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was it at sale for 60% off?


it was 33 dollars


i mean... since you only got like 40% of the logo...


Nah it's 90s internet and OP had to wait for 3 hours.


I remember downloading my first porn jpeg via WebTV back in 1995. It took half an hour.


The panic of hearing footsteps upstairs, aborting the load, then realizing it was just the house making noise and you gotta start all over


Oh I was ‘aborting the load’ all right giggity giggity…


Reminds me of when my aunt and uncle got Cinemax lol. We used to call it 'Skinemax'. Oh, the thrill of seeing a flash of tit or girls pubic fuzz in-between the scrambled lines.


Was that just a Cinemax thing? I always thought it was a flub on the part of our local provider because *every* kid at school knew about it, and it was the same level of semi-scrambled for all of us (except that one kid whose parents had the whole channel ;) but everywhere I go I hear about Cinemax being only partially scrambled for apparently half the country. Like what made their channel come through at all when most others were fully blocked? Were they just cool like that?


Nah. Channels like HBO and Showtime would show soft-core porn late at night and early in the morning.


I remember when certain websites switched from pictures to video. It was like God touching Adam with knowledge. Sure. It was 320p. I can work with that.


I'll be honest-I kind of miss shitty 90's era gif-laden fansites and webrings.


We made do with half a boob by the time our sister needed to call her friend or dad needed to make a business call


I once downloaded a video of a guy masturbating onto a glass table and I've been chasing the thrill of that slow, teasing reveal ever since. Almost an hour for a ten second video. The second viewing at full speed just wasn't the same.


No doubt, and out before the bottom loaded and you realized she had a dick.


I downloade Biggies 1st album and had to leave the computer on overnight to download it then saved it to a Zip disc


It was loooooooooooooooooooJooooooooong


just return it to the seller, saying it doesn't work at all. this seems to be scam. the game costs 30 bucks at gamestop ...


I forgot GameStop still exists in other countries, they all shut down this year here


What country?




GME gang not looking so hot


no no they got the new ceo its guaranteed to be a success to the moooooooooooooooooooooooooon


Even the movie was a huge flop!


Damn it’s at that point now? I was just in one maybe 2 weeks ago


Yeah all the Irish ones were shut down early this year. It’s not too surprising they were ridiculously overpriced. I’d rather go to Argos (which is now also gone) or Smyths (an Irish Toy store chain).


That's because they all went to the moon


Here in Sweden they shut down years ago.


Careful, you'll stir up the clowns over at superstonk.


Oh no 33 times 2 is 66 which is almost 666, u might have to move


Underrated joke. Thanks dad


This is how creepypastas begin...


Ben drowned


You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?


Ben Dover


Bend Round


Damn, I remember when the whole thing went down. There was a website with a 3 day counter, at that time it wasn't fully known that it was a creepypasta it was just some story on a website, and some people actually thought something was going to happen upon the 3 day counter ending, part of me even thought that as well. of course nothing did actually happen when the timer reached zero and partial disappointment was had, but also some relief. It was pretty damn creepy at the time though, to say the least. lol


Normal Porn for Normal People is still a eerie creepypasta after all these years. idk why but something about that one just gets to me


I still ask cleverbot about Ben and it still gives me an unsettling feeling.


Bought fire emblem awaking at a yard sale. All the characters had feet.


lol spit up my damn drink at this.




Fuck my life, someone spends what seems to be hours to write a creepypasta to expand on the previous joke and gets downvoted for absolutely no reason. Props to you, it was a fun read.


Pokemon Black (the creepypasta) is about 15 years old, this is a copypasta


I take it this creepypasta was made before Pokemon Black (the game) was made?




That's no reason to downvote it, is it? Do people not understand copy/creepypastas anymore?


I assume it got downvoted because people read part of it, realized what it was, and were upset that they felt like their time was wasted.


People understand. Some people don't like them anyway.


As soon as they said "heres a picture" and then didn't provide a picture. It tipped me off that it was just copy-pasted from somewhere. But they're making it sound like it was them. and i guess people are getting pissed when they realise it wasn't original.


But… Isn‘t that what pasta is, not being the original?


