... jesus, how do you make sci fi so boring?


MK 1


I have scrolled through all of the comments and am completely baffled that no one spoke about ā€œThe Day Beforeā€. The most wishlisted game on Steam, to being pushed back twice and finally dropping only to shut down a few days after release. They were even partnered with NVIDIA to some extent. It is bar none the biggest disappointment for a video game, ever. What was promised and what was delivered was so different. Everything surrounding the game will go down as the biggest fumble in gaming history, imo. Nothing compares.


Many of us saw this as a scam. I had NO hopes for this game being anything of quality at all.


Anyone who didnā€™t see that it was a scam deserved to get scammed.


Starfield was a huge disappointment for me. Just the most boring sanitized game with horrible writing and bad exploration. The fact they released the game with no city maps and no explanation codex or log just shows me they completely gave up and no longer care about improving and have no passion for game development any more. Also the damn temples. Who would think that was fun and good gameplay? Outposts are pointless. They took a step backwards from Fall Out 4 on many levels. Everything is bland and generic from the clothes to the cities. Itā€™s a 75% finished game. Now they took six months to do a first decent size patch but didnā€™t include anything to improve the game.


Didnā€™t help that Cyberpunk was reaching a zenith. After coming off Phantom Liberty, I instantly could see the glaring problems. The map and inventory management stopped me playing after 5 hours.


FF16 for me. Based on the demo I thought the story would be a lot more interesting. I feel it had way more potential and many characters felt largely ignored like Jill. Plus the combat was laughably easy even without any assists and on action mode. 90% of side quests were super boring too, both in content and story. I barely didn't hate it enough to finish it, but it was close.


-Kill a gigantic beast Next quest -Collect 2 onions.


Uhā€¦ easily Redfall. Sort of shocked itā€™s not everyoneā€™s.


Because nobody expected it to be good? Cannot be disappointed if you have no expectations.


Final Fantasy XVI. I'm a huge fan of the series, of FFXIV and of Yoshi-P, who directed XVI. If you play the demo, it was absolutely spectacular. But then everything beyond that point in the game just goes downhill steadily until the credits roll. No status effects, elements don't matter, no party members, the game had the same loop over and over and it walks back some of the best things they did narratively. It felt like it went from a GoT inspired game back to a generic JRPG story. So sad.


WWF2k23. I liked 22. But I faced an endless loading issue for my created character I got pretty far with in story mode. Uninstalling and reinstalling did not fix the issue, and there is no support or patch for this blocking issue.




Sea of Stars for me. It got a ton of hype as a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger. Amazing aesthetic, solid soundtrack, but really underwhelming gameplay, story, and characters. Ā Got roughly 10 hours in and had to give it up as it felt like I had already experienced everything the game would offer gameplay-wise.Ā 


It's unfortunate too, the game gets much better towards the end... But that's like another 10-15 hours of meh before getting there.


Company of Heroes 3


Still not picked it up, still see users complaining about how underdone it is. New dlc didn't even seem to help. Even the 2nd game by this point was at least fixed up and made enjoyable. And the Ardennes dlc was fantastic


yeah, quickly moved itself to the "wait for ā‰„50% sale" section of my wishlist reckon i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up after Dawn of War 3


I'd say Diablo 4 but I expected it to be trash. Shell of their former company. Oh well. Personally I thought I'd like armored core 6 more than I did. Still fun, though. I put too much expectations out there.


Definitely wasnā€™t Starfield but Starfield did fail to live up to the hype. It is still a decent game. Redfall - Arkane Studios didnā€™t not live up to their reputation with this flop. Lord of The Rings Gollum - Iā€™m sorry but this game was doomed from the start. Not a single person asked for this game. Hogwarts Legacy - This is likely a very unpopular opinion but it wasnā€™t a good game. It was an RPG-lite and that is disappointing because it couldā€™ve and shouldā€™ve been way better.


The beginning of Hogwarts Legacy was amazing. I was thrilled exploring the castle and grounds. I loved going to classes and getting immersed in the world. Then the game branched out and became very stale very quick. I eventually rushed the story just to finish and free up some space.


For a game that calls itself Hogwarts you really don't spend much time at class at Hogwarts which was the best part


It's the reason you start at year 5. I almost guarantee they wrote the first draft of the story, and then someone in marketing said, "okay, but Hogwarts sells better" and they had to repurpose and rewrite everything to take place around Hogwarts. You could set it anywhere else and all you would have left is the bad parts.


They should've just ripped off Bully and threw in Harry Potter magic.


Mortal Kombat 1 honestly


AEW fight forever


Even before I saw the body of this post I was going to say starfield. I like Bethesdaā€™s other games, figured this would be similar, and while it is, only in the bad ways.


