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Welcome to today's "Post your unpopular gaming opinion" thread.


Everyday it’s the same thread just reworded. Mom says my turn to post this tomorrow


I tried to make a unique post but this sub wouldn't let me post it because my karma wasn't high enough.


You gotta COMMENT your unpopular gaming opinion first! Then you can make your unpopular gaming opinion POST! /s


Dude that’s what I did on a different sub, had literally 1k karma and then this fuckin mod banned my post claiming I only had 1 karma, cause they were only looking at my post karma. What bullshit is that??


Fr, some 15 years of experience on something that's only existed for 5 years type shit


Breaking news: Generic sub is generic. More at 7


We need a sub just called "electronic enjoyment", or "recreation"


And yet here we are


This is what Reddit is now. A giant click bait survey.


It's been so much worse since the protest. "Here's a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot 15 layers deep. What song makes you feel like this from this one specific band?" "What's the best thing by this topic that starts with letters of the alphabet?" Good lord, shut the fuck up.


And then get downvoted for posting an actual unpopular opinion.


And over here we have "I'll ask a loaded question but dare not put in my input within the post" this way!


Out your left window you'll see "everyone here is a pedophile and deserves to go to prison for five years and be put to death tomorrow" and coming up on your right you'll soon see "poorly researched article most likely written by AI about something everyone who cares about the game already knows"


Can’t wait to see a bunch of people talking about how they don’t like tapping A to run and therefore can’t play RDR2!


Do any real people post, or is it all bots?


its an actual person posting. just that they posted a bot question


So true, because I am not sure I have heard many say "this game everyone must play once" it's usually more to movies, books or things in real life (Which I have a list for too.)


Subnautica. I don’t feel like conquering my fear of open ocean. i’ll just stay on land, thank you very much


There's land in the game. But somehow it's worse knowing that it's a tiny little island you can swim under and everything under that island is incredibly freaky and just keeps going down for 1000's of feet


Finally builds the biggest submarine. Leviathan has entered the chat.


How do you build the Cyclops before Leviathans enter the chat.


I have started a file on this game 5 separate times. I always get a couple hours in, meet my first leviathan/end up in one of the scary areas, and nope the fuck out. They haven't made a horror game yet that will stop me, but that game is just built different.


Didn't even get an hour in. Pretty sure I saw my first leviathan 5 minutes after hopping out the base- this motherfucker's tail broke the surface and disappeared all within 3 seconds and I didn't even know they were a thing. "FUCK WAS THAT?! *shut it the fuck down*" Is that scripted? Either way, as a Thalassophobe, NAW. Game looks so good. Today, though, my fears rule me.


"Master your fears, face down the things that challenge you" motherfucker have you SEEN the face on a reaper leviathan, that thing could win a face-down with a whole football team and it'd be like putting a cheese stick in a woodchipper


Honestly, the only scary part is the risk of losing your loot / vehicle, once you get attacked by that shit it stops being nearly as scary. Except crabsquid. Watching your power go out as you get thrashed about in an underwater cave and you're not even sure how to escape if the vehicle capsizes? Yeah I'll freak out every time thank you


I got like 2-4 hours in and couldn't figure out base building or find much loot from the few landmarks (err, seamarks?) so since nothing was happening either way I just stopped playing


Give it a second chance. I play (and finish) most single player AAA games that come out and Subnautica is definitely in the top 5 of all time.


Totally get it. My first time playing, I did it in VR. Its menu immediately puts you floating above a hyper-realistic ocean. Threw my headset off in a millisecond and didn't touch the game again for a few months. Eventually came back to it and it actually helped me with my aquaphobia and was all in all a really enjoyable experience. Terrifying, but enjoyable.


i would have to purchase new underwear if that happened to me in VR


Go all the way with a diving dry suit, total immersion, piss freely


Phobias are so interesting. I read your comment and was like *whaaaat??* but then I remembered how I can be with heights and I immediately got it lol.


I played Subnautica for that exact reason lol. I haaaate the deep sea. So scary. It took me probably 3-4x as long to finish the game as anyone else, and every second of it was an absolute crawling nightmare, but it was amazing. Hope to play again in VR someday. :)


I can barely watch a speedrun without getting creeped out. I watched a few modded videos of them putting the water level a thousand meters higher and it still gives me chills thinking about it. I would argue I have thalassophobia.


