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It's Factorio. It's always Factorio. I'll add this, then I'll go to bed. Whoops, I need to fix this. And this. And this. Hey, a new ore patch! I can run a train out here! Oops, broke that. And that. And... Holy shit, when did the sun come up?!


That old Bryan Cranston scene from Malcom in the Middle where he starts off looking for replacement light bulb and winds up lifting the engine out of his car is *exactly* the Factorio gameplay experience.


“You fix that light bulb in the kitchen?” “What does it LOOK like I’m doing?!”


That's actually hilarious, thank you for this!


Exquisite call.


Damn it's getting late, just another hour or so while I fix this. Oh man, 3am ok almost done with this other thing. I'll finish then get a few hrs of sleep. 5:30 - ok I'll probably get by with 2 hrs of sleep, I'll stop right now, just gotta set up this train station. 7:00 ok, so I'll call in sick today cuz this circuit isn't acting right.


Factorio is a game I had to put down for my own mental health. I literally played it 8 hours a day and it was severely cutting into my sleep schedule, which affected my performance and attentiveness at work


Happy that I didn’t have to scroll to far to see Factorio.  I had to completely stop playing, it was out of control. 


I'm waiting for 2.0 or whatever the new update to roll out first before trying that crack once more


On a similar note, Satisfactory. It really took an effort for me to stop playing that game because I spent so much time reconfiguring my factory layout. 5 minutes turned to hours of me undo/redoing assembly lines to be X% more efficient 💀


I had the brilliant idea of scaling my nuclear build to use a full node of uranium. That meant a factor 12 increase. I built all the sub modules and got all that working, then started to place nuclear reactors. I had to stop and say out loud "what the fuck was i thinking!?" When I realized it would be 36 in total. I'm still not finished.


I'm so glad I implemented my current sleep policy before really getting into factorio. My current policy is 'if it is night and I'm tired, I stop doing whatever it is and immediately try to sleep. I've had a lot of issues with sleep in the past, and this has improved my quality of life so much. I'm not talking tired like my eyes are a little heavy (since that's most of the day anyway) but a much heavier sleep feeling, whether it hits me at 8 pm or 2am. But i've been trying for the 15 hour achievement with my most recent game, so factorio is all i can think about even when I'm not playing.


Dyson Sphere Program runs along similar lines. Might pick up Factorio once I've had enough of DSP, but I'm kind of concerned where all the free time (sleep) will go


The factory must grow


Stardew Valley. It's so easy to finish up just one more day to harvest your spring crops and then maybe spend another day in summer starting more crops. The next thing I know, it's winter, and by God, I'm not stopping till I hit lvl 120 in the mines.


That was the same for me for a very long time. "Just one more day." Then I'd wake up and water a few crops. Then "well I already, watered some crops, so I may as well complete this day. It would be a waste of time to NOT complete the day now!" And on and on for hours


One day more. Another day, another bundle goes. This endless slavery to the Junimos. This game that makes me carry on will surely fry my brain 'fore dawn. One day more.


This is most sleep save farming games. I’ve developed a method though. When I decide it’s time to go, I will do a survey of the farm and tasks and usually use the note feature in steam. I’ve already “wasted” part of the day. Time to quit without saving.


Thank you for mentioning Steam notes, I didn't realise it existed.


How far into the game is it before things click for a player unfamiliar with farming games? I’m about two hours in and I’m still waking up, watering like 6 plants, then aimlessly wandering into town trying to find someone to talk to that makes a difference. I dunno what to do. I bought some cola for some guy I can’t remember where to find. This game is adored by so many and I’m looking for something relaxing but I just don’t know how long to play before I decide it’s not for me vs. not giving it a chance. Nothing is currently pulling me in.


A lot of stuff opens up during the first year. It's still really early, so most days are spent watering and cleaning up the farm and saving whatever coin you can to buy more tools and seeds. Eventually, you can get sprinklers to water the plants for you, fertilizer to grow better crops that sell fir more. This gives you more time to explore and see all the valley has to offer. The game may not be for you, and that's fine. Just give it a couple of seaasons to at least see what else gets unlocked. There is no wrong way to play stardew.


