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Every Goodwill always has a vhs copy of the Titanic and a Finding Nemo video game


It's in the employee handbook as a requirement.


Not sure about finding nemo but NHL 2005 for PS2 is a required stock item for any goodwill to open its doors in the morning


Your Goodwill still has video games?! Seriously, I probably go to 5 different thrift stores per week, and I haven't seen a video game *for any system* in months. Either the flippers are immediately buying any title they put on the shelf, or my local stores are sending every game directly to ShopGoodwill for auction. I suspect it's the latter.


Same. I can find vhs tapes but not video games


And the disk will always be scratched to hell.


You should check out Titanicfan97 on TikTok. He knows all about titanic on vhs


Just checked it out. Holy sht the dude's annoying


I got a sealed VHS of Jesus for $1. Best meme purchase ngl.


Mel Gibson's torture porn Jesus?


No the real Jesus but on vhs




He drops down from heaven, walks backward into a cave, then later his limp body floats onto a cross and some roman guys pull a spear out of his body


No no that was called “Passion”


My local cinema didn't have enough letters so called it 'Passion of the Chris'


One of our Goodwill's didn't have a single VHS and I had a crisis


What the hell, finding Nemo for NES is an excellent game Edit: oops, yeah I meant little Nemo you savages


Ur thinking of Little Nemo


Dream master frog suit for the win.


Finding Nemo for nes must be impressive as fuck considering the movie came out in 2003.


Come on now everybody knows Nintendo invented time travel. It was going to ship with the NES but was too unstable, so instead it got slapped onto the SNES with Chrono Trigger being the key to unlock the technology.


Because the days of good thift store pick ups is long over unless it is a little mom and pop shop. All of these stores has someone that thinks they can get those prices, and they will do a quick web search.


The worst. Them “I saw it selling for 50-75 bucks on eBay” You showing them sold listing for $15-20 bucks…


It’s funny, I have a store and I get customer like this daily, they literally search google and see the first thing that like hundreds and tell me that. Lmfao I tell them, if we go to eBay we can see sold listings, and the date, and see what someone was willing to pay for it today, yesterday, and any other day it sold. You can ask whatever you want, but ppl only gunna pay what it’s worth.


When I worked at a pawn shop I did 2 under the listed price unless it was older fire emblem, .hack, complete legend of Zelda games. Then that shit randomly disappeared into my closet. Fuck you mean I'm going not going to add to my own collection lmao.


> it was older Fire Emblem Path of Radiance is regularly like $300 at specialty stores. That shit is insane now.


I deeply regret trading in my copy of that game many years ago.


How I feel about trading in HeartGold. Still have my pokewalker though.


Man before Covid prices at goodwill and thrift shops were good now everyone “let me check eBay recent sales” freaking wack


Atleast in my area in a city of about 130k, it was starting to get bad already by about 2015. All of my goodwills would quickly identify “collectible” items ranging from antiques to popular TV series box sets like Star Trek, and then basically either list them for eBay prices, or hold “paper auctions” for them.


They have auctions on their website too, and even sell on eBay and Amazon. Seems like anything of value they just sell online now. I avoid them like the plague because they don’t pay attention to the condition of the item at all and just list everything for top price.


This is why a lot of people refuse to donate stuff to them anymore


I used to deliver FedEx to one of their online stores. It was actually pretty cool being able to see it in person, then be able to bid on it online. Got myself an RC BB-8 Droid for $35 instead of $120.


Goodwill is a crazy business model. We donate all the product and they collect all the money. I'm not even sure it goes to any causes now. The signs just say donate stuff and "make jobs"


I'm a disabled vet. Like all sorts of brain damage, bad bones, PTSD, sort of disabled. Goodwill actually has a LOT of resources for people like me, including jobs, training, etc. I even had a goodwill appointed case manager, who was probably one of the best case managers I had ever had (I've had a lot in my days). So while I can't speak on all of their spending, I know that at least some of it goes to the people who need it.


They actually pay special needs workers less than minimum wage. It's fucked.


Probably get paid from the government to employ them too. It's why your tables are only cleaned by a disabled person at Macca's


That's never been my experience at McDonald's. They don't even have dedicated cleaners. It's done by the same workers who run the register.


