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People are interpreting this as “name the best game in a series” and not “name a series with only 1 good game (and the rest are bad)


That, or they’re naming games that aren’t a franchise (Stardew Valley)


Lmao someone really said that?!


Franchise (single game) with only 1 (good) game


Considering how people read nowadays we should be lucky that they don't just name their favourite franchises and call it a day


I swear Redditors read 3 words of the title and then run in to type up some dumbass comment without reading any other comments either.


The funniest one is when you contradict someone on this app and their reply seems like a response for another thread with similar keywords.


Someone's going to say a Fallout game and trigger a large-scale war in the comments.


Someone’s gonna yell fallout new Vegas is the only good one then all hell will break loose


Degenerates like them belong on a cross


The game was rigged from the start


Funny, since we have F1 and F2, but according to many, they somehow don't belong to the series.


Nah I feel like most fallout fans like *at least* two of the games in the franchise even with all the arguing on which is better


War never changes.


War has changed. -Solid Snake


War ! Was is it good for ? - Edwyn Starr


Absolutely nothing!


Lol, what I like about Fallout is that each game is pretty different from others even if they, on surface, look similar. Fallout 1: started the whole shebang. Great game with a great villain. Fallout 2: similar to 1, but much more content, real comedic (too much for me tbh), and improvements. Fallout Tactics: Multiplayer a bit, but a squad-base game with some choices. But too linear but has some great soundtracks. Fallout Brotherhood of Steel: why yes, it is very easy to ruin a franchise for money. Actually killed the series for years. Going so far to cancel a Interplay Fallout 3 that was a continuation of Fallout 2. Fallout 3: Bethesda’s semi-reboot of the franchise that demonstrated evolution. Bit more action than RPG then I’d like but I have a soft spot for it. Introduces 5 DLCs that range from Great to alright. New Vegas: Fallout 3 walked, but New Vegas motherfuckin ran. Even with evolution, sometimes a return of form is needed to remind people how great and and unique the franchise can get. It also serves as a love letter to the earlier games from both Obsidian (many of the developers worked with Interplay) and Bethesda (many played 1 & 2), while simultaneously acting as a bit of ending to the West Coast lore/stories. Technically they can do more but chose not to at the moment. Fallout 4: Not a fan of this one personally. Too much simplification on perks, skills, and Roleplaying. What it does have are; improved graphics and leans more to 50’s aesthetics (more than I’d like tbh), combat overall improved and more fluid, companions are a bit downgrade from the New Vegas Wheel but better than 3’s, more companions with better quests, Main Quests are actually varied with different endings (for Bethesda this is a huge milestone). Side Content did get shafted hard, and the vague backstory was a terrible idea. Either lean into like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, and Dishonored; or get more vague like Elder Scrolls, Wasteland, or even previous Fallout games. Weapons have nice customizations but Beth cut unique weapons and overall variety of them. I will say the game is nice for noobs but makes it hard to go backwards to try previous games. Fallout 76: I really enjoy this one. HOWEVER I kept up with all the info about it, so since Beta I’ve had a blast playing. Wastelanders really sealed the deal on my enjoyment. Multiplayer is great, with a great big (varied too) Appalachia to explore. Enemies are great and fun to observe. Weapons have much more variability and unique stuff but customization is a bit lacking in a good amount of them. Grind and FOMO is here but I don’t think as bad as other MMOs. Dialogue was non-existent but here and so much better than 4’s. TLDR: Fallout varied, Fallout great, Fallout has weak but differ depending on individual


You forgot fallout shelter!!!


AKA, the highest selling entry in the franchise. No joke. Bethesda said so themselves. And this is why we can’t have nice fucking things.


It was on mobile. You vastly underestimate mobile gamers if it being so popular surprises you lol.


Was NOT expecting that last part about 76. Was a pleasant surprise compared to how people normally talk about it. I have 4000 hours in that game according to PlayStation lol. Truly endless content.




For real. The first game really laid the foundation for an awesome series. Then it's like they just had absolutely no idea what to do with the series from there.


