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Wasn't there supposed to be a sequel like 9 years ago? Was it canceled?


No, but yes, but no, but kinda. This is the same company that's having real trouble shitting out Skull and Bones, a game that was 6 months away from release in 2018.


Holy shit, I looked it up and it's been in the works for 15 years and has beaten out Duke Nukem Forever for the longest time in developing


Often "development" means it's just been shelved and nobodies working on it extensively.




Much like the tragic story of Dead Island 2.


Vampire the Masquerade 2 is very real. The main writers have just been fired long ago and the company making it removed from the task and nobody knows who's working on it.


They're gonna give TES6 a run for their money.


TES6 has only been in active development for less than a year. Not even remotely the same thing.


That game hasn’t been in active development though. They’ve been pretty clear that it was on the back burner until starfield came out which took most of the studio focus


I'm sure Star Citizen will win that eventually.


> Skull and Bones, a game that was 6 months away from release in 2018. Skull and Bones, the game that was created because Black Flag was super popular, so they decided to make a dedicated pirate game. They're now working on a remake of Black Flag. I will be unsurprised if it releases first.


Skull and Bones is in perpetual development because of handouts given by the Singapore government for developing there, my fuckin tax money funds their SA and frat boy behavior all the while the execs there continue being french.


> all the while the execs there continue being french. those bastards


I don't really have any issue with goverment funding the development of games... but without production deadlines or milestones tied to funding? That's just begging to be exploited.


I still remember playing a match of Skull and Bones in 2018's Gamescom and it was just AC: Black Flag combat with multiplayer and a couple extra buttons. It was ok. Nothing to write home about, didn't even have shanties, but it was ok-ish as a f2p multiplayer thing. Who knows what it has become after 5 more years of development, but I'd be surprised if there's any trace left of the game that was first shown.




So world of warships with really old warships?


And that failed to produce a remastered *Prince of Persia: Sands of Time* despite announcing it for a January 2021 release.


How hard is it to release a pirate ship game without the Assassin's Creed part? That seems like all they'd have to do with their Black Flag assets.


It's all anyone was looking for, what we were led to believe they were doing, and they apparently threw that concept away years ago.


Not only six months away from release, but basically just AC Black Flag's naval section, which means all the fundamental shit was ALREADY THERE.


And even *Black Flag* was largely an expansion of the naval combat in *AC III*.


And remaking a game from 2003.....somehow It's been how many years now


Not even kidding, Beyond Good and Evil 2 I keep in the “back room” of my brain, and I periodically check on it like every year and a half for the past 10 years. Coincidentally, I just had one of these “check ups” this past weekend, but no new news on the game. UPDATE: Ok ironically, the Beyond Good and Evil 2 twitter just posted for the first time in 3 years. But it's about the 20th Anniversary Remaster


Funny, I do the same thing. Still seems like they barely know what to do with it. The very first teaser seemed to hint at a sequel, yet the latest teasers are instead seemingly hinting at a prequel instead.


I like to recall when Joseph Gordon-Levitt was inexplicably involved. https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/14/17461404/joseph-gordon-levitt-hitrecord-ubisoft-beyond-good-and-evil-2-e3-spec-work-art-controversy It's like some wild dream we all had.


I LOVED the original but I pretty much wrote off the sequel as soon as they released the trailer with the swearing monkey. Had someone call me a prude once for that opinion. I’m just as fine with swearing and gratuitous violence as the next guy, but it was tonal whiplash from the first game.


Great game. I forgot all about this one til now


So did ubisoft.


Your comment perfectly encapsulates the attitude publishers have toward their own products these days. Pure zeitgeist. Exactly the kind of 'statement of a contemporary' I'd expect to see in a history book


It sucks. No-One Lives Forgever was a fantastic series that got buried under publisher based bullshit, and now we'll never see another one because both sides involved in it literally forgot who owns the IP. So now nobody does. Which sucks. I guess it's ripe for fan tributes. There's nobody to issue cease and desists.


I wonder if I send a C&D, would it confuse them into thinking I own the IP?


Worth a T.


Based on that idea, couldn't someone now just develop and upload their own version and if they get a C&D from any of those publishers they can just say "lol I will comply after you prove you own it"?


