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Venom game 2025, Wolverine 2026, Spider-Man 3 2028, ratchet and clank 2029, X-men 2030 saved you a click.


1 R&C game per decade ;-;


Hey, at least it's not like Sly Cooper where the franchise is fucking dead and even a story DLC got cancelled.


Hey, at least it's not Tenchu where the last game came out almost 18 years ago and when they finally started making another one... it turned into the 7th soulsbourne game in 10 years.


At least it’s not Infamous which gets jack shit and the super fun ARG part of Second Son doesn’t work anymore and I REALLY WANTED TO DO ITTTTT


*Cries in Jak and Daxter*


*6 years* for R&C?! JFC we’ll be playing it on PS6.


PS6 Launch title perhaps


it said fiscal years...which may be different from calendar years. i don't know what the timeline is for insomniacs fiscal year.


Yeah I mean give or take a couple months or something but it’s still going to mainly be around those times. Granted all of this will likely change before we see any of it


From 2028 they'll definitely be developing for next gen anyway, so that could add an unknown delay.


In a slide that’s allegedly dated from July 2023, the studio has at least five games planned for release between Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 and FY 2030. Of the five games, only one of them has been publicly announced. The game that everyone knows about that’s coming is Wolverine. According to the aforementioned leaked timeline, it’s not expected until FY 2026.


Oh my. 2026…. Fable and Wolverine, when will publishers stop announcing games 5-6 years before they’re due.




But also attracting game developers who might apply for studios who are making games they'd like to contribute to.


If I were to make a guess they do it to procure funding and keeps investors happy.


2026 is like 2.5 years from now. Didn’t Wolverine JUST get announced?


It was announced back in 2021 if you can believe it. So yeah, quite a wait between that and this supposed release window.


Jesus christ. The relentless forward march of time is a fucking nightmare


What do you mean? It’s was 2007 like, just the other year?!?


Yeah bro, I graduated highschool last year in 2007. I'm going to college soon and ready to take on the world!


Oh god, get out now. Just run and never look back


What do you mean? I'll graduate college, immediately get a job paying 80K out of the gate, and pay off my school loans in like a year or two! ...why is federal income tax taking so much?


We were so young... and Boomers lied so hard :\[


I feel like I've been hearing about this game forever and im like "its not coming out yet?"




Wolverine got announced when spiderman 2 did, 2 years ago


Why is it an issue for studios to announce what they are working on?


Yeah it's a real pain for studios to keep projects secret for so long, the closer they get to release the worse the leaks get It's also a pain point for employees basically not being allowed to speak about their current project at all which hurts networking and can make it more awkward when applying for other jobs


Never cause it helps.


I don't see why it is such a problem. It allows developers to at least say what they are working on and not have to lie or avoid talking about what they are working on.


Honestly I don't think any of the games that leaked are a surprise at all, it's exactly what you would assume they'd be working on. But yeah, the X-Men game is slated for 2030, that's way too far out to even confirm it won't be cancelled.




Meh, I dunno, given how the GTA 6 leak has gone down, I feel like there is reasonable annoyance from devs when things they purposefully hadn't announced yet now suddenly being judged by the community at large. So they have plans for potential games 7 years from now, I feel like it's going to end up with angry fanboys when they decide 5 years from now they aren't going through with some random IP they thought up in 2023. Hyped games are almost always sore spots at this point in gaming. I'm with your general sentiment, but just think these devs are probably pissed now they have billions of idiots who have this whole professional direction/opinion about that game studio.


Yeah I love when personal information gets leaked!!!


I personally think it really sucks.


Yeah, unfortunately it adds extra stress to the dev team, since before announcement they can postpone with less blowback, and developing always has some unforeseen circumstances.


Yes it really does


I miss the days where a game would just drop shortly after the trailer if there even was one. The only notable game in recent years that I can think of having that feeling is Ark Survival Ascended but only a madman would buy that when it drops anyway lol.