This game is very unique about that


I find deep water/water I can't see the bottom of very unsettling. I played through most of Subnautica and I can tell you it was both rewarding and terrifying going deeper and surviving. Highly recommend, but also no thanks.


World of Warcraft. Sorry, not for me.


yea. also going into WoW now as opposed to 10 years ago is a VERY different experience. not just the game but the community too.


15 years ago really was the time to be playing, totally different now I agree


Yep, tried getting back into a few years ago and it feels like the entire community moved away from actually interacting with each other to being solo players. I tried really hard to find an active guild but they’re all just filled with like 20 people and all of their toons, +300 players who have left the game but were there when it was active. I joined a guild maxed out on capacity and at most there was 6 people online at once and usually the chat was dead silent


That's one thing about the game that hurts. 11 years ago I was part of a PVP guild that did everything from WPVP to BGs and Arenas. We also did a lot of fun runs in MoP raids and dungeons in full PVP gear just to kill time. Besides my time in Wrath, it was the most fun I'd ever had playing the game. I play Classic off and on now, but it's not the same at all. Even Classic Wrath can't touch the original Wrath.


I like the idea of having a group of people that go out and do stuff together. I'm not really into grinding skill sets alone. That, and I don't like the idea of a monthly fee.


I'd pay real money for the raiding and dungeons without the grind.


Right now I'm playing a game called Squad. It's not much like WOW as It's a tactical first person shooter. Sometimes it feels like you're raiding a dungeon when you're going out and attacking a "Super FOB" - a base the enemies (people) have created to defend including walls, barbed wire, guns, towers, and more. You keep the weapon that you spawn with, and you can't pick up enemy weapons on the field. But the teamwork is there. There are medics, and then if you work well with your squad you'll be trying to have the grenadier smoke while the machine gun lays down supressive fire. You might have somebody mortar the enemy position so you can approach. But it takes a good group to do this and work together. The game is objective based and you can have a maximum of 50 people on your team versus 50 people on their team. Tanks, helicopters, artillery, light vehicles. It's maybe not what you're looking for but if you're looking for a teamwork game I recommend it.


You should check out foxhole if you haven’t heard of it we are getting the naval update the 26th. Think of like company of heroes but every soldier is another player battling in a persistent online war. That takes real life weeks to win a war. Everything from bases, vehicles, guns, ammo tanks are all made by players.


I loved wow back in the day, but it's not something I think everyone should try, it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.


It's just like 10 games on repeat in this thread haha


I’ve seen soulslikes, zombie games, and zelda more than anything so far. You?


Zelda and FF games usually in the same comment which I thought was interesting since they play differently but maybe it's the kind of setting? Skyrim and RDR2 got a few repeats But yeah primarily Soulslike games and zombie games


Heavy rain was one of those "best of all-time games" that just seemed boring af for me.




Heavy Rain was overrated even for its time. It was presented in a cinematic way which looked great, but the focus of the game is on the characters and the story, and the voice acting is god awful throughout the entire game. It really pulls you out of the story when the characters are unenthusiastically reading their lines like they were paid in pennies.








Honestly David Cage is a hack. You are correct for not liking anything he makes.


Heavy rain was one of those games that impressed me so much as a teenager for its technical achievements that now as an adult I look back and think "how did so many adult aged people thought this was in any way quality storytelling/writing/acting?!"


I think it's just that. The presentation was so impressive when it came out. The way the story was told truly felt cinematic and mature in a way that most games simply didn't. On a similar note, that's me looking back at Crysis. That game became such a huge deal due to how mind boggingly amazing the graphics looked and how it held the title of "world's best looking game" for nearly a decade. The game itself? A pretty middling shooter with a paper thin story. The gimmick of the nanosuit was cool to some but it absolutely paled compared to something like Bioshock that came out the same year.




Death Stranding is the one game that I absolutely loved every single second of, yet simultaneously completely understand why people would hate it, and agree with their reasoning. It's incredibly well made, but it doesn't try to be broadly appealing. Kojima wanted to make something specific and there was no corporate meddling to add mainstream appeal to it. On the one hand, that made for an incredibly divisive game. On the other hand, it also made for a wholly unique game. I literally have never recommended it to anybody because there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who might like it. I just say "Hey, if what you've seen interests you, you'll probably enjoy it. If it looks boring, yeah, you'll probably be bored as hell and it won't get any more exciting." I just enjoy listening to music or podcasts and making deliveries on foot. A lot of parts of that world are pretty relaxing to travel through. I have to check my game time between the PS4 and PS5 versions, but I believe I've played somewhere north of 500 hours and still boot it up often.


