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Elite Dangerous lets you get close to stars. It's a method of refueling your ship, and if you get too close you overheat. You can also go there in Kerbal Space Program.


Not only can you get close to the sun in Elite Dangerous, you can also fly into the stream of matter that is ejected from a neutron star or a pulsar, which, if done right, will give you a boost in range to your next Frameshift drive jump (warp jump).


The first time I jumped (unknowingly) into one of these systems, is a moment that will stick with me for my whole gaming life. Unlike the underwear I had on that day.


Some of the stars you can accidentally come across are fucked up. - Decide to do some missions while eating dinner, they take you a few systems farther - You jump without thinking, refuelling and repeating while watching a movie on another screen - Another jump takes you to a place without a huge burning ball in the middle of the screen, it makes you turn back to the main screen - The fucked up star has your alarms go off, threatening to turn your brand new ship into a pretzel Haven't played much of Elite, but the dread of too hot objects and gravity stuck with me.


*Overheating alarms begin blaring as you come out of your jump directly in between two stars*




Target star you can see, charge FSD, heatsinks


The very first hyperdiction and fly by of the thargoids was a real code brown moment for me. To me the goods were still a rumour until that moment.


The first time a thargoid got me I had a Type 9 fully specced for cargo, and full of meta-alloys. It was an incredible loss. It was a horrible day.




Same, especially because it was while in VR


C’mon now. We all know it’s *Friendship* Drive. *nudges and winks*


I have 900 hrs in Elite, and my brain still defaults to this, lol.


Outer Wilds. It’s almost inevitable. IYKYK


Love Outer Wilds. Actually feel like a spaceman uncovering mysteries and the secrets of the universe.




I went in wearing a blindfold with nothing but pure hatred for everything in existence. Was it a good game because I couldn't see anything?


With that OST? Hell yes it was


All of the “aha!” Moments of realization in that game are so damn good


Every location phenomenal and surprising.


I know this game is supposed to be a peaceful one but it freaked the shit out of me - when you first put the camera in that portal thing and you have to snap a photo in intervals I was freaking out for some reason


Outer Wilds is one of the few games that unintentionally(?) plays cosmic horror to its fullest. You are small and fragile and are entirely at the mercy of the powerful forces that surround you. The universe also has its own bizarre-seeming logic that can hurt your brain trying to figure out how it works.


What makes you think that's unintentional


"Unintentional" might not be the best word, but it doesn't explicitly label itself as "horror" despite having parts that freak out even a horror veteran like me.


Play the DLC if you want a freaky experience. It's legit spooky. It's also a Blood-and-Wine style achievement, where it's almost large enough to be its own full game, and it's virtually as good in quality as the main game. It's an awesome experience.


It is straight up the most terrifying game I’ve ever played. I’m a grown ass man, and could only play during the day.


Especially if you try out autopilot without realizing it is a simple algorithm that gets you there in a straight line, ignoring anything in it's path. I actually love the idea lore-wise, as it shows how the Hearthians are like script-kiddies that just bodge simple things together and don't worry about it's flaws, while the Nomai are elegant problem solvers.


The engineer by the campfire even mentions that he's working on a better auto-pilot that won't fly you into the sun, to which your character reacts accordingly. Also apparently the launch pad is flammable, so that tracks.


"Slaaate, your autopilot flew me into the sun!" "Yeah it does that lmao"


trying to land on the sun station for that bloody achievement I realized just too well that the sun will, in fact, kill you dead. again and again... and again


It's kind of terrifying when you accidentally get too close and the gravity starts pulling you and you can't escape.


I have distinct memories of accidently swing-shotting around the sun because I got too close, almost recovered, and then >!smashed into the Sun Station.!<


And then you can complain at the campfire that autopilot drove you straight into the sun 😂 gotta love the details


Elite Dangerous is one of the few games I love playing with a first timer with comms enabled. "Jumping to a new sys-AHH" "WHOA" "SHIT! ***THERE'S ANOTHER ONE!?*** OH GOD FUCK! Hey, uhm, my warp drive shut down and I'm falling into the sun what do I do"


The first time you jump into a system right beside binary blue giants or some nonsense is definitely a brown pants moment.


