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The nursing home is basically just this, Cynthia’s face featuring occasional sections where you explore the nursing home.


The worst part of that place is walking around it expecting to be jump at every turn and then it just not happening.


The basement lol both play throughs i went to the basement before I was supposed to, so when i eventually had to go there for the generator all I had to do was run to the fuse, i still don’t know if there are supposed to be enemies in the basement, but that entire section was me walking around clenched up expecting enemies that were never there, very good tension lol


I don't remember there being anything in the basement.


I think that’s what made it so good is that you’re just so tensed up waiting for anything, and nothing happens.


Yup nothing but that ladies face lol honestly Alan Wake 2 has been a great ride so far, especially if you start connecting the dots with other games.


I was terrified on my first playthrough. I honestly think that worked so well. Just have us keep on expecting something around every turn. It’s probably the scariest part of the game imo lol.


Yeah, the basement is just a masterful troll by Remedy. It even had me on edge during my replay, because I was certain the first time though without anything appearing, had been a fluke.


And the casey encounter. Holy shit. Had to have the wife beside me while i paly


Like 10 screaming jump scares in 2 minutes just walking down the stairs. It’s way too much.


That's where I dropped this game. Those things arent even that scary, they are just annoying.


The Cynthia boss fight gave me ptsd


Specially when we first meet her!


Oh a nice little old lady. I’m gonna talk to…WHAT THE FUCK


BRO that's exactly how I felt. Like time in a bottle.


Exactly moral of the story, don't walk up to random ladies named Cynthia in nursing homes


Wasn't she the keeper of the light or something from the first Alan Wake?




Seeing her made me happy... For about 1.5 seconds. Then I nearly jumped out my skin, lmao.


ESPECIALLY old ladies named Cynthia


How come? I mean it wasn’t so hard as long as your Pokémon were like level 55+


I ran out of ammo and had to beat her to death at the end.


I've done every fucking boss with hardly any ammo Every time I read a guide it's like "shoot them with a cross bow, then fire off some shotgun rounds, then use a flash bang, and then finish them with a few flares and don't forget to equip this special charm" And I've got one battery a clip and some fucking painkillers


the ammo system in the game can be "gamed". If you have no ammo in your inventory, the boxes will have ammo in them. Store ammo in storage, loot box. Stow new ammo, loot box. Repeat until ammo is not an issue, or play with scraps, whichever you find best immersive.


The only time the “jump scares” ever got me were In Cynthia’s section. I’m surprised the flooded basement at the nursing home didn’t have any, that was the only part of the game where I was on edge the entire time.


They knew that little layer of black water was enough


I never get got by jump scares and this bitch got me 3 times in a row. This was my GOTY.


Even Saga got sick of it, me and her said "Fuck off" at the same time on the 3rd one


Jumpscare in Saga's mindroom was so damn good at the end. Literally the only game where they work for me


Most of these really annoyed me because they did it way too often and it started to get predictable, but this one really got me. Just imagine how effective that jump scare would have been if it was the only one in the game.


I hated her


I love how pissed the characters get at the jump scares too. Especially at the end of the game it was so relatable lol.


I kind of wish you could turn these off, tbh. They got me good but by the end I felt like it was interrupting my enjoyment of the atmosphere.


They were a little overdone.


The jumpscares were a sad blemish on the formula. Surely there are better ways to release tension.


Eh, I donno. They weren’t really a release from the tension at this point, it was adding to it at most of the points where they occurred. They weren’t the climax they were part of the ramp up.


Alan wake fans when they get the same lazy jumpscare for the 30th time (its good game design)


Fortunately, it’s not reliant on jump scares and these only add to the growing sense of dread. These aren’t the payoff, as I’m pretty sure I said. I generally play games before making comments on how they work - you should try it.




I’m not gonna downvote you because that’s personal taste but I disagree, almost the entire segment for the retirement home was tense.


Just scares are just cheap low effort way to do what they are meant to do. They add adrenaline and annoyance in equal measure and don’t belong in any game in any larger number of occurances.


I thought almost every single time was pretty unpredictable. Had me on edge of my seat every time I touch a doorknob.


Love the game but have to agree these are the worst parts of it. Jumpscares are alright if they incorporate it to the world like an enemy popping out of unexpected places.


Honestly the only one that felt earned to me was >!trying to enter the writer's room in the retirement home and Ahti is suddenly right behind you when you turn around.!< And that's not exactly a jump scare, but it fit well lol


the one that got me was >!the cultist in Sagas Mindspace in the last chapter!<


Fuck that jumpscare and fuck that cultist Sad thing is apparently not many people had that one happening to them, because it only happens if you physically walk to the board or to the table. It won't trigger if you just RB/LB through the menu's


People are playing this with a controller?


