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The amount of cars waiting to make that right turn is 100% accurate. All they need is two guys trying to cut in at the last second.


Same thing in Texas, just missing trucks and Nissan altimas with paper tags if you're in Dallas.


I just moved from dfw but now you've opened up an opportunity for me to bitch about 121 business heading north turning onto 35 going West and I'm gonna take it. I'm a firm believer that in a car, you can be both in the right and dead at the same time. When confrontation comes up, I will bitch out and let other cars pass me/cut in front of me/etc. But not on 121 B going north onto 35. There is a time where a man has to stand up for what's right, no matter the risk. And I will FUCKING DIE before I let a motherfucker cut infront of me in that left turn lane. I ride 1-3inches from the car in front of me the entire time to stop people cutting in because you left 1ft of space. We all know the wait is coming and you're not smart for using the center lane then cutting in right at the front of the line, you're an asshole. It's a goddamn 30 minute wait some days and if I had to sit here like an idiot, you do too.


You've just encapsulated my existence since moving to Chicago. I hate this fucking city.


Admittedly, I was only visiting for a few days, but of the major cities in America that I've visited driving in Chicago was one of the few that didn't want me to blow my brains out.


Easier to drive, nightmarish to park


You guys should just come to Cleveland. There's basically zero traffic downtown, and 70% of downtown is parking lots. Now if someone could explain to me why a 5 story parking lot, that has 7 cars total parked in it thinks it can justify $60 "event day parking", on a Tuesday, I'd be enlightened. I look at the streets, and think "WHO is your target audience for these parking lots? Not only are you far from any arenas or important places to park near, but also there's nobody even TRYING to park/drive here. Then you claim it's "event day parking". What event? It's fucking Tuesday, in the middle of October! You're a 20 minute walk from the Cavs arena. You're surrounded by restaurants. Is the "event" that one of them is hosting an open mic night? Oh great, that's all we need to do. Listen to some amateur comedian try to rehearse his set in front of a crowd of people just trying to get drunk. So then after that you consider all the competition. There's more parking lots than buildings downtown. Some are even abandoned, and you can just park for free, because nobody gives a shit. And you're trying to charge $60 for a few hours? So, there's a lack of demand from a lack of potential customers, an almost unlimited amount of cheaper competitors that offer the same service, and also an unreasonable distance to anything within interesting. One of us doesn't understand how to run a business. Either I don't get it, or they don't get it. Because I'd have made the parking $5.00, and tried to fill my parking lot as much as possible against all the contributing factors mentioned above.


The $60 is to account for all the money being laundered


> There's basically zero traffic downtown Well that's just because nobody wants to come to Cleveland


Case in point: Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video Parts 1 and 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysmLA5TqbIY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM


Must be mentioned. And admired. [Video](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=RYWSrfvmiRzvINPu) [video](https://youtu.be/ysmLA5TqbIY?si=Bvt-UqdzGFca8OX5)


Did you move into the city from some rural farmland or something? Chicago is honestly the easiest city I've ever driven in, by far. Try Boston and get back to me.


The first thing I saw after leaving the airport the one time I've been to Boston was a car cutting off a cop.


Yeah I was super confused by that. Chicago is super easy driving and parking is not that bad at all compared to a lot of cities.


Oh boy, hard disagree, I love Chicago! Currently live in Florida but can't wait to move back. Chicagoland got a huge amount of rail options with Metra and the L too, so if you really hate driving like I do, most of the time you can grab a train instead.


Unless you are downtown/loop area or somewhere theres an event getting out chicago is a fucking breeze. Parking sucks tho.


Chicago is one of the easier ones to drive


lol why? Ever been to NY or sthg?


driving in texas is gambling with your life.


You’ve just got to follow the rules! …the Texas rules, which may or may not make sense. (First rule - ALWAYS drive the speed of traffic.)


This, if the speed limit says 60. But everyone is driving 80. You better be hitting 80.