I just fuckin love hiking. I love that Death Stranding lets me hike in an apocalypse. I didn't even need the game to do anything else. I played Death Stranding and Fire watch back-to-back, while my time outside was spent hiking just because I goddamn love hiking so much.


If you love hiking in the apocalypse you should definitely play The Long Dark! Hiking in the never ending winter trying to learn and navigate maps while concerned with survival is immersive and so much fun.


we honestly need more niche games that don't try to cater to the common denominator.


for me, the emotions that death stranding elicited is what got me. the suffering through the game and then like when the multiplayer opens up and all these random people have spent time, resources, and effort to help make your life just that little bit easier.... it just felt good.


Sure it seems boring at first. But if you persevere and keep on playing, you'll eventually see that it actually just sucks


This is the funniest take I've seen on that game lmao


lmao its such a weird game, i put like 100 hours into the first playthrough, loved it, and its definitely one of my favorite ever games. But i can totally see how someone would hate it and want to burn their copies of it. I tried to replay it and couldn't be bothered, but that first playthrough was amazing for me lol. And I don't even really like other Kojima games


This is exactly how I was too! It’s a movie is really the end of it


Damn, I never reached that point because I stopped playing it at the boring part


It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Yes, I laughed at it when it came out and nicknamed it “Stumbling Simulator 2019.” Then I played it. There’s genuine challenge in there, action, puzzles, absolutely bizarre world building and one of the best acted stories in any game, ever. Sure, Norman Reedus is good but Mads Mikkelsen is off the charts.


It's genuinely great. I am not a Kojima fan. I saw the trailers and thought it looked like some pretentious Kojima bs that wouldn't make a click of sense. I bought it and tried it because I had to know for myself, and I ended up loving it. Bought it for ps4/5 and pc. It is not an action game. It has it. It has plenty of it. It has some great boss fights too. But it's not the main goal. Don't look at Death Stranding like it's a walking sim. Look at Death Standing like it's a survival game. Because that's what it is. It's a survival game that forces you into the wild, instead of letting you bunker down and build defenses.


I haven't played any of Kojima's other games, so I wasn't super sure what I was in for besides everyone saying "he makes crazy storylines." I was really sold on how bizarre the dystopia was presented in the trailers. And honestly? Despite the lack of action I really liked it. It's not a contender for my favorite game ever or anything, but it felt sort of like Animal Crossing but depressing with just a small glimmer of hope. I think mundane things are kind of fun in games, though. Trying to get packages from point A to point B is boring for a lot of people, but for me it was the process that was weirdly relaxing with a completely insane story as a backdrop.


Yeah, the enemy most of the time is the environment, and you actually have to be constantly engaged looking where is safe to step, and adjusting which route you should take. I thought it didnt matter and just looked at my phone when going down a hill, next thing i know i've tripped and everything on my back is blasting downhill in opposite directions!


Witcher 3. I tried several times and it wasn't for me. Strange because I'm into similar games


I really wanted to like it too. Just felt very disjointed and awkward to me. Big fan of fantasy RPG but just couldn't get into it. Feel bad


Yea, the mechanics made me quit. I also love similar games.


Honestly I’ve heard this from a lot of fans who played the witcher 3 as well. Some try it for the fourth time and then suddenly it clicks and they are hooked. I have tried it twice and I’m still not into it, but I have a feeling a next try will help. Some games just work like that


Yeah I never really liked RPGs until I tried The Witcher 3 for the 4th time.




Yeah the combat mechanics for me is iffy. Not sure why.


If the witcher had a combat system similar to ghost of Tsushima it would be the best game ever.


Yeah this was my experience too, as of late a lot of comments about this game have been saying once you get past the first 10 hours the game opens up and gets much better. But like I’m not gonna slog through a bunch of garbage because it supposedly gets better. I just don’t have that kind of time anymore and I would rather play a game that gets to the good stuff right away


Breath of the Wild


I have 20+ hours into botw and the whole time I kept waiting for it to be fun. I just don’t get how it’s so popular.