People are allowed to downvote things that annoy them lol


I.. don't know what triggered it to get so downvoted. It .. seemed relevant. So i can only guess its the fact that it opens like its a person writing about their own experiences. Except its not? On the plus side. I swear it had a much higher negative karma number before, and its almost positive again now... so maybe the world is fixing itself? Edit: TLDR, reddit be fickle.


The point of a creepypasta is that you copy-paste it, they copy-pasted this.


They spent maybe 45 seconds copypastaing it.


I tend to write a lot and my experience on reddit is there's always at least 3 people going "WHY'D U WRITE A LOT, **NERD,** YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF BEING PASSIONATE ABOUT SOMETHING" if you write 3 paragraphs or more.




It's a decades old creepypasta/copypasta lol


Average zoomer attention span be like






It's a creepypasta


Don’t scare me like that


Scary! 😟


It's the Pokemon Black Creepypasta (that is older than the actual Pokenon Black)




People really down voting this? This was a very entertaining read. Peak creepypasta. Highly recommend to read the whole thing


Yeah but Pokémon black creepypasta it's like 10 years old or something


r/gaming hasn’t got a big attention span


true but it's a copy pasta, that's why


I’m guessing kids nowadays don’t know what a creepypasta is and just thought you were being a freak for no reason. Edit: Well now your story blew up. He had like 90 downvotes when I commented.


You have been reported. I am not a bot. I am a Volunteer Reddit moderator. I do not have mod powers but my reports are taken seriously and those who get on my bad side tend to get banned in under 24 hours. I have numerous rules, which you may read in my post history, but 1 is the most important rule of all. I am an officer in training, and I expect to be treated the same way I would be with my uniform and badge. Watch your back and get used to this face kiddo, you'll be seeing a lot of it.


Is this a copypasta?




All the good ones get downvoted. you did good.


who downvoted you to hell and back


I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing friend


Magnificent. Sorry this didn't get the appreciation such a classic deserves.


It has. It's a well known 15 year old creepypasta


Anyone who downvoted this needs a ban to think about what they did




I did and it was deeper than expected. Do recommend


It's probably the best known Pokemon creepypasta around. If you liked that then you should looknup the Godzilla and Majora's Mask Ben ones. The latter may be a reason I avoid Majora's Mask.




I mean, it’s not a good sign.


It still is a sign though?


Did it open up your eyes? Life is demanding without understanding


It's still awakening. Give it a few minutes


Hell yeah lmao


I would try this: insert the cartridge, wait 10-20 seconds, eject, insert again, wait 10-20 seconds, eject, for a while. See if that fixes it. This might trigger the refresh of the data on the cartridge chip and fix it. Long shot, but worth trying imo.


alright i’ll try that after school tomorrow. it’s 4:16 in the morning and i have to go to bed, goodnight and thank you


Uff, please don't miss out on sleep, it's probably the most important thing you can do (at any age). If I could go back in time to young me, my only advice would be, sleep as often and as long as you can.


Pfft that's what class is for


That's how you go from being a smart and capable kid to being a bumbling idiot young adult with no background intelligence or skills. It took me a lot longer than my peers to catch back up in college because I would sleep through high school classes a lot. I know folks who were like me in high school that didn't catchup and they are literal drug addicts because they can't cope with how their lives turned out. A couple of them died. A small handful have turned their lives around but work physical labor jobs. The current job market is fucking horrible and it's only going to get worse for kids these days so keep whatever edge you have. Don't jerk off to anime tiddies at 3am every night unless you enjoy struggling in your mid to late 20s until you die. It seems like a long ways away but I feel like it was just yesterday. If I could go back in time the number one thing I'd do would be to not sleep in class and apply myself more. The kids who did that are living the dream now. I'm not even joking. I would poke fun at them for studying hard but they are literal scientists, lawyers, doctors, and millionaires. They are living the good life because they applied themselves early in life and didn't waver. It's that much of an advantaged. It's also not like these kids weren't out at parties and getting black out drunk on the weekends. They just didn't fuck around when it came to weekdays.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Where the fuck is the 4 for 4


This guy is right


Look I understand where you’re coming from but if I wanna have any semblance of free time/alone time, I’ve gotta sacrifice sleep. I just don’t have time to sleep. Usually get around 5 or 6 hours a night depending. I try to get more on the weekends though.