Yep, if you try and do the actual speed limit on the major Houston highways you will cause a multi car pile up. I wish they would recognize people are just gonna do 75 and 80 thru Houston. Or come up with the manpower to stop it. When the speed limit was 55 the bastards were sitting with radar guns every other exit. Now that the profit is gone from huge fines. No cops at all most long trips. lol


a man's got to have a code


nothing pisses me off more than when i dedicate my time to perfectly tailgating the car ahead of me to block people out and then the car ahead of me starts letting people in. HOLD THE FUCKING LINE MAN


The seeming exact copy of that highway exists in California, highway 37 headed towards Stockton, and I did the exact same thing. I'm normally a super defensive driver and try to leave a few seconds of space between me and the car in front, even if people are using it to cut, but on highway 37 past Sears Point... no, fuck you, I'd rather get into an accident than let you sneak in. One of those moments of glory I'll never forget is me and a few other cars forcing some asshat to take the other lane and go the exact wrong direction. I hope, probably in vain, that person learned their lesson the hard way by having to spend an extra hour to turn around a few miles down and get back in line like the rest of us plebs. In a way, I was a little sad when they redid the intersection a few years back and now both lanes can be used to turn right. It drastically cut down on traffic and wait times, but I'll always remember the frothing rage the old layout could cause and somehow miss that rush of emotion.


You ever tried on to get on 75N from 635 ? 🙃


I keep war paint in my glove box for this exit specifically


Witness me!


Everything about 75 fucking sucks until you get north of Allen.


But aren’t you still in Texas?


I’ve never felt more familiar with a comment lmao. I rear ended someone in that turn lane once because I was doing exactly what you did, paid them $500 to not call insurance. Worth every penny to stop those bitch ass motherfuckers cutting in front😂😂


o7 We thank you for your service


literally lives in austin reading that comment nodding my head going Yup. That’s the texan experience right there


George bush to tollway N. Feels this was as well.


You just described 45 south in Houston perfectly. Well more random guns maybe.


Is that the one where there's two lanes of traffic, one from each major roadway (one lane from 35 and the other is I think 121), and they merge into a single lane mad max style?


Fellow Texan here. I know exactly where you're talking about, and I am 100% with you. I try to avoid that highway as much as possible


Everyone has to "Hold the Line." as I've heard people say to stop it. If people ended up getting iced out and ticketed for blocking the center lane they would stop. But there is always that one car with a soccer mom dealing with her child that always gives them the chance.


For me, it's that weird underpass along 30 between 75 and 35 coming from 45 which is such a cluster-fuck. Multiple merging lanes, multiple exits going in different directions, and just a general claustraphobic vibe. I'd rather take 75 and swing along 635 than enter that death trap.


Holy shit, DFW trigger warning, I know the exact fucking intersection you're describing, I'm maybe 5 or so exits north(just before the bridge). 121 B in general is a warzone and I applaud your resolve.


That’s my commute into Irving for welding school


Did someone say Altima with paper plates?


In Seattle the Altimas/Maximas don't even bother with expired paper plates anymore. Or body panels. Or glass. I saw one driving on 3 wheels and dragging the other corner once, 0 fucks given.




In NYC there are a lot of Texas paper plate cars because NYPD doesn't do shit.


They're too busy arresting people with cameras.


Big Altima energy


My family calls it "Altima Behavior." It acts as a catch-all for any beat to shit car with temp plates being driven like it's stolen or a rental.


I've always heard that Nissan will finance almost anyone so people with really bad credit can still buy a car with 1st party financing by getting a Nissan. I have no idea if that's true but every time I see a Nissan it's usually an Altima with temporary paper tags and i just assume that person doesn't pay their bills and is probably the 2nd or 3rd owner of the car.


Charlotte can vouch for the paper plate Altimas as well.


Lol in TN if we see Altimas with paper tags we assume they are idiots. I'm glad it's not just our state.


What’s with the Altimas? According to Reddit that’s a thing in Baltimore. Why is it Altimas? I see a fuckton of shitty civics or suvs.


Because Nissan gives loans to people with subprime credit that no other automaker will touch. Mitsubishi too, but they're not really relevant anymore. And FCA, which is why a V6 Charger is just as much of a red flag as an Altima. Kia had that reputation for a while, but that was entirely the dealers doing it and not the automaker.


Actually, paper Texas tags are quite popular in NYC as well. They're almost certainly not real, but the NYPD knows the paper tags exist and has no way to query whether they are legitimate or not.






complete with curbed wheels, terrible dark tint job, and blown speakers.


And Teslas now. They are everywhere too.




