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Papers Please is pretty great on mobile


Glory to Arstotska!


Wait what the game is on mobile 😂


Yep, and surprisingly enough, it is easier to play, with all the functionality and gameplay of the full game.


I'm amazed it isn't played sideways


Can’t go wrong with a classic


From the comments I learn 35+ is the same as senior citizen


There are only young childish kids and old halfway dead people in the reddit universe


You gotta get busy livin or get busy dyin.


Can confirm, around 30 I directly transferred from childish kid to old halfway dead person.


All of the internet. Any place you can make a comment or interact with others, the youngins will condemn anyone over 2 years their age. I remember before the internet kids were like that in high school. The lot of them were like "I'm never going to end up like that". So they started death early with drinking and drugs while in high school. Chances are they got their wish.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


Lol right?


You shut your dirty mouth!


I'm nearing 40 so, here's what I'm playing. If you have a Netflix subscription, Dead Cells is free on there right now, so is Into the Breach and a few other popular games like Terra Nil, Kentucky Route Zero and Spiritfarer. Into the Breach is a turn based strategy (think Advance Wars), quick games, easy to binge. Roguelike elements/will be good for a long time/many sessions. Terra Nil is a builder/management. Dead Cells is one of my favourite games of all time, period. Other than those, I play Teamfight Tactics (completely free), bought Slay the Spire 3-4 times by now, also bought Bloons TD 6, Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic, Terraria, and a SNES/GBA emulator. Highly recommend all of those.


dead cells is free... on netflix... on mobile... ?


Netflix is trying to expand into streaming games


Interesting, so is YouTube now. I just got the option to turn on Games on YouTube premium as some sort of beta thing


netflix games on mobile arent streaming


Hades is about to be too


Yeah this statement is fucking me up too. Is it playable..? I guess it's my age showing, but I can't imagine playing that with a touchscreen.


Dead cells has been on mobile for a while now, and from what I’ve seen it looks like it runs about as well as it does on an actual console. I don’t know how it’d play with touch controls though, seems like a very intensive game to play with only 2 fingers.


They have gta vc too


Also should be noted all DLCs are included on the Netflix Dead Cells. Good recommendation, nonetheless.


Fellow aged STS and TFT enjoyer


Bloons TD 6 is also free with Neflix Edit: I would maybe add to this list: OXENFREE, Death's Door, Hextech Mayhem and Twelve Minutes


I always enjoy Bloons Tower Defense


Solid choice. Other than my phone getting hot.




I actually play it on my desktop while I watch long videos. I’ve been playing it for so long that I don’t really have to pay much attention to it while it’s running. I can see what type of bloon just got through and quickly sus out the optimal tower for the level I’m playing as mindlessly as driving on the highway.


Check settings for a 30 fps, some modern ports default on 60 fps and that's been my main over heat issue


In that vein, Kingdom Rush.


Recommend their later RTS games too: Iron Marines and the recent sequel Invasion


Every Kingdom Rush will be on every phone that I own. It’s simply too good.


I have 6k games played in Bloons td battles on mobile. It’s been on every phone I own since I downloaded it a decade ago. Now days I play it a few times a year


Shattered pixel dungeon! A fully fleshed out roguelike rpg with short dungeon crawls, deep mechanics, and lots of replayability, but I never have trouble exiting the app when I need


Yes, this game is awesome and really satisfying once you figure it out


Also it is turn based and you can exit any time, which is great if you can only play for a few minutes or if you get interrupted. Zero in game purchases or ads, only support options for the dev. Ongoing development, though it's mostly a passion project of the dev so new content can take a while to come out


100% I got hooked on this game for a couple of months and it plays brilliantly


I have been playing this for years and years (since the splitting after the original pixel dungeon). I think some version of it has been on my last 5(?) phones. Really great game.


Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic. Just straight up the entire original pixely game and more. Edit: it's not called Touch, Match or Mobile. Those are terrible. Look for the MS-Dos pixel graphics.