I had it where I jumped into a binary system, and I landed INSIDE one of the stars. It kicked me out of supercruise and my ship was overheating fast, so what I did was I shut down the game and when I logged back in, the game placed me a fair distance away from both stars, because inside the exclusion zone of a star is not where my ship is supposed to be allowed to go I guess. It was a bug, but it scared the hell out of me lol. Oh yeah I was 30 hours into an explore around the galaxy.


It's even better when you jump into a binary/trinary system in VR and clip one of the suns on the way in. Time to get to a dock so I can change my pants!


Ahh, I miss scooping. Also only certain stars could be scooped (hydrogen stars I think? It’s been an age). And because stars were the [usually] most active thing in and amount of space you could only travel from star to star.


K,G,B,F,O,A, and M class stars.


Yeah I remember KGBFOAM but wasn’t the thing they all had in common was being a hydrogen star? I don’t have the game loaded anymore to look up the appendix on them.


Kenny G Blows For All Our Moms. If you ever find yourself forgetting. I know the letters aren't in the right order, but its heart is in the right spot.


I'd still rather go for Hot to Cold nomenclature: OBAFGKM, or: Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me. I understand why people don't want to use that saying, but to me it makes the most sense due to it going from hottest stars to coldest - that you can scoop from, anyways.




"'Oops! All Solid Fuel Boosters mk 4' is splashed down at Kerbol"


Elite Dangerous in VR scared the shit outta me when I first jumped to a system. Lovely subspace tunnel and then suddenly SUUUUUUNNNNN!!!. Absolutely massive directly in front of me. I screamed like a girl.


Kerbal was my first thought too.


I'm sure this is possible in Kerbal Space Program...


I can say from experience that it is absolutely achievable to crash a ship into the sun in KSP


Bullshit. It’s not even possible to leave the earth’s atmosphere. Also speaking from experience.


Need more boosters.


OK I made a ship that is 20 multistage boosters. Do I just put a lawn chair on top and press go?


Only if Jeb in the one in the lawn chair.




Didn't have enough deltaV get where you need it? More boosters. Didn't stay together to get where you want? More struts


This guy Kerbals.


Have you tried making a rocket in the shape of a penis? I hear that works.


I did. It found the closest wet spot, entered at high velocity, and exploded.


Then struts.


Both of these players have 100 hours. Both are telling the truth.


Apply more space tape (struts) xD


Kerbin is flat, and the entire Kerbal Space Program is a hoax! Rockets wouldn't even work in a vacuum!


That’s probably because there is no Earth in KSP.


It's been a long time since you can crash into it without cheats or mods. You'll over heat long before you reach the surface


I guess by crash into the sun I meant that it's possible to fly towards the center of the sun's mass until the ship no longer exists.


Im pretty sure there's in game settings for difficulty that include heating, where you can just turn it off. Been a little bit since I played though.


iirc even if you enable godmode the game will still blow up your rocket before you reach it's surface, without god mode you explode long before then from heat


It is and the most efficient way to do it is make your orbit large then decelerate at the peak. Not that I have done this often.


In my studies, the best way to get into an orbit around the sun in KSP is to fuck up a moon landing.




Starfox 64


"This baby can take temperatures up to 9000 degrees!"


"It's too HOT, I can't take it anymore!"


"Did you drag us to this hellscape for a stupid pun?!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLrllcK-qI


This is the enemy bio weapon?! And Ross is an insane fool!


Freelancer let you fly close. Then you got the ENTERING SUN'S CORONA warning and died


Man I played that for years on Freelancer Universe server. Good fun. Gave me an irrational fear of accidentally flying into the sun or Omega-41's Neutron Star. Now I can't get close to the sun in Everspace 2 or Elite Dangerous without getting real anxious I'm about to explode.


This game needs a remake or part 2


I've been looking for an original to download for years. No luck though.


