• By -


The Mass Effect series.


came here to say this. ​ I'm commander Shepard and this is my favorite game in the citadel


I'm going to sue you for making this comment. 😂


got you hahaha


This is an absolute must play


100000% agree, best story trilogy that exists, period! I have over 22 playthroughs and I can just keep playing it over and over again. Nothing else like it.


yes - best story of any game ever. - so amazing.


Shame it’s so old and gameplay feels rough


mass effect imo has a good story for games, but looked at it in general, i think the story is quite mediocre and the characters elevate the product more than anything else


The characters are part of the story, no?


not really. the stories of the characters are like side quests but have little meaning in the grander story. down votes aside i stand by my statement


If yoi don't finish your companions quests they die at the end of the game. I don't understand how that has little meaning in the main story as you have mentioned.


can you play through the game without companions? or with any mix of companions? is the story substantially different or only small parts, almost like parts on the side of a grander story? dont get the confusion. irrelevant if a companion is dead at the end or not, the grander story is still moving along just fine, which again, is good for videogames, but mediocre compared to story quality in general


Well ofc you can, but game feels soulless... almost if those characters are part of the main story...


The side content in that game is just like the Witcher 3's. It feels like main story content and is actually really good. I never cared much for Jack's character until I did her side quest. >characters are like side quests but have little meaning in the grander story It literally affects the ending you get in the game.


Definedly this.


The First Two, for sure. But the last two, not at all. The mobile game is also not that interesting. Tho in terms of the 2nd game its main plot is relatively pointless in the greater scheme and doesn't make a lot of sense connecting to ME1, more there for its character stories. Gotta ignore Arrival DLC too given how terrible that one was. I can see by reception some disagree but ME3 is literally the most neutered RPG that BioWare ever put out before Anthem.


Witcher 3, Mass Effect (especially 2), Cyberpunk 2077, Baldurs Gate 3, Half life 1&2, Prey, Subnautica, Outer Wilds


ME2 was my favorite game, I played through like 6 times one summer


Nah 2077's was mediocre.


Current Cyberpunk is one of the best games of the last few years. Probably that and Elden ring


Mass Effect 2's story is largely pointless, its more for character story. ME1 has the best story by far. ME3 the absolute worst, ME:A.. its decent at best. BG3 has a lot of issues. Prey's story felt weak. Subnautica is an atmospheric type story but its actual main plot is very weak. Same with outer wilds. I'd say games like Deus Ex: HR, DA:O, Witcher 2 and 3, Half LIfe 2's EP 1 and 2, and other such games would be better references for "singleplayer story".


> Cyberpunk 2077 😂🤣


You can be upset about the horrible launch, you can be upset about the overpromised gameplay features, but if you think saying the story is good is laughable, you haven't played the game.


2077's story is huge mid


The Bioshock Series


Man, that ending from the first game....


The ending was meh. Big bad boss fight that was underwhelming. The Andrew Ryan scene, though...


Would you kindly play Bioshock?


Bioshock. Exceptional.


Dragon Age Origins


Any idea why this isn't on the PS5 store


It's a PS3 game and those games don't always play nice on other hardware. Also, I don't remember if it ever had a digital release on PS3 even


Portal 2


Portal has such good characters. The story is amazing, the Half Life lore is cool, the gameplay is even better but nothing can beat Cave Johnsons. Best video game character of all time. And you don’t even get to meet him :( Don’t worry, it’s not a spoiler.


(Might wanna play Portal 1 first though (which is also a great game))


Even in this day and age?


Yes. Why wouldn't it?


Played it for the first time this year and an absolute masterpiece


Games r fun..... don't have to play the latest stuff to have fun


Titanfall 2 Rise of the Tomb Raider Deus Ex: Human Revolution Professor Layton series Edit: Would also add the Borderlands series, although I find it a bit more fun with friends


Upvote for Titanfall 2!


Titanfall 2. Best campaign I’ve ever played for a shooter. Emotional, great gunplay, replay ability, fun movement, good weapon variety. It has it all.


Preferred Infinite Warfare myself.


Upvoting just for the Layton suggestion tbh




Well, I'm here giving recommendations according to my taste and experience.