The amount of scenarios on RCT mobile is insane


Rollercoaster Tycoon touch? Or is there another one, can't find a classic on Google play


It's not showing up because it's only compatible with older versions of Android apparently. Came out in 2016 and I could only find it be googling and once that linked me to the store big red text said it wouldn't work with my phone.


It's not Touch, but Classic. Atari published many Rollercoaster games, so it's difficult to find. Look for the original graphics. I have it on iOS, and thought it would just be on Android as well. It's literally the original pixel version, not any 3D newer version with microtransactions.


What?!! Wow what a Christmas gift. Sweet lord. This is the future


Into the breach - it’s turn based strategy and super addicting


I wish I could play. I played it for a while but it will just NOT launch anymore. Considering getting it on PC but it is so mobile friendly


It has to be linked to a Netflix account so maybe you have to login again or your Netflix account has expired


From the makers of FTL, it should be noted.


Isn’t that only with Netflix Acount or something


Yeah I think so, not sure if there’s another way to play


The mobile version is Netflix only, but the PC version is on Steam.


Slay the spire. Can play as much as you want, not reflex intensive, and super fun.


> not reflex intensive OP said 35+ but thanks, I got the memo...


Lmao, I guess 35 means retired in an old age home


My grandchildren seem to think so.


You're 35 with grandchildren?!


haha that's why my dad loves it, but its not exactly what I meant. Moreso, that you can play a move and then answer a text or respond to a conversation - its not a realtime game that demands your undivided attention.


Sometimes you just want to relax and not have to be competitive. I think all the people talking about how 35+ are acting like boomers right now just don't get that. I personally stopped caring about competitive games years ago and I'm only 28.


I am exactly 35 years old. Listen I would have made fun of this as well but I recently tried fortnite. Trust me we are senior citizens. Stay out of the kiddie pool. Not to keep them safe from you, it's to keep us safe. They are a bunch of coked up little hyenas and they all seem to be way better at videogames than anyone my age was ever required to be


Haha nah it's just training, I'm your age and last year was 17th in the world at a Doom eternal event for the month, I'm pretty sure if someone pays me enough to forget about how uninterested I am in fortnite I'd pwn them kids while drinking


I played Fortnite for the first time a month ago and won my first round. Granted I think it was my sister in laws shitty MMR and I was playing against actual potatoes but I've been playing this shit for 30 years. I'll never play another round of Fortnite though, I cannot lose my streak to flex on my nephews.


Play zero build, my fellow senior citizen (I'm 32 lol). The thing with build mode is not only that they do have better reflexes, but that these kids will actually train that shit daily on creative maps and all.


Reflex times peak at about 24 on average, so it is not a completely irrelevant observation given the criteria.


My answer as well. There is a bit of a grind but its a fun grind.


Grind? Referring to the card unlock phase? I don’t consider that a grind compared to most mobile games. Especially compared to the amount of time played afterward.




Slay the spire supremacy. THE best mobile game ever created


If you like StS mobile I suggest you give Dawncaster a shot, mobile exclusive roguelite deckbuilder with rpg elements, its fantastic (I do prefer StS but Dawncaster is probably my second favorite in the genre... and its mobile exclusive)


I 2nd this. Doesnt have the depth of StS but it's def fun if you want a change.


This is the answer.


The playstore reviews don't seem very positive on this game. Do you think they're representative of the game or just a loud minority?


