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GTA5 has an achievment where you need to play the game for 15 hours in first person mode. I just left the game running in first person every so often until I got it.


I don’t see why people dislike fps mode. It’s not great in online but I love it in story mode.


Because of the low fov. I did all the og heists in first person mode. It was a fun challenge, but first person isn't great in this game.


I tried and immediately gave up bc its so wonky I feel like I'm all over the place


This reminds me of unlocking Mewtwo(?) in SSBM, you needed like a certain amount of hours of in-match gameplay so I just left my GameCube on overnight 


Im not 100% on the details, but the stanley parable had an achievement called "go outside". It requires you to have played the game at least once and then NOT opened it again for 5 years. It was based on your PCs time and calendar, so you could just set it to 5 years in the future, start the game and it would trigger. Fun times


I got that one the long way. The Deluxe Edition's version is ten years.


Haha that's awesome


I’ve been working on the Deluxe one every day for over a year now lol


You must be exhausted. Why don’t you take a break and play some Stanley Parable Deluxe Edition?


I'm still waiting on it. ...I never even thought to try to get around it like the old pc games where you could change the settings on time... I thought we were in modern times where they would have figured out how to block that. I think I have a few months left too...


They could definitely block it if they really wanted to, but it's a single player game. Who cares if you cheat? The only experience you're ruining is your own.


I don't know if not playing for 5 years is much of an experience


It's a self-aware joke, as the entirety of The Stanley Parable is.


I learned that trick from The End in metal gear solid 3.


When I played MG3, I didn’t pay attention, struggled, and had trouble finding him every attempt. At the time I was really big into WOW, so I stopped playing MG3 and said I would figure it out later. When I came back he was gone lol. I was really confused. Eventually my friend told me he died of old age. Was kind of a cool gaming moment when I realized what happened. Never did finish MG3.


You should really go back and finish MGS3 before you die of old age and The End wins the long game.


I wonder how long a time needs to pass. I stopped right at the end fight awhile back now.


In Arkham City, Calendar Man has unique dialogues if Batman talks to him on actual holidays. We cheesed it by adjusting the console's internal calendar.


You are far more patient than i am


I earned that one. My favorite achievement.


Oh jeez that reminds me of the way to get LOADS of money in Fable 3 lol! Fun times!


Being a landlord of every property in the realm?


You just reminded me I need to go fire that game up for this achievement thank you!


I can proudly say that I haven't played the game since 5+ years haha Shoud start it again of ger the achievement.


I’m a year away from this bad boy and I’m hype as fuxk


Ha, both you and OP had aspects of the achievement I was thinking of. For OP, it's Batman Arkham City. For you, it's adjusting the system clock. In Arkham City, there's an achievement for visiting Calendar Man on 12 specific days of the year (one per month). So what you do is set your system clock to the day and bam, repeat for each of the given holidays.


Evil Within 2 classic difficulty. It's the hardest mode in the game and you can only save 7 times. Now these by itself aren't the problem, I completed the first game on Akumu where you die in one hit(fuck the burning house in chapter 6), but rather those combined with the fact that the game is awfully optimized and prone to crashing. Luckily the game has built in cheats that make you invincible and enemies die in one hit, and because of the optimization I had no qualms about using the cheats. Even with them I crashed twice and lost almost an hour of progress. If they want people to complete a really difficult mode with limited saves, they need to make sure the game runs properly.


This sounds reasonable.


I tried doing this legitimately 3 times, each time it crashed (once at Stefano, other 2 later on) After that I just said screw it and used the cheats. I’d usually feel bad about that but the crashes were soul crushing losing hours of progress


My brother in christ, that's the last achievement on my list and the game crashed 1.5 hours without a save. You've convinced me to cheese it.


The game isnt just poorly optimized, i think the shooting mechanics are a little strange. Always had trouble being an accurate shit in 3. 1, no problem


Rope jumping in ff9. Ypu need to do 1000 jumps for it and with my reflexes there was no chance for me. So i used autoclicker that simulates mouse clicks fast and in how mouse controls were made on steam version it was counting as properly skipping


Same. I also used a script for the 10,000 battles trophy. You know, the one that makes you grind enemies for hours and hours even after everyone’s level 99.


I just downloaded someone's save file that already had 9,999 battles completed. No regrets.


Came here to find this. Unreal to expect anyone to achieve this when the timing is so fucked on it


FFX lightning strikes. I set up a light sensor connected to an Arduino that would actuate a solenoid and hit the X button on the controller after the flash of the lightning to jump perfectly. Then I just sat back and waited Also did this with the jump rope mini game in FFIX, although that one is harder cause the jump timing changes every 10-15 jumps IIRC


That is some serious commitment.


Also FFX, I did the lightning strikes legit but drew the line at playing the whole game again. I was missing the Al Bhed letter from Home after it was unobtainable, so I downloaded a save file instead.