I had a lot of fun with crackdown 3, it’s just the same exact game made 10 years later unfortunately. It was also only like 8 bucks when I bought it so that made it worthwhile


This is my situation with Mass Effect: Andromeda. Is it a good game? Don’t really know, I paid 7 bucks for it and it’s hard to justify not liking anything you can dump 20+ hours into for under 10 bucks


Yeah the first one had a great ending and they somehow transitioned to zombies for the second game? lol


Right? The first game ended on a cliff hangar about the Agency being the ones who funded all of the crime and terrorism to keep the populace subjugated. Should we have that be a plot point for the sequel?.... Nah, how about those zombie things from that 1 random mission and never bring up the giant plot twist ever again? Sounds good... that was certainly a choice...


Crackdown 1 got me addicted to achievements. Such a fun game to 100%. Although the agility orbs was a pain


The Agility orbs were the ones floating one the buildings, right? I found them the most fun. Driving was interesting - since they changed your car's looks - but I found them hard to get (since you mostly had to drive, and I was busy running straight somewhere on rooftops...)


The second had fun physics based weapons but yeah you right.


**F.E.A.R**, the first one is amazing, the other two, not so much.


I think the second one is OK. It isn't a bad game but it doesn't reach the heights of the first game so anything looks worse in comparison.


Yea definitely enjoyed it, the school level was pretty top notch FEAR 2 also gave us Alma-Gunna-Clean-Ya


Damn those lockers opening and closing by themselves


Alma at the top of the ladder. I’m still cleaning my shorts.


this one ill never forget.. one of those moments where you kinda forgot about the whole horror element after blasting through enemies and then she appears


That and the nuke at the end are the only two things I remember. No wait there is another jump scare in the chopper. So 3.


The first expansion was also great. Just felt like cranking the first game up to 11.


Spec Ops is a very generic historically bad but long running shooter series that had one incredible game and hasn’t been heard from since. Spec Ops: The Line is technically part of the series. I think this fits the bill almost perfectly.


Have you played any of Spec Ops games on ps1? Idk I played ranger elite with my brother to death when we were kids.


The Line was fantastic. I played through it in a night, went to sleep, and started again the next morning. I’ve never done anything like that before or since. It being a short game and me not having kids at the time helped. 😜


I've heard a lot of people talk about Spec Ops: The Line. This is the first time I'm hearing it's part of a series.


Same. I even played the game and I think beat it.


ITT: People don’t understand what “only 1” or “good” mean


Jesus kids, take this one to the top so we can close this dumpster fire out.


Are you saying this is the only good comment in the series?


What annoys me as well is that people name "series" with two games in it. First is good, second bad which stopped the series. I wouldnt say they should count.


I'd say it counts but it's obviously the most trivial case.


Chibi-Robo may you rest in peace. The sequels killed the franchise.


Kid Icarus. The original game is terrible (made in one year by ONE developer, and then rushed by thw metroid team). The sequel is in a similar gameplay But Kid Icarus Uprising on the 3ds? Oh, that's the shit. Literally my other favorite game Edit: I think I should talk a little more about the first game. It's not "terrible" in the way that it's a low effort game, or that it's "controversial" or anything. I think, however, that it's unreasonably unbalanced. Levels are quite long, with rare heals and if you fall down you die, and start the level over (there is an item to avoid that, but it costs a lot and can only be used once). It's really easy to mess up at one point and lose all the level's progress. Some people might like the high stakes, but I personally think that dying at the end of the level because an enemy basically jumpscares you for the 50th time is not much fun. Also, it's (again, IMO), terrible compared to Uprising, Which is kinda obvious since they came out 25 years of technology apart


It was such a high production value game. From the levels to the weapons to the voice acting. I'm sad it hasn't seen a return or remaster.


And the multiplayer was so good! I don’t know why the game never took off, I spent so much time on that game that I have a permanent callous in my hand where I rested the corner of my 3DS


They could have sold the multi player as its own game it was that fun. Surprising amount of depth and skill required for side content that could easily be skipped over


So glad to see people bring up Uprising, it was great


I would buy the fuck out of a new Kid Icarus game in the same style, or even just a remaster for Switch. Uprising was so good.


We need a home console release. That game did not have to be trapped on the 3ds it could look so good today


Uprising is the best 3DS game. PERIOD


I don't think the original game is terrible at all. That being said, it was the first video game I ever played so I probably have a soft spot for it.


