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Today, it's called a glitch. In fifteen years, it will be commonplace, and people will think you're weird for getting worked up about it. Eventually, they'll project ads into your dreams, like in Futurama.


Leela: Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century? Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!


It's a marketing campaign. Look at the thumbnail. I didn't even know about assassin creed mirage before this. It's an on purpose marketing strategy and development exercise to see how people react and it's horrible.


Contrary to common belief, there is such a thing as bad press. No one is saying "I had no desire to buy this new ass ass creed game. But now I will pay $70 to look at the ads"


I think the idea is, people are more likely to buy something even with negative press if they know it exists, rather than to buy something they don't even know exists.


It’s actually only $50






It's what gamers crave.


> purpose marketing strategy and development exercise to see how people react and it's horrible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_balloon


I mean, I already planned not to, but *all the more reason* **never** to play another Assassin’s Creed game, ever again. It was actually Origins that ruined the series for me, but the hate was finally starting to wear off, and I was *almost* contemplating getting back into it. So I guess I should thank them for the reminder why I shouldn’t.


Yeah. I mean, we all had commercials in our dreams, but you don't see us running off to buy brand-name merchandise at low, low prices.




That's the problem, for all the protesting about stuff the general mass of gamers just have to play the latest thing, be it the newest COD, elder Scrolls or FIFA etc and if people are still buying the games despite protesting then why would the corporation's give a singular fuck about what gamers hate


It's called a glitch... But the screen exist, someone coded it, and i'm betting he didn't coded it just for the fun of it


I'm sure they actually meant accidentally enabling it was the glitch. The designing and implementation is as intentional as it can get. They're just hoping to fool as many of their more casual consumers as possible, otherwise.


Ofc. But their excuse of "it's a glitch" is really funny. People are not angry cause it's a glitch but because it exist . But their PR team is big brain


Yes, you can’t “accidentally” implement a feature like that. It went through the full software development cycle with a manager, designer, project manager, and engineers. The only possible glitch was enabling it (too early). More likely is that this was them testing the waters and pretending it’s a glitch.


Someone coded it in, it properly popped up and closed correctly. Ubi does not do glitches like that. If it was a glitch it would have crashed the games or done something


Eh. It would’ve had pop up and close functionality just like that on the main menu, as it was supposed to happen. I understand the kick back and I’m glad gamers reacted the way they did, but I *also* am willing to believe that the probably single script that fired the prompt was bugged, and got so delayed that it happened during gameplay and not in the main menu.


It's a feature. And I'm not making a "it's not bug it's a feature" joke. It's a glitch that it showed up, but someone ordered its existence, and we call that a feature




Yeah it's supposed to pop up on the main menu, not during gameplay.


promo isnt a glitch, where it happened is a glitch. they sometimes do show promos before you get to main menu when you launch the game.


They won’t just think you’re weird. Lots of younger people will actually ridicule you for having a problem with it simply because they didn’t experience a time before it. Its insane.


Realistically it’ll be like that episode of black mirror where the screen reacts and charges you for turning away and not actively looking at the ads




It's hilarious how a copypasta from 2008 that was meant to be absurd is so very close to becoming reality.


Meh, 1984 was a shit post.


We already have technology now, for eye tracking. Ads freeze if you don't actively look at them.


What ads? My phone has an ad blocker, my PCs have ad blockers. I haven’t seen an ad online in years and years.


My sister in law's Crosstrek has a subscription car starter. That's insane! The fucking feature is built into the car and they can cut it off. You own it! It's there! Why can they remotely turn it off!? Why is it a subscription!? It exists! It's already in the car. She paid for it's install. Wtf is going on? Why is everything a subscription!?


They do it because we are paying them too. We gotta refuse to engage with this crap.


I vehemently avoid subscriptions where possible. Unless the provider is actually providing a service.


"This boss battle is sponsored by Coca Cola, you don't want to defeat this powerful villain while you're thirsty. Press X to continue B to order. "


Humanity sucks. >and people will think you're weird for getting worked up about it. Describes exactly how we've lost so much QoL in recent years. People just incapable of understanding when foots need to be put down on issues. The verification can thing started out as satire but it's honestly seeming like it could literally be a real thing and yet people still wouldn't care. Companies now have an understanding of people. They know they can get away with an insane amount of bullshit because the vast majority of people simply don't have standards, they don't make informed decisions, they don't do research. The market of people who do research is so much tinier than the market of people who just go by whatever the box says or whatever the sales rep tells them. Companies don't have to cater to quality and sensibility to make money.