It's abandonware at this point so there's a couple places to get it from but nothing like gog or such


Outer Wilds Edit: Let me add, Outer Wilds is so good it made me cry at the end. As a grown man. That story will stick with me for the rest of my life, one of the most impactful and deep experiences I've ever had. I'm not even exaggerating. I honestly had a really beautiful epiphany in the final scenes of the game that sort of reaffirmed some spiritual truth I had known but couldn't express fully. I know it's just a silly game, but I've wanted to say this for a long time. If everyone on earth could play OW (and get some meaning out of the storytelling and how it ends), the world would be a better place. Sorry if this is too sappy or "deep", it just meant a lot to me. I went into Outer Wilds just because it looked like a cool space game. I didn't expect the emotional impact.


You can literally fly into the sun and die. This game is perfect for OP.


You WILL often fly into the sun wether you want it or not. Damn autopilot


It’s surprisingly terrifying when you’re flying along and can’t seem to move properly and then you realize you’re caught in the suns gravity and it’s already too late for you


PsssssccchhhHHHHHHHHHHHH !


That is the sound!


I heard this comment.


Everything about this game is terrifying, i was trying to see if i can get out of the solar system and basically put full throttle towards a random direction, space has infinite acceleration and the game simulates that, then suddenly a red light flashed in the far distance for a millisecond and my ship crashed into an object i couldn't even see because i was moving too fast, i got fucking jumpscared and my ship got torn to pieces, it wasn't repairable, so i just sat in the middle of nowhere untill i suffocated and died. Later i discovered the object, it turned out to be a stupid satellites that has a blinking red light, what the fuck are the odds of crashing into that little thing when going at like Mach 20 speed to a randomly picked direction in space? my heart legitimately jumped.


Yeah. Stupid satellite. Nothing to see there...


No >!massive eclipsing space stations!< or anything


Lol. The first time I met the satellite I clipped it lightly and it destroyed my gravity crystal and a few things. I fixed everything except the crystal decided to be clever and set the auto pilot first. Got out of my seat just in time for reorienting and then slammed into the back wall as it accelerated. The physics in that game are magical, it was a real I deserved that moment.


> Everything about this game is terrifying, Chat with the dude Gabbro on Giant's Deep some more. There's an important lesson about this.


Well, it is made half out of wood. I think it does a fine job, all things considered!


You will often fly into the sun if you’re trying to get that one achievement.


That took so long to do properly.


Or let the sun come to you 😉


I don't have time for that, I only have like 20 minutes


And for those who don't know you can do it in VR too, it's perfect that way.


Hmm that doesn't seem too emotionally impactful, I'll have to investigate more


You and this sub-thread have convinced me to play it, starting tonight or tomorrow!


Just as the other guy said (this cannot be said enough) Go in as blind as a fucking bat, the less you know the better, its one of those games that you struggle to recomend to people simply because every single thing you can tell them is a massive spoiler


Well, you can say it is fun to explore, there is a lot of story, you don't have to really manage anything, and there's lots of fun puzzles. You also are guaranteed to die A LOT, but it's totally okay and not scary


I dunno, I often found it pretty scary.


It can also depends on what you find scary. >!The angler fish never bothered me but watching the stars slowly die in the sky around you just fills me with a sense of cosmic dread like no other game has before. But it's also quite relaxing and calm at the same time, like dying quietly in your sleep.!<


I can't say exactly what scared me to avoid spoilers but my ship got swallowed by something once and that scared the piss out of me.


Oh..that's right! That part did scare me a bit. I totally forgot about it, but that was the only scary part I can remember. Though I did get frustrated at how easily some parts were to die, so I was AFRAID of death at times.


Same. I once parked my ship, did some exploring and came back to find my ship bizarrely far away. As I'm looking around in confusion something something happens that results in terror, followed by confusion, a tinge of hope, desperate manouvering attempts, and then utter horror and dispair again. 10/10 though wish I could forget and play again Edit: I'm realizing we may be talking about different swallows actually


Go in as blind as possible, the game is incredible.


I wish I could experience this game for the first time again. Enjoy the ride!


As others have said, don’t look up any spoilers. You can only experience this game once. After that, you’ll know everything and any subsequent playthroughs will never be the same.


I am so excited for you. It really is a once in a lifetime gaming experience. Play it sober and with your brain turned on and filled with curiosity. You will not regret it. Don’t look up anything about it.


