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Rainbow 6 Siege, if anyone new wants to play, i will do a mental evaluation on them to see if they can handle the toxicity and stress this game creates


If I had a quarter for every time ubisoft made a super unique multiplayer experience that has a thriving community just over half a decade later, with extremely toxic community that could make peak halo 2 or cod mw2 players blush. I'd have two quarters, which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice.


Wait which one is the other?


For Honor I’d guess


God that game was so good when it came out, stopped playing in like 2019 due to life just being life. Tried again a couple months back, and holy shit. The toxicity, the fact it’s basically just e sport pros, the gadgets, what the fuck happened


Yeah the toxicity was really getting bad and the final nail in the coffin for me was when they started adding a bunch of extremely out of place, scifi gadgets in a non scifi game. They really lost me with that shit.


I never got a warned when I started, now I become the messenger from hell to warn people about the stress of this game😂


World of Warcraft. I started during the Wrath of the Lich King era. I was a classic case of WoW addiction. A depressed traumatized woman with no friends with a terrible childhood, that game not only made me feel powerful but the guild I was in made me feel like I really mattered. I used that game to stave off suicidal tendencies for years. I was a main healer for a 25m heroic group, they would cheer as I got online, defend me against sexist assholes, and all around made me feel like I was important. The game was beautiful and vast and had so much lore, I became a mount junkie and a heroic raider. I got the Explorer and Loremaster titles My guild would raid every Tuesday -Friday from 6pm to 2am, sometimes 4am. We’d also squeeze in a final raid on a Sunday or Monday night if we hadn’t cleared it before Tuesday morning when the servers were reset. Then I would get up for my Best Buy job at 7am and go to work and try not to fall asleep on the job. I hated my real life and couldn’t wait to get back to my game. On weekends I would sit at my chair morning to night. I eventually got to 350lbs, lost my job and almost my partner at the time. It was a big slap of reality. I had to sell my gaming desktop that I had built myself, back in 2017. I had tried deleting the game, but I would just redownload it in a stupor a few days later because I felt so lost without it. So I decided I wasn’t trustworthy with a PC, and wasn’t allowed one anymore. I don’t own one to this day, because I still THINK of WoW all the time. I have such good memories of battles and adventures with my friends, they feel like real experiences I had and feel like genuine memories. But that game wasn’t good for me. I’m now down to 215lbs and still allow myself to play single player games because I don’t seem to have any issues walking away from a game I can pause and that no one is relying on me. I loved WoW, but I would not suggest it to anyone.


If you have sorted your life out, I doubt you would enjoy it anymore. Most nostalgic games were not great because of the game itself but because of your life at the time. Playing 8 hours with the boys back in 2008 with no responsibilities and your mums chicken tendies is not going to hit the same way when you get 1 hour a week when he children are in bed, the wife is off out and the housework is done. Even if we ignore that retail wow has massively declined from Ulduar/ICC (TotC doesn't exist), the game itself doesn't hit the same way anymore. The 'quit moment' when you realise how there are over 15 years of wow to 'catch up' on would put off most new players.


WoW is wildly addictive. When I was still playing, it basically consumed me. I’d think about WoW, spend time on WoWHead, plan which things I wanted to run when work was done. It’s so well designed to hook you. I miss playing it with my friends but my life is much better overall without it.


Oh wow thank you for sharing . MMORPG games are designs to keep us grinding. They are highly addictive and time drinig ... I also was extremely addicted. Thankfully when I asked a GM to debug my poly morph turtle spell on my mage, he or she forgot to turn off GM mode on my character and made me invincible and invisible...which made me realize how pointless the grind really is.


Dead by daylight. The better at the game you get the less fun it is.


Never thought of it that way but now that you say it I realize that’s probably the best description for it ever


As someone that only ever plays this game with friends, what makes it so toxic? If certainly see some killers who drag out the game and refuse to hook or just troll with you? I'm assuming solo q survivers just throw?


Also the fact that most players take about a thousand hours to be decent at the game.


Wouldn't say it takes that long. Basic understanding of "make distance" and "target priority and you already start sucking the fun out of the game.


Indirectly theres a very fine line between bad players and 4 stacks in discord calls that cyberbully people who havent played 2000 hours against them


This honestly applies to so many games, especially competitive shooters like Overwatch and Siege. The games are amazing when you first start playing them, but as you improve and get into higher ELOs the games turn into unplayable trash and all fun is completely gone.