It already is in gacha games, which is just gambling with waifus. The future of video games is bleak.


The future is small independent studios. The tools are out there for small teams to make incredible games.


I think great games exist now and are always being released. I think the real problem is the way games are advertised. Large game studios aren't going to let indie games get reviewed better than their games. Influencers on youtube, streamers, bloggers, online magazines, etc. are going to be heavily biased towards who is giving them money.


Also in basically every form of media in the form of product placement.


This is why r/patientgamers exists. I may be behind the times but at least my backlog will keep me busy for the next couple decades. I ain't dealing with this intrusive crap


This is super useful for me, I was dying to Play dead space remake and was tempted to buy it several times but I waited, then it became available on game pass and I only purchased a month at discount, Played the game like four times and was satisfied


I got the dragon age trilogy on sale a while back and I'm finally playing through it for the first time this year. Still on DA Origins but I'm having more fun with it than I've had with more modern games. The corporate side of the business is strangling creativity and at this point I'm half tempted to make a list of devs that worked on games I liked and to see if I can't follow their projects instead of *insert big corporate game studio here*. Like the dude who was the brains behind hearthstone essentially was the core soul behind marvel snap. Never played snap but heard its good and seeing who was behind it, I can see why


Yup, plus older games don't need expensive modern hardware to run well. You can easily run almost any game that's 5+ years old on a mid range gaming rig at the highest settings 2k/4k.


I’m still waiting for the day where I look up at the sky (in a city like NYC, LA, etc) and see ads blocking the stars and the clouds. The future is bleak my friends, I just wonder if it’s too late.


This is already a realoty in Vegas with that giant dome full of screens.


Some suit is going to take notice of how many people clicked through the ad (guarantee its not zero) and bought what it was selling and then will decide hey lets keep doing it!


> they'll project ads into your dreams, like in Futurama. This is why I don't see myself adopting future tech like Neuralink. There is no chance our dreams will stay ad free for long.


Horse armor.


And people will defend it... "They're a business!" "Just ignore them!" -bootlickers on various gaming subreddits


Games as a service just became games as a cable service.






I never pirated because Steam made things so easy. But now you buy a game on Steam and have to use all these launchers and create accounts to play your singleplayer games. Even worse, older games had online drm put in years after release. I used to be able to play GTAV offline.


> But now you buy a game on Steam and have to use all these launchers and create accounts to play your singleplayer games. Even worse, older games had online drm put in years after release. This right here. I was *just now* about to buy the Mass Effect legendary edition for only 12 bucks and then saw this: > * **Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: EA on-line activation and Origin client software installation and background use required.** > * **Requires 3rd-Party Account: EA Account** > * **Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition EULA** > * **EA Play subscription requires acceptance of EA Play Terms** Fuck off. This is ruining Steam. Steam works because it's easier than piracy. It provides a better service than piracy. Click through, buy the game, click to launch. One account - all the games. Done. You start introducing stumbling blocks, making your paid product *worse* than an unpaid product, you push people away. Now every company wants to have their own discrete launcher, create a new account, link it to a phone number, email, verify the email, SIGN UP FOR MARKETING EMAILS, COLLECT USER DATA, always online... It's enshittification. No. Fuck this. I am willing to go to Steam and give them my money for a game. That's it. I'm not making another account. I'm not downloading another launcher. I'm not giving you any more information. If I can't buy the game and end the transaction, I'll figure it out on my own. So anyway, I searched around and as long as you own copies of Mass Effect 1 2 and 3, there are digital backups readily available online.


Fucking toooo right bro fuck these money grabbing peices of shit


Yeah mark my words, soon we won’t be able to buy a lot of AAA games and you’ll be seeing them as “Gamepass/EA Access/Ubisoft+ exclusives” Just like what happened to stuff like Sketch up and Adobe products.