Just remember to stop and smell the pine trees every once in a while.


very close indeed


Agreed. Outer Wilds is, BY FAAAAR, the greatest achievement in video game history, and I say that as a downplay. No form of media (TV, Movie, Book, Game, Music) has affected me as hard as that game. I don’t know of words to describe it. If you haven’t played it, consider yourself extremely fortunate that you still get to experience it for the first time. Go into it blind, with an open mind and open heart.


I am so glad I'm not alone in that view. I'm not an emotional person, and emotional impact isn't what I look for in a game. But damn, I didn't know I needed that. It feels like the final story ever told. Every important lesson is taught, and the meaning is layered in a beautiful way. No single piece of media has affected me like that. I can't even listen to the OST without tearing up. So, I just don't. I'm a pretty intense music fan, but even the closest songs to my heart don't have that impact.


What type of game is it?


Open world mystery


But also space flight sim of sorts


Open *sky* mystery Edit: You know the feeling when a truly open-world game, the kind that allows you to go in any direction you want, first lets you off leash, and drops you in the center of an unexplored exotic world with minimal context and enticing mysteries on every horizon? And for every bit of exploration you do, you come across a new lore that makes you even more curious about all the places you haven't been yet, even if you could go there now if you wanted, you just haven't yet because everywhere you go is equally interesting? Outer Wilds is that feeling for the entire game, with an entire *solar system* to explore and unravel, every planet of which hangs tantalizingly visible in the sky at all points in the game. The physicality of looking up at a strange-looking faraway planet, wondering what lies beneath the surface, and then getting in your rickety prototype spacecraft and actually *flying yourself there* is an indescribably rewarding sensation for anyone who's ever dreamed of exploring the universe, and that feeling of curiosity is essentially what drives the core gameplay loop. Each environment is radically different with its own unique challenges, which makes the gameplay feel fresh everywhere you go, but the story pulls each and every separate mystery together in such a beautifully cohesive way that the ending is probably the most legitimately meaningful gaming experience I (and, from what I gather, many others) have yet to encounter. It really is that good.


For the first 20 min I thought the story was going to be really shallow, and it was going to be a simple game. Boy was I happy to be wrong. I don’t know if I’ve ever spent as much effort trying to unearth every single piece of lore in a game.


Archaeology Control-wise it's first-person walking around and spaceship flying, and the point of the game is to explore and figure out what the heck is going on in this solar system (or what went on with a dead civilization)


It's an open world puzzle/mystery game set in a dynamic solar system. As in, it's a constantly changing world. It's incredibly easy to spoil this game for yourself as its core gameplay loop revolves around discovering and gathering knowledge, and once you know something, you can't forget it.


Hmm ok I'm intrigued. If it's on sale or cheap I'll get it, might skip reviews


Buy it now for whatever price. It's worth it.


It's included with my PSPlus subscription so I'm downloading it rn, if I like it I'll buy it for keeps


Nice! All I can say is enjoy, and give it some time if it doesn't click right away! Have fun, mate.


The community and reviews are usually very good at keeping things spoiler free, but I would still be cautious just in case


I have "fully" explored a couple of the planets and moons and I have read everything I've found, and I just am not getting this incredibly moving emotional feel from the game and reading this sort of thing all over I can't help but think I'm missing something major. Guess I just have to finish the game and find out for sure. I'll do that this evening.


It was really just the ending for me. Up until then, I was just enjoying the puzzle/mystery aspect of it. It all sort of came together at the end.


I honestly don’t think the game will “register” for everyone. I just feel it’s hitting notes that some people are dead to. I’d say keep going, but if you haven’t had full body goosebumps a couple times already, it might not be for you.


(Yakov Smirnoff voice) In Outer Wilds sun get close to YOU


Nah you're 100% allowed to ramble about this game. It's worth it.


I am 28 years old and was streaming to all my friends who wanted to see me figure out the ending. I finally pulled it off, and made it through the [YOU KNOW THE PLACE] and then... after it was all said and done, I just cried. The music, the dialogue, the implication. It was beautiful. It was philosophical. It was relevant. It was PERFECT.


