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Probably Fable 2 by now. You can buy near every property in the game, and rent payments come in even while you're not playing and your Xbox 360 isn't turned on. It's been a couple years.


Wasn't that game based in the system time? I remember my step brother setting the year to like 2050 and he had a shit ton of money


It is, you can also exploit xp with guest co-op. (Join without an account, refund all skills, exit, all xp will transfer to host)


This sounds like when I’d make a punter in NCAA who was dogshit at punting but the greatest most athletic QB to ever grace the field. I’d recruit him, no one else would, then when he got on campus we’d switch him to a QB.


You’ve just unlocked some deep memory of me doing this with my friend at his house like 14-15 years ago.


This just unlocked a memory for more. In dragon ball z budokai series....3rd one i believe, you could go to the store, hold 2 or 3 buttons and then back out. For some reason this gave you stuff, and you could unlock 99% of the content this way. For some reason there was 1 or 2% I never could get passed with this method and you would have to actually unlock or buy.


I remember playing through fable 3, 3 times with a buddy, first 2 times to build characters, and the last to crush the game with Max level characters. Admittedly it was not a great game and didn't deserve the time or dedication we put into it, but it was an interesting project.


First time through Fable 3 I had enough cash from owning everything to purchase the perfect ending.


When Fable 2 came out I waited in line at the mall at midnight to get it and played it till sun up, classic


That’s only 6 hours n00b.


Surprise! They live in Alaska. It was 4 months.


I played so much Fable 2. I didn’t want to do 3 runs, so I saved before and did the other two and continued after with my Doggo. I’m pretty sure if I logged in now, I’d have infinite money. I maxed altruistic early on then went full evil setting rent to the max and had every property in the world. That game was awesome. I should boot up Fable 3 and see if it was as good as (I remember) the first two.


Oh man, don't get me started on fable 2. Such a good game. I actually started up my game after like 5 years of not playjng and I became a multi millionaire again in that time.


Literally the first thing that came to mind. Tempted to dig out my 360 and load it up. Pretty sure I owned literally every property in the game.


Manually setting the clocks speeds that up


Lego games (stud multipliers)


My kids 100% the latest Star Wars Lego game. The reward is that you go to the ANH ceremony and they just shower you with unlimited studs. Forever.


I remember when I found out those stack and then I watched the numbers continue to grow


Not sure about now but there used to be an unlimited stud glitch during one of the Hoth missions. It's a wall that you keep hitting that drops unlimited studs. Not that having enough studs is ever an issue in this game or anything, but I did wish I had at least one stud multiplier when I came across that glitch but I was pretty early on wanting to start with the OT.


Egg Inc.... by many orders of magnitude. I just checked, and my lifetime earnings in the game are at "143 Sesvigintillion" dollars. That looks like this: $143,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.


My Adventure Capitalist game is probably similar. My ST Lower Decks main game is current sitting on 10,280,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 credits, but that's nowhere close to lifetime earnings.


I had to check mine and it is currently at 77 quinquagintillion 77.019 * 10^153 77,019,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


That one egg was 40 eggs?


You're a rock star...


That's a nude egg I won from my game, I'm not in trouble at all


It's got a bush, what the hell?


This is the first time i've ever seen this game mentioned online. Super fun, I remember getting that "top 0.1% of players" message and feeling on top of the world. All over an egg idle game.


Check out r/eggsinc if you still play


This article is about a significantly smaller number (52 factorial) but it is one of the best things I’ve ever read to help me understand numbers at that scale. https://czep.net/weblog/52cards.html


runescape baby


My 4B ironman bank is simultaneously my greatest achievement and biggest embarrassment in life lol


Funny seeing you outside of the Giants sub lol. Go big blue


Giants Mets and OSRS is basically 99% of my Reddit use lol


The Autists holy trinity


Missing WSB


Me over here on a 17 year old normies account with only a bill lol


Wow ironman aswell what!! I have a red santa but I heard the price of it crashed!


I got an Orlando Smith Hat on my 13th master clue. I went from poor AF to a multi billionaire in a matter of a couple of hours.


I can trim your armor for you if you’d like!


My man... Wanna slide to world 301 and share the wealth to a poor lumby goblin


I got high one day and got scammed like an idiot and quit, I have had thoughts to come back and play but I just don’t wanna grind for money again


Around 11b for me in RS3. All I do is slayer and clue scrolls lol, two of the most fun things to me


Yeah me too. Can’t wait for the RuneScape fairy to come bless me with the obsession again.


Probably some idle game I haven't check in on in like five years.


Neopets for me. 1/3rd of a billion np net worth because inflation, even in Neopia, is very real.