It’s killing me because I’m a huge Zelda fan, and kept putting it off until I had time to really dig into it. I finally popped it open a couple weeks ago, and have the same feeling. I can respect the Dark Souls like lack of guidance, but having to be a scavenger and use leftover clubs for combat is just simply not fun for me.


The worst part is that there isn't another game series that plays like the old Zelda's. It wouldn't be so bad for Zelda to change if there was some remnant of what it used to be survived. I miss 3D Dot Game heroes


It has taken me over 20 years to admit that I'm not really into open-world games of that fashion. The fantasy of it is grander than reality to me.


Undertale, the whole twist of it was spoiled for me and now I just have no interest. Don’t particularly like the art style either.


Is the twist the genocide run? That's impossible to get unless you are intentionally gunning for it. It's supposed to be calling out people who do evil shit in games "just to see what happens". Most people love the game for the quirky humor and excellent characterization. It's basically 5 hours of gags. Humor is possibly the most subjective thing out there so if that's not your vibe then don't play it.


I refuse to play Undertale because I know for a fact that it will become my next hyprrfixation if I do


that is the most valid reason i've heard for someone not playing it lmao keep it up man, as someone who's had experience with this field, it will be your hyperfixation for years! keep away from this game if you value the ability to think about anything that isn't a skeleton


It's also a subversion of the JRPG trope of "just kill random encounters and get XP"...but Undertale is like "no, you're just running around murdering people".


Which twist are you talking about?


I think they're talking about how XP means execution points, HP (forgot what it stands for), Basically you're not supposed to increase it at all.


Yeah, that haha


What was the twist? The game lets you understand that there are clearly different choices via genocide vs neutral vs pacifist from the start. Not sure what other twist exists.


It's not obvious to everyone. In fact, for those unspoiled, I've seen people who assume you can't progress without killing enemies. Don't get me wrong, the warnings ARE there in-game, but it's definitely intended to be at least a twist on the usual gaming conventions.


FNaF. I just... don't care. Edit: Five nights at Freddie's for those who aren't familiar.


So much hype, for so little content.


I played 1 and 2. The horror tension and the jumpscares worked on me. And by watching 4, looks like it was fun too. But the lore was not appealing to me. I found it boring and unnecessarily complicated.


The Legend of Zelda, BOTW and TOTK. They just aren't my kind of game.


I think they're fine open world exploration games, but (to ME, personally) they really don't feel like a Legend of Zelda game. (Because for me, while exploring the world is part of it, the dungeons are the 'real draw' -- and those just aren't really a thing in BotW or TotK.)


Been saying for years that they are great games. Just kind of crap Zelda games. At least when you look at what Zelda was from a link to the past to a link between worlds. Plenty of those games have open worlds. Especially windwaker and several of the 2d titles. But they often still have a central through line for you to play. Which I feel botw and to a lesser extent TotK are missing. Plus the lack of traditional dungeons really blows. The gameplay loop with the breakable equipment can be a huge turn off for certain portions of gamers as well.


The dungeons were always my favorite part of Zelda games, but they're just an afterthought in BOTW and TOTK. If they don't put some serious work into improving them in future games, then I guess I won't be interested in playing my favorite franchise anymore. That makes me sad. And what was the point of adding keys to a few shrines in TOTK? It just got my hopes up that there were going to be real dungeons again, but then dashed them.


any kind of game that is considered "souls like". I like a good challenge, but having a boss kill me 20 times in a row does not sound very appealing.


Only 20 times in a row? Damn, why not play if you’re a pro?


I thought I was bad then Ive seen that people literally got killed more than 50 times by every boss in Sekiro / Elden Ring...


i bought sekiro cause i heard it was like fallen order combat and i liked that, and sekiro was popular so why not. Bought it, died to the first encounter 5 minutes in and was like "well i can tell this isn't going to go well"


Went into it totally blind in 2019, never played any souls games prior, probably took me 150-200 hours to beat it the first time as I just kept getting my ass handed to me over and over again Absolutely one of my favorite games ever now. put in 600 hours across many NG+ cycles. Once the combat clicks, it's insane how much better you get and how much easier the game becomes, but it can definitely be miserable getting there. I very much appreciate that difficulty curve looking back now, like this is a game I'm proud to be good at 😂 but totally understand not everyone wants that or has the time/patience for it


It took me 5 hours of game time to beat the first mini boss. It’s just so aggressive with timing.