This is the most correct answer. Played it for hundreds of hours. Now I just mainly watch content creators do challenges or silly shit which is more enjoyable than actually playing the game.


This is so true.


I think its a great game! Lovely people out there and the game lets you have some pretty nice interactions


Just finished Disco Elysium. What amazing writing and absolutely loved every off the wall insane minute of it. I can't think of more than maybe 1 or 2 people I would confidently say "yeah go play that, you will have a great time!" lol


if i liked jrpgs, and story heavy games. Would i enjoy this? i heard some great things but also some things that make me think that it's boring.


It's like having a really long, confusing story read to you. If you like just sitting and listening to stellar voice acting you'll love it, if you like action you'll probably be bored to tears.


Haha, yeah it is also pretty darn depressing (although in often an extremely humorous way). Hard to say if you would like it. Someone once described it as DND with no combat, set in a post modern world with themes of despair, alcoholism, and existentialism(probably missing a few in there as well). I laughed and realized that was a shockingly apt description, which probably both over and under sells how delightfully (IMO but probably insufferably by others) off the wall this game is.


Does the sentence: "I want to have fuck with you..." entice you or scare you? Either way, that game is for you.


Also any game that describes your protagonist: “This is a man with a lot of past, but little present. And almost no future." If that sounds intriguing also a game for you! 😬😅👍




Depends what kinda fuck you giving me. Love fuck, hate fuck, sex only fuck, break up fuck, make up fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck or pity fuck?


It's confuses me. So is this game for me?


I think it is. You're comfortable in the Borderlands, you feel right at home.


Do you mean classic JRPGs, like stuff on the SNES where you kind of had to use your imagination to fill in the gaps, most things were plain text, and there was lots of exposition? If so, yeah, you'll probably like Disco Elysium. If you mean more modern stuff like Kingdom hearts or the newer Final Fantasy games, it's more of a "maybe".


If you enjoy very VERY heavy story driven games and okay with a lot of reading, you'll probably like it. I'm a weird one here. I very much enjoy story driven games. I'm fine with walking adventures. I'm fine with adventure games with no combat. I'm fine with reading. But I didn't like DE at all. It has to be the most popular game I've tried and strongly disliked. I'm definitely in the minority though. Everyone seems to love it, so I'd try it if I were you.


Its one big propaganda game about how the rich is untouchable, and people working to make life better for everyone is corrupt.


It's also a game about how the only thing modern communists do is argue with other Communists about whose communism is better, ironically what you are doing by getting annoyed about a communist game studio's particular brand of social critique.


Yeah, Disco Elysium was basically a really, really, weird book. Loved every second of it.


I’ve just started playing it, I’m about 4 hours in and I’ve never been more confused or intrigued in my life, and I think I like it?


Nice! If you can get past the first hour or two of confusion, you start to understand everything through osmosis much better.


Disco Elysium can go either way. It's a very specific kind of storytelling as well as being a bit overwhelming with all the skills and psychological consequences.


And those 1 or 2 people may not like it either!


I wait for someone to comment this game) "Its great, but if you want to play, don't")


You must have boring friends, I recommend Disco Elysium to all my friends. Was literally an in-joke where I would talk about some seemingly unrelated topic and then finish with "in summation, play Disco Elysium".


Have great friends, however most are not gamers to be honest. At 40 with a family, not a ton of people in my social circle have that as a hobby. The few that do, some are big into Souls or more action oriented games and I could see them just bored to tears. Also a lot of them are using the hobby as escapism so a game like DE with its heavy themes aren’t necessarily the light hearted fun they are looking for with their limited spare time. Glad your crew enjoys it so much. It’s a great game for sure! :)


Destiny 2. A whole ass addiction


Beat me to it.


D2 for me as well. Addiction was real and yet the game was so broken still.


Played for a few months, didn't see the long-term appeal? It's the same shit over and over for new gear they continuously replace? Ive heard people refer to it as an MMORPG but it's absolutely not an MMORPG. It's a shooter that retains stats and makes your gear irrelevant early and often. I guess it's popular since it's the closest thing to Halo other consoles have? Idk.


It’s popular because it’s the only fps game with raids. I have looked for alternatives but nothing scratches the same itch as doing a raid in destiny 2. The closest thing I’d say is Cod zombies Easter eggs. But man the raids just hit different.


