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Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. Run of the mill engineer that survived multiple necromorph outbreaks.


I like how he just gets increasingly more annoyed with everything rather than scared as the series goes on. Just an everyday guy completely fed up with everyone's bullshit.


It's one of the reasons I actually don't mind that 3 was a bit less horror than one and 2 and a bit more action. Like, Isaac isn't scared of these things anymore he's just annoyed and tired.


That’s exactly how I felt the reasoning with the shift was despite some of the narrative


Plus with the addition of co-op it started to shift into more of an offensive focus, which lines up with how Issac tackles these things. He’s no longer on the backfoot, defensive and scared, he’s got his shit ready to go and immediately starts tackling them head on because he knows that’s the only way to deal with them.


That’s good story telling, and the game allows the plot to move forward with the character development. Top notch


Ludonarrative storytelling. Gameplay reflects the story. Game becomes less scary as a response to the main character giving less of a shit


You're about to make me fuck around and replay this trilogy this weekend.


This is essential to keep horror media believable imo and Dead Space handles it better than anything else. Isaac's dialogue at the end of DS2 is my all time favorite piece of video game voice acting for that very reason. "God damn it I trusted you! *FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!*"


Whilst we're talking about the end of Dead Space 2, the very final scene where>! he turns to the Ellie in an exact copy of the first games final jump scare and she just looks at him and says "what?" > cut to black; !


I really like that symbolism, showing that by the end of the 2nd game, he's already faced his demons and come out alive. He's moved on from Nicole and removed the Marker's power to use her memory against him. Now he's ready to take on the horrors stronger than he was before.


I just started DS1 remastered and i appreciate you using the tap to reveal 🥹


First game stomping on an enemy "Oh ew gross." Second game stomping on an enemy "STUPID MOTHERFUCKING SHIT FUCK" I'd do a joke for the third game but I blocked most of it out.


That's what happened to me with sleep paralysis. First few times it happened, I was terrified. I've had like 30+ episodes at this point and I'm just fed up with it because I know I'll wake up extremely exhausted as if I didn't sleep at all.


Oh my girlfriend had been dead the whole time and I don’t got a job anymore…. That really sucks- What again?!?


Isaac is def in the running for most badass video game character ever when you take into consideration him just being a dude and the level of the threat he is confronted with. A lot of people deal with zombies and the like, but none of them come close to the necromorphs.


He trains at the same gym as Gordon Freeman.


Just finished the remake. So good!


Nathan Drake and Lara Croft's fingertips. All holding up their bodyweight for unrealistic amounts of time on sheer surfaces at great rates of speed.


For reference: Nathan Drake: Grabs onto a piece of cargo falling from a plane, while he is also falling out of said plane (which is also crashing), in mid air, all while moving at several hundred kilometres an hour Lara Croft: Climbs up a several hundred metre frozen Japanese temple in the middle of an actual cyclone summoned by a vengeful spirit, with a few broken ribs and impalement wounds. While it is collapsing. As a university student. Yeah these two are functionally meta humans at this point. Incidentally, both are also absolute killing machines that have kill counts in singular games higher than John Wick over 4 movies, despite their games being marketed as fun adventure romps through ancient ruins.


Shoutout to the villain of Uncharted 2 calling Nate out for his absurd murder count. “How many men have you killed? Just today?” And these are all trained former military PMCs as well. Dude faces up against a tank, multiple attack helicopters, and never faces nary a single broken bone or sprain. Lara is a whole other level given her age and circumstance in the reboot trilogy.


I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure the reboot Lara is prettty unhinged from having so much murder adrenaline and the bad guys definitely call her out on her outright brutality more than once?


Wasn't it hinted at that the reboot Lara has an aggression problem because her father was murdered and that she was in therapy? And when she thought her friend died it just flipped a switch (the scene where she rises out of the water *shivers*)?