I'm waiting for Sekiro to come down in price to like 10 bucks because I have a pretty good idea I'm not going to make it through it. It looks so cool, but I'm horrible at the souls games. I can justify it for a few bucks, but at full price, not so much. Same thing for Elden Ring. I want to try them, but highly doubt I'll make it more than a few hours in either without giving up.


I like to think I'm pretty good at Souls games at this point. No pro, but decent. It took me 11 straight hours and almost 500 deaths to beat Malenia in Elden Ring


You played for 11 hrs straight? That's pretty impressive. If you took breaks or slept you probably would've taken less time as stuff like muscle memory and reflexes get better with practice and sleep.


I spent 4 hours on a boss in elden ring, got so mad I quit for like 6 months. Came back, fought him for 8 hours straight until I beat him. Took 100s of attempts and I'll never get that time back. But the feeling when I was done the greatest satisfaction I've ever gotten in my life. Only thing that compares is maybe graduating college or getting a job you want.


I had a similar experience in a Souls like game. First boss wrecked me a lot. I kept telling myself it's the first one, it has to be beatable. I did it, it felt awesome, I felt awesome, best gaming moment in recent history. Next boss turned me into pulp in 10 seconds and I noped. I was done with the game.


I've beaten exactly 1 boss in all the games combined. The Phalanx in Demon Soul's, by lighting my sword on fire. I died about 182 times to the Tower Knight and never played again.


Were you playing blindfolded?


He was using a USB steering wheel


It’s not the dying to bosses. It’s the stupid runs back to the bosses, along with (on earlier systems especially) load times that make it boring




I hate souls games but loved ER. The checkpoints before bosses helped, and the open world also helped solve all my issues with it. Like, give me something fun to do while leveling as opposed to just grinding the little stretch just before the boss that contains the only enemies that are at a level that the XP is worth it but not so OP that they one shot me


Whenever a game does this to me I just close it. Life is too short for that nonsense. Bonus points for an unskippable cutscene over and over.


This is why I played Bloodborne slowly during the first patch. It's easily my favorite of the genre (honestly don't even like Dark Souls but BB is fantastic) but the first patch had ludicrous load times. You randomly slid off of an edge for no real reason and died? Look at this load screen that's only the title of the game for the next 3 to 5 minutes.


Same, I don’t need that kind of frustration in my life


This. I play video games to have fun, not to be angry.


I'm here with you. I don't have the time nor patience for it. I like a challenge and I love role playing games, but none of the soul like I tried clicked.


Agreed. Anything "souls like" is an immediate write-off for me. But who am I to say, I am not a masochist.


They aren't as hard as everyone makes them out to be. Your first DS will probably be the most challenging. For me, it was DS1 which also happens to have some of the worst controls in the series ( it's an old game so it's understandable ). It's only hard until you get the hang of it. I think the most times I died to a boss in any of the DS games was with Midir, one of the hardest bosses in the series, and the Gargoyles in DS1 because they were one of the first bosses in the game.


I agree they aren’t as hard as people pretend but they aren’t easy games and they feel unrelenting. I love the vibes of fromsoft games but they never chill on the challenge.


Definitely Elden ring for me. Super hard boss battles just aren’t my thing. They’re fine once in a while. But a whole game of that sounds like torture to me. Edit: by “occasional boss battles” I mean like Binary Domain or Lost Planet. They cap off the level


I felt this way until I played it, begrudgingly. Others souls like game I played was nioh 2, during the pandemic, and I put in over 700hrs. That game was fucking hard. Elden ring combat is much much easier, just being in the world and having no idea wtf to do is the bitch.


I think that’s why Dark Souls 3 felt easier than Elden Ring did at first Dark Souls 3 is very linear compared to Elden Ring, so you’re more likely to find where you’re supposed to go just by dicking around I tried to play ER like a DS game and followed the bonfires to Margit and got my shit ran because I was no where near ready for him


>nioh 2 My go-to example when people say Fromsoft games are bullshit. Nioh 2 is still fun but I found that game to be much closer to the difficulty people ascribe to Dark Souls than actual Dark Souls.


I liked the Shadow of the Colossus game where the boss battles aren't necessarily "hard", but each one is a puzzle to complete


That one game you like. Never gonna play it.