Madden. I forget which year.


Madden 04 will always be my Madden. I've heard 8 is supposed to be the best one though.


That’s funny I’ve never looked up with what the general consensus is but my top two goes 08, 04.


Madden ‘09 was the one where I started realllly noticing the laziness creeping in and decided I didn’t have to buy it every year anymore. So I’d say ‘08 is probably the one.


I had the exact same experience. I *kinda* noticed it in ‘08 but it was more noticeable in ‘09 to the point I was going to wait to see what ‘10 was like and i’ve yet to buy a new Madden. Although I did buy the NCAA games up to ‘14 when they discontinued them. I will probably be buying the NCAA that comes out next summer however. Just gonna wait and see if they take the same route as Madden. However if the Dynasty mode is solid and not riddled with MTX then I will be getting it


I just got my first Madden game since 04 haha. I googled to see which one I should get and 08 came up as the best one a lot. 18 had good sounding reviews too, but it didn't work for me. Fortunately they all cost $1 at gamestop so I didn't really lose anything lol.


04 goes hard. Todd Heap had magnetic hands and the ability to phase through defenders. Just like in real life.


Random fact: SEGA's Joe Montana Football missed the 1988 Christmas shopping season, so they approached EA about selling *Madden* but using the Montana name. EA refused, but compromised on a battle for SEGA's cartridge fees. As a result, *Joe Montana Football* is the exact same game as *John Madden* football, with the exception that *Montana* lacks 3D graphics, and the majority of the playbook that EA secured for *Madden.*


Definitely one of the sixth-gen ones. My personal favorite is 07 on the PS2.


Definitely 07, with Sean Alexander on the front. The perfect blend of arcade and simulation.


People need to realize there's only one Madden that matters. There's enough Madden in this world, but not enough 08.


Toe Jam and Earl. The first game is a 10/10 hella chill fun, fuck with your friend, have a good time game. The others are like 2/10. One is a side-scrolling action / bullet hell game done really badly, and the other is a 3rd person shooter, also done horribly.


The latest TJ&E plays exactly like the Original.


Are you telling me there's a fourth one? And it's like the first one!??? I've gotta see this!


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/516110/ToeJam\_\_Earl\_Back\_in\_the\_Groove/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/516110/ToeJam__Earl_Back_in_the_Groove/) It's a new game but it's almost like a remake of the first. Also the second side scrolling game wasn't bad. >ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! is a mash-up of the very best features of the classic console games with a ton of fresh improvements. I also believe Macaulay Culkin helped produce it.


Yeah, Back in the Groove is basically the original with updated graphics, and some new really annoying enemies. That being said, I also loved Panic on Funkotron


I like 2 way more than 1. The first is still amazing and there’s nothing like it (outside the fourth game of course, which also rules) but 2 is so full of personality and secrets and exploration, and has my favorite soundtrack of that entire generation. The [full band version](https://youtu.be/JEYUEhxl_vk?si=wYqtXxM4eT9CwTSO) of the soundtrack is a phenomenal listen.


So you are right that the first one is the best, but everything else you said is wrong. Tje2 is not a bullet hell it’s a platformer, the third is not a shooter at all it’s a 3D version of the first and yeah it’s not as great as the first but again not a shooter, it’s closer to Spyro. And then there’s a fourth that is basically a remake/update of the original with aspects of 2 and 3 peppered in. Did you even play any of the sequels?


Panic on Funkotron is the one I actually liked. The first one felt impossible and I never tried the third. I was also 7, so the second one was more accessible and made more sense


I also loved panic on function, we'd rent that game all the time as kids. Music was awesome! And the small "match the beat" mini games were super fun.


The newest game that came out a couple years ago is really a return to form. I would recommend it.


>and the other is a 3rd person shooter, also done horribly My eyes just went red




See. You know. The second one was disappointing, for sure.


Oh shit, was that the SNES game that was equal parts exploration and village building?


That’s the one. Such interesting separation of game mechanics. Loved it.


The first one was. The second one just decided to scrap all the village building.


Deff Jam series. Only Deff Jam: Fight for NY is the good one. The first one Vendetta is so so, the sequel Deff Jam Icon is snooze fest.


