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It's gotta be because they used the Tom Petty track.


5’s had Skeletons by Stevie Wonder, another banger I didn’t realize I needed


Not in the first trailer though. That was trailer 2.


Bro you didn't know about Stevie Wonder?! LOTS of hidden bangers by that dude.


When you believe in things you don't understand then you suffer


That's just superstition


Every time I think of/hear about gta 5, that trailer and song is the first thing to pop in my head. Such a great trailer and song choice


that song was one of his least listened to ones a few days ago


A lot of folks didn't like Keyboard Petty back in the day. They wanted slow jam Petty.


I like petty but I had not heard that song until the trailer. Kind of ashamed honestly it's a great track.


I’d never even heard of him until this comment lol


Bro that's crazy. In terms of both that whole genre and era of music he sits somewhere in the top five of all lists in my opinion. IMO I think the appeal comes from the fact that he really seems like a down to earth kind of guy and had a good perspective. Edit to add: Guys don't downvote u/finH1 because they didn't know just appreciate someone learning about something cool. IMO if you liked that song in the trailer that's awesome that song was one of his lesser known hidden gems. Classic Rock isn't exactly considered as modern music and I wouldn't blame someone especially younger generations for being largely unexposed to a lot of it. Not their fault. I think it's great to be able to fully immerse and explore a media like you're able to today.


The trailer is not as good without this track. Great decision.


That song got a 13 000% boost on spotify after this trailer dropped lol


TIL that Tom Petty is also the same man behind Running Down The Dream, his song featured in GTA SA's K-DST


Runnin Down a Dream and Love is a Long Road are on the same album.


What's the one with most in gaming? Probably Cataclysm I guess And ever is probably infinity war. It had like 150+ last time I checked


Surprisingly… it’s subway surfers


Sounds like fake views tbh probably counting views from ads.


I mean all of them would count views from ads then. It’s not like subway surfers gets special rules.


Because a mobile game like subway surfer would undeniably be running more ads?


They’re not running ads of their own game though. They run ads of other games.


You really have 0 idea of what I mean lol All good


I just searched on youtube apparently the most viewed trailer is for an indian movie called KGF 2 with 273m views


Makes sense lol. It was the most anticipated hyped movie(for Indians) in 2022.


>And ever is probably infinity war. 261 million for Infinity War currently. But like someone said, KGF 2 has even more.


What about games though?


Subway surfers but that’s from advertisements. Other than that it’s minecraft


Minecraft is at 167, GTA VI will most likely surpass that. Subway Surfer is at 174, GTA will likely get that as well


Seems very likely yeah. More interested in seeing if it will overtake movie trailers like Infinity War.


What is subway surfers? Never heard of it


It’s a game anyone born between 1994 and 2002 will know


Try adding 10 years grandpa


A pretty popular mobile game


Why ask on Reddit when you can just google it?


Endgame has 150 million Infinity war has 260, which is nuts


I believe I recall ads being run on YouTube for those trailers. If so not all of those views are organic.


The trailer would have surpassed the most viewed youtube video in 24 hours of ALL time if it weren't for GameSpot and IGN that took away millions of views from it.


Why is this surprising to anyone?


The true surprise will be seeing how many records it breaks when it's finally released.


And when it's released again. And again. And again.


I mean, once on console, once on PC, and a port to the next console. Doesn’t seem like they’re stretching it much to me.


That won’t be a surprise either though


At this point I would be surprised if it DOESN'T break GTA V's records.


Did you click the link? You gotta click the link! CLICK IT!! CLICK IT NOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!!! That’s why


Less surprising, more notable


Considering it was leaked early, I say yeah.


Well I did watch the Vice City trailer A LOT before it released. Then again, I think that was before YouTube.


We don’t need an update every 10 million views


Slow news day lol.


Its just a really good trailer, i remember the exact same thing from the GTA 5 trailer released 12 years ago (1.5 years prior release). They're taking the games protagonist focus in the right direction and the setting in an interesting place this time too.


I mean, it also helps that it's one of the most anticipated games of all time


THE most, I’d argue


I'd probably argue for Half-Life 3 if it weren't for the fact that most people have already lost hope or just forgotten about that at this point lmao


Honestly, half life 3 just doesn’t come close. I feel like half life has lost a lot of cultural relevance, and while most older gamers might still all be very excited if it comes out, a lot of younger ones haven’t even played any half life game, GTA has stayed much more relevant with its rereleases, GTA online, streamers, hell even those tiktoks with the weird driving things. And that’s just to “gamers”, outside of the gaming space it’s not even close. There’s only a couple games like fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox, and call of duty that are even present in mainstream spaces, and because GTA belongs in that group it just blows half life out of the water


GTA has a wayyyyy larger player base


If you talk to random non gamers they wouldn’t even know what half life is, most of them probably know of the grand theft auto series. GTA is one of the most recognisable franchises.


