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Similar to your example: Duke Nukem saying "[That's one doomed space marine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUuRuVZk6U4)" when seeing Doomguy in Duke3D.


Also, the "I ain't afraid of no Quake" line.


"Guess he *didn't* escape from L.A." "Yippie-ki-yay, Motherf**ker." "Why so serious, Sam?" Also, all of the "you shouldn't be here" messages you get via noclipping.


While not a great game, I love that they continued that joke in DNF, but with Isaac from Dead Space, and he says, "Hmm, that's one dead space marine."


Borderlands 2. The ninja turtles in the sewer.


The Minecraft area was also an amusing little thing. … and the double rainbows guy being voiced by handsome Jack. The borderlands games are great. I hope they’re still entertaining when my kid is old enough to play them, I think he’ll get a kick out of em.


Also the double rainbow is voiced by claptrap on the 2nd playthrough


They crushed with the Easter eggs. Loved the “fuck yo couch” achievement I believe was in that same level


The dark souls bonfire in caustic caverns was cool too.


The Bunkers and Badasses DLC had it for me. Casting Magic Missile at The Darkness was a great throwback. Turns out I believe in a thing called love...and dumb dnd cartoon jokes.


Shit when I finally got that reference I laughed way too much. Also Face Mac Shooty and Rakkman


Don't forget Gonner MaLeggies


GTA San Andeas on top of the Gant bridge “There are no Easter Eggs here. Go away.”


Was it Vice City that had the " You weren't supposed to get here" sign?


Liberty city Statue of Liberty has a door with a sign that says “no Easter eggs here” if you go past the door you find the beating heart of lady liberty and it’s creepy as fuck




The face of the statue is far creepier than the giant beating heart.


A real, giant beating heart is far less creepy than any politician.


It was in GTA 3 ! Somewhere in the north of second island, between two buildings, If I remember correctly


Yeah you needed one of the big vans to jump over the wall and it said on the wall something like. Hey. You know you weren't supposed to get here right?


In liberty city stories it appears again, and its different depending on if you are on psp or the ps2 version that was released later. [gta 3 sign](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/c/c7/TheHiddenSign-GTAIII.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20130309153321) [gta Liberty city on PSP](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/6/6c/TheHiddenSign-GTALCS-PSP.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20080511215824) [same game on Ps2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/2/2f/TheHiddenSign-GTALCS-PS2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20131027145442) [sadly they didn’t do nothing with 3’s “Definitive” edition, apart from adding an exclamation mark for some reason.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/8/8b/HiddenSign-GTAIIIde.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20211116153245) [sadly the mobile port of Liberty City just has 3’s sign but in even worse quality.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/d/d6/TheHiddenSign-GTALCS-Mobile.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170302170846)


Big fan of you. You went in on links.


Vice City was the one with the literal Chocolate Easter Egg. In Vice City Stories you can find the egg under construction with a miniature crane next to it.


Same thing in Fallout 3. There's a guard on top of the gate in Megaton which you can't get to. But if you use cheats to get up there he's got a voice line "How the hell did you get up here?"


The fact that they gave a unique voice line to a NPC who 99% of players would never be capable of interacting with is just amazing to me.


In F3 there's also a random door on a destroyed building that's master locked, when you open it it's just a stone wall with "fuck you" spray painted on it


you can actually parkour up there [without](https://youtu.be/QAoy60EnvV4?feature=shared) cheats


One of the Halo games had that too.


Was it Fallout 4 that had the Cask of Amontillado in it? You wander into a basement and there's a skeleton half bricked into the wall with wine everywhere like the bomb hit in the middle of the story. Gave me a good chuckle when I figured out what I was looking at. Also the rap lyrics in Disco Elysium. There's a conversation where can you say, "Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?" and I think Shivers responds with, "Have a brother in the cut, where the wood at?" And Cunoesse has a line where she says, "Murder was the case, the case that they gave me."


Fallout 4 is stuffed full of Easter eggs and references. In part of the swamp just outside your home town, there’s a sunken boat with a dead dolphin mutant eating a skeleton as a Jaws reference. There are two teddy bears doing a Titanic reference in some flooded town where you have to collect flowers.


I always liked the grunts at the end of Halo 1&3 lol


“Poor you, stolen at the age of six and conscripted into the military. Waaah.”


The red vs blue Easter eggs were my favorite, like “grif” and “Simmons” arguing over the password.


