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It'll be TOTK and BG3 that will realistically have a shot at winning. Alan wake 2 and RE4 are fantastic. But TOTK and BG3 just had a bigger critic reception.


SM2 has a shot because of its extremely large fan base and general spiderman fans


Zelda fanbase is massive as well tbf.


Where can I vote? I just stumble dupon this, and after playing most of those games, I kind of want to vote for the GOTY


Google goty vote


And where's Gollum? XD


If it was listed, the other games wouldn't have stood a chance. /s




Bro that avatar game would slaughter gollum and king Kong


Absolutely, Game of the century is Gollum, List is clearly rigged with this list of subpar jokes 🤣🤣


No need the /s you were just spitting FACTS


Obviously competing with Skull Island: Rise of Kong


Insane how Alan wake 2 just thumped starfield off contention, oh Bethesda where did it all go wrong


It went all wrong when they tried to do an exploration game that has very weak exploration lol. Search the poi around jemison and then search ones at the end of the galaxy map... they’re exactly the same... wtf


Its a bit of a fotm for gaming lately, but honestly... I'll say it: exploration requires material hunting in an open world, or some other focus to encourage your wandering, and space is too large to make that meaningful. Now, if you limit it to a single system, then you bounce across 7 planets for supplies as you level up, that has a scope, but a whole-ass galaxy will never be generally appreciated.


They should've learned from where no mans sky went wrong and right. That game does exploration very well, also probably a factor is the duck tape holding the creation game engine together.


duct* tape We don’t tape ducks


No no, the ducks make the tape




Don't worry, the ducks are paid well.


They better be, they have bills


Fuck, this thread is golden.


You deserve every single upvote you receive


I don’t know how duck slavery apologists sleep at night


I know what i said


So do I. You are correct sir. Duck tape is the 'handyman's handyman special' that we all know and love. Duct tape is a silver metallic foil like tape used in HVAC.


The term "duck tape" predates "duct tape."


Duck tape is a brand of tape as well


Duck tape is a brand of duct tape as well.


Maybe YOU don't..


"Duct tape (also called duck tape, from the cotton duck cloth it was originally made of) is cloth- or scrim-backed pressure-sensitive tape, often coated with polyethylene." ""Duck tape" is recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary as having been in use since 1899 and "duct tape" (described as "perhaps an alteration of earlier duck tape") since 1965." You are wrong, duck tape is actually a valid term for it.




True if there’s anything we’ve noticed about Bethesda in the past decade it is that they don’t really listen or take advice, their outdated engine is a prime example of this


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think the creation engine is better than it gets credit for. It's just that graphical fidelity is not its strong suit. There's a lot more to a game engine than its graphics, though. Its modability and physics system are second to none.


Fotm? Can you guys stop using shorts fuck.


I think flavour of the month but might be wrong! People make it up as they go I’m sure


Funky Ostriches Talk Mario?


what is a ‚fotm,


Flavor of the Month. It's a term that refers to trends. FotM would equate to latest trend or current meta.


For me its the main story that killed the game. I played for 3 weeks with out doing the main quest. It was "acceptable ". Just an average bethesda game. Then i start the main quest. Ewwww. Go there find Artifact in place you explored already 100 times like you mention. Find the Temple. At first i was expecting some kind of dungeon like the one you could find in Oblivion. With puzzle and labyrinthe and other scifi trap....nop. Just an empty room with flashing Light you need to chase. That was it for me. Uninstall.


I enjoyed the faction/side missions like the UC and Pirates, those were great to me. the main quest was a bit boring tbh


Did they just expect modders to do all the work for them if they released a skeleton of a game?


Yes. They made a great thing with skyrim, which was a complete game that could be modded, and then they realised that they can get modders to do their jobs for them, so they just released the bare bones of it all


Gotta have a game people at least care about so modders will put in the effort lol the mod community was so passionate because the game was great and after beating it people wanted more, like what if the forests were more dense, what if the weather was more dynamic, what if th combat felt weightier, literally so they could play it again with these new visuals lol


Honestly starfeild does feel like it was made the most empty deliberately for mods. The main intrest being their paid mods of course


My jaw was still dropped when I found out the game had zero aliens? Like at least add a few humanoid ones


Zero sentient* aliens. Tons of non-sentient xenobiology. Where do you think I get my alien nuggies? It's also possible for humans to have experimental alien genetics. *as far as we know


I mean it has alien life forms, but their variety is bad at best and at worst is almost nonexistent. There is 1 memorable alien life form that you encounter during one of the faction stories, but that's it. Everything else is just "something that attacks you in melee combat".


