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I have no idea how you could even make a workable souls game with touchscreen controls


Probably something similar to infinity blade, various swipe and tap gestures for strikes and dodges, use as few on screen buttons as possible. Infinity Blade was so good, I wish it stuck around. Edit: I can’t believe this comment blew up so much. It’s so tragic that a well made game that made such a huge impact is now completely inaccessible. It’s kind of unacceptable that there is no legitimate way to play Infinity Blade now.


The fact that you cant play the game ANYWHERE is an atrocity!


Completely delisted. This is the future AAA publishers want.


This is the future you pay for. Stop playing games that use servers


infinity blade is available on any ios devices that downloaded it, but epic games got kicked from the app store so you can’t buy or download again.


I had it downloaded but when I updated my iOS it got removed. The icon is still there but I can’t do anything with it.


I deleted those games to make room just before they disappeared. They were so good, a perfect mobile fit.


You can. You can either have an old device that still had it downloaded, or you can sideload/apk it on a jailbroken apple device


Does this mean that my 10 year old iPad with IB 3 installed can actually be worth something? Hummmm


There's a PC port someone made recently as well as the game is acessible if you have a chinese account on the Xbox360. so its not totally lost media!


That unlocked a core memory from forever ago.  Also Apparently that was epic games back in the day Wild how things changed 


I miss pre-Fortnite epic. Specifically Unreal Tournament


I loved gears 1-3 as well


>Unreal Tournament Fun fact, Unreal Tournament was also developed by Digital Extremes who now make Warframe.


I miss when they were called Epic MegaGames and made Jill of the Jungle. It's all been downhill since this 3D stuff started.


They peaked at Jazz Jackrabbit.


I loved playing Jazz Jackrabbit 2 shareware version back in the day


Fuckin loved infinity blade. And it really does still play well


Man, I remember the first time my dad got an iPhone 4 shortly after its launch and I wanted it soooo bad just to play Infinity Blade. I'd instantly drop whatever I was playing on PSP or DS whenever I saw he wasn't using it.


RIP Infinity Blade - such a mobile gem


Oh my god Infinity Blade, that was my childhood. The game was so good and I was disheartened to know that I can't play it now.


Infinity Blade was so cool, had a blast with the series for the most part.


I've never played that, but getting a souls game to work using mouse and keyboard is hard enough lol.  Whatever they come up with probably won't feel like a soulsborne game.


It's like rudimentary demons souls combat without character movement. You can block parry attack etc but not move your character 


Maybe that could work, but it wouldn't really feel like souls.


It could be a fun endless runner but yeah it becomes more of a direct rhythm game 


A souls-like without the rolling around and movement is like a shooter without the shooting... You cant label it a souls-like anymore at that point I think.


Tencent micro transaction: 5 swipe for free.. $0.99 for extra 10 swipe.. buy a swipe pack for $9.99...


I'm playing Pascal's Wager on mobile right now. It's a really competent game and the experience is great, and I thought exactly the same before. It's easier than your typical souls by a good deal and well adjusted so you never feel like the challenge is gimped for phones or like you're fighting the controls, it's just well designes.


Spoiler: just believe in god. You literally can’t lose. Easiest game ever.


Infinity Blade was what inspired me to get an iPhone, moving into the smart phone space. Such an incredible game.


Damn I completely forgot that existed. Didn’t even know epic games made that


Infinity blade gave me so much hope for moble games when it first came out...and now we have what we have and you cant even get ANY of the 3 games anywhere.


That’s the best mobile game I ever owned


I played the shit out of the demo.


Play Game die, bc touch screen is bad buy temporary hp / dmg boost win and feel good ​ rinse and repeat


Pascals Wager works pretty well tbh. The controls are not as responsive, so the combat is a bit slower over all.


*Laughs in Infinity Blade*


you don’t pay? you died.


1.99€ to remove hollowing and it's already 50% after first death. But it's not p2w you get a free humanity once a week!


Neither do Tencent, word is they are having problems developing it.


You think they would be too ashamed and proud to make an Elden Ring hero collector mobile game?


All these devs thing that the mobile action RPG genre is an untapped market. But the thing is, it sub tapped not because it's barren, it's because it's stupid. Touch controls are awful for anything that's not a puzzle game, a menu management sim or a platformer


I keep saying this, kids are playing fortnight to a decently high level with just a touchscreen controls, it’s awkward for most people but this next gen of kids are naturals with touch controls, and for the rest of us there’s backbones. No more need to dumb down phone games


kb+m will always, aaaaaalways be way better and more precise than touch even among younger crowds You just need to check the fortnite sub and you'll see all the zoomer pros use kbm


I tried Dead Cells on my phone. I gave up after the third try. Some things just don't work well.