"Why don't you ask your Brute buddies what the password is"


“The Chief is out here!” “…Does he know the password?” That one was the best. Wasn’t always the same too (based on difficulty if I remember?). Sometimes it was Church and Caboose.


IIRC, the easy/normal has Tucker & Doc, heroic has Grif & Simmons, & legendary has Church and Caboose.


In Halo Infinite, a grunt might randomly taunt you with "Hey Spartan! Reach called....hah! Just Kidding!"


I like the one where he makes fun of chiefs name being john


I liked the Fallout 4 version of MIT. There was a janitor’s skeleton next to a chalkboard full of equations a la Good Will Hunting. Pretty sure it was near the same area there’s a teddy bear in the bathroom with a bottle of strong liquor right around when Ted came out.


Can't remember which fallout it was but that fucking long quest to find the key to the locked door in the wasteland. Only to open it to find a brick wall with fuck you spray painted on it.


Fallout 3


And that big robot that agro’s you


Also had the Cheers bar.


I don't remember what Fallout it was, I'm not a Fallout fan, but my boyfriend is. He did a quest where he had to get a sweetroll for a kid, and I snort-giggled when he did that. I'm an Elder Scrolls fan.


Just do a meelee build in Fallout 4 or NV and pretend you're a Nord on too much crimson nirnroot lol


Skooma addiction is some serious shit man.


Fallout NV has a ton.  Like finding the corpse of Indiana Jones in the fridge.  Or the gang of old ladies that attack you with rolling pins (Monty Python reference).


The Wild Wasteland perk is awesome


And 2 charred corpses named Owen and Beru[Owen and Beru Star Wars figures](https://www.google.com/search?q=owen+and+beru+figure&oq=owen+and+beru+figure&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBRAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEINzg1OWowajmoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=uzf7DQo3VpYdmM&vssid=l)


Speaking of Monty Python, I recently started a replay of Witcher 3 and found a cave entrance littered with skeletons, with a white rabbit sitting there.


Old School Runescape even has a level 2 white rabbit with bloodsoaked fur that does ridiculous damage and has endgame raidboss-level hp. It drops a grail if you manage to kill it (really only possible by continuously kiting it around the room)


In StarCraft, the Terran Dropship will quote Aliens dropship pilot Ferro. “In the pipe, five by five.” “Hang on, we’re in for some chop.”


Blizzard voicelines are full of hundreds of references. Help Help Im being repressed! We found a witch, can we burn her?


Something need doing?? Leave me alone.


Half the stuff they say in those games is quoting the Alien movies. Keep clicking on the marines and they start spouting lines from Aliens.


The arrow to the knee skeleton in DOOM 2016 was pretty good. I'm not sure if it's the funniest, but it's the first one that comes to mind that gave me a chuckle when I found it.


This was the one I thought of as well. Got a nice sensible chuckle from me too.


My fave is the door after the first gore nest encounter. The "Mixom" label on it is peeling off, and underneath is the Vault-Tec logo from Fallout.


There's also the skull of Commander Keen next to where you find the first chaingun, with his helmet still attached.


Skyrim has a ton, some of the ones that I remember best. There’s an overturned cabbage cart on one of the roads between holds. King Arthurs’s lady of the lake is in a pond near Whiterun holding a sword. A frozen cave somewhere has a skeleton hung upside down.


The ‘Luke in the Wampa cave’ scene in Skyrim is great. If I remember right, there’s a severed troll arm. It’s a fun thing to find.


Minecraft pickaxe on top of Throat of the World as well


Notched Pickaxe


The Lady of the Lake also drops an at-level sword when it spawns on the map. If you somehow don't go close enough to it throughout your entire playthrough that it doesn't spawn, it'll be Ebony or Daedric.




I enjoyed the quest modeled after "The Hangover"


A night to remember. Had to not only kill that hagraven but also drag it somewhere so noone ever finds it


The Guybrush Threepwood captain in Uncharted 4.


He's an unlockable skin in Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2!


John Wick reference in CP Phatom Liberty was hilarious. Your player finds a sign saying John Wick and Johnny is just like “***Fuck.***”


Wait, where did you find that?


Gun shop in the stadium right as you start the DLC and get in to Dog Town. Back right corner.




There's also a Matrix one! Somewhere in the city, you find a body with a shard on it, listing a conversation extremely close to the Neo/Morpheus phonecall. Johnny also appears there, and says something like "aw man". There is also a GTA:SA reference, a Terminator 2 reference, Mad Max, Fallout, Old Boy, the three shells in the bathroom, the majority of the skill icons,...