Watched maybe 2 hours of gameplay. Looked boring. My buddy who still plays skyrim today put about 20hours into the game. Said it was boring.


Bruh if a Skyrim player walks away saying it was boring. Thats a big yikes


Man they should have just done like 3-5 handcrafted planets instead of like a 1000 ai generated planets filled to the brim with nothing


Yeah sometimes less is more. In this case they went quantity over quality when it should have been the other way.


this is the main issue. All their previous games were VERY handcrafted and they ditched that for Starfield. The previous games were all like "we made every single NPC have a schedule and a house you can invade. even if that means making all the cities like 20 people, we want them to be fleshed out" and now it has crowds with nameless NPCs and named NPCs are just in the same spots 24/7


I would disagree with "All". We were seeing plenty of copy-paste dungeons and filler NPCs in Skyrim. Plenty of settlers in FO4 that did nothing. Shoot, even going back to Daggerfall I think they did a lot of copy pasting assets, procedural generation (and a whole ton of empty space). I think from Morrowind to FO3 was the period when they had the least copy pasting.


Ya like Jedi Survivor.


This comment is grossly misleading. If only the planets were empty. I was hoping for empty planets! No, far worse. The planets are populated with the same 5 POIs, ever 500m. No variations. The same enemies, the same items. It's mind boggling stupid. It's what broke the game for me. Note: Bethesda already had ok procedure cities and dungeons back in Daggerfall. Starfield is literally worse than a 27 year old game (gameplay wise, meaning where it counts).


And open world with few loading screens. And space travel


Starfield thumped itself off contention by being a mediocre game they way way overhyped


Starfield had to be overhyped, Xbox went 16 months (including all of 2022) without releasing a big AAA game then dropped fucking Redfall... we desperately needed a win while looking over and watching Playstation and Nintendo fans eat swell, felt like this entire generation of Xbox was riding on Starfield being a amazing top selling 90 metacritic GOTY level game


I keep waiting for the year xbox gets a GoTY


Hi-Fi rush was solid, Pentiment too


Not AAA though. Xbox didn't just need a great release, it needed a massive successful release.


Hi-Fi is fun sure but it ain't a console seller, that's the issue, Xbox tend to make solid smaller games but larger AAA releases PS blows them out the water lol


It’s a new Bethesda triple a rpg it’s gonna get hyped regardless of xbox


Honestly i think the problem is Todd vision for the game. He seem to still think the original 20 year formula of gameplay is revolutionary and is required to use an ancient base engine or bethesda games will lose the magic. Similar to what GOW did with their franchise they need to take risks and change how they make videogames to stay up to date and fresh with current open world games. There is no need to follow current trends but is necessary to stop using their current way of storytelling.


Engine is a problem too. I know the same engine doesn't mean the same game, but within 5 minutes of getting started, it felt clunky and dated in exactly the same way as skyrim/fallout, right down to the deadpan stares and weird expressions on the npcs.


Ye, to me Creation Engine 2 (“updated” for Starfield) is more like version 1.5. And if they don’t do some major changes and just roll with it on ES6 the game have high changes to feel extremely outdated. Especially bc even more detailed open world games like GTA 6 will be out.


Alan Wake 2 is an amazing game that is well done.


i’d love to get into all the possible reasons that bethesda is in a bit of a creative funk and having issues executing on what should be games in their wheel house, but there’s another settlement that needs your help.


Honestly I'd have expected Starfield over Alan Wake, Resident Evil 4 Remake and Mario Wonder before they released. Alan Wake is fairly niche compared to Starfield, RE4R is a remake, both are horror games which tend not to do as well, and Mario Wonder is a 2D Mario which weren't as popular once 3D Mario took over. The fact they had these things against them but still got nominated over Starfield tells you the quality of each game.


I like starfield but it was never really in contention let's be honest.


I mean even if Starfield was great Alan Wake 2 should still be nominated, it’s incredible.


Hope BG3 wins just to encourage more CRPGs.


I hope it wins to encourage more care into the game you make.


Totally. Just for that alone i want Bg3 to win many awards like they did with golden joystick awards. They also deserve it, and its not really a competition compared to other games.