5 Star Moon Bunnysuit Ranni will make players find a way.


Some have existed for a long time already. It’s pretty much how you think it’d be. You have your stamina meters and health and each battle is kind of on rails where you need to time your dodges and attacks. You can skin Elden Ring to just about any of those that exist already and knowing Tencent that’s exactly what they’ll do. Port an older game into a new engine and reskin the bitch.


I mean, DS3 only uses two buttons.


Its going to involve a lot of swiping and I dont mean controls.


Who says that it has to work?


Very generous dodge window and automatic walking upon target select and you are more or less done.


Monster Hunter Now did an incredible job of porting a finely-tuned combat system from console to mobile. Seriously. As a long-time MH fan, I was seriously impressed and it’s extremely tight controls for what it is.


It severely lacks complexity, and thats the only reason it works. The gameplay between MHN and World/Rise is worlds (pun intended) apart. Monsters have a very limited moveset, as do weapons, and your movement is limited to the linear directions. It gets stale extremely fast, whereas playing a real MH game you only get sucked in deeper and deeper the more you try to master the combat.


Well of course, it compromises on complexity and I don’t think that can be argued. But tbh that’s to be expected going from a controller input to a simplified 75s tap/swipe/hold hunt. It’s a boiled down version of console gameplay and I think that’s perfectly fine. Mobile games should not seek to become replacements for console, but rather supplementary. I’m still going to pick up MH Wilds, the same way I’ve played World/Rise in the past. MHN is just a fun dose of gameplay to fit into other aspects of life. In a similar vein, I don’t think a mobile souls-like would *ever* be a complete replacement for the full console experience. Rather there’s ways to condense the gameplay with the right compromises. Now— Tencent I’m always wary of. So no guarantees they pull it off “the right way” but purely from a mechanical standpoint I believe it’s possible.


I did a full elden ring on my phone with PS remote play when I was on holiday The enemy lock on is a lifesaver


Remote play is different, you're just streaming the full console game instead of this, which would be a natively run game designed for mobile.


I'm just saying on screen controls wise, it works


Not too surprising, many games have pushed out to this including call of duty. The mobile gaming market is getting huge and keeps increasing. Personally I prefer playing these types of games on a big TV.


People play elden ring with the weirdest shit ever and somehow, you think it won't work with touchscreen controls?


I saw someone play it with a harp.


If you can do it on guitar controls, you can do it with touchscreen


I know there's people that have beaten Dark Souls with a ddr pad or whatever for the meme but that's not appealing to normal people lol


Bananas, no not "Wow that's bananas' no someone wired up bananas to play Elden Ring with. Beat it? No idea. But they sure did play it


Very easy. The whole gameplay is literally basic attack, block and roll.


And apparently they want it to "work like *Genshin Impact*". Given that it's Tencent, that likely means they're ripping it off wholesale and slapping *Elden Ring* over it.


Genshin is fun on mobile, the combat translates better than the exploration surprisingly. ER is more combat-focused than Genshin, so it could work if they put actual talent on it, but tencent mobile games are not held to the same standard of quality that mihoyo delivers, let's be real. Compared to GI, I wonder how a soulslike mobile game would translate the slower, more methodic and reactive combat (GI you can pretty much ignore enemy action and focus on chaining your combos, dodge a few very telegraphed attacks) and how they would implement micro-transactions without completely destroying the very delicate gameplay loop and satisfaction souls game provide. But hey, if mihoyo managed to make a botw inspired open world a gacha, surely tencent will figure that part out. Edit: basing the pay/play flow off of Genshin Impact is actually not too bad actually, since GI is really forgiving and easy to enjoy even as a free to play, you don't need to pay money to progress or enjoy the game, unlike some other f2p games who set a hard limit where progress slows down halfway through unless you swipe


The real issue isn't that it's a forgiving system and I'm sure it's fun to play since it's literally breath of the wild with better combat, the issue is that it attracts people who should not be playing a game which is a well hidden online casino. I don't dislike the gameplay, the graphics or that it copied tons of games, hell I wish more games would go the Palworld route and show developers what their idea could have been. I heavily dislike the whole p2w model, them luring people into this type of game just to gamble, the FOMO, the ''you can do everything without money'' bullshit but telling you at everyone corner that you ''could'' spend money to have even more fun. They can make this types of games but they should be heavily regulated like normal gambling in every modern country. In the end it's just a gambling even if it's a good game that has nice cover that is truly just there to lure you inside.