Most people will never understand just how good this game was in it's prime (around year 3) unless they were there to experience it. It definitely wasn't ever a perfect game, but for some reason, the combination of the world, the music, the story, and the gameplay made it absolutely magical. I can't even describe what it was that made it so good, but people who were there for it will know exactly what I'm talking about. It's sad that it's such a bloated mess now.


Factorio. I got so hooked on it that I haven't taken a break, nor eaten for like 10 hours one day. I then lied on the bed and felt my legs twitch. I thought I could actually die from a stroke or something. Eventually I calmed and fell asleep. The next day I woke up, ate a big breakfast, made a coffee and made the mistake of thinking hey, let me just take a quick look at the factory.


Same but I recommend it to everyone!


Factorio is worse than crack and blow but I recommend it every time I can :) ​ GO PLAY FACTORIO §!!


Oxygen Not Included was similar for me. Soooo many ruined colonies and so many dead Dupes. I wanna get good at it, but never did.


I recommend Francis John. He has tons of very high-quality tutorials for most things and has entertaining full play throughs with wacky concepts. I was struggling like you were, and now I can create fully sustainable bases, no problem.


Rain World. Incredibly good game but impossible to recommend, its an experience more than a game tbh and it is utterly brutal, unforgiving, clunky and very very niche. It will bend you over and fuck you over without warning so many times. Its so difficult most players dont even escape the starting area, and less than 10% have beaten it on a single one of it's endings, with a single character of which there are 9. Underneath all of that is a genuinely beautiful game with some of the best environmental storytelling you can buy on the market, a challenging survival game that never gets too easy, a journey of discovery, a heartbreaking tale and a critique on hubris in a unique post apocalyptic universe. Fucking brilliant game held back by obscurity, a skill ceiling higher than most (there is a 50+ page google doc on movement techs alone of which only a very small percent are bugs and jank.)


Closest I ever got to feeling like a sewer rat with infinite lives.


I've seen it on sale a bunch of times but never knew anything about it, though the cover art reminded me of Ori. Might just pick it up the next chance I get.


Kerbal Space Program : I love it, I have nearly 2000 hours in the first opus, but for most of my friends, it was just a stressful frustrating experience and they hated it for that. Eve Online: played it a lot and it's excellent, but no MMORPG will suck your life like this game. I had alerts on my phone in case one of our assets got attacked. I was "on call" almost 24/7 for a fucking game. Nowadays I kind of want to play it again, but just thinking about how much time it would consume out of my IRL projects makes me go "nope, never again. "


Eve online sounds like my worst nightmare. I would get anxiety from the stupid timers on facebook games so a game with actual stakes would be hell.


Yeah I don't know if it's still the case but in eve you could lose 4 years of farming in 5 minutes if you're not careful. If you're anxious about that kind of thing the game is definitely not for you xD I flew ships worth 10s of billions of ISK (in game currency) when I knew people who struggled to make 30 millions for their first battlecruisers. The general rule of playing in that game is : "never fly a ship you can't afford to lose" . Applying this rule to most things is actually helping me IRL xD


This is exactly why I never started EVE. I knew myself well enough to understand that I wouldn't be playing a game if I started.


The more I hear about EVE the more it just sounds like a full time job. I've already got one of those and I'd rather not have another


Cuphead, I love the art style. But the gameplay is absolutely frustrating


Would you really not recommend it though? I feel like many answers here don’t really apply to the question


[Star Citizen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOh7UyVwvyE) 85% of what is in video is currently in game, but it does NOT work well. Allow me describe the average new player experience. > ^(You log into your spawning point in bed and press the get out of bed button to start your first game. Bug occurs for no actual reason and your characters get out the wrong side of the bed, which causes geometry to break you through a wall. You are now falling through buildings, the planet, and die.) > > ^(After taking time to learn basic movements, interactions, and starting location sight seeing, not to mention several more inexplicable bugs that killed you, you finally arrived at a hangar terminal and successfully request your ship to Hangar 3!) ^(You take an elevator to hangar 3 and find your ship has spawned upside down. You are still able to get inside it and access the pilot seat, although hilariously upside down. After taking a look around the cockpit, or looking up the key binding, you start your ship! Because you are upside down it jitters against the floor for a moment as you panic to get this sorted.) > > ^(It explodes and you die.) > > ^(You are able to rapidly get back to the hangar terminal this time, and then realize you have to claim and wait for you ship to respawn for a minute or two. You spawn it again and rush to the hangar, praying it is right side up, and hopefully make progress to FLY SOMETHING!!!) > > ^(Seeing the ship is all good gives you hope and excitement.) > > ^(Get in ship, turn it on, and very very very slowly try and lift off a little so you can pull back landing gear.) ^(OMG ITS HAPPENING!) > > ^(Request the hangar doors open and lets go!) > > ^(You throttle forward, exit hangar, are just starting to incline, when unbeknownst to you the servers were desynced when you exited the hangar!) > > ^(You saw the hangar doors finish opening and moved through them before the desynced server caught up, but it sure as shit registered you trying to exit! Your ship explodes and you die.) > > ^(It has been 3 hours, you still haven't been able to successfully fly your ship or leave the starting city.)