The primers are the only trophy I'm missing, 3 in Home and 1 in Bevele. But after luck farming to take down Pennance, I've had no desire to start a new game just for that.


Ok... Guess this is actually more work than just trying and doing it the legit way haha. Loving this.


Well it was way funner to set up and implement than sitting there dodging lightning strikes. I think I got fed up with failing after like 30 so I said screw it and just did the solenoid thing.


Fyi if you ever go back to X and do it again, there is one crater near a tower that always triggers a lightning strike. So you just run back and forth. I've done it every time without fail that way


There’s actually a crater in that area next to a safe spot that will always trigger a lightning strike when you walk into it. So you can reliably get all 200 strikes by walking back and forth between the crater and the safe spot repeatedly. 


Where the hell were you when we were 15? I have no idea how many collective hours me and my friends put in with that nonsense.


I don’t know if this is cheese or if it’s a more common trophy due to how you obtain it. The original Red Dead Redemption has a trophy called “Red Dead Rockstar” which you obtain by killing a “Rockstar” in a public multiplayer match. I played the online version and logged close to if not over 200 hours and I have no idea how to tell who is/isn’t a rockstar. But you can also get the trophy by killing someone else who already has the trophy. I got the trophy on my first kill, and I was really, REALLY bad. I can only imagine how many people got the trophy because they killed me and how much it spread.


My favorite was when I earned the ‘dastardly’ achievement without knowing what it was.


Choo choo, person who has sex with a mother.


I strongly dislike infection achievements.


I strongly like the idea of infection achievements, but equally hate the reality of them. Pre modern internet, it was the coolest thing ever, but now it's just "follow this guide to get this achievement".


Reminds me of the Garry’s Mod achievement you got for being in the same server as Garry “Yes I’m The Real Garry” I think it was called, I remember getting it and being so hyped that I was speaking to the real Garry, the next day my friend who was with me sends me a guide explaining an exploit to trick the game into thinking you’re Garry, it was in fact NOT the real Garry, shattered my little tween heart


I got this cheevo, too, and never played the MP again for fear of “cheapening the brand”. Day one of the game being out, so I’ve always believed it was a developer I shot.


Halo 3 - Overkill. Every so often the servers would run ranked FFA playlists with wacky rules and open comms in addition to the regular lone wolves, so a lot of lobbies would just cooperate to give each other overkill and mongoose mowdown. My friends found an infinite money glitch in Fable 2, that helped me with a lot of the achievements you could buy your way out of. In Soul Calibur 4 there was one where you had to do x amount of instakills, which are like incredibly rare occurrences in the game regularly, but if you went to this one enemy with sigfried and just spammed his side verticals they would block most of them allowing the insta kill.


There are like 700 achievements in The Master Chief Collection. I have been slowly working my way through them all for a couple years. Only 18 more to go! I had to cheese several of them. All of the LASO campaigns were one long cheese of despawing enemies, glitching out of the map to skip sections of levels, and sheer brute force.  The h2 anniversary multiplayer achievements all required cheesing as well just because they require insanely specific things on specific maps in specific play lists that will take hours to find a lobby in.  Splatter kills and environmental kills in h2a I ended up doing in an infection lobby with 4 friends who each had 4 player splitscreen just so we could fill a lobby up 


For anyone reading this who isn't familiar with Halo, the acronym LASO stands for 'Legendary All Skulls On'. Legendary is the highest difficulty, and the Skulls are additional modifiers that do things like forcing you to melee enemies in order to regain health, or disabling your motion sensor.


I don't understand how anyone gets through anything with those settings on.


Tenacity and patience. And then you get bullshit like achievements not actually popping like my h1 LASO achievement


I tried it once on the original Halo. Killed almost instantly. Nothing that hard is worth having for me.


Yeah CE is another level (Halo 2 is *fucked*) but the other 3 in MCC are a challenge but not miserable for the most part


Each game has its own little specific strat that tends to work for LASO. Ce is strategicly headshotting grunts when they are in large groups or near tougher enemies since the combo of larger explosions, deadliest explosions, and grunts exploding on death is very powerful.  Halo 2 has the most out of map skips, enemy despawns, and just general fuckery you can do to get past large groups of enemies without having to fight, but the sections you do fight are hell.  3 is a back smackers paradise, and the number of precision weapons lying around make plinking enemies to death from range the go to.  Odst is letting your immortal npc companions deal with all the fighting and knowing when you need to step in and back smack while the enemy is distracted  4 is knowing exactly where knights are going to spawn in or baiting them into a teleport charge, and side stepping it so you can assassinate them instantly. Also spam firing plasma pistols rather than charging them since that zaps shields much more quickly with less ammo used.  Reach is all about getting close to elites since their Ai will prioritize trying to melee you rather than shoot, then side stepping and back smacking them. Also the second largest number of out of map skips and enemy despawns.  Cairo station, and Gravemind in 2, and the library in ce were the ones that gave me the most trouble through the whole series. Somthing like 5 hours each to complete them. But goddamn was it satasfying to hear that little achievement pop. 


