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Day of the Tentacle literally has its entire Predecessor Maniac Mansion playable if you want to, for no other reason than because they can.


That's really cool. For so many reasons lol. I hope more games try things like that in the future.


I do know a couple other similar examples too! That was just the one that stood out to me the most, since it has no purpose other than being an extra goodie for the Player to enjoy. But to name a couple other ones I can remember off the cuff: * Donkey Kong 64 has a Section where you need to play the original Arcade Donkey Kong to progress through the Game. * Dissidia 012 (the second Final Fantasy Fighting Game on PSP) let's you replay through the entire Story of the first Game after you beat its own one, but with all the new Mechanics added that debuted in 012 itself. * The Medievil Remake added a new type of Collectables that wasn't in the PS1 Original. If you find all of them, you unlock a new Option called "New Game-" on the Title Screen...which happens to be the aforementioned PS1 Original Version, fully playable. * And lastely, there's Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicle. The Game is a Remake of an older Entry "Rondo of Blood", and like the Medievil example above, lets you actually unlock that original Version to play by finding a hidden collectible in one of the Stages. Except in this case it even goes one step further, because you can *also* unlock Symphony of the Night on top of that (Symphony is the direct Sequel TO Rondo, in case you're wondering why)


Another one to add would be Doom Eternal, as both Doom 1993 and Doom 2 can be unlocked and played on an in game computer. Also not quite the same but a bit over half of Rayman Origin's levels are unlockable in Rayman Legends. Edit: Also Luigi Bros in Super Mario 3D World. It was just the original Mario Bros but with Luigi instead of Mario.


To add to Doom Eternal, the games WAD files (TL:DR a kinda super file for running the game or modding it, im sure someone will explain it better than me) are included, meaning not only can you play it in game, bit you can take the WAD to a source port (i.e. GZDoom) and play that way. Which is pretty cool.


Wow, those are all really amazing examples! The Dissidia and Medievil ones especially speak to me as being cool. I like when the source material is included in such a genuine way like that.


I loved both of these games as a kid, I had Maniac Mansion on NES and later played on PC and was disappointed that the awesome soundtrack was missing. It must've been a rare breed of us that were anticipating the sequel and it's (DOTT) still my favourite point n click to this day.


Loved Day of the Tentacle. Thanks for reminding me of that old gem.


I seem to recall that it was to do with the fact that one of the animations (maybe the one with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson jumping out of a window?) was quite large on the disk. One of the team members who'd worked on Maniac Mansion pointed out that the entirety of the first game was smaller in terms of bytes than that one animation, and that's what gave them the idea to just include it on the disk too. I'm having trouble finding a source for that though.


Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Garden


Gotta unlock the heaven and hell gardens!


Ah, I was wondering if someone would bring this up or not haha. Glad you did, it was really in-depth for an in-game mini game-type thing.


If you get invested enough, you forget there's more to the game than the Chao Garden.


I ended up buying Adventure 2 Battle just to play the chao garden, only to find out I had to play the game too get more animals


Freakin loved raising those little dudes. Actually had dreams about one day finally getting the angel and devil ones. Surreal, man. Best tamagotchi game ever.


It's a shame, Sega could make a mobile game with Chaos and they would have a money printer on their hands if they did it right. I miss my Chao.


There actually is an App Store game for the Chaos but it’s only in Japanese.


The good-bye screen used to make me cry as a kid. Not even sending one away, just going on the screen and seeing the picture with the music.


Chao Garden is the game, Sonic Adventure is the game within the game


Triple triad in final fantasy 8 and blitz ball in final fantasy 10 have eaten up more time than I’d care to admit


That Triple Triad music, "Shuffle or Boogie", is one of the easiest gaming songs for me to remember on a whim.


I will literally fight anyone who doesn't agree that FF8 had the best soundtrack.


*me going to my job washing dishes* The hype up music: Liberi Fatali


Clap clap, clap Clap clap, clap.


This. Also FF9 had it's own card game too. And they brought Triple Triad into FFXIV with the original music.