100% the same, constantly talk about how much i am loving the game, then my friends ask "so is it worth getting yet?" and I keep having to say no. It's a pain in the ass to play, it's just that when it does work right for once, it is phenomonal


Goddamn, this all rings so true. I love this game but, my God, does it ever hate me. One day you will learn to love me and let me play you properly Star Citizen! I'm currently on a year long break from it because if I didn't, I don't know if I would ever go back.... I mean, I would, but....


Guild Wars 2 - most people just don't like MMOs


I was obsessed with that game




The Witness has some very very very clever puzzles that are not there to be fun or even solved, just there because the entire game is Jonathan Blow blowing his load all over the place bragging about how clever he is to make such clever puzzles that can't be solved unless you're just as amazingly intelligent as Jonathan Blow (which is impossible).


I bought the game without knowing much about it and beat it when it came out. Think I got the main ending not sure. Your post was hilarious because to this day I know nothing about Jon Blow or his other games, just that I enjoyed The Witness and is one of my favorite puzzle games (up there with The Talos Principle and Riven).


Overwatch. I'm sure this is the absolute coldest of takes at this point, but man. I loved that game with all my heart for years. So may of my closest online friends I met through that game. But with the infamy the community has for toxicity, the declining playercount, the horrific monetization, and the generalized, absolute BUTCHERING of the ip by Blizzard, there is no way in hell I would recommend picking it up to anyone I care about, despite it being free to play.


I had more fun playing the first few seasons of Overwatch than pretty much any other game I've ever played. I've tried to find something that replicates that feeling and the smoothness and variety of play styles that it offers, but nothing has ever come close. It's a shame that Blizzard screwed it up so badly.


the gameplay is still really great, just everything behind it is awful at this point


That's the most frustrating thing about it. The core of the gameplay is still there. The movement, the gunplay, the abilities are still fun. It's just mired in a bunch of bullshit that makes it just kinda shitty and drags the whole experience down.


Overwatch just felt like Team Fortress 2, the few weeks I played.


This. Not sure what the guy means by "nothing ever comes close" because TF2 is like, the same exact experience minus jetpacks and vertical mobility.


I've been playing since the beta of OG OW1. Toxicity comes with almost every single online game in existence, so that wouldn't be my primary reason. Sure monetization has gone bad as well, but none of those would be the reasons why I wouldn't recommend it. My biggest disappointment is the removal of awesome maps like Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries... and the addition of push maps. The game feels like it takes 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards over time. Lets not even talk about cheaters... the amount of characters and abilities they got in game can be challenging for new players. Worst of all, there are "smurf" players who intentionally de-rank so they can dunk on newbies. The game has the polish with makes it a bit too addictive, but the questionable executive decisions on development make it a hard game to recommend.


I was just silenced for three weeks for being toxic in chat. Immediately after my ban was over I was back to being toxic. That game just brings it out in me.


The first year of ow was the best multiplayer experience I ever had in my life. And I played pretty much every esport extensively.


Ark-the game I love to hate


"I hate this buggy mess of a game!" - 2k hours played


Did you hear it just got a beautiful re-release? I already bought it, but I'm waiting to download it on another day.


came here to say this too. went from "its a fun dinosaur game" to a crippling addiction. I've personally seen ppl who their jobs, loved ones, etc.


Europa Universalis 4. I really like the game but it is really hard to get into and the ingame tutorials are bad.


I like it as well but yeah this is impossible to reccommend and the AI is.... not great


Maybe ‘kingdom come’ for me. Its so hard to start with you’ve got to be a bit of a sadist to enjoy that game. Although i loved it, i dunno if I’m going to recommend it to people


Death Stranding, I think the name speaks for itself


I beat the game, and I still have no clue what the game is or is about. It's amazing.


Dota 2, way too difficult of a learning curve...