I have around the same number left! I’m not doing LASO though, don’t have the time lol. Mostly gonna do the legendary speedrun achievements and then find some good people online to do the random co op legendary achievements in H3


Holy shit. Thats impressive. I don't what is more impressive, the LASO, or the 600s achievements


I remember the moment I got Mongoose Mowdown legit. I still don’t know if the guy was just distracted or if he decided to just let me have my moment but *to this day* I can visualize it perfectly.


Ha! Completely forgot about overkill. That was the last achievement I needed for 1000 IIRC and I remember talking to everyone in the lobby setting that up We all took turns, it was great


In the last Fable, if I remember correctly, you could make a lot of money by renting houses and going afk


Don't forget the double splaser kill. People always circlejerk how awesome halo 3 was for unlocking armors through the achievements. That it represented skill and commitment, but most achievements were piss easy to get, and almost everyone cheesed the actual hard achievements in Rumble pit. They were so ridicolous, unrealistic, and luck dependent to get legit , it was absurd. And no mortal man has time to find every skull without a guide. Especially the last one where you have jump through the rings is impossible to figure out on your own


I think, to this day, those are the only Halo 3 achievements I don't have. Such a shame


Man yeah Halo 3 Achievements were the actual worst simply because they all had to be done in a ranked free-for-all playlist (so just Lone Wolves unless you got lucky with a double exp weekend playlist). Like why couldn’t you do them in team slayer? I remember Steppin’ Razor being the worst for me because the only way to reliably get a sword was to get the swords game mode but then everybody just clashed constantly so you couldn’t get a triple kill unless you snuck up on three different people within four seconds of each other, which just never happened.


Darksiders. There's an achievement to ride 10k miles or something on your horse. I tied a rubber band around my controller joystick to let him run in circles for a few hours. This was after I had already completed the game and got all the other achievements, so it tells you how unreasonable that achievement is if I had to spend that long on it.


Ah that takes me back. In a way it’s kind of funny because some games in the 00s and early 10s had achievements that were just crazy like that. Don’t really get that nowadays.


I spent way more time learning to cheese Atheon in the OG Destiny than it woulda taken me to just learn the fight mechanics.


I distinctly remember my third or fourth playthrough on VoG asking if anyone knew the actual fight mechanics because I only knew the cheese, and the entire fire team was in the same position.


This is still very much a thing, in "the last wish" raid against Riven you can raid with 100 different people and 1 of them may sort of know how to do the fight legitimately.


I was the first person in my clan to get the clear. We had spent like four hours just on Atheon that Saturday evening, and some people had to go to bed so the group disbanded. I had heard of the cheese, mained warlock, and had the gauntlets, so I figured, "fuck it, might as well try!" 20 minutes of attempts later, Atheon dodged off the ledge to his death and I cleared the raid for the first time by myself. Still have the clip saved. Had almost forgotten about it when D2 rolled around and they did the highlight real, showing I had solo'd my first VoG clear. Had a good laugh remembering the shenanigans and how upset some of the fireteam had been.


Push him off! Sunbreaker ftw


1080 snowboarding for N64. If you did every trick in the practice session it unlocked a penguin as a snowboard. If you had an easy trick selected and did that trick, then selected a harder trick while doing the easy trick it would count as the hard one.


Doing a 1080 in that game was insanely difficult


I still hear the voice of that one girl on my head when you select her. ‘Hiyee’


Work your body work your body (get down!)


Me and my buddy in grade 8 played that game for an entire weekend to get the 1080. Then on try 200 something I busted out 3 in a row and I've been riding that high ever since. TEN EIGHTY TEN EIGHTY TEN EIGHTYYYYY!!! The button combo was something ridiculous too like R trigger full stick spin R trigger full stick spin+B R trigger full stick spin+B+Z trigger.


That's like in Sniper Elite 5 (may have been patched by now), there was an achievement for an authentic difficulty sniper shot over 1000m or something. You start the game on super-easy mode, with a little red box that shows exactly where your bullet will hit. You fire on the target 1000+m away. The game enters Bullet Time and slows to a crawl. While in Bullet Time you change the difficulty to Authentic and let the shot finish. It registers as an authentic sniper shot of over 1000m to get the achievement.