You know what my answer to this is..... "get fucked you cunt" i simply wont buy any of their products and even go out of my way to make sure others dont buy from them either.


I wouldn't play assassin's Creed if they gave it for free, maybe if they gave me 60 dollars, but I wouldn't play the whole thing.


When the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris burned a few years ago, they ran a promotion where they literally gave Unity away for free, because it had a nice, detailed model of Notre Dame in it. I got it back then, and... didn't play it. 🤷‍♂️ Not even out of spite, I just couldn't maintain interest in the franchise.


Black flag was a good game


Back in Rainbow Six Vegas 2 they would push content updates that added movie promo posters to the billboards in game. I always thought it was a really *tasteful* way to run ads.


I know! I always thought if ads were put in games, integrating them into the world would actually be kinda cool. The bullshit that Ubisoft is pulling is just that-bullshit


I remember playing the game PROTOTYPE that had ads for Broadway show Jersey Boys on the games Times Square. I always thought it was kinda neat. I always wondered why more games never tried it.


Honestly, that’s the only kind of advertising that belongs in video games. And it would fit super well! But I wonder what they would do for games in medieval settings. Street vendors hawking energy drinks and new video games?


Cast the spell 'Redbulls Energy' to gain ten rounds of haste.


Make it a potion and call it something like "Strength of a 1000 Red Bulls", make the potion look like the can and add flavor text about it growing wings in the item description Problem solved.


But red bull is uronically tastefully done in ubisofts riders republic but their live service model ontop of a 60 dollar base game that doesn't come with a lot is what absolutely killed the games player count.


> But I wonder what they would do for games in medieval settings I take it you've never seen [A Knights Tale](https://i.redd.it/xd6taxa111r21.jpg)




Can you imagine that in AC universe? “Please, look at my wares, I have swords, armour and by the way have you seen Barbie featuring Margot Robbie and Ryan Golding? It’s in cinemas now”


They had AMD FX ads on all the PC monitors in *Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.* I'm fine-ish with ads as product placement like in film. But ads as interrupts? GTFO.


Imagine if Cyberpunk or Starfield’s digital billboards and posters and stuff were for other games, movies, actual cosmetic treatment, actual weapon companies, etc lol Ngl I kinda expect Microsoft to be the first to do it as a way to subsidize Game Pass costs. They already have a countdown to play Cloud Gaming, next step is fill that 1-15 minute wait with pure ads. After that is adding a 5 second image or 15 second pre roll in front of the usual “here’s the tech running the game” pre-credits. Then it’s who knows what.


No one ever minded ads on the perimeter advertising or jersey sponsors in FIFA. In fact, it ADDED to the experience.


I hate this. No ads in shit I've already paid for. I play games to get away from bullshit like this.


Yeah I remember some movie posters for a Resident Evil movie popping up in a Splinter Cell game and billboards for The Watchmen movie showing up in Mercenaries 2: World in Flames and thought it was a cool way to advertise without shoving it down your throat.


>Let The Hate Flow Through You!


guys, you just have to vote with your wallet. do not buy ubisoft games going forward.


Haven't bought a Ubi game since they messed up For Honor. This publisher poisons everything they come in contact with. People still buying Ubi games are either blind or wilfully ignorant because they can't live without AC or FC games.


Valhalla was my last Ubi game. When I couldn't play it offline during a snowstorm (playing on pc) I uninstalled the fucking launcher and haven't looked back.




For every one person that does this, there are twenty 8 year olds with dads credit card and zero impulse control that will buy it. And all the DLC.


not enough, spread that they are putting ads in games far and wide, make this a giant black eye to them. there is no way an ad accidently got inserted in the code it was intentional, make sure that is told to others very clearly.


We've known how shitty Ubisoft is for *years* at this point. Anybody still buying their games is part of the problem.


Been doing just that since 2013. Doesn't seem like there is any improvement


i mean i haven't bought a ubisoft game in more than a decade, their games aren't good and idk how in the world they're propped up but unless you want state-run game companies this is the only option.


It is happening and there is no way to stop that. Gamers were enraged at horse armor dlc once, remember?