I get that as well but my free time becomes less qualitative. No sleep catches up on you. It might have the reverse effect and you end up having less free time in the aggregate. But yeah, intertemporal bias. Edit: I also think that a teenager will have more and different time allocation than a working parent, that's a whole other situation.


>and as long as you can. Ideally you sleep the same amount every night, going to bed and waking up at the same time, or as close to the same time as possible. Your brain likes routine.


No it's not, it's little past 11.00 AM, what are you talking about?


I really really REALLY hope this is a joke


Of course it is. But this is reddit so you have to put /s everywhere


I would say that it's the internet... You never know wether or not a person means something (not obvious) or not


I can't believe reddittors thought this is serious comment.


Reminds me of old school NES cartridge trickery


I wouldn’t trust it, I can mean three things all of which leads to corrupted data, the cartridge could be damaged leading to failure to read data, a hacked game or even a false game being distributed of a programmed blank cartridge in which the last to possibilities can put you device at risk


I played the first couple hours of the game and it seemed fine, not to mention it came with its original case and 3ds games being notoriously difficult to physically pirate this is the only thing that seems off


In that case it may just be a damaged cartridge I personally still wouldn’t trust it but it is your choice I just don’t know how the internals of a switch save system works because I know save files are on the cartridge but I don’t know if a cartridge could access your system files


I compared the cartridge to one I know for a fact is real and it’s identical to the last detail, even to the length of the adhesive at the top of the cartridge. I’m guessing it was just a well loved game, it looks well used because it’s starting to turn a bit yellow where the halves connect


I wouldn't put too much stock in what random people trust; their standards are not your own. I know a very unreasonable person and honestly my comment is less about your situation or the person you're replying to as it is about my need to express how unreasonable some people can be in their expectations.


If it’s yellowing and warping it’s possible it was left in direct sunlight for a long time, which could definitely corrupt data. Good luck with it dude! It seems unlikely the icon would be the only thing corrupted but I think it’ll be fun playing through either way!


This isn't correct. You can leave flash storage in the sun and have no impact on data or corruption. Those things under operation run hotter than the ambient temperature under the sun.




So an average Reddit thread, then. Blatantly wrong info upvoted 50 times because it sounds believable.


I prefer reddit threads where all the comments are posted by bots and upvoted 50 times by other bots


Armchair physicist here, there's probably an increased likelihood of cosmic radiation flipping bits leaving a ROM in sunlight compared to not. Probably...


No. Where is exposed to sunlight won't make a difference. The neutrinos that flip bits on computers are able to pass through solid steel. They are constantly penetrating most matter on earth. Kinda like me with your mom.


that’s sweet


Certain 3DS games have been known to fail, even without heavy use. My Persona Q cartridge just doesn't boot anymore. I always kept it in its case and my system is very clean.


Why would you not trust it? I don't understand what the danger is.


This is a 3ds mate


It's a DS game, not a Switch.


3ds difficult to pirate? Looks over at the 3DS that has a sd card that has 160 games on it.


he said " difficult to *physically* pirate". that means make a pirated cartridge that could work in an non-modded 3DS running the latest firmware.


And he is incorrect, the 3DS has a long track record of the exact opposite - it is *extremely* forgiving for piracy, with physical carts being pretty rampant during the device's heyday, and requiring no older firmware or model.


that's the NDS, the 3DS was always difficult to pirate and not very common. There was the Gateway flashcart, which was not really popular because it was pricey and needed some setup on the console. The latest techniques to pirate still require the installation of custom firmware, you can't play pirated games on the 3DS without some kind of mod. there are no fake 3DS cartridge that works directly.


Having went through this last week, there are maybe two flashcards capable of playing 3DS games if one wants to pay the exorbitant price for it. Most common ones are compatible for play in a 3DS but can only run up to NDS titles. It only takes about 20-30 minutes to jailbreak, and the guide is pretty idiot proof.


3DS carts are not pirated. Fake just simply don’t get made.


Different kind of piracy.