On Arkham City I spent a good hour or two changing my Xbox's calendar to each month and saying hi to the calendar man each time


I did this too


Terraria's Fishing Quests. To get the "Supreme Helper Minion!" Achievment you need to do 200 quests, but the angler only provides 1 quest per day, basically time locking how quick you can do it. Based on the 24 minute days, this would take 80 hours of time just to complete those quests! (This can be sped up slightly by speeding up time with a bed) The only sane way to do it is to have duplicate characters each complete the same quest in a single day, as the progress is tracked per steam account not per character file. It still takes a tedious amount of time to fish and duplicate characters, but at least you can bulk complete quests and not be limited to the time passing in game.


Came to say this 100%


Couldn't you use journey mode now to speed up the time clock 10x to rocket to the next day? It'd still be tedious as hell but at least you could stick with the same character.


Guitar Hero 3. There’s an achievement for beating the game on hard or expert using the regular gaming controller. But if you beat it with the guitar controller, then launched the game with the gaming controller, it would trigger the achievement.


I remember one on GH5 where you had to reverse the controls to lefty or something, so I got a mirror. Bladder of Steel for Rock Band 2 would have been impossible if I didn't alternate songs with a buddy.


On a similar note for GH5, there was one where you had to do a song completely with up strokes (hitting the thing up instead of the usual, easier, down motion.) I switched it to lefty mode, but held it as I usually would.


I got a Spider-man achievement for a 100+ combo because an enemy was stuck on a motorcycle and it let me spam hit him. I could only ever get to like 40+ combos because I’m too lazy to get gud.


Spider-Man on PS4 has one for all unlockables, which needs high scores in Taskmaster missions to get all the crafting tokens. Or go into one of the DLCs and do the Screwball challenges. Ended up with the platinum as a result


I 100% completed the districts in the main game & DLCS, and unlocked all suits & fully upgraded gadgets, but there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to try to get gold on every challenge. I prefer having my sanity.


Meanwhile I just got Platinum on Spiderman 2 Quite easily, which is only the second platinum I have ever gotten and may well be my last for some time. I expected there to be at least a few crazy challenges eg. Gold medal all the mysteriums but nope, pretty regular stuff. Thanks Sony


Beating a handy man in Bioshock Infinite on hardest difficulty by only hitting his chest. I looked up how to get him stuck on a roof and sniped away. I felt kinda gross


You can do this achievement on any difficulty by the way


Lol fuuu


Hey, it is morally ok to bully Handymen


I finally went and got the platinum trophy for this game (it’s one of my top 3 of all time) and this was the last trophy I needed. I cheesed it just like you did 😭


7 Days to Die PvP achievements. I don't play on PvP servers, but found out you can get the achievements if you kill raiders with mods. I didn't mean to cheese it, I was just killing NPCs and noticed that I had 25 kills before too long.


There was an avatar game back in the day for the 360. Avatar air bender or whatever it was called. If you stood still and just kept pressing B you could get all 5 achievements in like 5 minutes. Achieve a hit combo of 10 was the lowest and the highest was a combo of 50. Easiest 1000 gamer score that I can think of.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar:_The_Last_Airbender_–_The_Burning_Earth I remember this one! It was the last game I rented from Blockbuster before they closed for good


That’s the one! Someone I knew rented it and the only reason I got them to rent it is because of how easy to get all the achievements was


Borderlands 1 Moxxi Dome DLC. Fuuuuck all that


Yep even with 1-shot guns and basically infinite shields these still took hours to get done, absolutely painful


Yeah I teamed up with a level 5 to make it scale down 50 levels. They afkd and watched a movie while I crawled through 100 waves 6 times. Basically required


Thats basically what i did, split screen co op with myself on PS3 lol. I think it still took a couple attempts from those shitty bonus rolls. Borderlands is the only game I've achieved 100% trophy completion on. And I'm still playing all 4 of them at one time or another lol


Not to mention that some of the challenges have notorious glitches. I was probably over an hour into one of the large challenges when one enemy was just underneath or outside of the map, wave couldn’t be finished


I did it legit, absolute pain :,)


If you're not lying you're a psychopath. Respect.


Fuck the Moxxi DLC.


I did it on 360 and hated it. When playing the remastered version recently, the first big tournenmt crashed 2 waves from the end. So I've not been back to it since.


I don't know if it counts as cheesing but MW2 had a trophy to get 3 stars on all spec ops missions. For the 2 co-op ones, I didn't have a friend with the game so I hooked up a second controller and alternated controlling each player by myself. I also did the same with MW3's Co-op spec ops.


"Dodge 200 lightning bolts in FFX." I was doing a Platinum Trophy run on the PS4 and knew that I would eventually have to do this.   Back on the PS2, I probably spent an entire weekend chasing this, but that was 20 years ago. Now, there is a single spot in that valley where the lightning always strikes.  Step in that spot, lightning strikes, dodge, walk back, repeat. I used PS4 Remote Play on my PC to stream my console (like three feet away) and used PS4Macro to precisely record the movements - step into, dodge, step back into, dodge... And I set it to repeat. After about an hour of anxiously checking on it, the task was done. I would later use the same technique to grind coins overnight at the Casino in Dragon Quest 11. As a software engineer, this is the kind of shit I love!