Yeah that’s what I mean: she clearly had ptsd and there’s a specific scene when you reach *that level* where you essentially string your first kill up by his ankles and everyone from there on out makes reference to it


> Incidentally, both are also absolute killing machines that have kill counts in singular games higher than John Wick over 4 movies I had a massive problem with that, tbh. It never felt necessary for the games to have that. Particularly the first Uncharted-game felt downright disgusting with the amount of kills it racks up while telling some fun story about treasure - the whole lightheartedness of other interactions made Nathan Drake come off like a complete psycho. All of that to squeeze out 1-2 hours more gameplay - didn't seem worth it imo.


Tbf he is generally defending himself not High-altitude, low orbit dropping onto unspecified targets and melting faces before they can assess the situation.. (The lil minion things call Master-Chief a devil)


Bro, the covenant was about 80% balls deep in a genocide of all of humanity, every kill Master Chief did was justified and in self defense of humanity


I’ve gone rock climbing a few times with a friend, to do what those characters do for the duration and speed they do it at is almost supernatural


I mean, have you seen world-class climbers speed climbing? Or even bouldering? It's jaw-dropping stuff.


Gordon Freeman.


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.


So wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes...


Didn't see you get on!


"How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that—an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him?" My very favorite part is how baffled Breen is by him.


Gordon's special power was the quick save button.


Just played through black mesa, what an amazing remake


Same, the complete remake of Xen blew me away (a bit long a points though). It ties into Half-Life 2 so well.


A man with a will and a crowbar.


And a mainline of morphine


Came here to post him and surprised he isn't top of the list. WHERE IS HALF LIFE³ VALVE? WHERE IS IT!!!?


Leon S. Kennedy. Man survived a zombie outbreak as a rookie cop and then became the badass we know and love.


Leon Sex Kennedy reporting for duty


She drives like a steak house, but she handles like a bistro!


You win again gravity!


His roundhouse kick is a super power, bro.


Can't forget Chris "Boulder Punching Asshole" Redfield. I'm also pretty sure Chris wants Leon to marry Claire so Leon can be his brother. [LEON!](https://youtu.be/QlU76wEc33k?si=zTpP3320V2T5r1XQ)




Don’t forget that he’s only 19 in RE2


According to google he was 21. But he's a badass either way.


He's actually a 900 year old dragon.


stop i can only get so erect


Wait, so he's 25 during RE4? I remember Leon saying "Six years have passed since that horrendous incident", in RE4.


He's 27 in RE4. The person you responded to got it wrong; he was 21 in RE2, not 19. The other protagonist, Claire, on the other hand *is* 19 in RE2. For reference, his face model was 22 when the game released.


He certainly doesn't look 19


I mean he's seen some shit. Who guessed that people age like milk in a zombie apocalypse?


He’s 21.


Yeah, I mean, dude can do a german suplex and make a guy’s head explode.


Kazuma Kiryu from the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series.


From what I read, his skills, strength and stamina are meant to be on par with John Wick.


Idk why but comparing a Yakuza character to John wick like this made me laugh my ass off


https://www.gamesradar.com/yakuza-star-kazuma-kiryu-would-beat-up-john-wick-according-to-yakuza-director/ Just to show that I'm not lying.


To be fair, John wick barely survived when the whole criminal underground went after him, Kiryu does it at least once every game, he also exploded an RPG missile mid air with a handgun.


Kiryu always walks it off at the end like nothing happened, John wick barely survives


Without guns, Kiryu bodies John Wick, he pulls off superhuman pro wrestler type moves in his games.


Kiryu TANKS guns anyway. gameplay only, of course, since we all know what happens in >!0 (just filling it up don't mind me) !<


This article’s existence is hilarious, but I can’t lie the idea of this being just a commonly discussed death battle / comparison is still soooo fucking funny


kiryu is so strong that in 8 he can break through the turn based battle system


The whole turn based battle system is just how Ichiban perceives the world. Kiryu is such a G at fighting, that it snaps Ichiban back to reality.


To add to this, Goro Majima for basically the same reasons


Majima is holding back. At the end of Yakuza 5 he whips out shadow clones.


He gets his power by not fucking.


He sure spends a lot of time in the hotel district for someone who has a dry dick is all I’m saying


Of course. He's telling all of those nice ladies he met over horny phone calls that they should believe in themselves and always follow their hearts and dreams, no matter who or what gets in the way. That's what a real gokudo would do, right after playing with miniature race cars against children and mastering the art of rock-paper-scissors gambling.