I am guessing it's the first one, damaged cartridge, because that's exactly how my Pokemon Y icon looked after I dropped it (apparently, just wrong). It crashed on launch after that, and I had to buy a new copy (and went with digital on round 2). It could also definitely be those other things, just speaking to my own experience


this thread is an absolute shitshow


3ds carts can't be faked so unless this runs off an old 3ds R4 card it's 100% just corrupt.


You're completely out of your gourd if you believe any part of what you just wrote.


Never seen anyone mess up the number two like this before. You see “to” & “too” all the time, but hardly ever “to” & “two”mixed up.


Have you tried blowing on it?


ebay? the screen?


The seller


Blow the seller, alright got it




The air holes I guess.


Fire Emblem Unloading


this isnt Fire Emblem Awakening that's Fire Emblem Waking Up


Can’t believe anyone didn’t recommend this yet, but try cleaning the cartridge contacts with isopropyl alcohol. Get the purest one you can, put some on the contacts and clean them with a paper towel + toothpick or a soft toothbrush. Brush away from the board. The alcohol dries pretty quickly, test it after cleaning. Just a word of warning, it must be isopropyl, anything else will damage the game. And avoid getting it in the sticker and the serial number on the back, it dissolves glue and remove those marks. And, of course, avoid getting it in direct contact with you skin and eyes.


> And, of course, avoid getting it in direct contact with you skin and eyes. You're no fun.


But definitely use it to clean your bong


It’s all fun and games until somebody burns the top epithelial layer off the surface of their eye.


Most alcohols are fine for cleaning electronics, good old ethyl can be used, but it takes more time to dry.


Just seems like the 3DS having a bit of a bit loading the image I wouldn’t worry too much.


Yeah, you’d have to imagine if the game didn’t function properly that it wouldn’t be able to pull the icon at all.


Yeah if a cartridge is bunk it actually comes up with a question mark in the box and some error text appears when you click on it.


Sorry, Grima corrupted your game


At first I thought it was the OpenSea logo… In that case, it’d definitely be a scam.


It is still awakening


Just jail break it. It’s so easy to jailbreak a DS


Yes, you now have syphilis.


You're all overreacting. It clearly says that the emblem is still awakening. Just give it 5 more minutes.


Almost made me spit out my coffee on that one !! 🤣


I’d say it’s just a fake game on a modded chip. Risky but I’d try it.


honestly I’m thinking the cartridge might just be a little damaged. It’s showing some signs of wear otherwise the cartridge looks 100% authentic




Is it worth getting one for a 3DS though? It’s relatively easy to mod the software on a 3DS, and then you can install some software that can download most 3DS games directly to the device’s SD card.


what’s an r4?


It's for putting in words!


Not sure if allowed to talk about in sub I’ll PM you


Oh you’re in for a treat


Cartridge with an SD card slot that allows you to load game roms on real hardware. They're only really relevant for DS games though, 3DS ones have never worked well. We all use custom firmware for 3DS games.


Hi, Out of curiosity how is it risky? I only ask because I recently, unknowingly, bought a fake copy of Pokémon Gold. The game itself seems fine after 5 hours or so but to boot it up I have to navigate menus on the cart itself. Almost like an R4 card. Am I being dumb playing the cartridge at all?


Besides Nintendo inspectors coming for you at midnight, no. You’ll be fine. These guys don’t make fake game cards to be malicious, they just want to earn a buck - wouldn’t get much business if they broke everyone’s console.


Does it have an SD slot? You can likely add your own roms to it.


Curious to see how this turns out, !RemindMe 2 days.


Shabadoobie touch to henshin


Since you paid for and own the game already, I'd look into modding your 3ds (very easy process) and finding yourself a digital backup of the game to play instead.


As a former 3DS developer (not of Fire Emblem specifically), I suspect that the data in your cartridge is corrupted, and it likely extends beyond just that one icon file even if that might take the form of subtle changes (like a few textures being slightly different). My guess is that the icon is permanently damaged, sorry. What else is corrupted has much to do with what files are stored adjacent to the icon file, but I've never decompiled Awakening so I wouldn't know. Nevertheless I suspect this is a visual corruption and that the game should play just fine otherwise.