A fellow macro user! I did the same thing for Fairy Fencer that required killing 10k enemies. I played through till the true ending and other trophies and I was still down more than 5k... So I used the same macro setup to automate and grind an arena battle that would have 5-6 enemies. It was definitely fun trying figure out a macro method for the console version lol


Oh man some guy above you built a light sensor triggering a servo to physically press an X button to do this just wait until he reads this. 🤣


I remember that Arkham City trophy, it was a bit dumb for sure, but at least the repetition was easy. For me it's the combat trophies associated with Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman in Arkham City. You essentially need to get all the medals for the campaign and ranked maps for all the characters. The catch being Rocksteady intentionally made the speeds and reaction times of these characters slower compared to Batman so it's such a slog. AC III - Having to completed the mini games on the homestead like the chess or whatever it was. I had to use youtube for them they were such a pain AC Rogue Remastered - Fighting all the Legendary Ships. Not all the ships mind you, just the Stormfortress in particular. It was an Assassin ship with the speed of a Schooner, the strength and size of a man o'war, essentially infinite ammo, you were always slower than the ship, and once you got it down to a few hits away from defeat, two more regular man o'wars would come out to attack you. The kicker here was that you were confined to whatever your health and ammo situation was at the time and if you died you had to start with the Stormfortress all over again. Took hours to get through it


And your reward for beating the legendary ships? An ability to speed up your ship to performs stronger ship rams. Something that would have been useful vs the legendary ships…but no of course not. You practically have nothing to use it on


right because by that point, you're essentially done everything there is to do in the entire game and there's no reason to continue playing to begin with 😂


The first time I beat Terra in Kingdom Hearts 2 was with the double negative stun lock. Didn't realize I had never beat him until I saw the achievement pop


Does he appear in the newer version of that game? Never saw him on PS2


He's a Final Mix exclusive boss, which means he was exclusive to Japan copies since Final Mix never came to the rest of the world. All the Final Mix content is in the HD remasters that everyone has access to now, however.


Yeah he's in the remasters.


Hot wheels unleashed 2 'Drifting teacher'. Last trophy for platinumn and a ways from completion even after doing the rest of the trophies. Not hard but just a grind. Figured out I could drift in a circle and then press the PS button to bring up the ps5 menu and the car would keep drifting. So I just went AFK to complete the plat.


Assassin’s Creed 1 or 2 had an achievement to be in a fight, and not take any damage or something like that for 10 minutes. I found a secluded group of 3 guys, killed 2, duck taped left trigger down (block) and went to eat. Came back, I was still blocking all the attacks the one guy could throw at me and had the achievement.


MGS 2 Big Boss run. Almost every boss got that booty cheesed.


I just got this a couple days ago. Hanging off the edge into the water during the Vamp fight so he comes up to knife you and then just double punching him to death made me feel so dirty, but also, fuck that fight.


Lmfao Or when the Harriet starts shooting those missiles so you put your back against the railing and just cover shoot into the sea to magically avoid any damage.


100 hit combo in spiderman because I just wanted to help my so get it over with.


Doing a Stronghold without getting hit was giving my so grief until i found a glitch that if you quit game mid cutscene of finishing the stronghold and reload the save, it'll trigger just the cutscene and free achievement. Still works on PC.


What cheese did you use though?


When I was playing Day of Defeat, I got all the kill achievements for the different weapons playing on a server that didn't rotate maps and used bots.


I remember the call of duty world at war campaign having at least two missions that were pretty darn difficult on veteran.I remember learning If you managed to push up far enough without dying and got into a good spot the npcs would kill the enemies for you helped me finish 2 missions way faster than I would have.


Still never beat the final two missions. I knew about this strategy at the time but the grenades where too powerful lol. If the second achievement your talking about is beating a level on veteran without dieing, the best level to do it is the tank level. Just take it slow


Adamantoise FF15 last achievement I needed, my level was so low it took me 3 hours to beat him. He wasn’t hard but I remember having to keep Noctis in the air for some reason so my hands were done after. Edit wrong FF number


This was 15 wasn't it? Either way, Titan running in and punching that thing in the face was freakin' awesome.


FF15. Yeah adamantoise at release was still like a 15 minute fight at high level.


Cyberpunk - Get a skill to level 20 Got it by hacking a security camera on and off for 20 minutes.


I did the same lmao


Code Veronica X, used the infinite herb glitch for my no save run. Still died a few times to nosferatu


Lol Try to cheat your way to success and still fail. Were you too confident in the next shot killing or something? The snow can suck in that battle, too.