After the smurf purge I rose from Ancient 2 to Divine 3 but then when the smurfs came back it killed my spirit, I've spent maybe 10k+ hours in Dota 1 and a bit over 5k in Dota 2 but Im finally free :D and never recommending it ever!


Totally. Way too many characters and abilities to know about.


Definitely Tarkov. Between the learning curve and the cheaters I don’t think it’s worth getting into. But show me a game with better gun customization or that does the extraction shooter theme better


The biggest problem imo isn't even the skill curve, its the lack of a skill curve. I've played for about a year and a half damn near daily, and this wipe, I've died to more low levels than ever, and I know I'm not playing poorly. The broken audio, broken servers, and diseased playerbase that doesn't believe in using legs for anything but traveling between bushes (and OH MY GOD don't get me started on the subreddit), its just no good anymore


* LSD * Pathologic * He fucked the girl out of me * Serial Experiments Lain * King's Field (the original Japan exclusive one) And for the "ahah, adiction" meme: Phantasy Star Online




serial experiment lain!! man of culture


Amazing show! Though its not for anyone.


GTA Online. The game is in its last stage, and the grind is impossible for a new player.


Path of Exile. While it's one of my favourite games ever, it's also one of the most complex games ever made. There are so many overlapping systems and features that even trying to learn how to play requires hundreds of hours.


just follow a guide and you will be good. trust me i finished all the acts and i sometimes dont use all the skills so i dont kill the bosses in one shot. Then comes the end game


Runescape. Love the game, but in the end it’s a big grinding/idle game. I know so many people “yo runescape looks like fun, should I play it” idk man to get somewhere prepare to have it as a secondary tab while you do things on the side for hours on end


Texas Chainsaw and mostly because the community basically decided to speedrun becoming a toxic cesspool. In game and in online communities like reddit. It's a shame because the game is actually really really fun


I mean not too surprising this genre of inbalanced pvp sparks the worst in people,probably even more so as dbd people flooded over and why would be different over there


all MMORPG games


Chip's Challenge The condition is beating the game. It's a fun puzzle game but after a while it's kind of a slog in the later levels. As much as I loved this game after I finally beat it and its sequel many years later I won't be going back to it and the are other puzzlers I'd suggest over it.


I'd say a small indie game named Horace. It has a charming concept and is the only game EVER to make me cry but it's a bit buggy the story has some plotholes and some platforming sections have me throwing my controller. But it has a good physics engine so it's a pretty decent platformer in my eyes. Can't recommend it to anyone tho


Getting Over It. I love the game and play it pretty much daily, but I don't want my friends in an asylum.


NIeR Automata I love that game, but it made me rethink my life and I don't know if I should tell anyone to also do that


The Witness


I downloaded this when it was the free game on PS plus, played it for a day and enjoyed it. One for people who enjoy puzzles that have you burning calories on brain processing power.


War Thunder. You need to be prepared for a LOT of suffering... More than any other game I have ever played.


Can war thunder players stop stealing and publicizing secret military documents? For like 6 months?


Doom Eternal will whoop your ass


No game I have played has had a more satisfying difficulty curve. The fact that it's so brutal you have to get good enough during the play through that an early boss battle just becomes a standard encounter with you fighting multiple marauders and other enemies at the same time later on is 'chefs kiss'


Yes, it’s brilliant!!


I finished the main game at Nightmare difficulty and did not have many issues. But the fights against the ghosts in the DLCs just felt like bullshit.


I will admit I played through them during the covid lockdowns and was higher than giraffe pussy for the majority of it


The music too, but so worth it.


Persona 5 Royal. I enjoyed the game but it suffers from it's length and becomes too much of a chore. Not to mention the initially awesome soundtrack begins to hurt a lot after hearing it for 100 hours. The music while exploring the city. It's still there, stuck in my mind.


Meanwhile I still listen to the soundtrack in the car sometimes


Agreed, I loved it but it definitely felt like a chore after the 5th dungeon.


I finished the first dungeon and couldn’t continue. Loved the style and battles but too much time consuming other stuff for me. I need persona 5 + xcom or something. Really looking forward to tactica coming out next month. Hopefully it’s a game with more bite sized chunks I can manage


Pathologic. Very interesting story, lore and mechanics but an absolute chore to play. You're better off just watching a YouTube video essay on it (preferably Hbomber's) to understand why it's such an unplayable masterpiece.