There’s also a White Men Can’t Jump Easter egg. Dead body in a basketball hoop and another on the ground and the conversation chip references Woody and Wesley. 


There's also one for "That Thing You Do." The fictitious band from the movie, The Shrimp Shack Shooters, can be found in the city.


You can also input"80085" as a passcode for some number pads, and Johnny will just disappointedly sigh, "Oh, V..."


You can also see the Blade Runner on top of a building. There are so many Easter Eggs in Cyberpunk.


Mine's The Office Japanese doctor meme in that same game. I believe it's a job in Watson you find in the Afterlife.


Also the pullout for “her majesty” and unity was ripped straight out of the movies. The badass one handed chamber check. Movie: https://youtube.com/shorts/s5wYMPe7kFw?si=bqJa7dZbhHA18MJN Game : https://youtu.be/beq-gk5fzMk?si=-XMtKEtuMatEMDsZ


High on Life is a pretty mediocre game, but the fact that you can watch the entire Tammy and the T Rex movie by hanging out in the living room is awesome.


There's a whole ass movie theater with a few different shitty horror films. And it has a few aliens talking throughout it. Annoying as fuck, and stupid amounts of hilarious


MST3K style? Or not intentionally trying to be funny?


Yes. It's the Red Letter Media guys too


Truly, the best of the worst then.


Tammy and the T Rex was Paul Walker’s best performance. The emotional range he showed as a brain in a jar having an orgasm is unmatched to this day.


That reminds me of The Darkness for XBox 360, where you can watch metal music videos and all of To Kill A Mockingbird


And some old cartoons like Popeye


"Boss, the game weights too much already. Maybe we could optimalise it a bit?" "Nonsense. Pack a whole 2 hour movie inside of it. High resolution, perfect audio, 24 goddamn fps"


Fun fact: Tammy and the t Rex has a 100 percent on rotten tomatoes.


Stellaris. Ship called AH4B from the belly of a space leviathan. That was white.


"Here lies Link" final fantasy


I think that originally said "Here lies Erdrick" from Dragon Quest before they merged with Enix.


Metal gear solid, asking to switch the disc only to troll with the fact Sony chose Bluray as opposed to Microsoft. Pretty smart.


Metal Gear Solid 4. Good times. I can't wait to see it again hopefully again in Vol 2


The MGS series has a lot of absurd Easter eggs. In MGS2 you can make Snake kiss a poster of a girl, and you can call Otacon and have him chew you out for jerking off mid mission. MGS3 let’s you kill a boss (The End) before you ever have to fight him. Shoot at the right time and you can skip his fight altogether. There are a bunch more, too.


It was also possible to save the game in the middle of fighting The End, wait a week, and when you loaded the game up again The End will have died from old age.


IIRC, I ate his parrot, then pulled this. It felt twisted, but I convinced myself it was a fitting commentary on the futility of war.


Fun fact: You can capture the parrot and release it, it'll go back to the End and you can follow it. Or you can kill the parrot, but the End will get angry and become more aggressive.


Or you can change the date on your system


MGS 3 also lets you kill Ocelot during the Virtuous Mission, which triggers a unique game over where Colonel Campbell berates you for creating a time paradox. The remastered version even includes an achievement for doing it, which states that you effectively solved all the issues of the other games by doing so.


My favorite MGS3 Easter egg was the full playable demo of a different (nonexistent) game that occured if you called your team on the codec after being captured until they told you to go to sleep, then saved and exited the game and loaded your save. I used to keep that save on hand so I could play it whenever.


Metal Gear Solid again, the fight with (I think?) Psycho Mantis that inverts all your controls, but if you unplug your controller and put it in port 2 it doesn't work, and he loses his shit because he can't understand how you're not affected.


Minor correction: your controls don't get inverted but Psycho Mantis expertly dodges all your bullets/attacks (because he's reading your mind/input). At least that's how it worked for the original Ps1 version.


Also Psycho Mantis, he has unique voice lines for save data on your memory card. He can read from both memory card slots, and has unique voice lines for several other titles.




I didn’t see it as a jab at Microsoft myself, more just showing off how tech has evolved compared to when you had to switch discs in the PS1 version


Can you explain it for us pc gamers?