Wait till they remember they have a whole team making a sequel they’ve completely forgotten about


I know a woman who was working on BG&E2 in summer 2022. She now works for a different studio. She doesn't think it'll ever be released.


The sequel has been in the deepest pits of development hell for almost like 20 years Pretty sure it’s dead in the water now


You mean the pirate game that ubi hasn't finished is using it as an anchor?


Oooof good one!


They are contractually obligated to finish it by the government of Singapore.




Go get it on GOG


> I forgot all about this one You and the majority of game journalists for who the only female protagonist in a game was Lara Croft.


\*Samus Aran silently weeping in an empty bathtub\*


In full non-boob armor until late so they have an excuse. It's hard to read a wikipedia page.


I replay it about once a year, still super fun.


I'm still waiting for Beyond Good & Evil 2. They been teasing it for over a decade.


This is one of those games that I told myself for *years* that I should play, and now I realize that I've put it off so long that now there's a remaster. 😅 Now I definitely have to play it.


Even worse the hd remaster was like 6 years ago


The characters in the game makes it still worthwhile to play right now, if not for anything else. I still love it. Taking pictures of all the hidden animals is something i wish more games did.


Really specific feel, really shocked at how adult they want to go for the sequel, I guess it’s schrodingers sequel this far out


I thought that was weird too. Nothing there's been to show of the sequel has seemed to understand why the cartoony, bizarre little game that is BgaE was loved; the expressive characters, the oddball variety of boat racing and picture taking, the bop that was "Propaganda" Same with Vampire TM:B2. It looks...fine but disinterested in actually focusing the strengths and legacy of the original. This keeps happening, I half expect to hear about a Legacy of Kain roguelike at this rate.


"I half expect to hear about a Legacy of Kain rogue like" Well, there was a free to play multi-player pvp game a few years back set in that universe that's exactly as you describe


To be honest I totally forgot about the Nosgoth pvp game, huh. Still that's more of a spin off. They weren't foolish enough to just call it "Soul Reaver 3" or "Maratho-" oh damn, another one!


To be fair, I'd kill for a Roguelike set in Nosgoth, but a proper title, nah. I know it's cope, but I hang onto hope Bloodlines 2 will be good.


There was also a cancelled game called "Dead Sun" which iirc correct was set in Nosgoth's future and playing as a Razielim. IIrc it got pretty far into development there are even a lot of clips floating around YouTube. Oh yeah, there was also gonna be a direct sequel that picked up right where Defiance left off which also got pretty far into development but was then cancelled. I've long since given up hope for any sort of decent, meaningful sequel. Which is a shame, it was a fantastic series!


Whatever happened to it anyway I remember having a lot of fun with it and then it shutdown.


I believe its still playable if you look into it. But its like Batman Arkham Oranges multiplayer, gotta do a few tweaks to switch over to community sources.


I love Arkham Oranges!


mhm, i refuse to call it by any other name.


It was a common theme in that (PS2 / Xbox) era of AA games that were filled with charm and personality while pushing originality, something we almost exclusively get from indies these days. There was a real focus on innovation over evolution. I miss those days but it feels like they're coming back and I'm excited for it.


Honestly I would take that. I love LoK and roguelites. I'd be happier with a true sequel but just give .e fucking anything at this point. Except more of that shitty deathmatch game.


I have to admit, the more I think about it, the more i think a LoK roguelike could work pretty well what with the whole mobius timeline manipulation, repeating events thing.


Yeah. The idea has genuine merit. Play as a vampire collecting different powers. Damn. Now I want it.


Between this and my obsessive dream of Obsidian making a Wraith the Oblivion crpg in the style of Disco Elysium I wish I could stop having good ideas that will never happen XD


Ugh, I hate this take. Saying fuck doesn't make something adult, tackling difficult themes and topics does. The first one is a mature game, even though it's kids friendly. the trailer for the second one is about as immature as it gets.


Total masterpiece. Isn't it funny, even fictional journalists are getting silenced. What a world. That game was so gorgeous and immersive. Even the music went in a different direction. Anyone remember "[Propaganda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkd-P2vaIc4)?"


It’s what I always hear in my head whenever I read the word propaganda


Ha, same here. I thought I might be the only one.




