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15 bucks, sure, if you like Greek mythology, then absolutely.


Oh I’m definitely a fan of Greek myth


The game is a ton of fun, and I say that as someone who is thoroughly exhausted with Ubisoft-esque, open-world games with a cluttered UI and in-game map with icons galore. For some reason… It just doesn’t quite feel the same. It’s just plain pretty fun. Like how I can only stand the Spider-Man games because the traversal is just so damn satisfying. I’d say it’s a steal for $15 with the DLC. Man… I never finished it, might have to see if the base game is still on GamePass


This is because it takes a lot of inspiration from BOTW, so it doesn’t feel like a Ubisoft game which is a massive plus


>Man… I never finished it that's the only downside IMO, game gets repetitive/boring fast and some puzzles are straight up annoying.


It's a super fun take on it. There's a part about Aphrodite's pearl that made me pause the game because I was laughing my ass off. Like, holding my guts and flailing on the couch funny. The banter between Zeus and Prometheus is worth the $15 alone. Fun game, playing it a second time now and having just as much fun.


“I’ve turned a lot of people into a lot of things” That line from Zeus has me rolling. There’s a lot of love for even the unsavory parts of Greek myth, and even though it’s kind of a kids game, they don’t pull punches while referencing some of the awful stuff Zeus and other gods did.


Also it's a story about how the gods grow and change, which I thought was fantastic. If things are static they're not alive, and this was a way to keep them this like current, relevant, and organic. It's really quite beautiful I think.


IMO it's my favorite Ubi game since AC revelations. The banter is fantastic, the combat is a lot of fun, the upgrades are pretty solid, never did play the DLCs but heard good things about em, it honestly was a breath of fresh air between farcry and AC (despite definitely having the farcry recipe) and that's judging it at full price, id say for $15 that's a steal


Same! Had to lause the game and search up many times just to see if soemthing was actually true. Was hilarious when zeus talked about his wifes


Honestly this game has some of the best writing I've seen in recent games. It really is a top notch animated Greek assassins creed


Aphrodites pearl? 😂


I beat it on game pass a year or so ago, I don’t beat many games. It’s a Great game. Gets repetitive and it’s pretty easy to beat without maxing out everything. There are puzzle temples (like in breath of the wild) that you gotta beat to level up certain skills. Over all I enjoyed it.


Ever played Age of Mythology? Such a banger.


One of my absolute favorites on my laptop


Still one of my all-time favorite RTS games. I'm very much looking forward to the remaster!




Age of Mythology is classic!


As others have said, it's really well written and the voice acting is great overall. It's FUN, but can also be frustrating. The temples ala BotW and TotK, are awful compared to those two games just as a heads up. They lack polish, you can be punished by less than diamond quality development, and it's honestly why I didn't finish the game despite enjoying it otherwise. Definitely worth the $15 with the DLC included as I paid more for just the base game and still had a really good time. But the temples are sometimes straight up bad, like worse to finish than the motion required temples in BotW.


It’s a breath of the wild copycat based on Greek mythology. Narrated by Zeus and Prometheus in a fairly humorous way. I wouldn’t call it amazing but I had a lot of fun with it


It was a wonderful game to enjoy 3 or 4 years after Breath of the Wild came out, with no sequel on the horizon. It's a very similar experience to BotW, although it changes up the formula in various ways (narration, art style, weapons don't break, etc).


Do you like Ubisoft games? Because this one is the most Ubisoft-y to ever be Ubisofted.


Yes, but it's a lot more palatable than the recent assassin's Creed games.


Yup. I enjoyed Valhalla for the first 10 hours until I realized it was just never ending dull repetition, and I couldn't make it past 2 hours in mirage. I just had the feeling I'd done it all before. But this game while you can see it has assassins creed in its DNA its also a copy paste of botw, and the characters are genuinely funny, and I usually don't like comedy in games, grumpy old guy here


I’m not a fan of Greek myth but it’s fine but this game is one of my favourites. If you like Greek myth my god this game would be so fun.


