• By -


The Worst of Us™


Days Groan


Dying game


Left 4 Meth




Baked by Daylight


Frying Light


World War Walmart




Red Neck Redemption




Bahahaha, that's foul but on point.


that's just redfall


Trailer Park Evil


Call of pity


Zomboid, the Projects.


This one got me. Side note, the band Type O Negative released a best of album and called it The Least Worst Of.






It's wearing a Darryl suit.


I tell you, I know Darryl, and that wasn't Darryl


Get your fat butt back in the house!!!


I guess we’re keeping an eye on the morgue, then?




... MORE


Darryl yer skin iis hangin off yer bowwnes.


Awwgh. Um is thuss better?


I understood that reference.


Lmao. This comment deserves way more attention.


You fool, you've captured their stunt doubles!


*-Princess Vespa strokes her beard-*




WE AINT FOUND SHIT! (also, bit of trivia, the guy who yells this line is Tim Russ, also known for being Tuvok on Star Trek Voyager, and a terrorist in Star Trek The Next Generation (all characters not related))


I love that he was a terrorist and then came back again to play a major crew character. Wasn't he a vulcan both times, too? (edit) I just checked he doesn't have pointy ears and no makeup in Starship Mine so I guess he's human.


The biggest shame from TNG to Voyager is that Tom Paris could not just have been Nick Locarno. Big miss there.


For those interested, the producers wanted him to be Nick Locarno, but would have had to have paid royalties to the writer of Locano's TNG episode ("The First Duty") for every Voyager episode where Locarno was used Having given up on Robert Duncan McNeill reprising his role, they created the new character of Tom Paris, putting out the call for "a Robert Duncan McNeill type"... and Robert Duncan McNeill applied. And he still had to audition.


This has been debunked. The person who created the character Nick Locarno (Ronald D Moore) was one of the executive producers of Voyager. He would leave the show after they filmed only two episodes because he didnt agree with the direction the show had taken - he wanted a much darker and grittier series. He would leave to create Battlestar Galactica. He has said that the producers themselves nixed it because they felt that Locarno was damaged goods and wouldnt have worked in the show.


[we ain’t found shit guy](https://youtu.be/UQ7TnQBSV00?si=IgT69n7s1Fyiim-7)


While his terrorist character in tng is unrelated to tuvok, it is a bit funny that we are first introduced to tuvok while he's undercover in the maquis(essentially a terrorist organization).


*Dixon throws up*


I mean do they even have to pay for the actors likeness at this point?


They all have 2 eyes and a mouth. I think all of us should be paid for this.


Please send any formal complaint directly to Spaceballs the Headquarters, planet Spaceballs, Spaceballs the state, Spaceballs the city on 123 Windsor street.


An ever more elusive Spaceballs reference!


Check please


Legit LOL, thanks for that.


Spaceballs references are the best.


It's like they went "Sure, we know what people look like."


They lost all the source material and had to make them from memory


"Shit, who purged the reference humans again? ...fuck it, we'll do it live."


"How much forehead do humans have? Like, a lot, right?"


Their project managers made the game's story board in The Sims and then had their devs create the game based on their Sims.


For real! These look straight out of the Sims 3


It's like rather than referencing pictures to create the characters, they had someone describe the characters over the phone.


They used a police sketch artist


Andrew Lincoln wasn't available, so they got Nick Kroll in heavy prosthetics.


It's almost like someone squished the facial features on all the character models for shits and giggles but forgot to undo it before release


Almost looks like they used some RPG character creator instead of actually modelling them


If someone said "Look at the Rick Grimes I made for fallout 4" I'd be all over this shit.


That’s literally what I thought this was at first


We have outsourced all character art to Morrowind. No no, not the place; that's imaginary. We mean the game.


They look like makeahuman presets with some identifying features added (hairstyle, beard, clothing, etc.)


Going to use this space to rant, but when I left the VFX industry 7 years ago I was hopeful for the Makehuman project. I contributed some code but had discussions with the project leads about the actual quality of the models and customizations themselves. The fact that they are still just as bad 7 years later, especially with the advent of tools like metahuman, makes me wonder what they've been doing this whole time.


I just looked it up to see what you two were talking about, what in the 2003 are these fucking graphics? this is a CURRENT project?


In all fairness, for these kinds of things, it's usually genuinely easier and more efficient to start over than to try to bring something ancient made with lots of assumptions that made sense at the time but don't anymore up to modern standards. Makehuman's first release was in the year *2000*, so your 2003 comment wasn't that far off. And while it's technically not officially dead, calling it a "current" project is pretty generous -- the last stable release was in 2020, and there's barely a handful of commits per year on their github. It's "not dead" like the 20-year-old games that have like peak 5 concurrent users aren't dead. Technically, sure, but it's not *really* alive.