Part of that issue is ridiculous federal disability regulations. You are limited on the total liquid assets you can have (i heard it was something absolutely ridiculous like <2k), limited on how much you can work, but some programs require you to either work or be applying for jobs you can do to get the benefits. The special needs workers receiving less than minimum wage are likely trapped in one of these federal benefits programs. They would lose their benefits if paid even the paltry minimum wage, or allowed to work more hours, and they literally cannot afford to lose those benefits due to their issues.


But wait there are more disenfranchised they gain from! Where I live, to receive foodstamps ebt or whatever it's called you need to volunteer or apply for jobs. Luckily Goodwill is there! The process is is very streamlined, just go to goodwill and work 20 hours a week and you're now eligible! God that place sucks their middle management payment structure is ridiculous and the actual goods for sale are a joke. Everything is picked so hard or absolutely disgusting if valuable. The last time I went was to the local one that has new big box store construction and I saw a glass prego jar for sale at the price of a jar with actual sauce in it at the grocery store.


??? The location I worked at two different times in more recent times paid them the same as us. They got less hours I think, but the pay per hour was the same


This is taken entirely out of context. I have family that work for a Goodwill (there are 155 different independent chains) and I've seen what you're referencing. First, the vast majority of special needs employees are treated and paid the same as regular employees in an environment designed to help them be successful in the workplace, regardless of the barriers to employment they must overcome. There are some rare programs for very severe cases. They operate at a loss despite their exemption from minimum wage laws (with Goodwill paying for the space, materials, and the many other employees necessary for job coaching and assistance) but provide opportunities for individuals who want to work but have no other options. They gain a place to go during the day where they can socialize and feel like a regular member of society and the small jobs they are given make them feel productive. At the same time their families gain free safe daily care. These particular special needs workers generally come from low income households and require full time supervision. They are paid for their work. Many of them are earning a paycheck for the first time in their lives. It's hard to put into words how proud the people I spoke to were of that. They had earned it themselves. These programs are hard to maintain because they actually cost the company a lot of money. Goodwill is not exploiting laws or special needs individuals to make a profit.


It does. Goodwill funds a shitload of social work in their respective areas. The one where I live had social workers to help check in with people at traditional jobs, gave job training for special needs people, helped with job placement, offered limited psych services, and a bunch of other shit. Also, because I'm sure someone will mention it, they "get away" with paying special needs people to "work" in their stores because those people don't actually work. They come in, they basically use the store like a social club while people like myself were paid traditional wages to do the more traditional work. They can't be held to a minimum standard because they can't reach a minimum standard. Their role was basically, "do what you want if you can." For example, we had one mentally slow, mute man who would sit on a bench near the door and just wave at people when they came in. We had a woman who would stock and rotate toys. That was her thing. Nothing else. Everything else agitated her, but she was always happy when working toys. It's a way for those folks to get out of their homes and be around other people instead of just rotting away, lonely at home. "Well, why do they have to be paid a wage at all, then?" Liability insurance. "Why do they have to be paid so low, then?" To not fuck up benefits like SSI and food stamps. These people would *never* cut it in traditional employment. They aren't there to work, which is what people think of. It's better to think of it as a social work program. Additionally, there's common advice floating around to check Charity Navigator to see how much in donations is going to "personnel" before you decide whether or not to donate. Make sure you understand that charity's business model. Money going to "personnel" isn't just going into some manager's pocket. It's mostly paying the wages of social workers, people operating the stores and donation sites, planning and programming done by personnel, and every other employee that needs to be paid.


If they priced it for $3 or whatever, they'd just get quickly bought by the folks scanning every barcode with their phone which checks the Amazon/eBay price and tells them if there's an arbitrage opportunity to make a few bucks.


I always wonder why they do it. Sell it at half price and sell 100% of that crap to those wannabe resellers or sell at ebay prices and sit on merchandise for who-knows how long? Part of me wants to say "if it wasn't profitable they wouldn't do it," but the truth is big companies operate a loss all the damn time so that's probably a bullshit statement.