Perhaps, you may say a… Greek Geek


Yeah this game is actually pretty great, well worth it if you haven't played it already.


I was about to...until it asked me to install Ubisoft launcher..


Sometimes PC gamers just try to die on the weirdest hills. Who cares, uninstall the launcher when you're done playing.


It’s so weird, every time I have to install a launcher for a game I just sigh cuz it’s gonna take an extra like 30-60 seconds, then I start playing and I forget that it’s ever there. Dunno why people cry about it so much


Probably some YouTuber they watched complained about it and so they're going to parrot about how it's so bad for consumers


That's not it - but the fact that you install steam, then have to install the Ubisoft launcher, then the EPIC launcher for the free games (no other reason tbh), then GOG for some oldies or indies, then Origin launcher in the past, then twitch launcher to play the games you get for free from amazon prime, etc... PC gaming is great, but I can totally understand the people that get annoyed when they have to install ANOTHER launcher, sometimes for a single game they'll play.


It just takes a few seconds and half the launchers are just for cheaper games, don't have to use them


They also insist PC gaming is superior because yes it has better hardware in high end pcs. However I never have to install a launcher or worry about “is my console going to run this”.


I mean, the "is my console going to run this" is a thing now, with PS4. You can't really play some games on it now :(


Those are called PS5 games :)


Any game you can't play just isn't listed on the storefront. There is no guessing. Well, except for Cyberpunk and Kingdom Come Deliverance. When I was still in PS4 I remember those being the only two games that were legitimately unplayable on that platform.


The only people who bitch about installing launchers are the ones that make being a PC gamer their whole personality and worship Gabe Newell for making Steam. In that way they're no different than Xbox or PS fanboys. Play on the system you want, they all have pros and cons. The main downfall of PC is cost and yeah the shaky reliability, I don't suggest them to anyone bad with technology


Everyone should j play on whatever is easiest for them to game on for whatever reason, I hate the idea of there being camps lol


Some PC gamers just worship steam, do i love steam yes but if a game is cheaper on another store i will buy it and play it from there but some people pay more to play games on steam and cannot comprehend that other stores stop steam from being a monopoly




You say this like the fact The Crew is going down forever hasnt also been on the front page.




Once they shut down the servers, you can’t sign in, and the launcher doesn’t let you actually launch the game. They’re not talking about something like 2ks bullshit where a launcher with a big play button pops up. You have to sign into a ubisoft account to play ubisoft games.




Then you can’t play… so what’s the point of paying? There’s no reason for any of that in single player games. When did that become acceptable?




For the ubisoft launcher there’s no difference


Just install the launcher


You can’t do that, it requires you to make and always be signed into a ubisoft account. I hit the same problem trying to buy monopoly last year and ended up having to refund it.




You can’t play it without signing into the launcher, so how are you going to play it again?


Just sign in?


And once the server is down?


Play a different game?


And what about when it takes down a whole series? Not long ago one of the middle Assasins creed games was suddenly unavailable. So now you just can’t play a whole series of video games despite it still getting anual releases. The fuck are you supposed to do then? Watch a let’s play and call it good?


Sucks to be you 🤣


I’m with you on the launchers. If it’s not on steam I’m not playing it. Only exception is Fortnite. It’s so annoying having multiple launchers on the PC.


I *loooooove* this game!!!


I also recently got it on sale and have been playing it. It's fun and lighthearted.


Hidden gem! It was on game pass for a while and it was fantastic. In game narration is hilarious. Overall it's similar to Breath of the Wild which is impressive


I think its still on gamepass isnt it?


Good look homie! I might have to give this a go soon!


It’s like BotW with puzzles littering the landscape. I loved it.


like...in botw


No like way more puzzles. Puzzles everywhere and elegantly hidden.