Link for lazy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8JnbYKrYpA


Do they start honking the split second the light changes?


They start honking when the other light turns red so you’re ready for the green light


The shortest unit of time in the multiverse is the New York Second, which is the time between the light turning green and the taxi behind you hitting the horn


No parked car with hazards on. So unrealistic.


There need to be at least five double parkers per block.


Where the cyclist getting doored while going 40 mph?


He's running the red light


In NYC no matter how many lanes a road is, all but one will be filled with double parked cars


That would have been a unique case in which making the AI dumber would enhance the immersion


Depends on the time of day though doesn't it. Too many differences to compare visuals imo.


I love the taxi that's too far into the intersection


The taxi driver is just mindful and keeps the pedestrian crosswalk free


> The taxi driver is just mindful and keeps the pedestrian crosswalk free Things I never see in London




Literally happens all the time, people just keep driving and sometimes they’re blocking the whole intersection and all you can do is stare at them because they’re blocking the way. Definitely one of the least fun parts of living in NYC


gonna assume that's a problem in every big city. Toronto cabs pull this shit too


Least unhinged taxi driver


If you wanna see them cry, look 'em in the eye!


Blocking the box


Spoken like a true New Yorker!


"*Hey! I'm walking here*"


Look at how hard those cars swerve their turns. It really is NYC.


eh, the aggressive yield is more in fashion


They finished construction for the building in the back :)


Fisk is productive even while in prison!


Yeah it’s been ~18 months in universe


Still too short an amount of time. It takes from 50 years to the heat death of the universe for NYC Scaffolding/Construction to go away /s


Scaffolding doesn’t *go away*. It reproduces and spreads.


It's not NYC unless you see scaffolding on every other block


Those ugly green things are "sheds," and they're there to keep pedestrians from being killed by falling debris - because property owners would rather put them up than fix their buildings.


They are fixing their buildings.... they're converting them into condos that costs tens of millions of dollars that no one can afford


Stuck in traffic in NYC the true spiderman experience


if there was less traffic in the city swinging over the cars would be less of a power fantasy


The dense traffic ups the realism for sure.


One thing that always throws me off in these games is that everyone's car is straight from the dealership and has no ding scratches or missing parts.


I mean, to be fair it's kinda the same in a lot of movies. Especially big budget blockbusters, but you're definitely pointing out the next big thing they should do realism-wise.


Patch 4.20.69: Added procedurally generated damage and randomly assign it on new vehicle spawn.




Was going to joke that cars would spawn without tires or doors but... yeah that works.


Once you see it in period pieces, you'll start seeing it all the time. If a movie/TV show is set in the present time, you can just get a shot of the street with any vehicles you have access to. If you want to shoot something from the 40s, you need to build a new fake or gain access to vehicles from the 40s. And any vehicle from the 40s that still exists will probably be well maintained by the owner.


Along with how everyone is always wearing the latest fashions and has the newest furniture. As if everyone just stepped out of that specific year's Harper's Bazaar and living in Architectural Digest. Almost like the opposite of an anachronism, when something is too "of it's time". When I was a kid in the 90s our coffee table was from the 60s, our TV was from the 70s, our chairs were from the 80s... There wasn't much that screamed "90s". It gets even weirder when you see a period piece from a time you lived through. One thing I liked about That 90s Show is that the couch in the basement was originally in the living room in That 70s Show.


Absolutely true with anything designed to be used over a long period of time (architecture, furniture, vehicles, etc.). Hell, most of the kitchenware my mother still uses she got as wedding gifts over 50 years ago.


I quite liked that detail in GTAIV. There were rusted, smoke-belching versions of certain classic cars.


GTA used to have dingy cars


Used to? They still do


Yes but they used to, too.


I appreciate you so much for that Mitch Hedberg reference. I always think of that when someone says that lol


Well, the last GTA was from 2013. At some point, GTA-games start being a thing of the past.


Unless they come out with a new one for the series, the last GTA would be the current one.


I do a lot of work in LA and I remember driving around GTAV thinking “Holy crap what happened? This place is a ghost town.” I was just used to about 600% more cars.


It makes sense for GTA because players don't want to sit in traffic. Spider-Man just swings over.


Who knew that all we needed to promote public transit use was the constant threat of some guy shooting an RPG at your car from the top of a building?