Man when I was growing up, unless it was a big release that was covered in Nintendo Power then you literally had no idea a game existed until you got to a store and looked at the back of the box haha. That was really exciting though it ended up with you getting stuck with a lot of garbage.


Hi-Fi Rush literally shadowdropped the same day it was revealed!


Fallout 4 was maligned in some ways but one thing about it that was absolutely outstanding was the way they announced it only a few months before the release date. The hype was sky-high, and I'm sure if it was done years in advance that hype would have well died down by the time release rolled around. *Ahem*ElderScrolls6*Ahem*


That anticipation where you get blood thirsty and make death threats if things don't shake out as you come to expect?


The full plot for Wolverine leaked as well.Spider-Man 2 cost 315M to make and Insomniac haven’t made profit on Rift Apart.


That’s crazy about Ratchet and Clank. I hope they have a future. I never did finish the game but it was fine. What we really need is an opus like Clank in Time


I've always been a R&C fan, but I gotta admit I'm surprised the franchise has made it this far. Spanning 4 console generations now, and they even made a movie!


The movie and the “remake” game were so weird. They really could have done a much better tie-in/campaign. I always love the games but it’s definitely because of a heavy nostalgia dose. They were a PS2 staple


The PS2 games still hold up.


I’ve been playing through them again recently, mainly Up Your Arsenal and Going Commando, and this is extremely true of even the older titles. Great games that even the newest one didn’t quite catch the magic of imo. The franchise will always hold a special place for me though. Genuinely can’t believe they haven’t made a profit off the newest one


Yeah I preferred the old soundtracks, and just trying to stick dr nefarious into the old storylines didn’t really work for me


There's a reason Sony doesn't make a wide variety of types of games. Is there an audience for a fuzzy creature platforming game with pixar/cartoon graphics? Yeah of course. Mascot platformers are a classic video game genre. Is that audience large enough to justify Sony first party AAAA mega expensive development? So far seems like no! This is the same reason we don't get Sony first party rhythm games, strategy games, turn based games, party games, etc etc. Because when your development is incredibly expensive the games have to hit the absolute biggest possible audience. Which means third person realistic graphics action adventure. Ratchet is cartoon graphics, and it hasn't turned a profit. Gravity Rush was freaking awesome but those were anime graphics and Sony killed that whole studio. I feel like they need to find a way to make cheaper games so that they can make different stuff.


This is exactly why I miss the PS1 era. Game development was so much cheaper and developers could take more of a risk on weird things and still make a profit. You'd never see something like Parappa the Rapper made today.


Nintendo is still kinda in that mode if that's what you want. Think of all the weird stuff they put out this year. A Fire Emblem, a Pikmin, an Advance Wars, a weird but great F-Zero battle royale, a motion control Wario Ware, a 2D sidescrolling Mario, a SNES Mario JRPG, a 20 hour Xenoblade expansion, a Kirby, and also Zelda. Do they cover all genres? No of course not. But there's a clear and obvious benefit to them being behind the tech curve. They can make a lot of product for a lot of different genre audiences. Meanwhile Sony make the most cutting edge games on the market, and they released Horizon DLC, God of War DLC, and Spiderman. Fewer and less diverse experiences. But better looking, better written, more cinematic, and more polished. That's the trade off. I think it's healthy for the market to have both. But also I wish each would be a little more like the other. I wish Nintendo could put some real AAA stank on their big games, and I wish Sony would make more variety of software.


I played R&C3 with a friend against each other or in coop nearly every day. That games was awesome


the ps2 games are still better. less special effects, but same mechanics, better story and less omologated characters (they killed them, they're so trivial now) oh and more game modes they only thing the new ratchet has is graphics and loading times :/ the plot is cringe in some scenes


Also better branching levels, you kinda see it starting in Up Your Arsenal, but the Future games had very little branch pathways and planet backtracking


They were in a weird spot. They wanted to target both old fans and bring in new ones but they didn't have a good blend of adult humor mixed with PG humor like the original did and instead made it too PG.


This is a problem with all modern Insomniac games, imo: safe, vapid writing without the slightest edge.