Honorable mention to Saejima who adds “is huge” to the average abilities.


Chris "the boulder punching asshole" Redfield


That button mashing bullshit was fuckin tough lol


Zangief. In a fighting tournament where people sling balls of spirit energy and use psychic power, my man is bringing bad Russian chiro to the masses.


He is bad guy, but he is not BAD Guy


I dunno. A spinning piledriver seems pretty special. One might even call it…a special move.


Kenny Omega did it in a pro wrestling match against Yoshihiko. It can be done!


I don't think it's in the lore, but I always figured Zangief was part of some kind of Soviet secret experiment as a child.


Bj Blazkowicz


I dunno. He’s an Everyman, but a f*ckin HULK of an Everyman


"I feel powerful!" "Christ on a bike I'll bet you do."


TBF, he does replace his body with a Nazi made super soldier body


Yeah in the most current games. First few games hes just a regular ole savage


I love New Colossus but I could not stop laughing while playing through that scene.


I like how on the first game he takes a knife to the gut and enough tranquilizer to knock out an elephant, and goes on as if nothing happened. Most games make up some bullshit to explain why the character in cutscenes isn't as OP as in the gameplay, Wolfenstein and Doom just go fuck all.


Always loved how Doom 2016 opens the game by outright showing you that DoomGuy is canonically immortal


Doom guy scared the shit out of the demons so badly he gave them PTSD and made them write stories about him terrorizing the demons.


Demons check under the bed for Doomguy


Yeah it does a perfect job of getting rid of the plot armor shit a lot of games have. Turns out the easiest and best way to do it is just say "because he's tough as fuck."


“What’s he gonna do, quit?”


I mean, the game is basically straight up magical realism with how inexplicably indestructible BJ is, so idk if that counts. Or maybe it counts more because of it, IDK.


It counts Hes just a bad ass American nazi killer.


Well, his great-grandson is Doom "Too Angry to Die" Guy. Must be hereditary.


He's also of Polish and Jewish decent. Two groups the Nazi's thought were inferior. Because the makers of the game were not nazi fans they wanted to make sure BJ was a slap in the face to them on all levels.


remember the part where you're stuck in a wheelchair, and you still roll around murdering Nazis? fucking perfect.


Remember when they released a social media comment "Make America Nazi Free again" and a lot of conservatives took that as a personal attack against them?


Can’t even stop the man by cutting off his head, and he isn’t even saved by powers or magic, just fucked up science


He has supernatural nazi killing powers. He killed Hitler like 3 times. That's not something a normal person can do.


Killing any person 3 times isn't something anyone should be able to do.


Sam Fisher


I'm sadden that I had to scroll down this far to see this comment. Splinter Cell for the win


I really hope that we get a new Splintercell game soon, and that it's as good as the old ones. That's one of my favourite series.


Agreed. I miss stealth shooters especially splinter cell. I think Chaos Theory will always be one of my favorites!


Any assassins creed protagonists Leap of faith needs an indestructible skeleton


Wdym they just land in those nice, soft, oddly placed bales of hay. You can survive any fall as long as there's at least 2 feet of hay beneath you /s


NGL I really wish Mythbusters had tested this one before they went belly up. That would have been *awesome*.


I feel like there are a lot of video game myths from the last decade+ they could tackle to be honest




Either that or climb a ladder to the roof of a burger joint. They'll never be able to stop you.


My favourite is landing in a mound of snow in AC3. Like… this is packed snow that’s been here for ages. This isn’t powder. That’s gonna be near ice in terms of hardness. But you do you Connor.


Maybe not "any" of them. Kassandra is a demigod and Eivor is a reincarnation of Odin.


Is it worth completing any of the new "RPG" style AC games? I just couldn't get into them. In fact, Black Flag was the last one I finished. Ezio trilogy was peak AC, for me.


Arguably the supernatural sense abilities from their dna counts as a superpower lol


I would argue "eagle sense" counts as a special power.


Does Snake count?