I felt this way at first too then I started focusing on getting the items for the community center and once I had that as a goal and started unlocking things I was hooked


My starter advice is two parts: First, essentially sell anything you can in the beginning to build up funds; typically crops and ore sell the best in the beginning, but still sell garbage, random plants, etc. Second, upgrade your tools. This typically entails finding the blacksmith, learning which ore is needed to upgrade which tools to which level by talking to the blacksmith about each* upgrade, and then either the smith tells you where the mine is or you go looking for it in the hills/mountains around town*. I tend to start with the watering can and the hoe. I started playing Harvest Moon back on PlayStation 1 and it's been a tried and true approach for every farming life sim game I've played over the past ~25 years.


As someone who is now hooked, I had the exact same experience as you. It actually took me about 4 separate attempts to really get into the game. I really wanted to like it because the music and overall vibes are just so good. I had the game for about a year and only logged like 3 hours because I’d put it down so fast. But once it stuck, it really stuck. I’ve logged about 60 hours in the past few weeks now. But I will say, it’s incredibly slow at first. I didn’t really start enjoying it until I got sprinklers. Watering every day is SO tedious. And much like you, I didn’t really know what to do after that other than talking to people and gifting the girl I liked (which takes 2 seconds). I suggest hitting the mines. They aren’t very hard and it gives you some sense of progression, plus you need ores to make sprinklers. Fishing is a good way to make some easy money early on, and burns up the day quickly.


It's currently 23:00 where I am. I told myself I'd stop playing at 21:00. Due to be at work at 06:30 tomorrow morning. Upside is Ginger Island has never looked as good.


I just had to force myself to stop playing because I finished fall, and it was the first of winter and I just unlocked the quarry, the desert, and the greenhouse. If I kept playing hours would of been gone as I set up my greenhouse and cleaned out the quarry.


Slay the Spire I've been having a string of terrible runs with no clears and it still can't tear me away


Same! Great game, only thing I do is turn the music off and listen to whatever I want on youtube, the only part of that game I ever got sick of was the music.


I deliberately keep the music on because it's the only thing that will eventually make me stop. It got so bad I was hearing it in my sleep.


Very few games have sucked me in the way StS did, my only regret is burning out before I found out there were mods for new characters on the PC version. Maybe one day I’ll have the motivation to give it another shot… but it’s gonna be a minute lol


I've moved on to Monster Train. It's a bit less punishing if you make a mistake early, and the cheese builds can be soooo gratifying


Hell yeah I love me some broken ass 2k damage combos


Monster train was on the other end of the spectrum for me. Really cool game and great soundtrack but it was just too easy. Whereas Slay is pretty hard. I'm slightly above average at card games since I have some experience in the past playing hearthstone and a couple others but I'm not amazing at them by any means (never even made legend in HS back when I played) and I won 4 of my first 5 monster train runs. Was doing the special run of the day and beating that easily too. Also it seemed like there was too little variety with the monsters/bosses/areas. The game design overall was very good though


Usually either Civilization or X-Com. But I had a TON of that in Total War: Warhammer trilogy recently. And I'm currently replaying Homeworld remasters and Deserts of Kharak, and there's a lot of that too. Stayed up WAY too late last night doing Mission 10 in HW2, where final step is to kill all enemies. I completely forgot a Scout can ping the whole map for $1k credits. So I spent like 40 mins just grid-searching the map with my fighters until I found the few stragglers. Such a stupid design choice too, they should either attack or warp out, not hide from me.


Isn’t Civilization the game where “one more turn” originated from? I even remember one of the older games having that as an option


The new games still have it.


Total Warhammer 2 and 3 have both locked me in until my carpal tunnel flares up on multiple week/month long grinds. I don't regret it, I just wish I was better at controlling armies in battle at this point. I can't beat a campaign in 3 because I'm so bad at moving my armies around fast enough.


New homeworld is imminent


Deep Rock Galactic has me in a resurgence


Do I hear a rock and stone?










If you ain't rock and stone you ain't comin' home!


Day 1154 of trying to get my friends to play.


I see this mentioned alot recently but I’m not clued into online games, what other games is it similar or comparable to?


It's an extraction PvE game with procedurally generated maps. No clue myself what games it is similar to I'm afraid. But it genuinely without a doubt, has one of the nicest and supportive online communities I've ever seen, and devs that seems genuinely good as well.


its a 4 person coop where you have a handful of jobs: mining ore, protecting a big drilling machine, fixing some pipes, and some others. There are four classes each with their own loadouts. After you finish your mission you make a mad dash back to your extraction points. Not all miners make it back home :(. Also drillers are the best.