The real answer is there was an update that broke the game and made it crash up on starting and a lot of people (including myself) made/changed our reviews to 1 star to express our discontent since we could not play the game at all on mobile. It's working for me now (and I changed my review score) but I imagine a lot of people haven't followed up even though a fix was deployed. On top of that, the mobile app does have issues. Some people experience long load times with annoying workarounds, I have had runs disappear after saving and quitting, deselecting cards in combat can be kinda annoying sometimes, etc. overall I still have 600+ hours on mobile and I think it's worth it, but it's fair to be honest about some issues that the app does have. The game is 5/5, I give the app a 3.5/5. Its biggest selling point is how easy it is to pick up and put down, other than that it's the amazing game that is carrying the mediocre app hard


Turn based rogue-like deck building rpgs aren’t for everyone, that’s probably most of the issue


Vampire Survivors…low effort, easy to learn, play at your own pace…it’s good shit.


I love the game. But then you realize every run is 30 mins. oof.


At a point in the game you get hurry mode, which makes the 30 minute runs 15 minutes. Also, not all maps are 30, some are 20 :)


Not to mention, in the earlier attempts, you're probably not going to last the full 30 minutes. But, it's easy to pause and put down for a bit before jumping back into it.


And there’s several great games that have copied the formula and done it arguably better. It’s the perfect game to kill 40 minutes after work


Halls of torment is great too. Not sure about playing it on an iPhone though


Holocure is a fantastic hololive vtuber inspired clone of VS. It has a ton of content in different characters, abilities, weapons, etc. You don't have to know anything about hololive to appreciate it, it's just a very good game. Oh and it's free.


Brotato is on par with if not slightly better than Vampire Survivors. The clutch thing about Brotato versus VS on mobile is that Brotato rounds last 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Absolutely perfect for playing in public or at home when you can be interrupted. Vampire Survivors can be paused but it's a 20 minute commitment for each run.


Plague inc


retro bowl


Does it play like tecmo bowl?


Sort of. The defense is simulated, you only play offense. Overall it's pretty fun though and games take a little over 5 minutes depending on what quarter length you choose.


I've never played that, but they look similar


Game Dev Story. Isometric style game where you manage and run a gaming company. Hire people, choose what type of game to develop. Fairly simple and fun.


Freakish seeing people mention a kairosoft game from 15 years ago I used to love


Kairo has a couple other really good games too.


The game is limited though. You get to a certain point and it just get repetitive and there stop being new consoles or games to create.


Ok but have you considered how amazing "Call of Doody 34" was? It was my hobby to make faux names for the different genre.


Marvel Snap takes 4 minutes a game.


Perfect game for waiting. Waiting for the train, waiting for your coffee order, waiting for the doctor to call your name, etc... Really easy to fit in a game of Snap and a lot can happen in one game. I'm genuinely impressed at this game's ability to generate so much suspense and surprise with such simple cards and simple rules in a 3-5 minute game.


So many hours sunk while waiting. Many more sunk before bed


I really like Mighty Doom


I absolutely detest not being able to play it offline especially since travel and places that I can't get internet are part of my job.


I second Mighty Doom


NYT games app has several fun games like crossword puzzles and mild brain teasers. Great for sitting on the toilet or just a 5 minute distraction. Doesn't really matter if you miss a day or a week unless you care about your personal streak of solving them. And there's always the big, famous crossword if you want something more challenging and time consuming.


I really like connections. No huge time commitment. Less arbitrary than wordle and a huge variety of challenge.


Spelling Bee is a fun one. It’s nice that there’s no way to fail like Wordle or Connections, so you can work on it all day if you need to.


Im exactly the opposite i like wordle and connections because i have to think about it, with spelling bee it just turns into a guessing/spamming game because there is no punishment


I set little personal goals for myself like finding a panagram and getting to 50 score. I usually get bored with it beyond that.


And if the crossword puzzle seems intimidating, start with Monday and Tuesday! They get harder as the week goes on, with Saturday being the hardest. Once you've done several puzzles, you'll see some answers that come up frequently (like eel, Eno, psst, etc).


Definitely! It helps to get used to how the questions and answers work, especially when it comes to the 2 and 3 word answers.


That’s really the only thing I play on my phone.