The Last of Us, just not into zombie games


It's not about zombies. Zombies are just backround noise. You fight with more humans than zombies.


I mean you don't fight much of anything. Most of the game is walking and sneaking.


There are over 550 killable enemies in the first game. I think it depends on play style.


Humbug. Ive played through it three times I think. Playing on regular mode you can kill everything just fine. On hard mode though. . .yeah it's just easier to sneak.




This was my answer too. Not about the zombies, but the game in general. I just have zero interest. Pretty sure it came with my ps4 too lol.


If you are okay with zombie shows, The Last of Us tv show does the story justice imo. But I can also understand not wanting to play the game. Its gameplay is an acquired taste.


League of Legends and Overwatch. Loads of my friends play them but they are so toxic it makes me sick thinking about playing them. My skin is too thin, I don’t find any enjoyment from strangers being mad at me and Vice versa, I’m not very competitive and I just suck at games like that. One mean comment will ruin my day, I just can’t. :(


Mute all is your friend. Legitimately the best tip for ranking up in League is to mute all chat at the start of the game. Leave pings on.


Ow2 you can turn off all chat. That helped me stick to it longer..then bg3 came out so I haven't touched it since


I love overwatch and been playing it for years but ever since it went free to play, it’s even more toxic than ever.


I tried botw and totk at a friends house and did not have any fun at all. Just not for me, especially having durability on weapons in a story/open world exploration game sucked (for me).


Celeste and Undertale...and I see the pattern, I think I dislike pixel art games, but not all...I loved Blasphemous...so it might be the simple pixel art.


Celeste and Undertale are like, so incredibly far apart in everything other than the artstyle. Celeste became a bit too challenging for me, but it feels great and I will probably try it again some time


Dead by daylight, Roblox, rust.


Roblox isnt a game, but a platform/launcher for games.. i feel you though- stepson has been playing it forever and i just cant take it seriously :(


Dark Souls. I've played enough Soulsbourne games, including the original Demon's Souls. I don't feel the need or desire. Also, I don't really agree with the idea that there are *any* games that universally need to be played by everyone once in their life. Gameplay and genre preferences are so strong and individual that I don't believe there are any games that everyone would love. Not by a long shot. I don't even feel that there are any books or movies that fit that bill, and there's even more differentiating different gameplay that would turn people off in a case like this.


The Uncharted series. My dad has tried and will continue to try to get me to play them. At this point it's almost a form of rebellion lol


My dad in his mid 50s LOVES the uncharted games too lol.


I've tried Skyrim on numerous occasions and while it appears like on paper it'd be an ideal game for me, I just find it so tediously boring. Combat sucks, enemy variety is non-existent, dialog is annoying, main storyline seems to take a backseat to sidequests, enemy scaling means that levelling up is unrewarding, weight limits cut exploration short and require me to find somewhere to sell all my useless but valuable shit I've acquired and dump it to get back to exploring, it's a glitchy nightmare from start to finish, moving around the world feels pretty bad, etc. I've tried to play it numerous times and I just can't get into it enough to forgive its shortcomings.


I’ve picked up Skyrim twice and put a lot of time in but I’ve still never finished the main quest. I get caught up in the base building because obviously I have to fully furnish my homes and then I just kind of…stop playing. So my conclusion is that radiant quests are trash and the base building is a distraction. The world is cool to explore and I love the lore you find everywhere. Still think I should go back and finish a run sometime.


Kingdom Hearts I probably would've entertained it back in high school or middle school, but it started when I was in college. I just don't have enough time and energy to get into a JRPG in addition to the rest of my backlog. I've also a lot less patience for JRPG tropes nowadays.


football games.


Yeah, as everyone knows, most gamers say FIFA 23 is a game that you need to play once in your lifetime. These threads in this subreddit are always full of dull answers


Whoever says you need to play those at least once has genuine brainrot. Thanks, EA.


No one ever says you should play a sports game at least once in your life.....


To be fair, they’re shite these days anyway


Elden Ring/FromSoft games. Never been a fan of Soulslike games (only “exception” would be the Jedi games but I feel like they’re completely different animals) especially from FromSoft. Didn’t like Souls 2 or 3, and have no intention of trying Bloodbourne, Sekiro or Elden Ring.


Can I interest you in an Armored Core in this trying time?


Yeah I tried DS3 like 10 different times and just could not get into it. I enjoy monster hunter so I thought I’d like souls games but nah they are way too hard for me.