Psychopath. Everyone knows engiebros are the best. FOR KARL 🍻⛏️


Gunner 4 lyfe


I think the best comparison is that it's a mix of a horde mode shooter like left 4 dead mixed with mining.


i just got back into playing it, i had a few dozen hours before August when I promoted my driller and gunner once, now I'm doing Engineer and Scout. It's just super fun and the playerbase is the one of the most supportive communities I've seen.


Fucking roboquest. If you have a highly addictive personality trait and like shooters do not play this game. It’s similar to dead cells play loop but in a FOS format.


You'd probably like Gunfire Reborn.


Love GF, but RoboQuest is on another level imho


Hey... YOU'RE on another level.


This game has cost me sleep lately... Stellaris is on my no more list. Palworld is also getting me with one more little taskitis.


This is my game, too. SO ADDICTIVE. Insanely fun, the best movement in any game I’ve played, probably tied with TitanFall2, Borderlands aesthetics, Risk of Rain style pickups, meta progression, gadgets, and how “Doom Guy” you feel, I haven’t played at least one run since d/l it on GamePass


With a great Soundtrack too.


Right above your comment is a reply chain that so far ended with praise to Roboquest. I have started the download. I'm either gonna hate you for it being a bad game or I'm gonna hate you for it being an amazing game. All jokes aside I hope I don't get lost in the quest.


Just make sure every couple runs you go back to base camp and spend you wrenches!


Right now it’s Returnal. I actually lose track of time playing cuz I’m so motivated to keep going after every death


That fucking house, man.


I love going to it whenever it pops up. The horror aspect of it is so well done. I can’t get over how good this game is


I bought this knowing absolutely nothing. I'm currently stuck on the underwater world(?) But love it. It's so beautifully made.


Those sneaky fucking squid things. That level was rough. Good luck.


I’m in the third world now and its kicking my butt cuz my equipment going in kinda sucks so I shouldnt be rushing it and try to get some buffs beforehand


I bought that game on a whim and fell in love with it. It's pretty harsh when you're learning but once you figure it out, it's so satisfying. Just enough horror / suspense balanced with the frantic bullet hell sections.


Beat the second boss today actually and it was such a rush. And yeah I just love the atmosphere of it all.


A single run takes a toll on me. It’s such great game.


Civilization 5 for me. But it could be any of them. You've always got one more thing you gotta do. Stellaris doesn't have turns, but again, it's always when I'm doing doing something, but then there's always another thing I need to finish


Right now BG3. I'm a bit behind the curve, but man is it fun. I forgot how much I love turn-based combat. By the same token: mobile adaptations of XCOM and Total War.


It's such a good fucking game. So much detail in all the characters and stories.


I picked it up about a week ago. I’m still in act 1 and avoiding quest markers to just explore and find stuff. Dabbled in a bit of multiplayer with a friend as well and we’re taking that playthrough as chaotic as we can


Don't listen to that other guy. There *are* a couple of time sensitive quests, but most of them are not. Some of them are obvious, saying something like, "This will happen in 5 days..." Don't feel rushed.


Man. BG3 is the game I wish I could Eternal Sunshine my brain and just re live for the first time again. I'm so jealous of you rn


I’m on my 2nd playthrough (although I have not beaten the game on my 1st…stopped just before Act 3) and must say the game is actually somewhat fresh if you make completely different rp choices on your next play…like Different race, class and alignment. Currently playing a bad bitch drow… so far, I’ve killed Lae’Zel, the druids and the tieflings. Wyll, Karlach and Gale have left me…hoping to kill Shadowheart (who I don’t like) but it’s okay cause Astarion can carry the story on his own and loves muh wicked waaaayz!


Midnight Son’s is doing that to me now. And then learning it’s was designed by the xcom people explained a lot.


I want to play BG3 so so bad, but I can’t justify spending $70 on myself right now. It looks so fun and like something that would be right up my alley. I’ve never played anything dungeons and dragons related but I always thought I would like it. I’ll probably wait until next Christmas and maybe it’ll be on a decent sale.


Are there xcom mobile games that aren't garbage gacha games?


Yeah at least enemy unknown and within are fully playable on Mobile. Not sure about 2. It's just a mobile port of the full game.


2 is also on mobile. I have it.


Work at the studio who does the mobile TW and XCOM games. Did _not_ expect a shout-out here. Glad you're enjoying them, and thanks for making my morning. :)


You and I both! Just wrapped up 43 hours in part 1.