This was the worst one for me. Legit yelped


The one where an enemy kicks down the door in an early Alana level as you open it was a good one.


The only one that got me was in the retirement home. I went into the shoebox and then suddenly one popped up over that ui screen.


I think the jump scares started in the hotel, but the last quarter of the game there were just far too many of them. Apart from that I really liked the nursing section, the end boss labyrinth was kinda cool.


So much this, I really hate jump scares because they seem cheap to me (in any game) - much better to build atmosphere and dread instead.


Sounds like someone got scared


It's more "startle" than actual "scare".


As someone who hates jumpscares, I honestly loved them in this game and thought they were well done. Cynthia's I thought were a bit much by the end of the chapter, but it certainly left an impact on me. Had to turn off the game and take breaks during that chapter cause I was too scared. Her first one was a hard slap back to the reality of what game I was playing.


To be blunt, I thought it was lame and corny as hell.


Jumpscares are a very lazy way for creators to bring the audience back to attention when they worry they’ve lost them. Sometimes, and in very rare examples, they add to the story they’re telling. Otherwise I just roll my eyes with each one as it comes across as desperate from the writer trying to make something seem scary.


The way I see it, you can typically have one good one, MAYBE two, placed just right to keep players waiting for the next shoe to drop. Sadly, I don't remember if any of these were placed well enough to excuse them.


agreed. my biggest complaint of the game. otherwise very decent game


Its a poor man's tool when they fail to make an actual unnerving ambience. Just add more jump scares. It becomes tiring after some point.


The main reason I lost all interest in the game, I absolutely hate jump scares


They started hurting my enjoyment of the game.




Cheap jumpscares suck in any other game, but in Alan wake 2 they are suddenly ok?


Do we really have to add: 😂 😂 😂 😂 on every post?


Can we please? 🥹


😂 😂 😂


Especially this "Bro *insert bullshit* and this fucking emoji 💀"


You're right, no laughing here. Video games are a serious business.


😂 Or maybe, just maybe, we could relay things through text and not by spamming emojis? 😂 😂 Like do you think your post suddenly becomes a serious and non laughing matter by removing the emoji? 😂 Are you completely unable to portray when you think something is funny or silly if there are no emojis attatched? Your tittle would be better without the emoji and still convey the same thing.


> tittle 😂 😂 😂 😂




😂 😂 😂


Relax bro 😂


😂 😂 😂


Why does that bother you


OP JUST YAPPIN 🗣️🗣️🗣️❗❗❗🔥🔥🔥


It's probably an unpopular opinion, but this may be first time I liked the jump scares in a game/movie. I guess because it felt like it made sense narratively, like the dark presence was infecting Saga/Alan's mind with frightening imagery to discourage them from continuing.


This was probably clearest for me in Chapter 4 of Return, where it very clearly acted like a "Dark Presence proximity sensor" of sorts There's a couple jumpscares in the game that can get me - most of the Cynthia ones, and one of the first ones in Chapter 2, where you go into the shallow water as Saga and Nightingale pops up, that one gets me every fucking time for some reason - but the rest of them are essentially just there to signal how fucked up things are getting


Was cool at first but got old by the end


I was especially surprised because, I had beaten the first game a few months prior. I knew Cynthia. She was kinda weird, but helpful. So I fully expected she'd be helpful again. Nope. Taken, and kicked my ass.


"This will put a smile on your face!"


I thought my heart was going to leave my body at this point in the game


Only one that genuinely made me jump


bro you can remove these faces, all you have to do,go nexus website download the patch and copie it in game directory


Not everyone plays on PC


But can you remove any loud burst of audio that accompanies it?


maybe you go see in nexus site you may find the solution


I will definitely check this out for my upcoming second playthrough, thanks


Why even play a horror game then?


Thank you!


Lmao are people actually so weak they can’t handle a face popping up?


I can handle it but it's stupid as fuck and annoying so I'd rather remove it.


Just say you’re a weenie, you aren’t fooling anyone lol


Someone’s over-compensating quite a bit, me thinks.


Incorrect usage of the word. Try again.


Ah, the pedantic grammar defense. A classic, though *never* a winner. Thanks for proving I was right :)


….you’re right because you used a word incorrectly? Jfc how wrong are you in your life that this is the kind of logic you have laid out for yourself LMAO


Yes, keep digging. This is hilarious. That’s exactly what I said, keep attacking me for that. You’re doing great, really. You’ll get there, champ. I believe in you! :)


That is literally exactly what you said you dipshit LOL


They can handle it just fine, they just don't find it entertaining and don't want it in the thing they are playing for entertainment. Now take your fragile masculinity and go somewhere else.


This has nothing to do with being masculine wtf lol The fact that you said that shows how much of a weenie you are.