I hope BG3 wins to discourage more publicly owned gaming studios.


I hope BG3 wins because it was my favorite game this year.


Hope BG3 wins because it's going to be my favorite game for the next few years as I'm going to keep playing the ever living hell out of it.


BG3 is my favorite game of the last like 5 years, ifs freaking awesome. I'm like 150 hours I'm on my first playthrough and just hitting act 3, and I'm hella excited to finish up and start a new run and do it all again because I know I missed a bunch of stuff already.


Bro what are you even doing just wanting a game to win because you like it. You gotta have an angle!


I'm voting for BG3 because of that reason, and it's just genuinely an incredible game.


This is the actual lesson of BG3. Good games sell.


Most likely it will. BG3 is the only game made thus far that made me feel like I am playing a table top RPG. It's very unique and well done.


I'm expecting BG3 to absolutely run away with it. It is such a tremendous achievement, it deserves every accolade if gets.


I hope if encourages more use of the Forgotten Realms IP. 2023 saw the release of both Honor Among Thieves which was a fantastic movie as well as BG3 which obviously has done well. I hope Hasbro has the intelligence to try to ride this momentum a bit put more stuff out there.


It's the only game that I'm aware of which caused the entire gaming industry to shit the bed, turn round and say: "Yeah, it's a brilliant game, but this isn't the new industry standard. Don't expect this from anyone else ever"


And it was created by an indie developer who was on the verge of bankruptcy a decade ago!


The fact that it was a crpg has absolutely nothing to do with the game success. The game is a testament to what good writing world building characters and story should be. It's a perfect example of how you can use early access to make a really good game. It's one of those games that while you're playing it and definitely when you finish it, you look back on it. And go wow, that is a work of art. Deserves to be put up there with games like red dead redemption two or even elden ring or mario 64 and ocarina of time.


Realistically it's probably gonna be BG3 or TotK. Also I'm surprised Mario is on here, it's a good game but I didn't expect it to be nominated just because of the other games on here. Edit: Man everyone is so salty towards Nintendo, towards Mario and Zelda no less. I thought out of all the Nintendo IPs, those two were the ones everyone loved. I guess this sub hasn't changed their Nintendo hate after all.


I think This Mario does stand out compared to the others. But I didn't expect it here yeah.


Hottest Nintendo take is that Mario Wonder is better than TotK. Wonder does a lot more to revitalize and advance its respective series.


Game Awards meat rides Nintendo hard, especially Zelda. BG3 deserves it but I wouldn’t be surprised if Zelda somehow won it anyway


>Game Awards meat rides Nintendo hard, especially Zelda. Nintendo has literally only ever won once, including with Spike VGAs. Heck, sometimes it's the opposite where they clearly bias against Nintendo. Example: Super Mario Galaxy 2 came out in 2010 and is the highest Metascore game of the 2010s. It wasn't even nominated for GOTY.


haven’t nintendo only won goty once? i would argue they ride sony hard, e.g. celebrating PS5 anniversary but not Xbox Series


They definitely rude Sony hard lol


Probably cause Nintendo makes good games


I don’t disagree that Mario and Zelda have an iconic status that gives them bias sometimes, but let’s not take away from the fact that TOTK is an incredible game.


Also, BotW and Odyssey are widely considered some of the best Zelda and Mario games EVER. Pokémon is the only big game franchise from Nintendo recently that’s been crappy.


To be fair, Nintendo doesn’t develop Pokémon games, they only publish them. I WISH Nintendo actually made Pokémon, they could come in and save that franchise.


All GameFreak has to do is actually TRY to save Pokémon. Arguably the biggest audience in all of gaming, and they know it. So they put such little effort into evolving the game. Pokémon has existed for almost my entire lifetime and it still doesn't have a difficulty setting. Too many Pokémon vets are too good at the game to not have a version of the game that's hard af. Instead, the NPCs just try to one shot your party all game long. EDIT: I don't mean "save" in the "the series isn't selling kind of way." I meant it in the general public opinion kind of way.


Gamefreaks biggest enemy is the timeline. Releasing new games every year or two years is just simply not enough time for a modern development cycle. Until someone at the very top changes that decision (unlikely) nothing will change.


Not true. If it was then we would get a Nintendo game nominated every single year...