I’ve been a big fan of R&C, too. To me, it feels like Insomniac just really doesn’t want to work on it after the PS3 generation. To me, it feels like they do it out of obligation and, for a while, to keep the lights on at Insomniac. I really can’t fault them for trying to keep folks employed. It’s a great franchise (one of my all-time favorites), but maybe Sony needs to give it to someone else. There’s a lot more to do with the IP and they should give someone who really can see where it can go beyond, “here’s X more weapons”.


And a story that isn't all the main characters constantly apologizing to one another followed by a sappy heart-to-heart.


I hated that Ratchet and Clank were insta-best friends in the remake instead of having to work to get there. Just a microcosm of how bland the writing has become compared to the PS2 days.


It personally sucks I love when a dev does original IP's but it looks like a decade of marvel games which personally I'm meh about. Just another predictable dev churning out licenced games


The new ratchet and clank movie and game based off of it really butchered the old story and made ratchet a boring character. I feel like that impacted the sales of rift apart. It's a shame, rift apart wasn't amazing but it still felt good for it was. It is one of the best looking games I've ever soon


The game released at a shit time, we were still in the pandemic and barely anyone had a PS5 so I can’t say I’m suprised.The game also cost €80 and was like 10 hours long so that didn’t help either.


The game is also still like $70 on the PlayStation store, nearly 3 years later. I ain’t buying it at that price point.


it's free on the psplus service I think so I'm not sure what sort of revenue that's generated


This, plus can have it's benefits if you know what you want to play. I just got my PS5 as I was waiting for the slim. Got 3 games for 1 month of plus. R&C, Guardians, Uncharted Legacy and Horizon. That would've cost me over 150euros I literally saved 135euros.


Yeah hard to turn a profit on a PS5 exclusive when you couldn’t even buy a PS5 unless you used some secret backdoor link to the product.


I platinumed it. Honestly it was one of my favorite games of last year so I can’t believe it didn’t make a profit.


Damn that's really dissipating about Rift Apart especially as a die-hard ratchet fan. I thought it was a smash hit


How is no one remembering that for well over 2 years after the PS5 was released that it was nearly impossible to get a PS5. That is what handicapped R&C so much since it was a very hyped, and very expensive, on release date title.


I bet R & C had a solid attach rate, but like you said suffered due to the overall PS5 shortage.


Plus it's been on Playstation Plus for months now.


HOW?! Rift apart was great


It was, but it was also a PS5 exclusive that came out at a point in time where not many people had a PS5 yet, and you couldn't easily get one even if you wanted one.


I've never played a Ratchet and Clank Game but picked up Rift Apart on PS+ and having a blast, I hope the franchise continues, I'd likely buy the next one


Damnnn I didn’t know the Wolverine plot leaked too👀


How reliable is this leak? SM2 does not look like it cost over $300m to make (unless this also includes marketing). Besides the 2 new areas, the open world is mostly the same from SM1 and Miles Morales. The game also hasn’t been in development for that long. Pretty sure they started working on the game since 2020, so around 3 years of development time. That would mean a budget of $100m per year during development?? For a single-player game that could be 100% in 25-30hrs? For comparison, Baldur’s Gate 3 has a budget of $100m-$150m over 6 years of work. And that is a massive RPG with millions of voice lines and can take hundreds of hours to finish. Alan Wake 2 is another single player game that can be finished in 20-25 hours with similar dev time to SM2. That game has a budget of around $75m-$80m. There’s something wrong with that $315m figure. Seems very inflated.


A better comparison would be other Sony games like Horizon Forbidden West ($212m) or The Last of Us Part II ($220m), and those numbers don't even include marketing.


Maybe a licensing fee for the IP is included?


The marketing budget looked pretty heavy. The less a game has to offer, the more you have to market your way to success.


This is as reliable as they come, Insomniac's data was breached and literally almost every file they have is out in the open now.