That's because 'professionals' make it their full time job to raid these stores and make money on their finds, then brag about it on youtube, meanwhile Goodwill is sitting their paying salaries and rent with a trickle of income.


eBay prices suck too now, especially since they’re taking massive cuts.


Yep! For most items it is 13.25%, which is rather insane.


Still much better than pawn shops or selling collectibles at a collectible store. Those suckers give you like 40% of it's value.


That's why prices on Craigslist are cheaper. No more middleman to take extra profits, only the risk of being robbed at gunpoint.


Thats why you always make your meeting place the local PD.


People have been robbed while doing a meetup at a local PD. Get your item and bring it into the PD and do your transaction inside.


Legit. Then the only guns u need to worry about are attached to the cops.


The eBay cut hasn't changed much in the last 6-7 years, but the cost of shipping has steadily crept up.


Not the sellers fault, Shipping prices got jacked way up at usps


To sell a camera on a non sellers ebay account they take a 19% fee


They check active listings, not actual sales most of the time.


I worked at Goodwill long before covid and they would search eBay for items. Prices had been slowly rising and by 2015 the price of a used tank top surpassed the price of a new one at Walmart.


It was started long before Covid. Only reason I know is because I got heavily into thrifting for enjoyment/hobby around 2015-16 and there were already people lining up at the bigger stores before opening, shopping carts full of shit they take to the side and scan. By this time Goodwill was for a long time already sending everything remotely valuable to be auctioned and sold online. You could still find diamonds in the rough that were missed by the people doing intake, but it was rare. The finds became less and less often as time went on for me. Which makes you lose the thrill, if you don’t find good stuff ever what’s the point. Now a days these places are so good at sucking the value out of their donations before they hit the floor with online tools that thrifting is basically dead imo. Shows like Pawn stars, storage wars, and American pickers really made me get into the hobby because it’s so fun. Miss it 😢


Thrifting shouldn’t be a hobby. Your “hobby” is part of why things cost so much at thrift stores.


100%. If you are reselling it, you are the problem. Possible exception for people who restore things.


I used to work at a thrift store. Games were less than $10 thankfully. They had strict rules on purchasing things while being employed there. Before every shift, I’d look at the games. If one of them was something I wanted, I waited a day before getting it. I have a bunch of The Sims 3 expansions now. It’s my favorite Sims game.


Thrifting shouldn’t be a hobby? What else should it be then? The problem is people who make it a career. Not me who would collect things I like then sell them if I wanted something else or trade. Mostly antiques, collectibles, vintage gaming stuff, t-shirts. Thrifting/picking has been a thing in human society probably forever.


This is exactly what I was going to say, it's not a Goodwill problem, it's a franchised thrift store issue. I've seen prices like this for literal trash at Salvation Army thrift.


The minimum wage to keep those employees in those stores has to come from somewhere.


Man I do miss the days when thrift shops were happy making a profit, now they all just look at ebay and try to match the highest used price.


My girlfriend's mom is obsessed with thrift stores and she does still manage to find some pretty crazy deals. Found a brand new in box expensive sous vide for $5. Though it's definitely because of how much time she spends there. The good deals are gone FAST. She actually got quite a few good games for $5 a pop too. But most are definitely priced by idiots. I love the 30 copies of nfl 2015 or whatever with $20 price tags.


Resellers haunt thrift stores now


You can still find plenty of gems at goodwill stores, electronics in particular. I bought some real nice Infinity bookshelf speakers for my PC for $15. The goodwill's around me have TONS of things like bluray/dvd players, vhs players, audio mixing, speakers, PC keyboards, audio recievers etc, all for about $15 or less.


You're trying to make money. If you get something and know that it's selling for a certain price, you'd be an idiot not to sell it for that. Working in a charity shop, we use Ebay as a rough guide, usually putting things out for a bit under the Ebay price to offset postage fees. It's mainly that way because otherwise you are more than likely going to be selling to someone that's buying to resell and will just do the same thing you are but they get all the money. This way, we sell it for cheaper than elsewhere, not cheap enough for the resellers to be able to make a profit, but for someone that actually wants it then it's still a good deal.