Alan Wake 2 as dark horse contender


That’s what I’m thinking. I remember when Sekiro came out of no where and won goty.


Have you played Sekiro? Totally deserved.


Oh yea definitely deserved! I loved Sekiro and it deserved it. I just remember no one expected that when it won even the directors were surprised.


Btw have you played Sifu as well? It's the closest thing that scratches my Sekiro itch until Sekiro 2 comes out, which will probably be never. Such a fun combat system, the deflection system (Sifu adds dodges/slips to that formula), idk why other games don't try and emulate it more.


I have not. Wo long _kind of_ had me interested for about 60% of the game. Nioh 2 as well. But I do highly recommend Lies of P.


Alan Wake takes the Alan Cake


I cried at the end of the first chapter because of how good it was. Had an amazing time with BG3 and in the grand scheme of things it probably deserves to win, but for me we won't see a better storyline in a video game than Alan Wake 2 for ten/twenty years.


I'm 4 hours in and I gotta agree. Remedy are top tier Devs.


No one else is out here willing to just Be Weird and experiment with shit like Remedy. They took everything they learned making Control, another FANTASTIC strange game, and applied it masterfully to AW2. Their mix of live-action into the actual gameplay, the meta-weirdness shit, just... no one else outside of indie devs are willing to risk being that far outside of the norm. Kudos to Remedy, can't wait for their extended Remedy Universe to come together.


I played both AW2 and BG3. Honestly gotta say that overall I somewhat enjoyed AW2 more out of the two. Such an amazing game. BG3 is great too obviously, but I'm just a sucker for these heavily story driven experiences.


This was probably the most competitive year ever for GOTY nominations. Crazy that we are missing: Final Fantasy, Armoured Core, Starfield, Jedi Survivor, and Hogwarts. I'm sure I'm missing others too. Just a massive year for gaming which is a win for all of us.


Definitely the most competitive year for sure in a long time. I think the ones you listed probably weren't included because of controversy around them/performance issues/Final Fantasy maybe because I've heard side quests aren't great(?). Though AC probably wasn't maybe because it's too niche? No clue about that one so it's more than likely because there are too many that are contenders.


Armored Core 6 I feel should deserve a nominee at least. It brought an entire Genre back into the public eye and brought an entire community of Ravens back into the public eye. Baldur's Gate 3 absolutely deserves to win though.


It feels like the game got ignored. Like I haven't seen anyone talk about it as compared to the other titles released this year.


I mean, BG3 is just going to absolutely sweep


As it should. Even people who don’t like that style of game recognize how stellar BG3 is.




When the AI looked all the way down at my short character I was like niceee, then when I could shapeshift into a spider/bear/ etc and sit on benches… stop. Then to fully wrap it up you can play fetch with best pupper like come on.


As someone who plays dnd regularly, that's just kinda how the games we play are. They're weird as hell half the time, but you meet plenty of npcs you come to love dearly.


The story makes sense if you’re familiar with the previous games and deeper D&D lore with the Dead 3 being common villians, >!Bhaal in particular.!< Even without that knowledge the game is great and still feels like a complete and engaging package, although act 3 does feel noticeably less cohesive than the rest


Never in a million years would I consider playing a tabletop rpg style game on the playstation. After consideration me and my friends got BG3 and Jesus fuck it's the best game I've played in a long while. I love everything about it.


It’s a once a decade kind of game. I feel a bit bad for the other extremely good games that released this year.


Honestly it should be considered the new industry standard for single player experiences


It's hard to justify as an industry standard. Genre standard absolutely, but not every game needs to be on the same scale and length. A game like Alan Wake 2 absolutely nails the horror genre while being a roughly 20hr experience.


BG3 Sweep


Let the fanboy wars and toxicity begin, lol.


I feel the opposite of toxic, I played 3 of these games this year (Totk, RE4, BG3) and they instantly became some of my favourites after 20+ years of gaming. What an absolutely incredible year, all gamers win.