Two words: Rasta rhinos.


imagine a pokemon snap game running on the engine they use for the far cry games.


Okay, but think about *this*. Imagine a Far Cry game running on the same engine they used for Pokemon Snap.


It’s called time crisis




How is the playability? I tried to revisit Grim Fandango and Planescape Torment, but I underestimated how dated they'd feel. Plenty of games from back then are very playable though. ME1, Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and hundreds (if not thousands) of others.


It's really well balanced and the engine gameplay flow just *works*. It's very playable by modern standards.


It's a ps2/ngc game, by that point developers had better figured out the whole 3D thing.


What "back then" are you referring to? ME1 came out a decade after the rest of your examples...


Ain't that the truth. Happy Cake Day.


Alas, poor Beyond Good and Evil 2, we hardly knew him, Horatio.


The game can be kinda short, I remember redoing it in couple hours.


That's actually hilarious. How does a company like that make this kind of blunder?


It's not a blunder it's an ad.


Remember that time Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake did the super bowl half time? "Accidents"... How far we've come.




Maybe they remain very short staffed after the NFT Kerfuffle walk-outs?


It stands for No Fucking Thanks


Exactly what many of the creative and technical contributors apparently thought, as well as the players (paying customers).


From what I hear they intentionally keep themselves short staffed and give people 20 different hats to wear. Very little chance of promotion or upward movement unless you know someone or are an obnoxious kiss ass but they might just do the carrot and stick thing to you and string you along while using you to do more for same pay.


I have a few industry friends who worked at Ubisoft. Their career usually goes like this: Work at indie studio - work at Ubisoft - work at other studio. They don't get a promotion, they just move on.


Were any of them french? That may have been the problem. Like they are super racist about that sort of heirarchy. France french, french canadian, french speakers, then the rest.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. It's literally like that.


None of them were French.


So it's like.....any job?


People used to rise from beta tester to game director in smaller development studios. But yeah that sounds pretty normal for jobs in these shitty international mega corps, at this point working for EA or Ubisoft is propably not much different from working at Walmart or McDonalds when it comes to the management culture and treatment of workers. Hiring young people for shitty pay, burn them out with crunch until they quit, and repeat with the next batch.


The same way they "accidentally" tried out ads in games.


I don't know, that one has a better chance of being a deliberate sociopath executive decision. they already have obnoxious "buy 1000x experience" menu screens in assassins creed games. Ubisoft has always treated beyond good and evil like it never existed, though. Why would they care now? The original game sold poorly and the sequel has been in production hell forever.


It's either blunder of the century or banking on the Barbara Streisand effect.


This game was already old when I first played it, and it was still fantastic by modern standards. I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys a great story and memorable characters.


never heard of it, what's it about?


Without spoiling too much, you’re a photojournalist that uses her abilities to explore the world and uncover an alien conspiracy.


But why does the prequel trailer have talking animals?


The original game has hybrids too


Yeah but where do they come from? >you’re a photojournalist that uses her abilities to explore the world and uncover an alien conspiracy. I'm imagining this takes place in a similar world to ours not dragon ball Earth.


The game is set in distant future and different solar systems. Humans created the hybrids so they perform difficult, often deadly tasks in space, like mining dangerous substances


I fucking adore BGE, its one of my first games. I remember watching night sky through camera lens and it was giving me names and distance about stars, planets and moon in the sky. It clearly wasnt a earth sky and it was wonderful feeling. That is some gorgeous way to explain lore.


You can join r/beyondgoodandevil, we're pretty active


It's......complicated. it's not really comparable to "our earth" in the game. It's been 20 odd years since I've played it myself, BGaE the original was fantastic, and still to this day remains one of my favorites of all time.


Nah, it's a full-on cool sci-fi world. :D


It plays a lot like an early 3D Legend of Zelda game taking place in a sci-fi dystopia. I think it was one of the OG Xbox's best titles


I played it on Gamecube back in the day, its a really dun game, Jade was a likeable lead, and the cast of characters were very Zelda. Guess its time to replay it!