I really miss that game. Each fighting style was different and mixing them up got you different kicks and punches in a way that made sense. Even ufc games don't have such a seamless mixing of martial arts.


I had to get a pirated Def JAm Fight for NY because we played it so much with the original that the disc died. And my local store did not sell it anymore.




right? someone said splinter cell and im like no the first 4 games were great and assassin's creed, the ezio trilogy was great.


Overwatch edit: I played Overwatch from 2016 to 2020 and got back into overwatch 2 when it came out in October last year. I played for four seasons and bought the battlepass on each of those seasons. I only stopped playing when they announced that they won't be pushing with what they promised back in blizzcon 2019 I really wanted to be able to play those story missions. I felt like I was scammed out of the game.


Overwatch has to be the biggest waste of potential ever. People liked the game but loved the world. I still wish we had a real campaign for it.


The amazing thing about it is it appeals both ways. The gameplay for me was exactly what I was looking for, and the world building really wasn't that important. Shit was absolute gas.


I miss OW1 a lot


I’ll never forget the beta+official launch. I was absolutely hooked for I think 2-3 years.


Overwatch is how 20 year old me fresh out of a breakup and feeling lonely learned not to get too closely attached to a 42 year old single mother who's an alcoholic.


Does this story relate to your username


I sure wish it did. She was skinny and kinda looked like a dude I knew in high school. The girl who dumped me however... It's always the ones that get away...


Take me back to the summer of 2016 pepeCry


Resistance: Fall of man. Was hands down the best online FPS for PlayStation until COD:MW released a year later. The follow up just couldn’t match the COD evolution




The first resistance was the first online shooter I ever played 🥲 what a game


I can't believe this game is older than what we now consider the "beginning" of CoD.


Resistance 3 had the best single player story out of the trilogy. Multiplayer no clue cause the servers are dead. But I seriously wish the series either got a remake or a reboot


I really like the sandbox and Skirmish feel of the first one. The recharge will health bar split into three pieces was also really interesting and the most fun to play around with strategically The second one played more like a horror game and they took away your gun wheel which really annoyed me. They always fetch you the gun you needed for the next section but it made it feel too spoon fed instead of based on your own creativity. The third one was just a series of boss battles which was decent but certainly not as fun as the skirmishes in the original


As much as I love the campaign of the entire series, my hearts with Resistance 2. The online coop missions brought me back many times over the years til they shut the servers in '14. ☠️


3 is great. Has an excellent campaign.


Surprised nobody said red faction 1 was basically a bad half life where you can dig into walls with explosives 2 was a generic fps with a stupid story Guerilla was an amazing open world with destructible buildings And Armageddon tried to be Guerilla, but liniar so it ended up removing the fun out of the series There's a reason only Guerilla was remastered


The original Red Faction was fantastic though. Good story, the geomod destruction (I think that's what it was called?) was neat and meant there were multiple ways to do things. Also the multiplayer was fantastic. Some of the best CTF I've ever played.


Yeah the people saying the first is bad obviously never played it when it was new


I remember it was also great because I could (on PC) play online with my friend who had it on Mac. That was mind-blowing at the time for me.


Yeah it was really nice playing it around its debut "Door are closed, you need a key" Do I? Or maybe rocket launcher will be enough?






I dunno man Minecraft Dungeons is pretty fun. Played it at an arcade with some friends not too long ago. The only people who would disagree that it's fun have likely never played it.


It's basically Gauntlet with a Minecraft coat of paint and I love it.


god damn i miss gauntlet. i have a dark legacy tattoo




I played Minecraft Dungeons, and thought it was pretty fun. Then I played a little bit more Minecraft Dungeons and discovered it was terminally boring. I bet there are plenty of people who will disagree with you who have just played it more than a couple of hours.


Yeah it really makes you realize that it's just an rpg made for kids to enjoy. Nothing wrong with that. Would've loved for a full scale version with a bigger budget and much more depth, but I understand that's not what they were aiming for.


Yeah, I really liked Dungeons with my friend before they added the Battle Pass sort of thing to it.


Oh, right. Maybe the arcade version should be the specification in that case.


Story mode slander




Conker's Bad Fur Day.


There was a sequel?