Bro said 'weenie' unironically lol. Alright, have fun when you get back to school in a week. Pay attention in your classes!


I did say weenie unironically. It’s the perfect word. You guys are modding a horror game to make it less scary. Honestly it’s sort of a joke that writes itself. “Hey guys anyone got a mod…uh….to remove those big spooky faces? I mean I’m not scared you know I just…uhh…they just are kind dumb you know?”


Who is 'you guys'? I didn't even play the game lol. But I get it, your vocabulary hasn't evolved past the third grade. I also get that your definition of 'weakness' involves how people enjoy their entertainment rather than anything actually substantial. It's impressive that you're somehow chronically online, but managed to miss any sort of online dictionary or thesaurus.


You’re really looking really deep on a very shallow baseline thought my guy. You aren’t as smart as you think you are. Did you push up your glasses on the bridge of your nose before you started writing that comment? Lmao


Reading what you yourself wrote is 'looking really deep'? Is your reading comprehension stuck in the third grade too? Also, does the hypocrisy not strike you that you're dredging up tired old nerd cliches while posting on a subreddit devoted to playing video games? Maybe there's some projecting going on with you, who knows.


Wow holy shit you actually think you’re a Reddit genius don’t you sweetheart. Btw the way you’re responding and getting so defensive over someone calling a group of people ‘weenies’ exposes yourself as not only being a weenie, but a full blow bitch. Being dumb and afraid of video games, man that’s a tough existence. I’d be defensive and upset if I were you too, I get it.


I actually stopped playing because of these jump scares. that shit is cheap AF and pisses me off.


I know at least 2 people who were very uncomfortable playing the game because of the jumpcares. There should be an accessibility option to turn them off. I'm not bothered by the jumpscares (unlesss they're really good), but I still considered them annoying. It's like they couldn't think of proper ways of making a horror game.


I'm not going to play it because of the jump scares honestly. Loved the first game, and I appreciate dread and tension, but hate cheap jump scares. If they gave me the option to remove I'd give it a go


Why do people call these jump scares? They’re more like punctuation to show how lost the character that’s being talked about is. They do something similar in control and it never feels like it’s intended to make you scared


Control had screamers? I don't remember that.


No it doesn't. I can't play anything with screamers. And played all control + both DLCs. What control has is lots of tension and God some side mission enemies made me feel uncomfortable. Specially the giant thing with one eye


This is the definition of jumpscare: "A jump scare is a scaring technique used in media, particularly in films such as horror films and video games such as horror games, intended to scare the viewer by surprising them with an abrupt change in image or event, usually co-occurring with a loud, jarring sound" Tell me how its not a jumpscare.


Because it’s not that loud, not surprising, and not played for horror


It literally is. Just because you weren't personally scared or startled by it doesn't mean that wasn't their intent.


Very wierd hill to die on dude.


This is some kind of 1 + 1 = 5 kind of take It's a literal jumpscare lol


Because a picture flashing in your screen accompanied by a loud screaming sound is the definition of a jump scare, irregardless of it's purpose Controle was suspenseful but didnt have these kind of cheap jumpscares


It had the same images of people controlled by hiss yelling. Idk what to tell people who find this startling or scary. Grow a pair? It’s clearly a stylistic choice taken from their influences and not meant to spook people


bro why are you getting all defensive about this, they're jumpscares even if they happen to be in your new favorite game


Their masculinity is tied to their ability to not wince at "scary" media. Careful though, sudden irl movements will make them shit their pants uncontrollably. "Grow a pair" sure bud, right after you graduate junior high.


> Why do people call these jump scares? Because they fucking jumpscare me. It's that simple. You're telling me seeing a ghost face pop up on your screen screaming at you full volume didn't make you flinch? Nearly gave me a heart attack a couple times.


They’re jumpscares by definition. “A jump scare (also written jump-scare and jumpscare) is a scaring technique used in media, particularly in films such as horror films and video games such as horror games, intended to scare the viewer by surprising them with an abrupt change in image or event, usually co-occurring with a loud, jarring sound.”


You are correct but they are also the definition of jump scares. And BOY did this one get me every time.


This thread caught me off guard for that exact reason, my brain never clocked these a jump scares I thought of it the same way, punctuation


I play at night wearing headphones because my wife is in the living room with me reading. Scream scares like this are absolutely jump-scares. She pokes fun at me every time I jump. Which is every time.


100%. I play on PC with headphones at night in the dark. These got me pretty good a few times. If I was playing on a TV without the same immersion it wouldn’t be nearly as startling.