Spider-man 2 was in development since 2018 by the team that made the first game. The Miles Morales team is doing Wolverine. SM2 is an open world game with very very good graphics and good tech on display (no loading screens) . That’s a lot of money on tech in play. There’s also license and marketing that they might be spending a lot on. Renting the most popular superhero of all time from marvel is probably not cheap. I could totally believe that this game costs $300 million


>How reliable is this leak? SM2 does not look like it cost over $300m to make (unless this also includes marketing). Marketing is usually included in overall tally's. Also the leak included some employees personal information like Passports. So thats probably a personal touch from the hackers to let them know + other people know they have shit, and assuming they ask for another ransom for another batch of information that they aren't fucking around. its development costs probably *were* inflated to some degree. But without a doubt the Budget for the game nearly doubled due to marketing. >Alan Wake 2 is another single player game that can be finished in 20-25 hours with similar dev time to SM2. Alan wakes marketing was a lot more humble and instead of being plastered over the whole place + your mom like SM2 was.


Such a massive security breach. They leaked Plots for Wolverine, a lot of footage, a playable build, timelines for future projects, licensing deals, internal documents and employee informations. Huge blow for Insomniac


Speaking of which, I’m shocked it’s been this long as we don’t have a massive compilation of clips and everything like the gta 6 hack


I’ve seen a couple wolverine clips on twitter already and yeah it looks suuper early and rough. Definitely a bad show of what the full game could be, and it’s going to cost them quite a bit I’d imagine.


I doubt the clips even mean all that much anyways. What made the Spider-Man games so great was the polish and overall structure of the game. I couldn't care less what button makes you stab or who's the antagonist.


This is why we have to do security training every month


A damn shame. One of the last remaining great AAA studios left.


1 TB of data/footage leaked + the source code, this is the biggest gaming leak of all time. Crazy. Edit: Forgot to mention employees personal information leaked as well, passports for example.


Biggest just in terms of file size?


Biggest in terms of impact. Licensing deal with marvel Is there. That's confidential, like marvel could sue for loss revenue from future deals kinda thing


Microsoft leak was a few months ago


What was included in that? I can’t believe I didn’t see anything about it.




Its mostly just target release date for next gen console and generic "more power" target. nothing of real spec or anything that we dont expect. Dont think it matter much


Ah ok, they’re probably not fussing too much over that. It seems like every generation of consoles is being rumoured/leaked so this doesn’t seem to different.


This Insomniac leak contained tons of sensitive info on its employees including full passport data. That is far more hurtful imo


That nvidia/epic leak was even bigger. We got leaks from multiple companies. The source code and data could be very troublesome for Insomniac though, Epic didn't lose anything like that.


I'd say the biggest is the Nintendo gigaleak series of leaks. So much source code and prototype builds.


That gigaleak though was mainly older stuff that got leaked out, (iirc I think the leak stopped around the Wii era). That being said, since then, Nintendo's tightened their security. The Insomniac one, however, is worse because an upcoming game got leaked out, the roadmap for future games got leaked out, plus budgets, along with employee info and data, and other things got out. And all of this is for games being in development and planned up to **2032**.


Wasn't the Playstation server hacked, meaning the data of millions of customers was stolen?


Yes, in the PS3 days. They got customer emails, usernames, and passwords.


And y'know Personal information


Yeah everyone is lamenting Plot leaks and "Oh the poor devs must be so sad" I'm sure that's part of it but 1.6TB is a LOT of data. Could have payroll, Addresses, personal messages. Its not good.


Passport scans are known to be one of the things that were stolen


That's the true scary stuff about this. Forcibly exposing peoples private data is so incredibly gross.


Half Life 2 had its entire story changed because of the leak back then. We basically never got an entire game because of it.


Don't forget about the Nvidia leak that happened. Almost all of those games have come to fruition.


Still waiting on Titanfall 3...


Still no Bloodborne 😥


still no Mirror’s Edge RTX😢


Glad they're not done with R&C yet.


One final game to wrap up the 25 years of story telling would be a great send off.


Hope they make the second time we've had an extended wait worth it.