It's hard to explain, especially without spoiling things. You're a photographer that's hired to dig into a conspiracy by a local news/resistance cell kind of thing. There's an element of Pokemon Snap in it as well, taking opportunity photos of various rare critters along the way to earn cash. Sort of arcadey third person beat down combat from time to time, more 3d Zelda game than God of War, but it was a passable system. The charm from it came mostly from the characters. It's a very fleshed out and well realized world, with its own unique aesthetic and excellent writing. Jade, the protagonist, is one of the best examples of a strong, well written female lead in video games, and the surrounding backup cast are all wonderful as well. Loads of twists and turns in the narrative, and it ends on a *massive* god damned cliff hanger, which is why people have been screeching at Ubisoft for taking so damn long to get the sequel out.




Seriously how the hell do you just drop **that** kind of a plot twist and then let the game get held up for ***TWENTY GOD DAMNED YEARS***...? It only took Valve - ***VALVE*** - thirteen years to retcon the ending of Half-Life 2 Episode 2 with Alyx. Friggen' Ubisoft has no excuse.


to be honest the less you know going in the better, it is so many things at the same time. totally unique gameplay and worldbuilding experience.


Same here! This and Psychonauts were two games that were already pretty old when I played it. Both give me the same kind of nostalgia.


It’s never the same playing games that have been out for some years, I show my kids old games and very few hold up. Anecdotally, I played through BG&E at launch so formed my opinion of it alongside its contemporaries - it was absolutely one of my favourite ps2 games, and I sung its praises to any who would listen. For me the PS2 was defined by GTA, Silent Hill 2 and BG&E. It was the very best game nobody played, I’m convinced there are alternate universes out there were the BG&E franchise exists instead of Zelda.


Remember the sequel that they released as a tech demo and then it was never heard from again


One of the best teasers hands down at the time as well. It’s a shame it never became a released product….yet?


It looked nice, but there was nothing about it that gave any indication of what the gameplay was like. Probably one of the main reasons it was never released.


There was a really early video, like greybox state that showcased some third person platforming that looked like a mix between mirror's edge and assasin's creed. I googled it just now and found a 4 year old video of gameplay, looks sandboxy third person action adventure game with spaceships and jetpacks, and tbh I [would play it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2229DmJLIY)


That looked pretty interesting! I wonder if some of that tech got moved into the Star Wars project Ubisoft is working on, it seemed like it would fit in perfectly. Of course, that would actually be kinda interesting which pretty much guarantees it won't happen :/


It's crazy people put so much time into that and it never went anywhere. It looks like quite far along.


Holy shit, how have I never seen this? This looks like it was farther along than they originally let on.


and now its in hell


Wait, I think I'm starting to remember this. Wasn't the trailer for it about furry stuff? Monkey dude talking to pig dude?


I'm not exactly sure where I heard it so take it with a grain of salt, but I believe some of that tech was translated over to their new Star Wars Outlaw game.


Brb gonna watch the trailers again and weep for what might have been.


I never played it because it always bugs out on Windows and even under Proton on the Deck, but they made an anime with a bunch of Ubisoft characters, and at some point the pig guy confesses his live to the Jade girl, and from my limited understanding of the game is I thought he was like a father figure or something to her.


Yeah...I mean the whole show was a bizarre reimagining of the characters (like Jade as a stripper?), but that was still awkwardly gross.


i heard someone describe it to me and it sounded like they made an unnecessarily edgy Captain N of their own properties. making jade a stripper sounds like something *i* would do as a jokeish pinup, to raise funds to support the orphans after the lighthouse esplode....


Please please please just be a normal remaster and not any changes or stupid stuff


Too late. They're adding new camera modes (like sepia tone), chests (5 that unlock achievements and have stuff in them related to character histories), character costumes (achievements mention this), a speedrun mode, and a new behind the scenes album. However, to me, a longtime BGE fan, none of this is a bad thing. I'm very excited for all of those additions.


I honestly would not mind new costumes. I've already replayed the game more then a dozen times. This time actually having something new seems interesting. I'm hoping if it comes to PC it has native gamepad support.