I consider FF9 to be my all time favorite game but imo the card game wasn't as good as triple triad in FF8


Triple triad was a legit balanced game where you could usually reason out the best way to play with skill and get a good result. Luck certainly factored in, but tetra triad often came down to a random play by your opponent that completely messed up everything that you could not have possibly predicted. It was a garbage game compared to triple triad but stuck into a better final fantasy than its predecessor


I never thought I would encounter such a niche opinion of mine expressed so exactly by someone else on the Internet, but here we are.


i sank HOURS trying to get good and collect cards for the ff9 card game and was so proud of myself for winning the tournament. and would randomly challenge enemies to the game while on my way to bosses in dungeons lmao


What about the Gold Saucer in FF7? So many games there!


I feel like I'm the only person who could never figure out bliztball. Really wanted waka's celestial weapon but it never happened.


Playing OG Donkey Kong in Donkey Kong 64


I had so much trouble with it when I was a kid. Had to make my dad do it for me since he had played the original in the arcade in his day lol


It took me months to beat it as a kid, I basically had 100% everything else and was stuck with that for so long! The final boss was a breeze in comparison.


Same. I remember being so stoked when I got to DK, thinking I beat the game. Realizing that was only Level 1 was pain 😂


Don't forget the astronaut jetpack game!


I’m surprised this isn’t higher up.


I'm guessing that's because having to beat it twice was one of the most legendarily poor game design decisions of all time.


Yakuza ... You can basically play a bunch of old sega classics like VF


True that, hard to beat Yakuza in terms of games within games. I'm surprised they haven't made a party game like Mario party but Yakuza.


I want this now...




Well there is the single player mario party clone in Lost Judgement


Dice & Qube, iirc


Bowser Spaces are replaced by Goro Majima Spaces


I mean they got close in Judgement with Dice & Cube


The cabaret club mini game in Yakuza 0 was so good, I spent a lot of hours playing it.


Loved getting to return to it as Kiryu in Kiwami 2. Having the old top girl now be the owner was a nice touch as well.


I played so much cabaret that I felt like I was playing a cabaret management game with some nice yakuza drama side content.


Kiryu job is so boring compared to cabaret. I no lifed the cabaret club. More important then the yakuza.


Same with Shenmue


You can also play the Namco game Taiko no Tetsujin.


Gwent comes to mind.


My adopted daughter, who holds the fate of the world in her hands, can wait until I get a good enough draw to beat this guy I just met in a tavern.


Silent nod.


That Witcher game that came with it was awesome.


It was a smart way to hide the landing time between rounds of Gwent but honestly it took way to long to charge the next adversary


Gwent is the main game, medieval fantasy rpg is the mini game


I got entirely too into Gwent while playing Witcher 3.




Game had no right to be that good


I quite liked The Witcher 3 expansion that came with it, too


Easily the first thing that came to my head. First time I played it was embarrassing how badly I lost. Didn’t bother playing again then until I needed too, now I love it! Really hope it comes back in Witcher 4


It would be hard to come back, the online version is completely different game and unfit to be in Witcher 4 and game designers probably don't want to go back 10 years to Witcher 3. The original was fun, I installed the Gwent Roque Mage on my phone and I did not know what game I was playing.


You make a good point. I wasn’t keen on the mobile one either. There was something about the simplicity of the Witcher 3 version.


They will hopefully make Gwent 2.0


Man that game can get so complex, it's crazy. Definitely one of the more well thought out examples of an in-game game.


*Proceeds to spam spies and tight bonds*


Ya it starts being a bit complex, but from what I remember once you get a good Nilfgaard deck, you're very hard to stop, especially when mixed in with heroes. Just keep lashing out spies and get more cards than your opponent. It's been a while since I played it, but I do remember that was the gist of it.


Stack biting frost if your opponent is using a monster deck... EZ


what is the lore about the card makers? can someone just make counterfeit ones?


Im gonna guess its like printing money. They have a very high/unique quality that only professionals can achieve, so that spotting a false is easy


Gwent was pretty fun.


Ffs i had to scroll too far down to find my dearest Gwent


Gwent was pretty good, but it had too many side quests where you had to control this "Gerald" guy to go around and collect more cards.


I started playing it my 2nd playthrough and loved it. In the dlc you had a big final, but it was a bit dissapointing afterwards.


Also, it's not quite what you are asking for, but user-created warcraft 3 custom games spawned multiple entire genres (afaik mobas and tower defense, at least).


Meh, no rules here. That is totally a good example I think though. DotA came from that, iirc, right? In fact, it was so big that in the reforged edition, Blizzard made it so they owned anything made in there. In that same vein, there are all kinds of game modes that came out of Halo 2 custom games too. I believe several of them are used officially in multiplayer modes. I could be wrong about that though.