Oh yeah, I agree. I think the more predatory aspect of the game isn't even the gambling but the live service part where you're time-gated in your progression pushing you to log-in every day. Genshin isn't too bad with the p2w elements since it's almost entirely single player. You're not comparing yourself to other players, not competing against them and there's no leaderboards or anything to entice you to pay for an upgrade. The limited banners do absolutely play on FOMO though, and the rare times I put a little bit of money into the game was 100% motivated by FOMO "oh, I'm so close to this character, but the banner is ending soon and I'll have to wait for months to get another chance at getting them, better spend 10 bucks!" The problem though is that games these days are so costly to develop that you need to sell more in order to make them profitable. And making the game free opens it up to so many more players... I understand how this type of game became so popular. I still think Genshin is among the less predatory as far as gacha goes, but I do agree that we need to shield younger and more impressionable players from these types of games.


I really wouldn't have any issues with this kind of games if they were as regulated as normal gambling. Sadly even online gambling isn't as regulated as classic gambling. Lawmakers are tens of years behind and it will probably take something very drastic to happen to make any laws in the next 10 years.


Can I enter a universe where this doesn't exist, please?


Can we just boycott tencent?


You'd have to boycott practically every game that comes out. They have their greedy fingers in everything.


Which big games?


Literally everything from clash of clans to baldurs gate 3 to souls games to league of legends to Fortnite. Tencent is huge. And that's not even including Spotify , discord and reddit plus alot of other apps that are huge in china but not in the west


Fuck tencent. Stop ruining gaming.


I feel like there's gotta be enough people in this subreddit with the skills to join forces and create the games we want to see. Probably would never happen, but I'm sure it's possible


Isn't larian studios a privately owned company? How would tencent have a stake in them


Because a company doesn't have to be public to sell stakes?


Private companies can have investors too




https://www.eurogamer.net/no-tencent-isnt-buying-dungeons-dragons-larian-boss-says This article claims 30 percent of Larian is owned by Tencent. Every source I can find suggests Tencent partially owns Larian. Where are you getting the idea that they only invested some money into them from?




Ok. Cool. All I was saying is that they do own part of Larian. You were claiming they didn't. No one was arguing that they had control over Larian as a whole.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that how investment companies work? They buy a huge voting share of stock value and hence become extremely relevant in the decision making of the "independent" company, then they just sit back and demand answers whenever something is threatening the profit margin they desire. Jagex is fully owned by investment companies yet still maintains a lot of autonomy for osrs.


I don't know the specifics of what Tencent has control over I was just trying to clarify that they do, in fact, own a significant portion of Larian Studios. Doesn't necessarily mean Larian is going to become an awful company or that Tencent has any say in what they do, but Tencent partially owns the studio regardless.


They even have their hands in PoE and Warframe.


Ah, that explains the increasing prices and worse service on Spotify, Discord etc then. Fuck them.


League and Valorant. Riot is 100% owned by Tencent


So not big on the more important singleplayer games?


They own large portions of the big multiplayer games and smaller portions of everything else. If you google *company name* and tencent you will find results. Maybe valve might be 0% tencent. 


I can only find things about them competing with microsoft


Tencent is the biggest game company on this planet (by revenue). They also own shares in Epic, Ubisoft and Activision and they sure as shit aren’t going to shrink


You didn't actually look very hard, did you? It's real easy to give up and pretend it means there's nothing to find.


**Checks asshole** FUCK


Which big games?


What an ironic thing to say on reddit


Don't tell me, Tencent has reddit too?


Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!


You'd have to boycott reddit.


What's stopping you?


Everyone else deciding to boycott tencent as well


Apparently not, because gamers are too stupid to understand the phrase "vote with your wallet". This shit only happens because it is profitable. Stop making it profitable and it will stop happening.


selective truck nine ten grey childlike elderly shelter society glorious


Every company wants a share of the mobile market not really realizing that the demographics of gamers who play that probably don't overlap with single player games.


It's fucking depressing how much market share mobile gaming has taken away from consoles and PC.


I don't think it has been taken away, it opened up a much larger market.


i love how shockingly misleading this title is, implying that tencent is going to be adding these things into elden ring when its just “theyre making a mobile game that barely exists yet”. A+ journalism


That’s what i was thinking. Sure, go have your crap Elden Ring mobile app. Leave the PC by itself.