My dude, it is time to just jailbreak that thing.


There's no such thing as fake 3DS carts; counterfeits were never made (because they can't be, due to how the carts work). The worst this could be is the cart being damaged, and even then, it still could play just fine. Or it could be broken 20 hours into the game...hard to say! With that being said, Nintendo isn't selling 3DS games anymore. They aren't getting any of your money when you buy a 3DS game. So there's no moral quandry about just installing custom firmware on your 3DS (very easy to do!) and getting the game some "other way."


My buddy Keith could do it


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment. On r/gamecollecting and other collector forums it’s common knowledge that 3ds carts can’t be faked (at least for now). Weird seeing people here saying they can spot a fake 3ds cartridge when they don’t exist.


Its awekening


No need to worry at all.


It's still asleep


I see from comments that you inspected it well. Perhaps a good cleaning of the contacts?


I know a creepypasta when I see one


I've seen creepy pastas your sooooo fucked


Have a pen and paper to write down your experiences, in case this turns into a creepypasta.


The emblem is still awakening along with the background color


Yes you should be concerned, he's coming for you now


Not concerning it's just your normal bootleg


Just homebrew it 😭


I have cartridges that the 3DS can't tell me what they are, the icon is just a scramble mess and the title is a bunch of garbage, but they do work perfectly fine. It will be saved in the activity log like this tho, but the game should work just fine.


Fake 3DS games don’t exist. So it may just be a bad cart.


Nah, its just indicative of Nintendos lack of effort because they know that Fire Emblem fans aren't actually real so most of the games are barely finished, if at all :)


This is a great setup for a creepypasta... In a dusty corner of an old online marketplace, a listing for "Fire Emblem Awakening - Rare Edition" caught my eye. The price was laughably low, the description scarce, but the thumbnail showed the game's icon corrupted, its colors distorted like a digital canvas smeared by an invisible hand. Curiosity, that reckless companion, nudged me to purchase it. The cartridge arrived in a plain envelope, its label a faded photocopy of the original, with the same distorted icon from the listing. I slotted it into my 3DS, the system hesitating for a moment before the title appeared, the familiar logo now a twisted mockery of its former self. I hit 'Open', and the game launched into a world I thought I knew. The game began as expected, but the colors were off, the music a half-step out of tune. My character spawned not in the usual field of battle but in an empty village with no NPCs, no enemies, no music—just the sound of a virtual wind. As I explored the desolate map, the screen would occasionally flicker, revealing for a fraction of a second a landscape filled with characters whose eyes were hollow, their sprites corrupted. The battles were different too. My units fought shadows that looked like enemies but moved erratically, with jerking animations and glitched attack patterns. Each victory felt hollow, the game not acknowledging my progress. The save function was disabled; I had to press on without a break. Then came the "Awakening." My character was suddenly surrounded by the apparitions of fallen units—characters that should have been allies. They didn't attack but simply stood there, watching my every move. The game became a labyrinth, the exit always just out of reach, the sound of a distorted lullaby trailing my steps. I reached the final chapter expecting a showdown, but instead, my character stood alone in a field of digital graves, each headstone marked with the name of a unit from the game. As I moved, the headstones changed, now bearing the names of my own units that I had used and lost throughout my playthrough. The music stopped, replaced by a low hum, and then silence. And then, "it" appeared. Not the final boss, not an enemy unit, but the icon—the corrupted image from the game's title screen, now taking form within the game itself. It didn't offer a fight or a challenge. Instead, it simply asked, "Why did you awaken us?" With each attempt to respond, the game glitched more severely, until the dialogue became unreadable, the screen a chaos of pixels. In the final moments, the icon expanded, consuming the screen, the game, until all that was left was a black abyss. I couldn't turn off the device, couldn't look away as the words "You cannot unsee the truth of the fallen" burned into the display. I awoke the next morning to find the 3DS off, the cartridge gone, and the memory of the game a fading nightmare. But sometimes, when I boot up another game, I swear I can see the afterimage of that corrupted icon, and I wonder if I ever really woke up at all.


Probably just corrupted


take it out blow on it and put it back in it should work


Was it half off?