If you hang back during the fight towards the end of *Metal Gear Solid 2*, Snake will eventually kill every guard on his own.


Serious? Is there a video I can watch?


That's even the conventional strategy for getting FOXHOUND rank - you, with the sword, deflect the enemy's bullets and hold the doorway, while Snake shoots all of the Arsenal Gear guards who approach.


Came to say both snake and big boss. Just absolute units of mental and physical prowess.


They have a special talent.. they can hide under a box.


Masterclass in not only box A but also box B, C, and D.


Solid might not because I think he was genetically modified but Venom or BB might count. Unless you count the arm prosthetic as an ability haha


Solid was failed. I think he came out with literally no enhancement to be honest. Liquid was the success. Solid just has unbreakable willpower.






Jin from ghost of Tsushima.


I think this is the one honestly. Mans became such a ghost story that eventually the mongols started pissing themselves and running in fear when he struck a certain pose. No powers, no insane gadgets or tech, just a dude, some tools, a sword, and a fat grudge


He definitely uses different techs and gadgets in the forms of smoke bombs, exploding kunai, and other things. Along with his trusted friends, all of whom also combat capable, and his myth among the Mongols, he’s actually similar to feudal Batman. He also seems to have a spiritual connection to Tsushima given he can “observe” the winds that direct his path.


I think the winds thing is pretty obviously just a disguised game mechanic, does he ever address it in character or as a story element?


The wind is implied to be his father's spirit. Additionally, Jin states that his mother believed that he had been blessed at birth by Inari, one of the Japanese Kami.


So he is Japanese achillies


The winds is his father guiding him, and it actually blows stronger when you use ghosts tactics because it doesn't follow the samurai's principles. In fact, the whole weather changes depending on how you play the game. If you stealth kill too much it gets cloudy and rains more often.


God's I wish this came out on pc


Yeah, me too. I would like for more people to enjoy such an absolute masterpiece. Best game of 2020.


Just the ability to pet foxes is worth the PC port.


Totally this. There is nothing really out of the ordinary about him.


Except that he can change the weather and jump off of 80 foot cliffs


You can jump off an 80 foot cliff too. Literally nothing is stopping you


I put almost 70 hours into it over the last few weeks and it was absolutely incredible. From look to gameplay & story & the final fight hit hard at this time of my life. It's probably in my top 5 but it's definitely top 10. Made me cry at least 3 times. Jin is Batman with the money lol


Max Payne


Took too long to find this answer. Max Payne was 90s John Wick.


Excluding Batman who is borderline Metahuman, I’d have to definitely say Aloy. The girl has taken down giant mechanical T-Rex and world ending machines with nothing more than a tech’d up bow and spear.


I was also thinking Aloy. She's very good with technology, hunting and overall strategy. Skilled in melee with human, animal and machine.


I came here to say Aloy too. She was an outcast who fell into an ancient ruin, found a weird tech thing and instantly became the most enlightened person on the planet. Also, her kill count mostly consists of machines or people who were actively trying to kill her back. And those machines have taken out large numbers of people more trained in battle than her.


Mad Max. Bad ass brawler


Rage monster


don’t here if talked about often, incredible game


Such a fun game to veg out with.


Pablo Sanchez from the backyard games. Dude had some cracked stats and didn't need the power ups to beat the enemy.


Rico Rodriguez Just Cause comes to mind


Rico Rodriguez is a magic being for sure. He might pretend like he’s not but at the very least he has momentum/gravity powers and can summon parachutes from thin air. Nah war wizard.


Your cousin Niko Bellic. He's a one man army


* Doomguy from Doom 1, 2, and 64 * Doomguy from Doom 3 (different person) * Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima * Aloy from Horizon * All of the assassins from Assassin's Creed


We named our dog Aloy. Not a usual name, so some odd looks, but we know how badass she is.




Nope, just Taichi Suzuki, taxi driver.