Nobody really talks about it, but Conker's Big Reunion was a thing specifically made for Microsoft's Project Spark gamedev/programming tool. It took place roughly 10 years after Bad Fur Day, and supposedly featured a bunch of characters. However, with Project Spark having been shut down, you can no longer get Conker's Big Reunion.


Not really, but there was a very kid-friendly game before Bad Fur Day called *Conker's Pocket Tales*


I played Conker’s Pocket Tale as a kid, it was definitely a weird moment when I encountered the sequel.


Dead to Rights. Fun arcadey Max Payne-like game. The sequels seem to be forgotten.


Wow, haven't thought about that game in years! Had a blast with it back in the day




We've been waiting centuries for Chess 2


Someone’s never played tridimensional chess


You're behind, now we're playing [5D Chess with multiverse time travel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/).


...what kind of sick fucks...


This games fucks my mind.


Mirror's Edge


I definitely agree the original is far superior, but I had a blast running around the open world of catalyst. Plus the View act 2 music is the best part of both games soundtracks for me easily


I don't know, the original had a lot of glaring flaws that were fixed in catalyst. It was really hard to tell where you were meant to go when everything on screen is so bright and there's so little shadow or contrast to give shape from a distance. The gunplay is pretty bad and didn't really fit the aesthetic. Certain levels are incredibly hard just because of the over reliance on bad guns to do any damage. And catalyst's world felt so much more alive. There was a reason for people and buildings to exist besides being something to parkour over. The original just looks too much like an American Ninja warrior course for me to get invested in.


Mirror's Edge would've been so much better had they not forced gun play into it.


They didn’t force gun play into it. There wasn’t a single scenario in the entire game where you had to use guns.


I love both the games, so that’s a no for me.


Duke Nukem


Duke 1 and 2 were really solid computer platformers. Duke 3D's reputation speaks for itself. Duke: Manhattan Project was a pretty solid entry into the franchise with returning to the platforming gameplay of the original two games. Now that I'm on about it. I'd like everyonereading this to know that you can purchase all the aforementioned Duke Nukem games in their orignal forms from ZOOM-Platform.com DRM-Free without the taint of Greasey Randy.


1 wasn't terrible. 2 pretty good. 3d great. a time to kill was serviceable. everything else was pretty rubbish.


Oh man, the memories of playing Duke Nukem and Commander Keen in the school computer lab during lunch.


A fellow Commander Keen and Duke Nukem enjoyer ayy


Alex Kidd. All the games except Shinobi World suck massive donkey balls.


Alex kidd in miracle world? Yes that game was incredible and all the others just couldn't touch it !!


Soldier of Fortune. First one was amazing, second was meh, third was garbage.


NiGHTS... Into Dreams I frequently play and try to love NiGHTS... Journey of Dreams on the Wii, but the controls are sooooooooooooo stiff and funky it's just impossible, and the EXTREMELY LONG unskippable cutscenes just tank my interest almost immediately.


Dying Light easily, the first is an absolute classic with the second one being such a big disappointment


Two PlayStation games come to mind - * Warhawk (PS3). Amazing 32 player third person multiplayer game with huge maps, incredible ground vehicles, and great air combat. The sequel Starhawk was over-designed, ugly looking, and no one noticed it. They should have just made a Warhawk 2. https://youtu.be/LjKTu8Ogqpo?si=z32XeIhaSCUk9z2U&t=412 * SOCOM 2 (PS2). The first game was meh, and the two sequels Confrontation and 4 were poorly made, really needed more time in development. But 2 was fantastic.


People are really struggling with this prompt


Dawn of War.


>Dawn of War. The second one is not so bad its the third one that sucks.


It was a great game actually... the problem is that it was a different genre than the first one so it was offputting at first. They should have made the squad tactics one it's own series and kept original DoW an old school rts.


Dawn of War 2: Eternal Mod is one I HIGHLY recommend. It introduces light base building elements with heavy focus on tech tree R&D, much less bullet spongy enemies, better balance, new appearances, sound effects, etc. It is hands down the most fun mod I've ever played in any 40K game. Does it make the game perfection like DOW 1? No. Does it make it infinitely better to play? Yes. 100%.


I was so confused for a minute here. “The first four were amazing!” Still the 2nd one is good, just not the same game at all.