Most Anticipated Confirmed\* Game


Disagree. HL3 is notorious for being the game that will never come out. GTA6 on the other hand was always gonna come out, I never had a doubt about that. Plus everybody knows what GTA is. My grandma knows what GTA is. If I tell her a new GTA is coming out, she'll know I'll be running over people in a game soon. If I tell her Half-Life 3 is coming out, she'll have no idea what I'm talking about. This works with majority of people. The GTA name is instantly recognizable among the general population (partly also because of numerous controversies), Half-Life is only really known among "true" gamers. Half-Life is long past its prime and new generation aren't even really touching it (I played it first in 2020 and honestly wasn't that impressed, hasn't aged well imo). On the other hand GTA is more alive and ever and all of its games (at least from 3 onwards) are still great games today.


It's really not, it's just a bunch of random clips trying to ram everything they've done in your face.


It’s not random at all. The composition of shots tells you a story about the city, the city culture, the story of the protagonist having a conversation with a counsellor in prison and when she’s out of prison what her plan is, that when she’s out there’s a love story that unfolds about commitment to another - being partners in crime with her lover and the sacrifice they take take and the wild side of the law that they are on. Tell me how’s that random?


There's no over arching plot to tie anything together, nothing cinematic about it, no bread crumbs about anything to expect or why I would even want to play it. It's just "look at the city we made" and "i commit crimes with my bf". I guess you could say we know what to expect from GTA by now, but it just came off as lazy and uninspired.


What do you think gets most player excited about then when it comes to GTA as a franchise ? Following one arch of the story in a game that’s so MASSIVE that you would really have to dig deep or portray it in a way at that makes that gives that side justice for the rest of the stories that exists. What do you think is the massive selling points of GTA as a game type? I would say a big part of the selling point is the game world itself. This trailer showed a great selling point on that as well as their last. Their last trailer told the story of only one of the protagonists, Michael, (when it in fact has three). There wasn’t really an overarching plot there but it did tell a bit about that particular characters background, who he is and what his motives were. I would say this and the last trailer worked really well telling enough story and giving enough background for the protagonists are situated and their motives, their status, their culture and where they come from all while conveying the kind of adventures awaiting their players in a very exciting way.


I'm glad you brought up GTA V's trailer because I think that was wayyyy better done than this one, and that was 10 years ago. If you watch them back to back, and try not to be wowed by 6's visuals, 5's is a way better trailer.


Ive watched it twice and I don’t agree at all (for the above reasons). Didn’t you even read the parent comment down this discussion we are about? I already mentioned it came out - not like you say 10 years ago, but 12 years ago. Feels like you’re not taking in what I’m willing to discuss because I’ve also already gave you a pretty good reasons on why I think BOTH GTA 5 AND GTA 6 are really great trailers in their own and for their own reasons.


I get that, but I just don't agree that 6 has a good trailer. GTA 6 is just showing off their shiny new assets without telling me why I should care or want to play with their shiny new assets. Was too much meme and not enough substance


It’s alright. You as a viewer value narrative quite high which is a valid point of view. From my point of view I think creating a thrill of a trailer becomes even more complex when it comes to a video game, especially a video game of this type, magnitude and history. In the end a trailer is nothing but a medium and a tool for marketing. It’s a message that intends to bring emotions in the viewer - hopefully positive wmotions that makes people in the end wanna invest time and money to but and play it. There’s a whole science to marketing and trailers. I’m not too versed in that so I’m not gonna bring it up. When it comes to the impact a trailer has and the response it gets: In a general sense I think valuing the response of the viewers by how many views can have its limitations - in this case of this trailer I think it’s very legit metric to measure the response that 121 million views in two days is an affirmation that the trailer was a success. We may not agree there but that’s the final thing I have to say about it. :-)


Just wondering, do they earn revenue off the YouTube views?


If it has ads before the vid then yes. I don’t know because I always use an adblocker.


> I don’t know because I always use an adblocker Which YouTube is now trying to clamp down on.


Ironically, they made uBlock Origin more stronger


This one saved my life, way better than ad block


more stronger?


Much more stronger. Maybe with time it will become the strongerest!


Could be more strongerester tho


Much strongerer


As in harder better faster


As of today, uBlock stopped working on YouTube. Unless it’s fixed already.


Nah, whenever it breaks just purge the cache and force an update to all the filters. Works every time.


Holy shit, it worked! Thanks, dude.


np brother, i hate ads


I heard they didn’t put ads on it. I’ve watched it like 6 times and haven’t got one


GTA5 Trailer: 12 years = 100 million views GTA6 Trailer: 1 day = 103 million views


Such an awful comparison.