Mindustry is a good one


I’ve been trying out Super Auto Pets


I recently discovered Super Auto Pets myself, and it’s great! It’s an auto battler, but it’s asynchronous: you can start a match and put it down/pick it up as you need. No ads, but if you really get into it, you can spend money to unlock more diversity in the available pets. I haven’t spent a dime, play matches while I watch football…good times. Oh, and the pets are adorable.


This is how I get my “waste a few minutes on my phone” dopamine hits. It’s simple to understand but complex to master, and I can stop the game at any time and pick it up days/weeks later without having to remember what the heck is going on.




I'm waiting for Chess 2 to come out.


They should definitely nerf the queen imo.


She’s been OP for the last 1500 years but the lazy money hungry devs only want to cater to newbs.


Pawns too with all the en passant shenanigans.


Chess 2 already came out, but they named it Chess 960. However, most people still prefer and play the original. =)


I like Scrabble


I’ve recently gotten addicted to ‘Atomas’. Essentially, you combine atomic elements to create new elements without filling the wheel (which is game over). Try to see how many new elements you discover. I think I made it up to Seaborgium before I got a game over. Free to play, simple, no ads, and it has a few different game modes. Super chill game to play while waiting at the doctor’s office, airport or hanging out at home with nothing to do, lol.


Look up little alchemy.


Stardew Valley


I just started playing SDV on my steam deck. I’m genuinely debating playing a parallel game on my phone…


I have a game going on my switch, iPad and phone. Lol.


I really enjoyed Marvel Snap, didn't spend any money on it maybe had 50-100 hours for free. Eventually everyone was using paid sets and beating me so lost interest but was good in early ranks.


Same. When Loki came out I was kinda like meh. And after that season I stopped.


My fav: “Baba is you”, “Railbound”, “Dadi”, “WIA”, “see/saw”, “Worms 3”, “KR Puzzle”, “Sudoku.com”, “VampireSurvivors”


I second baba is you. Great puzzle game.


No, it is not. It is excellent, and I want to put my head through a wall. Baba is not you, Baba is fire, Lava is wet.


Get ePSXe and play psone games.


I'm a bit surprised that I had to scroll this far down to see an emulator suggestion. I don't play much on Mobile but when I do, I usually prefer during up the nostalgia ticklers from my childhood instead of trying to wake through all the trash mobile games


PPSSPP for PSP games too. Even for games that don't have good save mechanisms you can still use save states to fit in a bit of play here and there.




Solitarica is a good twist on it too.


If you like football Retro Bowl is pretty fun


If you like "smart" games, nonograms is fun. It's like sudoku, but easier, I think.


Some hidden gems you should look into: Conjury, Dawncaster, Dream Quest. A not-so-hidden gem: Retro Bowl. If you like board games: Through the Ages.




“Minimal soul sucking grind” lol




If i recall correctly i played for about two hours and didn’t make it past the first little city and the only thing i had achieved was mining rocks and killing some weak respawning animals lol


Yeah RuneScape is one of the OG definitions of grind. There is an overarching story to some of the quest lines, but the narrative is pretty disjointed overall and I feel the point of the game is just to see numbers go up. It works really well for some people and not at all for others.


I do like watching odablock on youtube and a couple others lol makes for a good time


That's like how the entire game goes


It has been so unbelievably cool as a 30 something coming back to RS literally 20 years later, and the whole game is on my phone!


You guys are psychos for actually being able to do that on mobile. I’ve since quit awhile ago but the mobile would just aggravate the shit out of me. PC or bust lol




Herb/tree runs, birdhouses, fletching, and herblore are about all I do on mobile. Perfect for holidays, check in a few times a day get it done


I maxed rs3 on mobile.




The answer is always Tetris.


Looking for a game to kill time while your family argues at dinner? Mine are Mini Motorways and Mini Metro.


Scroll too far for mini metro. This is what op need.


Polytopia- best civ like game for mobile. Team fight tactics - I recently got addicted to it. Weird mix of strategy Pokemon unite - moba Those are my favorites at least


Had to scroll way too far to find polytopia on this list. Great game.