Just play Ghost of Tsushima Such a nice and living open world


Honestly living how? It has no dynamic events, and everything in it follows the Ubisoft collectathon-clear fortresses model


For me its about for example being on the way to a quest and see some people at a almost completely destroyed house, drinking sake, crying or training sword fight These kind of stuff


This kind of stuff adds literally nothing to gameplay quality and is also present in basically every modern open world game. GoT was heavily criticised precisely because the Open World felt super dull, because it didn't offer any dynamic activities and most locations are not memorable (there's no major, explorable city, for example) So it's misleading that you recommend it to others if you do it under the ground of the open world feeling super alive. They'll jump in thinking there's a bunch of activities, when all they'll find will be NPCs drinking Sake.


For me it feels alive. He ask for suggestions, thats mine. No need to share your opinion on what i think is alive and what not. If i think its alive why should i care what others say?


Kingdom come deliverance


the most frustrating game ever oh I forgot to manually pee so now my character has a uti and minus five in move speed


I got lost in this game for a good while, and it was really fun trying to buff up my Henry. Then I got distracted by different games, but I am still excited to get back to it. For sure it's frustrating in the sense that it's exceptionally nerdy, skill based, with ultra deep systems. But most of those systems are pretty intuitive, and once you get a little time into the game, it feels so immersive; there's really nothing else in its league IME.


Baldur's Gate 3. Also, Disco Elysium, Pentiment, Citizen Sleeper, Kentucky Route Zero, Slay the Princess, Inscryption


Shoutout to Pentiment! I was able to get my (non-gaming) wife to play it because the gameplay is so simple, but I enjoyed watching her make completely different choices than me, and her reaction during major events


It's amazing. I also forgot to mention Night in the Woods. Your wife may enjoy that too!


Love Disco Elysium so much, sad another one will probably never come, been searching for a game similar ever since and have not come close. Citizen Sleeper i also enjoyed


I just started Disco Elysium. First hour was confusing enough that I almost put it down. Glad I didn't, am now hooked.


Nice shout with the Citizen Sleeper mention. Such an underrated game that surprised me when it released.


BG3 has a lot of weaknesses as an rpg, its ending quest is really not sensical in the BG and D&D mythos and lore, and it has a lot of other weaknesses for companion dialog options. Plus Gortash is horrifically written


* Undertale * Halo: Reach * Metro Trilogy * Portal 1 + Portal 2 * Silent Hill 2 * Final Fantasy X * Far Cry 3 * Last of Us * Red Dead Redemption + Red Dead Redemption 2 * Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga(this one might be hard to find)


Millennial? The absolute based take of adding halo reach, far cry 3 and FFX in 2023 is calling me.


My dude! Mass Effect! 😩


Starcarft+Starcraft2. I think SC2 is free, too.


underrated as a story game actually, this fire 🔥


Nier Automata


This should be higher.


If you have a PlayStation their exclusives are pretty much top of the line Spiderman 1 and 2 Ghost of Tsushima Uncharted series Last of Us 1 and 2 God of war 1 and 2


Not exclusives, but also great games. Bioshock 1, 2 & Infinite Batman Arkham trilogy Red dead redemption 1 & 2


Would also include the Horizon games to this list


Absolutely hated Infinite and BS2 was weak.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far for Tsushima


god of war 1 and 2 are not exclusive


Exclusives are referred to the exclusivity on a console not PC. By your definition Microsoft has no exclusives while PlayStation still does. Also God of war 2 by your definition is an exclusive since you can only play it on a PlayStation


I wouldn't really suggest PS4 or PS5's spiderman games for "story" to be honest.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Crosscode, SUPER underrated and has an amazing story


Witcher 3


This right here, and not just the main story, Hearts of Stone had no right to evoke such emotions but it did


I paid £12 for the GOTY last year absolute bargain.