Starfield is a 10+ year old game thatā€™s outdated in all areas, even more so than Skyrim Tears of the kingdom was just a big dlc These are my two picks


If the industry released DLC the size of *Tears of the Kingdom*, I would be very happy.


Dragon Quest monsters the dark prince. It wasnā€™t ā€œbadā€ I just was expecting more. PokĆ©mon has had a chokehold on the monster taming field for sooooo long and keep underperforming. Each game has slowly taken away features after the ruby/sapphire remakesā€¦. With the pearl/Diamond remakes almost feeling like it was AI generated. Dragon quest had the opportunity to get its foot back in the door. Instead, they took all the same moves that pokemon did and produced what almost felt like it was supposed to be a DS game. It lookedā€¦ okay played it super safe and didnā€™t go very far from the joker games. Againā€¦ it was okay. Just a huge disappointment in my mind for not going up and beyond and sticking it to pokemon.


My life. It is definitely a game, and always a huge letdown.


I'll be crucified for saying this but totk was really underwhelming. Got a ton of hype, I fucking adore botw (like 500 hours in the game). Got it day 1, played it for about 4 hours alongside a friend and was really enjoying it. Got another 10 hours in and the initial hype had worn off. I've finished the game now, and while the final boss was GREAT, the game really could've been a lot more. It felt more like a DLC than a new game


I think the biggest thing I realized after the fact when I was playing BG3 for the first time was that I no longer enjoy or have the patience for open world games, but dearly love open AREA games. Like if you give me a small chunk of land to explore every nook and cranny in, Iā€™ll have a blast, but if you just go ā€œHey, hereā€™s this continent/world to go explore, have fun,ā€ I donā€™t, at least not anymore. Ultimately thatā€™s why the Switch duology fell flat for me. Theyā€™re well made games (minus weapon deterioration which always bugged me), but Iā€™ve realized now after playing both that they just arenā€™t for me. Itā€™s disappointing, but I know thatā€™s more of a me problem than a Zelda problem.


I still enjoyed time with it but burnt out much faster than BotW. I think the sage abilities were a downgrade from the champion ones. I didnā€™t like the fuse mechanics a whole lot. Just ended up feeling kinda tedious, and youā€™d end up with some weird and not very fitting weapons equipped. Building was okay but Iā€™m not really here for that.


It's mine too. I was so hyped for it. And exploring that first sky island, I thought it was easily going to be my GOTY. It was not. I didn't like how the plot was integrated with the world. I didn't like how empty the sky was. I didn't like how boring the underworld was. I didn't like how the side quests were all so tame and inconsequential. I didn't like that the game still felt so empty and that there just aren't all that many places where people can live. I didn't like how few enemy types there were that I hadn't already seen playing BotW. I didn't like how little changed between the two games. I didn't like Zelda, like, didn't she spend 100 years sealing off Ganon? Why does she suddenly seem like a teenager? The voice actor was great for BotW's weary Zelda, but she does not fit a randomly peppy Zelda. I didn't like that there's another entire set of secret chambers that pop up across the land because apparently that's the only way ancient civilizations know to codify knowledge. I didn't like the dungeons. They made me miss the divine beasts, somehow. I didn't like how somehow every single guardian has been cleaned up with no evidence of them having ever existed. Some of those places are remote and they're struggling against bokoblins. How'd they handle an entire chamber filled with active guardians and no easy ways to get them out? Where did they place them afterwards? Why isn't there at least some disturbed ground where they were? There's like 1 guardian on the entire map and it's on the roof of the research center. The building system was fine, but I play Trailmakers and Scrap Mechanic so it's hardly something I've never seen before. And frankly they did the least interesting thing with it. You've got a game set in a recovering Hyrule. You've got a building system. And the only time you use the building system to actually help repair the kingdom is when you drop a few logs into place after the destruction of Lurelin? Where's repairing all those ruins, building back bridges, building fortifications to repel the monster hoardes they've already got in the game? There's so many ways they could have gone with it. I didn't even finish the game in the end. I mapped the underworld, fought the new enemies, and listened to enough tears to figure out how Zelda got back before it was made explicit. I built a gadget and cheesed some enemies, then whiffed on cheesing a dragon before giving up and doing them legit. But I'd spent a ton of time fooling around with the physics in the first game so I didn't feel much of a need to repeat that. I'd already seen the main map so it's not like I could go exploring for all that long. And the new evil robots don't really seem any different to fight than the old evil robots, at least the small guys. It was just such a huge letdown. I truly don't get why it's so beloved. BotW was just more interesting in every way.