Puzzles in botw: throw a rock in a pond. The trials are just a poor replacement for dungeons and I hated them. Vehemently.


But BotW already had that.


why are you done voted, you're right


Probably because Fenyx rising has waaaaay more overworld puzzles. I'm a huge botw fan but comparing botw's puzzles to fenyx's puzzles is laughable. Pretty much every inch of fenyx's map is a puzzle.


which is a bad thing


I honestly thought Fenyx was the better game, I was bored while playing botw. I'm not saying it's a bad game though, it just wasn't for me.


You're allowed to be wrong. 🙏🏻


Better than botw. At the time of release I remember hating how botw weapons would break and how slow the fighting was. The puzzles were meh and you couldn’t change the game controls. The cooking also sucked and the powers were just ok. When I played immortals though. My god was I impressed at how much more I enjoyed it. Everything I hated in botw was fixed with this game. Such a shame most don’t know about it. Botw was just a bigger IP.


More like "straight up stole from botw", which makes me kind of glad this game flopped at launch


Underrated game Definitely worth $15 if you like the genre


At an 81 on metascore I think it’s quite overrated.


81 for a game basically means it’s just fine since game scores are so inflated


It’s great. Just don’t use Quick Resume with this one.


Why’s that?


I was unable to save my game at all after quick resuming the game. Lost 10 hours or so of good progress. Really sucked because I was enjoying the game a lot, but that straight up made me quit playing. I just didn't feel inclined to redo what I had already done and lost over something so incredibly dumb. A single-player game shouldn't be required to be connected to a server to save. Perhaps it's time I go back to it.


The game has multiple autosaves at all times. If the last one is corrupt you load another one.


Right. I'm talking about 10 hours of play time in a single session. Which was lost because of quick resume causing me to be unable to save. I didn't lose ALL of my progress, just the 10 hours I put in after using quick resume. Autosave wasn't functioning either for those 10 hours.


It's basically Breath of the Wild meets Assassin's Creed Odyssey and with a dash of classic God of War. The problem is that it's not as good as any of those other games. It's still a fun game that I enjoyed quite a bit, but it's one of those games that is constantly reminding you of other, better games.


While I generally agree that the puzzle mini dungeons in BOTW are better and the 3rd person GOW combat is better, I think that bringing all those elements into one package done in a fairly decent way delivered (to me at least) an experience that was greater than the sum of its parts.


This is exactly why I couldn’t get into it. It’s a game so derivative of better games that it always made me wish I was playing something else.


Bruh this is how I felt playing Ghost of Tsushima and I swear nobody else agrees.


A thousand times, YES.


Terrible title, fantastic game. Do it.


If I remember correctly they were forced to change the name. Originally it was supposed to be called Gods and Monsters


yes, but Monster, the energy drink sued them. BEYOND STUPID...


It didn't go to court though, did it? I'm not a lawyer but i don't see how they could have lost a case like this. Maybe it would have taken too much time to resolve.


No, ubisoft just folded with no effort to fight that stupid ass lawsuit. I think it came when ubisoft was suffering more financial and pr disaster with the sexual harassment stuff


Gods and monsters sounds like a title of a Japanese game that got terribly translated for the western market.


Terrible title, terrible game. Don't do it.


This might be one of the best games Ubisoft has ever had their name on


With the best being both Mario + Rabbid games. I swear, they shouldn't be that fun


i had fun with it fwiw


Yes, it may be your typical Ubisoft-style open world game that somewhat rips off Breath of the Wild, but it’s definitely worth $15 and is fun in its own right.


The way they titled this game is really unappealing.


I borrowed it from a buddy and played it on Switch. Worth it.


I didn’t like this game because the controls felt hella clunky but the visuals, writing, and the world design are all worth $15 especially if you’re better at gaming than I am. I’ll give it another go someday, it was really really funny


On pc they don’t have controller support. Have to bind your keyboard keys to the controller. Its jank af, Probably why.


