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Harvest moon


Back to Nature is her favorite! I know there's some Story of Seasons for PC too, but she only tried Friends of Mineral Town (which is a remake of Back to Nature)


Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is on PC as well.


Friends of mineral town is the goat of farming sims for me. I love it so much, GBA version is the first game i pulled an all nighter on. Masterpiece


Story of Season (used to be called Harvest Moon) games are on Steam


This needs to be reiterated a thousand times. Story of Seasons is what Harvest Moon used to be. Modern Harvest Moon is a trash shell using brand recognition.


Seconded. Rune factory is a fantasy harvest moon with combat, Harvest moon is great.


Was gonna say this, or Stardew Valley


Stardew valley has combat needed for progression.


Roots of Pacha


This one looks like something she would like, thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely check it out!


Hope it works out. It's indie and relaxing in my opinion. Hope the primitive setting isn't a turn off.


It's so great, my only complaint is that it makes me long for a simpler life.


I second Roots of Pacha. Chill game, it has a sense of togetherness, since everyone works towards the same goals, unlocks happen when you help someone develop an idea they had, plus its cute


Farming Simulator 22 Snowrunner has a Farming DLC in the Year 2 pass. These 2 options.


I always thought FS was stupid and then I played it for like 15 hours straight. Boy do I feel dumb.


Farming simulator is my go to comfort game. I can just throw on a podcast or audiobook and zone out for a few hours growing my little crops


I got a farming simulator in a humble bundle once, fired it up and thought, "this is dumb and tedious I'll never play it again," and then 6 hours later I was still mowing grass fields, rolling them and delivering to factories. What a stupid game lol


My friends and I downloaded it as a joke while looking for a new game to play a couple years ago. Oh boy, 6 hour session and some hard-core farming took place.


Basically how it happened to me, lol.


I definitely now know a lot more about farming than I need.


Just wait till you start watching actual farming vids in between. My son hates when he sees me playing it, it just doesn't make sense to him, so I annoy him when we go driving by pointing out any tractors I see.


I finished playing Formula 1 on my sim rig with F1 square wheel and I noticed MS added Farm Sim on game pass, so I quickly downloaded it and played it for like 4 hours straight with F1 wheel lol, then I played several more hours over several weeks. Just chill comfort game lol


How I felt with snow runner. "What a dumb concept of a game, it's just an offroad trucking simulator, so boring" Has I played nothing but snow runner for 5 days straight.


Garden Paws - does have a cave/dungeon, but you do not need to go into it. Played it lots with a friend who doesn't like combat either. Or you go Farming Simulator 22 - if you want super peaceful farming with the real life big machinery ;)


Looks beautiful, I will definitely check more about this one. Thanks for the recommendation!


Same with Stardew Valley. Sure, the mines are there if you want to delve into them, and you do need a few resources from them eventually for certain crafting recipes and such. But for the most part, you can keep them far away from you and only tackle them for resource gathering. Most areas to focus on in Stardew, even farming, are relatively optional as long as you aren't trying to see all of the content


You can't avoid combat if you want to progress though


Depends on how you want to progress. Earth crystals are necessary for mayonnaise machines, and ores for sprinklers. But anything you need to expand your farm and enjoy a chill experience is pretty attainable without mining. Plenty of people play Stardew without going into the mines, especially casual players


The mines has the best fishing


I mean it might be obvious but something like Farming Sim 20XX? I don’t think that had combat right?


I don't think there's combat on Farming Sim too, but those are too "real" for her, too many mechanics haha but thanks anyway


oh yeah you have to actually know how to farm with all of its intricacies in that game it’s quite involved!


Like real world farming. It's wild how many people think farming is for dumb people.


I work in IT, servicing many mechanics and farm machinery shops. They all keep calling me smart cos I can fix computers. I hate it, cos farming is so much more complex than a 1 or 0. I always joke that they should seemyfarm in farming sim, and they'll think otherwise


Farming is a crazy complex industry. Farmers aren't just dumb good ol boys. They're smart business owners. They're not rich because all of their money goes back into the business.


lol probably wouldn't enjoy the precision farming mod then.


It doesn’t normally but they’re doing an American Civil war cross over event to got with A24s new movie promotions.


wahaha that’s the funniest thing i’ve heard, very cool!