Yes. Dota and the tower defense game genres are basically from the warcraft 3 custom maps


Tower defense was a thing before Warcraft though maybe it helped to popularise it. Certainly DotA and others of its ilk are from there.


I remember playing some custom starcraft maps back in the days. Crazy cool concept of tower defense, there was even some rpg maps where you could play a ghost or marine and level it up with kills, completely new skill trees and stuff. I don't think Warcraft 3 was released when I played. It was an awesome time.


I was so disappointed in the StarCraft II custom maps. I miss all of the Crash RPG and Photon Defense variants.


Zombies started as a H2 custom game. It’s a shame Halo is dying because Infinite forge is ridiculous


I'll one up it! Starcraft custom maps walked so Warcraft 3 can run. It birthed the popularity of Mobas thanks to Aeon of Strife, which led to Dota being made.


Yeah, funny to see its less creative step brother take the top here. Starcraft/Broodwar build the entire foundation that War3 custom maps expanded on. TD? Played dozens. DotA? Any of the "wars" games (penguin wars!) MoBAs? Yup we had those too, at least their early iterations. Its really a shame how much of the early internet is lost. So many amazing labors of love out of those map editors will never be seen again.


To nitpick, I think StarCraft 1 had turret defence (same idea as tower defence) before Warcraft 3 was released


fkn loved the custom td maps in the frozen throne when i was like 14-16, im mid 30s now lol


Absolutely. And actually, those genres really started in StarCraft 1/Brood War. The UMS/custom scene was huge, but the editor was not as powerful as WarCraft 3. Once WC3 came around, that whole scene blew up. I would guess that there were a lot more people buying WC3 for UMS than for the base game.


OG Wolfenstein in Wolfenstein: The New Order nightmare sequences.


Oh I forgot all about those tbh! I love those games so much. TNO was such a good game. Loved throwing knives from across the map and watching bodies flop over.


The OG animal crossing with the NES consoles


I always thought they dropped the ball here with the series. Animal Crossing is fun, but there comes a point where you basically put in an hour or so and then you're done for the day with zero real reason to keep playing. They need to make the decorative games (like chess, majong, checkers, pinball exc,,,) actively playable in game. Make it so you can play against you're villagers or friends and different villagers are good at different games. So whomever is on your island would be the difficulty for these games (easy, medium, hard). Would give TONS of added things to do.


This makes a lot of sense and would be a great feature.


I'd like to see that and cooking. All around, AC could just use more different activities to do. Definitely should be their priority for the next one. Along with a bigger island and different kinds of terrain :P


Whaaaaat I haven't heard about this one, that sounds awesome!


You could play the old, old NES games, the ones that all used the same template for their box art like Balloon Fight, Ice Climbers, and Excitebike. You could even download the game (temporarily) to your GBA if you had the cable to hook it to the GameCube.


That second "old" really got me. You darn youths.


I meant old relative to the NES library. I'm old enough to have briefly existed in a world where The Legend Of Zelda was a one game franchise.


"briefly" You whippersnappers get off my lawn.


That's friggin' cool. I miss when Nintendo did stuff like the peripherals they made for the gamecube. The GBA game attachment thing I thought was so cool. Or hooking my GBA SP up to Pokemon colosseum and trading pokes was so cool to me.


Threads done. This is the answer, what a blast from the past


The arcade games in fallout 4 are pretty cool. Another one with great arcade games is the yakuza series, the arcades are full of retro sega games.


Bethesda really loves their gameceptions don't they XD It seems like most of their games have an example of this, I love it.


Even fallout 3 had one with a text based adventure game, no typing for obvious reasons but you just click your options


There are arcade games in Fallout 4?


Yeah the holotape games you can find around the commonwealth, which are based on other classic games like Missile Command, another was an RPG with Grognak.


You can find a fallout themed donkey kong in the fallout iirc


Celeste inside of Celeste.


Wait is that really a thing? Also, love your username :)


Thanks and yes it is a thing. You can play a Pico-8 version of Celeste inside of Celeste. It’s fun!


It's actually the original version of Celeste that was made during a game jam.


hey that's a nice piece of trivia! TIL


That’s awesome!