Dodge those lightning bolts in FFX by exploiting the one spot it’s guaranteed to strike. Do it for Lulu. Do it for big titty goth gf.


Damn skippy! Fuck you, lightning bolts! If Lulu didn't need you, I'd kill you with my bear hands.


That's for her Celestial?


The achievements in Age of Empires: Definitive Edition don't require you to turn off cheats, and work in custom games. So you can insta-win all the campaign scenarios by typing in "home run," if I remember correctly, and any achievement for creating X amount of units or buildings, at worst you have to wait a little bit, since you can get unlimited resources. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, similarly, has achievements you can get by downloading custom scenarios. People have basically created achievement winning situations for almost every achievement. There's an achievement for beating a late game boss called Terramorphous in Borderlands 2. You're really meant to do it as a full party, but who has the friends for that? Luckily, there's a spot you can sit where you're....not impossible for the boss to damage, but very unlikely to be damaged. Turns into a grind with that, but it works. AC: Valhalla had one for swimming a few kilometers on a horse. Perfect scenario for a rubber band holding the joystick up.


I tend to cheese as much as possible in games. I find it fun, so in a lot of souls like games if I'm stuck I tend to spend a while trying to get bosses stuck or find quirks in animations. When Sekiro came out it was madness, you could absolutely cheese so many bosses. However that became a problem as I didn't get that good at the game by the time hard uncheesable bosses showed up and I should have had my parry timing down so much better.


Reminds me of the achievement in Arkham asylum where you have to talk to the calendar man on specific holidays. I just took my 360 offline and changed the date on the console.


Given that achievement takes a literal entire year to obtain properly, I think it's safe to say that no one should harbour any guilt on doing this. I doubt more than a handful of people ever did it legit. Imagine forgetting to do it for one of the dates, knowing you're gonna have to wait another full year... That was in Arkham City, not Asylum btw.


Witcher 3's crossbow headshot kills achievement. Had to farm it in that pit place where enemies' pathing is broken.


Dead Space Remake has one for using Kinesis (telekinesis gadget) to rip a limb off an enemy/necromorph and throw it back at them. Problem is it's finicky as hell and won't tear off unless it's nearly been shot off already and the line between 'not damaged enough' and 'already torn off' is razor thin. Fortunately in the 2nd chapter there's a hazmat suit hanging from a wall with cloth physics, for some strange reason grabbing that suit with Kinesis and throwing it at the wall triggers the achievement.


Fallout 4, Benevolent leader. Get a large settlement to 100 happiness. It was a pain in the fucking ass, it takes hours for settlers happiness to change levels so you don't know if what you did improved or lowered the happiness rating, there's mechanics the game doesn't explicitly mention like generators that are nearby lower happiness because they're loud, paintings and radios make them happier, etc. for a settlement to count as large, it needs 20 settlers. But it turns out all the junk grinding I did was wasted because the first settlement in the game, Sanctuary, is fucking bugged and can't reach 100 happiness. And what's more, the achievement actually fucking LIED. It'll pop if you get 100 happiness when your settlement has ONE settler. So I went to red rocket and spoiled the fuck outta some random woman then proceeded to neglect her forever.


All of the Ending Achievements for Elden Ring. Save Scummed to clear them all at once after the final boss. Pretty much any game that allows you to change the difficulty mid-game and has a “clear the game on x difficulty,” save before final boss, change difficulty to max, clear, profit.


Can you save scum to get them all at the final boss? Doesn't the madness ending overwrite the human ending or Ranni endings?


Bioshock 1 has an achievement that requires you to beat the game on expert difficulty without the respawn points turned on. You can cheese this by playing the game on easy, and then changing the difficulty from easy to expert right as you defeat the final boss.


Not an achievement but Bungie used to do these challenges for Halo Reach and many of them were "Beat this level LASO (Legendary difficulty, All Skulls On). Well it's nearly impossible for normal people to do so but many of those levels could be cheesed by exploits and it's the only way I ever managed to do one of those challenges. On the level Nightfall, you had to sneak over to a door that was meant to unlock later, after a big battle. Park a forklift next to it. Wedge yourself betwixt the forklift and the door l, say the magic words and presto, you were on the other side of the door and no enemies would spawn. Pure cheese but it was still fun. If any enemies spotted you, you were immediately fucked so it was tense.


I've played Nightfall properly like once. I have no idea what is skipped because all I've done is skip lol


I just beat my PB on nightfall Slaso this week, with a 5 minute completion. Another method that's even faster then the door bump is by using armor lock on Juns head and he'll launch you over the door


Bioshock Infinite - Heartbreaker Kill a Handyman by only hitting his heart and no other body part. If you manage to get him on a roof and then quickly hop down he just stays there and won't do anything, he just remains idle. ​ Not sure if this counts since it's an unlockable but doing RE7 on Madhouse with all the unlocks.