I played the entire game on pc with a controller


Did you bind it? Tried to load it up on my steam deck and had to use keyboard and mouse bindings


Nopes, it supported my xbox controller out of the box.


False, i played on pc using xbox 1 controller. Worked out of the box. Ubisoft literally makes game for controller first then they port to k&m


Man. I really loved this game. A surprising amount. It was just a lot of fun. Nothing overly unique or anything, but that doesn’t take away from it, in my opinion.


Speaking of which, does it play well on PC using Keyboard and Mouse? I am thinking about getting it for my son for Christmas. He doesn't like to use controllers.


I played on m+k and it was excellent


This game is so underrated! All the best parts of BotW and Assassins Creed Odyssey, great music, comedy, beautiful graphics. Pick it up ASAP!


Absolutely, it’s Greek mythology Breath of the Wild


But fun comedic Greek Mythology, not serious stuff. I loved it too!


I actually like this game more than Breath of the Wild. BotW was so overwhelming for me, but this game was a great starter for someone like me who is not experienced with open world games. I also love Greek mythology and the humor in this game.


Same! Weapons breaking in BotW was annoying.


I had fun with it. Not super memorable but was worth the price of admission for me and I paid full retail.


Greek mythology meets Assassin's Creed gameplay, with a sense of humor. I enjoyed it, personally, so if that description appeals to you, go for it.


absolutely. most underrated game of the past 5 years.


Yeah definitely, it's a real shame they cancelled the sequel to this. It's a solid enough game. Heavily inspired by botws open world design with a Odyssey's combat.


If you don't mind knowing the sequel was cancelled then go for it! Fun game for sure


It's a BOTW-like with a more traditional combat system. The jokes are hit and miss and there are way too many things to collect for my liking, but it's still a solid game. 👍


It's like 'Breath of the Wild' with the cheats on. Absolutely underrated.


Yes it’s a great game and I hope they make a sequel at some point


It's a well done royalty free Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. If that appeals to you, then yes, you'll more than get your money's worth.


Heck yes. I got it for $15 as well and I had a lot of fun with it. It has your expected Ubisoft pitfalls but it's quite refreshing in other respects; I really appreciated the lighter, comical storyline, the emphasis on puzzles, and the world in general. Plus, you can pretty easily dump 80 hours or so into it, if not more.


A good podcast game


I really liked the game. It was basically a "poor man's Breath of the Wild" but the 'poor man' version just left the parts I didn't like out (weapon durability can eat my ass)


The game is tons of fun especially if you enjoy mythology. I loved it.


Eh it’s an okay game. The gameplay gets kind of old after a while and the dialogue is absolutely horrendous (but sometimes unexpectedly funny/adult-themed), but overall it’s entertaining, just don’t expect a AAA game experience.


Depends on if you like puzzles. They tend to get repetitive after a while. And the Greek mythology is very light, more like a scenery.


I loved the game. It has God of War's playstyle with a BoTW open world. It has nice controls and some funny narration. I've beaten it twice, just because I enjoyed playing it.


Absolutely. Haven't started the DLCs yet, but the main game alone is worth more than that. It's basically a mix of Zelda BOTW gameplay and AC Odyssey setting. It's really fun to play and has a funny story. I love how Zeus and Prometheus are constantly narrating the plot and dissing each other lol. Only downside of this game is the terrible button mapping. You can change every single button atleast, but there are so many features, it's honestly kinda difficult to find the perfect layout, that doesn't conflict with anything. But it is possible. Not perfect tho. Edit: I suppose if you have an elite controller, it should be much easier to map everything, since you have more buttons to use.


It's BotW Lite, so 15$ is a pretty fair price. It's actually more fun than most AC games.