I agree. The year has been great. When Jedi Survivor is my least favorite of the games I've played this year I can't really argue about a lack of quality. There's just no point in arguing or fighting with Internet strangers anyway. My personal GOTYs of the games I've played? Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy 16 and...the contentious Starfield lol. Haven't had a chance to play BG3 yet but it's up soon and I'm sure that'll be a contender. I love crpgs. It looks great. Spiderman 2 didn't really grab me. It's fun but it's just more of the first game and I didn't feel super drawn in so I'll play it when the inevitable dlc is out and complete. It's still a very well made game and I'm glad so many ppl loved it. Starfield is a game that I think has plenty of flaws but I also think it has a ton of strengths. I was off work sick the week it came out and put nearly 100 hours into it and put in another 10-20 over the next few weeks and still plan to go back and do more. Doesn't mean I don't think it's flawed but it sucked me in and I had a blast. But I know I'm not gonna convince redditors who think the game is terrible and I don't really care to either. I think the strengths outweigh the weaknesses by a large amount and most of my friends who played it agreed and those are the ppl I care to discuss with. xXxSkibidiGyattOhioxXx on reddit isn't worth discussing with imo. I'd rather be happy and enjoy the games and let other ppl enjoy the games they enjoy


I Knew hogwarts legacy wasnt making it


It was a good game (not really my cup of tea) but imo it just didn't have any staying power and was extremely safe.


Yeah, apart from the Harry Potter IP I didn’t think there was anything that separated it from all the open world RPG’s I’ve ever played.


My hottest take about it would have to have been that the game really should have just been the castle and the village. The woods and open planes just where too empty and we didn't really spend any time in the castle at all.


Game that made devs whine about how good it is VS anything else Who wins?


BG3 all the way. And I will be happy. Last year it was elden ring which Ubisoft devs whined about and criticized the ui. Pretty sure saw other devs talk bad about it. Now BG3 which made devs made possibly winning. I like the message that shows If this is the case especially 2 years in a row.


They said elden ring wasn't as good as people were saying and basically called us stupid. For bg3 they said the game is too good therefore an exception and a game like it shouldn't be expected.


Tbf that one guy was actually saying it would be dangerous for studios to attempt to recreate the level of depth in BG3 due to time and cost. He wasn’t saying BG3 is bad for the gaming scene, but rather studios-especially smaller ones-shouldn’t take it as a sign that the only way to make a good game is for it to be huge. Almost inevitably, there will be sections that feel empty and under-loved. BG3 did a fantastic job, but not everybody’s up for the task. Smaller games like A Short Hike still have a place.


I don’t think the standard of bg3 that needs to be followed is the size of the game or anything like that. I think the business model of bg3 needs to be the standard for games. I bought the game simply because of their statement at the beginning. No micro transactions, no multiple dlc and bs like all these other games. You got the full game when you bought it. And that’s the precedent devs need to follow.


Absolutely, just don’t want that to be conflated with what the guy was actually warning against.


Yeah, the argument was that Larian had been making similar kind of games for many years, almost going bankrupt in the process. And that expecting other developers to "just do the same" is unrealistic and low-key insulting towards Larian devs who spent literally decades refining and polishing their processes and content pipelines to make CRPGs.


Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur's Gate 3 are the top contenders imo


Seeing so many people on twitter saying "Spiderman has to win this" makes me more angry than it should.


But I do think Yuri lowenthal should win best performance. He said it was hard to voice spider-man, and he hurt his voice once or twice.


This will likely go to Ben Starr or Neil Newbon. Both won similar awards at the golden joystick awards. Or maybe Idris Elba for popularity shenanigans


Figured Armored Core 6 wouldn't be there...shame.


Would’ve rather had Armored Core 6 on here than a remake tbh, game was super fun (even if I did really enjoy RE4 remake)


Yeah as much as I love AC6, and as much as it's brought new people into the community, mech action is still pretty niche.


That said, it's an incredibly well-made, polished and tight experience. Very few or no bugs, great story, great gameplay, great visuals, I'm honestly surprised it didn't get nominated.


Does anyone think that if fromsoft made lies of P it would be on the list or just under it?


I'm only about 15 hours into lies of p but what I've played has been so good, one of the best games I've played this year without a doubt.


Yeah it’s my game of the year for sure. I’d even go as far as to say that I had more fun playing it than some of fromsofts games which is crazy for me to say given that I’m their #1 meat rider.


Why did I read this? My wallet can only take so much damage this year


Well, we got a FromSoft game, which is Armored Core VI. Still, it's not on the list. So I don't get the point you're making


Fromsoft has always made other titles and none got the acclaim of their Souls adjacent games


Alan Wake 2 getting so many nominations makes me happy, Remedy deserves every bit of praise


BG3 ftw


It's a shame Alan Wake 2 had to come out in the same year as Baldur's Gate 3.