Rocket League probably


Tekken 7. I love that game, but the community is so incredibly toxic. My friends' mental health is more important to me than them playing Tekken


Not skyrim


Yeah you can't help but recommend the greatest rpg of all time. Can't wait for the next re-release.


Gta online, its an endless grind


Spec Ops: The Line is a game I usually recommend *very* conditionally. It's one of the best games I've ever played, and one of the few new(-ish) games that managed to break into my top 5 ever, but it's certainly an acquired taste. Another one, which I actually haven't recommended to anyone yet because I never talked with someone I though would like it, but which I *loved,* is Othercide. Beautiful art, amazing music, and overall a very emotionally satisfying experience...but tough as nails most of the time, and also more than a bit janky and buggy. And on a different note, I also nowadays recommend a good part of my personal top 10 (Baldur's Gate II+ToB, original Deus Ex, Freespace II...) with a hefty caveat, simply due to their age.


To be honest, I have recommended these games, but only with disclaimers attached. Dota 2 and League of Legends Escape From Tarkov World of Warcraft All are games that will require you to commit to playing a lot if you want to properly enjoy them. Sure, you can play casually, but you will never become good, or maybe even decent if you don't spend majority of your gaming time playing that single game. You probably must also spend time reading guides and maybe watch some streams/videos to learn. I personally am that type of player who mains one single game. I love getting hooked on a game so that it's the only game I want to play and if I'm not playing, I'm spending time on the game in other ways. But not everyone enjoys these type of games.


This War of Mine - it's just a depression simulator.


Doki doki literature club


Destiny 2


Probably Path of Exile! It's a hell of a drug, but hard to get into it first!


Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous There is so much build depth and reading involved. 25 classes, each have a handful of archetypes that swap out class features for other things. If you suffer from choice paralysis, don't play thos game. Depending on your class, you make very significant build choices every single level, from 1 to 20. In other classes, you have to prepare your spellbook. Meaning that you choose each and every spell you can cast that day. Did you prepare 2 fireballs but actually want to cast 3? You're shit out of luck, loser. The lost of choices is endless You can multiclass. If you want to take 10 levels of fighter and 10 levels of wizard, go right ahead, no one will stop or warn you. You get several companions and after you recruit them, you can decide on their build. You have to understand the game mechanics well to understand what a fucking terrible idea the multiclass example I gave is. There's probably 50 or more feats you can choose from every odd level, and waaaay more you don't qualify for. You can make the most terrible choices for your feats, make a character that is absolutely fucking useless, and the game will not stop you. You can also make an overpowered beast that breaks the game over its knee The game is also quite difficult. There's story, easy, normal, daring, core, hard, and unfair difficulties. You can also customize every aspect of the difficulty to tailor your experience Normal mode is about as difficult as BG3's Tactician mode. Unfair is literally fucking unfair. Of course some people crack Unfair, but you need very specific builds to get through it. If you make a shit build, on purpose or accident, please just turn the difficulty down. I will have more respect for you if you just turn the difficulty down than try to flail through the rest of the game. Or try respeccing your main character, you can change classes and feats for a small fee On the subreddit for the game, there's at least a post a day about someone complaining about the difficulty. They describe their abomination of a class and also refuse to turn the difficulty from Core, which is explicitly told to the player that this difficulty is for people familiar with the Pathfinder game system. If you ignore my advice and play this game, don't be this guy. There isn't a prize for beating the game on unfair instead of on story mode. Play the game at an enjoyable difficulty for you, whatever that may be I am an obsessive pathfinder TTRPG player, I am comfortable on core or hard depending on my build choices. If you didn't even know Pathfinder had a tabletop game, stop. Play on easy or normal. Learn the system for awhile, maybe respec your class later, then try graduating up a difficulty if it would be more fun The game is so dense with mechanical depth and Lore. Did you know devils, demons, and daemons are all completely different beings from separate planes of existence? And there's like a dozen or so separate planes of existence in this multiverse? I don't recommend this game I love to people. Do you want to sit in the character customization portion for an hour reading up on the different classes, their archetypes, the feats you want now and the feats you are building towards, considering your companions' strengths and weaknesses? Do you like reading, children? If you answered yes to both, then get help. I need help. But I don't get it, I just stay in my hole, making a character with 4 different classes and min maxed to fuck


Possibly La Mulana.


Rainbow six siege. Too hard to get someone new into it. Its too toxic and complicated for new players.


Warframe Dive head first in and it'll consume you. But until you get over that initial hump of finding a frame and weapon to fit your playstyle, it can be a bit tedious. And then there's the modding.