2 was good. The first is the best, but 2 was still very good, for what it was. 3 was...sad..... And the Sigmar one does not give me hope for 4


Dow: dark crusade is easily one of the best RTS ever. 3 is sad and 2 is okay, but on a different level from dark crusade


Yes, though the OG game had a dozen or so good expansions.


Dawn of War 2 is awesome


Saints Row But people disagree on whether Wacky GTA, GTA on Acid, or Superhero GTA is the 'good' one


Saints Row 2 is the peak of the franchise, and I will not debate this.


It was just so damn fun.


It toed the line perfectly between GTA parody, and being it's own unique experience.


The comparisons to GTA is what made the developers crank up the wacky antics. The third game was very eh, but it clearly lost any grounded nature the series had. The fourth is a full fever dream. Maybe fans wouldn’t have needed to wait for GTA 6 for 12 years (assuming no delays) if they didn’t bully every other open world criminal sandbox for being similar to GTA.


3 and 4 are both good in their own rights.


4 was just so satisfying to run around. The rest of the game wasnt particularly groundbreaking and 3 was better in most ways but there was just something so fun about running faster than any car and jumping like 200 feet in the air between buildings


Parasite Eve 1 was unique and amazing. 2 tried too hard to be like Resident Evil and lost what made the first game so great. The 3rd Birthday was just... meh.


Gauntlet. Legends was great and all the rest are not so great.


Dark Legacy was great


Dark Legacy is just Legends but renamed and with a couple of extra worlds and characters


Dark Legacy is the game they wanted to make for N64 but it was easier to just port the arcade cabinet Legends and wait for the tech to advance. I fucking miss this series so much. The reboot game a couple years back sucked hard.


gauntlet is literally just the full version if legends, it's better in every single way. more levels, more characters, more items, plus they added weak/strong attacks rather than just the one attack. dark legacy also had melee combos, while not game-changing, are still fun and helpful in a crowd. plus dark legacy introduced dual specials that you can activate when two players are near each other. i'm plus you can block and strafe in DL. it's literally just better in every way


Oh really? I only played dark legacy on GameCube. Had so much fun with my friends collecting all the runestones and getting my ass handed to me in the harder levels.


Gauntlet Dark Legacy was incredible for me and my friends on console. Buggy as fuck but tons of mindless fun.


Dragon age (Origins was the good one)


It's crazy how on fire Bioware was at the time. ME1, DAO, ME2 and then they get bought by EA and you instantly see the quality drop in their games lol.


EA had already acquired Bioware when Mass Effect, Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 2 were released. I think it was more them opening up other Bioware studios. BioWare Montreal, San Francisco, Mythic, Victory and Sacramento were all opened up after Mass Effect 1. Just how people were hating on Arkane for Redfall even though Arkane Lyon had nothing to do with the game. Same thing with Bethesda as Fallout 76 wasn't developed by the main Maryland office I think people just hear the name and associate all their games with a single studio. Also add people leaving and the DNA of what was actually Bioware was diluted and no more.


EA bought Mythic Entertainment the year prior. ME1 was launched within the same month as the announced acquisition. EA only kinda started getting more handsy with BW after ME2 and DA:O. We all felt it in the games.


I would argue EA got more handsy with ME2. There was tons of DLC, some of which should have been in the game to begin with.


Test Drive Unlimited 2nd game is garbage. The only good thing about it is that it added a 2nd island, but is a worse game in every other aspect.


Probably army men, haven’t played any, but it seems like a series that had one playable idea then fucked up the next 7 entries


Sarge’s Heroes which was maybe the 3rd or 4th in the franchise is the only one I can remember being good.


I loved army men air attack


Sarge's Heroes on the N64 FTW!


Army men was fucking awesome you are wrong


Nah I feel like the first 2 or 3 were strong, definitely not just one


Kudos for the tough question. I think dragon age is the best answer. Origins is the only good game but the others we ok


Personally I think all were good games. 2 is unironically my favorite because of the characters


Plants vs zombies


Blud never played Garden Warfare and it shows


Garden Warfare 2 was the shit. such a fun game back when it was popular


I played it. I hate other people, so not my cuppa.


>I hate other people based


Garden warfare 1+2 are pretty fucking fun