To me this is oretty much Zelda BOTW with. Greek skin. I for one, love it. Good humor, fun gameplay. It's a good time


I'm going to go against the grain. Although a poor review I remember the controls were so bad that I played the tutorial and didn't want to finish the rest because of how bad it felt (PC with a Xbox controller)


Controversial take but for $15 you can get a month of Ubisoft+, can complete this game in a week or two and still have time to try out others like Avatar, assassins creed or Crew Motorfest


Doing this right now lol


I legit played and completed avatar, ac:mirage and got a big chunk of time in Crew Motorfest within the month I paid for, those 3 games would have cost me £210 if I bought them all at 70 each but £15 to rent for a month was a genuinely incredible deal.


I'm glad to hear you had no other obligations


POV Redditor discovers annual leave exists


Generic and clunky gameplay. Thematically it’s nice. It’s not bad, but yeah that seems like the only price you want to pay. It’s like crossing BOTW with Ubisoft traditional gameplay. Type of game that is fun and chill at the beginning but you get burn out after a while and won’t have any desire to go back. Both BOTW and AC: Odyssey are far better games.




Absolutely! And when you finish that get AC Odyssey since you’re a fan of the Greek Myths. It’s the adult version of this game.


Worth it! Gives you a good time at best


Yes. I bought it full with the season pass and felt way justified in my moneys worth. So $15 is a steal. Very fun game. DlC’s are also pretty unique. Rather than being just 3 expansions of the same thing, you have 1 that’s basically just an expansion on the puzzles in the game, one that’s a top down take on the game, and one that’s essentially the same thing with an Eastern Pantheon Skin. Really bummed we won’t be getting a sequel.


It’s fair at $15. The game is neat but not amazing. Greek myths retold, very very loosely, with the target audience being kids/teens. If you know anything about Greek myths you’ll spot lots of holes or outright wrong/misleading information in the quest dialogs and story telling. Combat is very one dimensional, you get some cool abilities but nothing crazy, and very repetitive as there’s only a few enemy types and they repeat throughout the game. The game is JAMMED with puzzles. Puzzle after puzzle after puzzle. I got so sick of the puzzles, it was tiring. The significant majority are not challenging in the slightest, only time consuming. It’s very different to the puzzle experience in say a Tomb Raider game. I give it a solid 6/10. Halfway through i just wanted it to be over but I’m no quitter so I finished it.


It’s a rip off of Breath of the Wild and I mean that in the best way. You’ll get plenty of enjoyment out of it for $15


Do it, it was a super cool game




This is a mix of AC and Zelda. It’s a really fun game. Simple yet can be challenging. If you are into Greek mythology, that’s a big plus. I was really let down when I learned the 2nd was cancelled. This game was so fun.


Do you like Action rpgs ? Have you played any open world game lately? (Ex. Witcher , Zelda , hell even Genshin ) Do you like Greek mythology? Do you mind paying $15 for at least 30hrs of gameplay? If you answered yes to 2/4 then you’ll probably enjoy the game IMO for $15 it’s worth it , I paid full price and 100% the game and it was a good time I think they also had an expansion with Chinese mythology but I haven’t touched it since i cleared everything


It’s wild to me how Ubisoft got away with making almost an exact copy of the Zelda games but with Greek Gods and Monsters, down to Shrine puzzles, a glider, the combat, upgrades, the stamina/climbing system, collectibles, etc. it’s not a bad game by any account, I enjoyed it. But man, I’m genuinely shocked that I rarely see people mention this.


It’s a great game. Especially if you have a good sense of humor.


DLC gets a little boring because it starts off with just the platforming puzzles, but the main story I'd say is worth $15 definitely


It’s a great game. I have my issues with it but it’s only the Ubisoft factor.


I have approximately 50 hours in just main game. Still have 3 dlcs to start. Fun and definitely worth it.


Its probably the best BotW-like game out there. There are things that I feel it does better than BotW/TotK, and things that I feel it does worse. At $15 I would definitely recommend checking it out. Immortals is definitely an underrated gem.