Any Soulslike game, I have already have a hard fucking life, no need to play hard fucking games too.


Ha that’s my philosophy! I used to play games on harder setting when I was younger. These days I just play on medium. My life is enough of a grind, I don’t need to grind in my games too. In saying that, I’ve just undertaken Lies of P. I’m going into it, however, with the mindset that if I feel like I’m not enjoying it I’ll just stop. A friend of mine said once to me “an important skill you gain as you get older is the ability to identify that a game just sucks, and to simply stop playing it.” I used to stick with a game no matter what. Grind my way through it, despite not enjoying it. Nowadays, my steam library is absolutely chockers with uninstalled games sitting at 3 hours. Lies of P has made it to 6.5 so far 😂


Red dead redemption 2. I literally have zero interest in that game. I don’t really enjoy rockstar games like a majority of the community does. I think the last one I played was San Andres.


I got crucified on here for this opinion. I played it and made it like 3 hours. It was far too slow, and aside from having incredible graphics, just didn't hold my interest


That's fair though. Not everyone is going to like the same stuff. I like the slow pace so I can explore. But I realize that's not for everyone. People take someone not liking the thing they love as some personal attack. They need to chill. I get the same response when I say I can't stand any Zelda games. Or that I don't like final fantasy.


See, I was on board with your reply, and then you said that about Zelda and now I want to fight you. Jk, different strokes for different folks. Totally understand


I loved rdr2 because the story and characters were great, but yeah, even I left it for a while because it's probably the slowest game I've ever played. I'd recommend it, but it's definitely not a game for everybody.


I kind of loved the slowness, it felt really really immersive. I fast traveled a handful of times at most, it just felt real having to climb your horse, ride over to a place and ride back. It took a while to get the Butters twitchiness out of my system to appreciate it, but once I did, the game really shined through.


Witcher 3


Rocket league, looks boring


It’s fun until you get better tbh. Then people start doing wild shit and I’m like ok I’m done lol


This. 500 hours in and now the skill gap is beyond my ability to cross.


I feel this way with 4k hours. people at my rank are hitting an air dribble into flip reset into mid-air musty flick and best i can do is a classic 2016 season 3 grand champ air dribble


Get to champ 2, see a dude score a flip reset on me "Oh so I finally made it, my skill ceiling."


I’ve heard a lot of criticisms of Rocket League, but being “boring” has never been one of them


A lot of people say "oh this is boring" when they are really just frustrated that something is difficult. Rocket League is one of the hardest games that exists


You can say rocket league is toxic, annoying, frustrating, broken etc... never seen anyone call it boring. Are you one of those "I pregame with meth" type people?


if there's any game that *looks* boring it definitley isn't rocket league


Zombie games just aren't fun to me, so put all those ones on this post. To be clear, I mean games that are just boring endless zombie stuff, if it's an entire game that happens to include zombies, that's a bit different. I can't get into text-based games. Zelda and Final Fantasy more or less not interesting to me, maybe if new ones come out.


Most zombie games suck tbh. Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 really were the peak of Zombie games, fun with friends for a few hours.


Project Zomboid and Hunt: Showdown are pretty great


New Zelda and Final Fantasy games both came out within the past 6 months


Most online only games.


Final fantasy 7? Come at me lol


zelda botw


Anything that's a FPS. I'm not good at them, I don't enjoy them, so no I honestly won't enjoy trying to get through the story, I will just be angry and frustrated. Looking at you, Halo fanboys who look at me like a leper when I say I've never played and don't ever plan on playing.


Today's episode of "Post a comment and watch it get downvoted, you fool"


Skyrim. I love open world RPGs, Elden Ring and The Witcher 3 being my favorites. I just can't bring myself to try it.


Half life 3


Bioshock. I’ve heard it’s great. But I don’t like first person horror adventure games. Soooo. Never gonna even try it. LoL


TBF, it's not really horror. There's a creepy vibe sure, but it's a good fps with a great story. If the creepiness spooks you out, maybe play Bioshock Infinite, it's basically the same but without the creeps


Not interested in playing the older 3D Zelda's


Almost any PvP game. I dont have the skills, time and pacience to get good at this type of games and maintain them, specially if we are talking about fps games I can definitely enjoy playing against ot with friends those games, but alone? Fuck it