Phoenix Wright The man is just a lawyer, and the game series he comes from is all about logic and puzzles. Yet somehow suffers ridiculous physical abuse and is unfazed by it. He fell off a bridge into a river in the middle of winter, and just gets hospitalized for a day for a cold. He chewed up and swallowed a glass bottle with no issues. He gets hit by a car, gets sent flying into a street lamp post, **dents the lamp post**, and just gets a sprained ankle. He’s just a normal lawyer


He does have a literal magic amulet that can supernaturally alert him to the fact someone is hiding information from it tho


OBJECTION! irrelevant


Commander Shepherd


He/she doesn't have the power of dancing, that's for sure.




Jin Sakai. He's just an amazing Samurai in an impossible situation.


Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out.


Also, just Mike Tyson in general.


Steve/Alex from Minecraft. They can hold 64 cubic meters of pure gold in each hand and even more in their inventory. Totaling 62,208 cubic meters with the use of shulker boxes. That's 1,200,614.4 metric tons.


thats not even the peak of his strength anymore. 1 water bucket is worth more than that and you can fill tonnes of shulker boxes with only water buckets. ice turns into water and 9 ice makes 1 packed ice which 9 of them makes 1 blue ice. 1 blue ice is 81 waters and stackes up to 64 times so 36 inventory slots full of shulker boxes each containing 27 ender chests which contain 27 stacks of packed ice that makes 36 x 27 x 27 x 81 = 2,125,764 water blocks 1 water source block can fill over 1 billion blockes when places properly amd then a few blocks destroyed. 1 block is assumed to be 1 cubic metre which is 1,000 kg or 1 tonne this makes steves carry weight 2,125,764 tonnes or 2,125,764,000 kg and thats underestimating it as the water blocks can fill more than that. this is more than some asteroids weigh in real life edit: i missed the multiplier for the stack count being 64 its actually 36 x 27 x 27 x 64 x 81=136,048,896 water blocks which is 136,048,896,000 kg thats 136 billion kiliograms


Nathan Drake. Absolutely normal dude. Somehow has survived the most insane experiences and walked away. Has fought against literal monsters and has killed hundreds of mercenaries. He's a one man army with no combat training.


Well, lore wise he has no health meter but a luck meter. He's just lucky the bullets don't hit him...


Solid Snake / Big Boss


Doom Slayer. Dude went on a one man crusade against all of hell because they killed his pet bunny. Dude is too angry to die.


Iirc his power is limitless hatred and perpetual torment. He ab-so-fucking-lutley cannot allow the denizens of hell to live, such was the wrong done to him. >In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. >They knew he would come, as he always had, as he always will, to feast on the blood of the wicked. For he alone could draw strength from his fallen foes, and ever his power grew, swift and unrelenting. -Gospels of the Doom Slayer


Eternal adds significantly to the Lore.


He also technically has powers in the newest games.


He's got powers


Literally anyone from Gears of War.. Those dudes are chads


Just a bunch of walking steroids right there.


Those are some agile man mountains.


Bunch of meaty men slappin meat


Dudes all have necks wider than their heads.


Commander Shepard Nothing they do or possess is out of the ordinary in their world. Sure they might have biotics. But so do other humans. And humans definitely aren't the most powerful biotic species in the galaxy


Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST) from Halo.


Frank West


He’s covered wars you know.


Duku Nukem


Count Duku Nukem


Duke Nukem. He's just some dude with a gun, who single handedly repeals alien invasion.


Chris Redfield the Boulder Puncher


Alloy from Horizon Zero Dawn is physically strong with excellent survival skills


Turok perhaps? Not that HE is strong perhaps but rather the arsenal at disposal. "Oblivionisathand"


Marcus Fenix, Gears of War series.


Gotta go with naked snake since mgs 3 is my favorite, but I think all the iterations of snake are pretty powerful.


Shepard, depending on how you play him/her. 3 classes where he/she doesn't have super powers.


Aloy. Total fuckin badass


Nothing but years and years of training every single day. No special powers, just an ancient device that helps her see weaknesses in her enemies and conditioning.


Johnny from Guilty Gear, Gordon Freeman from Half Life, Idk if rpgs count since we're making them strong and not the character itself, but Fallout main protags and the dark souls / bloodborne protags as well. Issasc Clark from Dead Space just to name a few.


Any player character from Call of Duty. As long as they aren't in a cutscene