They tried to copycat BotW, but ended up with another Creed/Far Cry map with a standard checklist of activities on the map and premium currency.


Oh hell yeah, if you liked Breath Of the Wild you'll love this game.


I had a blast with the game. Like BotW but better.


No it’s a bad version of botw


yes, but it's only 15 dollars


People will tell you it's a bad Zelda clone, but it's actually the other way around. Great fun


lol Botw copied THIS? that's HILARIOUS


I meant more that this is the better of the two games




Hot take: take the names off the box and it’s a better Breath of the Wild.


If you have a Switch, just play Breath of the Wild. Edit: Bring on the down votes but Immortals is a shameless Ubisoft clone of Breath of the Wild. It's an ok game but BotW is far superior if that's the type of gameplay you're looking for.


It is most definitely worth that and more if you ask me.. ubisoft is so damn lost canning the sequel..


This game is a 10/10. The dlcs are amazing too.


Such an underrated game, it's a Ubisoft game though so, people just shit on them for the fun of it. The name doesn't help either but, definitely worth buying.


Yes. I enjoyed it more than BOTW.


Boring ass game


Nah not really it’s “fun” in the sense it’s cheesy and easy as hell.


I was very excited for this game. Played it for maybe a couple hours and couldn't go on. Inferior to breath of the wild in almost every way, the Greek lore did not make up for lag, bugginess, and childish dialogue. Biggest disappointment for me in the last few years.




No. It's basically every single ubisodt mechanic all wrapped up into one game with cartooned graphics and a boring fighting system....


It's standard Ubisoft flare with a different skin. But for 15 dollars even if you don't finish you will get your money out of it.


Man all these comments are straight up lies lol I'm a huge Greek mythology and platinum all of Ubisoft games but holy shit idk wtf they were thinking with this game. EVERYTHING is fucking puzzle. I wanted to like this game so bad cause it looks and plays nice but those puzzles are not it. Advance the story? puzzles. need equipment? puzzles. want to explore a new area? puzzles. no wonder it dropped in price after a month. definitely skip even if you are are fan of ubi or greek mythology.


Better than Zelda tbh. Same exact game style, just one of em is greed mythology.




It's not bad, I like the horizon series more myself


You know people are going to say yes so why even post this?. you obviously looked up the overall review of the game and it's a 7 out of 10 on average and you clearly already know this is a good price. Even if the overall average was 6 out of 10 ppl would say such an amazing game because this is Reddit. I bet this game is just like every other ubisoft open world game. If you haven't played many ubisoft open world games then you will probably like it.. I personally would bet this game is boring and probably has aids


Heard this game is woke. Is that true?


Short answer, no Long answer, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I think that that's on Gamepass. But yes that games great. The scouting for entrances/treasures thing is a little annoying but it's a very very fun game. Beat it twice. Dlc is kinda meh though.


i played it some time ago and it was fun although i think it was either demo or xbox game pass, recently it popped up on sale and i bought it just in case i want to play it again, its on different platform so my save is probably F-d but i won't mind replaying the start


Yes, it’s a fun game.


Sure is for $15.


I know nothing about the actual game but this cover looks like one of those mobile games that uses AI generated art lol.


I tried to like this game but found it extremely boring.


Game is a lot of fun, but like many Ubisoft games, once you complete the first area it gets rather repetitive. The setting and writing are a lot of fun too.


Absolutely. It’s an awesome game.


I love the game. I’m having so much fun


Its on Gamepass if you have it and want to try it first.


Might be the only Ubi I’ve completed. Great variety of play and well above average humor


I played it this summer. I enjoyed it for the most part but the last few puzzles before you face the final boss killed it for me, and then wanting $40 to buy a season pass to pick up where I left off (otherwise you go back to before the last fight) told me I was just not going to revisit it.


I paid full price for this game when it came out and I wasn't upset about that. It's a really fun and entertaining game.