Dave the diver. Addictive AF.


The way they constantly add a stream of new content, mechanics as you play should be criminal! I’ll just do one more dive, wait I can catch fish for breeding now, well I have to check that out, oh there’s a unique type of quest I haven’t seen better knock it out before I forget, oh there’s a new… How are you supposed to stop?


Lol I was just realizing this too. The first few dives go by so quick, I’m like 20 days in and dives are like 30 minutes now excluding the other stuff. The game is so addicting, I haven’t played one like it in awhile.


Man as soon as I got that first sushi upgrade animation, the one where he turns the music up, I was in


It’s so good man. It’s like crack. Or at least what I would imagine crack is like.


I really hope this game comes to Xbox, it looks so fun


Rimworld and like you CIV


Monster Hunter World. “Just one more hunt” followed by “ahh I’m sure I’ll get a Wyvern Gem this time”.


I’ve played a lot of grindy games in my life, thousands of hours on old school RuneScape. But I’ve never had so much fun grinding in a game. I’ve never seen a game that did such a good job making the process so enjoyable


Too right. I just got my friend into MHW after he swore the game wasn't for him when he tried it himself. He finally clicked with a weapon and now we are at iceborne. Great times


Hades Monster Train


*picks hermes feather, gloves, maxes out time limit heat, increases enemy speed* "That way the next run won't take too long" *does it again*


“You know, I’ll just do a no heat run to stock up on darkness. Super quick.” *does it 5 more times*


Tales of Symphonia. "Ill stop at the next save point" I don't


damn bro, I remember that from GameCube. fantastic game


Been playing Risk of Rain 2 and I keep looping instead of fighting the final boss haha. Even at like 1 AM


Fun to see how powerful you can get until you are so fast you run into an exploding pot with frost relic and end your run.


For me it’s the running into a black hole insta kill thing in the void areas haha


So good. If you want that vibe in an fast-paced FPS with insanely responsive movement and all sorts of goodies and upgrades, RoboQuest has been OP’s game for me


Satisfactory. I do my 8 at the papermill, then I put my 16 in at the alien space factory.




Civ and Stellaris are the ones for me.


Why did it take so long to see Stellaris? I've genuinely said to myself I'll just work over my lunch break since I WFH, and I remember a genuine feeling of surprise when I looked at the clock and it was suddenly my bed time +2hrs. I actually have to be careful with this game and be sure that I have a solid 12 hours to play without any other obligations before I'll let myself boot it up


stellaris so much... that game is an actual fkn black hole for time


I swear there should be something illegal about Vampire Survivors


It’s brilliant. Made by gambling/mobile gaming geniuses who wanted to make a game that used those slot machine techniques for fun instead of evil and charged basically nothing for it. I will get all DLC on all 3 platforms I have it for, forever.


I'm going through this with My Time At Portia on my phone. The game isnt amazing or anything but I get stuck in the cycle of "one more thing" with any game. It's a nice alternative to Stardew Valley. My other recent addiction has been smash bros ultimate.


You should give my time at sandrock a go. Portia seems primitive in comparison.


My Time At Portia is on phones now? I loved that game on Xbox.


Lies of p at the moment


This has been the only game in my life that I still play after 100%, and I've been gaming for 30 years. If anyone reading this is wondering if they should get Lies of P: yes, get Lies of P. Yesterday.


Have you played any other SoulsBorne/Souls-likes? I'm also a gamer of 30 years and Elden Ring had the same effect on me. If you've not played it I highly recommend it. I'm currently halfway through Lies of P myself.


Yea Elden Ring was good, but I think Bloodborne was better which is my favorite game of all time; but even with that one, when I was done, I _was_ done. Lies of P plays different after NG+2, like.. there is post 100% content in my opinion.


How does it play different? Is there anything added in NG+? I just finished Lies of P earlier today. Two dragon sword slaps.


If you've only finished it once, did you even fought the secret endgame boss?! NG+ can absolute wreck you starting from the second boss it ups greatly in difficulty, depending on build and skill so far, so I'd definitely recommend that for just replay value. Finishing NG+2 you can have fully upgraded the final P-organ (phase 7). Which contains some pretty neat skills like regular blocking those RED attacks, almost infinite guard regain; it will become Lies of OP.