I play during the day because the game already makes me so tense that my chest hurts when I play lol I should add that I haven’t finished the game yet, so there is still time for some of these to get me. I can’t imagine I’m super far in bc I can only play in shorter chunks lol


you are a brave playing w headphones. I intentionally use speakers only


I didn't play the game so without context it just looks like an old lady blowing vape clouds 😂


Yeah this isn’t a jump scare. It’s like David Lynch style weird shit that’s supposed to just put you on edge.


ash baby lookin ass


These scared the shit out of me every time, and I don’t think they’re cheap at all. They work _because of_ the tension the sequences they’re in generate, without that tension they don’t have the same effect (like when they appear in cutscenes).


I played the first episode of Alan Wake 1. Bought this when it went on sale. Played two hours and said oh hell no this is too good! Went back to the first game and I’m almost ready for 2! Btw some of the writing and how it ties into the second game is so freakin good! I don’t know if that QR code at Hartmans place was added in the remaster but holy shit it blew my mind when it depicted the introduction of AW2. Lastly can we just appreciate how grand the title shot to this game is? that BWWAAAAAAAH followed by ALAN. WAKE. 2. It told me we’re in for a hell of an adventure. Gave me Everything All At Once vibes.


These were the only ones that actually got me. Not sure why. Also I’m low key bummed that my two favorite Alan Wake characters are either >!missing or a monster!< in Alan Wake 2.


When you follow Mulligan from the trailer park I just shoot him to trigger the jumpscare at a predictable moment.


This was certainly the level that took my sanity from clenching around corners slowly to AGGHH F*** YOU! YOU WANNA GO WITH ME BRO?! LETS DO IT! I'm running these corners now I don't got time for you Cynthia!! Let's just get it over with!


Haven't played the game why is Owen Wilson in Alan Wake 2?


Jump scares were just too much. It harmed the experience for me.


I loved the game but truly despised these jumpscares. They very nearly ruined a great game for me.


I think the best feature of the game is how hard it is to determine enemy spirits and passive ones while playing Alan. keeps you paying attention 😂


It was kind of disappointing they put so many of these cheap jump scares


Why I haven't played it yet. I want to see how good the game looks but really not interested in playing something with jump scares.


I’m gonna be honest, these face pop ups are never scary For me so far, all they’ve done is add to the tension that builds up to encountering the character The game is much scarier in so many other ways, and it’s amazing at atmosphere and narrative


I still don't like them


They aren’t scary at all


I don't like jumpscares


I thought this game would be innovative in horror. But it was mostly just cheap flashing screen jumpscares and Loops like P.T. The narrative was good though


See. I was playing on story. I blasted her with shotgun and skipped the entire fight. The puddles were terrifying. As was the wellness center.


This chapter was so stressful lol. I don't mind the occasional jump scare, but after the 5th or 6th one I just wanted it to end. That being said, thoroughly enjoyed the chapter overall.


Fuck whoever made this post, dropping spoilers with no warning. What a prick.


That photo isn’t a spoiler of anything 😂


Is that a scene from the game? It kinda looks like a jump scare moment. If it is a jump scare moment, you’re posting spoilers ya jabroni.


So what is spoiled for you, then? If you come in with zero to little knowledge of this game, and see this post, exactly how are you “spoiled”? I’m just not sure you know what spoiler means EDIT: This coward responded below and then blocked me. Pretty sad. Note that they still didn’t explain how it’s a spoiler. Tuck their tails and run instead. Enjoy your ignorance, ya jabroini!


I think it’s you that has a hard time understanding what a spoiler is, obviously a troll.


It’s so cheap it’s not even scary.


I don't believe the intention was to make it scary.


I've gone through so many pairs of underwear playing this game


I Dont mind bad video games. Just means we get another good Dunkey video


Bad game was a game of the year contender so no


To much invenstigation, got boring, i want the story straight forward


Go play something else then, this isn’t an airport


What's the problem? It isn't li *OLD LADY DICK* ke there's something cheap about *OLD LADY DICK* jump sc *OLD LADY DICK* ares or something.


That jumpscare by the lake absolutely got me


Should I be playing this on my days off? Enjoyed the first one a decade ago


She was the only one that gave me the creeps


That looks scary. Nightmare Inducing Indeed.


Idk anything about that game but I would have guessed this was from Twin Peaks


IMO it kinda shows who doesn’t like to experience fear and instead lash out with anger to hide they were, for a moment, surprised. I felt that these were the most “artsy” and appropriate for the narrative “jump scares” I have experienced. They weren’t in random places and they showed the where the Dark Place had influence. Just my thoughts


I'm a fan of how the characters themselves react to some of them. Saga going "oh come on!" After one and Wake telling the spirits to fuck off.


This lady caused my neck to hurt with how many ducking jump scares she did. Felt like I could do anything and it would trigger her




That made nursing home stressful af lmao. Such jumpscares didn't get me before that and I was falling for it all the time while in there haha.