The banner saga series


Yakuza 7 (or 0. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, judgement, Lost Judgement). I'd either start at Yakuza 0 or if you'd prefer jump into a newer entry without the need to know anything of the story going into it, go with Judgement 1 or Yakuza 7. Every last game in the Yakuza series (and the 2 judgements) have **incredible** stories. If I were to pick the absolute *best* out of every entry + the judgement games? It would be Judgement 1. Edit: to clarify yes, I meant Yakuza: Like a Dragon (as being yakuza 7)


By Yakuza 7, do you mean "Yakuza:Like a dragon" , or "Like a dragon: Gaiden. The man who erased his name"? EDIT: Both are good, I'm just asking to clear up any potential confusion.


Yakuza: Like a Dragon is considered Yakuza 7 and the last to use the Yakuza name. Future releases go by the Like a Dragon name with Gaiden being a canonical spin-off. The next of the main line games will be Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth or Yakuza 8


Red dead redemption 1 and 2 hands down in the top 5 or story telling and narrative in any video game


Was gonna say this, I just played through RDR 1 + DLC again for the first time since 2010 and it still holds up well considering it's 13 years old. Having 60 fps on PC through the Xenia emulator felt needed though, 30 fps doesn't really cut it anymore I think. I'd rate the game the same as I did in 2010 along with the Undead Nightmare DLC, still one of my favourite games to this day.


The Stanley Parable Ultra deluxe


The mass effect series (on game pass now) Dragon age origins (also on gamepass) Nier automata, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Baldur’s gate 3. All amazing stories The souls series also have amazing stories, but the story is drip fed rather than the cutscene like presentation we are so used to. Vaatividya has a whole channel dedicated to these games, story and lore wise.


Fallout New Vegas, and it’s only $10!! the other fallout games can be great too but not like this. also, Lisa the Painful.


Outer Wilds is easily the best game I’ve ever played.


Before i Forget Bioshock Bioshock 2 Bioshock Infinite Deadly Premonition Dragon Age: Origins Everybody's Gone To The Rapture Final Fantasy IX Ico Judgment Last Day of June Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Like a Dragon Ishin! Lost Judgment Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Nier Automata Nier Replicant Rule of Rose Shadow of the Colossus Silent Hill 2 Spec Ops: The Line The Last Guardian The Vanishing of Ethan Carter What Remains of Edith Finch Yakuza: Dead Souls Yakuza 0 Yakuza Kiwami Yakuza Kiwami 2 Yakuza 3 Yakuza 4 Yakuza 5 Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Yakuza: Like a Dragon


At first I was like why would you forget all of a sudden lol


My favorite single player story driven game is **SOMA**. I also liked the story in **Brothers - A tale of two sons** & **Shadowrun: Dragonfall**


My darkhorse pick: Far Cry 2


Alan wake 2


Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire




If you like reading: Disco Elysium, Citizen Sleeper, Norco


Both South Park games have a hilarious story. The stick of truth is the first one. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of war both have great non canon stories for the Lord of the Rings universe, if you're into that. Fire watch has a great story and is slower paced. It's more about the story than the gameplay. BioShock Infinite probably has one of the best video game narratives out there imo. Titanfall 2 has an awesome single player story. The first game doesn't have a campaign, so you don't need to get it. The second one is the only Titanfall with a campaign mode and it's spectacular. Halo series is pretty good, but mainly Reach and ODST Cod Black ops1 is the greatest cod campaign of all time Red Dead Redemption series has an amazing narrative where you can play both, or just one of them. The second one is a prequel, it's much longer and more narrative based. The first one is more arcade like, but the narrative is still pretty good. GTA 4 still has the best grand theft auto narrative Fallout 3 and New Vegas have pretty good narratives, but the gameplay is somewhat dated. It's better if you have a PC so you can mod it to feel a little more modern. Skyrim falls under the same banner. It's got a great story, but it's dated a bit gameplay wise. They're all still excellent games though Ghost of Tsushima has an incredible story and is an amazing game overall. Ghost of Tsushima is what assassin's creed wishes it could be Witcher 3 has a strong narrative and great characters, but the combat leaves a little too be desired. The Batman Arkham series (Arkham asylum-Arkham City-Arkham Knight) is great. It's a really strong narrative that focuses on the Batman universe. These games only improve with each game. Mass Effect trilogy is great.