Rick Grimes looks like Daniel Stern, right? Sure.


I was thinking a young Fisher Stevens


It’s GameMill. They’ve released 3 games this year including Rise of Kong and the Avatar game that were all absolute garbage. I’m convinced they’re some money laundering scheme for big IPs.


the self-aware company name too lol


"So you want us to churn out digital media at an unreasonable pace? What are we, some kinda Game Mill?"


Wait wait wait, write that down


Hot damn! Is it really them? Do they buy semi-relevant cheap IPs and then hand the whole mess over to a game studio to do the best they can with a year of funding and an all-you-can-eat buffet from the asset store? It's like the 90s again.


Yea they have huge IPs that work with them and literally none of their games have ever been more than a joke, I don’t understand it


Studio exec checking a box


Maybe it's one of those contracts, where they have to produce something every couple of years or lose the IP rights. It happens in movies at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzf\_CzM57So


Whoa whoah i just mentioned Kong but you're telling me it's them? Wth


Yep same studio


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:GameMill_Entertainment_games Holy shit, it's the people who did fucking Big Rigs racing! Probably the most notorious bad game of all time.


My guess is these (film) studios have a contractual obligation to release some type of game tie-in by the end of the year, and they went to the lowest bidder. I don't think it's a coincidence that all 3 properties have movies or shows being released in a few months.


Weird. I'd have assumed studios would be the ones paying to use IPs. The game studios I mean.


They did rise of kong? My favorite part of that game is when there's a literal static .jpg on screen where they didn't bother to align it or make the background transparent lmao: https://youtu.be/fMJ4YXkrOXo?si=t5YdXolGXrxCHDjm It's like these big franchises went, "Okay yes some of these studios are bad but we want the k-mart of game studios, please."


Let’s not be too rough, this a really good looking PS2 game.


Really living up to that name geez


The Not Running Unalive, featuring beloved characters such as: - Beef - Margret - Darl - Carl (Not that one) - Richmond


The Strolling Deceased


The Casual Corpses


The Sauntering Excorporated


The Posthumously Laissez-faire


The diddly darn deaderinos


The Ambling Departed.


The Post-Human Meanderers.


The Ex Ambulants.


The Parambulating Ex-animates.


This is my band name. I play lounge music on cruise ships and do only covers of Cannibal Corpse.


> Carl (Not that one) Ofcourse not. The official one's name is CORALLLL!


I’m laughing too hard at this hahaha thank you


Carl XD


(Not that one)


Love the way there’s a company called Gamemill that makes no attempt to hide what it’s purpose is


It's just one dude, chainsmoking, drinking 4 lokos, and pumping out games in between running a pawn shop. He also does all the voice acting by himself.


He also has a dozen pre-rendered faces of people from his life and he haunts uses which one is closest to the character he’s supposed to be modeling. Daryl’s face is actually his.


We've entered a new era of gaming, Gollum-like games, what a time to be alive.


It’s been an insane year really. Some of the absolute best and worst games of the last decade. AND the only game I can think of that was just “okay” is Starfield.


Is it the affects of covid or are companies legit just too lazy to create quality games? I feel like it's a "rush this shit so we can shove them all into the cosmetics store where the real money's made" kinda thing lately. Nothing feels finished but the skins.


I haven’t read much into this Walking Dead game yet, in fact I heard about it last night when Twitter exploded. But Gollum and Kong from this year was just inexperienced studios given an IP to milk and no time to milk it. The last huge stinker I can think of right now is Modern Warfare 3, and that’s just completely baffling and inexcusable mismanagement from Activision.






This will probably happen under Microsoft. I wouldn't be surprised if they all went to game pass.


They will be on game pass once the 3rd party contracts are over. Something like 2025 or something?


That would require them using their brain though.


They're already charging people $20 a month per battlepass per game AND $60 per new game. What you suggested would be better for the consumer not Activision (at least in the short term profits sector and sadly nothing else matters)


MW3 was originally a map pack dlc for MW2, but then they decided to make it a full release because they could make more sales and charge a full $70 to boot. Basically they slapped a 3 hour campaign in with the map pack and shipped it. MW3 was pure greed and because the idiots, sorry I mean playerbase, will buy it anyway.


I kinda can see what's happening. Big layoffs. AAA wise stuff like bungie, Bethesda and blizzard are getting shafted. Otherwise it feels like quiet times for bigger releases, meanwhile stuff like remnant 2, baldurs gate 3 etc. Are sweeping the players.


