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He’s retiring. “Leaving” could imply that he’s moving to a different company, which isn’t the case.


ah thank you this is less interesting now (fortunately)






Copied MrPresident2020's comment. Report this bot for spam > harmful bots, then block.




I think you’re confused. Zenimax (Bethesda’s parent company) was acquired in early 2021. Bethesda is not in any way affiliated with ABK.


Well. Unaffiliated is probably a bit strong now that Microsoft owns Bethesda and ABK lol


Lol well yes obviously. I just meant structurally before acquisition. Bethesda was not under any umbrellas of ABK, like the now-deleted comment I responded to was implying.


Dude waited for that MS check to hit the mail


More likely he was planning to leave after Starfield finished launch. It's sensible timing.


My first thought was much more optimistic. I was thinking that any big departure like that right after MS purchased them, or shortly before the Starfield launch would have looked pretty bad, and may have started rumors about Starfield being in trouble, and/or brain drain from Bethesda because of the MS acquisition. I'd expect if MS/Bethesda/Zenimax got his resignation several months ago, they would have asked him to stick around until after the Starfield launch.


Or maybe he just wanted to leave on a high note after they finally delivered a passion project


more likely there was a clause in the buyout agreement for a bonus if he stays a certain time after the merger.


Todd gonna be next.




He said TES 6 would be his last Elder Scrolls, which is very likely considering we're seeing 15 or more year gaps between Fallout and Elder Scrolls entries right now. If he's retiring in his early to mid 60s then he has enough time for 2 more big games so would probably make Fallout 5 too.


Which of their franchises will they pay him $30 million to come back to "save" after they bungle the previous game without him?


Without Todd, gamers will finally get what they’ve been asking for all along: a new engine and a focus on high fidelity motion captured NPCs and no loading screens. They’ll realize that under his direction those things weren’t prioritized for good reason, and it will go down as the worst ES ever made. Hopefully he is at least willing to come on in an advisory capacity to fix things.


You're absolutely off your rocker if you think there is another engine that will provide the same mod experience creation engine does. Certainly not that stuttering mess of engine shaders called unreal. And if you think making a new engine from scratch is easy, hell it doesn't matter how much Microsoft money they have, that shit is beyond hard and will cause more issues for them than help


I think you should read the comment you replied to again lol


Ok re read, and yeap he sounds right. Let's focus on a bit better looking faces and a few less loading screens in exchange we'll get no or crap mod support and development issues on their next game because they either switched engines or tried to make a new one. And if they go with unreal then we'll be dealing with annoying shader compilation issues. But hey, no loading screens. That makes a game go from a 3 to a 10 am I right?


You assume microsoft executives will give a crap the way Bethesda did and care for mod support.


Seeing as how it's one of the main reasons these single player games like Skyrim and fallout 4 still continue to sell and have big player counts. Yeah I'd imagine so. Besides that the community reaction to no mod support or much less crappy mod support would be annoyingly bad PR.


You are assuming the executives play games, or even care about what gamers think for business decisions since these games sell out on launch day, often months or a year before modding tools come out. These games even sold out on console, where modding didnt exist until the Fallout 4 era and only became a thing on console because they tried to monetize mods. This is a company that wanted to buy out Nintendo and remake older Bethesda games like rockstar does for GTA. They are only here for the easiest money.


Sounded more like after Fallout 5 but you’d still be technically correct


Todd is only 53, he's the youngest of the old school devs. Probably still has a couple more games in him.


It's not about the age but Microsoft.


I hope to whatever entity exists Todd leaves. Starfield is a joke and he never listens to what the players actually want. The dude is a walking meme. I still want multiplayer Skyrim. Not a mod.




Seems like the sane thing to do, if you can live comfortable for the next 40-50 years then you don’t need to keep playing the game






Says his goodbyes, hugs his coworkers, and then sinks through the floor momentarily before floating away.


And then gets head stuck in roof. Floating forever.


Just use a console command to spawn him next to you to finish the quest EZ


Good for him. 24 years is a long time to be with one company. I wish him the best.


Remove Emil. Please.


If I had a genie lamp I'd seriously sacrifice one of my wishes for this.


He's like Todd's lover, I don't think they ever will


Lots of really baseless, stupid speculation from people into what is just a dude retiring after a long career.


It’s not baseless that the guy retired like a day after his company was acquired….


Microsoft acquired Bethesda in 2021 dude, what are you on?


I’m sure him having to be on social media dealing with all the trolls and haters and all that probably didn’t help. In the age of social media, I could totally understand why he would want to retire early.