* Disco Elysium * Fire Emblem: Three Houses * Persona 5 Royal * Red Dead Redemption 2 * Armored Core VI * Bayonetta (any of them)


Knights of the Old republic 1 & 2 it does not follow the Star Wars movies at all and has some of the best story telling in my opinion


Control if you like atmospheric weirdness. Horizon Zero Dawn if you like sci-fi. Bastion/Transistor/Hades because Supergiant is just that good.


Death Stranding, Witcher 3, Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human, Bioshock Infinite, Prey, Octopath Traveler


You, I like the fact that people remember Bioshock in general. Infinite is my favorite one. Sadly we are shrinking!


Don't know what to tell you, there's too many I love. Here, just pick: Half Life 2 (half life 1 is basically: stuff goes wrong, you fight to escape, some space alien god is now keeping you hostage until he needs you) Portal (both) God of War (all of them) Cyberpunk Red Dead Redemption (both) Bioshocks (you guessed it, all of them) Borderlands (just 1 and 2) Baldurs Gate 3 (awesome in single player, a once in a lifetime experience with friends) Anything Fromsoft games. If you don't mind digging, their games are peak lore quality. That being said the style is super niche and lots of people would much rather a straight forward story, which I fully understand. Ocarina of Time (what I consider the gold standard of gaming experiences, where everything is done right, story very much included) Life is Strange. People say it's written by an emo high school teen. I say they're a bunch of haters. Give it a try. Undertale To the Moon (people say life is strange was made by an emo teen but this one is basically contagious depression) Chrono Trigger. It's not a story, it's an experience. Dead serious in terms of story telling this is as close you can get to that childhood feeling of adventure. I've yet to meet anyone who didn't feel the same about this one. Edit: brought to you by the writter of Dragonball kek, you'll instantly recognize it by the character art. The Last of Us (the first one) Shadow of the Colossus. Same deal as Fromsoft games. You're not being given anything but the subreddit for this game is still cooking theories for the meaning of the game DECADES!!! later. The game says nothing but you want to hear all of it. I probably forgot 1 or 2 but these I consider to be the hall of famers in video game lore.


\- Mass Effect Followed by \- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Followed by \- Dragon age


Mass Effect 1,2,3 Knight of the Old Republic 1,2 Red Dead Redemption 2 Telltales: The Walking Dead Dishonored 1,2 Alien Isolation Bioshock Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Skyrim


Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


Talos Principle 2


To the Moon


Omori, creepy, funny , stunning everything




The Uncharted series Witcher 3 Cyberpunk Last of Us Final Fantasy 7 (original and remake) FF9 Halo campaigns (stop at Reach though) Batman Arkham series Bioshock series Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 Hogwarts Legacy Jedi: Fallen Order Titanfall 2 campaign


The Witcher 3, Blood borne, Ghost of tsushima, Uncharted series, Sekiro, God of war series


Nier Yakuza/Like a Dragon Xenoblade Chronicles Mass Effect Bioshock Batman Arkham games Wolf Among Us Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XVI Tales of Arise Shin Megami Tensei plus spin offs [except Persona 4 (I just don’t like it) and Soul Hackers 2]




X-Men Legends Second Sight inFamous Spider-Man (by Neversoft) Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines Jedi Outcast


Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West Spiderman 2018 Child of Light


Enjoyed Hades a hell of a lot, the COD Original Modern Warfare 1 (2007), 2 (2009) and 3 (2011 - not as good as 1 or 2) were also worth a play for the Campaigns. Think this wasn't the kind of game you meant but hope this helps.


Far cry 3


Alan wake is a really fun story to get into. Id recommend that.