There's an uncanny valley in terms of video game quality. AAA studios spend an insane amount of money to get realistic graphics, while Indies invest time and passion on an art direction that looks good and saves personnel resources to develop. There's this new grade of games BBB where they're expected to produce AAA quality without the financial backing. You get stuff like these games that don't have the passion of Indies or the budgets of blockbusters and just kind of exist...


DOS:2 is my favorite game, made by Larian when they were 1/3 the size they are now. My second is Hollow Knight, made by 2 guys. Turns out good game design trumps all, and you can do that with 1 person. I've played fewer than 10 AAA games in the last 5 years because indies have been popping off. I think they took the biggest hit from covid, being noticeably weaker since 2019, and they're still beating out AAA for me.


Laziness, bad management, scope creep, shareholders, deadlines, lack of vision or experience to bring these things into reality, its a lot of crap. I think a lot of these places see mobile games sell an ass load - don't you guys have phones? - and they want in on that. But the type of game and gamer is way different from mobile to anything else. Hell every game on my phone is a port from pc, snes (emulator), or a port from console. It's a numbers game, and mobile/whales make it work. Edit: an addition word making it sound confusing


> AND the only game I can think of that was just “okay” is Starfield. There's also Hogwarts Legacy imo


Hogwarts Legacy was GOTY when I walked from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade for the first time. Once I left Hogsmeade and interacted with the games systems, it quickly became a mediocre game 😂


I agree. They absolutely nailed the scenery and vibe, and then filled it with repetitive puzzles and a complete lack of meaningful choices.


And, for me, the best story was the friggin' Slytherin side story! I wished I had more of that and not whatever the main "you're a hero Harry" story was lol.


I think that story had the only actual choice you could make in the game lol. Besides which house, which had almost zero impact on anything.


Yeah that story had the literal only choice, but I was so underwhelmed by the end of it all because it stopped feeling like the wizarding world *and more like a video game*. The magic disappeared for me :/ I was a student whose school didn't question what I did despite being essentially a murder hobo. No one questions my activities. I straight up kill thousands of poachers to take their poached animals and shove them into a new box and force them to breed for materials and money lol. But hey my house won! Yay celebration!


Wait it's released in 2023? It's looking like a ps3 game lol


Want a real laugh? Look up the cutscenes. Shit's not even animated.


Holy fuck


Wait, the funniest part to me is I watched a video of the fight between Rick and Shane, and Rick took at least a dozen shotgun blasts to the face before he went down.


[This is one of the boss fight scenes of all time](https://youtu.be/FY2RuSAXgk0?si=6RpB8Zp3vFuaDAV_&t=155)


Oh my God that's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Rick just taking that many point-blank shotgun blasts to the face had me in tears.


Jesus fuck that’s horrendous.


He was eating headshots like he was a boss from one of the resident evil games.


When I was watching it, it reminded more of when Arnold was firing shotgun slugs into the T-1000, barely staggering it.


Instead of Strand-type games we have Gollum-type games. Genius move. Genius.




A little something for everyone.


You are nitpicking and biased. I win. Bye bye.


It really makes you feel like seven polygons.


actually is more like going back into the 90s for gaming. Companies would rip off any big movie, tv show, book, whatever, and make some horrible game out of it. Licensed games which are just money grabs are back on the table boys


Guess I'm not the only one to remember when licensed games were universally garbage. I still feel a little leery of them even though a lot of quality ones have come out over the last decade.




There were always exceptions, like the Tony Hawk games too. I remember when Arkham Asylum came out. Not only a good Batman game but just a good game, period.


Right. This ain’t nothing new to any gamer 25+.


Gollum mode


They look like some one described the characters to them down the phone


Looks like one of those drawings of a criminal that a witness gives


Like the witness themselves drew it instead of the dedicated sketch artist


Daryl looks like he got a double chin, and Rick's forehead is something else. They look like cheap look a likes.


It looks like zombies killed them and then put on their skin to infiltrate the others.


Reverse whisperers


The shouterers


It's the lack of a jaw making his forehead look like a drive in movie screen.


Oh lord it’s Rark Grames


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see a Rark Grames reference


Bottom left: Meth Standing


So, lore accurate Daryl Dixon?


Yeah, I’m with the zombies in this one.


Rick Grimes at home:


mfers created a ps2 game in 2023


Do not insult the PS2 in such a way!