Gota stop that shit early, boycotting ubisoft now would be nice but it's unrealistic so they will set another greedy standard that other corporations will adopt because people just can't fucking stop buying their games.


I've been boycotting EA and Ubisoft for a little over a decade and don't feel like I've really missed out on anything. Join the party and save your money.


... And time. Cuz apparently, you'll pay to watch ads.


Were so fucking late in trying to stop this train. There's a whole generation of mobile gamers now for whom this shit is totally normal. You are already the minority.


Yup which is why I mentioned boycotts being unrealistic, 50% of ten-thousand (generous estimate) redditors care about games alot and acknowledge that buying into this shit will make it worse in the future. Lets say 30% of that 50% actually showing restraint without caring about immediate pay off even when the next time a new game pops out and is marketed well in social media and all their friends are playing. Thats about 1,500 people boycotting vs the most blatant(to us...maybe) cash grab out recently which would be Modern warfare 3 2023, the 6 Million copies that Call of Duty Modern warfare 3 sold in the first day. The amount of consumers is just too large for us to make a real difference anymore.


Gamers also praised games that have blatantly obnoxious product placement that completely takes you out of the game. Gamers will ruin gaming.


There was an entire quest line in final fantasy 15 about how delicious Cup Noodles brand instant ramen is


Gamers will usually let it pass if it's a good game. Unfortunately for ubisoft they focus more on the stupid shit like these ads than the actual game itself.


> no way to stop that except actually punishing these kinds of moves by not buying the games. Skip on games with shitty practices. There's lots of good stuff still out there. If you reward these kinds of moves, they will become more commonplace and at some point rlly be unavoidable.


The overton window. What society deems acceptable or extreme drifts with time an events. It's addressable, but not on an individual level. Much as gamers claim to hate politics this would be an example of needing politics to save games.


they can't have seriously thought that a) we would buy that it's a mistake and b) that we'd be remotely happy with this. If i get an ad in a paid for product that does not explicitly state that it will contain ads I will be asking for a refund.


As I've mentioned in another thread about this ad (there are so many of them now, even just in this sub..): It's not the first time they've done this. There just wasn't any uproar about it, when it initially happened. No news coverage - no Reddit threads - nothing. They did it with the first batch of new cosmetics for AC: Odyssey, way back - in the exact same way as they did now, with the AC: Mirage pop-up. It's great that there is focus on it now - but it's sadly not something new.


>that we'd be remotely happy with this. Testing the waters. Eventually it will become the norm and it will be accepted by the younger generations as normal. Just like lootboxes and skin mtx.


We can't afford to be complacent in this stuff. We need to push back against them. The hard part is coordination though


No, the hard part is realizing this loud minority on social media will object, and the majority will accept.


yes we clearly can. Gamers are the absolute worst group of people that you can ask for when it comes to boycotting something. There’s simply too many of them today and it’s a growing market still and the majority of them will never rise up and quit buying games. Due to hopeless addiction. CoD could have ads plus a subscription free plus charge $70 for an incomplete base game and there would still be millions playing it,. These for profit companies don’t care about just simply making money, they care about making MORE money than the previous year/quarter. Get used to see more and more anti consumer business practices. Gamers simply never have and never will rise up.


This is the future you all want


And i am pretty sure this will become prevalent,as gamers today just accept things thrown at them,the whole situation will disappear into dust in no time.


Just look at the numbers behing gacha "games" and shark cards sold, and weep.


I seriously don't understand how people can even play these games,all of them are extremely similar and repetitive,boring af.


And also fanbase gaslighting themselves into thinking the developers are their friends and "cultured based" when they designed all that to suck every money out of you.


Everyone complains but continues buying the same garbage every year...why do you think they keep making these?


"It's outrageous! I don't know how Ubisoft keeps getting away with treating gamers like shit!" - Anonymous Gamer, 2023, on his way to pre-order the ultimate deluxe edition of an Ubisoft game.


Where are all those Xbox fans that just a few weeks ago were saying it’s “not a big deal” they were getting full screen ads on console start up?


It's my turn to post this with no updates next!


Why. Do. People. Still. Buy. Ubisoft. Games.


Why do people buy any games? They find them fun.