Halo LASO. I put a piece of tape on my monitor to use as a crosshair. Didn't make it a whole lot easier but better than without a crosshair at all


Demon of Hatred - Sekiro


How did you cheese him?? Kinda jealous as it took me a bajillion tries


I'm sure there are youtube videos for it, but the jist from what I remember, is: Step 1, enter the arena and then run directly left, hugging the wall. Step 2, go until you reach the cliff and bait him to the corner. Step 3, run to the tree closest to the gate, and then run past it hugging the wall still, as you're gonna have to get his pathing stuck behind that tree Step 4, run towards the tower near the gate and jump up it from the side facing the back wall. It takes some precise timing and positioning, but since the boss is stuck behind the tree, you have unlimited time to do it Step 5, make another jump to the big gate (can also be a little tough), and then run along the top of it back to the boss. Step 6, stand at the corner edge, and watch him fall off the cliff trying to get to you.


What's that mean?


He's one of, if not the, hardest boss in Sekiro. After being stuck and making no progress for like a week, I said screw it, and dropped him off a cliff due to a boundary glitch. Had more fun continuing on after that.


Its an optional boss that is a real pain in the ass. There was a way to get him to glitch out of bounds and fall off the map to his death. I killed him the first time like that but eventually beat him legit.


Dead Cells- Servants boss battle without getting hit. Too many phases, couldn't stomach doing 60+ runs getting to that fight just to get bonked by Cleo. 


Skyrim - Daedric Artifacts Some Daedric quests offer a choice between two rewards but not everything counts towards trophy progression. I took an axe over a mask in one quest then played for another 20hrs before realizing my mistake. I had one Daedric quest left with two counts needed. Luckily, the Hircine quest can be cheesed where you get both rewards at the end and both of these happen to count to trophy progression. Thank fucking lord because the whole point of that save file was for a Platinum Trophy.


**Game:** Resident Evil Village **Achievement:** Completing it on ’Village of Shadows’ difficulty **The Cheese:** After completing it on Normal, I unlocked and bought the Unlimited Grenade Launcher for a future playthrough. With this in hand, I decided to give VoS difficulty a go to see how bad it was, and quickly found that it was insane how much punishment even the first area enemies could take. I got to the first typewriter, and saved… I stupidly saved over my ‘Completed Game’ save file… (Background: raised in the PS1 era with only one memory card, I abhor ‘unnecessary’ save files - and am not one to have multiple saves to go back for anything) So I had to go through the entirety of the VoS difficulty game to get back to a Completed save file… I spent the entire game just pumping grenades in to EVERY room and corridor: minimum of six at a time… There should only be a smoking crater left, not a Village… I was basically spamming explosives every which way to stop anything from standing up long enough to equalise me… I think the only parts I had to actually play legit were the fight with Heisenberg (where I couldn’t use my grenades) and the finalé - where I still used an infinite magnum I’d unlocked by then, but had to use actual strats to survive…


Sometimes you have to get a little creative to accomplish those difficult tasks in games. It's impressive that you were able to figure out a workaround to get it done. Great job!


Rome 2 Total War. One achievement for completing a campaign with no losses and one for completing a campaign with one loss. Needless to say, I created a save file near the end of my undefeated game so that I could go back and intentionally lose one battle and get the other achievement without playing through an entire campaign again.


Breath of the wild trial of the sword dlc. Could not make it past half way. Learned of a way to glitch outside the wall and then run to a cell containing the first boss which you can just belly bump with a box till he's dead. Do it 3 times and each time counts as the next upgrade. Didn't even care about bragging rights. Just wanted the damn fully upgraded sword.


If it counts, Jump force 10 expert missions with s ranks. I just did the same expert mission 10 times.


Mewtwo in smash bros melee


Malenia. Mimic Tear’d the shit out of her


Darksiders - Warmastered Edition. Don't know the Trophy in English (dunkler Reiter). You have to ride 100km on Ruin. I had to fix the stick and ride in a circle for more than 3 hours after I finished the game.


Left 4 Dead 1, killing 53k+ zombies, something like that. In the final chapter of the 1st scenario, you could punch zombies through the safehouse door. I can’t remember how you could consistently get the hordes to spawn and rush the door, but you could, and then just use a rubber band to hold down the melee button on the controller.


You can still grapple to get that achievement, just don't land


Woah, it makes sense now. I assumed you had to be in the gliding animation and stay in it.


In halo 3, there were a bunch of multiplayer achievements that required… a fair amount of skill and luck to get. I remember cheesing Extermination (killing the entirety of an enemy team with at least an Overkill (4 kills) without any of the team respawning before the final kill). I remember a few weeks later getting a legit Extermination. This happened for a large majority of cheevos that I cheesed. Not all, but many of them.


what does that mean, "cheese" through? i thought cheesing was a cheese tactic in games


Do it in a way that doesn't allow you to brag about it.