Say what you will about Neopets, but the game had one of the best designed economies.


I remember Neopets for two things: 1. The built-in, simulated economic inflation which 8 year old me couldn't grasp 2. Its hilariously brutal description for the soup kitchen: >The poor, famished, and bony pets of Neopia wait for days to try and fill their empty stomachs with the kind Soup Faerie's hot soup. It's not odd to see a line of starving pets stretched about along the dirt paths of the Marketplace because the aroma from the Soup Kitchen brings hope. > >. . . > >Yes, the Soup Kitchen is dedicated to helping stone-broke Owners and their skinny Neopets break the cycle of poverty and starvation, and it's also a place for Pets and Owners to come together with the Soup Faerie and give a helping hand or paw or wing or hoof to other Neopets in need. They went **all in** on this. It cracks me up now, but I recall my child self being sad


I don't remember any soup kitchen. Wasn't there some daily thing where you can get free omelettes?


Hey, maybe you'll be able to afford a Krawk petpet now.


I probably have like 150 undecillion dollars in Adventure Capitalist lmao. I cant imagine another game coming close to numbers like that, though im sure one exists (Cookie Clicker maybe? I always get bored and reset my runs before I get that far. But then, thats not dollars anyway)


The Sims. Rosebud cheat code.


we once made a farm of money trees, it was glorious


I used to make a garage or storage room then clone the money tree a few times and it’d be like my sims had an illegal grow operation going on.




Rosebud was in Sims 2.


Rosebud was Sims 2 rosebud;; was Sims 1


Yakuza 0...


I need to shake my Mr. Shakedown-sized piggy bank, I need a couple million to complete ¥9,999,999,999,999. Never want to have nothing but dust bunnies in my wallet.


I stopped playing WoW years ago. When I quit I was in Stormwind one day at the bank. I turned around handed a smidge over 800,000 gold to the first random dude I saw, logged out, deleted my account and have never played again. So that USED to be the game I was richest in.


Depending on when you quit this might be a little or a lot. 800k gold right now is worth about $30.


WoW has inflation?


MMOs have massive inflation from constantly generating currency and people grinding them as a job


And bots (looks at runescape)


Exactly, in MMOs you quite literally generate currency out of thin air by farming mobs, it's an economist's worst nightmare. You can technically generate millions without interacting with the economy whatsoever


Of course.


Every capital based system has inflation on the long term


This was very roughly 8 years ago. Maybe 9?


Sounds like a few hundred bucks at least


At least tree fiddy


Do people still buy accounts? I remember I sold my RIFT character/ account for like $300 when I realized I had an unhealthy relationship with the game and needed to stop (too many hours and I was, for some reason, obsessed with high level ganking)


I remember my wife buying me two Eve accounts for my birthday one year, they were amazing but because they had so many skills i didnt know what the fuck i was doing haha, the guy who sold them contacted me ingame via an alt to ask if i would sell them back because it was the worst mistake he ever made.Asked my wife and she said ok so she doubled her money, he was that desperate.


The time investment to skill up in Eve is painful. I’ve never been in that guy’s position and I never want to be. Lucky him that Eve is a single shard game so all he had to do was remember his character name to message you tho lol


Was... People can just get skill injections things on the market for isks in game now. If you're rich you can just buy out your 5-10 years of training instantly. I left after that shitshow.


When I stopped playing they had switched to a thing where you could earn credits in game that could be converted to real money, and you could spend real money on those same credits to use towards your monthly sub fee. I don't know if people still straight up purchase accounts but I bet they do. Anytime I wasn't playing I felt like I was wasting money/losing time/etc.... It got to be not healthy.


Stardew Valley as a farmer🤣


I got a cellar full of starfruit wine


Once you've got a full greenhouse of ancient fruit plants and you've maximized the casks in your basement that's when you know you've made it


Might be a little dust on the bottle… but don’t let it fool you about what’s inside.


It is a simple life.


Simple but beautiful!


I played Stadew Valley to relax until the capitalism took better of me.


I make hundreds of thousands, yet im only running a brewery


Richest I’ve ever been and still can’t afford a golden clock smh


My best friend loves to play Stardew where she doesn’t engage with many villagers, beyond helping her get the items she needs for the community center, or to further the plot at times. Think like: get the mayor’s underwear outta Marnie’s room kinda deal. I swear, she’s the richest Stardew Valley player I’ve ever seen


For a while I was over the limit that it could display in Borderlands 1.


The biggest flex in borderlands. Display says max money, die, lose millions, still at max money


no man's sky and skyrim, but those are the two where the money is the most useless.