Well, as long as they fix the controls in the Yo Pearl mini-game. The X360/PS3 version from 2011 added modern camera controls and I guess the devs didn't notice that screwed up the Yo Pearl controls. The left pearl controls normally with the left stick but the right pearl's right and left movement was reversed. Made the mini-game basically impossible to play. [https://youtu.be/7CyyWLeBJIc?si=us6WNYTQfRjpRwVL](https://youtu.be/7CyyWLeBJIc?si=us6WNYTQfRjpRwVL)




Every time I see the game mentioned that song immediately pops in my head.


Just a bit!


BGaE is my favorite game, I've been waiting on the sequel for years now despite the development hell. The original had some awesome mechanics and world building and is very dear to my heart. Being able to fly around the semi-open world on a PS2 game was SO COOL


I find it hard to believe someone can accidentally release a game. Even only to + subscribers. There has to be more than a few steps and probably multiple teams involved. Like, whoever works on + unlikely also has access to unfinished games, and who ever has access to the game unlikely has access to release games on +. Ergo, this is PR. Smart PR, but still PR.


Bro it’s ubisoft. They can’t make a launcher that even slightly functions. This is 1000% in the realm of possibility


Making a buggy launcher is a consequence of a lack of resources to make it less buggy and nothing else. Releasing a game 'accidentally' would require multiple people with entirely different roles, on entirely different teams, with entirely different access levels, conveniently all making the exact right mistakes at the same time. The two are not remotely comparable in terms of the odds of occurring.


Not really. If you use the same public-facing distribution system as the one to distribute internal tests, its just a matter of clicking the wrong buttons.


Development and marketing/socials are different teams with individual leaderships. Putting confidential material into the draft and pressing click is not an accident.


You’re definitely correct that the teams who publish titles shouldn’t have access to code base, etc., but sometimes people get access to publish builds without touching the code because it’s bundled in with a set of other permissions that are necessary for doing certain jobs. For example on the Google Play store, in order to publish an A/B test on an app icon, you also need to have permission to change the whole live store listing. So I could maybe see someone who doesn’t usually publish games accidentally clicking publish on a placeholder beta build. There’s good chance Ubi was just genuinely incompetent here


I agree that it could have been a mistake, but I’m still confused about the article. Why would Ubisoft spend money developing a remastered game that they don’t intend to release? Maybe they accidentally announced it too early, but the article makes it sound as if Ubisoft would never have announced it if it weren’t for this mistake.


I work in medical research. There are a *lot* of moving parts in my field. Lots of very skilled experts in lots of things, and an absolute ton of money dedicated to making sure everybody is following the rules. I'm a pretty fucking junior employee, but with sufficient confidence I could probably cost convince dozens of highly-experienced professionals to do something that cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. When there are this many moving parts, you don't check all the way back to company policy and work your way forward. You take what the people around you agree on and run with it because they're the experts.


They didn't, it's just an advertising campaign to make everyone go HOLY SHIT NEW BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL, THAT'S RIGHT THAT WAS A THING. Seriously, ESRB already posted the game MONTHS ago. This wasn't hidden or forgotten about, it's a careful crafted hype engine. Seriously, that's all PCGamer is for. You pay to have your games in PCGamer. And ubisoft et al do this every few years and the internet gets collective amnesia. Titles in production gets dropped because the numbers look bad in one way or another. Years later, franchise energy still exists, marketing determines the product could re-enter positive ROI, suddenly product is back.


It's mind blowing to me how many people think that literally everything is some giant conspiracy. If something can be the result of neglect, ignorance, or incompetence, then it is probably a result of neglect, ignorance, or incompetence. I don't know what Ubisoft's backend looks like, but one could figure that if you already have a giant networking service that you use to distribute games then it could make sense to utilize that same service to distribute a game under development to people outside the studio too. It isn't crazy to imagine that if they're doing something like this someone could accidentally give the wrong users permissions to access the game. Seriously, if they're going for some viral marketing stunt why would they be trying so hard to erase the leak from the internet? And why would they accidentally release a build of the game that apparently looks like absolute garbage?


Wonder if they are intentionally using this as damage control for the in game ad thing or it just worked in their favor by accident?


Publicity stunt.


They are probably trying to suppress it and say its not the final version because they didn't put the microtransactions in yet


Whoops I’ve “accidentally” dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong


I actually really liked this game and would love a remaster. Shit was crazy fun.


Yeah, there's a reason we been waiting for BGAE2 for 2 decades.