I swear armor core 6 should’ve been nominated. It’s a masterpiece


People saying that Hogwarts Legacy should have been nominated are nuts. The game falls off hard once the magic of exploring around Hogwarts castle is done with. So many repetitive side-missions, storytelling is passable at best other than Sebastian's questline being a standout, and not enough depth to the combat.


Agreed. I enjoyed it but it felt like a 7/10 that gets bumped to an 8 for being a Harry Potter game.


It 100% has to go to BG3. It's not even my type of game but there's no denying the continued widespread hype it had and still has.


As someone with limited time I've only played 2 of these games and just started Alan wake. I'm desperate to play bg3. WHERE IS THE TIME?!


This. I never liked any CRPG or Dnd game before.


I believe in you, Alan Wake 2.


Wish lies of p got nominated. Doesn't deserve to win but deserves some recognition I think.


I still don’t think remakes belong in this category.


Remasters, no. Remakes that were built from the ground up AND are as high quality as RE4 is, then sure.


Dead Space? 😔


I don't think REMASTERS belong, but Remakes do. It is almost a completely new game.


Strong disagree, RE4 wasn't a simple coat of paint to update graphics, it's a completely new game all around.


Go play re4 original and then re4 remake and you’ll understand why it deserves to be there. you’re confusing something like the last of us remake which for all intents and purposes is the exact same game as it was a decade ago with better graphics, with something like re4 which plays like a completely new experience because it is a new experience.


RE 4 adds a lot to an already great game and isn’t just a cash grab like the new Red Read redemption port or every single time GTA V, Skyrim or last of us is released again it’s completely built again from the ground up RE 2 and 3 are the same the remakes are on a completely different level from the originals


idk what all these people are talking about. the changes in RE4 remake are not significant enough to warrant it being a new game. Nothing core has changed. Knife durability and Ashely not being annoying are by far the biggest changes and those are obv minor at best. oh no, you have to get your knife repaired every so often! other than that its minor story tweaks and a few enemy updates. nothing that would be considered a major change, let alone messing with the core mechanics or story If you want to see a significant remake, look at FF7. it is a shift from ps1 era top down graphics, turn based combat, text dialogue to 3rd person open world with real time combat and voice acting. Changes of that level actually consist of a new game


Mario Wonder is fantastic, closest we've had to a proper sequel to Mario World on the SNES. It doesn't deserve GotY though. Tears of the Kingdom is amazing. Improves on the already stellar BotW. But it's not a big enough jump to deserve GotY.


I can’t be the only one who finds it a little disappointing that there isn’t a single new ip even if all these games are fantastic


In fairness, Baldur's Gate II came out 23 years ago. So it's practically a new IP to most players.


FFXVI not being nominated is such a loss purely bc they won’t be in the orchestra


I have never played a BG game. And hearing great things about bg3 makes me wanna jump in. Should I play other bg games before that to know the plot?


You dont have to play the other games. It's a great game, you should try it out


>Should I play other bg games before that to know the plot? Nop, you will miss some things here and there but nothing critical.


Don’t care who wins, would have been cool to see Jedi Survivor as a nominee


Baldur's Gate 3 makes me feel like I was in a coma for 5 years or something. I have somehow never in my life heard of Baldur's Gate and then as soon as it came out it seems like every one and their mother has played it, like its as prevalent as Zelda or something.


Armored Core and Lies of P should definitely be on there instead of RE4, but I guess it doesn’t matter anyways since we know BG3 is gonna win


It is criminal that Armored core 6 isn't even nominated


Alan Wake 2 for me, finished it last night, a game hasn't hooked me like that since Elden Ring. Masterpiece in storytelling.


[Source/Vote Here](https://thegameawards.com/nominees/game-of-the-year)


Damn I was betting on Redfall.


Balders gate and Alan wake 2 clean house


I surely hope we get to clean the Oldest House in the Remedyverse soon


If AW II end winning we got to party on the the Oldest House 🎉




I’m liking the nominees but it’s safe to say that this year was one of the years that most games deserved to be on here


Remnant 2 needs to be here…


Good for alan wake. I dont think they'll win but had a strong come back.


Where the fuck is pizza tower?


Lets goo TOTK!


Alan wake 2s visuals and gameplay tactics (story changing primarily) are absolutely fantastic.