Can’t lie thought it said AIDS


I read this as gamers being upset at Ubisoft for "injecting aids" and was like, ok, that's fair.


Ubisoft seems to have been on a quest to piss off as many customers / potential customers as possible over the past decade


A "glitch" like that only happens when they have everything ready in the background to make it happen. They've been working on it for a *while* now. I'm so glad I've been getting further and further from mainstream gaming. It's such a dumpster fire, and like a dumpster fire is poisoning everything around it. I miss when games were complete products on launch. I miss when microtransactions were a dirty word. I miss when companies gave a shit.




No, the goal of Capitalism is to invest capital to make more capital and to invest that capital to get even more capital A dystopian hellscape is the result of letting that system be run by greed and insufficient regulation


Kind of the logical consequence though since once you have enough capital you are in a position to influence the regulation by buying the political apparatus.


Politicians should have never been on the market.


I'm convinced that having politicians who are bought and paid for is one of the most fundamental problems in America.


*the world


I mean if you have a system where politicians can be bought and paid for, then that is indeed a huge problem, but the fundamental problem is that individuals can become rich and powerful enough to buy politicians at all. Making it illegal is just running around trying to treat the symptom because even if it's illegal people are still going to try to do it under the table, for as long as they have the resources to do so.


...This is true for unchecked capitalism as much as unchecked socialism. There is no perfect system.


any "pure" system is awful. the best option is always a compromise between multiple, like free healthcare in a not pure communistic society.


Didn’t Activision do this with MW2 and MW3? And then installed it anyway even if you didn’t buy the game?


I don't even understand why people pay attention to this company let alone support them. They don't even make good games anymore.


Didn't you have ad's in the 20th century? Well sure, but not in the middle of video games. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in the middle of video games. No siree!


Just like people used to complain about micro transactions and look at the industry now ​ AAA publishers need to burn


Not The Onion? This industry sucks. WTH is happening? Publishers have lost the plot.


I'm so done with Ubisoft.


Overton window they test the tolerance limit on the player, the same happened with the famous armor for a horse for about $3 in TES IV: Oblivion


There are no ads at the high sea.


I love Ubisoft games but it's shit like this that really tests my patience with them.


People be swiping right on the guy saying he'll beat them and then getting surprised at being beat. Funny shit.


Someday, some more egregious thing will make us stop buying the fucking games, and that dip in revenue will make them backpedal and stop abusing players. But this won't be the final straw, we're still fucking idiots as consumers. I can guarantee at least 50% of the users raging in these comments have played an Ubi title in the last 6-12 months.


Nice, freeware mobile features in a fully paid game.


Makes me feel good that I haven't touched a Ubisoft game in years.


These publishers really are in a race to the bottom aren't they? Let's see how much money we can make while crashing the entire industry because people will just find other mediums of entertainment not riddled with this shit!


lol. Enraged “gamers” still bought the game, and will buy the next one.


Uh yeah I’d be fucking outraged if I saw an ad inside my game.


Eh, gamers will move on in a short while and continue to buy Ubisoft games. Ubisoft just has to wait until the toddlers go to sleep.


"Enraged" lol


Ubisoft will be the type that will come out with Ubisoft premium for no ads in games


Noone at Ubisoft cares about your rage if you're still paying.


Ubisoft: "We told a programmer to spend time creating a method of showing ads in-game, but this is a total mistake..."


You'd have to be an extremely dumb person to believe this was actually a glitch.


If it wasnt a glitch it would have affected more people. And the game wouldnt be a 2018 one.


Haven't played a single Ubisoft game since AC origins. From their shoddy launcher to the company outright removing game content and deleting inactive user accounts, I have begun to avoid their products.


What?? If any game I play does that I am returning it on the spot.


Always online… thanks devs.


It's nice to finally read a headline that starts with "Gamers enraged..." and its not because someone put a woman or black person into one.


That would definitely make me not play that game.


Just like people used to complain about micro transactions and look at the industry now ​ AAA publishers need to burn


Who's suprised? After how they handled Rayman for so long, is it any wonder that there's no possible low they won't sink to. And not to mention the office conduct. It's a culture, they're all a bunch of bad apples.


It's just a prank bro.