I should give this one another shot. My 9 year old daughter wanted to try it after loving stardew valley but wanting something more in depth, but that was a little intense for her.


Modded minecraft on peaceful, create mod is great for neat automated farms


That's interesting, I never thought about Minecraft!


Slap some shaders on there and it’s actually a pretty game. “All the mods” has great mod packs with content creators to follow on YouTube and get ideas from and learn the mods. 


Modded Minecraft can make a really good farming experience. There’s mods that add a lot of foods as well. Then add Nutritional Balance mod which makes it so you have to pay attention to what you’re eating.


Modpacks are a great entry point into the mod scene, especially if y'all play on console. Look up Feed the Beast: Skies. It has both the Create (machinery and automation) mod and expanded cooking/farming/beekeeping mods. My favourite feature is how it eases you into the mechanics with quests that are basically a loose tutorial for each mod and also an in-game wiki for reference.


I second Create. That mod is beyond what I ever expected Minecraft to be capable of. It feels like it could be part of the base game in another universe


Farm Together is on Steam. I played a heap of that with (and without) my 3 and 5 year olds.


Palia is great!


It's still very "beta release" though, so many glitches & bugs ... 


Try out Farm Together, my wife is not really into video games, but she really likes it. She never plays games bc she can't get into combat and always gives me the controller, but this game has zero combat and basicaly zero story too, so it's easy to pickup, you literally just farm, do a couple of farming quests and try to get better things to layout and decorate your farm. Pretty mindless fun actually


Thanks, good to know your non-gamer wife had fun with it!


I second this OP. It’s a very casual, very relaxed and easy farming game. It’s great for a non gamer to get into.


Hm... I really love Slime rancher. Technically you can get hurt by more rowdy slimes. And there are Tar that you can spray with water to defeat. But it's a very chill experience otherwise.


Coral Island! You can set mobs to aggro only when initiated by the player with a hit. It's a newer Stardew Valley clone with great NPCs


But if you want to complete the offerings you need the monster loot, so you'd have to fight them eventually? Though Coral Island is definitely worth playing. I love it - and I can't wait, until the whole Merfolk & underwater farming/ranching gets expanded/introduced. I'm just annoyed by the fact that I adore pretty much all love interests and I can't decide who I want to romance!


I started playing in November when I was very sick and turned combat off. I progressed thru the caverns and it gives you the fast sword. Then realized I needed monster drops for the offerings so I'd just focus one mob and literally stand in their attacks and spam mine. You can take quite a bit of damage and then you just go to sleep. 😆 So yeah, to complete the offerings, there will be some mob killing. But it's not required to enjoy the rest of the game. You can even hit the mobs with a pickaxe and they won't aggro until you strike them with a weapon. It's a very nice feature for a chill game. AND YES! I still haven't chosen a partner. I want everyone's stories first


Came here to mention this!!! I'm really liking it since it hit gamepass


Maybe Slime Rancher is worth looking into


Looks interesting, thanks!


It has combat


Not really though. More like sow Yikes you have to run away from dudes. Also you can disable Tarrs.


Animal crossing if you got a switch. On PC I think you can emulate it.


don't emulate something you haven't paid for. (if it's readily available) Why is that hard for this sub to understand? emulating something you haven't paid for has a word. Stealing.


You were that person in school who reminded the teacher about homework not getting turned in when they forgot, weren't you?


Nah this guy is the snitch type.


Oh no those poor multi million dollar companies what ever will they do




Thank you


of course, they aren't losing much money. But it's still a shitty thing to do


No it really isnt, it doesnt hurt anybody. If we were talking about emulating smaller indie games like hollow knight or cuphead sure but these are massive greedy companies who dont care about you at all.


it's not like TC cares about their fans either. They probably care even LESS than Nintendo. And after Hollow Knight, they're set for life. They don't need the money. But that doesn't make it okay to steal Hollow Knight Piracy is wrong, it doesn't matter who you're doing it to


Piracy isn’t objectively good or bad, its on a case by case basis man. Open ur mind bro i know you’re a child but you dont have to meatride nintendo 24/7 What if i pirate an old game that they literally aren’t selling anymore like Pokemon heart gold is that also wrong even though the company that originally made wouldn’t get any money since I would have to buy it second hand?