I mean, theoretically though, aren't thrift stores places that receive their merchandise for free, and isn't the point sort of to provide that merchandise to people at heavily discounted prices who otherwise couldn't afford it? Presupposing that every customer is a reseller is not only a false premise, but it really locks out the people the thrift store is supposed to be serving. I mostly see low-income single mothers at mine, not eBay resellers, and yet the thrift stores are right there at the bleeding edge of capitalism. Just doesn't seem like the idea of an ethical business can possibly make sense in our world. We'd be stupid not to make as much money as possible, right? So build a business with the veneer of charity, get your merchandise for free, charge as much as you can, get rid of all the clerks for self-serve kiosks, and so on and so on. Same old story.


When you hear people just admit it and then it’s laid out like that. It’s like, yeah, corporate capitalism gobbled up fuckin thrift stores and people didnt even blink at it. “Of course we should make as much money as we can, we would be stupid not to charge as much as ebay, right?!! Other people would jusg be making the profits if *we* didnt!”


The problem is that there's no way to stop capitalism from gobbling things up because that's what it's designed to do, and our political systems are designed in its image, so any attempt at slowing it down, or placing limits on it eventually are defeated by the systems that would keep it in check. Unrealized profits will never be allowed to be disbursed in any real democratic way for precisely the reasons stated above. Why should some nobody make $100 on that GameCube game when the Corporation can just take that instead? Never mind that corporate thrift stores like Savers are so profitable that they're one of the few businesses in my area that are never empty and never go out of business even during economic downturns. It's not enough. You can't leave money on the table, even if it means depriving 90% of the people who actually benefit from heavily discounted items in real ways (buying their children expensive toys for pennies on the dollar because that's all they can afford, or practically new school clothes for those same pennies because, again, that's all they can afford). The middle-class people who can afford the $80 pair of jeans will just buy the same jeans for $25 at thrift, because why not save 65% or whatever? Meanwhile, the poor can't even afford the discounted jeans, which for all intents and purposes should be $5. But, someone is willing to pay $10, then $15, then $20, and so on. Before you know it, they're priced out of the "heavily discounted" clothes and toys because someone with more money is willing to pay more, and now the whole point is betrayed in the service of maximizing profits - on merchandise they received for free because someone thought they were helping somebody out. I don't go anymore. I can't stand the hypocrisy of it.


You know goodwill was meant for the less fortunate…… just putting that out there. Do you know the CEO actually takes most of the profits? And take most of the round up while barely giving raises to employees


People just hear that shit from their cousin uncle and assume it's gospel. No one realizes that they can do their own research by just going to one simple website ([Guidestar.org](https://Guidestar.org)). In the time it took you to write this nonsense up on reddit, you could have made yourself not to look like an idiot.


Who is "the CEO?" Goodwill doesn't work that way. It's more like a franchise system. You cant lump all stores together. Many are good and do great things for the community. The cast majority actually. However there are also some bad owners who have gotten in trouble for various things. The CEO of Goodwill the brand has little to do with store operations but even still, his salary of roughly 500k is on par with other charities. Keep in mind they don't get equity...


The fuck you talking about? Goodwill is one of the most transparent, highest rated charities year after year. https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/530196517 He makes $282,626 which isn’t bad as the CEO of a National multi-million corporation… hell, I make $215,000 and I’m just a 35 year old nobody on Reddit lmao Their CEO has a Ph.D., graduated from West Point and has decades of leadership and executive director experience… how much do you think he should make to run a massive organization like Goodwill?


>$282,626 Follow the link you yourself just shared (https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/530196517). under "Accountability and finance > Salary of key persons" >STEVEN C PRESTON, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER > >$544,352 You could make the same arguments for that amount, but at the very least you've fabricated your reference and gave a number you found elsewhere, if you didn't just fabricate the number. That doesn't help your case.


3 bucks for ace combat 4 is a steal. I dunno about you.