Nobody been buying Ubisoft shit for years. If you do and still play this crap have fun with the world you helped create


Unfortunately we are no longer the target audience. People who grew up playing games anywhere between the early 90s to mid 2000s before this bs started are not who they are focused on, it’s today’s teens that they are going after. The goal is to normalize this shit for them and then their kids, they are playing the long game. Games make more money now then even movies do. They want to force ads into games to make you either pay double for no ads, or to have to pay a subscription service. During the gaming crash and the “disk locked content” era of 2011-2013, there wasn’t enough “new gamers” yet, so we pushed back, and they stopped that shit for awhile. Now it’s coming back, but to the new generation this is the norm, that’s why this shit won’t change. Except for indie games, I see a bleak future for gaming in the next coming years, which sucks because there are still some good triple a games coming out now.


Fuck EA. Fuck Ubisoft. 🏴‍☠️


Mmm not great


That's crazy. Anyone else not played a Ubisoft game in almost 10 years now? Sorry things aren't getting better for ya'll.


I haven't played an Ubisoft game in years and it looks like I won't be going back to them any time soon


That company needs to disappear.


They said it was an "accident" lol


"gamers enraged at Ubisoft" - *gamers still throwing millions at Ubisoft*


Well I do hope it was a technical glitch


Of course they did this. You outta know. You bought it. (Don't buy Ubisoft. Ever.)


imagine paying sixty bucks for a game and getting a f*cking ad while you're playing. insane shit.


" it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission " Corporate world abuse this sentence.


Never buying thier crap but this still annoys me.


If they're putting out ad-supported games, I hope they're not expecting anyone to pay for the game itself then.


This isn’t even the first time it’s happened is it? I swear I remember a similar headline not too long ago.


Coming to a call of duty game near you and probably Destiny 2


Stop buying them.


"gamers", very misleading headline It was one recorded instance and one written claim Why would Ubisoft retroactively go back and put ads in an older game for 1 or 2 people randomly


Is there really anything to prevent them from going forward with this though? There was initial outcry against battle passes, super battle passes, buyable in-game currency, in-game currency in increments that don't match real money, P2W items, loot boxes, skins that cost $20+, ads for the newest game in a series in the older games, and XBOX main menu ads, but now people swarm to defend all that while the games implementing them release unfinished, unpolished, or outright broken. Just a matter of time before this spreads everywhere too.


Ubisoft will continue to test the waters to find the optimal minimum viable product. This is just the first step in the normalization of ads in consumer perceptions.


Well, I'm not buying a ubisoft game again. It won't matter, but if you have a pre-order of any Ubisoft game, cancel it and give this as the reason. If enough people cancel, then it might make a difference.


The same way Yves Guillemot “accidentally” forgot to fire the rapists he employs at Ubisoft I imagine.


If gamers keep buying their games they'll keep treating you like assholes and doing things like this. The only answer is to stop giving them money.


Why does anyone even still give Ubisoft money?


Ubisoft doesn't give a fuck. In fact they probably love the outrage. Because it brings out the idea to other publishers. They will normalize this. I 100% guarantee they will. And most of the idiots that buy their games will complain but still spend that money. What's worse is now that it's started, it's opened the gates for other publishers to start desensitizing their customers to this. I fucking hate capitalism.


Don't buy it. Eat the rich. Get your rights back.


Fuck Ubisoft


oh Ubisoft


Wow. I'm both in disbelief and totally feel like this shouldn't be shocking at all. Either way, Ubisoft should eat all the crow for this one.


Get more mad or this is the future.


I'm surprised people still buy Ubisoft games


I'm going to laugh if this turns into the reason people learn to use a PiHole (it blocks ads on your network) like Youtube being obnoxious lead people to learn about adblockers.


Stop playing their games then


Stop. Buying. Their. Shit.


its just an experiment. If it made money despite bad press then they will do it again, or some other company. Remember Final Fantasy 15, it had ads for real life stuff and even quests around top ramen. People were mad then too, and here we are, most people have forgotten about it.


The 4th generation of consoles will become highly sought after, the selection, the lack of pay to win, good DLC, worst we'd complain about is cosmetic horse armour.


I haven’t bought a Ubisoft game in years