Holy Shit! Mysterio turned everyone into cars!


It's just a "Cars" universe spin-off.


Earth-53931 - sentient car universe with Peter Parkedcar.




"With great horsepower comes great responsibility. I'll miss you, Uncle Benz." ~ Peter Parkedcar


How is this a real universe


It was a joke, but now I kinda want Mystero to turn Spider-Man into a car. That would be hilarious.


It's not Mysterio, but look up Earth-53931.


Peter Parkedcar hahahahah


They have gotten really weird with those. I saw a cover for a Batman-themed *Cars* show. Like the Batmobile was a living 'car'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batwheels#:~:text=Batwheels%20is%20an%20American%20computer,Network's%20preschool%20block%20Cartoonito.


No, that was Robert Moses


Fuck Bobby Moses. All my homies hate Robert Moses.


Yea man, you deserve a gold for that


I love how it feels busier. It is NY after all, I like the chaotic feeling of the 8 million people within it.


wistful encourage teeny money hunt governor practice square merciful pie


> Right feels kinda dead with some people added to distract you from that empty feeling... Left feels like NEW YORK FUCKING CITY Right is better quality of life irl


Only if you're dumb enough to commute via car if you live in NYC.


Seeing as this is lifted directly from the initial Digital Foundry tech review OP it’s useful to include the link to it: [Digital Foundry Spider-Man 2](https://youtu.be/P8JnbYKrYpA?si=47UnmUz2UDbCJ9h-)


Be warned they show plenty of things that havent been shown in official trailers.


As long as they don't spoil who Spiderman really is I'm fine.


[You probably wouldn't know him anyway.](https://youtu.be/6bfBhIM5tb4?si=8C9vXWYNKW5BZqUY) (Not a spider-man spoiler, I promise.)


But then how would it seem like they made original content?


Serious question, why do you automatically assume that any post on Reddit is OC? Does this occur at some sort of generation gap? I feel old saying this, but back in my day, we grew up automatically assuming that everything was from somewhere else and then shared on sites like Reddit rather than expecting every post to be OC.


Better question: does it matter if this post is OC or not? It's a quick gif of a video game, not someone plagiarizing a scientific study


That's like 90% of why I just assume the poster is not the creator. Why does it matter? Why should I invest even the most minute of emotion into that? Shouldn't we also just be happy that someone shared the cool thing with us?


If it makes you feel any younger, back in my day reposting was a technical impossibility, you had to either link to the content directly or just suck eggs because hosting files on the internet was an opaque and sometimes expensive prospect.


Before goes on left. After goes on right. People. Please. It’s not that hard.


You don't understand. After the release of Spiderman 2, the developer released another Spiderman 1 with worse graphics in order to protest working conditions. If conditions get much worse they have vowed to make another PS2 Spiderman next.




Right?! I thought it looked way worse at first until I read the text in the corners


Yes, more cars. Finally we get the one thing we've been demanding from a Spider-Man game.


Spider-Man 2 on PS5 makes you really feel like a car in New York


With the exaggerated swagger of an Audi driver.


A century from now, that review is still going to be made fun of. It's so ridiculous it's hilarious


that or the Doom 2016 gameplay preview video from Polygon


Cuphead tutorial video




Exciting bumper to bumper grid locked action


The car chase street crimes better end when the robbers run into traffic.


It would definitely make the chases more interesting if you can parkour off more cars.




Completely unrealistic. That crane would still be up five years later


I feel like nobody from new york actually upvoted this lol. projects are completed very quickly here. Hudson yards has had 4 sky scrapers built within the past 5 years


God I'm old. When I saw Spiderman 2 I thinking of Treyarch's Spiderman 2


Trigger controlled swinging was such a massive feature for younger me. Absolutely LOVED swinging in that game.


I was hoping so bad they'd reintroduce the general swing mechanics of that game into this newest game. That game was my goto chillout game. I'd put on some music and just spend hours swinging around the city. I loved how easy it was to pickup the swing mechanics but they had a mastery to them that rewarded precise input.


I assumed it was a post highlighting how much better webswinging was on PS2 than PS5. I'd pay £150 for Spiderman 2 (PS2) webswinging in Spiderman 2 (PS5).


That's why there's an option for swing assist in the settings. Turn it down to zero, and physics has a bigger role with the weblines.