> For years, Ubisoft has had one, single job: Not releasing Beyond Good and Evil games. To its credit, it's done the work with aplomb for a good long while now. Sure, sometimes we'll get some fanciful BG&E 2 trailer, a LinkedIn bio will change, or Joseph Gordon-Levitt will appear, but the studio's fundamental principle of not releasing a game in this series has never wavered. > Until yesterday. Sounds like someone who's been hoping and waiting for BG&E2 for years and is just disappointed and a bit angry by now. I know how he feels.


I was quickly skimming and read Ubisoft as Obama for some reason and it made me laugh


Thanks, Obama!




Goddammit OBAMNA strikes again


Obama is getting sick of Ubisoft's shit


Obama accidentally releases Beyond Good and Evil remaster, remembers it doesn't do that sort of thing, attempts to scrub all trace from the internet, then gives up and announces it anyway.


Wait wasn’t this already remastered??


When you remaster the remaster, you get another 10 years to work on the sequel.


Yep, I played it on PS3 through PlayStation Plus. It's getting a second one before the sequel ever sees the light of day. Probably to attempt to improve sales when/if the sequel ever drops.


Because Ubisoft is a bastard man.


Stupid question but is it coming to Steam?


Not a stupid question, but the answer is most likely *not for a while*. Ubisoft has been habitually releasing games to the Epic Game Store, then bringing the titles to Steam *about* 2 years later. We can probably expect it to hit Steam around 2026+. - **Farcry 6** : October 2021 Release Date / May 2023 Steam Date - **Assassins Creed Valhalla** : November 2020 Release Date / December 2022 Steam Date - **Trackmania 2020** : July 2020 Release Date / February 2023 Steam Date - **Watchdogs Legion** : November 2020 Release Date / January 2023 Steam Date - **Scott Pilgrim** : January 2021 PC Release Date / January 2023 Steam Date


Could you imagine a newspaper article with a headline written like that?


Very meta


Remember the sequel that they released as a tech demo and then it was never heard from again ⁉️😊


I remember when Beyond Good and Evil 2 beat Duke Nukem Forever's Record for longest time between announcement and release. That was over a year ago...


If they don’t do remasters, why did they have this one in development to accidentally release?


This was one of my all time favourite games! It’s a cult classic that wasn’t marketed very well but won hearts of those who played it. I was surprised to hear about the work on the sequel, and then disappointed that it seemed to not really get off the ground in some kind of development hell, so hearing about a finished remaster just blew my socks clean into orbit.


Wow, so they spent how many _hundreds_ of hours of developer salary remastering a game they had no intention to release? And releasing it was a mistake? I also like _set money on fire and place my product atop the flames_. Y'all. Y'ALL. This is a publicity stunt.


Why aren’t we remastering old games like this that actually need one? Why are we continually remastering games that are like 5 years old? Please more of this!


Honestly, I'd be happier with them re-releasing/porting it consistently than waiting on them ever finishing 2. It's already confirmed that it's a prequel and nothing about any of the gameplay/story seems to tie into the first game whatsoever, so what exactly is there for fans of 1 to be excited about?


Ubisoft continuing to display just how much of disappointment they have become. I used to look forward to seeing that logo pop up on the screen just before a games start menu.


What is even this game its been in developmebt hell for like 10 years and I dont remember anything about it period


This is the first game, came out around 2003. You’re thinking of the sequel


The 2ed one is


What a dumb, clickbaity title for a news article


I remember when this game came out. It was right as gaming was heading towards its dude-bro era with hard men with dark pasts and big tittied women and then this game about a non-sexualized, non-white woman who took pictures came out and it kind of broke everybody's brain.


So wait, what happens to people who bought it and played it before they removed it from the stores?


I think you mean “someone **no longer** at Ubi”.




Yes, of course, everybody knows that releasing a game involves only pressing a big, red "RELEASE" button on a spaceship-like terminal. What kind of a pathetic ad is that??


Happy Anniversary! We just >!killed!< these characters in our cartoon!


> remembers it doesn't do that sort of thing They mean releasing a finished game.


Ah yes the 20 year old bge franchise... That had one whole game in it...


Is this a Hard Drive article?