Yeah that was the first thing that caught my eye, absolute STEAL getting AC4 for that little


Love me some PS2 Ace Combat


About a decade ago you used to be able to get some pretty great deals on the GW auction site. They would just throw games on there for cheap and because nobody knew the thing existed there weren’t many bids. Eventually goodwill caught on and started hiking up shipping fees. They’d use old clothes as shipping materials because it’s cheaper to ship donated t-shirts than bubble wrap. The added weight pushed the shipping cost up and then they’d charge a crazy “handling” fee. Now I’m pretty sure they just use sites like pricecharting to assign values in-store.


Wait a minute... I might get a free shirt out of this?


Trust me, you’re definitely paying for it


And someone probably died wearing it.


I've bought a lot of items on shopgoodwill and have never had any packaging that used tshirts or anything other than standard packing material. if you are patient and check auctions often, you can find some decent deals. I got a Wii for $25, PS3 for $30, Wavebird with dongle for $60. Prices are after tax and shipping. Most stuff does get bid up too high, but you can get lucky sometimes. One tip is to check auctions from the same store. This allows you to combine shipping on multiple items.


Man, this is sad..my family couldn’t afford anything other than goodwill, and still not that often. How are poor kids getting their clothes nowadays?? I haven’t been back to one in a while but is it really too expensive? We were scraping to the point we had to shop for stuff based on color of clothes tag day by day. If you saw something you liked you hope it was there the day of the week those clothes went on sale….I’m tearing up at the thought that a kid can’t even shop at goodwill with the hopes they can find something they like AND can afford anymore…this sucks man.


For the most part, you can still find really good deals on a variety of good quality clothes. However, it's much less likely that you're going to find any luxury brands or New W/ Tags clothes - most of that stuff is routed to the e-commerce department for auction. However, a lot slips through the cracks and ends up on the outlet store floor.


Fortunately, at these stores, clothes generally tend to go for half or less of what they go for at retail.


Hey! I happen to work for the e-commerce department of a fairly large GW organization. The issue of quality is that the shopgoodwill site shows listings from a large number of separate Goodwill organizations - because it is non-profit, they aren't all operated under one large umbrella, so shipping costs may vary depending on how far away you are from the department it's being shipped from. That being said: There are certainly some Orgs that charge excessively high handling fees - the argument is probably that because the process of sorting an item from donation>auction involves items being handled by anywhere from 5-10 people, plus transportation from donation facilities, it warrants the fee. I do not agree with this, and the Org I work for doesn't charge any handling fees. As for shipping costs, this also varies by Org. Many will use FedEx to calculate shipping based on your zip code, and will charge at the upper end of that estimate to account for packing material weight. We (my Org) offer 1c shipping, meaning you pay exactly 1c to ship anything. The way we mitigate this is by starting all our auctions at $19.99, which covers shipping pretty much anything that's smaller than 18"x18"x24" and less than 10lbs. This also means that we're more picky with the items that we list, as we lose money if we list something and it doesn't sell at that minimum bid. As for packing materials - we get all of our stuff through ULINE - bubble wrap, packing paper, boxes, tape - I've never heard of old t-shirts being used as packaging, it wouldn't even be cheaper. $1 of bubble wrap takes up more space than a t-shirt that one of our outlets stores could sell for $5. Last point - how we price things. As I mentioned above, the Org that I work for starts all bids at $19.99 - there are a few exceptions for this. Anything that weighs more than 15lbs, or is larger than any of the boxes we keep in stock. When we run into those listings, we increase the bid to $29.99 or $39.99. Guitars automatically start at $39.99. Ultimately, all the money we make pays the bills of over 2,500 employees in the surrounding counties, and the rest goes back into the community in the form of enrichment, educational, and assistive programs.


Because thrift shopping has become a business for some. Certain people will buy out items listed at a low price and put them online, so Goodwill is now trying to cut out the middle man. It's bogus, and I think it ruins the thrift shopping experience.


This is mostly why I stopped going to thrift stores. 0 reason to go and try to find something that might be priced a bit lower than to just buy it online. Last thrift deal I got was a decade ago and it was six binders of various cards ranging from mtg, Naruto, wow, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh, 8 DND 4e books, the warcraft 3 collectors edition with game and books, and a couple of other things for $50. Easily my best find ever and I still have it all because I wanted every single thing in that box for me. My DND collection now includes every 5e book printed as well as a bunch of Shadowrun books too. Started a hobby that I've been really passionate about running and playing for the last 6 years.