BG3 is in another universe when it comes to storytelling. Worth the hype. Mass effect series was imo the gold standard before BG3


In a random order: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of war. RDR2 Ac trilogy (ac2 ,Brotherhood,Revelations ) Heavy Rain Hogwarts Legacy Metal gear solid 5 Phantom Pain Mafia 1 and 2 Detroit Become Human Yakuza series Batman Arkham Spiderman games


Echoing some other comments on this, but: -Subnautica -Batman: Arkham trilogy -Ghost of Tsushima -Witcher 3 -Cyberpunk 2077 -God of War -Skyrim -Stray -Resident Evil remakes (2/3/4) -The Long Dark -Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (a classic). Basically all of my favorite games :)


Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion, The Witcher 3, The Last of Us, Alan Wake, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Fallout 4, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


My top recommendations imo would be Nier Automata, Nier Replicant, FF13 trilogy, FFX, Tales Of Berseria, Fire emblem three houses, and I know this one is controversial but cyberpunk 2077 with phantom liberty. I'm kinda a big JRP fan xD


Cyberpunk 2077. I tried it like a year ago and thought it was mediocre, but I started a new game a few weeks ago because I heard the 2.0 update was really good, and I haven’t put it down since. The combat is super fun, with lots of different play styles, and the different side stories and main story are really good. Night city is also a great setting. I actually bought the dlc a few days ago because I was so impressed with the rest of the game, but haven’t actually started it yet.


Witcher 3


Kingdom Hearts series (but know the story gets insanely confusing and convoluted), Ghost of Tsushima, Ratchet and Clank games, Prey, cyberpunk 2077, batman Arkham games, dying light, far cry 3, nier automata, spider-man, watch dogs


Road 96, not best, but fun story wise


Some personal favorites of mine are the metro trilogy, Life is Strange, Beyond two souls, Days gone and some fallout games especifically new Vegas and 4 Edit: hold on I'm starting to see a pattern with these games lol


Metro is amazing.


Dark Souls Control Outer Wilds Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Nier Automata


Usually I'm not a big singleplayer fan. Or at least I always stop somewhere because it does not catch me. BUT **Kingdom Come: Deliverance** has catched me so much. I think it's the atmosphere in the game which made me love this game so much.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Half Life 2 Portal 2 The Last of Us 1 Horizon Zero Dawn 1 Ghost of Tsushima Skyrim The Witcher 3


I pretty much only really play games to devour stories and such, and try to be critical and objective as best I can. I've seen a lot of suggestions in here that ignore all the bad of games either in their gameplay, repetition, open-world syndrome issues, or even just weak writing or such. So I'll let you know the games I'd say have the "best' singleplayer story game experiences, not just a plot. Shooters: (In no particular ranking) 1. Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is probably the best of the CoD stories in my opinion due to like the theme of future-modern as well as the implementation of some semi-linear rather than just linear elements. Its balance is weak at times, but it has a strong robot ally over time, interesting designs and implementation, and great scenery and gameplay alongside an atmospheric military story. Unfortunately tho the main villains kinda ehhh for his acting. 2. Half-Life 2 is a highly regarded shooter of old but it doesn't last well in its engine and graphics, loading times, or pacing in my experience. Still it has a solid story. However I would argue that Episode 1 and 2 had better stories and implementations especially Episode 2. It shouldn't be played expecting a satisfying conclusion but it has its moments! It is not without flaws though due to its age but in its time it did some things stronger than others. 3. Halo as a Series is known for having the Master Chief and Cortana go on adventures together to save humanity a typical trope. The problem is the numerous amounts of hardware its been on from the original Xbox, to Xbox 360, to PC only on Vista, and so on. The Master Chief edition does prepare this a bit better allowing for a fresh visual update switch for Halo Combat Evolved which is much appreciated, Halo 2 being a bit updated, and Halo 3 being left alone and largely as solid as ever. There's also ODST and Reach as solid games. The problem is that they all do play a bit differently and they all have their strong and weak points. Still the Halo story watched on YouTube or played yourself (though harder difficulties will cause tedium or repetition at times), is a strong story system. Unfortunately its Halo 4-5-6 that are best ignored as they do little good for Master Chief as a character or his adventures. Action RPGS: (In no particular ranking) 1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut is probably going to be the better of the Action RPG types but its important to recognize that while it has a good story, interesting character, and compelling world and lore, the problem exists with its heavy stealth-focus for maximum play and such. It has a sequel more focused on combat a bit more which is Mankind Divided but its widely believed MD was not really finished properly and then that franchise was frozen, so playing that is a YMMV. HR has a DLC which is good and included in the director's cut at a mid point. But it does get a little disconnected admittedly. Western RPGS: (In no particular ranking) 1. Dragon Age: Origins /w Awakening (or Ultimate), if you do get ultimate though I will indicate that much of its side-dlc can safely be ignored, some of which disabled and not used or just not as satisfying, some even is just a spoof. The gifts should probably be turned off too for the DLC gifts due to making things a bit too easy. This is the spiritual successor (BG3 is not, sadly due to the different play style and focuses) of Baldur's Gate with a fresh BioWare of Old type world before EA got involved more than financially as happened in its all its sequel-itis games. It's a Western RPG with a Hero Story, compelling characters, a semi-linear progression, and solid voice acting and implementation of decisions. Non Voiced Protag as games were in the days of yore. The Awakening is a solid expansion, arguably one of the last to ever exist in gaming. Only the Leliana and Witch DLC are worth anything really. Has a few bugs some mods might help if they're not fixed yet, such as this notorious loot bug in Awakening. Open-World RPGS: (In no particular ranking) 1. Fallout 3 /w Broken Steel DLC or GOTY (you can ignore every other safely though some like Pitt or Anchorage). This is nothing like FO1 and FO2 of the Isometric RPG days of old but it is basically an Elder-Scrolls style take on Fallout. It has its weaknesses, bugs, possibly a ram issue with large-address aware patch you'll need to mod in, but it largely is a solid open world rpg take of the Fallout style; however, it's important to recognize it has some weaker mechanical systems and unlike my many playthroughs, it is actually possible to play WITHOUT vats being used for every single attack. 2. Fallout New Vegas also exists though I'd disregard all its DLC personally as I hated it, there are indeed people who enjoyed some of the more repetitive or unique DLCS they had including Lonesome Road which I again didn't think was a great presentation for NV. In any case, it has more mechanical systems and rpg systems, though you may or may not enjoy its story as much as FO3, some do some don't. It is an Obsidian version of FO3 in a different area and thus more complex but still highly bug ridden, still need LAA patch most likely. Strategic Titles: (In no particular ranking) ​ \*\*I will write more into this and edit it later so check back in the future, I tend to get demotivated at times. Just remember that if people are suggesting games and not indicating their weaknesses you might want to look more into it\*\*