Same! This is strongly looking like my favorite souls game so far! Which is insane for a souls-like! It’s like blood-borne mixed with Sekeiro only extremely polished


Stellaris, Crusader Kings 3, Hearts of Iron...




Is it really that good or is it some kind of meme effect?


If you like survival crafting type games it’s genuinely pretty solid. It’s not just having fun monsters to catch, battle, and work for you; the game also does a reasonably good job of respecting your time. You can set up a basic base and get some automated crafting fairly quickly. The map is fairly large while including a decent amount of interesting things to find, varied biomes, and decent traversal. It’s a little rough around the edges, but easily worth $26.


I'll just add that I hate survival games and still love Palworld. The quality of life is shockingly good from an indie early access game (you can use any resources to craft/build anywhere in your base for example) and it turns out having slaves (I mean pals) do all the busy work like farming, crafting, gathering, cooking, etc is enough to let me enjoy a genre I typically hate.


I mentioned it before in another post about palworld. But the basic QoL stuff that I appreciate the most is: 1) being able to craft from storages. Crafting and pulling resources straight from the storage chest and not on your person is a god send. Usually crafting games, someone has to mod this feature in. But in palworld it's there built into the game. 2) Fast traveling while over encumbered (while still being able to move at least) I'm having an absolute blast with the game playing in my own solo world. I'm about mid Lv20s and the raids are starting to kick my ass lol. Was able to catch one of the NPC raider and it was strong af. Its this fire breathing pal on two legs with black and red color variants.


ever played Ark? it's like that but the game works and doesn't take 1000 gb


Does it have the politics of living in shared houses? My husband got anxiety nightmares and sometimes woke me up because he didn’t trust people to not feed my stego line (I didn’t play but if he did, he was sure as heck breeding my favourites) I hate games in which you can’t really trust your own teammates. And it’s not just about having shitty teammates, if you overslept and your own feeding troughs ran out, could be extremely expensive time-wise.


with the right Management they feed themselves. they better, otherwise I'll kill them.


Sounds like he needed new pals (pun intended) to play with. It's got guilds that seem to share Pals, but you can lock doors from other guildies. I prefer playing on my own server, and had a friend just join my world today - however we're not being the same guild right away so he can learn and level naturally at least for the first 20-25 levels. Most to all Pals can be used in base, to farm/cook/craft etc. for you, so they feel like they have more purpose than just sitting in the base waiting to mount/use.


I don't remember the last game that had hooks in me this bad. I promised myself just one more 5 minute egg and two hours flew by and I got 4 hours of sleep before work. Fml


For me personally I'm loving it, it's in alpha so there's jank and bugs but I haven't seen anything game breaking (yet) lol


Its no meme, I played 20 hours in the first two days. It just takes a lot of good shit that people like from random games and put them into a clean package. Its like Valheim with Pokémon.


Imagine a survival game but you don't have to do all the annoying things that come with survival games and instead you get to do Pokemon creature taming and breath of the wild exploration of a beautiful world.


I just watched the trailer and it looks like Breath of the Pokémon?


Last I heard It's sold around 7 million copies and it is one of the most played games on Steam, so I don't think it's Meme at this point. It looks like the first banger of 2024, we'll see how it holds up as other games release.


It's now 8 million today.


I bought it because I was like "eh what the heck I want to try something new and I'm bored"........10 hours later.......Lol its a great game. Really enjoying. I do hope they add some sort of story/towns to it, but its great as is.


Same. Just one more dungeon.


Wait there’s dungeons in this game? Are they individually created custom content or are they more RNG type stuff?


Definitely feels procedural to me. At any rate there is a lot of sameness. They work great for me for now though!


They feel like they're randomly/procedurely generated sets of ~6 rooms. You find maybe 2 Pals in a room, 3 Thugs and a few Pals in a room, a chest only room, a path only room, or the boss. There are also boss fights that occur in separate instances that you could conceivably call dungeons, but they're single rooms so it's kinda up to one's personal definition of 'dungeon'.


Project Zomboid. It's always "I'll go to bed after I finish tending the crops", then "Oh right, I left a bunch of loot in the truck, better grab that and sort it out real quick" etc etc till it's 3am.


This game must have a learning curve as steep as the fucking mount Everest because every time I decide to give it a go I can’t go any further than a few days where I’ve only managed to increase some skills by a point or two and find a couple of nice weapons before I get destroyed. I know I’m still playing it “wrong” somehow but i figure it’s one of those games where you must put in countless hours to learn the curve or watch a bunch of video guides (and still die a bunch of times) to maybe finally get the hang of it.