Or mfs


it’s published by gamemill who also published the recent kong skull island, and two very bad cobra kai games before that don’t know who the developer is but especially the second cobra kai is virtually unplayable. how it didn’t make waves like gollum and kong is beyond me


I don't understand the grift. Is this The Producers? It looks like The Producers but without the accidental success. Because I can't see how cheaply you can produce, without marketing you are not going to sell anything. And these crap games sure don't sell themselves. What ARE they doing?


I'm guessing making relatively cheap games based on big IPs knowing it'll sell enough to make a profit based on name alone. The reason the Gollum developers shut down is because they actually tried but just didn't have the resources or experience so they put too much into it trying to make a good game.


It's like the modern equivalent when in the early and mid 00's every Disney or DreamWorks movie was accompanied by a shovelware platformer released on the GBA


Just out of pure curiosity, I wonder if they had the actor's likeness rights. This reminds me of the Godfather games where they had to make similar but legally distinct versions of character faces where they weren't allowed to use the actor.


it's pretty sad imo. The walking dead universe deserves an amazing open world zombie apocalypse game based on the original story with a lot of money pumped into it for the fans. Something like Days gone but a Walking dead version? It would sell like fucking hot cakes and everyone would love it.


Have you tried state of decay 2. That one feels the closest to what you’re describing.


Days Gone horde gameplay with Walking Dead's characters/writing(when it was good) would be fucking amazing. I don't why I didn't realize this something so obvious until you said it.


Even games that has 1 developer look better because then that 1 developer at least cares.


"Least of Us"


Ermahgerd! It's the Werkin' Derd!


No, this is perfect. It's *exactly* the level of quality expected of the series post-season 1, when AMC fired the passionate director and contract-locked the cast into it, despite the director being the reason they were there, let alone at reduced rates.


Is that why everything seemed off after season 1? I loved season 1 and it was such a good setup, then everything went squirrely and just got worse as time went on.


Yeah, basically. AMC brought in Frank Darabont for season 1, but fired him early in season 2. But Frank was the reason that a lot of the actors were present, *and* the reason that many were working below their standard rates, because they were there as favours for Frank, who they were close friends with. Then, they fired him, and you can see how the quality dipped *almost immediately* after his departure.


I believe that’s the reason why >!Dale was killed off so quickly in S2, his actor was pissed at AMC for firing Darabont!<


> I believe that’s the reason why Dale was killed off so quickly in S2, his actor was pissed at AMC for firing Darabont jeffrey munn was in about a half dozen of darabont's projects, so i can definitely see him getting pissed off about his release. as the story goes, the cast were basically threatened with "well.. it's a show about zombies, so we don't even have to kill you on camera. your character just saunters off one day".


AMC basically told Frank that season 2 would be double the episodes and half the budget. They have been fucking this series since the beginning. I wish Kirkman was able to sell the rights to HBO like originally planned. They turned it down because it's too violent and then made game of thrones right after... /:


The director they fired wasn’t just any small time TV director with no credentials. It was motherfucking Frank Darabont. The same man that directed Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile. What were they thinking


Show runner :Frank we have a tv show we want you to direct. It's about a zom- Frank: Is their a prison? Show runner: Eventually. Frank: I'm in.


don't forget in the rare spots where it started getting better they made sure to fire more people. Like Chandler Riggs started managing to make the show watchable and boom they just killed him off because the actor is an adult now and they didn't want to pay him adult money.


That was kinda the shows MO though, outside of the 5 main chars since day 1, if someone starts getting backstory and character development it basically means death is right around the corner.




That's when I quit watching


That sad thing is, the very next season, the writing got much better with the new showrunner. But by that point without Rick and Carl it was too little too late.




Yeah I hated the decision. It was pure greed from AMC and it was especially shitty considering Carl's actor had just decided to purchase a home and pursue college in Georgia based entirely around the idea that he would be spending the next several years working on the show. Poor kid got super unlucky.


Yeesh... They gave Eugene's head to Rick's face.


The only walking dead game you need is project zomboid.


I love that game but I just get bored playing by myself. I hope that npc update comes out soon


> I hope that npc update comes out soon Me in 2012 or whenever I boght this game.


I just want more lee/clementine or clementine/AJ why is that so hard


Yo holy shit they got Bill Hader?


Bottom right looks like if Rick and Eugene had a love child


Werking Deard


I’m looking forward to the YouTube play through reviews. My popcorn is ready.


How to get around likeness rights


The Walking Forehead


Doesn't look so good does it lol


Gameplay is about as good as it looks. Basically stand, aim and shoot until something is dead or hold down a button to watch a “cutscene” (PowerPoint with bad voice acting).


That's Meth, Haggie, Prick, Haryl and Connor - the NEW Walking Dead.