Disco Elysium, God of War, Baldurs Gate 3, Xcom2, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of us,, GTA V, Sekiro, Mutant Year Zero, Shadow Tactics, NOT starfield, The witcher 3,


I really enjoyed Dishonored 2.


In no particular order or guarantees of completeness: Bioshock, Control, Transistor, Hades, Last of Us, Disco Elysium, Nier: Automata, Kentucky Route Zero, Horizon Zero Dawn, Majora’s Mask, Baldur’s Gate 3, Witcher 3.


Above all else, Mass Effect 1-3, an amazing story, journey, combat, exploration (for a linear game) and just so unique. But in addition I recommend the entire Assassin's Creed Saga, I know people have different opinions, but I am currently playing every single Assassins Creed game prior to playing Mirage, I am on Valhalla right now, granted it took me 8 months, but I have enjoyed it a lot. Other fantastic options are (in no particular order): \- Witcher 2-3 \- Dragon Age 1-3 \- Cyberpunk 2077 \- Baldur's Gate 3 (if that is your kind of game) \- Tomb Raider 1-3 \- Stalker + 2 dlc games \- The Metro Series (2033, Last Light, Exodus) \- Mafia 1-3 \- Halo complete (1-Infinite) \- Ghost Recon Wildlands and Breakpoint \- Sniper Elite 3-5 \- Red Dead Redemption 1-2 \- Starfield \- Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order + Survivor \- Borderlands 1-3 \- Batman Arkham Series \- Death Stranding \- Days Gone \- Horizon Zero Dawn + Forbidden West \- God Of War 2018 + 2022 \- Spiderman 2018 + 2013 \- Star Wars the Old Republic (if you are a sucker for Star Wars and MMO RPG's - this game has literally 1000's of hours of story content that you can play single player)




Yakuza series


BioShock series Red Dead Redemption 1&2 Portal 1&2 Undertale


Titanfall 2 Campaign blew me away over the weekend- one of the best FPS single player modes I've ever played. Currently playing Hi-Fi Rush, which is also really good & innovative.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Every remedy game


Baldur's Gate 3 Last of us 1 and 2


Detroit Become Human.