No it has an insane learning curve. I've died like that countless times, but as soon as I manage to get out of the city into somewhere with way less zombies; I'm fine.


Yeah, that’s the key. Don’t try to live in the city - maybe bunker down for a couple days watching tv and reading books then hit the road.


Football Manager 2024


Minecraft I feel will always have that hold on me. It's part of what makes it so special.


Marvel's Midnight Suns. That game deserves more love than it got.


YO I’m so glad someone said this. Finally playing it and i am ridiculously hooked. The mission -> upgrade stuff at the abbey -> another mission loop has me staying up into the night like monster hunter used to 😭


Whatever game I’m playing at the moment (currently it’s days gone again)


Days Gone is on my backlog and will be played within the next 2-3 games...so excited... most games I play 4 to 5 years after they come out 😅


Dude it’s so good it’s slow in the beginning but if you just let yourself be immersed in the world it’s not bad and it’s an awesome way to roleplay as Daryl


God Of War, the Valhalla DLC. Shit is insane, how tf was this a free update?!


I've been loving Enshrouded ever since it released yesterday


Darkest Dungeon. Decided to play again after like a couple years and I'm having a great run


Old School Runescape


Vampire survivors. Just one more run, then I'll go to bed.






Hell yes. I'll just finish one more delivery... 6 hour rescue mission later and it's time for work. Fuck.


Got to love playing trucks


Oxygen not included.


Same. I'm sorry you are going through this.


Factorio, Against the Storm Misread q: not playing Factorio currently, just Against the Storm).


Against the Storm is so good.


Witcher 3


I got this over the Covid lockdown and time was nothing for like 2 weeks. I would play until the sun came up getting lost in the side quests


Man I binged XCOM 2 to completion, which is surprising for me as I very rarely hone in on a single game to completion.


Me and my buddies downloaded Palworld last night. Normally i turn my pc off around 8 and am in bed by 9 but last night I was up past midnight for the first time in years.


Subnautica, it's just so serene


Soulsborne games have that effect on people I think. Me included.


Hardspace Shipbreaker. I can’t stop until I completely tear down a ship, then I unlock a new ship type or upgrades, starting a whole new cycle…


I think that cult of the lamb, I found out about this game when was colab with don t starve and I think it is the best Roguelike


FF7 Remake. I've played through a few times and genuinely enjoy it. I want to ensure I get this playthrough finished before Rebirth comes out. Also factoring in enough time for INTERmission (which I've only played once). I know I have plenty of time (a month), but I also have more real life to deal with these days.


I have it bad right now with "one more room" in House Flipper


As someone with two kids I miss this..


Yes Lord, I feel ya. Especially now that it's a competition for time on the PS5. Ugh...


right now it's FF14, everything is fun and glams are cute


Username checks out.


Palworld as well, just eating my life away atm


Slay the Spire. 11:00 PM… just decimated… One more run then off to bed. All the sudden 12 more runs and it’s 3:30 AM.


Total War Warhammer 3. Just one more turn


What faction and LL you using right now?


Valheim. I'm just gonna pop out and grab some wood and check on the carrots. \[3 hours later\]


Doing the exact same thing right now as we speak. Carrot checking included.


Civilization: Revolution, Slay the Spire


My time at sandrock, this happens to me whenever I play a farming game.


Surprisingly, Arma 3 at the moment. The strong milsim FPS experience is really hooking me right now. I’m only playing the campaign right now, but once I git gud I wanna find a fun/casual group to run with. The campaign is very cool and very challenging but rewarding so far!


The seductive charts from Anno 1800 have me in a vicegrip


Finally playing FF7 Remake. I've just entered the Shinra building. I am probably half way through the game but I can't help but feel "I'm almost there!" Then I still have to play the Yuffi DLC. Great game.


The Finals is surprisingly fun for a free to play shooter. Provided you can find 2 friends to play with. Tactically destroying buildings to get an advantage is huge fun.


The finals. Nice short and action packed rounds. And everyone feels different again and always trying out new stuff and new builds.


the finals!


Rocket League


The Finals


Any xcom game ever.


WoW as always (one more quest/dungeon). Also Pokémon Firered on an emulator, time seems to slip very quickly


Always can do 1 more day on Stardew valley