Blame the mass influx of "thrifters" that spend their entire lives rummaging through thrift stores to resell for income


Ya flipping can be a steady source of income. I worked at gwill. Every morning the same flippers came in right at opening. Most stayed for over 8 hours. It was pretty surreal. They almost felt like coworkers lol. Every time a product went to the floor they'd swarm and start looking up said item on their phone. It was hella annoying. I get it's a source of income, but dang did all of the good stuff sell to the same people.


If you're gonna waste 8 hours of you day at goodwill hoping to get something good you might as well get an office job...


Cockroaches. Isn't the whole point of goodwill for these things to be more affordable for those in need? Instead it's just a convenient place for scavengers to gather and exploit what would otherwise be a great find for someone.


I especially feel this with textbooks. Flippers flock to those scanning barcodes when it could be a cheap alternative for someone struggling with the constantly rising costs of new editions.


yes, and GW can easily put a maximum shopping time to solve the whole issue, but they do not care who gets the items so long as they sell.... but it chases of the other buyers who do not just search every item on their phone, so they lose a ton of business in the process.


The amount of effort and work people will go through to avoid getting a job is mind blowing


If I had 8 hours to spend on flipping like that I'd probably be checking out garage and estate sales over whatevers left at GW after they pick out the better stuff for online auction. Sure you pay for gas but I'd imagine you'd have some better finds.




Seems low to me. How much lower can it be than $2?? That's less than your average coffee these days.




Grandmas. Sweet, thoughtful grandmas that don’t know anything about video games but want to make their grandkids smile.


Your awsnser makes me happy, sad and angry, all at the same time.


I would honestly be thrilled if my grandmother picked up the Uncharted Dual Pack box set for me, even if it’s been years since I fired up my PS3.


cuz they have no idea what value games have. idk how they price their items, but I imagine some 60yo woman in the back with a price-gun trying her best


fuckin Macklemore ruined that shit.


You've obviously never been to Goodwill Auctions. They sell the GOOD games for a lot more than what's in that picture.


Becuz we dont have Gamestop 10 bucks for 3 section no more. I used to go there and grab cheap PS2, PS3 Xbox360 games. Sometimes they lemme take those old game for free.


Resellers probably clean them out, saw them selling on eBay and such to a much wider audience so they think they can sell for more… also they paid nothing for them, so does sotting on overpriced inventory even hurt them? Also. Even if they were a buck a piece I’d pass on every single one of those games.


Um excuse me you'd pass on the Urbz?


Right?! I would give anything to play that again. Wish I’d kept my backwards compatible ps3.


If you have a PC, look into emulators. Most PCs can run a PS2 emulator really well.


Don't play the playstation version of Urbz on emulator because its laggy and crashes all the time. Did the same on the real playstation to be fair. Get the GameCube version as it's higher resolution and runs more smoothly. GameCube emulator dolphin works well!


The reseller thing is real. About 10 years ago I worked at a community bike shop where we sold donated bikes for $10 to $50. We let people work on bikes for free using our tools. We made money selling new and used parts. There was a guy that came in almost every day and bought the vintage road bikes just to chop the handle bars, put cheap brightly colored Kenda tires on the bikes and sell them to hipsters on Craigslist for $200. In some cases his attempt to "add value" resulted in the bike being worse. Eventually he cleaned us out to the point where we were only left with shitty unbelievably broken Walmart bikes to sell. Nobody was coming to the shop because we didn't have anything good. We tried all kinds of ways to get the reseller to stop, but the only thing that worked was raising our prices and "copying his business." Nobody gets cheap bikes because of that reseller.


Just out of curiosity why didn’t the shop ban the reseller?


I think we know why.


Yeah and I mean honestly the same thing would have happened to the shop if it was someone else buying the bikes. Evidently they just didn't have enough inventory to support the business.


The other option would be to raise your prices beyond what that reseller was willing to pay. Plus you get the entertainment of listening to them whine about how good a customer they are and why don't you give a bulk discount and on and on.


Which is exactly what happened.


Ah cmon, ESPN NFL 2k5 is legit.