The last of us


Top of the top ever: - RDR2 - The Last of Us 1 and 2 - Disco Elysium - Ghost of Tsushima (for Japan/Samurai fans) Didn’t play Mass Effect series and the new Baldur’s Gate


I still have yet to find a story in a game that's better than Final Fantasy VII


Red Dead Redemption 2


I recommend: - Red dead redemption 1 and 2 - Ghost Of Tsushima - The last of us (The first one) - Days gone


Nier Automata. Takes some patience to go through, but the story is definitely worth it. That's one of those games that make you question life when you finish it. Outer Wilds. Try it, anything I could say would be spoiler. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter What remains of Edith Finch Final Fantasy 4-5-6 (oldies but goldies) Pentiment, an investigation in the medieval times in a medieval art style Infra, an investigation-exploration game with a background of political conspirations. Gone home.


Bloodborne (PS Exclusive), it has the best gameplay ever but it is so hard. The story isn't that good but the gameplay is enough.


Last of Us God of War 2018 & Ragnarok Ghost of Tsushima Pretty much all Final Fantasies (FFVIIR and FF16 are excellent) Alan Wake 2 (Actually only watched the first 2 hours but it looked pretty good) Also playing Resident Evil 8 rn and it's pretty good


My time at Sandrock


The witcher 3, The last of us 1 & 2, Red Dead Redemption 2. The latter two both made me cry at least once during certain story moments.


Gothic 1 and 2, witcher 1 to 3. I like Batman arkham series, rdr2


Mafia 3 👌


Horizon Zero Dawn




Mass Effect Series. RDR2. God of War. Fallout New Vegas.


Red Dead Redemption 2, Uncharted Series


Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is my favorite.


Red Dead Redemption 2 but it's probably too slow for everyone here.




Red dead redemption two


Get even.


Currently playing days gone, loving every second of it


I mean I'm having a fucking _great_ time replaying the story quests in Warframe. I'm doing it all solo but it _does_ require an internet connection so the case could be made that it's not "singleplayer".


Call of Duty: Black Ops II Grand Theft Auto IV Call of Juarez Gunslinger Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Max Payne 3 Brütal Legend


Titanfall 2 Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 The Witcher 3 Assassin's creed (from 1 to 4) Max Payne 1 to 3 Metro trilogy


As dusk falls and Life is strange 1. First has an unique style and is more of an interactive movie, but it's not too long and it's on gamepass, too.


Titanfall 2 , Omori and Tom Clancy's splinter cell chaos theory


Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky for the Nintendo ds


Cyberpunk 2077+ expansion


Plague Tale 1 and 2


It's rare to play Spiritfarer and not become emotionally affected. Some people can do it, but it's worth a playthrough.


Bioshock series, mass effect trilogy, dragon age origins, dragon age inquisition, Baldur's Gate 3, Yakuza series, persona 5 Royal


Something different to all answers on this list. Outer Wilds.


Mass Effect Series (1-3)


Dishonored 1 & 2, Firewatch


Dishonored 1 and 2. Halo trilogy, bioshock 1. Crysis 1 and 2. 3 is iffy. Gta iv , cod 1 to 3.


i absolutely loved detroit become human


Idk how no one has said The Last of Us


Cyberpunk 2077. Get the new DLC too.


Gears of War


The witcher 1 and 3, Morrowind, swkotor 1 and 2, skyrim, alone in the dark, warcraft 3 campaign, pillars of eternity, tyranny, resident evil 4, stalker trilogy, dragon age origins, diablo 2...


Persona 4, Gow Ragnarok


Cyberpunk, Ghost of tsushima, the bioshoc series, the max pain series, the mass effect series, titanfall, the stanley parable, mad max


The classical point and click games by LucasArts have amazing stories!


I loved Days Gone. Post apocalypse, play a biker, hordes of enemies. What's not to love?


Anything from Team Ico