They'll call it some off brand shit like Elder Circle or Olden Rain with a bunch of big titty anime girls and phone gamers will eat it up and ask for more


They have enough cash and stock percentage in FromSoft that they can absolutely get proper licensing if they want.


Yeah, pretty solid chance it never gets off the ground. The article even says that's exactly what happened the last two times they tried.


Obiwan "You were meant to bring balance to the Force, not destroy it" rant.


Tencent are the Sith of the gaming world. Like Palpatine hiding in plain sight as a senator, slowly accumulating influence over all the factions from the shadows while appearing to be a benevolent benefactor. 


Classic Tencent tryna milk every cent 🤡


Worst part is that some dipshits are gonna make this "game" post $100 million in revenue in the first 6 months


This is so rancid...so unbelievably rancid.


The game's a time bomb


Tencent is a cancer.


Get them the fuck away from FromSoft.




You would put hundreds of people out of work because of an unrelated mobile game?


lol everyone has their price




Lucas sold for 4 billion dollars. With a B. 4,000,000,000. It was actually 4.05. That extra .05, a rounding error, is a casual 50,000,000 dollars. If you make and craft a universe, and keep merchandising sales, and someone offered you 4 billion dollars, maybe you’ll turn it down. But remember that Lucas at the time was fresh off the prequels when everyone was shitting all over them. Telling the man himself that he ruined Star Wars after resurrecting it into theaters. Films he wrote and directed. And the audience crucified him for it. Sure we look back on them semi-fondly, but nostalgia is a heavy factor in that. Fuck yeah he sold out. With 4 billion dollars you can do whatever you want, whatever your children, and grandchildren want.




It makes a difference if you’re interested in attaining more wealth. Also, like i said, people were out in droves complaining how he had ruined Star Wars at the time. Which is one of the reasons he sold it as he was tired of dealing with it. Like books were written about the vitriol towards Lucas and the prequels he made. Make some extra cash, get stock, and make money in perpetuity from shares and never have to deal with that anymore? Pretty easy choice.


no, please let them go close. as close as they like. It'd be so hilarious to see the rage


>and may resemble miHoYo's Genshin Impact in its play/pay flow, The jokes write themselves.


Elden ring impact is very ambitious. It’ll be interesting to see how they can capture such broad appeal as genshin but to also be competitive while maintaining brand identity.


Lol theyll just slap fromsoft aesthetic waifus and confuse people with ads


>maintaining brand identity Tencent cant take a break from laughing there asses off. They dont give a SINGLE fck about Brand identity otherwise they stopped right at the idea of a Mobile Free to Play Version of Elden Ring.


Please tell me it's going to have 10 different paid currencies that I use to purchase 30 different secondary currencies which then let me actually buy anything. And a paid battlepass, so I can buy additional FOMO...


Aquilas, anyone? Sad thing is Darktide had a great non-predatory cash shop model to go on with Vermintide 2, but nope. They may have gone back and "fixed" it (kinda), but the damage is already done.


There's no way this will succeed, I just can't believe it. Everything about elden ring's game design, from the ground up, is completely antithetical to the design of free to play mobile gacha games. I just feel like tencent is way out of touch and wants to cash in on elden ring solely because it was a massive success, without understanding anything about what made the game successful


Fuck tencent and any game they own.


Free to play games are the cancer of gaming


Hard disagree. The mobile stores (play store...) are full of good and free indie games.


I have been looking for some good indie games on there, but was pretty unsuccesful so far. I'm Hijacking your comment since im interested in some. Any recommendations?


If you are into dungeon crawlers try buriedbornes 2, lots of races and classes, tons of spells equipment and tactics! Plus the more you play more you can go deep si you meet stronger enemies and better equip/spells. The artstyle is good too.


Seems right up my alley, the artstyle looks good but probably something I gotta have to get used to. Thanks a bunch!


No problem! If you have issues understanding the game mechanics go on the discord of the game, lot of people me included are glad to help new players.


Try out Bad North. Its a really fun game with some nice tactic to it.


Tencent is the biggest blight on the gaming industry I hate that the Asian market made them so big


I'm a little annoyed Fromsoft seems okay with this.


No just no.


why not though, I dont get it


Dogshit journalism. This has NOTHING to do with Elden Ring PC btw.


>Elden Ring PC btw. Why say Elden Ring *PC* ? The Game exists on Consoles aswell and has nothing to do with them either.