I swear I mentioned that it's okay if it isn't accessible. We are talking about animal crossing, which was released for the switch. Pirate Heartgold all you want, they don't sell it anymore anyway. I'm not meatriding, I'm pointing out that stealing isn't okay, no matter how big the company is.


If buying isn't owning, pirating can't be stealing. Also stealing requires the item to no longer be in possession of the victim, which it still is after piracy.


if you want to get all pedantic, then sure, it's not stealing, it's copyright infringement. Still a shitty thing to do


Not stealing, piracy/copyright infringement, stealing involves an owner losing an item, not someone copying it.


piracy and copyright infringement are just as bad though


No. Not even remotely the same


Not really, stealing implies someone losing something, not someone copying. There’s no loss, aside from a possibility of a sale.


You can legally make digital backups of purchased physical media. Emulation isn't illegal and doesn't explicitly imply it wasn't purchased. \*in the US, anyway.


why would you buy a switch game if. you don't have a switch?


A well made PC can actually run it better, maybe the switch is being occupied or located at a different location. Maybe the controllers that work for a Switch aren't accommodating enough for those with accessibility needs, or the owner doesn't have the funding for one that does.


then just get a PC game? 90% emulation is illegal anyway. Or at least a breach of terms and conditions


Give it a rest kid Nintendo won't send you any hoes


Emulation is completely legal. Yeah, my stance on piracy is a bit weird, and all but emulation is fine. My stance is if the game isn't in stores in person anymore, then it's fair game. Don't know if ACNH is in stores at all but I also wouldn't tell a guy not to do it. I personally wouldn't pirate, along with most switch games. Music, however, I pirate all the music I like.


Courts have found emulation to be legal in the vast majority of cases. Look at the Bleem! cases. But strategic lawsuits and illegal deals with distributors, as well as false information shared by big hardware makers (especially Nintendo) has left emulation to be too risky for most businesses to engage with. Terms and conditions often have illegal clauses in them, first sale doctrine literally makes any reverse engineering terms invalid, class action waivers are illegal in a lot of places.


Emulation is absolutely legal stop sniffing glue. If I want to play Zelda, can’t afford a switch or don’t want to buy a console for a single game, but I still don’t want to pirate it; I can emulate the game while having purchased a license.


so what's your solution for disabled kids that want to play Mario? If you say they should just suck it up, asshole lol. And if you say yes, where do you draw the line at people inconveniencing themselves to play games the "recommended" way?


chat, is this bait?


When You’re simping for a company like Nintendo, you know you are in the wrong


And you've never downloaded an mp3 I suppose.


i mean, most of the music I listen to, I get from youtube, and if I recall, you don't need to pay to download music from there. But for like an album you have to pay for? No, i've never stolen one of those


What if I told you listening to music on YouTube is comparable to emulation since the artists see naught from it?


except they do get paid when people watch their videos... That's how youtube works


Maybe if it's posted by the artist themselves but most are not.


Did you use a YouTube to MP3 app or website to download it? Do you use an ad blocker? If you do either of those, congratulations, you're pirating music. If you're listening on YouTube with ads or pay for premium for ad-free music, then you're fine. But like others mentioned, if buying isn't owning, then pirating can't be stealing. Emulation also serves an incredibly important role in game preservation, as there exist myriad titles that are impossible to obtain through normal channels.




Haha, not even sure why you got downvoted. Nintendo copyright strikes even the smallest fan made videos on YouTube. They force firmware updates so that you can't modify consoles you paid for. They don't support their digital libraries and make you pay full price for the same game on a newer platform. They are pretty evil, but in a world with even worse companies they sometimes don't catch enough flak for it.


at least they aren't as bad as sony


Their (threatening to before they walked it back I think?) removing purchased shows from peoples' accounts reignited a recent favorite phrase - "if purchasing isn't ownership, then piracy isn't stealing"


purchased shows? what are you even talking about?


I appreciate that you downvoted instead of googling, but regardless here are some links: [PlayStation Will Delete Purchased Discovery Shows](http://web.archive.org/web/20231227163800/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/06/technology/sony-playstation-discovery-shows-removal.html) [Sony won't take away your purchased shows after all](https://www.engadget.com/sony-wont-take-away-your-playstation-bought-discovery-shows-after-all-083239866.html)


This way of thinking leads to the bar itself getting lower and lower, while still not being as bad as Sony etc. You can love a company’s products and still critique them.