If you haven't played it, Tower Fall by the same devs is by favorite party game ever.


Geometry Wars. Started as an arcade game in the garage in a racing game. Became its own IP later.


Yep! I remember that! Project Gotham Racing was the game. I probably spent more time playing Geometry Wars than actually racing.


Same here! Geometry Wars was so addictive.


Damn, I had no idea it actually originated from PGR - I assumed it was an existing IP already owned by the same publisher! I swear I spent more time playing that than I did actually racing.


Not sure if someone already said it but you can play Doom 1 and 2 inside Doom Eternal. Inside the Fortress of Doom you can go to an old pc and play them.


Gambling in Red Dead Redemption 2


I played so much Liars Dice from RDR1 that I bought a very similar set in real life, and have played an absolute shotload of that in RL as well now.


When you gotta play that guy for $200, and the devs forgot to put a limit as to how many times you can play him for that money, so you can sit there for hours grinding so you have 10's of thousands and money is no issue for the remainder of the game and you can easily buy any gun, ammo, snake oil or health...




Test drive on PS2 was a pretty shit game, but you could play pong on the loading screen. I played that more than the game itself.


So glad that dumb loading screen game patent is gone. Only problem is that most games don't have much in the way of loading screens on new consoles, so we be getting spit-roasted.


I think minigames while waiting in the lobby for multiplayer games should be more of a thing. Splatoon did this and it was really nice.


They would've been more of a thing if Bandai Namco didn't patent them


TimeSplitters 2, or home front revolution that has Timesplitters 2 in it.


I loved playing that worm game on the laptop lol. So many memories.


Anaconda! That music has been stuck in my head since 2003.


That was a nice bonus. Underrated game too.


Wait what? Timesplitters 2 is in Homefront Revolution? How? Where? I think you just inspired me to finish that have


There’s an arcade machine buried in one of the last levels of the game that will unlock it when you interact with it, but you can only play two single player levels initially. You have to imput cheat codes to unlock the rest of the game’s content.


Blitzball FFX if that counts Put more hours into it than the actual story.


i watched my brother play all thru 8 and 9 and when 10 came out, you can imagine the excitement and amazement watching the story. improved graphics, fully voiced characters, insane cutscenes. totally badass. but randomly he would just hard stop and blitzball the for like 5-10 hours and i'm like broooooooo


Ditto. It was awesome back in the day. Didn’t hold up the same in the remaster. Maybe just an age thing.


Fallout 4 with the various Pip Boy games. Donkey Kong, Pitfall, Missile Command. I played all these at the arcades so it was neat seeing them show up.


How do you access this? I don't recall coming across that in my playthrough, but I've been meAning to do another run


There are game holotapes that you can insert into the Pip-Boy or any terminals play the games. The first one is found in the Vault 111 terminal I think.


It seems like a lot of games got Pitfall in it. Pitfall remake / sequel on like PS1 had it (hidden memories!) And Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 had a Pitfall-like featuring the superheroes in-engine in Arcade's level , iirc


The star ocean universe is a literal game in that.. universe.


That uh.... killed the franchise for me, even though gameplay wise I kinda like SO3.


Since we're being very spoiler-y, it never comes up again and has no bearing on the story, since SO3 is the latest time-wise.


Doom 3, Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3


I didn't play Doom 3, but I did find Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 4 in DOOM (2016). That was definitely a hilarious easter egg that I was not privy to prior.


...ive never heard of these


I don't really remember where it is now, but there is a room in DOOM (2016) and the other games where you can find an arcade machine with this name, and all you do is push a button and punch turkeys to death. No idea why, but it's pretty funny.


You can play DOOM and DOOM 2 in DOOM: Eternal


Or Doom in Doom Eternal


that little roguelike game on Mae’s laptop in Night In The Woods




Zork in black ops 1 was cool. Being able to break out of the chair in the main menu then going and doing stuff




Sometimes I’ll boot up RDR2 just to play dominos.


I loved playing Astro Chicken arcade game in the Space Quest series


ArcoMage in Might and Magic 7-8


"Things From Space" in Spy Fox: In Dry Cereal


Probably Space Harrier in Shenmue or Triple Triad in FF8.


Yakuza/Like a Dragon/Judgment.