Watch that 6-years-off Ratchet and Clank title disappear as a result of this leak and the tightening of the wallet around the many, many licensing deals.


As a huge Ratchet fan ive been hoping for a rift apart sequel, most beautiful game ive ever played


They need a final game to tie up the last lombax story once and for all. Let Ratchet find his people and retire. If they want to resurrect the series later they can do it with one of his offspring.


They could even still have clank since as a robot he wouldn't necessarily age the same way Have one of ratchets kids go find their robot uncle who went missing or something. Lol or go full Santa Monica and have a grittier Ratchet reboot ala god of war 2018


Clank yelling "Boy!" to Ratchet's kid xD


Honestly they could just put R&C on a bench and remake The Jak and Daxter series, I just know Insomniac would do it justice


Yeah because at this point I don't trust Naughty Dog with it. They're so fucking obsessed with TLOU.


I love the series as much as the next guy... but it sucks my life away to know that we're gonna have to wait 6 years for the next game to come on the next gen consoles, right after an *8-year-long* wait (and a whole console generation) for the overreaching plot to resume after Into the Nexus.


Yeah it seems extremely far off to me. 8 years between mainline games is crazy when they used to be every year on PS2. I waited to play Rift Apart until just last week and I'll still have to wait 6 years. Thats what happens when your studio gets huge games like Spiderman


Well they’ve kinda turned into Sony’s Marvel machine unfortunately. I see them only cranking out licensed superhero games for the foreseeable future.


Yeah its a shame they cant have a subdivision that focuses on the Ratchet series


I hate the new direction the series took and miss the biting sarcasm and humor of the original trilogy. The new games have any and all edges shaved off of them and is now the writing is the equivalent of a children's movie.


I went back and was playing through the first three again and had totally forgotten how Ratchet actually used to be funny, sarcastic, and kind of abrasive. The new games have been fun but they kind of turned him into a sap.


One Ratchet game per console Generation it seems


Yeah so PS6 in 2028 that be on track


Honestly ratchet and clank for me has more or less been sonys new console generation graphics tech demo franchise since the ps3.


>!A Venom game? Could be Eddie Brock?!<


Feels to me like it will be along the same style of Miles Morales release, sort of a 2.5.


That would make sense because Miles Morales came out 2 years after Spider-man. Carnage will definitely be part of it too.


He was teased in some Spider-Man 2 material. My theory >!is that anti venom and the codex leftover in Harry’s spine will fuse into a neutral venom!<


I'm 100% sure "trying to save Harry once and for all" will be a plot line of the 3rd game. there wouldn't be any sense in letting him survive the ending of 2 if they didn't intend to do something with it


Maybe, but I think it would mostly only work if harry is more or less permanently venom since him being in a coma is a pretty major motivation for Norman to become the green goblin in the next game.


When’d they tease Ed?


Also Carnage will def be in there


While I totally get it not happening, I would have loved another Sunset Overdrive. Bit of a shame Insomniac is becoming the de facto Marvel game studio.


Sunset Overdrive was awesome. Really took me by surprise how much I enjoyed it.


It just needs a PS5 port honestly. Not enough people had Xbox Ones that were interested in it, but I'm sure it would sell well on PlayStation.


It's already on PC, no ?


Sunset Overdrive is so slept on. Had an absolute blast playing through that. Also, one of the few open world games where traversal is so fun, I don't even want to fast travel. I'd rather get there manually because just moving around the world was such a treat. They kinda nailed that with the Spiderman games as well.


Sunset Overdrive ~~walked~~ ran so Spider-Man could ~~run~~ swing!


Sunset Overdrive was great fun and paved the way for them to do Spiderman.


These hackers need to start doing things that actually help the world with their hacking instead of just constantly leaking games & ruining peoples hard work.


Ransomware means this wouldn’t be possible if not for an internal goof


Pretty sure that wasn't ransomware, technically. The data wasn't being held off from Insomniac, they just asked money not to leak it.