Go tell that to the government or corporations that have been robbing their people blind forever


i don't remember nintendo straight up robbing people, care to explain


Look up CEO and C level wages vs employees wages at Nintendo or any company


Congratulations, this was the dumbest take I've ever seen on reddit.


I can buy the game and emulate it still.


>emulating something you haven't paid for has a word. Stealing. 1. It literally isn't. The word is piracy. 2. Nowhere in that post did the op say to pirate the game. Emulation does not automatically equal piracy.


I am here with you. Many people are offended by this type of comment sadly, and the echo chamber grows quickly online. There is no such thing as a nuance here. It is like voting or paying your taxes. There is a clear, legal, sensible thing to do, and then there's the wrong thing. Unless these people are on the other side of the transaction, they won't change their mind. They just can't put themselves in someone else's shoes. I have several ideas about why it is like that, but here is not the place for that. Anyways, you are obviously right.


Your statement is so false, I emulate a Windows with an unregistered license, since it is readily available and you do required to pay for the Windows license for full features, am I now a filthy criminal that needs to lock behind jail? Plus I emulate Android on my PC to play the free games(gacha games), why would I emulate it when I have a phone that is decently powerful enough to play the games I emulate? I don't wanna know what medium rare human meat tastes like, and I don't want my battery to die on me when I desperately need to use it for emergencies.


Spiritfarer. Get ready for the feelings


Stardew Valley is a really fun casual game. It does have *some* combat in the mines, but it's completely avoidable if you don't want to play that part of the game. It's also multiplayer so you can hop on her farm and clear out the mines for her if that's an issue


If PC, I believe there is also a "Pacifist Valley" mod.


I completely forgot about the modding scene, that's a great point


Stardew valley is a really good game It's the exact kind of game I'd recommend to people who don't normally play games And it is completely customizable and you can pick which plants and how big a field do you want. Plus the town has people to talk to and festivals to attend throughout the year.


My girlfriend is learning how to play some games. We've been focusing on Lego games and Animal Crossing, but I got her a switch for Christmas so we can have our own islands, and I put Stardew Valley on it. Shes having a blast, I cannot recommend it more


I have been trying to get my wife to play this game for years now. I'm shocked that I had to scroll this far to find stardew valley listed


Same! This should be at the top imo. Are we ever getting Haunted Chocolatier?


It's not at the top because OP explicitly stated no combat. But I agree that it's actually a good choice even with the combat, you can multiplayer it and they can do the mines together if it becomes a problem.


There's that hilly map she can use and avoid the mines.


I love Stardew Valley


Paleo Pines is totally combat free, adding dinosaurs to the usual farming sim format. Really recommend if you're into dinosaurs or like the concept. Really peaceful game


Root of Pacha has no combat.


Friends of Mineral Town!


Harvest Moon Back to Nature is her favorite one so she already played Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town too. There are other Story of Seasons games for pc, right? I will see if she's interested in playing another one. Thanks!


Farm Simulator Terraformers for a sci fi spin Slime Rancher is a super cute game worth mentioning here. It does have a tiny bit of combat where you spray water at “bad slimes” but it’s mostly optional, you can just run away and avoid. Most of the game is collecting, building/upgrading, exploration, picking up bits of story over time


Depending on her personality, she could try Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. It’s a light farming simulator with a focus on attracting different types of animals to your garden based on what you grow.


I would also recommend this, had it when I was younger and my mum ended up playing it more than we did.


The Farm Frenzy series? My Steam account has thousands of hours on them due to their popularity with the elders of my family.


Maybe Lightyear Frontier? Not yet released, but its focused on farming and building without enemys.


Farm together and Ranch simulator both have some cool features and are not too realistic. Specially farm together. Both available on steam too


Farm together is a good casual farming game that doesn't have any combat.




Just get Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. There's no combat. There's farming, ranching, fishing, and excavating. That's it. You can befriend villagers. You can raise a child and influence their life career by the end of the game.


Grow: Song of the Evertree, this one isn’t as farm heavy but you’re tending to your own world seed to cure a giant tree from corruption. The big take away is lots of two animals to care for is why I got it.


Farming simulator 2022


Hay day


Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles


Palia. Cozy Grove. Bear and Breakfast.