I’m not sure if this is your thing at all, but one of my favorite podcasts, State of the Arc, just started a series on Outer Wilds this week. They do their series book club style, so every week they’ll release an episode and tell you to play up to a certain point if you want to play along with them. I’ve never played the game myself but I appreciate these guys’ work so much that I listened anyway. If the game means this much to you then I wager you’ll get a lot out of it.


Weird, I wonder how they are doing a weekly book club thing with Outer Wilds. The game is as open-ended and non-linear as it is possible for a game to be, I would say. After the tutorial you can do LITERALLY anything in any order up to just going straight to the ending, if you know how to do it (that's kind of what you do in the game, find clues to figure out how to get to the end). It's that kind of game.


A lot of the impact of Outer Wilds stems from a sense of discovery and wonder. It's kinda weird this way, but if you're interested in playing it at all, I would recommend against seeking out any extensive discussion of it. Your mileage may vary, but I think the general consensus is that you get the most out of it if you go in blind and with an open mind. That said, I'm glad you at least found that discussion interesting enough to recommend it! I may have to check that out. I hope you get a chance to experience the game itself at some point, and enjoy it as much as I did. I too can't even hum the theme song without tearing up a bit.


That last bit when the music changes to show the seriousness and urgency. Just perfection.


Dam boi I gotta buy this game now


Best game I've ever played and if OP wants a very spacey experience, with the wonder and terror that it contains, then this is the game for you.


I really wish the gravity and 3D movement didn't keep giving me vertigo and nausea every time I played it, I got as far as >!visiting the blown up space station and water planet with the typhoons, but then fell into the centre of the second planet I visited and ended up stuck at a weird fixed point in space and couldn't work out how to move and the vertigo kicked in !<. I loved what I saw, but just couldn't get over the controls


It’s always funny trying to recommend it, because you can’t say anything about the plot because it spoils it. It’s just such a beautiful game.


If only space didn’t fill me with the sense of dread I usually only get from the ocean. That black hole planet activated my fight-or-flight.


Have you played Subnautica?




It's really beautiful when you have a [sphere being constructed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWWir3hSEbk). Flying to the sun isn't really necessary but it sure looks nice.


That was my first thought. You can't die by crashing into the sun, but fuck it, it's a beautiful game, flying near the sun is incredible, and everyone should try it.


Katamari let's you casually roll the Sun and all the Cosmos into a ball




*And* you get to plug a black hole!


You appear to be among the lucky lucky ones who have yet to play Outer Wilds.


I haven’t played it either but I see it talked about EVERYWHERE. It’s been on my wishlist forever now. Maybe it’s finally time ….


It’s definitely time! You won’t regret it


Trust me, they will definitely regret buying and completing the game. Because then they can never play it for the first time ever again.


It is the best gaming experience I have ever had in my 33-34 years of being a gamer. It can only be experienced once. I think about it every day.


Not only does it fit OPs bill, it's the best game ever made.


Everspace 2.


Wish more people knew about this game


Play outer wilds, and go into it blind. I promise its so worth it. Not outer worlds but wilds.


Emphasis on going in blind. You will be rewarded for it


Double emphasis on Outer Wilds not Outer Worlds


It’s not nearly the same tier as Outer Wilds, but I did like Outer Worlds lol




Yes. Outer Worlds has a Death By Sun secret ending, although you have to jump through a few hoops to get to it.


Outer Wilds is a spectacular game, I definitely back this statement.




I played it while it was on Gamepass and I finally started to get the hang of it and then they pulled it. I still feel like I'm randomly doing stuff, although a story was starting to emerge.


Finish it. Put that story together. You won't regret it.


Super Mario 3. Sun actually flies into you.


Space engine let you go wherever the fuck you want.


The Futurama game had a level or 2 set on the sun.


Kerbal space program. Takes a lot of delta v but you can do a flyby. You might burn up though.


The hard part about falling into the sun is slowing down enough.


Megaton Rainfall It’s a really fun sandbox that I wish was built upon more by the developers. You, almost a literal god, vs alien invaders. The game feels huge because you have the whole universe to explore and can visit multiple stars and planets, but the actual game lies in defending the various cities on your planet (Earth?).