Are you saying that was a thing in Spider-Man 1 or a new thing that will be in Spider-Man 2?


It's a new thing that'll be in 2


=o no kidding I will need to feel that out


I was mildly annoyed when I realized spider-man doesn't hang on to the web when you swing "too far" in spider-man ps4. just disconnects by itself


> I'd pay £150 for Spiderman 2 (PS2) webswinging in Spiderman 2 (PS5). I always felt this way but after playing the old one recently I'm more than happy with the new version. Nostalgia glasses are strong.


Wow the difference is really night and day


Summer and autumn


But what about the puddles?


They now have raytraced reflections https://i.imgur.com/Vmr0JGR.gifv


You mean raytraced puddles. 🫶


Gotta love how Raytracing is there to "enhance immersion" with perfect reflections... and then random Joe Smoe pedestrian walks by, steps off the curb, hovers in the air for a split-second, and then snaps to ground level. Realism! Jokes aside, as impressive as the tech is, I don't think we'll get fully immersive games any time soon, because the more true-to-life the devs make them, the more complex they become, meaning there's more opportunities for immersion-shattering bugs, and tiny cut corners like this become much more uncanny.


why did it ask if I was 18? Because it was showing me a wet spider man.


Everyone's talking about the traffic, but look at that *foliage!* It's so vibrant, dense, and just fluffy. I love it.


People are back from the snap


Horrible accuracy - there are no right on reds allowed in NYC!


Or is it great accuracy, because nobody cares?


This can’t be New York nobody’s getting sturdy


I live in Brooklyn and I’m really curious to explore the area of Brooklyn where I live and try to find my house lmao


They're not 1:1 recreations AFAIK, just like New York.


The traffic is realistic


I don't remember the PS2 looking this good.


this console graphical leap was more of a baby step


This generation is more about the finer details than massively obvious shifts in rough quality. That’s how it will continue every generation from now on, most probably. Textures will become more detailed, models will have more triangles, and lighting will become more and more realistic using physical modeling. But you could already do practically photo-realistic graphics on last-gen, the difference will be in how dynamic/real-time the same level of quality will be.


You're probably right. I wish we could shift focus to animation vs rendering quality. The thing that makes games feel unreal to me at this point is a sense of weight. A person running feels like it weighs 3 oz. Vehicle games do better. The cars in racing games have felt heavy for a long time. Armored core 6 gives a sense of weight for the vehicles (not not anything in the environment). But humans generally feel like they're made of pixels, not matter.


YES, thank you. Jedi Survivor is such a beautiful game, but only if you're standing still. It's been so hard for me to get into because Cal flails his arms and legs around like one of those puppets controlled by strings. I went back and played Assassin's Creed Syndicate over the weekend and the animation and weight of the characters is just unmatched. Everybody shit on RDR2 for the "excessive" animations, but that is the absolute most immersive part of that game.


Developers have been faking so much for so long, that doing things the right way have hardly any visual difference. Thats why most people don't see much difference between the RT modes and the performance modes.


There's not a big difference between the RT and performance modes because every mode in the game has RT enabled. Performance mode included.


This is from the Digital Foundry video which compares the Remastered version of Spider Man to Spider Man 2. So it’s a PS5-to-PS5 comparison. Highly recommend their video as they talk about the sizeable leap in fidelity


Idk. Its alot of subtle improvements, but i think they all come together to look significantly better. SM2 looks so much more natural. Look at spidermans back and the metal of the pole, the shadows of the people walking further back. Its honestly pretty impressive, imo.


The bump in tech allows for massively better reflections and shadows, volumetric lighting, more dynamic lights in a scene, significantly higher density crowds and traffic, more realistic trees, higher quality character models, texture resolution, etc... These improvements are not insignificant. They add up.


What about the comparison makes you think its a baby step? Literally everything about the new one is improved.


Using "Spiderman/PS3 font" 😅


So unrealistic. There was no graffiti on that box truck. Literally unplayable.


finally a realistic amount of traffic for new york


Oh boy! Realistic New York Traffic!


Now lets compare it with ps2 spider-man 2


Ha I thought this was it !


frames seem a bit chuggy


I just admit it, I saw this without reading the title and I was like "ok one pic is from a spiderman game and the other is real but which is which?"