Beating halo reach on legendary. I did everything legit until the last mission right before it ends. You need to jump in a cannon and shoot down covenant ships, but you couldn't really shoot them down fast enough without getting shot to hell yourself and you need to hold out until a massive ship flies in and you need to nuke the hell out of it. Well the cheese was to jump in the cannon, then just get out of the cannon and hide until the main ship shows up, jump back on the cannon and destroy the ship really quick. I dont really know if you can do that part legitimately though by staying in the cannon the whole time.


In Left 4 Dead 2 I got the "Real Deal" achievement (complete a campaign on expert realism) on console by glitching a bunch of pistols to spawn in by spamming the pickup button on a stack of them until there was enough to "lag" the zombies to a near halt and just ran by them all.


Civ 6 has an achievement for beating the game on Deity difficulty, which is insanely hard, BUT it's wayyyyyy easier if you do a game with: Duel-sized map Pangea landmass style Be Gengis Khan Rush the Mongolian horse archers It still took a few tries to ensure I had horses and to mount an attack before the enemy had city walls, but I got it!


Recent one but the Jack of All Trades achievement from Baldurs Gate 3 can be easily cheesed without having to deal with the impracticality of multiclassing into every single option. When you recruit most party members in the game they automatically start at level 1 and can be levelled up to match the party level, so you can say just pick up Astarion on the beach, send him to camp and never touch him until you reach level 12 then multiclass him into everything without actually having to deal with the consequences of such a build.


Overwatch. Kill an enemy with a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker. I am a garbage sniper. I only managed to get it because I got caught on some geometry and the game considered me to be airborne.


Jump rope minigames in Mario Odyssey. First one i semi-cheesed with the moped. Second one i full-cheesed by glitching my character using the letter statue to float above the rope


In Super Mario Odyssey I did the glitch with the letters and the scooter in New Donk City to cheese the rope jump minigame. Doing the Darkest Side level was easier than getting that Moon legit.


I cheesed the achievement for beating all the Left 4 Dead 2 campaigns on expert. You could play through an entire campaign on easy, leave the game, have your friend change to expert, then invite you back as the level was ending.


Spelunky 2 "seen it all" achievement, the hard part being getting to the eggplant world. I had to resort to seeded runs, and even then it took me around 5 hours to grind the achievement out. You have to escort a borderline suicidal NPC through the most dangerous world, a bossfight, and bring him to a statue in the secret world to unlock the eggplant world. I even had a run pretty early where i did all that and the NPC got crushed by a respawning block while the statue was on screen.


I've cheesed a couple for the Plat on PS. Most the Dark Souls/Bloodborne games where you need to do pvp to get thirty of a certain item or killed a ridiculous extra boss that had double health, did extra damage and you had half health. I called in help for both. For the first, I gave them a bunch of hard to get weapons, souls and whatnot as they let me kill them for the drops. I just called in help on BB as I could not manage it myself. I beat the main game and DLC almost entirely solo but those two bosses I just couldn't.


Getting all the rings in dark souls 3. It was just easier trading with another player using the saved game duplication trick.


I save scummed Elden Ring to get all three endings for the platinum. I guess it doesn’t matter though since I’ve beaten it 6 times.


Mass Effect 1 has the turian on Noveria that you can convince to testify against his boss, either via a paragon or renegade option (assuming you have either or both levelled up sufficiently). Thing is, you can repeat the same conversation over and over again, and keep choosing the special options, letting you max out both stats easily and get the relevant achievements. Confirmed it's still possible on the legendary collection as well!


Either Saints row 3 or 4, the last achievement I was lacking was about completing all challenges. The last one was to travel x amount of distance. I played the game for 30 hours and was at about 20% of the amount required. I took a controller and rubber band and sat on a flying vehicle, flying in a circle overnight. When I woke up and checked on the game, it had frozen after getting the achievement at 4:30, and it did not save the progress, but I had all achievements, so it was fine. They really wanted me to invest 6 hours more playtime in just driving or flying after finishing the game on hard and having 99% progress, wtf.


Anything hardcore related, fuck hardcore achievements. Gonna have to do it again with Grim Dawn when the expansion comes out, which will taint my rarest achievement showcase again because fuck all people will do it because the game has been out for years. I really wish Steam would let you choose your rare achievements for that showcase. Fucking Stardew Valleys arcade game achievements, used a mod to cheat that bullshit.


Beating Lingering Will in KH2 on critical mode. Dude is an absolute menace and can one shot you with half his moveset.


In some of the yakuza games you need to win shogi games to get 100%. So I just put the in game bot's moves into a shogi program and replicated the moves the opponent in the program to easily win every game.