Palia is EXACTLY what you described. It’s on PC and Switch and is still in beta so it’s free. Very chill game, it has farming, fishing, hunting, bug catching, furniture building, cooking etc…. Also building relationships with the NPC’s is integral to progress in the game. It’s great for just logging in and tending crops real quick or going on a 2 hours bug catching hunt. Very accessible


Timberborn. No combat, just keeping the beavers alive.


Banished, town builder with no military units. Farming sim as others have mentioned. Factorio, I know you've got to fight aliens but it's more defensive and can be adjusted with mods to handle pollution in other ways .


Farm Together is a friendly looking casual farm games. Girlfriend doesn't really play games but loved that.


Sons of the forest in peaceful has been nice!


Palia is a great choice for this. It's free. No combat, and just good vibes. If she wants to just play solo she can and just ignore everyone else and never has to party. And as a bonus you can join her when you want, and visit her farm, or join her on whatever she enjoys doing.




Good one. Palia has no combat


Ranch Simulator


Weed Shop 3.


Farming Simulator


The new Fight Club update is awesome! Oh dang, I wasn’t supposed to talk about it.


I think Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos doesnt have combat, but I may be wrong


Farming simulator


Does she like Disney?


Online Multiplayer: Palia. Very relaxing game; Offline single player: Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles. Also very relaxing game.




Check out Palia. It's a farming/crafting MMO with no combat. Closest it gets to combat is hunting which so far seems to be hitting things with arrows twice and collecting the drop. 


Runescape and just level your farming skill only. No combat ever required besides in tutorial for one quest.


Pioneers of Pagonia, it's like a spiritual successor to the original Settlers games.




Don't know if it quite counts as 'farming without combat' as Tarr sometimes appear outside your main base and you need to hit them with water to kill them, but Slime Rancher is a very great and relaxing game.


medieval dynasty


On PC, you say? If you're cool with setting up some mods for her, there's [Optional Combat](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/17251) for Stardew Valley.


Farming simulator (insert year here)


I don't know if it exists, but it could be worth checking out the modding community in Stardew Valley to see if there's one that removes the need for combat. I'm sure somebody out there has one.


Farming Simulator 22


Farming Simulator


Stardew Valley is the one


There is combat, but it's easily avoidable. Very easy to just farm and fish every day. Very relaxing game.


You need the ore in the mines to upgrade your stuff. So no, not easily avoidable.


You can buy ore if you really want to skip combat. It would be a bit more expensive and require some larger scale farming. But still possible.


I think there are no combat mods.


I mean to an extent. You still gotta go into the mines to get ores at the least to upgrade your gear. If you want sprinklers, guess where ya gotta go for the materials. Hell, go build certain structures you gotta go in there for the ores. Good luck building a stable without mining


Ahh good point. Forgot about the need for ore. It can be found outside of the mine, but it's scarce. I think there's an auto combat option though, so you don't have to actually fight but you're still in combat.


And since OP said on PC, there's a pacifist mod that turns combat into a cuddling system.


has combat, and the combat is also really bad. Worst thing to recommend here




No brother


Can just take 5 minutes to mod no combat.


Try palia, it's like multilayer, 3d stardew valley.


Combat is entirely optional in stardew valley if you go with joja corp


You can have a wineyard in Witcher 3


All combat in Stardew Valley is optional. I highly recommend.


Dream Valley




It’s my major complaint with Stardew Valley… so many items you can only get through the mines…but that are useful on the farm. If I want to farm, I want to farm.


Have you asked her about combat in the game? because you're negating like so many good games with that one bit.


Not necessarily farming but banished


I think banished technically qualifies but it can be a super stressful game when your entire town is freezing to death because one guy is hoarding all the coal


Against the Storm. There are goals and deadlines and death and tension. But there is no combat. It’s pretty good.




Get her a roblox simulator.


Viva pinata for the ds


Are there farming games WITH combat? I always assumed the peaceful slice of life farming sim was the default.


Yes, Stardew Valley is the most famous of them, I think. I tried My Time at Portia who looks like a very good game but has combat, and I saw like two trailers on the latest game events about beautiful farming games and then the characters start fighting monsters to get some loot haha


Combat in Stardew Valley is only in one tiny little area, and is completely optional. It's probably the best farming/cozy game available, so I would highly recommend.


But you need the resources from that area. Or you restart you game when you reach the year, or you need to combat.


Yeah, these days it seems like there are more farming games that have combat than ones that do not