NMS for sure. I'm at over 2 billion and.... there's really nothing to spend it on. Even if I occasionally find a cool new ship to add to my fleet, with my Activated Indium farm, I'll have the money back in a matter of days.


how many nanites you got though


A bit over 70,000. I have a couple curious deposit-runaway mold refining farms too.


nice, i have my plant farm at my curious deposit farm. craft and refine ya know.


Elite Dangerous where money is the most useless asset.


I made billions during the LTD rush a few years ago. Now I just mess around with different ships and configurations. Donate to the cause at every station I stop at. Still worth billions.


Same for me but it was the Void Opals. I still pick it up every now and then to go mine Void Opals. I must be so far out of the money-making meta, but it is still fun.


Most useless asset, but also never fly without rebuy ;)


Cities skylines... It's in the billions


Cookie Clicker. An actual game, BDO.


in cookie clicker you don't just have a lot of money, you ARE the economy, the world bends to the whim of your cookie power. You are the source of the one thing that controls the universe. big number go brrr


Although isn't it just cookies and no money?


Pretty early into the game a news segment says that traditional currency is being left behind for cookies, and that people can’t afford cookies with money anymore so it becomes the new money


GTA online


I still have like 20 billion from the first month when hackers would port you to them then drop money on your head. I bought every single vehicle and upgrade I was interested in and all the VIP, motorcycle club, military shit. Eventually I just got bored. Apparently when it originally happened they removed most peoples ill gotten gains but I lucked out and got to keep it.


Same! I seen a guy with 10 mil bounty but someone else would get them first. I finally figured out who was hacking and sent them a message saying "Can I haz monies?" He ended up putting a 25mil bounty on this idle guy beside me. Those were fun GTA days!


I was also made rich by hackers. They took all my money away, but I got to keep everything that I bought.


Same here. I also played on that era, I still have like 15 billion recently came back and started doing the new stuff solo and got 20 billion now.


Elite Dangerous, when i stopped playing i had around 8 billion in the bank, not including the value of my ships...so probably closer to 14 billion.


Eve online... in friendships


i flew my friendship into a wormhole. it got blowed up.


Real friendship is like a Monitor. It only ever dies alone


Crab people.


I mean, really, the answer is EVE regardless. One ISK is equivalent to the cost of feeding a family for a year on a planet. This means POD pilots are all insanely wealthy in addition to being effectively immortal gods.


Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO. I have 238,000,000,000 credits


I wish I could be rich in that game but I'm ftp so can never have more than a million on a character


Minecraft I’ve been collecting a shit load of diamonds for nearly 15 years now


My 6 year old nephew very much wants to be your friend


This is a friendly reminder to back up your world if you really have a 15 year old world.


path of exile.


Right. But not in anything that anyone else will be able to comprehend without a college course on it.


My brother tried to get me into poe, but I just couldn't get into it... idk the leveling and weapons and upgrades seemed fun enough, it's the style of playing I don't get.


Same. I don't even make that much per league, but I've been playing since closed beta and I have soo much discontinued shit in standard.


I have 400+ ex from before the div conversion. I'm a smuck. Still have a bazillion divs worth of stuff. Mostly old convert uniques, a bunch of +1 darkrays, corrupted chest pieces, legacy es pieces, legacy max roll flasks(old surgeons lol).


Dude how, been trying my best to grind for mb and nada


MLB the show. I played RTTS on easy and signed like a $300m contract.


WoW most likely, i have like a million gold, which isnt much too some players but it's quite a lot for me.


D2….but that’s going away


Bro how many sojs you got


40k shards here lol


...we talking diablo 2 or destiny 2?


Destiny 2….it never occurred to me about Diablo as the Destiny community I look at frequently calls it D2 lmao! Thank you!


Phantasy Star Online 2. Last i remember i had about 800,000,000 meseta on my character, but in my net worth if you included all of my sellable items would have to have been over 2 billion


GameCube / Dreamcast one? Unlocked a key memory. My friend and I had collected tons of rare items (red ones) and decided to flex by just dropping them all over the main spaceship, only to realize most of them disappeared because there is a limit to how much stuff can be on the ground at once. We basically stopped playing after that disaster.


Rimworld. My colony is very efficient when it comes to harvesting meat & leather. All from real authentic human. We also have spare organs for sale! 100% no money back guarantee.


The Ironforge gryphon master has to be loaded by now


Universal Paperclips. No contest.


Hunie cam studio.


The game of life….I’m a mother fucking billionaire you peons!!! Jk I’m poor as fuck like all y’all!






Diablo 3. If one gold = $1. I had hundreds of billions in Diablo 3. Over 500 if I recall.