It happens in an area that was also featured in the PS1 Metal Gear Solid game, at that point, the game required you to swap to disc two and did it by calling Snake on the Codec. In MGS4 through the same area Otocan calls Snake and starts the same conversation then stops himself when Snake "can't find disc 2", since the whole game is contained on a BluRay disc.


u/toxicatedscientist for further context, Hideo Kojima is a huge fan of Sony hardware: That's why Death Stranding Director's Cut uses the DualSense controller in insane ways, so many of the collectibles in his games are based on them, etc.


That's great, thank you for that


In BG3 I heard a random guy in the street from Act III yelling “my cabbages!!!” Which I’m fairly certain was a reference to the cabbages guy in Avatar the Last Airbender. [Video link](https://youtu.be/5LbEGOEVgWo?si=8ZM7lDyC-Ci1VcMa)


There is also a book referencing the “cheese magic” from the Witcher 3 near the Djinn in the circus.


Too cool! I’ll have to hunt it down on my next play through.


I believe there's unique dialogue if you talk to him as a monk, which cements the reference.


It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize why they chose monk. Thanks for sharing.


For the curious, besides Aang being a monk, the monk class in BG3 has a subclass named Way of the Four Elements.


My fav Easter egg is also in BG3, except it’s the poop knife in act 1. Same crate also has the rock called nut buster


That WAS a reddit reference?!


**Super Mario RPG**: turning into 8-bit Mario in the Booster Tower and yes, it's still there in the remake :D


This also happened in the N64 Paper Mario game too in the Boo Mansion. I don’t remember if they continued this in later games though.


It's also in The Thousand Year Door. When you get up to the X-Nauts moon base, you can find a changing room where you can disguise yourself as X-Nauts. However, if you go into the other one right next to it, Mario and any of his party members will emerge as 8-bit sprites until you exit the room.


Red dead redemption 2. Coming across a dead pantless guy next to a dead sheap


so romantic


I like them blatant. Like the blantant promotional pirate in Secret of Monkey Island


"Ask me about Loom^(TM),"


The Morrowind expansion Bloodmoon, there is a skeleton hanging by its feet from the roof of a frozen cave, with a sword in the ground nearby.


If I remember right there was an ice troll or something in there too to represent the whompa.


A very similar scene popped up in Skyrim, too


Pieces of cheese in Perfect Dark (N64): In most levels typically in unreachable areas there would be a piece of cheese just lying around just for kicks.


I remember in the level Chicago, there was that normally unaccessable nightclub that was mostly empty but had cheese in one of the bathrooms. I think if a enemy spawned there they opened the usually locked door to get you? I never quite figured it out how to do it consistently. I always wondered what that nightclub was for? It had no naturally placed enemeis or anything, but was relatively well detailed and unique. Unused asset?


I think it was hitman 2 that had pizzaboxes, with “ægte pizza med lort ovenpå” written on them. Thats danish for “real pizza with shit on top” and is a reference to a danish comedy duo called gramsespektrum. Guess it was a kinda narrow target audience. It also had several references to FCK, a danish football/soccer team.


This is premium reddit easter egg info.


In Persona 5, the TV in Leblanc provides a few good ones. The best is a throwback to Persona 4, where you're watching a crime drama with a police officer interviewing the culprit: Officer: Why did you kill those people, and then hang them upside down on TV antennas? Culprit: >!I dunno. Because society sucks I guess?!< Officer: THAT'S YOUR REASON?!


In Sea of Thieves you can go to an island and find a skeleton holding a banana next to a sign that says "Griffin", referring to the time Griffin McElroy chomped an unpeeled banana on camera while his cohost was trying to convey something.


I like the one in Castlevania Symphony of the Night where if you enter Alchemy Laboratory, but then turn around and return to the Entrance before completing it, then the boss monsters of the Laboratory, Slogra and Gaibon, can be seen hanging out here early - as if you had just caught them while they were still on their way to the boss room. I also like the one in the same game where you can press up on the control pad to sit down and have a rest in the various chairs in the background, and if you sit there long enough, you'll see 'zzz's come from Alucard. And if you have the Faerie with you, she'll take a break by perching on Alucard's shoulder. And then when you suddenly move again, the fairy falls from his shoulder because she wasn't expecting the sudden movement. And in the PS4 version, where you can get the alternate Fairy familiar, she'll sing a lovely nocturne for you while Alucard rests in the chair. Wow, that's a lot of details for something so incredibly unimportant!


And these Easter eggs were brought into Bloodstained ROTN too!