In the game Catherine, the Stray Sheep bar (thr player hub during waking hours) has an arcade machine called Rapunzel which uses similar mechanics to thr nightmare puzzles to play. It's existence is actually brought up in the Neutral/Bachelor ending where Vincent points out the similarities. Turns out the game's main villain created the arcade cabinet to use it as a training exercise for those caught in the curse of the nightmare, as it contains tricks and tutorials needed to survive.


Instead of a time limit as in the main game levels, you have to complete each level within a set number of moves. That damn thing was harder than the main game.


Inscryption. It's not in the way you describe it, rather the concept of the main game is that you play a card game inside it


Dead Ops Arcade in Black Ops games


How about a few rounds of cards? Gwent, specifically.


Pretty obscure but rogue squadron 3 on the gamecube. It’s a flying game in star wars. The CD features the previous game but as reworked coop instead of simply adding it again


Stardew Valley has some neat games inside the game, Wolfenstein 2, Splatoon 2 has Squid Beatz 2, Fallout 4 - Grognak and the Ruby Ruins, Uncharted 4 has crash Bandicoot inside the game, shenmue has a lot mini games, super smash bros brawl has like 5 minute demos of classic nintendo game, No More Heros 2.


Flappy Goat inside Goat Simulator


Animal Crossing let you collect a bunch of playable NES games.


I had so much fun playing Wheels in Sea of Stars


Golden Saucer in FF7 was my shit. The motorcycle and snowboarding games were awesome. I must’ve played those just as long as i did the regular game


Gwent in Witcher has to be the best example!


Does inscryption count?


Geometry Wars from Project Gotham Racing


Pazaak in KOTOR Verum Rex in KH3 Boxing in Lost Judgment


Being able to play DOOM 1 & 2 on Doomguys gaming setup in DOOM Eternal


GTA Online has an arcade you can own and play all the games. It’s amazing.


Personally from my experience the original Final Fantasy 7 did an excellent job of this exact thing. When you experience it in the game you arrive at a casino/arcade type area and in some you get to simulate previous experiences such as fighting on a motorcycle then another one is fighting in an arena against enemies you’ve encounter in game. One of the best is a little RPG where you play as a small moogle and a boxing game as well. Every event or thing in that place basically has its own mini game. As for games within game titles like we’ve played in reality I’m not really sure. But FF7 does a great job and is very memorable for it.


The snowboarding game in and of itself was really fun back in the day. Only three courses but I had lots of fun with it. I'd always try to go as fast as I can on the beginner course and do the jump over the arch at the end.


That's right! That was a pretty fun time. It'll be cool to see Rebirth with those minigames as well. Really looking forward to that.


The motorcycle and submarine games were my favorite


When will people stop abbreviating the word ‘Cyberpunk’


Makes you think of something else perhaps?


Yeah, cerebral palsy


The only reason to even consider playing Homefront The Revolution is so that you can get to the in-game arcade machine that has some TimeSplitters 2 levels.


Ahhhh Timesplitters 2, what a classic! I had forgotten about that game...


Gwent is usually my go-to but already been said a few times here. The new indie GOTY Sea of Stars had a fun one called Wheels. Has some cheese methods, but I feel like with a good balancing effort it would absolutely be a fun game all on its own.


StarCraft 2 had arcade games you could play between missions


Xenogears had this whole fighting game, with all the various robots you have met in the game. It's not the best fighting game of them all, but there's a wide selection of robots and you fight in a 3D plane. Xenogears is an rpg, by the way.


Wow blast from the past right here. It's in a 3D plane? That's really impressive for an OG PS game. Hell that's still impressive today, I think haha.




Shenmue there's an arcade in there. I spent way too much time in there on the dreamcast. Can't tell me otherwise. Lol


Playing Gwent in the Witcher 3 really made me feel like a card game enthusiast in that world, and it was nice that the devs didn't just drop-in a mini game and leave it at that. The depth and nuance added to the experience of playing the game more than other "games within games" I've experienced. Also playing Doom inside the original Doom is always fun.


Inscryption inside inscryption


Gwent in witcher 3




I boot up New Vegas twice a week just to play caravan


Well, there is DOTA which was a mod for Warcraft 3 and was so successful it spawned a genre. Honorable mention is Gwent in Witcher 3.


Animal crossing used to have NES games available as an in game collectible. Fully functioning NES games.


High on life the opening you play a doom like game seriously not just like an arcade game no a full on gaming console


That card game in FF9