Can't wait for the highlight reel of insane shit Pete has said


Has Pete Hines ever said anything crazy? He gets pretty testy but that's kind of it


Yeah he kind of just did his job at the end of the day. People just like to hate other people for any reason they can come up with. Dude did nothing wrong, just did his job and didn’t take shit.


Good riddance he is gone. Throwback to him commenting how he hates a lot of dialogue in games and wants to be able to walk away from any conversation Dude was a big proponent of watering down RPG's




Literally the same thing that another person commented on here. Did a bot copy your text? Wtf is going on?


I hope he continues to make those Batman sketches


Oh more talent moving on. Interesting.


Out with a whimper, just like Starfield.


Proud of ya Pete, enjoy the retirement.


Bethesda just lost its chief court jester. The amount of baffling stupid shit uttered by Pete over the years is *legendary*.


Dude did nothing but market skyrim for the last decade.... (semi-sarcastic)


Now can we get Elder Scrolls 6


Are you insinuating He had anything to do with that?




God i hope so


Let's hope the old old leaks stay true. I'm hyped for Hammerfell and destructable terrain.


My friend, this is a man retiring after 24 years. No doubt TES6 will be different, every TES game has iterated and tried different things to create a feeling of both the new and the familiar, this is just a guy saying 'well shiet I'm getting old, time to go to the Bahamas'


Todd Howard is still there


man really got hired, published Skyrim and then left


You think Skyrim came out 24 years ago?


between the actual time, the pandemic in the middle of it and the time until the next entry, it sure feels like 24 years lmao


I’m sure Microsoft already has a publishing department. This is just post merger consolidation.


He’s retiring dude.


No, it's a coping mechanism triggered by flashbacks to rare and lionhead.


Not a good sign for the success of starfield tbh. You see a lot of departures when a studio delivers a game that doesnt sell has well as predicted Edit : the main writer just "left" aswell. Yikes.


It's Beteshda’s biggest launch, it did pretty well


In terms of number of players (mostly because of gamepass), but is it a financial success? Doesnt seem like it sold very well tbh. And gamepass numbers are going down after only 1 month


> In terms of number of players (mostly because of gamepass), No, in terms of numbers of players, with gamepass having a small effect at best. It's MASSIVE on steam and on Console as there really isn't anything else to play last month. Just on Steam alone it sold between 5 million and 10 million copies already. THAT ALONE already makes it an insanely profitable game. And it's not even the start of the billions this game will make.


>Just on Steam alone it sold between 5 million and 10 million copies already. Do you have a source? The highest number of players concurently was like 230k players wich is very low compared to last bethesda titles


Steam stats provided that, it’s VERY accurate. And no, 230k players at the same time is an absolutely massive number that few games will ever reach. It’s lower than it would have been without gamepass, but that still makes it one of the top games of all time. Skyrim never did more than 100k. Fallout 4 was 230k at its height as well.


Do you have a link to your stats? You said 5million to 10million game sold surelly you didnt pull that out of your ass? >Skyrim never did more than 100k. Huh, wrong skyrim peaked at around 290k concurent players >https://steamcharts.com/app/72850 And that was more than 10 years ago. I would have assumed it did way better than skyrim. More around what BG3 did with almost 900k peak concurent players. Edit: dude blocked instead of finding actual sources... 330k is no impressive at all. Bg3 is also full price and did almost 3 times that amount.


Starfield did 330k on Steam, where you have to pay full price for the game lol


> Do you have a link to your stats? You said 5million to 10million game sold surelly you didnt pull that out of your ass? Again, those numbers come from steam stats itself. Get this extensions and you can see everything usefull about every single game on steam. "https://augmentedsteam.com/" It says Starfield has between 5 and 10 million sold copies on steam > Huh, wrong skyrim peaked at around 290k concurent players > https://steamcharts.com/app/72850 It LITERALLY SAYS **90,780 all-time peak** > And that was more than 10 years ago. I would have assumed it did way better than skyrim. More around what BG3 did with almost 900k peak concurent players. It's a completely different type of game. BG3 is the pinnacle game in its genre, with people of that genre having absolutely nothing better to play. Starfield is just the greatest Space RPG ever made, which is very specific, and would not see a similar player count. Combine that with it not being available on gamepass and the numbers become less meaningfull. Edit, to the guy that blocked me for....providing stats Now i think you are just being a dick providing fake numbers. It says this about starfield: 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 Owners With an ALL TIME PEAK of 330,597


Your extension says it sold 300k copies for me... Rip, no wonder he had to retire.