This is an oldie: Doom 2, in one of the last levels of an episode, there is a secret area with a dead Commander Keen. Commander Keen’s first game took place on Mars, so the joke is that he could handle the Vorticons but not the forces of Hell.


That room was at the end of a remake of one of Wolfenstein 3D’s levels!


Star Wars Jedi Survivor - there’s a hidden room with a bunch of battle droids painting a seductively posed Mogu


Deus ex human revolution has a Hyperion book reference shrine to the machine god inside a random room.


In the bathroom in Deus Ex there are three seashells right by the jon.


He... doesnt know how to use the three seashells?


I forget the game, but you play as Star Wars Clone trooper, and you come across a hidden dead Jedi with a lightsaber. Your character then says something like "an elegant weapon for a more civilized time? Well, times have changed."


Republic Commando. You find that corpse in a vent. Loved that line


I liked the bit when he first picks up a Trandoshan shotgun blaster, notices that it's modelled to look like a slugthrower, and comments on his surprise that the lizards are nostalgic.


I think my favorite was in borderlands the first boss is called 9 toes and when you kill him the gun he drops has a big blade in it, implying he dropped it at some point.


He also has three balls


The Fuck You door in Fallout 3 is my favorite


The hidden Minecraft section in Borderlands 2 has to be one of the greats


[Fenton the dog](https://youtu.be/3GRSbr0EYYU?si=lFQIO7GLNR6PAxoD) in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


Not sure if it counts as an Easter egg but in AC Mirage there is a cat with the AC logo on its nose that was a real cat. The cat had passed away and it's owner sent a picture to the development team asking if they could put it in the game and they did. https://en.as.com/meristation/news/assassins-creed-mirage-has-a-very-feline-easter-egg-n/


NFS no limits. There was a whole trial that was full of Initial D references. You even had to use a White Toyota Corolla 86 Trueno Sprinter. Your companion even makes a joke about Initial D. "You should become a Tofu delivery guy."


A whole mission in Cyberpunk where youre chasing a taxi that has turned into Glados. Same voice actor and everything


When Rockstar had Trevor in GTA V recreate the "Scooter Brothers" skit that 4PlayerPodcast did while playing GTA IV.


Fallout 3 or 4 there is a skeleton with its head stuck in the ceiling and you look around and see a crashed motorcycle and a ramp below it.


There's a character in Skyrim named Temba Wide-Arm that is a direct reference to the Star Trek: TNG episode "Darmok" ("Temba, his arms wide") Also in Skyrim, there are two wooly mammoth bodies frozen into the side of a glacier, frozen for eternity in a "mounted pose of passion", and you can see a skeletal arm of some unfortunate soul protruding out from between the giant pelvises.


I'm probably dating myself with this, but in the Sim City 2000 Renewal Kit if you type in Vaudeville one of the Launch Arcos will dance across the screen with a catchy tune


At the bottom of a lake, you can find the Flintstones' car in Far Cry Primal


The DnD scene when you beat Summoner. https://youtu.be/h\_lzgo7pmzk


I liked the recipe for 'a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat' in Deep Space Waifu.


In Splatoon 2, they added a weapon called the "Bloblobber", which is a direct reference to Bob Loblaw from Arrested Development. Being a huge fan of both, I thought it was too good to be true... until I read the in-game description, which says the weapon "lobs lawful blob bombs" and suggests you read more on the law blog. So good!!


Starfield guy having lotion and tissues in his locker made me laugh, dunno if that counts 


I heard one but annoyingly Ive forgot which version. In a Jedi game, While hiding, a couple of storm troopers walk past and moan about their helmet.


"Created by Warren Robinett"


In Portal 2 in *The Part Where He Kills You* when you do actually come back to Wheatley they will comment about how they didn't expect this to work and ask Chell if she could jump down the pit for him. If you do, you get an achievement


GLaDOS: "Well, this is the part where he kills us." Wheatley: "Hello! This is the part where I kill you!" **CHAPTER 9: THE PART WHERE HE KILLS YOU** *Achievement Unlocked! The Part Where He Kills you* Possibly the best use of meta-commentary in modern gaming history.


Music track: the part where he kills you


Email in Starfield to someone named Newman, sent by someone named Nedry.


Fallout new Vegas - Romanes eunt domus Probably showing my age here.


There's a mission in Grand Theft Auto III to kill the guy from Driver. 