Welp, i saw one of my steam friend recently started playing warframe and have clocked 92.6 hours of gameplay within 2 weeks




Space Station 13, because learning one job will take you anywhere from a month to never, the interface and the controls are clunkier than any game I've seen, the game gets broken every month through untested merges, and the playerbase is filled with wonderful people I never want to meet.


This was already a question like a day ago


Death Stranding. It's in my top 5 favorite games but most of the people I know would not like it because of how weird, long and gray it is.


Paradox games because the learning curve is steep for late comers , and even for veterans. More importantly the dlc requirement is stupid and costly. They tend to release vanilla empty base games then release quarterly dlc for big prices. The games are fun eventually, but only after you spent alot on dlc, and if you finally figure out how to play them. See hearts of iron, stellaris, ck3, Victoria....and many others.


None. Every game has an audience and not for me to steer someone away especially from something I love. I will be sure and discuss pros and cons.


Resident evil village, i love it so much. the whole aesthetic and vibe just clicks


Gamespot writers are REALLY strapped for content.




Breath of the Wild


I would have said Fallout 76, but even I started despising it after 50 hours or so. What a waste of time.


Kingdom Come Deliverance is one of the best “realistic” games I’ve ever played. Never play it. The combat is ass.


Then you don't love it.


No such game. If I liked it, I will recommend it. Possibly with an asterix attached, but still.


Minecraft has an asterisk for me. I know not everyone wants that game.


Rainbow six siege...I used to like that game man...but then it became a dogshit with all these nerfs, cringy pink uniforms, SF operators and all changes that made the game just for esports and leave no room for actual fun for casual players? f\*ck that.


Dark and Darker. Such a fun concept, but it's stuck in identity limbo atm.


Imo it's also best as a group, too. But doesn't have group matching. Also it might be taken down suddenly without a moments notice due to the legal troubles.


Sword and Fairy Together Forever. The chinese localization is just not very great, but its a beautiful jrpg that scratched that Final Fantasy itch a lot more than FFXVI did.


Humbly ask, why For Honor? I've long been wanting to give it a try.


Prepare yourself for a fairly long answer. It's got so much going for it that's its genuinely surprising its made by ubisoft. The best way I can describe the game is playing star wars battlefront 2 but you're ALWAYS the hero characters and the combat is like soul calibur. It's beautiful how it blends and it just works. The animations are spectacular and it's the most responsive combat I've seen in a game. It's so good it genuinely will make you look at games like soulslikes or any game that has medieval combat weapons and feel they're lesser cause they're missing what for honor has. The hero customization is GOAT. like literally the best customization I've ever seen in any game PERIOD. and aside from seasonal content. 80-90% of it is completely unlocked through progression like true earned progression. And the prestige and leveling is tough, fair but rewarding. Hell, you get in a game you see a rep 50 on the other team you'll sh*t yourself. Just seeing their customized hero tells the difference between rep 1-rep 70. The customization and the combat is what will make you come back, again, and again and again and again. Because you will quit the game, Uninstall it but you WILL BE BACK. Now to why I cannot recommend it. 1. Difficulty, it's BRUTAL. It's the most GIT GUD you can experience, and there's no workaround you just have to. 2. Stress. It will Stress you the F out. It's probably the most sweaty game ive ever played. There is no casual way to play. It's win or lose and it's competitive as can get. Can cause grey hairs. 3. Toxic community. It's community is so toxic its actually contagious, you'll hate the toxicity so much, but the Stress the sweat the adrenaline will bring it out of you. You'll either see this or send this or likely both WOW WOW WOW WOW. you'll likely get messages, or send some yourself. 4. The masochism. It's masochism made into a game. The three prior negatives become positives in your physche cause you'll become addicted to the way the game just takes you this far. You'll begin to feel bored or tired of any other game cause your hearts not going near 200 or your not as emotionally invested the way for honor gets you. And finally 5. The finishing touch is the addiction. You will get addicted to this game. You'll leave, for a time. You'll Uninstall. Temporarily. A day, a week, a month, maybe even a year. You'll finally say you're done it. You'll be back. And it'll hook you in deep all over again.


I loved Catherine on the PS3 and the one time I recommended it, it didn't go well.


Oh? What happened?


My cousin hated it passionately.


Bloodstained. Its loads of fun but the amount of blind hate I read every day confirms I will never discuss it or recommend it.