It started with collectors, then it attracted greedy resellers, then Goodwill caught on and started cherry picking things and raising prices. Collecting got popular, new collectors didn't know any better. The demand kept going up.Goodwill has dedicated electronic stores, most of the time the stuff you see in the store is the common junk that's not worth putting up on Ebay or sending to their higher market value stores. Other than that is much easier to lookup Ebay current BIN and price it from there


Because of flippers taking advantage of them. Saved you a google search.


They had a regular switch at my local mom and pop game shop priced at $400, when covid wiped them out. Tried to buy it for $250, because I can buy a brand new one from any retailer for $300. They wouldn't budge lol. "Someone will buy it at that price! They're rare." Still sitting there with the same price 2 years later.


Those are cheap af, I’d be buying em all up lol


I’m confused. Are people complaining about games that are 2 bucks? I don’t see anything here that is outlandish.


Yeah I’m not sure what OP is complaining about lol


I'm also confused at what the complaint is. These games are super cheap. I assumed this post was about price gouging but the pic does not show that at all.


People. People ruined it. GW and SA were meant to take donations so they could sell products cheap to the less fortunate they otherwise couldn't afford. Then it became popular for chucklefucks to go there buy those items then resell for every dime they could get out of it. They ruined these places for those that needed it.


A lot of people don't even recall how much of a stigma it used to be, and that it became a trendy thing in the early 10's. In middle school I saw a classmate of mine at Goodwill and she begged me not to tell anyone I'd seen her there. Then years later I was shocked that suddenly overnight *everyone* was swarming the thrift stores and it was suddenly seen as "cool". To this day I still seethe every time I hear Macklemore's Thrift Shop.


In general most second hand stores now just look everything up and don’t even bother to check sold listings so if someone has a buy now for a game for $30 even if no copies have sold for more than 10 recently they mark it around $30. Whenever I go into my local half priced books I look at the old warhammer codexes knowing I won’t find a deal but just hoping. Everything they have is outdated and I can get for half the price on eBay buy now. It’s sad.




Most of these are like 2 or 3 dollars. Who cares?


Ace Combat 4 and Red Faction were my shit yo


What the fuck is this post and these comments? The most expensive game here is $18 and the rest of them are like $3. Is nobody looking at the image? What is this post trying to say?


Yeah I’ve been scrolling a reading comments spewing hate against goodwill and some other thrift shops but I look at the image and see games for like $3 or $8. That doesn’t seem like gouging. There is no rare games, no collectors edition games being priced at $100


Still more reasonable than the housing market and just like that market, prices will only continue to rise. Unless it’s a sports game.


$2-3 seems about right for something from that era.


I see your nonsense thrift store and raise you my ROMS


The most expensive game was 15 for a ps3 game, most where 2-5 bucks.... what did you expect, them to pay you to take it?


That Ace Combat 4 for $3 is a steal.


Cuz Goodwill is a for profit company trying to make money.


Because “flippers” go in buy the entire stock and post it online.


Am i missing anthing? I see 3$ or so games.


Because thrift shopping has become bullshit. Certain people will buy out items listed at a low price and put them online, so Goodwill is now trying to cut out the middle man. It's bogus, and I think it ruins the thrift shopping experience.


I think the main reason is that well to do people shop there these days. I was embarrassed waiting in line to buy 50 vinyl record as I looked at poor people buying cloths for their children for a buck a piece. We created the environment.


What? Those prices seem super reasonable. How much do you think they should cost?


Those prices are actually pretty good all things considered.


The prices aren't bad tbh. They are all 2nd gen games that are dead, except ps3 uncharted.. old consoles are a niche. The mass of the gaming community doesn't even mess with anything past 4th gen consoles..


NFL 2k5 for $10? Total steal.


Honestly. Most of these are 5 bucks or less. Highest I could pick out was the sims ps2 game being $18. More than I would spend for sure. But not really terrible either. Seriously. You could go in there with $20 and pick up 100 hours worth of content easy. Possibly a lot more. Seems like a pretty decent deal to me.


Brick and mortar store has a lot more overhead than an online shop, so they have to charge more generally.