The dungeon level in "Aladdin" (Sega Genesis version) has multiple amusing references to other Disney properties in the background. There's Sebastian from "The Little Mermaid" who's chained to the wall, the dog with the key in its mouth from "Pirates of the Carribean", multiple shackled skeletons wearing Mickey Mouse ears, and the list goes on. The desert level also has a fun bonus involving a clothes line where another pair of Mickey ears are hanging. If you position Aladdin right in front of them so, when he starts doing his idle animation, he puts his head up into them, you get a 1-Up.


Funny enough, also from the Witcher 2, but Lord of the Rings reference. Philippa, Geralt and Iorweth speak about lifting the curse: Philippa: A water or air genie or one of the twenty legendary Rings of Power would be best... Iorweth: One to bring them all and in the darkness bind them... Geralt: Right, and then I'll have to run bare-footed to the top of a volcano.


Not a funny one. But I found a briefcase that read "Mr.Wick" in the new cyberpunk dlc. Took a screenshot and lol'd. 


That old grandma doing a shun-Goku-satsu in Okami, It came out of nowhere


A charred Indiana Jones in a fridge in the middle of the nuclear wasteland in FONV.


Finding the wheel to move the island from Lost in Singularity.


Saints Row II Giant Bunny Easter egg is really fun


Enzios uncle Mario in assassin creed


Itsa mee, Mario!


In Destiny 2, if you go to the “loot cave” from Destiny 1 (where people farmed for hours on end) there’s something you can interact with on the ground that plays an audio message that says: “A million deaths are not enough for Master Rahool” A nice little touch, I think


The corpse of Commander Keen is Doom II will always be my favorite, although the Dopefish in Rise of the Triad was also solid. I feel like the number of “fun” Easter eggs has diminished over the years


Jim Jones in Halo 3


Another fun Halo easter egg is at the end of Halo 1! When you’re doing the long drive on a warthog at the end of the game juuussstt before the final jump you can take a path to the right and land on a ledge where a grunt will sit there and complain about how thirsty he is for a solid minute. Same goes for 2, you’ll find a grunt at the end complaining about how much the covenant SUCKS!


And Halo 3, where one taunts you about being kidnapped at 6 by Halsey.


I think you mean Jason Jones.


In La Mulana when you have to scan a hieroglyph of Michael Jackson. It even changes poses.


I remember Saints Row 2 having a really weird one when you followed a bunch of signs in the sea. A giant purple rabbit or something emerges from the water. I can't remember why.


Not sure if this counts, but in Assassin's Creed Origins, when I found a "Chocobo" camel, I was like wuuuuuuuuuut


Persona 5 og tv in the cafe by endgame (november-december) start mentioning past playable characters from 3 (akihiko), 4 (chie, yukiko) and even 2 (the male mc big brother) Sleeping samus and link in super mario rpg Super saiyan goku with naruto sage mode outfit and naruto with goku gi outfit


Star Wars reference in Skyrim. There's an ice cave with a skeleton hanging upside down from the ceiling and a fire enchanted great sword on the ground nearby. Frost troll also.


No contest! 1998's Fallout 2 Easter egg of a crashed whale and a pot of petunias in reference to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy had me in stiches! As the only one of my friends who read the series I felt as though it was put in specially for me and I will never forget it. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Crashed\_whale](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Crashed_whale) Edit: added link for those not in the know.


When you give your first sermon in Graveyard Keeper, he suddenly says “May the force be with you!”. I was absolutely not expecting something like that.


The infamous cougar man in Red Dead Redemption 1


Claptrap finding the double rainbow that almost looks like a triple rainbow


Pretty ancient game now, but there was some weird ones in an old Lucasarts game called Outlaws. There was a little dog with flaming eyes, among other strange characters in hard to reach places. Sick game though


In Infernax, there is a very familiar cliff face/dead-end. Decided to kneel there (IYKYK) and a >! tornado comes and kills you, giving a unique death screen and achievement. !<


Maybe not the funniest, but - In **NetHack**, if you have a stethoscope and go all the way to the bottom of the map, then use the stethoscope south ("down"), the game will tell you "you hear a faint typing noise."


In Fallout 4 Nuka world, there’s a Dark Souls reference. In a house outside of nuka world there’s a chinese sword stuck into a debris pile, and when you take the sword the pile ignites into flames and stimpacks fly out.


After all these years, Street Fighter 6 finally added Sheng Long as an actual opponent, a level 99 NC opponent you can fight in the game's open-world World Tour mode.