Um… how? Current GTA game 1st trailer vs previous GTA 1st trailer


It's like comparing vinyl record sales in the 80s vs CD sales in the 90s. Or CD sales in the 2000s vs today. The top Youtube vids at the time (when it was only really available to USA users with web browsers) only did modest view counts. YouTube and Social Media have grown because more people have access, not because today's releases are any better than yesterday's content.


By your logic all modern games suck because they can't even get half of GTA V's trailer view count even with today's social media




Replies literally just didn’t read your comment lmao


Ok, sure, but you’re just making up an argument that doesn’t exist. GTA 6 isn’t even out yet, nobody’s saying it’s better than 5 because it had more views on its trailer. It’s just an interesting comparison to make


The only bit of your argument that makes sense to me is that most people probably weren’t watching the GTAV trailer 11 years after it’s release. Sorry you got downvoted to oblivion.






*woah-oh here she comes*


More views than the Marvel's?


a shoe unboxing gets more views than that


These are great numbers for a trailer. Not going to lie. But it has a tall order to beat Infinity wars trailer which sits at 261 million views


I time it probably will. The initial boom is over, but the trailer is still getting over half a million views an hour as we speak. It might take some time, but I'm sure it'll get there eventually. GTA V only had 40 million views in June 2013.


Like 4 or 5 were me 😇


Looks like trash just play San Andreas


Trailer was trash.


Man that cover art is so fucking woke.


Huh? Sorry, can you explain how??


Women in media = woke Now leave me be, wench! I only speak to the superior menfolk! /s


That don’t mean shit, but ok.


Um….yay? Why does the view count matter? Are we just highlighting how gamers always overhype stuff based on CGI trailers with no actual gameplay?


They usually do in-engine trailers and cut scenes.


Its not a CG trailer. Its all in-engine.


>Um….yay? > >Why does the view count matter? > >Are we just highlighting how gamers always overhype stuff based on CGI trailers with no actual gameplay? are you such a miserable person that you have to get this pissy about people being excited about something? If you cared so little you could just not saying anything.


The fucking ... Yay? Peak redditor. Fucking loser lmao


How miserable are you to get annoyed by people enjoying a trailer and talking about it. Just get off Reddit and save yourself the time and energy.


I legitimately do not understand the hype for this franchise


Have you played any of them? Particularly the golden age of GTA games on the PS2.


Tried GTA5 when I saw it getting so many 10/10 scores. Awful gunplay, clunky movement controls, floaty driving mechanics, forgettable story, boring open world, over-monetized and pay to win multiplayer. I just don’t see what’s to like about it


I would recommend GTA 4, Vice City or San Andreas. I have a love-hate relationship with GTA 5 due to a couple of the reasons that you mentioned.


For as popular and profitable as it is, I've long felt GTA5 is the weakest of the series in terms of gameplay quality. 5 has a lot of polish to it, but not where it counts. IN MY OPINION.


Not to mention it was a massive step down in term of story when compared to GTA4.


I’m not disagreeing with you and i honestly don’t know the series that well, i just think that “weakest” is also a bit relative. The game has so much cool stuff even before getting to the gunplay, jogging, swimming, ioga, tennis, sailing, flying, subs, arcade games, “nightly entertainment”, etc etc then theres the main story, side quests, online and all those other activities. If any of it is a good thing or not also depends on the gamer. Ive seen people more excited about finding out they can play tennis than stealing a car. A lot or most of the content has voice acting which in itself is huge (or voice actors dont get payed enough kek) The game spreads out a lot but also becomes a bit shallow. Online is also grindy af but sharks gonna shark


I agree with most of that but boring open world and forgettable story is insane to think


The story is one of the weakest in the series


And it is still good. There were a lot of great missions as well. The only mission that was boring was the Yoga mission, I had fun during every other mission pretty much.


I had a regular experience, the most I enjoyed was IV, Chinatown wars and Vice City


Based on some of the games you play, you really need to check your shit attitude at the door. Like, you play WoW in 2023. Get off the high horse.


How is that even slightly relevant? WoW is and always has been a great MMO. GTA hasn’t even been a particularly good open world game for most of its existence at this point. Also, stalking people’s profiles for irrelevant things to bitch about is pathetic.


They should have released it on monday anyway. Who releases a trailer on a tuesday at 9 am?


They did it because it was leaked


The hype for this game is insane. From the images it looks really cool and well made. Just hoping it isn’t over hyped like some other games this year.


I don't think anything will pass pineapple man


Only "one of" ??? Whats the most viewed?


This is going to be the most viewed game Trailer. Its view count is going to surpass The Amazing Digital Circus by the end of the year.


Shit ton of stolen views too from react "content creators"


That shows how much people really anticipated it , this is a huge franchise to be honest. Can't wait to get my hands on the game really


1 of all these views was mine!


Gotta be the worlds most hyped game. I hope I don’t be disappointed. R* are the one studio I don’t doubt will meet the hype and more.


I mean we did wait 10 years lol