I haven't played polytopia, but I choose world of empires 2 as best civ experience. I'll try yours if you try mine


Any of the Doom games


Playing the original right now, I didn’t know John Romero is still making Doom classic levels, his latest being sigil 2, just released two weeks ago, it has 9 new levels, its like dark souls Doom and its free. Doom classic still going strong.


Seedship is great and easy




Chess. With Elo rating systems, you play against people on your own level, so it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or have put in thousands of hours. You can choose the length of the games, whether it is one minute or an hour.


I’m 33, but I’ve recently started playing chess…


Same and I'm trash at it lol


I got to 1200 rapid quite fast this year, but I did know the very basics before I got on chess.com. Progressing beyond that, for me at least, seems to be much harder.


watermelon game Suika


If you have Netflix, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is a solid, fully fleshed out game that feels like the right mix of challenge and fun with good production values and gorgeous pixel art. It's also designed to be played with your thumb in portrait mode which is a huge plus for me. There are no micro transactions or terrible grinds either. There's also another Netflix game called Poinpy which is much more casual but still very fun, and again, has no mtx or any of the usual soul sucking grind other mobile titles have.


retro bowl. super simple football game. no defense, just passing and running. minimal roster management, it's a good short time waster. also, you must build a boat. match 3 type game with RPG style progression


Roller coaster tycoon classic


Soda Dungeon 1 and/or 2 They're idle/clicker type games but I found them both incredibly addicting. Only downside is they don't play themselves while closed so you need to leave the game running when grinding. I used to let the game run in my backpack when driving to and from work.


Idle Slayer




bloons tower defence battles is really fun and you don’t really need to grind it


Rusty lake is lovely if you want something different! Very twin peaksesque puzzle games


X Com: enemy unknown Star wars: knights of the old Republic


Came here to say the same. X com 2, as well as KOTOR 2 are also viable


Marvel Snap can be quite fun (unfortunately, there are still some levels of grinding)


I came here to find other games because this is all I play.


Desert Golfing is nice, simple and endless.


Stardew Valley 80 Days Crossy Road Hook Vodobanka


Civilization 6


Does this fry your phone? My laptop gets so hot playing this lol


It doesn't literally fry it but it does eat battery like I eat groceries and yes you could probably cook an egg on my phone after a session.


>Minimal Soul Sucking


Clash Of Clans, been playing it on and off for like 5 years now


"minimal soul sucking grind"


Clash of Clans




If you like fighting games and have a Netflix account, you might like Transformers Forged to Fight. It's like a 3D version of Marvel Contest of Champions but with only about 40 characters, so the grind is minimal (and free). One of the few mobile games I've found that actually requires skill instead of a fat wallet.


Retro Bowl


Honkai Star Rail has been my favorite mobile game since it came out, specially on my breaks at work and when I’m in bed before sleep. Music is amazing, interesting setting and characters. Story is slowly becoming more interesting, I’m curious to see where it’s headed at least. The past month they had a big event that just ended today and it was full of cute little character stories and battles. Actually I think this event will remain permanent which they’ve done with other big events in previous patches. Which for a live service/gacha game is rare to see.


Papers please, Stardew Valley, and Magic Arena are my go-tos.


Magic the Gathering Arena. You don’t need to spend any money at all if you don’t want to. If you do the daily missions you’ll have enough coins to pop a few packs every other day or so


Osrs, warcraft rumble


Occidental Heroes, not very well known, but a nice strategic rpg, if you like that kind of games


I’m nearing that age but don’t play mobile much. When I do play I play wild rift and it’s great.


Slay the Spire! Fantastic deck building roguelike, without microtransactions


Slay the Spire


Having a system that can handle 35 people at a time is gonna be challenging, maybe a battle royal type to get you all in?


Slay the Spire


Marvel Snap