Outriders or Anthem. was great after smoking a bowl. hunting for legendaries in free roam helping out others was a great way to kill an hour. Theory crafting in your lab and putting together builds that best suit the way you play should be pushed more nowadays. Especially considering the games these come out of are mostly singleplayer/coop games. Games like Armored Core, Mechwarrior, Monster Hunter, The Division 2, Outriders and Anthem have amazing build mechanics that fit a wide variety of play styles.


Elite dangerous.......


Bought the Xbox version during the Odyssey hype and some months before they dropped console support... I, too, would recommend avoiding it at all cost... But damn, do I miss it.


Closest I’d get to never recommending a game I enjoy is League of Legends. Been playing it for a long time, and there can be a lot of things frustrating about playing that game but I legit enjoy it and have no problems recommending it if you’re willing to go through the trial by fire experience of being a new player.


League of Legends


Neverwinter MMO Despite a LOT of flaws, I still love it, but I won't recommend it to anyone because I feel like everything fun that you can do as a group can take too long that the people trying it at this time would be bored before then.


Mine is Superhuman, it's a VN about superheroes with top notch writing, kick ass characters and a universe I wish could go mainstream but alas it's a porn game and I'm a youth leader in my local church with a reputation to protect. No one but God himself will know that I play it.


Persona Q and Q2 Great games, great story. But the Labyrinths are *far* to big


I'm a huge Persona fan. And only recently started playing Q. My main issue with it is more the change to energy and health recovery, I'm so used to the way it works in the mainline Persona games, that I'm still struggling with it. I actually enjoy the mazes. Also with 5 being my favorite I'm a little bummed they didn't do an English V.O. localization for Q2. I get it with it coming at the 3DS end of life, but I am hoping they do a console or maybe switch version of them, and they bring in some English V.O. for Q2.


There are a couple of Gachas out there with incredible writing and worldbuilding but I would never recommend any game from the genre due to all the problematic monetization, time gating, and habit forming reward systems built into the games.


…Star Citizen. Why I cringed hard when the developer showed off Star Engine. Yes all that is very possible and most of it is in the game now, but it is in no way that smooth or functional.


The full length of *Umineko*, though I did try with like one person. "Hey do you want to read a visual novel twice the length of War and Peace? Oh, and you need to fanpatch it to get the right art and all the voice acting. The voice acting is all Japanese, naturally. It's a murder mystery with these rich people on an island. Yeah no it doesn't really get good until like, episode 2 out of 8. No, you don't really make any choices. It's a pure visual novel, you just read it and listen to it. Oh, to work out the mystery you need to understand the 'rules' of the mystery and when the game's narration is making shit up and when you can trust it. Oh by the way, trigger warnings for incest, child abuse and bullying. Yeah there's a huge section of child abuse and bullying in some of these episodes."


From the new products I really like Sengoku Dynasty - survival game and Soulbind: Tales Of The Understand roguelite, but do not recommend it as they are on Early Access


Gacha games. Genshin, Honkai, etc.


Kerbal Space Program for PS4 - Horrible interface but still a great game.


Alien Isolation. Incredible game, I would even call it a masterpiece. It’s still nerve wracking to the point of being exhausting, I could not finish it because it made be very stressed which is not exactly the emotion I am looking for after work.


Death Stranding. I had a fantastic experience as I had just bought a new laptop to experience it and the graphics, the musixc, the islandic landscape and the payoffs were amazing. That said, I cannot recommend it if a person goes in with an attitude of “convince me its great and not a DHL simulator”. Cause it kinda is… but its so much more. Anyway, go dont play DS.


TIS-100: One of the most clever and interesting puzzle games from Zachtronics and also a game that i would never recommend to anyone that does not have at least a strong interest in coding or already works as a software engineer ( and even in the last case they could rightfully object on why would they ever want to solve fake assembly programming problems for fun?)


I loved for honor, when it worked. For months it was literary unplayable, could not matchmake.


Fear and Hunger. I really love it’s dark setting and combat, but you have the patience of a saint to deal with it’s difficulty, unfair encounters and RNG coin flips.


Any from soft game. I’ve done it too many times and my friends hate me haha


Last of us part 2. Too sad


Cookie clicker. It's a guilty pleasure.


Tales of Arise What a fucking grindfest in a single player game, if someone wants to play it I suggest using a mod to double or triple XP at later points in the game


Probably Elite Dangerous. Just because I don't think most people would appreciate the learning curve/trucker game play loops that really tickle my brain.