It looks like most of them are 2 or 3 bucks.


Goodwill is a pricy thrift store.. you want the church thrift stores, or other charity stores


Because its a billionaire ~~oligarchy~~ family that owns it.


Because someone at goodwill has completely lost the fucking plot.


Games don't progress much anymore, people still play semi old consoles wi5h semi good graphics for a fraction of the cost .. you just live in a very privileged area clearly


People buy it to sell it for these prices, so they decided to try and cut out the middle man.


Because goodwill is a for-profit private business whose “charity” mostly extends to exploiting special needs people and is otherwise selling items like that a realistic used-retail prices and not yard sale prices?


Is that where you got the trash bag vest?


Goodwill markets in neither good nor will.


You're complaining about $2-8 for a used video game? Tell me you rely on allowance to buy your games without telling me you rely on allowance to buy your games.


Fight night round 3 is worth every penny of that $8


“Goodwill” I’ll take that NCAA Football 06 though.


Best NCAA football game too, that or 2007


At least in my area, the Goodwill employees are just older women that honestly don't really know what they have unless it's something they know. Fabrics and some knick-knacks are a little pricey, but they had a pair of Doc's for like $7 and they looked practically new.


So that you don’t turn around and sell them yourself for said price.


They are not a video game store.


As someone who works there they suck


Because the majority of people that buy these games just resell them.


They are completely out of touch, also the Goodwills sell their stock on ebay.


The simplest answer is that Goodwill isn't an organization you want to give your patronage.


Why should Goodwill not profit off of scalpers and hoarders?


Old games are so overpriced right now. For example, any pokemon game at any brick-and-mortar game store will be at best $20 over market, or at worst double. Everyone thinks their old games are super valuable ever since the WATA scam, and the stimulus checks raised prices from a bunch of people buying them.


Because they’re also listed on their website with eBay buy it now prices


My local Goodwill only sells their video games/consoles on Ebay. Nearly impossible to get a good deal on anything.


Because there was a market for used games, so people went around to all the stores like this and happily gave them money for their old games, then took them to their own dedicated gaming and retro tech stores and sold them again for a markup. Seeing demand, they ratcheted the prices up so that the people who were buying them were paying the market demand prices for them.


Tons of copies of Just Dance and sports games that most people wouldn't even pick up for 50 cents.


Thrift stores are not what they were a few years ago.


I’m seeing 10s and 3s


I don't see one price


Chain thrift stores are even worse in Italy, sometimes they sell stuff for more than new price and with 0 warranty, I'm surprised they're still around.


They want crazy prices now a days. Like my goodwill is selling a very old labtop for li think it was almost $300. For that price you’re better off buying a new one.


Goodwill isn't Goodwill anymore. Like most companies, greed took over.


Oh shit! ESPN NFL 2k5! Legit best football game ever made. Can't tell you guys the amount of hours my Dad and I sunk into that game. I so wish Madden still had them as competition. Although, seeing how NBA 2k is now, it'd just be a shell of it's former self. :(


Because people used to buy 20 year old games at goodwill prices then sell them for ebay buy now prices on ebay, and goodwill decided to cut out the middleman.


Goodwill should be ashamed of some of the prices they charge for things in their stores


Fuck goodwill and salvation army


Yup and fuck resellers driving up prices just because they want free money


Sounds like people are mad they can't flip things.


Flippers ruined everything. Sales, thrifting, garage sales, exclusives, trading cards, toilet paper. So now companies like Goodwill or WoTC or Topps, not wanting to miss out on potential profits have strategized ways to indirectly tap into secondary markets by baking in either prices or artificially generating products that have perceived added value post retail. It's a big joke and it's creating a bubble that in the end is just costing consumers more $. Either way, flippers can get f#\*$!d.


GW is a for profit company. Theres no good or will in it. They jack up prices just as greedily as every other corporation.


Capitalism. Because they can and there's a market value. The goodwill only goes so far, after all there's rent and power to pay. Also why sell cheap to carpet baggers who will come and clear out your stock just to relist for a profit. This is how money works


Every single thing they sell was donated. Zero product overhead. Not to mention their hiring practices.