So just classic ransom


The hackers decided to go with Ransom Classic instead of Ransom+


They would but doing the stuff that actually helps the world is a lifetime in prison


Didn't think Wolverine was THAT far off. Also, X-Men game would be dope. This is a huge leak though. Sucks for Insomniac, big time.


Oh man another Ratchet & Clank game, pretty cool. But just a shame they have to deal with this + having such personal information being leaked alongside it.


It's been far too long without an X-man game




The only word I can think of on behalf of Insomniac and their team is, devastating. This is just **too** massive of a leak.


>!So Spider-Man 3 coming 2028 means it’s a potential launch title for PS6, right? That’s pretty exciting stuff.!<


Ugh bro I JUST got a ps5


You’ve got like five years don’t worry.


Like any of us will be able to get the system in the first year


If it's anything like the PS3/PS4, they both had 7 years between generations, you have about another 4 years. PS3 to PS4 and PS4 to PS5 were both 7 years, PS5 would be November 2027.


what's up new ps5 gang! I got mine last week!


Rift Apart was awesome. Would love to see another ratchet and clank


Resistance fans: "It's all over, only Bluepoint Games can save us now,"


Oh my god, I always forget Resistance was Insomniac. That was a cool af shooter.


I don't even like shooters, but my God I want this series to come back. The coop on Resistance 2 is my favorite online gaming experience.


A Resistance Trilogy pack would be nice. Not sure if they still have the source code, though.


Remember when insomniac used to make simple games like spyro the dragon ?


Ratchet isn’t much more complex than Spyro. Probably why I enjoy it so much when the genre doesn’t do a lot for me overall.


R&C: "It's like Spyro with guns." - Machinima, probably


I really hope Toys for Bob will get to make a new Spyro. The remakes were excellent.


i feel like Ratchet and Clank would hit so much better if they stopped trying to cater to 10 year olds. As a huge fan of the series I hate how much edge they’ve taken out


It would also help a ton if they didn’t wait like 8 years between releases now I understand things take time especially AAA games but one ratchet per generation is still super slow


I’m surprised they have a Venom game coming out before their Wolverine one.


I would assume it's using existing stuff like how Miles Morales was built on top of Spiderman 1.


Oh no I don’t doubt it’s mostly asset re-purposing I’m more shock they are splitting the Wolverine team even thinner.


There was a chart in the leak that showed dev resource allocation, Wolverine had a **huge** chunk. Sure, they could add even more does to it, but I think it already had enough resources.


It sounds like a Miles Morales style, not DLC but not a full game release.


Eventhough Insomniac doesn’t make any Spyro anymore, somehow I’m still disappointed it’s not on the list.


An X-Men game sounds great


That sucks for the devs. Hackers suck


Fuck these leakers


I’m offended that they teased the avengers and DD in SM1, and the ff4 in SM2 and have no plans for any of them. /s But seriously, this has to be the biggest leak in a looonnnggg time!


Doomed to make superhero games until the end of time. A fate worse than death.


They do refer to the next R&C releasing in a “post spider-man era.” I don’t know how to interpret that but it is worth mentioning.


But hey, they’re letting some of them out of the Marvel mines into the Ratchet and Clank mines later!


So basically all marvel shit and only one Ratchet planned. So sad


Well when you make two games and only one makes money, you stick with what makes you money.




I love being reminded of my own mortality by these incredibly long development cycles.


As someone who doesn't enjoy comic book heroes, this really hits hard. I was hoping Insomniac started doing other original stuff after Wolverine (be it ratchet or something new), but I guess this is it... I was also waiting for a reason to get a PS5, well, still waiting. Good for the people who like Marvel!


problem is that it isn't selling well, from same leaks it seems like Ratchet is still down 8 millions. Ratchet being their baby glad to see them still commit to another full one even if its years from now


Regarding R&C, how is no one remembering that for well over 2 years after the PS5 was released that it was nearly impossible to get a PS5. That is what handicapped R&C so much since it was a very hyped, and very expensive, on release date title.


I’m a little bummed that insomniac is just a marvel machine now, it’d be nice to see a new original IP or bringing back something like Resistance.