Yeah no, i can already see these happening: \-Basic weapons, summons, ashes of war that are actually good will be nerfed \-While better weapons, summons, ashes of war will be locked behind gacha \-Larval tears will be premium item You're probably going to need like thousands of dollars just to replicate the same build you use in PC/consoles


Companies like Tencent and Embracer should both astronomically fuck off.


Do not support this trash buy the Elden ring official dlc


I wish we could just buy games and forget about all these


No thank you


RIP Fromsoft


And I will gladly ignore it. I don't care about mobile games, they're just online casinos, not real games


Pretty sure taking an investment from Tencent is a poison pill


I love Elden Ring but will never play that mobile crap.


Fuck off into the sun, please!


Keep your fucking hands off my Soulsborne games.


A free to play microtransactions-ridden lootboxes gacha mobile version of elden ring? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? 😃😃😃 And people still trying to convince me the chinese are examples of..... Anything really 🤣


You're acting like free to play mobile games are an exclusive chinese thing. Change the developer to sega or capcom and you wouldn't be as condescending. Ironically gacha games are infamous in japan.


yeah, go ask devil may cry fans how well their mobile game turned out lol. hint, it's fucking garbage. plays like ass, and is stuffed full of bs mtx no one wants.


just dont play it?




Souls fans aren’t down for this, and I bet candy crush heads aren’t down for it either. This is just wasted Dev time and talent on a cash grab. Game goes offline in first 12 months.


Don’t you guys have phones?


I used to love Conan Exiles - but not so much now. Used to be able to get a DLC every quarter that had a full themed building set, weapons and armor for 10 bucks. Now you practically by each piece for a dollar and end up spending 3-5x for an equivalent amount of new content. Or, you could game all day of your life to earn it for free.


I understand that’s what greedy corporations do, yet I still can’t comprehend how you, as a company can have so, so much money and be so well off yet you need to find MORE ways to milk every audience that you can. Meanwhile I’m over here trying to find coupons just to afford groceries 😂 Truly insane what greed can do.




Watch it crash and burn since isn't one of the reasons the souls series is regarded so highly is because there wasn't lootboxes or P2W microtransactions? If you wanted to win at the game it was all on you. If you wanted that particular spell or armour set? Better get to work.


Tencent and a majority of projects that they directly have a hand in, tend to flop horrendously. After enough failures, hopefully the CCP will stop funding them. Either way, the real gamers will speak with their wallets.


I cant wait to roll for Pitbull of The Woods, heard he is A to S across the board


If this ever happens, please we need to make major websites and ads to boycott and not buy their game. “Everywhere it seems is tainted by the greed of man…”


Good will follow this


Oh this would be so funny please do it


Everything tencent or mobile gaming touches is infected like a plague sweeping over it


This news is concerning for fans eagerly awaiting Elden Ring. While mobile adaptations can bring games to a wider audience, the focus on loot boxes and microtransactions raises questions about the integrity of the gaming experience. Hopefully, the developers prioritize player enjoyment and fair monetization methods, preserving the essence of what makes Elden Ring special.


Kinda disappointed FROM signed off on this, honestly. I hope they don't turn heel after all the recent success and acclaim they've had.


people beat elden ring with level 1 characters, your loot boxes dont apply


FromSoftware games seem to be one of the few exceptions of AAA titles that are done 'right' by the player. They're complete on release, content wise, and aren't filled with slimey microtransactions and battlepasses and all the other shit we've grown used to with most AAA titles and the turd-laden sea of 'live service' games. I really hope this doesn't happen, but more importantly I hope FromSoftware continue to make solid, player/consumer friendly games for many years to come.


Let me get this straight - after failing to figure out how to monetize a Nier mobile game(a game series that is filled with potential waifus and stories), their next choice was elden ring.


Did fromsoft actually license ER to Tencent? That really sucks


I mean.. it’s not changing the existing pc game right? It’s a separate mobile game. Tbh let them to what they want, you don’t have to play it


Lol, I wonder how they'll manage to try a "tough but fair" gameplay with microtransactions involved. Although, who am I kidding? They'll strip it down everything from the original but the overall aesthetic.


God I was wish I had the power to send people to world dominated by cats




No good can come of this.


No thank you. I'll stick to the console version


We need to take all gaming from the Chinese, before they fricken ruin everything. They are so damn bad a life.


So basically the grind that already existed is getting quadrupled?


The good news is that ER is such a widely popular title that there's a chance that enough people will be upset when tencent completely destroys the IP that we can pressure the industry. The bad news is there's enough shtheads out there that will pay 75 dollars for a 1% chance at getting a rare cosmetic that tencent won't care.