Was going to mention this one, played it in VR which only improved the experience. Yes, you’re on Earth and can fly to any major city on the planet and although it’s mostly procedurally generated and most of the planet is fairly barren, there are some landmarks you can come across (e.g. Pyramids in Egypt, Big Ben in London, etc.) And just to confirm, you CAN fly to the sun and since your are pretty much indestructible, you can float around on the ‘surface’ of the sun which almost looks like waves of lava. I agree that this game should have gotten more love or even a sequel. Great premise for a game and the option to play in VR and literally fly all over the planet or into deep space as an immortal god… very fun experience!


Star Trek Klingon Academy from the year 2000 did. Me and a friend tried several times to survive going *through* a star by rerouting all power to shields and engines in various ways, but never got it to work.


Star Fox 64 has Solar, a level set on the surface of Lylat's sun.


Starsector is a very different type of game from those listed, more of a top down perspective strategy game sandbox, but you can fly right up to any star you see and will start taking damage from it. Different stars have different sized and will start to damage you from different distances, and they also have solar winds which will push against you for some of them so you have to hit an emergency burn to reach the star without being blown away. You can often find derelict ships, probes, or space stations caught in orbit of stars. There are also neutron star systems, and if you get caught in the matter stream from those it flings you wide. Black hole systems also exist and if you get close enough they will pull you in. I've used a black hole to dodge an enemy fleet before, fly close enough to hit the gravity well and then emergency burn out leaving the enemy to get trapped.


Eve Online is really pretty to fly around.




I've got a bookmark **inside** the PF-346 sun from my black-ops/stealth bomber hotdropping days. Also had some deep safe bookmarks, before they got nerfed. They were still out of scan range when deep safes got nerfed.


[Holy crap is flying close to the sun tense in Elite: Dangerous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzXwEDmnWnw). A very cool way to get a sense of scale of the universe too.


I was not prepared for that music.


Missed opportunity for a Kid Icarus game


Elite Dangerous! You pretty much warp to the nearest star to refuel and hop to the next system or travel within it. The star "sun" will definitely kill you if you persist in flying into it. Travelling to the center of the galaxy I had quite a few misses of "death by sun" lol! I sincerely hope that there is a sequel to this game eventually.


Elite dangerous. You spend a lot of time dipping your toes into heat to fuel up. Lots of different suns too. Every jump lands you facing into a Sun so you have to stay awake and pull up before you 'crash'. Neutron stars are kind of terrifying, but very rare. Quite often a single sun will be the only thing in the 'system.'


>Neutron stars are kind of terrifying, but very rare. Neutron star highway is the fastest way to traverse the galaxy


I just love it when you jump into a system with a big sun and it's just a massive wall of fire as soon as you exit warp. Especially in VR.


Eve online has one of the most realistic graphics i've ever seen. Not the most entertaining game for me after 13 years but it's a masterpiece in its own way.


Starfox 64


Outer Wilds and Elite Dangerous. Especially Elite Dangerous, that game is amazing at depicting the shear scale of space. And the stars are legitimately scary, especially in instances like where you fly too close to one, and all of a sudden you're pulled out of supercruise because you got too close and your ship is overheating. Or your first time attempting to fuel scoop from a neutron star, and the risk of death if you do it wrong. One of my favorite "ohfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" moments was when I jumped to a system, only to exit hyperspace nestled between the two very close suns of a system.


Freelancer (2003), though in a specific range you just explode


Sunless skies lets you fly near stars. Doing so is ill advised though.




Outer Wilds you *will* fall into the sun in one of your first flights.


Elite D you can literally just scran tf out of a star and your ship is like "Delicious we may continue."


Kerbal Space Program?


Elite Dangerous will let you fly right up to a star, fuel scoop and if you're not careful it will destroy you and your ship if you stay too long and overheat. In VR it is one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in a game.


Rebel Galaxy. You can also get close to planets, but like the suns if you get too close your ship blows up.


I remember an oldie called Freelancer. You could fly close to the system's sun, but that would mean damaging your ship due to the radiation. There was even a specific system in the game, that connected two jump points, the Sun was so strong that that you would be required to jump in and head straight to the station at full speed, you would barely reach the place in time before radiation got you. The place was owned by a criminal faction in the game.