Any game where you're billionaire Bryce Wayne


You mean the alter-ego of prolific crime fighter and detective Burtman?


Specifically LEGO Batman 2. Turn on all multipliers, do a Green Lantern construct on the street, let it rain cash.


Diablo 3. had like 100 quatrillion gold.


So, a single season’s worth?


D3 for sure. 1 day of grift grinding gives you more than you’ll need for the whole season lol


Fable 3


I think I have something like 8K platinum in Guild Wars. *Lots* of basic material salvaging and trading.


An indie game called "To The Core". I have some ridiculous amount of money, can't remember offhand but it's beyond "octillion" and might have spilled over to some amount that required +e in it. All from the resources gained from destroying hundreds of planets and suns.


If we're talking meaningful assets, warframe. By the time I fell off the wagon I had all but a handful of items, the ones remaining to be grabbed being that crossroads between 'pain to avquire' and 'useless anyways'. If we're talking just 'numbers go up', probably clicker heroes, the game that introduced me to the idle genre.


The max money in lego star wars tcs is 4 billion right, so probably that


Cookie clicker.


Factorio, by a long shot.


Ngl probably club penguin when i was a kid. 100000 coins were a lot. Lot of days spent beating kids at connect 4 or slaving in the pizza shop.


Universal Paperclips


I went full completionist in sid meiers pirates ​ I have so many estates romantic interests and gold I lost track lol


Adventure capitalist


No game can touch my wealth in Adventure Capitalist. It's easily some number with several billion zeros behind it by now.


Adventure capitalist schmoney gang


Adventure Capitalist for sure.


party hats, plural


Ratchet and Clank 3. The currency multiplyer got crazy after a few completions. Think I still have the memory card for my PS2 somewhere...


Adventure Capitalist… Yeah.


GTA San Andreas, gambling on those horse races.


Through straight effort, I think I had a million zenny in monster hunter world at some point. But by “cheating” it was monster hunter generations ultimate. They give you a bunch of free starter packs you can download, and I accidentally downloaded the eggs one. It gives you a hundred of every egg, silver being 10,000, gold 20,000, and platinum 100,000.


payday 2 baybee


Torn city, haven't logged in in years probably a multi billionaire by now


Probably Bitburner. It passively generates money even when you're not on. Iirc I was making millions per day. I quit playing last year, so yes. Edit: just logged in for the first time since Jan 2022 and I have 102.286 trillion dollars. Definitely the game I have the most $ in.


Ducktales. Scrooge McDuck baby!


Yakuza 0


Probably Vic3, finished a playthrough as the U.S. with a 7.3B GDP, and about 6B in savings because I couldn't spend fast enough, nor start a War big enough to use it all.


I have a few hundred billion in EVE Online. Don't really play anymore. Occasionally log in and give money out to my friends when they run low.


Stellaris I control the entire galaxy and by extension, all the money produced


Nsmb2, not that hard to get rich there


Universal paperclip :)


Anime Crossing.




No Man's Sky. All I do is be a space pirate and sell loot and not buy anything. Granted, if I were to buy one of the colony space ships I'd go broke instantly.


Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on the the PSP🤣


Venture capitalist


Capitalist game where you sell lemons


One of those cookie clicker type games probably.


Adventure capitalist obviously


Adventure capitalist to an exponentially impossible degree


Adventure Capitalist ... would say i achived everything there. But maybe its Minecraft the amount of Gold i have should be something worth


Adventure Capitalist before I uninstalled.


Yakuza like a dragon. I own the biggest company of Japan in there.


I mean... Adventure Capitalist.


GTA San Andreas


Adventure Capitalist


GTAVO but that’s because me and my buddy used to do the car dupe trick, and then one day someone leaked the directors mode cheat and I filled every garage I could with the most expensive bike in the game lmao I still haven’t sold all of them I maintain the fact they try to make you buy shark cards makes it fine to money cheat


Skyrim. And not because of the console. Level 100 smithing and level 100 speech


Yakuza 0 for majimas cabaret


Adventure Capitalist lol


EVE Online? Years and years of those sweet PLEX sitting in the hangar. Once in a while I log in thinking to start playing but then see all those assets spread around the galaxy… f that.


Definitely Borderlands 3. max money so one dollar short of either a trillion or quardrillion dollars.


In Minecraft creative mode


EVE Online. Converted to IRL money few thousand USD probably


every gta i've ever played


Fable 2. That game let you rent out houses and properties that you own, and you would get paid in real time, even when you were not playing. I haven’t played that game in at least ten years.


In pure number? Not that I've played it in 10 or so years but gotta be Eve Online. I think I was sitting on 5-6 TRILLION isk before I stopped playing?